This Is Why Hugh Neutron Was Such A GREAT Dad...

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[Music] Hugh Neutron he's a simple happy go-lucky kind of guy whose biggest passions in life are ducks and his wife's pie he's a family man who's known for his positive demeanor and quirky nature I mean he may be kind of Clueless at times and cause quite a bit of chaos by messing with his son's inventions when he doesn't know what he's doing but all things considered he usually means well he was a character that I always appreciated when watching this show not only because he was usually a main driving plot Point behind the episode but also because he's portrayed as a fantastic father figure for Jimmy and a pretty stellar husband to his wife Judy throughout the series we would see Hugh doing his best to be a supportive father sure he might not be able to help Jimmy with his home H workk or anything like that but emotionally he's 100% there and he's definitely good for some useful if not entertaining advice in the years that I've been making these videos I've come across some really terrible cartoon dads some of which the entire plot of the show is basically driven by them being a lousy parent meanwhile you Neutron was usually portrayed as a rather positive driving force behind the show he's a character that I've always appreciated but I've grown a lot more respect for over the years he's not perfect by any means but he is a pretty top-notch dad and that's why today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we're going to check out an episode of Jimmy Neutron that really puts into perspective how great of a dad and husband that Hugh is but first I just want to say thank you so much for clicking on this video and for being a part of my YouTube journey I totally appreciate you being here and I hope that you're having a fantastic day we're going to be checking out the season 1 episode time is money this episode starts out in the afternoon at the neutron household where Jimmy is watching a long discussion about electromagnetic balance in the left hemisphere of the brain with his friends who look just so excited to be there hey Jimmy you think you could come up with a invention you know that changes the channel you know I don't know maybe like um I don't know a remote control yeah Jim like this is informative and all but I think I'd rather be covered in bees and I'm allergic well wasn't all painfully horrible Jimmy I like to part about the Mula abl I don't know what it means but I love the way it sounds back I will slay thee with my Mulla abl Jimmy asks what they want to watch and they respond with literally anything else but this just as Jimmy goes to change the channel Al though he's stopped dead in his tracks by an infomercial that has him immediately captivated the commercial promises the sucker watching that they could obtain all of the information in the universe through their purchase of the 1,000 volume set of the Encyclopedia of infinite knowledge what ancient civilization built an entire Royal Palace from shredded weak what species of owl can be milked like a cow Where is Waldo that's right 1,000 volumes just order now can you receive a new volume every week for 19.23 years the cedia of infinite knowledge order now oh you're an idiot Jimmy gets right up to go talk to his mom about it and next thing you know we see her calling the 1 1800 number to ask about the encyclopedias however as soon as they tell her the cost she basically says thanks anyway and hangs up seconds later we see Jimmy go to the garage to ask his dad about it well Jimmy your mother sort of keeps track of the finances and I I don't dad they're educational encyclopedia is our an investment yeah but they make my brain twitch now what you want to do Jimmy is be thankful for the things you already have he explains to his son that everyone in life wants things he himself would love to have a 6' tall duck sculpture and a lifetime supply of pie but unfortunately they just don't have that kind of money Jimmy laments the fact that his parents don't have room in their budget for the obnoxiously expensive encyclopedias saying that he wishes that they were Rich there was a time Jim when that was was almost a reality you know years ago I almost invested in mpany Burger Factory MC Spanky really J 15 years ago I picked up a scruffy looking M Spanky on the side of the road he didn't have a penny to his name told me all about this grand scheme he had to assembly line hard little tasteless burger patties to the masses disguising them with inexpensive condiments and yummy buns he offered me a full partnership for $50 of startup money in a backrub Jimmy questions him making the decision to not invest in mix spankies and Hugh says that he almost did but then he decided to use that money for a more important reason man has to have his priorities I need money is what I need back in the treeh house we see Jimmy venting to Goddard about how unfair he thinks it is that his family isn't Rich after stewing on it for a bit Jimmy realizes that he has an invention that he thinks will solve the problem he gets the idea to go back in time and convince his dad to invest his money in M Spanky's Burger Factory gentlemen I give you the time booth just punch in the time and visit the period of your choosing go on step inside um has this thing been tested by an independent laboratory who cares Carl where we going Jimmy Jimmy explains that his dad met Hank mcspanky 15 years ago so he sets their destination to 15 years in the past and off they go they arrive in his parents house 15 years prior and his friends ask why the past is so dark Jimmy explains that his lab actually used to be a basement before he was born and the three of them head upstairs to find his parents I just love those three guys with a high pitched female type voices to eie check out the new moo sugar book I call it the monkey grind oh you you are so groovy grind that monkey Jimmy and his friends cringe a little bit at the dancing that they're witnessing and they decide to just walk on into the living room like he lives there catching his parents off guard he even walks up calling them mom and dad when Hugh asks him what he's doing in his house Jimmy connects the dots realizing that they don't know who he is or who his friends are because they don't exist yet Jimmy explains that the door was open and that they just let themselves in I'm Jimmy and these are my friends Carl and Sheen Jimmy oh I love that name now look I'm all for free to Buffalo boy but you guys you can't just go busting into a cool cat's bachelor pad bachelor pad you mean you two aren't married yet a marriage is for the older scene man besides Judy cakes only lives 5 minutes from here and H doggy dog's a free spirit we let love rule the wind is our minister in true love is our Chapel oh H Judy says that Jimmy looks familiar ear asking him if he's one of Hugh's neighbors and Jimmy says yeah just kind of brushing her off and rushing to take Hugh aside as quickly as he can the two of them talk in private as Jimmy tries to explain that this might sound crazy but he's going to meet a guy named Hank M Spanky soon Oh you mean the smelly hobo with the funny eye you know him yeah I just gave him a ride the other day M Spanky's got some wacky Burger scheme that he wants me to invest my last $50 in buty do it what invest in invest in M Spanky's Burger Factory yeah I did consider it but there's something very special I'm planning on using that money for a man has to have his priority Jimmy explains that M Spanky's Burger Factory is going to be huge one day and that he's going to be Filthy Rich if he invests in the startup now he even goes as far as telling him that someday when he has a son he needs to make sure that he buys him the Encyclopedia of infinite knowledge listen listen d h um h do hey only the chicks can call me that just like that Jimmy says that he's got to go and we cut right Back to the Future upon arrival Jimmy and his friends are a little bit let down to see that the lab is completely the same thinking that maybe Hugh didn't take his advice however when they head upstairs they find that the living room has a top to bottom makeover complete with that six' tall duck statue that he wanted a huge screen displaying a fire chairs for him and Judy and and even just a couple piles of gold bars just chilling on the tile floor Jimmy and his friends are flabbergasted by his new life they walk up to his parents who both seem to be on the phone yeah I don't care if he is my dad life-saving operations are expensive I mean it's my money after all if I get him some I have less Jimmy tries to get his parents' attention and they seem none too thrilled to even have him in their presence he asks how they're doing and they just blatantly ignore him and go right back to talking on their phones I mean he still got two for God hey hey hey come on I'm your son and what point huh tick tock tick tock oops looks like you just wasted another chunk of my life thanks a lot Jerry it's Gary it's Jimmy whatever we don't have time for this kind of talking thing you want to do Jimmy's parents toss a gold bar over to Carl and Sheen as well as Jimmy saying bye-bye to them more or less trying to pay them to go away Jimmy asks what he's supposed to do with a gold bar which seems to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for his parents hgo hgo hgo could you take Jimmy up to his room he's being all sunish again oh and get that Contraption out of here you know I don't like it in the [Music] house as soon as Jimmy hits the floor he is dumbfounded to see the entire collection of the Encyclopedia of infinite knowledge taking up an entire wall of his room at first he is totally psyched about it but a few seconds later his Joy quickly Fades to sadness as he realizes that being rich isn't as great as he thought it would be his parents just aren't the same and as a result his home life is immediately in shambles he decides that he needs to undo the damage that he's done as we see him hop right back in his time machine to get his dad's 50 bucks back the future begins to turn back to normal and we see Jimmy arise from the basement to check if everything is as it should be he finds his dad sitting in their normal living room finishing up a duck that he was working on as his mom comes into the room to talk to them both she tells Jimmy that they had a talk about the encyclopedias and that they've decided that since it's for his education they're just going to postpone their family vacation to use that money for the set of books instead a you know what I'm over that I I heard is not that great anyway but thanks though Jimmy's dad seems so relieved and happy that they don't have to forego their vacation though he admits that anything for Jimmy's education is always a good cause can I just ask you a question will that $50 that you didn't invest with MC Spanky what did you spend it on well son I spent it on your mother's wedding ring and it was all the money your father had to his name M you see it's about having your priorities in order [Music] son but man if I had had a $100 at the time we'd be loaded right now Jimmy's dad continues to fantasize about all of the random duck related things that he would do if he were Filthy Rich and just like that this episode comes to an end now right out the gate I have to say that there is just a lot that I feel about this episode in a few ways I'm able to relate to this one but outside of that the overall themes here and the whole story that was told is definitely one that has quite a few different layers that we need to unpack there are a lot of aspects to this episode that shine an interesting layer on Hugh's character and reflect just how good of a partner father and overall person that he is zooming far out to see the big picture here it's worth acknowledging that this episode serves more or less as a Coming of Age story for Hugh in a roundabout sort of way specifically speaking it's not a Coming of Age story from start to finish but if we take the pieces of the story that were given through context throughout this episode and piece them all together there's certainly a Coming of Age story to be told the story dates back to 15 years in the past where Q is a bachelor in what I'm pretty sure is his early 20s with his own house he's an avid disco fan who has kind of a Bohemian style for lack of a better word we also learn that he's part of the free love movement he says himself that marriage is for the old folks and that he's a free spirit he says that the wind is their Minister and true love is their Chapel implying that instead of being wed by a minister in a chapel he finds love wherever the wind takes him on top of that when Jimmy calls him huby dooby-doo he stops him and says that only the chicks can call him that using chicks as a plural term for women now all of this when I was a kid completely went right over my head as a naive child I just assumed that he thought he was really cool and didn't want to get married to Stick it to the Man as an adult though putting the pieces together it's obvious that they're implying he was non monogamous back then little does Judy know though he has secret plans to leave behind his lifestyle and buy a ring to propose to her with so that this free spirit can settle down and start a family with this woman who he is just head over heels in love with now what's interesting about this coming of age story though is that we see two different outcomes one where Jimmy's dad does invest in MX spankies and of course the normal timeline where he doesn't invest in MX spankies regardless of how he chooses to go in this decision though we would see the outcome always result in him being committed to Judy and starting a family with her this right here tells us that Hugh's love for Judy is a very true one whether they're living wealthy and throwing around gold bars or living on a tight budget his love for his wife is true down to its core in all reality no matter the outcome this episode shows him growing from a groovy cat that he once was who disagreed with marriage to becoming a family man who grows past that mindset and settles down with Judy to start a family his love is even more shown by the fact that he spent the last bit of money that he had to his name on a wedding ring for her sure it wasn't anything super extravagant but that doesn't matter the monetary value holds no bar over the quality of their relationship and his love for his wife the gesture is bigger than anything here this is one that I'll admit might hit me a little harder than most though if you've watched my channel before then you know how important that my wife and kids are to me my wife and I started dating when we were sophomores in high school about 2 years after we graduated we would end up having our daughter by the time that we found out she was pregnant we already knew that we we wanted to get married and we had planned to do it when we were about 25 thinking we'd be able to afford this big nice wedding by then however it was more important to both of us that we were married by the time that we had our daughter much like Hugh though I didn't have much money to my name I was working graveyard shift at a 24-hour Subway to help pay my rent and bills we had gone ring shopping at a few different pawn shops and jewelry stores hoping to find something that was not only in our budget but also made my wife happy but this task was a lot harder than we thought it would be considering how tight our small budget was at the time after what felt like ages of searching we finally found one that my wife loved however it was unfortunately pretty far out of the range that we could afford we decided that we would keep searching together but in the background I was going to work and hustling like the little social butterfly that I used to be to make as much tips as I possibly could I was slinging sandwiches is like a madman hooking people up with extra veggies and offering my little menu hacks to make their sandwiches even more tasty as a result I ended up making enough money to buy my wife the ring just in time for our little tiny intimate wedding with that being said seeing Hugh go through a similar situation tugged at my heartstrings a bit I remember wanting more than anything to put a ring on my wife's finger and to pop the question to her but being so worried about our finances that it felt like doing that was almost impossible when it came down to it the ring wasn't super expensive by any means nor was our wedding however that didn't matter a huge wedding and an expensive ring doesn't make for a happy marriage Hugh and Judy are great proof of that Hugh bought her a $50 wedding ring when he was down to the last of his money and their relationship seems to be really healthy as a husband Hugh is Stellar in my opinion though he may be a bit of a dingus at times he's affectionate and he truly cares for and loves his wife seeing how Hugh used to be back in his Bachelor days in comparison to the man that we see in the future of the show really adds to the picture that they're trying to paint as far as his Coming of Age Story Goes that aspect in combination with them telling us in the end what he spent that $50 on really helped paint us this mental picture of him leaving behind his former lifestyle to pursue a family life exclusively with Judy All Things Considered Hugh certainly checks all of the boxes for a great husband and partner in my opinion among those things he's affectionate caring and he truly loves Judy now as far as being a father goes this episode does a great job of exemplifying everything that Hugh stands for as a dad throughout this series we would see Hugh teach Jimmy a plethora of valuable life lessons in this episode alone there are a few that could be gathered first of all in this one we see Hugh remind J jmy that it's important for him to be thankful for the things that he already has when he's throwing a fit about the encyclopedias this right here is not only a great lesson that all parents should teach their kids but on a regular everyday adult level it's a great reminder All Things Considered it's crucial to take a moment to take inventory of the things in life that you have to be thankful for whether times are good or bad it's really important to keep things in perspective at the point in the episode where he you gives Jimmy this advice it comes across essentially in the form of ominous for boing though it's not clear from the start this occurs before Jimmy makes the decision to go back in time to alter the timeline of his father's life looking back on this episode with the understanding of what's to come it's clear that they're trying to foreshadow how different things would be if Jimmy had gotten what he wanted this is something that all in all is a great lesson for Jimmy to learn and I'm thankful that Hugh was able to help show him the way in the long run another really crucial life lesson that Hugh would teach Jimmy in this episode would be the importance of having your priorities in order this is something that from a young age is important to grasp however it's something that I feel like we can all be mindful of and work on throughout our entire lives it's important to assess your life and where your priorities are at regularly this is something that Hugh preaches and does his best to teach Jimmy throughout this episode we see him bring up the importance of priorities in the beginning middle and end of this episode he brings it up when he's talking to Jimmy in the beginning trying to teach him a lesson when he's throwing a fit about the encyclopedias we see him bring it up in the past when he's in his early 20s and we see him bring it up at the end when he explains to Jimmy how he spent his last $50 on a wedding ring for his mom as far as he was concerned his biggest priority seems to be his family which is an amazing quality to his character the fact that they had him bring it up in the beginning middle and end of the episode across the past and current timelines is really a testament to him staying true to himself at his core in my opinion sure he may have changed and strayed away from his free loving lifestyle opting instead for monogamy and a life with Judy but even back then he was still preaching about how important it is to have your priorities this right here tells me that the character and morals that he's had all along haven't changed though his relationship ship and lifestyle Dynamics may have what's interesting to me though is that the only timeline that we don't see Hugh bring up priorities in was the one where he got Filthy Rich from investing in MX spankies this to me was an indication of him losing his inner Hess as a result of being blinded by wealth and greed on that note we have to talk about how messed up rich Hugh and Judy are like right out the gate our introduction to this guy was a little strong to say the least least they start out by obviously showing how Filthy Rich he is however he's having a phone conversation with someone about how he refuses to help fund his own dad's life-saving operation because that would mean that he has less money he says that he doesn't care that it's his dad and even goes as far as saying that he has two working lungs and that he should just sell one to make the money let that soak in for a sec Hugh's dad was potentially dying and he's sitting on this massive pile of wealth refusing to even help pay for a life-saving surgery all the meanwhile though he's literally paying Jimmy and his friends in gold bars to get lost from top to bottom this was all just so unlike the Hugh Neutron that we all know not only did he refuse to even give his son a second of his time to listen but he was straight up rude to him for even having the audacity to want to talk to him in the first place it was really sad to see him abandon all of his priorities in favor for riches and Building Wealth there's so much more to life than money and if there's any fly say that he has that's definitely one it's clear that him being rich probably should never be a reality because he's one to let it go to his head rather quickly even in the end of the episode he was talking about how if he was rich he'd turn retroville into a duck town and force all of the inhabitants to have webbed feet it's clear that money would make H be a vastly different person than he is inside so all things considered it's for the best that their family exists the way that it is normally I will say though specifically this part of the episode made me feel really bad for Jimmy imagine the Whiplash of being a kid who has a healthy parental bond with your parents knowing that they love you and care for you only to be immediately thrusted into a timeline where those same exact two parents hate your guts and despise the idea of having you in their presence this right here hurt really bad knowing the kind of relationship that Jimmy has with his parents definitely makes this part of the episode sting a lot more with that being said though in all honesty it's kind of surprising that Jimmy even existed in this future like his dad's investment in MC spankies would completely alter the timeline of their lives instead of buying a ring he would end up making that investment which would in turn delay him proposing this could have resulted in so many different things the first to come to mind though would be him and Judy not staying together which could have resulted in Jimmy not existing in the first place him delaying his proposal could definitely have been an issue for Judy by all means when we see them in the past you can tell that she loves him and Embraces the lifestyle that he chooses to live but when Jimmy says wait you two aren't married yet she kind of shoots you this look with raised eye eybrows that more or less screams yah why aren't we married yet with that being said though the butterfly effect is a crazy thing and it's definitely something that we're going to circle back to in just a little bit in the meantime though I have to bring up Jimmy's Behavior throughout this episode first of all this all starts because of his interest in this huge set of encyclopedias which his family just can't afford at the moment from there he starts acting like a brat about it I definitely have to point out how manipulative it was that he went to his dad to talk about it after his mom already said no like the fact that he did that in the first place isn't exactly an issue because that's something that a lot of kids do all the time it's a simple tactic that most kids use to get what they want however in Jimmy's case it's a little bit more messed up first of all Jimmy is a genius he knows exactly how his parents are and when one says no and he goes to the other he knows knows exactly what he's doing the way he went about approaching his dad though just kind of felt extra manipulative especially when you consider that when he brought it up to his dad he blatantly told Jimmy that he isn't in charge of the finances however despite that Jimmy continued to push hoping to convince his dad to buy the books that he knows they can't afford then when both of his parents said no he decides to alter the timeline to make it so that he can get what he wants keep in mind to this is all for some encyclopedias he jumped through all of these hoops and manipulated his parents all in the name of getting an overpriced set of books that are basically obsolete by the time they get off the printing press because they cover topics that would change over time as the world continues to evolve on top of that the internet though it was different at this time was a thing and would very much so make print encyclopedias pretty much worthless they're really really wasn't much need for encyclopedias for Jimmy whatsoever on top of that he has a vast wealth of knowledge stored in his brain and what he doesn't have he could likely get from Fox his personal computer or even Goddard his robot dog who constantly answers questions for him though this episode did a great job of showing us Hugh's true colors and who he is as a person it also did a great job of showing us just how selfish Jimmy can be at times his actions in this episode were certainly a testament to that as he was willing to do whatever it took even if it meant massively altering the past in order to get what he wanted like I said earlier the butterfly effect is a crazy thing and his actions in the past could have definitely had a massive effect on his life as a whole one thing that I can't help but Wonder though is that if he was filthy rich and clearly enjoys a lavish lifestyle why do they still live in their modest home in retroville instead of like a big mansion meant for a millionaire who carries around gold bars clearly he could have afforded a bigger house but for some reason that wasn't a part of this reality I can't help but imagine how much more complex that the story to this episode would have been if they had traveled back to the Pres and Jimmy's parents didn't live in that house anymore but who knows furthermore it seemed as if the living room was the only part of their house that really got a remodel which was kind of strange they have this massive Fortune yet for some reason Jimmy's lab is no different than it was before on top of that while they're sitting in their super fancy living room Jimmy's bedroom seems no different than it was before save for the wall of encyclopedias it was kind of odd that Jimmy's room and really everywhere else except for the living room seemed relatively unchanged even though Hugh is extravagantly wealthy Now by all means just because you have a ton of money doesn't mean that you're going to choose to spend it on altering your house and lifestyle completely but the way that this was portrayed made it seem like they spend all their money on remodeling their space and didn't really care to invest in upgrading Jimmy's portion of the house I mean they didn't even buy a chair for Jimmy in the living room that whole room just really felt like it was unwelcome to children in general bearing in mind of course that we really only do get to see a small portion of the house in this reality and this is just a speculation pieced together by the bits of context that we were getting given in the episode moving on from there though in a more light-hearted Direction I definitely have to bring up a few things here first of all that scene where Jimmy and his friends are in the past Jimmy decides to walk right into the living room and say hi to his mom and dad thinking that they're going to know who he is then it hits him this is the past and he doesn't exist so of course they don't know who he is not going to lie to you guys this drove me nuts a little bit Jimmy is not only a genius but he's definitely not lacking in common sense he of all people should have known that his parents wouldn't recognize him it was just kind of weird for him to blatantly walk right into the living room like that it's things like this which remind us that though Jimmy is incredibly smart he is still actually just a child with that being said sometimes Common Sense might go right over his head on top of that though I also couldn't help but question how Hugh and Judy don't remember this stuff happening he went back in time and met them in their early 20s which would be a point where they should be able to remember his face and recognize in the future when he starts to grow up that it was him who they had met all those years ago in the alternate timeline where he was filthy rich you'd think that he would remember the person who gave him the ultimate investment advice and in the future connect the dots that that was actually Jimmy furthermore in this episode we see Jimmy go to the Past a second time to fix everything we don't know exactly what he did while he was there but if he did go talk to his dad for a second time and tell him not to make that investment then I'm even more positive that his dad would have remembered him coming to talk to him in the past on the other hand though if Jimmy went back in time and stopped himself from talking to his dad in the first place then the result would be Hugh and Judy not having a recollection of it because it would have never happened to begin with with that in mind there's only one answer that I can think of as to why he and Judy may not remember and that would be the likely extracurricular activities that came with that flower child wherever the wind may take me lifestyle if you know what I'm saying on that same note though I got to say that the timeline of this episode is kind of funny the lifestyle that they show Jimmy's parents living is one that was very popular in the 1970s I got to stress that the term free love is one that I kind of use for lack of a better word considering that the free love movement originally was intended to separate the state from sex sexual and romantic matters such as marriage birth control and adultery the goal in mind being that these kind of issues should be left up to the people and not the government however in the' 60s and70s that term was adopted to Encompass a lifestyle of casual love this is certainly still a thing that might be just as strong today as it was back in the 60s and 70s considering the amount of people nowadays who are under the umbrella of ethical non- monogamy however after the late' 7s and early 80s the movement slowed down heavily I bring all of this up because this episode portrays Hugh and Judy 15 years in the past to give a more accurate timeline Jimmy is an 11-year-old kid it's confirmed that his birthday is March 14th of 1991 that would mean that this show would take place in 2002 now if Jimmy is going back 15 years in the past that would bring him to right about 1987 meaning that his dad was listening to disco and living this kind of life style in the late 80s almost the '90s which is kind of funny considering that the era of disco kind of ended in 1980 on top of that he actually wasn't born until 1968 this is really interesting because the free love movement that he was preaching would reach its height in the mid 1960s as part of a bigger peace Movement by many people who were against the Vietnam war that was going on at the time one of the most notable events of this movement being the summer of love and event that took place in the summer of 1967 a year before he was even born in San Francisco now of course you don't have to be born in that time to be part of that lifestyle obviously there are a lot of people in this day and age who live that flower child kind of Lifestyle however I thought it was interesting how they portrayed Hugh's entire life back then when during that time in the late 80s not very many people were living that kind of Lifestyle timeline aside and all things consider considered this is actually a really great episode in my opinion I really enjoyed this one as a kid and even more now as an adult on top of being an episode that I can relate to this one is really adorable as it showcased Jimmy as a young kid learning about his parents history for the first time that's an interesting moment in every kid's life and it's one that I recognize isn't always a sunshine and rainbows kind of situation however seeing Jimmy learn about how his parents love blossom over time and learning about the choice that his dad made and spending the last of his money on a ring for Judy really resulted in this episode being a very heartwarming one at its core personally I feel like this is an excellent episode to Showcase Hugh not only as a father but also as a husband Hugh is an excellent dad and he's proven this across the course of this series though he can be kind of dimwitted at times he is still a great example for Jimmy to look up to as a role model but what do you think do you think that he was a great dad let me know in the comments down below I always love reading your guys' feedback I have to do something incredibly important right now and that's give a huge shout out to my patrons over on patreon especially those of you who are in the true '90s kids tier your support every month is so incredibly appreciated and I cannot thank you guys enough for supporting me directly in my YouTube Journey if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to drop a like and give me a high five down in the comments and as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one peace got a bless we live in quacker town and I would require every member of quacker town to have webbed feet and a duck bill I would go to the doctor myself and have the we put in
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 68,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ssExf3HNyxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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