So, I Binged Wizards of Waverly Place...

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just got my wisdom teeth removed and this is all i’m watching right now

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AusioArtist2021 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

Great video!! Looking forward to part 2 and the show going downhill with seasons 3, 4, and Alex vs. Alex!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/kerenred 📅︎︎ Dec 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
you may have seen Selena Gomez rocking out as Hannah Montana's rival Miss Hannah I'm taking all your banners where's the heartthrob of both Zach and Cody now check out Selena on the set of the all-new Disney Channel Original Series Wizards in Waverly Place on October 12 2007 the legacy of the Disney Channel permanently changed with the debut of Wizards of Waverly Place spanning 110 episodes across Four Seasons with a movie and a reunion special this series was a Relentless cultural Juggernaut that introduced a generation of children to Disney Magic and jump started the careers of many of the Network's biggest stars having not seen this series in almost 10 years I began wondering does it hold up that's the question I intend to answer you ready Wizards of Waverly Place was one of my favorite shows as a kid in an absolute staple of Disney in the 2000s the series follows the Russo family former wizard Jerry and his human wife Teresa run a Subway themed sub sandwich restaurant called a Waverly substation their kids Alex Justin and Max Are wizards in training who have to hide the existence of magic from everyone at school episodes of the show tended to follow a tried and true formula Jerry teaches the kids about some new magical Concepts which one of the kids usually Alex pretty much always Alex sneakily uses to help them Dodge responsibility or improve their social life it inevitably gets out of their control every time and the siblings have to bail each other out of their situation and hide it from their mom and dad an added Twist of this series is the non-specific though perpetually looming ticking clock that is the family wizard competition from the very beginning it's clear that eventually the three kids will have to compete against each other for the title of family wizard a contest that only one of them will win which will strip the others of their powers this being the reason Jerry no longer has powers of his own we all know that I'm the one that's going to win the family wizard contest and keep my Powers that's not for a long while Justin the series pilot crazy 10 minute sale lays the groundwork for how a traditional episode plays out we open on a typical wizard lesson as Jerry teaches the kids about a duplication spell if you don't concentrate it doesn't come out exactly right I was thinking about dogs when I cast a spell Alex receives a notification that a crazy 10-minute sale is occurring at her favorite store soon and she is desperate to go Jerry's not having it though let's roll the answer dice shall we no at school Alex and her best friend Harper face down their rival since kindergarten Gigi the most popular girl in the entire school what happened to you too pick your noses so hard they fell off they got nose jobs when they heal they'll be just like Gigi's [Music] when's Gigi's gonna heal Gigi taunts that she has the cutest jacket in the store set aside for her at the crazy 10-minute sale and she's gonna claim it Alex is not gonna let her rival get that cute jacket before her and she's now desperate to claim it first at all costs can you tell men wrote this no you should keep them it goes so well with your eyebrow well at least I don't have Man Hands I mean how do you get those meat stubs to your sleeves she performs the duplication spelling herself leaving her barking clone to attend wizard lessons while Max covers for her she meanwhile goes to the crazy 10-minute sale with Harper a wrench gets thrown into the plan when Teresa is also at the sale oh my gosh Alex is Mom since Alex couldn't come I'm gonna get something for her Gigi's jacket isn't where she left it oh we completely rearranged the store for the sale because a lot of people sneak in early and hide stuff and now it's a desperate race to get it first while Harper hides Alex from her mom at wizard training Justin takes great pleasure as Alex's clone reveals she's not the real Alex he's a sticker for the rules but he ain't no snitch and we respect that Jerry leaves to find Alex and the boys decide to mess with their sister's half-baked clone unfortunately Max has left the e-mimic setting on on his wand and everything they do to clone Alex happens to real Alex as she uncontrollably spins through the store and causes a massive scene Alex's parents catch her there's a cat fight over the jacket Gigi humiliates Alex hey everyone and then Alex humili with Gigi attention shoppers attention shoppers Gigi's real name is Gertrude up tonight we're learning more about the fight between two women at a Walmart that ended with one of them dead and the other charged with murder we now know that the two women were married Alex is so proud of herself she really thinks she won that battle it's like no honey you didn't accomplish anything you just humiliated yourself out of Walmart Jerry struggles to decide which one of his kids is in more trouble today naturally it's Alex she learns a valuable lesson about responsibility Revenge wasn't worth making her brothers and best friend lie for her she's grounded for four weeks in the end Jerry doesn't want to go on a date with Teresa and he asked Alex to clone him so he can watch TV while his clone goes on the date with his wife which doesn't seem contradictory at all that's basically the very familiar pattern that the show runs with for the first two seasons Alex used his magic to be sneaky it gets out of control somehow and she gets in trouble but like a contemporary show from the network Phineas and Ferb Wizards of Waverly Place takes joy in breaking and twisting its own formula as frequently as it can as you'll see soon no Wizards were harmed in the making of This promo meet the Wizards of Waverly Place first there's Alex how do I look why because I'm going to duplicate myself and if I look ugly I don't want to look twice as ugly her older brother Justin I'm just the guy with the Talking Dead on my forehead I'm right here your zit just talked to me and her younger brother Max either I just down dad's wand or I cracked my butt knuckle there are three Wizards in training living in one world let's take her up learning in another for the premiere of Wizards of Waverly Place coming this fall on Disney Channel having not seen an episode of this show since it faded from syndication in 2012 2013. that triggered deep repressed childhood memories in a way that didn't happen to me during my lab rats re-watch I don't know how to explain it but I was in Middle School when Lab Rats was airing and in middle school I pretty much just felt like an adult a weird side effect of that is that I don't really feel Nostalgia for things I did and watched in middle school I hadn't seen lab rats in like six years but the whole thing felt very familiar whereas every couple minutes of wizards clawed back into the darkest recesses of my conscious mind and pulled forward little lines and moments that I vividly remembered but hadn't thought about in years I even bought this stupid bolo tie bolo ties are not stupid she's told me my backpack was bending my spine so she gave me her Steven it out let's check there all straight you're welcome let's start off Thursday's class like we always do with an oral Pop Quiz oh my gosh it's the Thursday Pop Quiz we have every Thursday I'm totally caught off guard let's briefly introduce the cast although we don't need to spend too long on them there are six principal characters and no frequent recurring characters as of the first season Alex played by Selena Gomez is a rebellious underachiever unlike any other Alex did you make those brownies oh gosh yep she's completely Reckless the direct cause of basically every single thing that goes wrong in the entire series and yet because of this character's natural Charisma you completely forgive her every single time across all 110 episodes riding in the cab was awesome and we're not even that late we missed two periods ah okay fine you're late but this is when I usually get here she's lazy as hell until someone challenges her or doubts her after which she becomes the most motivated human being on the entire planet to prove her Challenger wrong at all costs every girl wanted to be like her growing up every boy wanted to be like her growing up Alex Russo feels like a well-rounded actual person and she is the greatest Disney Channel protagonist of all time all right this is what we're gonna do first of all take out five dollars why I need five dollars seconds Justin played by David Henry is just Chase from Lab Rats if he were a good character he's a know-it-all expert student with an ego but the difference is that Justin cares about his family more than about himself whereas Chase literally plans to let a scientist die to prove he's smarter than him Justin will at the end of the day drop whatever he's doing to bail his sister out and forgive her he never gets annoying and this is a character who easily could just think about how our lives would be I could read books in the dark magic is a waste with you he is also just as integral to this show as Alex Selena Gomez gets all the credit all the promotion because she was the pop star Disney was grooming to be as profitable as possible but David Henry has just as much screen time in screen presence as Selena Wizard's Waverly Place isn't her story it's their story together yep you're so clever hey you want to go eat some ice cream yup you're so clever now you're locked out okay that's okay I'll catch up with Miranda and tell her about your doll collection foreign Max played by Jake T Austin is a naive but well-mannered little kid he's a clumsy little guy he's the type to sit on a wand and break it but he doesn't have a mean bone in his body his personality shifts a bit as he grows older across the seasons Jerry played by David de Luis is the dad from Good Luck Charlie if he used to be a wizard he's a supportive but Stern father bit of a goofy guy sometimes he doesn't want magic used irresponsibly but occasionally he'll relent just a little and Teresa played by Maria Canals Barrera is equally supportive but even more no-nonsense than Jerry hey Alex uh you missed a little spot right there what do you mean it's the only spot in this house that doesn't have your junk all over it we're taking your brother shopping and by the time we get back I expect you to have all your stuff back up in your room okay come on Max you got a lot of cleaning up to do no no no no she knows about the whole secret Wizard World and she generally dislikes magic and constantly demands her kids to not perform it in the house they don't listen and Harper played by Jennifer Stone is Alex's quirky best friend huge emphasis on quirky smells like shampoo it's a sweater entirely made of my hair oh she wears a new outfit in every episode created out of random objects and has no social awareness at all Harper what that's what I do oh and get the small soda because it's free refills Harper when I said Harper I meant stop talking the five members of the Russo family genuinely feel like well-rounded actual people in this first season they remarkably well written then there's Harper who is a complete cartoon character who feels like she's in the wrong show I'm not sure whether I should scream or laugh so I'm gonna do both at the same time ah she has an obsessive crush on Justin Disney sitcoms always have to have one character with an overzealous crush and this time it's Harper just because you don't know I'm your girlfriend doesn't even sneak around behind my back it's not the worst thing in the world like in Lab Rats Elite Force every time Oliver looked at Skyler I felt like he wanted to commit a felony I don't get that impression here it's kind of just the same joke over and over and over and over as a kid I watched every episode but for some reason I had no memory of Harper having this crush on Justin I don't know why that's something I forgot because it's very prevalent constantly the first season of 21 episodes aired from October 12 2007 to August 31st 2008. the show runs with an AB story structure the a plot always involves magic and is about 70 of the episode whereas the B plot tends to be magic lists and is much shorter Alex and Justin carry the show with every a plot in season 1 starring one of those two or both Jerry and Teresa have the second most prominent role in the first season Harper due to not knowing about magic is often never involved in the a story and doesn't appear in a big chunk of the season the least prominent main cast member in the season by far is Max he never gets to command an a plot or a B plot he usually just has a running gag in each episode I'm wondering if some sort of child labor laws prevented him from appearing most of the time because it honestly feels like he was only on set for one or two days of the week-long filming periods for each episode and Now list this in which Jerry teaches a do-over spell which can rewind Time by a few seconds and let a wizard fix a dire mistake McCreery time Jerry explains that the spell mcreary time Riri is actually the source of deja vu the show likes to ground Magic by tying it into real world phenomena that kids have heard of Justin has been going out with this goth girl Miranda but he doesn't have the courage to kiss her which she interprets as him not being interested Alex assies to step in and help her brother's social situation but she fails and inadvertently sets Miranda up with a different guy in the little B story Max has casually and inadvertently created the most delicious sandwich of all time which businessman Mr Malone wants to make the official sandwich of the New York Mets Mets Mets Mets he and his colleagues will be returning tomorrow to taste test the sandwich and finalize their decision unfortunately Max doesn't remember how he made the sandwich and Jerry and Teresa spend the story refreshing his memory until he can finally recreate it both stories Collide when Justin brings Miranda to a movie to finally kiss her Alex has snuck there to watch and so has an extremely jealous Harper after Justin accidentally fails the kiss Alex decides to help him out by performing the do-over spell to give him a second chance he fails over and over and over and over by reversing the flow of time repeatedly Mr Malone is tasting Max's sandwich over and over and over nothing really new here you're right a better name would be Deja Vu because somehow I feel like I've tasted this before Jerry pieces together what's going on and rushes to his kid's location inexplicably knowing where they are which chronologically doesn't make any sense he shouldn't have been able to make it there because she keeps looping time back to before Mr Malone takes the bite whatever he may he got there but when Alex explains the situation Jerry decides to give them one more shot and Justin finally succeeds in kissing Miranda at the cost of the Russo family's business opportunity it shows that Jerry really cares about his kids understands their struggles and is willing to turn his head the other way sometimes in situations that'll make them really happy that night Justin realizes that Alex could be giving him kissing advice the entire episode has never actually kissed a boy herself then at school the next day she kisses a random boy so Justin no longer has anything held over her before we go any further I want to start keeping track of the lore of the Wizard World marking down all the things that exist things will get very very wacky right here in episode 2 we're introduced to the ability to reverse time something which seems extremely useful could have come in handy at almost every single episode of the show and yet was not used again it's far from the only spell like that [Music] we've also got to make another Edition immediately because I almost drowned in a chocolate fountain episode 3 revolves around the concept of pocket elves a small species in which each elf has infinite knowledge on one specific subject each and are forced to work for wizards against their will despite being fully sentient beings so we'll just write magic slavery before anyone says hey you stole this list idea from Quentin reviews I say prove it I think he stole his list from this video pocket elves are obsessed with chocolate with even the slightest sliver of it sending them on an uncontrollable sugar high and we're told you cannot let a pocket elf bite you Alex's asked on a group date by a cute boy a school named Riley but she isn't allowed to go because she's failing her Spanish class Teresa spends much of the episode tutoring her to no avail capito honey just adding it though to a word doesn't make it Spanish before everything is that Spanish Alex decides to Simply bring a pocket of specializing in Spanish to school to help her pass the test after that happens she's free to go on the date earlier in the episode she ratted out her brothers for playing paintball on the Terrace and to get revenge they decide to sneak a pocket elf in a chocolate bar in her bag to I guess expose The Wizard World I don't know what their plan was specifically I guess they were just trying to embarrass her and never thought it through once they realized Max forgot the chocolate they sneaked to the restaurant to place it in the bag with the help of a waiter uh excuse me what are you doing uh trying to figure out how to get chocolate into that purse why to mess with our sister I have a sister get him they succeed in the pocket elf bites Alex's finger what swiftly turns her into a chocoholic stealing everyone's dessert and sliding in a pile of chocolate foreign [Music] [Applause] that he leaves and runs away although he eventually forgets about this I guess because he keeps seeing Alex in future episodes eventually Jerry figures out what all three kids did and they get busted I think they've learned their lesson about using magic irresponsibly and will never do it again this portion of the video is sponsored by hellofresh this is a sibling we're gonna cook this we are siblings and that is true we are gonna bet for the last year now I've been ignoring every sponsorship emailed 50 to give myself feelings of power and 50 because they're not things I care about or use but I took on hellofresh because I've been really curious about this they sent me a box in the mail that's not how you slice that officer do you know where I can get some pot I work out it's Mom and Dad's fault that they never taught us how to cook do you want to relive childhood trauma on camera no they've got a weekly selection of over 30 recipes over 70 convenience items all of them only take like 30 minutes to cook and they get delivered right to your door with instructions and every ingredient included aren't there chicken breast little chicken these materials you thought you had to Pat that dry with a paper towel I made a mistake but now I'm rectifying it hellofresh thank you for sending us a meal that is on average 28 cheaper than at your local grocery store and up to 72 cheaper according to a Zagat dining service use my link or go to and use code POG Kian dec70 for 70 off plus free shipping on your first box once you click my description will live update to count up the purchases I didn't choose POG but that was just the default code I couldn't change it what are you waiting for all your friends are doing it all your friends are gonna look at you and say huh you haven't gone to video then they're all gonna laugh at you and you're gonna feel embarrassed so do it Alex doesn't take magic as seriously as her brothers because she likes to have fun with magic Alex your report on crystal Ball's history usage and Manufacturing oh I did mine on how to use the really little ones for earrings in new employee Alex begs her parents to hire Harper as an employee at the substation and it's pretty much just a SpongeBob episode where Patrick works at the Krusty Krab Harper's not very good at anything the family reached an agreement that she needs to go but Alex doesn't want to fire her herself if we stay in here long enough Harper won't be able to find anyone and she'll just leave she decides to Simply cast an excellent server spell on Harper which is so oddly specific spells can be as broad as Loop time back 10 seconds or as specific as make this woman a great waitress as if that's a situation Wizards find themselves infrequently Harper is now an absolutely amazing employee a true workaholic no time for friends or family due to her steadfast dedication to capitalism and Alex misses her best friend now and fires her Harper then fires Alex from being her best friend and applies at the yogurt parlor down the block she becomes the employee of the month after a few hours and doesn't accept Alex when she comes to apologize so Alex Rousseau decides to Simply undo the spell turning Harper back into a clutch that Alex can continue to control and manipulate but she humiliates herself alongside Harper as they try to contain the drizzle of a malfunctioning frozen yogurt machine because Disney Channel's main joke during this era was hahaha the characters are messy and God damn it as a small child seeing characters become how messy was the goofiest in the entire world unparalleled Joy meanwhile all the school jocks have asked Justin to be their tutor which draws Justin into conflict with the area's local tutor Frankie a child mob boss he tells Justin to stop tutoring in his territory but Justin doesn't listen prompting a showdown for the ages so yo you you could ride but you can't enforcers Assemble [Applause] under achievers a symbol guys over here and they all just kind of chased Frankie and that that's it a lot of the bee stories in this show have a little bit too much going on to be considered a runner but are drastically underdeveloped compared to typical B stories this episode also contains the crazy hat song which I barely remember but apparently a lot of people really remember especially the actors because they recreated it on a semi-regular basis disenchanted evening introduces the most criminally underused character of the whole show TJ a student adjusted in Alex's school who they discover is also a wizard hey are you up you just feel wizard only he's allowed to use magic freely whenever he wants because he has cool parents unlike theirs as it turns out though he simply Charmed his parents with a noodle coogle overriding their Free Will and giving him free reign to control them we need to get Dad to let us use magic whenever we want don't you already do that yes but I'm tired of getting in trouble for it but Daddy TJ's parents let him use magic all the time to do whatever it's not fair what TJ Taylor's parents aren't your parents my house my rules the Taylor family comes to visit Alex and TJ charm Mr and Mrs Russo after which they let the kids do whatever they want don't you think it's a little irresponsible to let TJ use magic whenever he wants oh cinnamony it is absolutely okay for TJ to use Magic that is so right yeah I like your parenting style Taylor Max is doing a science project on Mars so Alex decides to Simply teleport them to Mars this doesn't look right it's back online [Applause] right [Applause] after Justin and Alex accidentally leave Max on Mars and teleport a Mars Rover into the living room which clearly has a functioning and recording camera being monitored by a room of people by the way I remember being confused by this as a small dumb child the episode and the characters just never acknowledge it the writers forgot that they made this joke apparently oh the Mars rover that'll be great for Max's project next Alex is overwhelmed by guilt the notion of not having her parents there to punish her no no you don't understand I left Max on Mars I should be in big trouble right now and Dad should be fixing it what's the fix Max will be fine you mean you don't even care that we left our brother on Mars we're just happy you're all having fun with magic it's not about that it's about you not caring and on top of this I'm disrupting a million dollar Space Program billion dollars billion dollar billion dollar space program she and Justin find a way to reverse the effect of the charm snapping Jerry and Teresa back to their normal selves Alex is happy to be punished and will surely never use magic irresponsibly again this episode and introduces a new set of ground rules for how magic gets conducted well training wheels when you're really good you don't need them but Alex does magic spell less earlier in the episode and it never tries to rectify this she's clearly not an experienced wizard there's no way she knows this and Justin doesn't it won't bother adding this to the list because the show never mentions this rule again and it's so clearly not abided by by any other episode which makes me wonder why it was even here because it's not a joke something very refreshing about this show is that anyone and everyone can talk basically if a character has a line of dialogue specific to them in the script you have to pay them at least a co-star rate which is naturally more than a silent extra get Lab Rats apparently couldn't afford to pay anyone it's so distracting how no one talks at the school ever except for the show's principal characters and like four other named students well hello there and how are my highly qualified and underpaid educational leaders doing today hey I'm not in your class give me that apple back but in Wizards everyone speaks whenever sometimes just saying one joke line that easily could have been given to someone already speaking in the episode it's so surreal after the oppressive viewing experience of Lab Rats the 20 episode first season of Lab Rats has 20 speaking characters the 98 Four Season run of Lab Rats has 81. the 21 episode first season of wizards has 88 speaking roles the 110 episode 4 season run of wizards has 301. technically it could potentially be six less because there's three different episodes that have cheerleader one cheerleader 2 and cheerleader three all of which are played by different actresses in all three instances so this could either be the same three cheerleader characters recasted every time or three different sets of three cheerleaders in each episode you can make an argument either way but I feel that no one in the world cares enough to try to make an argument either way it's a lot more it's a night and day difference between the amount of money going into both of these shows and Alex reverses the charm on TJ's parents as well who promptly decide to punish him too and it's insane to me that TJ doesn't become a recurring character after this a sneaky irresponsible magic user who goes to the kid's school a perfect foil for Alex and yet he's only in one more episode as a minor player in mid-season too he so easily could have become a love interest you like brings out the darker sides of Alex she has to have character development to get out of that relationship he would have been a way better partner than everyone else the show paired her with missed potential if you ask me especially with a catchphrase as undeniably humorous as this one I'll show you a pizza what did you say kid I said I'll show you a pizza you're always doing that that doesn't even make sense I'll show you what doesn't make sense dude get a new insult book I'll show you a new I'll show you trouble was never funny [Music] the Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel me when I'm Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel You Can't Always Get What You carpet is a forced pun first of all and also a pretty typical kid learns how to drive episode just with a magic carpet instead of a car the boys are putting up new wallpaper in Alex's bedroom and Jerry isn't ready for his little girl to grow up she begs him for flying carpet lessons and he eventually agrees then he freaks out on the ride I'm not yelling I'm just loud teaching how can I watch everywhere Jerry's mad at Alex she's sad and wants to mend her relationship with her daddy so Justin offers to privately give her carpet training so by the time her second lesson comes she'll be a lot better he's able to calmly teach her and the flight goes smoothly as the two siblings put aside their differences and fly across New York City during the flight Alex stops at a Magic Carpet stoplight this is the first instance of wizard infrastructure in place overlapping with the mortal world something we'll continue to see oh look we're flying over Shea Stadium I got it I got it yeah you got it when Alex and Jerry take their second flight everything goes well but Jerry indicates that Justin that he I didn't do anything really I was watching the Mets game the other day and there was a Fly ball that went up and never came down you want to tell me something about that how was that his first assumption like oh this ball never came down during the game I'm watching I guess my son's taking my daughter out on the Flying Carpet that's the most natural conclusion to come to oh there's a little Runner where Justin has to have the girly wallpaper put up in his room since Alex didn't want it in the beginning of the episode so to compensate he decides to put traditionally manly stuff in his room only to be ultimately scared of it it's funny because they obviously didn't make just in his own bedroom set for this one scene this is Alex's bedroom set but they're framing it very tightly so you can't tell to me this is such a sweet story I think that's what makes this show stand out because everything is geared towards exploring the relationships between the family and showing extra layers to how they interact fun fact this is the very first episode produced and The Wizard Lair doesn't appear here so I'm almost wondering if that set hadn't been completed yet it's possible you never know [Music] foreign Gigi invites Alex and Harper to her annual tea party which Alex is suspicious of she uses an oddly specific bat hearing spelled over here Gigi's real intentions do you see the L it stands for loser and it's gonna look so good on Harper when she's Crown The Biggest Loser yeah and our who can bring the Biggest Loser party herver won't take Alex's advice so Alex simply tags along with her to the party to help her out here this lady let's talk about her welcome to tea at the hotel the hotel what how do you spell that in French we are proud to present this tea served to you on the finest China imported from Japan the store owner from crazy 10 minute sale was so quirky and odd that I think they kept hiring the same actress Amanda Tepe to play a speaking character in like every other episode sales get crazier and crazier every year [Music] here she's the maitre d she was the hostess at the chocolate restaurant she was the manager of the frozen yogurt shop I know you've only been working here for hours but congratulations your employee of the month soon as I get some photo paper go home hook it up to my printer print it bring it back here I'll pin it up she's an icon we see her all throughout season one we love her it's not clear if this is supposed to be the same character or if it's just several identical looking women across New York just as Gigi's about to give Harper the loser Crown Alex performs a truth-telling spell on her and her wannabes forcing him to come clean about their intentions and deep disdain for each other if my parents could afford the same dermatologist as Gigi I'd be way prettier than her effort looks way prettier than me I'm gonna talk her into a bad haircut hey Jen I'm gonna talk you into a bad haircut truth is I hate wearing this dress I'm gonna break this dude do it that felt good you know what I've always really wanted to do this here's something I've always wanted to do foreign [Music] see the truth is is that this tea is really a contest to see who can bring the biggest loser and I brought Harper she was just about to be crowned winner Harper apologizes to Alex and thanks her for having her back hey everybody huh and the other plot Max and Justin decide to write some fake mail and send off a letter saying they're trapped in the lava sea the writers are starting to explore a mischievous side of Justin which wasn't visible in previous episodes but they'll really start to Define his character as the series progresses officer lamp and Goblin arrived to interrogate the family and ultimately punish them for misusing Wizard mail officer lamp this is my partner he's a goblin I have a name yeah but nobody can pronounce that was that short enough for you oh now we're doing short jokes all right tense race relations with Goblin and this is just the beginning as The Show Goes On you will see that the wizard world's government is one of the most corrupt evil organizations in any fiction ever [Music] Curb Your Dragon is a lesson about being scammed and kind of a weird one at that Alex disobey's Jerry and summons a dragon salesman and the dragons are just lizards with CGI wings and I think that's the funniest thing in the entire world I sure didn't know that as a kid one of the Dragons just happens to look like a dog and Justin thinks it's adorable as it looks exactly like a dog he had as a kid when I was seven he uh got lost and I swore I'd never loved another dog again however he's not willing to disobey his dad and he turns down buying the dragon Alex doesn't do that though she decides to buy it immediately after Justin leaves and reveals to him that she led his childhood dog out one day and it never came back now she got him a new one out of guilt Justin keeps the dragon who he names Dragon the kid stole their parents they found a dog in the street and took it in but Jerry and Teresa make them put up found dog Flyers around town to locate dragon's original owner which Alex agrees to since he doesn't have an original owner fight boy it's so hot out here boy what oh nothing ah I said there's a lot of flies unfortunately someone does take Dragon when the kids are at school leaving them sad [Music] Frankie the mob boss kid points them towards a dog show the man took Dragon to that came Matthew dog and bought this a program for the Hudson dog show the Hudson dog show when is it well I need to buy a copy and find out that'll be eight dollars please it's today I'd like to return this for a refund the kids sneak in find dragon and they realize that the dragon salesman took Dragon back he's actually a scam artist who sells people dragons and then takes those dragons back over and over that's what he does with his life that's so crazy you're a thief you sold us that dog and then stole it back it's the circle of life children look kid you played the game and you're lost you know what you go home and the money you spent on the dog was a lesson well learned you're welcome Alex creates a distraction by turning herself into a lion to scare everyone away switches out dragon's kennel and ultimately manages to get away with him but they decide to keep him as a pet anyways and they may never see him again we also never see the con artist again he totally could have been a recurring villain he had the potential here's a world of quarters knock yourself out with what recorders the next episode movies introduces the most powerful spell of the whole show improv spells the ability to create literally whatever spell you want this is the ability to create a brand new spell off the top of one's head in the moment of urgent need for example Max what do you urgently need right now bagpipes we see later in the episode that it only works if it Rhymes the whole notion of improv spells is never mentioned again but theoretically any spell the characters use later in the show could be an improv spell we really don't know but if any spell can be made up on a whim what's the point of having officially established once was the point of learning Spells at all later in the season there's a spell the less you completely freeze time for as long as you can hop on one leg spoiler alert but couldn't you just improv A variation where you don't have to hop on one leg or do the Improv spells only work if there isn't already a pre-existing spell that does whatever yours does because if so who who keeps track of all this how do you make a spell formal and official what if wizard a makes a formal spell for like toasting bread without a toaster and then some other wizard tries to improvise that would it not work would no wizard anywhere have means of toasting toast toasterlessly if wizard a never reveals the proper official toasterless toast toasting Spell across the Four Seasons this show has some of the most dissonant Allure I have ever seen more and more When A New Concept gets introduced it will retroactively break things that have been set up in previous episodes and by the end of season 4 there will be no consistency anywhere with the rules of this universe and obviously that's not a problem at all because this show was aimed at children and children aren't going to notice any of these therefore won't take issue with them it's just funny to point out all the ways that the logic breaks itself and there will be many more instances when Alex realizes that Justin's friends are sort of cool she tries to tag along with him to a scary movie this girl Susan never appears again but this nerd guy Zach rosenblack he's named black Frozen black remember him because something kind of crazy is gonna happen with him later in this season Alex offers to bring Max to the movie so they can watch a kid's film but then she shunts him off with some random other children and we don't see him for the rest of the episode while she goes off to be mischievous go crash that birthday party I'll bet they're giving away the paddle with the ball attached I do like those Alex can't get into the R-rated horror movie Night of the Halloween sorority party disaster too so she does an improv spell to teleport herself into the movie and she goes into into the movie which is shot like an actual movie with a free-floating camera which I like Alex just isn't having the horror movie this isn't for her this is not her vibe there's a music again where's it coming from I'm leaning and running towards Mass villain is probably the worst way to stay away from the mass villain all right Susan and Zach leave because the movie is way too scary and they tell Justin that there's a girl who looks just like his sister in it so he decides to warp himself inside to save her the two of them have to survive a horror movie together [Applause] save yourself seriously Justin just stand up okay [Music] because you're the older brother who am I supposed to do improvise something wait okay we got enough of all these fears so hurry up and get us out of here don't yell at me I'm trying to think oh [Applause] Jerry and Teresa come to the theater to watch a movie then over here that Alex and Justin are in said movie I know I've seen that film 16 times and then all of a sudden there are these new characters in it maybe it's a director's cut those characters of Alex ingestion have such chemistry we grew up together the kids managed to teleport themselves out just in time to be grounded oh no you know David Henry from That's So Raven there's Corey's friend Larry what are you doing playing Hot Potato guys hey this thing is hot now we're on the set of the all-new Disney Channel Original Series Wizards of Waverly Place to find out what David's been up to pop me and we both go down is unfortunately an episode I remembered Justin meets a new girl and is too nervous to ask her on a date and yes this is Miranda from first kiss this episode was produced first and clearly takes place chronologically before that one Jerry teaches the kids about an animation spell which can bring any object to life we need to talk about this chalkboard here something really crazy is going on back when I was a sophomore in high school and theater class we had in-class performances at the beginning of the school year me and my scene partner were doing the opening scene of Death of a Salesman I played some old dude named Willie I think he was schizophrenic or something he had Alzheimer's I never gave a about it he has a line that kept confusing me I will I I definitely will is there any cheese for whatever reason I don't remember why I couldn't get that line correct so I decided to invent a character to help me remember it named will will cheese this is him I drew him as a 16 year old I wrote a whole backstory for him this is literally what's on the Whiteboard and I have no memory of this at all so did that stick in my subconscious while drawing will will cheese was I somehow inspired by this visual in the background that I hadn't thought about in 10 years and have no conscious memory of ever thinking about or is it a cosmic coincidence when Alex accidentally brings Jerry's high school track trophy to life he refuses to finish the lesson and teach the unanimations fail until Alex finds the trophy Justin finally builds the confidence to ask Miranda to the dance but oh my God he discovers he has a zit Teresa's method will take days with no means of removing the zidden time Alex tells him the obvious just use magic to get rid of it however he absolutely refuses to use magic in response simply this was the third episode ever produced and is probably the most sticklery Justin is about magic in the whole show Justin in later Seasons how even later and earlier in this one would absolutely use magic to do something as insignificant as removing a zit from his forehead I'm assuming the writers realize that if Justin refuses to use magic rivolously he really can't be The Driver of any story he'd just be reduced to a functionally identical role as Jerry just in sneaking Alex out to use the carpet using magic to bail her out proves to be a way better role for him than refusing to evolve himself and I think the writers figure that out really early with this episode being the only prominent growing pain Justin is uh reluctant at times to use magic we're not supposed to use magic unsupervised he knows if he uses magic in a bad situation he's gonna play out negatively for him afternoon Alex other Alex you're both clearly up to no good Alex attempts to use magic to remove Justin's it for him but accidentally uses the animation spell to bring the zit to life I'm doing you a favor just hold your head still okay Alex Jones magic only causes trouble no you got a trophy man running around the house is it gone did it work not exactly that is crazy so now she has to find the trophy and learn the unanimation spell while Justin goes to prom with Andrew Tate on his forehead hey you come with a fire extinguisher cause you're smoking hot hey baby have the cupcake and eat it real slow and this is a fast one for all the ladies because I loves to watch you shake that junk can I talk to your boyfriend Alex lures the trophy into a duct tape Finish Line learns to spell and rushes to help Justin and unanimate that problem area on his forehead but unfortunately the damage has already been done a hug I can get that from Grandma about some lip action there you go again you're a pig Miranda miraculously Alex makes things completely work out yeah yeah I'm stud and I've got one too oh man does that explain his behavior listen up boys as long as you gotta sit women will find all this Behavior completely acceptable and understandable don't think otherwise for even a second so Justin and Miranda are back together leading into the events of first kiss which we already covered and then we never see or hear from her ever again so evidently all those reality breaking time Loops occurred for nothing because she wasn't that important it seems we also learned Alex and Justin's grades in this episode Justin is a sophomore the reason he was able to get into prom is because Miranda's a junior new goth girl in 11th grade I'm in the 10th grade she's an older woman and Alex is a freshman I'm in ninth grade you big idiot this makes Justin one year older than Alex if you think wave and Juan's casting spells and creating magical Mayhem is typical Wizards of Waverly Place next on Disney Channel in potion commotion Jerry teaches his kids about love potions which are pretty self-explanatory not a spell today fascinating we also learned that Justin and Alex are on lesson number 372 while Max is on lesson number five keep working on lesson number five and YouTube We're on lesson number 372 which highlights how unfair the upcoming family wizard competition is Max is like six years younger than Justin but he's still expected to compete against him whenever this competition comes think about how TJ from several episodes ago was an only child and won't have a family wizard competition any wizard parents who have multiple kids are doing so with the full knowledge that their kids are going to have to compete against each other someday I don't want you relying on Magic because you might not have it one day before the kids head to school Max's magic is going off the charts because his powers are finally coming in this implies that an onset of magic powers occurred is as a part of puberty Jerry introduces the hat which will contain Max's puberty Powers Max hates this hat and the entire School of rantly bullies him for it [Applause] this is the only scene in season one where he's at this school he immediately leaves after putting the hat back on so I don't know if he goes here at school we're introduced to Mr laritate the quirkia principal who informs Justin that he has tough competition for a coveted spot in the United Nations World Summit in the form of Brad Sherwood Sherwood is schmoozing Lara Tate and Justin isn't willing to stand for It lyric will be visiting Justin's home tonight and this is his last chance to prove his case as the delegate there's a slight wrinkle Alex is suddenly head over heels in love with Brad you're so funny if we were going in a group to the concert everyone would laugh at you but it's just us too in the park on Saturday and she thinks he's a Charming Man and plans to feed him a love potion in an interesting turn of events her and Justin aren't on opposite sides here if he falls in love with Alex he won't bother with the UN Summit in through Alex fashion though she accidentally messes up after a chaotic Panic to keep a customer from drinking Brad's half of the potion she accidentally drinks it ah that was close uh-oh so now what if he didn't drink it who falls in love with you foreign I think you fell in love with yourself except there's a lot about me to love oh my God oh my gosh someone sent me flowers I wonder who it could be me Larry Tate comes to meet the family but it's not looking like Justin will get the position you know who wrote a Pony by himself when he was nine my brother Justin Brad then shows up uninvited to their house and continues smoothing Mr laritate check it out hey we're the bolo boys Alex has to hide her growing head and steals Max's power quenching hat to contain her problems foreign why is your head getting bigger it's not maybe you're just standing too close this causes Max's powers to go rampant as he inadvertently teleports the house across the world right now they're in the second story of their home is this whole room just appearing in these different countries completely intact that the second floor of the three-story Russo home just disappear from his foundations I'd really like to know three hula dancers get pulled from Hawaii and never return Justin thinks he blew it but it turns out lyricaid is so impressed by the mixture of cultures that he gives Justin the seat on the UN Summit oh my gosh that's great I won lost I never lose I even bought this stupid bolo tie Volo ties are not stupid they are the official neckwear of Arizona for some reason that's one of those oddly specific lines I vividly remember season one and two are the episodes I watched reruns of over and over and over for half a decade so they're the ones that remember the most even though it's all still very vague Jerry deflates Alex's head and gives Max's hat back to get everything under control we never hear about this un Summit again but I hope Justin had fun no there's something weird about this and there's something weird about all you russos and I'm gonna find out what it is well good luck with that Brad goodbye surprise surprise he never shows up again [Applause] where'd all this come from me I thought the potion wore off it did what didn't wear off is how good I feel about sending myself flowers Jake T Austin will try just about anything we saw him dirtboarding and Johnny capahalo back on board yeah running the obstacle course at the Disney Channel games all the way now Jake T is taking on Wizardry we caught up with him on the set of the all-new Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place episode 12 Justin's little sister Alex is tired of being told she should be more like Justin so she uses a Genie in a Bottle she learned about in Wizard training to wish that the comparison would finally stop but Genies are a little tricky the genie makes everyone on the planet forget Justin's existence entirely but you gotta wonder why would Alex rely on a genie for this she's a wizard she could just Perform a spell for this anyways sorry dude good luck with whatever I don't have any friends my teacher doesn't remember me what did you do why just because something completely out of the ordinary happens doesn't mean I automatically have something to do with it did you have something to do with it yes so no one at school remembers Justin nor did Jerry and Teresa Harper finds this new kid cute and immediately becomes obsessed with him Alex uses two wishes and a failed attempt to bring Justin back and the end result is that he becomes invisible finally she has to confess to her parents that this invisible naked boy in their living room is actually their forgotten son but you're never gonna believe me yeah of course we'll believe you Justin is my brother and your oldest son I don't believe you Jerry has no clue how to reverse the effect of a Genie's trickery but Max has the idea to fill the Genie's bottle with orange soda this ultimately annoys the genie into reversing the wishes and begging the family to leave fully reversing their situation I'm sure Alex will never use magic irresponsibly ever again now we've arrived at the wizard school two-parter it's the uh Justin and Alex Russo you have been accepted to attend summer boarding school at Wiz Tech so Russo's Wizardry education continues when you apply yourself you can achieve a lot more than you think what they're learning is just beginning I'm Dr evolini you will both be in my class on April 6th Disney Channel presents a spellbinding adventure this door's locked too yes I am where new powers are uncovered we're gonna change your toes and elephant and from gross forcing Wizards to compete I am up to the challenge Ashton and Alex battle dark magic I need to know who's the most powerful young wizard Justin's gonna get his power strength one hour Sunday April 6 and 8 7 Central only on Disney Channel Justin gets accepted to an elite wizard School whiz tech for the summer and he and Alex are extremely excited to have a summer spent apart however things go awry when Alex uses magic to clean the living room and it's a bit too thorough hi God never mind boy I really love this turkey jerky sure makes me thirsty though Teresa why can't I open the fridge cause it's not there what did you do Jerry and Teresa deemed that she has to go to wiztec for the summer as well so it is simultaneously a prestigious school you have to apply for months in advance and a boarding school parents can send their kids to on the spot it's apparently a completely optional supplementary thing to traditional wizard training from the parents what I don't think I realized as a kid is that wiztec is just a full-blown spoof of Harry Potter every little plot point every aspect of this down to the students having Hogwarts robes and Harry Potter glasses it's just poking fun of the predominant Wizarding franchise in pop culture at the time you remind me of someone carries something Berry something Larry something oh never mind Justin is naturally an extremely powerful wizard who gets singled out by professor evolini as a potentially excellent player at 12 ball he formally joins the 12th ball tournament with his main competitor being Jaco Phoenix jerko and here is fellow student Hugh normas a regular wizard who thinks he's a giant and therefore carries tiny objects with him everywhere let's do this one joke because you will hear it repeatedly every time Hugh shows up across four seasons of television I'm a Hugh huenormous not really his actor's name is Josh and the little B story Teresa questions Jerry and Max's manhood and challenges them to sleep out on the Terrace for a night [Music] has your manhood been called into question yes hang in there guys Alex is constantly screwing up and getting punished she wasn't kidding there really is a disciplined bucket but she accidentally overhears a message from Professor evolini's messenger fish about her true intentions after the 12 ball tournament reveals the best young wizard I will drain that Wizard's powers and take them for myself making me the most powerful wizard ever Justin's gonna get his powers drained so not only are their magical species like elves and Genies there are also magical wizard equivalents of regular animals from the mortal world which have magical abilities foreign [Music] Alex rushes to report Professor evolini to the school's Headmaster Professor crumbs my hands are tied leave me either no my hands are really tired I lost a bet with evilini Professor Maloney and I got into a beard contest of which I had no business being part of crumbs is played by the late Ian Ambercrombie who also played Palpatine in Star Wars the Clone Wars his first five seasons until his passing and then just to deflect any um actually comments from Star Wars nerds yes I know he played in three episodes from season six but they were produced to error in the broadcast fifth season and were in the season 5 trailer then just inexplicably never came out until the Netflix exclusive sixth season I know that I know that don't I'm actually me I'm aware of that information anyways he was just a comforting older actor in things around this time and I wanted to respect him for a little bit until straw man Star Wars fans ruined it in a b story a lady dressed a salad from a salad restaurant is stealing customers from the substation she's already run several businesses out of business Max gathers all of the food restaurant owners who have a grudge against her and then they have a showdown on the street pretty cool Justin doesn't believe Alex about Evelina these true intentions so she has to travel the volcano land on her own to find an authority figure to tell Justin the truth they use the volcano to train wizards of their powers at the entrance fee the monotone woman works at volcano land so this lady assuming is the same person every time knows about Wizards that's great Alex brings her to wiztech to tell Justin the truth but it's too late because Professor evolini puts a no quit spell on Justin okay I don't know what you just did to me but I still quit you can't quit now this forces him to compete in the competition lose Alex he manages to hit the golden Tattler something which automatically wins the game regardless of points [Applause] [Music] however Alex in an act of quick thinking casts the truth spell from Alex's choice on evolini a rare instance of the characters remembering a spell that exists and causes evolini to publicly State her plan and then regular ass security guards pull her away Alex is celebrated as a hero by Professor crumbs and everyone returns home truly some amazing writing and an amazing two-parter something worth noting is that Harper has been absent for six of the last seven episodes and these were all produced wackly out of order so I don't think it's an instance of Jennifer Stone needing a prolonged time off I think it's just the end result of Harper being difficult to integrate into these stories about magic because she doesn't know magic exists which is an issue that gets solved pretty shortly into season two I'm David Henry from Wizard to Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel [Music] teen the Supernatural is an homage to the 1984 baseball movie The Natural Transformers came out in 1984 truly orwellian Justin comes to Alex ridden with guilt and reveals a dark secret he used magic to help him make the baseball team all in an attempt to impress the baseball obsessed cute girl Carrie landstore a new love interest already it's the girl from Jonas Alex sees no problem with this whatsoever and she suggests that he take baseball advice from Riley he's also on the team remember from The Chocolate Episode he apparently doesn't remember because he's still flirting with Alex Justin meanwhile has succeeded in Catching Carrie's eye I love going to the baseball game so I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other at the baseball games because you play in the baseball games I love baseball now we go to an actual baseball stadium after 162 episodes of the Lapras franchise contained inside cramped sound stages this feels wrong this feels illegal I have the weirdest repressed memories of this episode in this location Justin continues using magic to win and Alex convinces Riley that she's the team's good luck charm and that's why they won Jerry the coach of the team for some reason starts to suspect something's wrong and confronts Justin on using magic he confesses and agrees to use none in the next game Alex takes advantage of this and doesn't show up to the next game continuing to compound Riley's belief that she's a good luck charm nothing is more hot to a guy than defying statistical probability in his favor where were you today we got smeared oh I've been studying now at the final game of the season Riley begs Alex to come so that the team will win Alex aside she'll use magic to prop up Justin's performance something which confuses Jerry [Applause] Justin you're calling time out to talk to a guy sitting on the bench but there's no rule against it they figure out what's happening and Jerry orders Justin to counteract Alex's magic Tom noon and Jesus Tom noon and sneezes timeout up timeout time Alex get over here you're calling time out to talk to a fan show me the rule up show me the rules with Alex and Justin actively competing against each other magically the ball flies rapidly in conflicting directions and the entire crowd begins to question their own reality to prevent a catastrophe Jerry pulls out an emergency spell that can wipe everyone's memory of the previous several minutes which he has Justin performed it will erase everyone's memory so they won't remember what happened the past few minutes cerebellum erases [Music] [Applause] what just happened hey this could come in handy someday they never ever used the spell again the overpowered ability to wipe an entire crowd's memory is forgotten to the sands of time as the show moves on Max also taunts the dad of a rifle team throughout the episode and gets chased out by security no one quite recalls how the game ended but Casey's in love with Alex and Carrie is very in love with Justin it quickly becomes clear to him that she is a very very odd lady and he cuts ties with her Casting her into the realm of discarded love interests also somehow Jerry remembers Alex was a naughty little girl and punishes her for using magic so if he wound up remembering the game theoretically anyone in the audience could have as well anyway very good charming episode the whole first season is just very fun [Music] Alex in the middle is another episode I remember well the kids are enduring a wizard lesson boring then Jerry's fun-loving brother kelbo shows up in a bathtub with gifts uncle kilbo is a full wizard the evident winner of the family wizard competition and he uses magic to have the time of his life the kids have fun with Uncle kelbo which stresses Jerry out they aren't focusing on their training kilgo brings Alex to a secret wizard box at a basketball game which is hidden behind the scoreboard we're trying to get that removed this is another instance of Wizard World infrastructure overlapping with the mortal world like the stoplight in episode 6. how does a designated secret wizard space even get into a stadium is the designer of the building a secret wizard do the Wizards just install it after the Stadium's built and if that's the case do they have to pay to get n are they committing a crime lots of questions when Jerry gets upset at Alex from missing her lessons she declares that kilbo is going to be her teacher now instead he said that he could be My Wizard trainer instead of you he did I did you did hold on I did the next day Alex trains with kelbo but he's too irresponsible and distracted to teach anything he decides to open the wizard mail which inadvertently floods the entire Lair and turns them into sea chimps Jerry has to suit up and come to the rescue advising Alex on how to fix the situation Alex repeat after me me I'm a big knucklehead I'm a big knucklehead wait a second that's not a spell no I know I just wanted to hear you admit it finally safe Alex apologizes to her dad and kelbo agrees that being a teacher is just too much for him especially after he lost the family wizard competition himself why what yeah that's right we get a lore drop when cowboy and your father competed to see who'd keep their wizard powers it was your dad who won the contest what but Wizards can't marry non-wizards so your dad gave kelbo his powers so that he can marry me I think that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my life give your powers up for a girl yeah right yet again an amazing character-based Revelation that shows the writers are trying to make a show with an incredibly Rich cast of characters even if every episode has two or three ah my darn wife jokes from Jerry you know when I was your age I tried using magic to impress the girl turned into a total disaster what happened I married her seriously I'm just kidding don't even say I said that even as a joke there's a little Runner where Alex has been leaving daily love letters in Justin's Locker to make him think he has a secret admirer when he decides to stick out his locker she pays the school a lunch lady to sneak a note inside this leads to him riding the lunch lady a love letter naturally this doesn't go over well you don't shower after Jim because you don't sweat cause you walk the mile a cap coach what are you doing writing Love Letters to my girlfriend the lunch lady that's Bob Duncan 10 out of 10 would watch again [Music] episode 17 report card during Wizard training Alex is struggling to complete a transmogrification spell oh it's a pretty dog Professor crumbs arrives to collect grades and win the report cards finally come back Alex has an F Jerry and Teresa have to sign the report cards before sending them back so Alex decides to hide it from her parents in order to prevent them from signing it unfortunately the report card is impervious to destruction and keeps rematerializing when Mom and Dad realize what she's up to she freaks out and turns them into guinea pigs give myself more time to do what to panic that report card is played by Charlie Adler the voice of Michael Bay Starscream and possibly other things Max spends his entire savings on a giant exercise ball and Justin has his nerd friends come over to watch volcano videos my death made it seem like the volcano was right in your living room a witch geologically speaking would be a statistical improbability along the lines of there being um a snowstorm in the Sahara Desert oh you got me nerd burn that's literally the funniest thing I've seen in my life look here's Zach rosenblack from movies except he isn't named Zach rosenblack anymore he's now Zeke bikerman they cast the same actor to play a new character who plays the exact same role as the previous character if you look at the credits He's listed as friend both times just referred to by a different name within both episodes I feel like the writers were envisioning a new actor while the casting Department did bother reading the scripts thoroughly and just called back the actor who played friend the last time or maybe it is the same character in universe and he just changed names in that case I'm sorry for dead naming him earlier Justin and his friends watch Max race the guinea pigs but gasp godzuk's Shucks they escape and they run amok so they buy two new guinea pigs for the pet store to secretly replace the old ones and the hopes Alex won't notice Alex does notice to make matters worse she's caught by Professor crumbs I need to speak to your parents straight away I hope that's British for much much later realizing her lie he drains her powers you have enacted with any responsibility say goodbye to your magical ability now they have to find their parents that is a dimorph the new guinea pigs into humans to ask them where they'd hide if they were guinea pigs which they are they're guinea pigs they eagerly suggest under the bed the mom and dad guinea pigs are found under Max's bed in his gross-ass bedroom which means that somehow they climb the spiral staircase by themselves these guinea pigs are now not Mom and Dad should fill their slot as Justin turns them back into his parents Professor crumbs arrives and Alex has to confess what she did as he prepares to make Alex power a loss permanent Justin suddenly panics and turns Professor crumbs into a guinea pig Justin steps in and insists that he needs Alex because cleaning up after her makes him a better wizard after becoming a human again crumbs is so blown away by their sibling Bond he sees that Alex learned her lesson and will surely never use magic irresponsibly again and he restores her powers once and for all I am here what am I standing on um it's marshmallow surprise [Music] now I want to take a moment to thank my patreon supporters thank you patreon supporters my favorite place on the wizard set is the lair this is literally where the magic happens here is where we study and we uh we take some notes Here on spells and stuff in credit check Jerry teaches the kids about the ability to completely freeze time for as long as you can hop on one leg a spell invented by a one-legged wizard this raises questions the fact that this wizard is one-legged seems to imply Wizards can't regrow limbs because I'm assuming if he could he would choose to not be a one-legged wizard did this guy make a conscious decision to make the spell only work while hopping on one leg or that his physical handicap somehow limit the functionality of the spell he produced a lot to think about here during a family meeting at the substation Alex isn't given respect or recognition for her ideas when a businessman eating lunch recognizes Alex's Keen Eye through fashion he invites her to work as an intern at the office of a renowned fashion magazine fashion fatal I read those for free at the newsstand until the guy chases me away at her new job Alex has fashionable suggestions and quickly proves her worth as a fashion designer when Miss Angela comes to review the new clothing the dastardly Jeffrey he takes full credit for Alex's work once again robbing her of a recognition in an act of Revenge she decides to produce a runway show fully designed by Harper a style Miss Angela is absolutely repulsed by appalled she spends all day creating the most repugnant fashion show of all time only for Jeffrey to have a change of heart and give her credit now something that was Alex Russo's idea wait no now she has to freeze time and hop on one leg in a fruitless last-ditch rush to somehow Salvage the outfits of the models This Woman's moving her hand LOL we caught her LOL it's a disaster but Alex ultimately decides to roast the toxic work environment of the office praise Harper and quit in an amazing Alex fashion meanwhile Jerry is hired an employee at the substation a cute little girl named Millie who Justin isn't fashion waited with he tries to win her affections while Max acts as his wingman hey Millie Justin where's his underwear in the shower she's intrigued by the new Justin playing with action figures and liking comics and invites him over so I was wondering are you busy Friday night me Friday you what's up [Music] well I have two tickets the tears of blood and I was I say no more I'm in really yeah okay great so beat my house at 7 30. he comes ready for a date only to be promptly humiliated just straight up emasculated my boyfriend says that I wear too much sometimes boy who thank you so much for babysitting Benji come meet Justin oh hi Benji hi boyfriend we'll be here I'ma guess that Millie got fired or something because we never see her again next being a teen's tricky enough try hiding the fact that you're a wizard Wizards of Waverly Place here on Disney Channel Alex's Spring Fling picks up with Alex dating Riley Riley keeps looking at other girls and it's like that one meme but for real then he has the gall to say he's tired of her constant jealousy and actually breaks up with her right here and now on the spot Alex is sad and then Dallas Lovato of all people Demi Lovato's older sister comes up to say a goofy silly line hey Alex I heard that you and Riley broke up what do you say you and I go out um excuse me Ken hi uh we're going out like right now yeah I've been meaning to talk with you about that this will only take a second Alex is no angel either she decides to make Riley jealous in an attempt to win him back because him looking at other women while they walk isn't a turn off for her she uses the animation spell from the zit episode to bring a mannequin to life neeps and Manny and goes on countless dates with him directly in front of Riley Riley's so jealous that he asks for Alex back and Alex promptly agrees and then dispatches Manny there's an issue though Manny's fallen in love with her very much so and despite this episode taking place over a shorter span of time than the Zid episode he has been animated for so long that Alex is no longer able to unanimate him Justin has been preparing to resell an extremely expensive Calico woman action figure and someone's just bought it unfortunately for that buyer Alex brings Calico woman to life to pair him with Manny but Manny doesn't want to be with Calico woman he still wants Alex Riley then chases after Manny Alex chases after Riley Calico woman chases after Manny Justin races after Calico woman and after knocking a clown off of his bicycle for no reason that clown races after Justin now it's time for a climactic Chase where the show pretends that this limited strip of storefront is larger than it actually is Manny climbs onto a dunk tank apparently as a means of escaping Riley I'm gonna teach Manny that no one comes between me and my girl I know you don't like Jealousy on me but on you it is so hot foreign he plunges into the water and abruptly becomes a mannequin again huh apparently water makes spells wear off so if they just thrown water on Justin's zit it would have gone away huh I want you to think about every instance in all upcoming episodes where Alex doesn't know how to undo a spell and just think about how she could throw water on it okay because she does not do it that ever Alex convinces the entire crowd the manly was simply a magician Galaga woman says she never liked Justin she runs away and escapes and then Justin pushes the clown off his bicycle again to pursue her Alex has managed to win back her boyfriend Riley their relationship reinforced and we'll never see him again also due to the fact that the two of them barely appear in season one this episode has the first time Max and Harper interact at all and the only time this season foreign quinceanera is basically reverse Freaky Friday Alex is about to turn 15 but she doesn't want the quinceanera Teresa's throwing for her also apparently she only finds out that the party's happening the day before the party because of the semantics of how this episode needs to work when Alex's Grandma comes and tells her Teresa never got to have a quinceanera as a girl Alex realizes her mom is trying to live vicariously through her so at the party the next day she performs a spell to switch places with her mom unless her mom have fun in her body mom I know you're mad but just hear me out this is the only way you can enjoy the Kingston Nomo you've always wanted it's quinceanera foreign oh my gosh I love this dress I'm so freaking fluffy I'm 15 again there's really no trouble or chaos is an interesting Twist of the typical formula where Teresa is hiding Magic from Jerry rather than the other way around in the B plot Justin and Max have to do with salsa dance with Alex but aren't able to learn the dance moves in time so they switch places with professional dancers who don't question the fact that they're in bodies of children all of a sudden casually dance and then switch back I'm glad this episode exists because having a mixed Latino family lets children of other ethnicities learn about different cultures in a way that could happen if the show was just white people being part of a show in English about an American Family where the mother is of Mexican heritage and the fathers of Italian Heritage whether American first and foremost and then colored with their ethnic background was fun and it comes up you know Teresa having to teach Alex Spanish because she doesn't know enough Spanish and feeling like well I'm a proud Latina I need to know how to make tortillas you know it was dealt with humor and it was fun and it was very satisfying for me because as a person that's what I am I'm an American who loves being an American and I also love my Cuban Heritage I learned what salsa dancing is from this episode and naturally I learned one of the quinceanera is from this episode I remember being so so jealous as a kid of the fact that Latino women get this special holiday that no one else gets to have where was my Quinceanera the seven-year-old Kian this was unfair and truly confirmed to me that white men are an oppressed minority unlike any of the script's smart enough to have some sort of stakes of course if the body switching spell isn't reversed by midnight Alex and Teresa will be stuck in each other's bar bodies forever there's some brief fakes tension as grandma reads Alex a letter Teresa's father wrote for her and the episode resolves itself culminating in a sweet jokeless father-daughter dance because this show cares about his characters and their connection to each other unlike any other show I've talked about up until this point hi I'm Jake T Austin from Wizards of Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel [Music] speaking of Firsts for the first time during my sitcom retrospectives the season one finale is just a casual episode nothing unusual yo Happy go Joshy come back here don't you see me sweeping what would your mother say she saw you do that huh mama would be mad that's right Mama would be mad so am I now pick that up and that cup too okay thank you for eating at Waverly substation come again an art museum piece Alex decides to bring some historical paintings to life to help her cheat on an art history test such as the Mona Lisa the blue boy Vincent van Gogh and foreign however she can't put them back in their paintings without knowing the exact dates and times they originally came from which ironically forces her to actually learn when she brought them out to help her cheat with they have to avoid the security guard while Justin comes to the rescue Justin returns everywhere to their frames except for the Mona Lisa who refuses to leave that's when Harper shows up throughout the episode Harvard has been trying to sell some of her artistic wearable things and hasn't been going well yeah I'll take it all that'd be great hey Ralph bring the truck we got a load of trash over here no this no this is great really [Applause] no did you know we've been driving around in a jewelry store so Alex sharp on her feet as ever decides to give the Mona Lisa Harper's necklace so she finally has something to smile about you put a 35 necklace on a 40 million dollar painting well now it's worth 40 million and 35 dollars the p plot's a lot smaller Teresa's madageri and Max are throwing a football around the house and knocking things over we broken three at least three times so they decided to charm the football with the ability to travel through objects it accidentally gets thrown through the roof and into soup Teresa was making for some reason it doesn't phase back through the Soup pot it just dissolves into soup entirely of course across 30 seconds and when they eat it it invertently transfers its magical properties into them Jerry uh we can explain foreign so you're not mad well not like I want to yell at you and like I want to chase you kind of way one allowing them to have fun traveling through objects and that's season one okay kids watch this [Music] foreign [Music] say hi to everybody hey guys if you're watching this you're probably at one of our tapings every link that's awesome so thank you for coming she's awesome I told you I knew her I told you you're a rocker bag per usual after season one let's take a brief Hiatus to talk about the sets something I began to notice during my re-watches of the other shows Lab Rats especially is the sense of claustrophobia that comes from the characters only having three rooms they can be in season one and two of that show only had lab school living room and about halfway through season one I genuinely felt trapped because these rooms are so small and these are the only places we see our characters Wizards manages to avoid that Pitfall for a lot longer basically from the substation alone first I'll cover the basic school hallway at Tribeca prep it's a general backwards L configuration lockers down here lockers up here here and in some sort of office room in here that we don't get to go in there's also a little classroom in the first season which in season two gets converted to principal Larry Tate's office I'm pretty sure it also gets used for every single classroom we see in the show in the second season the little office is actually expanded into a hub that goes into principal laritate's office so the overall floor plan looks like this or something like this [Music] the substation's a cool set we have the outside area which is a shopping plaza full of stores and buildings we enter the substation which has a spiral staircase upstage right and an upstairs great room with a corresponding staircase and hallway off to the right and an exterior Terrace the bedrooms are consistently stated to be up the spiral staircase on a mostly unseen third floor Alex's bedroom from one episode of season one becomes a recurring location in season 2 but doesn't appear past that we'd ever see what's down this hallway Jerry mentions at one point there are bookshelves over there not too close to the shelves we need those books so we don't look like we watch too much TV back down to the restaurant there's a subway car themed room stage left and the kitchen to the left which contains the door to the wizard Lair so this house only had four rooms but a lot of very distinct areas within these rooms the location variety keeps things fresh although the feeling of being trapped did sort of settle in in late season two for me okay the substation has a lot of weird quirks I'd like to figure out the logistics of first off there's a second stretch of the shopping plaza with additional buildings and without steps we see the characters access it by rounding corners but it's never the same Corners because the show tries to pretend is a larger area than it actually is I was trying to see if it's connected maybe it physically wraps around the set somehow I don't think it is and here's why we never see a direct connection and with the amount of times it appears I feel like it'd be hard to keep it hidden also it never appears past season one meaning it was most likely demolish to make room for other areas next behind the magic Vault we always see some wall decorations that seem to correspond to these in the Wizard Lair but a lot of times in the show The Lair is Charmed to disappear and there's a freezer here so I initially wondered if the layer set was separate and somewhere else and this little chunk was simply interchangeable with a freezer attachment but I do think they're one solid set because look this little square Nook is like perfectly freezer sized and I think that is a module which slides into place with the need to film scenes in the freezer and after writing that whole paragraph I discovered this behind the scenes video where it turns out that my assessment was completely correct it is all one big connected unit with no sign of the extra shopping area also in the lead up to the series premiere they released behind the scenes videos with David Henry and Selena Gomez Selena is walking through the living room set and I slowed it down and you can see her Traverse to the school set which is right around the corner apparently but finally the whole premise of this Waverly substation makes no sense the spiral staircases are implied to connect which makes a lot of sense but there's a door to the left this is an apartment complex so characters enter through this store when they're coming to visit the apartment complex has a three-story Suite where the bottom floor is a restaurant and we learn early in season two that there's a basement which is a garage so how did Jerry and Teresa even work out this arrangement with their landlord and we do find out in season four they're renting secondly in a season 2 episode Jerry catapults Max up to the Terrace but look at the depth the staircase is flush against the back wall in the sandwich shop but there's like 10 feet of extra depth on the Second Story including the Terrace yet there's no Shadow being cast over this outdoor Plaza the Terrace basically covers up the whole thing Max has catapulted up there but he should have hit his head on the bottom of an outstretched balcony and Fallen back down but that's all now season two the series was already a runaway of success and quickly prompted a second season to enter production consisting of 30 episodes which aired between September 12 2008 and August 21st 2009. for the most part it's more of the same but I would say there are a handful of key differences first max is noticeably older right off the bat he consistent only goes to school with his older siblings and he has a far larger role in every story that he did in season one he never commands an a plot but he's occasionally commanding the V plot now his Runners are longer and have more scenes while he'll never come close to Alex and Justin he's gaining agency in screen time and appears about as much as Jerry and Teresa this season they've also given up on his catchphrase of Ah that's a funk that's bunk I can't do it that's funk secondly Harper finds out about the Wizard World early in this season which results in her appearing a lot more frequently without having to be written out of episodes to accommodate Wizardry this season finally has three frequently recurring characters Zeke played by Dan Benson Mr lyric tape played by Bill shot and Alex's next love interest Dean Moriarty played by Daniel simones they each appear in roughly almost one third of the episodes finally this season is obsessed with romance 17 out of the 30 episodes are about some new crush of the week for the kids although some of the partners last a bit longer than others Max goes on a date this season although the other 16 follow Alex and Justin let's begin we pick up with smarty pants Jerry's gone on vacation so Teresa teaches the wizard lesson I'm in the Wizard's Lair or as I like to call it the garage sale that never happened she promptly quits and tells Justin to do it which he swiftly does it seems he's already learned this stuff at some point which really reinforces to me that the family wizard competition is absolutely not fair today's lesson is about magical clothing such as the speed shirt which defies chekhov's gun by not appearing again past this scene Now watch how fast I can run into the sub shop make a sandwich and come back done wanna see me run to that mountain and back you want to see me do it again and more relevantly the smarty pants which conforms to chekhov's gun chekhov's gun dominates smarty pants chekhov's gone is the top the smarty pants are the bottom they give their wearer infinite knowledge on any subject and I've got to ask if these exist why does the Wizard World keep pocket elves enslaved these magic garments don't seem to be rare there's no need to have knowledge and dentured servants but they do that's cool a cute boy named Dean catches Alex's attention yeah what's up Russo she's cool she's cool Larry Tate signs them up to help set up for the quiz bowl and Alex decides to help as well to spend time with him Harper and Justin are on competing teams and Harper's eager to prove herself as an intellectual powerhouse on top of a glamor girl when Alex is distracted by Dean she accidentally crosses two wires and an electrical buzzer accident causes one of Harper's teammates to Forfeit due to an injury Harper is upset at her best friend for ruining her team's chances and Alex decides she'll help Harper out by filling that girl's role she uses the smarty pants and involuntarily answers every question correctly robbing Harper of any Spotlight at all and increasing tensions again wrong showing in round one team maroon or should I say team maruso laritate becomes a larger player this season and the writers have decided that he's obsessed with Cowboys and mostly speaks in western slang a characterization that remains and plays for the duration of the series Sheriff's in town it was a lasso tossed in the dark looks like this isn't your first rodeo Buckaroo step away from the watering hole Max suddenly has this best friend named Alfred pay attention to him because he'll be a frequent recurring face for the duration of the series Max and Alfred notice that everyone in the school loves one particular drinking fountain and complaining about its long line now that is some fine H2O so they Siege the opportunity and began bottling the water to sell it hey you guys are waiting in line to buy this fountain water because you don't want to wait in line at the fountain meanwhile there's no line at the fountain hey hey there's no line here now hey guys when we're done with these we can use our empties to fill up at the fountain for free we just lost our business in one it's never not worked Theresa suggests that simply reselling the water isn't enough he has to add something to it to truly make it valuable so max amends his business strategy here's your water and Alfred here's your puppy in the end Alex decides to humiliate herself by removing the pan so that Harper will get the praise she's taking her pants off should we look no it turns out the skeleton legs as a side effect of wearing the smarty pants for too long and this happens the entire School mistakes these for skeleton tights and everything's fine proving that every time magic actually visibly happens in this universe the world's too stupid to believe it we also find out in this episode that Max is in the seventh grade Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel [Music] bewarewolf Justin prepares for a date with a girl he met on Whiz face which Alex helps him prepare for me I'm a mouth breather throughout my life I've done that to some of my friends with their hoodies and it just clicked with me while editing I got it from this episode she insists you can't trust people you meet on dating apps they always hide things and Justin should know this after his whiz Tech prom date was a centaur this time though Justin is fully confident it'll work out when Isabella arrives she's a perfectly ordinary girl who hits it off with Justin but Alex immediately starts to suspect something's off foreign really because my word was awkward the episode carries on family members reiterate to Justin that he cannot trust someone he met on a dating app once again deciding the Centaur she ate all the carrots in the sub shop our coleslaw was flavorless for a week she totally just heard everything we said now Lucas continues to interrogate Isabella and eventually comes to the conclusion that she's a dog she exhibits countless dog-like behaviors over the course of the day and Alex is finally able to convince Justin of this reality as well did you leave that one piece of crucial information on your Wiz face page like the fact that you're a dog so Alex is completely repulsed by the idea of her brother dating a dog please please please keep that in mind during season three and four okay okay finally Isabella reveals the truth no see I'm a werewolf I found out my girlfriend's a werewolf yay how many other guys can say that well none because I'm guessing anybody else who could say that has been eaten that's a stereotype we're actually very loving I sensed that about you oh Justin come on oh Justin there is one more thing that you should know about me yes my love when you kiss a werewolf you turn into a werewolf type the change is pretty fast and painless really now werewolves Justin and Isabella run away together Max meanwhile has had a little running gag where he and Alfred walked dogs to raise money to buy a cup on a chain to combat the relatable situation of someone offering you a beverage and you not having a cup to put it in Alex is Overjoyed by your brother's disappearance then Max shows up and suggests that he and her compete to see who can fill their cup with spit first and Alex immediately realizes she needs Justin back where are you going to tell Dad that Justin's a werewolf and then ate him back right away and that's pretty much the ebb and flow of Max Runners for the duration of the series Max does some weird activity it barely pays off if at all sometimes it's close to being funny also remember when I said Alfred would be a frequent recurring phase for the duration of the series pay attention to him because he'll be a frequent recurring face for the duration of the series I actually lied he has never seen again ever it's almost comical how he vanishes from The Narrative as mysteriously as he entered it two episodes ago did the writers just forget about him I'm so curious how this even happened out in the wilderness or a public park Justin mentions he likes werewolf movies which greatly offends Isabella can't believe you would watch those movies they're demeaning I mean hey werewolf I didn't believe Ashton Kutcher for one minute those shows make us look like animals instead of people with a condition that with the proper diet and exercise can live a normal healthy life foreign she's a Twitter user I believe she's acting as though a user of the new application you could say werewolves don't eat cats that's a stereotype just like how we only changed during a full moon we change every night werewolf racial stereotypes I don't know why but the show loves making the Vegas references to real world situations but never makes any sort of statement on them uh Jerry's Justin's dead and also my husband I felt the need to say both because you know in these modern times you just can't assume that dad wants me to teach the lesson today while he's away at the no wizard Left Behind conference Isabella is upset that Justin left his love of werewolf movies off his whistek profile and breaks up with him for hiding something so massive the family arrives to find Justin tells him I told you so and gives him a bath to cure him of being a werewolf this episode's lesson is unironically everyone on dating apps is lying and my initial Instinct was to make fun of how simplistic and boomery this is but upon re-evaluation I do not know of a single person in my life who's found a successful relationship via a dating app so I'll let it slide without bullying it because it might be based I don't know [Applause] graphic novel is another episode I remember well because of how weird it is Alex has an enchanted Journal which is her own fairy tale world where Dean is her Knight telling me there has got to be a way to put something on fire in my mouth without it hurting it's literally just regular footage that has an aggressive dare I say terrible looking iMovie filter slapped right on it look I can do that too with the click of two buttons I can make any piece of footage look as though it's part of Alex's Journal did you know that Lab Rats was part of Alex's Journal did you know that wizard is a Waverly Place the movie was part of Alex's Journal better call sold the brothers take the journal to laugh at it but when confronted by Gigi Max panics and teleports her into the book I remember being a kid and thinking it had been forever since we'd seen Gigi in real time it looks like 11 months had passed since Alex's choice so yeah a long time for a kid they try to hide the book from Alex as they try to figure out how to take Gigi out of the journal without her exposing wizardy to the school without her exposing Wizards read without her exposing Wizardry to the school without her exposing Woodridge to the without her exposing Wizardry to this whole without her exposing Wizardry to this hole without her exposing Wizardry to the whole school Alex figures out what's going on and teleports herself into the book to combat Gigi and stop her from learning about her feelings for Dean they joust on motorcycles a teddy bear dies and Gigi eventually sees the knight's face and realizes the truth Max teleports her out of the book because he's stupid and the kids have to beam out and try to explain what happened luckily it turns out that Gigi just interpreted this as a really Vivid reading experience she then takes the book and reports to the entire school that Alex has an embarrassing Journal however Alex takes the win out of her sails and decides to reveal the secret herself to Rob Gigi of the w i draw pictures of myself living like a princess in a castle with my Hello Pony blankie my teddy bear and a handsome Knight who sure looks a little bit like Dean but it could have been anybody oh no it could not have I'll admit it I like pretending I'm a princess but I'm also the kind of girl who wouldn't be caught dead at prom bottom line I'm hard to figure out deal with it I heard this speech and I could immediately tell that a woman wrote this I have this sixth sense for whether a man or a woman wrote specific dialogue like last month my friend was showing me a Barbie show on Netflix which he claimed she was watching ironically but like I don't know about that there was a prolonged Indiana Jones reference that came out of nowhere and I was like a man wrote this episode she was like you can't you can't assume that that's what she sounds like and then I Googled the episode and I was 100 right I'm yet to be incorrect my gut instincts are more correct than anyone else on the planet and sure enough this episode was written by oh my God anyways Gigi Remains the queen of the school everyone still laughs at Alex she's still a loser this is the end of Gigi she never comes back and I swear she was in way more episodes than this it honestly says a lot about how big her presence was that I remembered her being a massive recurring character in spite of her only appearing in three episodes there's a slight happy ending though Dean approaches Alex and asks to spend time with her which she happily agrees to then they give Harper a stick on tattoo of a unicorn fun times foreign [Music] season 2 episode 4 is about racing it is titled racing Alex is desperate to spend some time alone with Dean and find out if he likes her back due to the fact that his posse surrounds him at all times huh sounds great it's always getting the story on his car we might run hey tell it Joey yeah tell it Joey car's not gonna be running in time boys she asks him to fix Jerry's old car that he keeps down in their personalized basement so they're renting a four-story apartment with its own garage and one of the most expensive places to live in America very cool Alex still can't get time alone with Dean as the family consistently comes down to interrupt foreign can you open the garage door so we can get out of here do you want it to be alone right Max has been buying several defective products from Magic infomercials the amazing 3D glasses let's put these things on and take a look at what else you fell for sure most relevant to this episode being a transport stick that warps this user six feet away and knocks out everyone around it Dean enters Jerry's car in a race he a high schooler drives it and his posse acts as the pit crew Alex tries to speak to him during a pit stop but when he speeds away she uses the transport stick to teleport herself into the passenger seat unfortunately knocking him out in the process she then uses it to switch seats with Dean again which doesn't even make sense because he switched seats too she drives the car as he regains Consciousness he doesn't really question what's going on but he confesses that he does like her and that's why he agreed to fix her dad's car then they crash into a giant sloppy joe sandwich which is very romantic the end you wouldn't dress hard thank you very much [Music] Alex's brother Maxi man is the episode that I remember most vividly out of this entire series with every other episode I remembered bits and pieces various lines and moments for some reason I recalled every plot point and twist of this one the kids are struggling to work together Alex is busy texting Dean Justin's building a robot and Max is absorbed in his comic books which he likes in this episode only when Alex and Justin cast a spell for Max to climb up a wall they become distracted and he falls he eats his emergency Burger which has been on the top shelf for a long time Dean tries to get Alex's attention at the substation oh no thanks I'm working no I mean how about some more Rupiah I'm not thirsty she agrees to a date with Dean to the roller rink our first date do you want it to be our first date no first dates are sappy but we have to go on a first date sometime not if we call this fun little exchange our first date it was fun I had a great time oh thanks for walking me home Justin and Harper weren't Alex the dean's Infamous for kissing girls at the rink he has his own corner where he takes girls to kiss them at this skating rink call Dean's Corner Alex remains in denial that he has any bad intentions Jerry comes in with the newest newspaper terrible news I can't believe it if somebody's been robbing delis in alphabetical order they're calling him the alphabetical order Deli robber notice how he's consistently pulling the newspaper so max can't see it hmm the alphabetical order daily robber is stealing cupcakes from all the stores in town and the substation is next on the list what are the nothing I guess they're two I haven't used a car or a jewel in years but I ate a cupcake every morning yeah that's why your dentist sends me a Christmas gift every year Max become as determined to stop the alphabetical order Delhi robber and becomes a superhero Max I I like that instead of just calling the episode Maxi man they had to call it Alex's brother maximan as if to remind the audience that Alex is indeed the protagonist of this series Jerry teaches Max a new spell to tie someone up with a rope and say soap on a rope soap fell off a Rope Rope shut out of my hand rope tie up that man great simple soup and roll still off the Rope Rope shot out of my hand rope tie up that man didn't work that's because you need two other Wizards to help you out you know what you need to do now Max yeah I need to learn a spell that makes two other Wizards I love how broken the logic is in this series one wizard can casually stop time one wizard can casually reverse time but it takes the full combined strength of three Wizards to tie someone up with a rope next sets out on his own to defeat the alphabetical order Telly robber prompting Justin to abandon his robot and help his brother at the roller rink reality sets in and Alex realizes Dean is in fact going to kiss her in his Corner Harper's there dressed as a chicken Dean explains that every time he kisses a girl and his designated kissing corner at the roller rink they always run off and leave to tell their friends abandoning him he's just a poor victim he's hoping Alex won't leave him and in Dean's designated kissing corner at the roller rink called Dean's Corner Dean kisses Alex and then Justin rushes in and tells Alex that Max needs their help at once Alex is forced to leave Dean right after promising she wouldn't the alphabetical order Delhi robber arrives as Alex and Justin cast Max up the Wall Waverly I'm going in then they work together to perform the Rope spell and send him to his knees wait a minute how many people do we know go oh well this is a Scooby-Doo moment turns out the Jerry staged the entire thing in order to bring his kids together to work as a team he's very proud of them for sacrificing their time to help Max what a happy ending Alex returns to the roller rink and apologizes to Dean something no girls apparently ever done so Dean's telling us that every girl he's kissed in his designated kissing corner at the roller rink called Dean's corner has run away from him and never come back are we sure those girls wanted to be kissed by Dean in his designated kissing corner at the roller rink called Dean's Corner Zeke's credited in this episode but he doesn't appear why we also learned that Alex is 15 in this episode what am I 15 yeah Alex you are 15. which tracks with her being a Freshman although the very next episode will upgrade her grade level to Waverly Place I feel very good about that leading up to the new two-part Wizards event saving that's fantastic plus Zach and Cody make waves as they trade Hotel light for the high seas in the new series The Suite Life on Jack dude you're a girl during saving whiz Tech part one Professor crumbs interrupts a lesson about shape-shifting and he requests that Jerry howls a handful of displaced whiz-tech students the whole school has been filled with plastic balls the natural repellent of magic and they lack the funds to have them removed plastic is impervious to Magic Jerry agrees and pretty much the full student body pours in that's not a feel no takes his backseats among them is enormous I barely fit through that door and his friend Ronald long cape Junior who seems to take a liking to Alex um I'm Ronald long cape Junior okay I'm Alex Russo sophomore I should be a junior but I don't test well she's no longer a freshman which implies that the show is moving at one grade per season she also indicates she was held back a grade at some point so unless Justin was held back too that would mean Alex was born in the same year as Justin and is somehow his twin you gotta show up to not test well Dean gives Alex a gift a birdhouse he made in wood shop oh let me guess something you made in wood shop again I love how you know me these aren't really gifts they're assignments just like all the other ones were it's it'd be nice if you gave me something more special damn Alex okay Justin is tasked with fixing the plastic ball situation he stumbles Upon A mysterious man just tell me why didn't the writers bother here you must be doing what I'm doing trying to figure out what's going on with whiz Tech and who cursed it round sure you got me you're one smart cookie figuring out that I was the one who infested wish Tech with plastic balls bummer is my son isn't here he got sent off with the whiz Tech students who's your son well I'm never gonna tell you what's your name run along Cape senior is your son Ronald Cape Junior Justin's unable to fight him due to the plastic balls pay no attention to the fact that Alex brought a mannequin to life earlier plastic repels magic hear me Justin rushes back to the substation Ronald Jr confesses that his dad is evil but he's not the brightest and isn't a threat Alex thinks he has nothing to worry about and suggests they go eat somewhere where the waiter's staff won't accuse him of being evil returning home Ronald asks Alex when their second date is a terminology that makes her uncomfortable but intrigues her she realizes huh she got feelings for Ronald when Dean comes to the substation Ronald lures him into the kitchen and then Dean comes to talk to Alex and dumps her it's just not working out I'm breaking up with you what wait what are you saying I can't believe this theme well you should because what are we doing Dean says he's heard about Ronald he's betrayed and he leaves Alex heartbroken but then he shapeshifts into Ronald lawn Cape Jr in a flashback Ronald encases Dean in gelatin and takes his place Justin finds a wizard ball removal service who's willing to clean whiz Tech in exchange for hosting their advertisements around the campus they're led by Gibby so are we gonna play in these balls or what uh well then yeah sure I guess Max has a little running gag where he teaches Professor crumbs how to pull pranks in it we learned that crumbs is 850 years old I'm an 850 year old wizard I think I know how to fit in it makes you look skinny where's the dressing room how does a wizard age work do wizards live longer the fact that Teresa and Jerry are refer to as Mortals implies that the Wizards aren't mortal are they Immortal will the Russo that wins their family wizard competition outlive the others by thousands of years and still look like they're in their 20s while their siblings die at age 90. Alex and Ronald go on a date on the torch of the Statue of Liberty he thinks she should return to wistek with him they could become the power couple of the school Alex agrees not knowing of Ronald's true nature as balls get vacuumed out of the school Dira means Frozen in place somehow no one notices him right here in the open I need to pause right here when I was a kid I have a vivid memory of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone airing on Disney Channel and every time I brought that up since everyone's been like no key and they would never air Harry Potter on Disney Channel that's too scary and so I've just been gaslighted into thinking I was wrong but while searching for episode bumpers I found a promo for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on Disney Channel and I feel so Vindicated [Music] believe in your friends what if I make a fool of myself you won't make a friend of yourself believe in yourself I can't be a wizard I'm just Barry [Applause] Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Friday at 9 8 central part of wiztober on Disney Channel in part two whiz Tech finally opens for business my giant hands will never fit in those scissors I'll have to use my own oh are you kidding me for business it wasn't just a figure of speech there are Wiz World ads everywhere now popping up One By One Max goes here now Ronald's still an immensely evil individual but Alex doesn't notice and you're a very special girl very very special wonder I said you're special oh thank you the long capes conspire to turn Alex evil and open an evil wizard School within whiz tank senior is in charge of keeping deeden hidden and preventing Alex from finding a wooden card Dean made for her the sponsorship situation intensifies advertising blimps fly around the campus Hugh drags a massive billboard around in a wagon just giant look at that wizard classes are being replaced with classes about whiz World Industries nobody's learning anything except how to buy Wiz World products well with World products are high quality and affordable hi this professor has been brought to you by Wiz World Industries Justin realizes the school has sold its Soul as the entire campus has been converted into an advertisement this portion of the videos brought to you by hellofresh I originally really wanted the ad read right here but I realized it had to be in the first third of the video so that was an unfortunate creative artistic sacrifice Ronald Jr takes Alex on a date up to the tower of evil where they play the tetherball of evil Justin and Max receive word and rush to stop it but they're too late by slapping the tetherball around Alex has become evil [Music] fresher crumbs were too late I would have been here sooner but somebody spit on me this is the kind of thing they should have done with TJ man he so could have been a recurring villain in the love interest but whatever instead we get Ronald lawn Cape Jr who declares himself the new supreme ruler of whis tech and fires Professor crumbs all is lost however crumbs reveals that the tetherball of evil spell can be broken if one of the players is in love with someone else that's it crumbs gives Alex Dean's card which he found earlier and Ronald knowing full well that the spell will be broken if Alex is in love with someone else still taunts that he kidnapped Dean Alex realizes she's in love with someone else and the smell is broken the natural Power of Love oh long cape senior brings Dean up to the tower to eat the gelatin and he swiftly gets caught as well Junior tries to escape but he is not successful crumbs gets his beard back Alex gets her boyfriend back and may never get any conclusion to the advertisement storyline we don't see the school again so I'm choosing to believe that it just remains like this for all time the end now for a game changer Harper knows Sunday something will happen that changes Waverly Place forever Harper thinks I'm a liar and the only thing I can do is just completely come clean and finally tell her I'm a wizard [Music] serious violation of the wizard code cardboard there's something I need to tell you it's a very special all-new Wizards of Waverly Place Harper knows Sunday at 8 37 30 central part of new in November it's Harper's birthday and she is eager to enter a costume contest as battle Diva at the popcorn convention which is in town popcorns in town hey Teresa popcorn's in town popcorn's in town popcorn is in town popcorn doesn't make any sense why am I so excited Alex has no interest in popcorn and tells Harper she's not gonna go that is until officer lamp and Goblin arrive and require the Russo family to insist in monitoring popcon as the event is Infamous for young Wizards who use their power as willy-nilly you're not getting out of this it's part of your required wizard training alright so if you're a wizard The Government Can forcibly draft you for a mission at any point he was back look at this tiny comic book in my hand gosh you really are a giant Alex runs into Harper and has to avoid being seen by her at all costs Rogue wizard buddy you're coming with me she switched places with a cardboard cutout of battle Diva and winds up with her dress when she teleports out of it she accidentally charms it and gives it all of battle Diva's superhero Powers Alex is caught by Harper who can't believe she lied about being here I'm sorry I can't tell you you never forget about anything making bottle cap belts in the substation he said I'll be back in a minute and then went to the food storage locker and didn't come out for hours what do you have another friend in there Harper please I'm sorry I'm sorry too you ruined my birthday thanks a lot when Justin and Hugh destroy Harper's current dress Alex tries to make it up to her by giving her hers not knowing about its charm Harper puts it on and starts floating in front of the entire audience the emergency Wizards have to do damage control we don't have much time before people start asking questions less time than I thought they use magic to hang Harper from ropes and convince the entire crowd she was on pulleys ironically if they hadn't forced Alex to come to this this wouldn't have happened Harper thinks Alex for setting up the elaborate rope pulley system as a birthday surprise but at this point Alex can't keep the secret anymore Alex that's lame there's no way a stupid magic trick is gonna make me think you're a wizard but look at where we are she takes Harper into space and reveals once and for all she's a wizard so you have powers like you can fly in teleport places Wizards are kind of like superheroes yeah except we don't do anything for the good of society birthday the family shows Harper the wizard Lair Justin is naturally very hesitant but Jerry says that if anything goes wrong they'll just use the memory erase spell on Harper which means he does apparently remember it exists this is a wonderful change in direction for the show if they didn't let Harper in on the secret I could honestly see the character getting completely phased out as the series paves on but because of this new Direction Jennifer Stone's only absent from four of the remaining 80 episodes Jennifer Stone from Wizards of Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel [Music] in taxi dance we learned that Alex was born in the back seat of a cab on the way to the hospital and Jerry and Theresa have been going out of their way to use that cab ever since unfortunately cab 804 is being decommissioned to cheer up her parents Alex decides to use magic to repair the cab something Harper is finally allowed to witness she uses the phrase bring this cab back to life and unfortunately predictably the cap becomes sentient and obsessed with following Alex around town everywhere let's celebrate Carson round of wiper fluid for everyone Car Alarm just car alarm I'm pretty sure Sam ranby directed a shot here per usual Justin comes to assess the situation and he tells Alex that anytime you bring an inanimate object to life it develops an attachment to you that retroactively explains Manny but contradicts the zit which certainly did not become attached to Justin the cab randomly gains the ability to fly and Alex tries to convince everyone it's a balloon with a very thin piece of rope she casts a one-person rope spell to hold it in place making me really question why the three-person Rope spell exists at all Max meanwhile took a gurney that was parked by the back doors of an ambulance with his lights on meaning he may have a kill count now he also charms the gurney which begins following him around don't you know that when you bring an inanimate object to life it develops an attachment to you after Max takes his Gurney to his room birth the cab crashes into the Russo family's dining room is my lamp's okay oh my goodness a realistic parade balloon Broke Free Alex has to confess what she did and Teresa says it's okay to let things go sometimes and they forgive their daughter for her good intentions is that a punishment nope it's an Alex mint something that should be a punishment but is a reward you get this sometimes right no that Capital four was gonna be retired uh I go by Bert [Music] next time to cast a Friday night spell the russos are ready Wizards of Waverly Place is coming up next on Disney Channel season 2 episode 10 baby Cupid with a wizard video game gets out of control Teresa says she is done with magic this accidentally triggers a fight between her and Jerry on the night of their anniversary dinner are you trying to make this my problem no idea it was such a big decision for you to marry me let me know how your anniversary dinner turns out to fix the situation Alex decides to use magic and orders the actual baby Cupid online a functional equivalent to the love potions from earlier except Cupid can't leave until he shoots the target he was hired to shoot and then Max breaks his Arrow you have more arrows right I'm a baby I'm barely allowed to have this one now Alex has to hide Cupid from Teresa while Max fixes it when Max finally does he accidentally shoots Justin as he's in the middle of finally telling Harper he isn't interested how do I love thee let me count the ways I love thee till the depth and breadth oh this will be more romantic with the sweater on Justin puts on a sweater made of Harper's hair and runs away with her with cornered Alex tells Theresa the Cupid's a baby doll from her marriage and family class Teresa is just being a today I want to meet your marriage and family teacher why I have some personal stories to share about what marriage and family life are really like once you get past the pretty pictures and all the bridal magazines I fixed it oh Maxie I told you don't play with arrows they're dangerous honey someone could get stuck with this and then where would we be mom unironically plans to talk to the marriage and family teacher during the upcoming School open house Zeke insults Justin's Hair sweater and Justin challenges Zeke to a fight to defend his maiden's honor I'm gonna be a fight outside over me at this point Justin's so clingy and obsessed with Harper that she's uncomfortable and she starts desperately avoiding him until she turns him down snapping him out of his love trance and once he fearfully runs away from her Harpers into him again sit oh Max what did I tell you about playing with arrows oh sorry that open house night principal irritate is also the marriage and family class teacher on top of the history teacher and the principal Teresa actually comes to talk to him she wasn't bluffing she's that on hinge today I had some thoughts on marriage and family which you might find interesting here's an article about how difficult it can be when two very different people get married and now they're afraid their mother was right Max fixes the arrow but doesn't balance it so when Hubert fires it it hits some random woman who falls in love with Jerry Teresa decides to basically fight this woman now black guys my eyes aren't black keep flirting with my husband and you'll get there sometimes jealousy works better than a love Arrow you're mine don't you forget that she's insane in this episode Jesus man what happened the end Max also breaks a vase again which is now a running gag [Music] been mistress stuff will be the wizard guidance counselor arrives to talk to the kids about their plan B's the jobs they're gonna pursue if they don't become the family wizard as you all know one of you is destined to win the family wizard competition thus becoming an adult Wizard and going on to live a life of incredible excitement and Adventure two of you on the other hand will lose your powers forever instantly becoming ordinary human beings a completely average and unremarkable in every conceivable way like your father Mr stevelby is played by the great late Fred Willard he was a very successful actor who a lot like Ian Abercrombie acted in children's programming until his final days even though he financially probably didn't need to he was just passionate about his craft he was the president in Wally he was Milo Murphy's Grandpa he played Jack hinch and Kim Possible he plays Swindle on Transformers Animated season 2 episode 8 SUV the Society of ultimate villainy written by Dean Stefan in season 3 episode 9 Decepticon air written by Michael Ryan the character also had a non-speaking appearance in season 3 episode 6 5 syllables of Doom written by Andrew Robinson as we all know Justin and Alex both want to be musicians which Jerry does not approve of Jerry says his plan B was to open a Subway themed sandwich restaurant which he successfully did it seems none of his kids are eager to continue his legacy but who's your kids Jerry says the kids have one chance to put on a concert and if they don't have a successful venue with a big audience he will not allow them to follow their dreams and they'll have to work at the substation reminder they're high school students quite tragically Alex and Justin's constant arguing leads to the band breaking up on the eve of their big performance Max follows in his siblings footsteps it also becomes a magician we said musician not much oh Alex speaks to stuffilby who reveals that Jerry never wanted to open a restaurant he wanted to be a bull rider Alex realizes her dad gave up on his dreams which makes her confident she can't she and Justin make up remember that one time when I apologized to you no when was that oh my goodness can we please stop talking about it you get the point when they perform that night they draw a massive hyped crowd it took 32 episodes for the show to remember that his protagonist is Selena Gomez a professional singer the creator of the show Todd J Greenwald actually cited this as his least favorite episode because he didn't think this made sense Disney Executives basically forced a Selena Gomez song to work its way into the show which he never approved of her liked when Jerry tells the kids how proud he is Max reveals that the entire crowd was simply an illusion Alex confronts Jerry about his bull riding dream and says he deserves an opportunity to live it out and he does Mom what's your dream that this is over soon so we can go home the Wikipedia says Alex gives Jerry a chance to live out his old dream as a bull rider but it is so embarrassing that Teresa and the kids unanimously agree never to speak of it again that's straight up not a thing that happens at all there's no dialogue that reflects that they just made that up that's like their head Cannon or something that wasn't in the episode the next episode fairy tale is basically just a hyper condensed best of Alex Russo compilation she is terrible on this episode and I cannot stop laughing why don't you go upstairs and start my homework and I'll make us some sandwiches Alex it's so generous of you one Italian sub and a tuna salad on wheat got it which table oh I'll take those oh that's my girl always helping Alex is serving sandwiches where would we be without our ladies it all starts with Justin walking around minding his own business leeritate pulls him aside and says he's not going to write him a letter of recommendation unless he directs the School production of Peter Pan like this on the Disney channel is why I was scared of high school going in imagine walking around as a non-theater kid and then just getting told by the principal you have to direct a play and you don't even get to choose which one within 30 seconds of learning this Justin makes an announcement over the school intercom to prep auditions for Justin Russo production of Peter Pan will be held tomorrow Zeke's eager for the role of Peter Pan now we pick up with Alex and Larry Tate tells her she's lacking on extracurricular requirements and needs to join an after-school activity no thanks perhaps you'd like me to define the word requirement for you Alex decides to get an understudy role in Justin's play so she can fulfill the requirements with zero effort the next day Zeke gets cast as Peter Pan on the spot the role of Peter Pan goes to seek beekerman oh yeah [Applause] Harper auditions for Tinkerbell and gets cast on the spot the role of Tinkerbell goes to Heart the rolls are just announced live on stage in the moment there's no callback list there's no cast list I love the Disney Channel I refuse to believe that happens in real life if you have had that experience you're actually wrong you're gaslighting yourself into thinking it happened you should be ashamed of yourself Alex gets the role of Harper's understudy and almost immediately Harper falls off the stage and gets Gravely injured meaning Alex will now have to perform Justin and Alex are both equally unhappy about this out of my way I gotta throw myself off the stage take some room there's no other options for Tinkerbell no other options no one else could possibly play Tinkerbell Zeke breaks his neck while clog dancing and Max becomes a reviewer for the school newspaper Alex decides to bring Harper to fairy world and grab a fairy to play the part for her there's not enough room to write 27 lines of dialogue on my hand well Harper keeps repeatedly falling down on chairs made out of candy they get an actor fairy named flutter unfortunately flutter doesn't want to play a fairy and only wants to play a cop who's this that's Harper Jerry insists it's Alex's responsibility to play Tinkerbell it goes roughly as you'd expect Peter Pan do not take your medicine it has been poisoned no I promise Wendy I'd take it diet uh ew oh would you die already foreign that only their Applause will bring Tinkerbell back to life no one claps not not a single person um suddenly Florida flood urges and role plays as a cop on stage she shrinks down and starts destroying the set forcing Alex to pull out a fly swatter and Destroy her foreign Justin thinks his chances of getting a recommendation letter are over but Max writes a positive review that praises the artistic ambition of Justin's Direction it gives him a happy ending after all this was Tober on Disney Channel Everything Is Not What It Seems in Memphis Wizard of Oz is up next hey the game's here cool we're gonna need a bigger couch The Muppets Wizard of Oz is up next in Fashion Week Alex's irresponsibility and lack of accountability has just gone too far oh you better fix that when they find themselves unable to use their powers Jerry explains that there have been rolling blackouts all week someone left the door open at the wizard power plant all the dragons got out it's gonna be a while till they get back okay that's how that works if those dragons escaped something tells me they didn't want to be there foreign [Music] Harper has a new job working for a fashion Kingpin Mr Frenchy and she's been tasked with protecting and storing his one-of-a-kind Dress For an upcoming show for some reason she trusts Alex to look after it Alex predictably doesn't listen and wears the dress hosting a fashion runway in her bedroom when she shoves food onto Justin he retaliates and ruins the dress Alex says everything will be fine and when Mr Frenchy's venue bails on him Alex suggests he used the substation as a Runway because I'm guessing they were over their location budget this season Justin as he can nervously and awkwardly flirt with countless models in town trying to seem as cool as possible they also reference Iron Man I don't know bro Robert Downey Jr is so good in that movie he is so good but it turns out they're most successful when they're just themselves as every model wants to play Dungeons and gargoyles with them you don't play Dungeons and gargoyles oh just because I'm beautiful means I can't be smart or an 11th level cleric what unfortunately Alex serves the model's food Jerry told her to throw away and they all become incredibly sick and unable to strut the runway we had magic returns Alex uses a magical copy machine to bring fashion model bb Rockford to life and brings a picture of herself wearing the dress to life as well put that dress up we've got a fashion show to say no I like this dress Alex can I talk to you over there for a second sure the show goes smoothly Mr Frenchy is Happy BB rocks the dress and Alex gets to walk the runway with her because she's played by Selena Gomez you may notice by now that the show is gradually moving away from its richest structure of the magic Mischief doer getting punished by Mom and Dad at the end of the episode she crashes her dad's car the show glosses over the consequences she ruins Her First dress and just uses magic to bail herself out and that's that as time goes on that'll become more and more common which prevents Alex from learning the same lesson in every episode over and over but also makes it so she learns no lesson at all [Music] in helping hand wizard lessons are canceled yes because of chores Alex is not excited about this oh good recycling's on the list Justin spared from his chore has been a brand new spell he's working on is going to get officially certified giving us some insight as to how spells get made a wiztec correspondent has to physically come on site approve the spell and then send back a letter of certification later Justin spell is a helping hand a Charmed floating hand which will bend to your whim Alex sees an opportunity to enslave the hand and force it to do all of her chores it becomes miserable and escapes after Alex and Harper lure and trap the helping hand Alex physically forces it to do her every chore literally putting in the work herself to do it she's only motivated when she's proving something to someone and in this case she's proving to this sentient hand that it doesn't have equal rights come on Alex you're right uh yeah my hand just fell asleep superintendent Spelman arrives to certify the spell and Alex has to sneak the hand back in the Box she's forced to stay and give some oohs and Oz to help her brother out unfortunately the hand is exhausted and sleeps somehow it snores I know why don't I just get it started here oh when Justin pressures it it physically lashes out and abuses Spelman Alex takes the hand to talk to it and asks to do it for Justin it works the hand agrees to be subservient and the wizard castle certifies the spell making the Helping Hand enslavable by any wizard anywhere in the world I'm not even sure what the point of spell certification is seeing as The Improv spells from season 1 worked just fine but whatever happy for Justin good for him Max has a running gag where he tries to invent things too and everything's kind of pointless how about a spell to make clear plastic that sticky on one side and it helps Wizards put drawings on the refrigerator tape this is even better than mine this this is just max now he pops in to say mostly unfunny random doesn't elaborate and leaves respect next Alex's fashion sense may be all that but sometimes her wizard skills fall a little flat Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney channel art teacher opens up with wizard lessons where Jerry teaches the kids about undo powder a powder that can undo any spell when sprinkled on the subject surprise surprise we never see this past this episode in art class we get the return of TJ I'll show you spontaneous Miss major Healy the art teacher comes into conflict with TJ but absolutely adores Alex and asks her to stay behind and clean up Alex does a little too fast and Miss major Healy becomes suspicious that night she rushes into the Russo residence you're a wizard she needs Alex's help and explains her situation TJ and I dated over the summer ew ill well and he and he earned me into the worst thing that he could think of a 40 year old woman Alex sprinkles undo powder on her to see if this is true and it turns out it is that reminds me I have to go sell a car because I am no longer a licensed driver foreign Ager she texts in her resignation in the schools without an art teacher you're just gonna cancel art class because you don't have a teacher to teach it that's kind of how schools work Alex confronts TJ lets him know she's undone his charm and he basically says she's won this battle but not the war Lara Tate steps in temporarily to teach the class and Alex and TJ wind up engaging in a paint fight is that all you got [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I've painted your mouth red I'm sorry I painted your mouth blue wanna make purple please turns out lyricaid is so impressed by the abstract Cowboy silhouette that he promises Alex he will hire a new art teacher and Alex will be the class Deputy TJ why don't you take out your sketch pad and draw yourself a detention slip [Music] I'll show you a detention slip thank you it's exactly what I wanted that backfired meanwhile Max is pretending to have a disease called Mono orangiosis as an excuse to skip PE it's a color blindness to the color orange news of his plight spreads and celebrities begin cropping up to talk to Max like he's a Make-a-Wish kid hoping you could give this basket to your ailing brother Max it has some of his favorite knickknacks and doodads yes sir Mr Larry Tate I'll give Max the basket all right the first is Misty made trainer I don't know who this is but the show sure expects us to be excited dear Misty May trainer did you just say Misty May trainer yes I'm gonna see my trainer oh yeah prove it how many fingers am I holding up uh two oh my gosh you are missing me train the next one is treated very casually and with little to no Fanfare guess who it is I'm Dwayne Johnson the actor I'm Alex Russo hobby is I like to poke things with a stick just need a second job until they make it you're a plumber actually I'm not a plumber now I've been in quite a few movies acting is my first and only job all right hope that works out for you then I ran a Twitter pool to make sure I wasn't insane and Dwayne Johnson was in fact more famous than Misty May trainer and it seems he is so there are two options here Dwayne Johnson was chill with being made fun of while Misty wasn't or the writers just didn't like Dwayne Johnson the celebrities talk to the parents about how hard it must be criticized Justin for his antagonism towards Max's disability before eventually realizing the lie and leaving so Teresa is only in the final tag of this episode The Wikia says Teresa is credited but she only appeared at the end of the episode though it was mentioned by Jerry that she is out of town thus she had a minor role in this episode why they write that in the most inefficient way humanly possible Disney Channel presents a sneak peek of the next all new Wizards of Waverly Place here's another Harper based Banger future Harper the kids float down a dangerous Lava River from Max's birthday Upon returning Alex tells Harper the story and Harper says she's already heard it in the Charmed dangerous book series from acclaimed author h.j darling Justin decides to investigate she still our stories wait did she steal our stories wait she stole our story there's a crazy 10 minute sale the kids get stuck in a movie the brother turns invisible and they pour orange soda into a Genie's land all right we've got our evidence angry mob a symbol the kids have to get to the bottom of this and Harper happens to know jh's location oh I know she lives in an abandoned paint your dish Warehouse in Upstate New York I had my mom's private investigator track her down oh how's the case going oh everything's fine turns out my dad was just sleeping in the car the kids use an inter-wizard people Porter the IPP to teleport to her warehouse and there she is there's some what who are you banter but you've already figured it out she's Harper from the future I'm Harper from the future how many fingers am I holding up two oh my gosh you are from the future in the future everybody knows Wizards exist so it's really not that big of a deal it's much more interesting for people to read books about Wizards in this time period she's also still obsessed with Justin but not her version of Justin the current teenage Justin hot so that's kind of weird here she drops some major Bombshells that pay off later in the series wizard got exposed because someone in this room has a big big mouth I'm not gonna name names well how can you travel back in time I will admit that I had help from one of the most powerful wizards of all time me me is it me did Mason break up with you already who's Mason oh take a walk take a look remember those Alex is upset at Harper for sharing their secret with the world and Carries that aggression when she sees Harper at school Justin's task with making sure Alex and Harper stay friends so the future doesn't get disrupted he gives Alex one of the seven Charmed the dangerous books and encourages her to read it to see how at their core the books are about Harper and Alex's friendship Alex Russo has a book oh I can hear you Alex reads the books and she forgives Harper but it's too late Harper's taking the inner wizard people Porter the IPP to the pyramids of Egypt to run away and when they track her down she's already made it to the Grand Canyon this is impossible National Park meet me back at the house oh so you hear that you won't get away with this what you will get away What You Won't Get Away you won't get away Alex formally apologizes to her best friend and they make up future Harper watches happily and gives Harper her hat you know her yeah she's an old friend of mine [Applause] [Music] wizard should have all the fun during wiscover you can cast your own spells hi I'm Kayla I'm 10 years old you can make your own magic spell at wiztober and Alex does good Alex does good she's friends with this hippie named Maggie who praises Alex for all the good she constantly does for her when Alex arrives late to school again she swiftly gets detention rare Apple two marshmallows hey nice new Navajo blanket they're in here way too often lyricate demands she joined the happy helpers club or face suspension Alex reluctantly comes and sees a group of preppy Goody Two-Shoes who do surface level tasks and reward themselves for it Jenny the former art teacher is now a student Alex talks to Maggie again who compares the happy helpers to fake activists Alex takes this advice and returns to the Happy helpers Club shutting down the entire organization in its tracks I know I can be a little selfish too because I don't help a lot of people but I know when I do I do more than this and I don't expect anything in return wow that was a very moving speech worthy of a ribbon I think this is honestly an amazing lesson for kids it shows that maybe the ones doing the most good are the ones we don't see I like it Alex and Maggie dressed Larry Tate for a 60 stay at school and we don't see Maggie again nor before this when you highlight Max you don't use a black mark makes it disappear oh my gosh dude that's Jeanette broccoli Max meanwhile is in love with a girl at school named Jeanette he tries to make her laugh by insulting everyone around him she doesn't quite like it but still agrees to a date Jerry and Teresa say the date has to be chaperone and Justin volunteers Teresa says Max is 13 which is weird because he just had a birthday and is currently a seventh grader more and more lately the parents are just showing up for One Singular scene per episode there's also a rare moment here where I buy that the parents are married I love you me too on the date Max degrades and humiliates Justin to make his date laugh and Jeanette finds Justin's quips and comments funnier Max losing control tries to cast a clown spelled to humiliate Justin but accidentally hits himself instead apparently metal reflects magic too I feel like they should have turned the tray into a clown but whatever Janet's weirded out thank you and Max learns that trying too hard to make a girl laugh isn't the way to do it being yourself is another good lesson honestly this episode really wants kids to make positive contributions to society which is crazy coming from a show with Alex Russo as its protagonist [Music] and Hughes not normus Alex is being mischievous again Wizards versus Mortals who is stretchier then we are not doing this Hugh comes in sadly and reveals to the russos that he ran away from home Sia's giant hobo bundle turns out he was adopted while his adopted parents may have been Giants his real parents are just regular Wizards meaning he actually hasn't been a giant all along everyone's shocked by this Alex wants to be a better person and lets him hide in her bedroom when his adopted parents come looking for him she decides to use magic to make you an actionable giant but screws up and just shrinks her bedroom not the rest of the house somehow only her bedroom shrank she gas lies Max into thinking he shrank the bedroom despite the fact that he wasn't even there and he believes her and it's a little confusing because right after this Alex runs down to the lair and Hughes adopted parents are here because of how they cut this I was thinking maybe she shrank the whole house and these are regular people but no these are in fact Giants anyways it turns out Jerry is racist I've heard so many interesting facts about giants like how you're so big they make push brooms out of your nose hairs here we go again with the stereotypes that's not a fact that's from a joke book about Giants no it isn't my dad told me he also told me that your shoes are so big they come with turn signals and when you back up you got to go coming through trying okay I might have heard a couple of things down at the lodge and they may not be true I uh I was gonna put racism on the list but that's already on there like seven times Alex decides to cast a family tree spell to learn who Hughes real parents are so he can meet them Jerry Russo's great great grandfather Ignatius Russo wrote the first joke book about Giants I don't know anything about that Hugh's birth parents arrive and their delightfully kind little people who are very happy to finally meet their son you're like a human skyscraper who I always thought I was I'm a giant after all God I hate myself a few leaves with his family and Alex finally learns how to be nice to people next meanwhile realizes Alex falsely blamed him for destroying her bedroom and decides to completely destroy his bedroom and falsely blame her for Revenge this is mine so you got her too Sucka high five brother I am Jake T Austin from Wizards of Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel [Music] now we've reached Don't Rain on Justin's parade Dash Earth I don't know why there's a dash at career day Justin takes his favorite weatherman Baxter night on as a mentor Max takes a cup and Alex takes a Larry tape Baxter night starts to feel insecure about his abilities due to how constantly wrong his predictions have been leading to public humiliation after public humiliation with a high likelihood of getting fired tonight there will be a chance of snow back to you Doug a chance at snow wow really put yourself out there now let me make a prediction we'll be looking for a new weatherman tomorrow he also uses his hand as a talking sidekick named Mr Nimbus I am Mr Nimbus he's gonna say that a lot we need forecasts snow directly across Waverly Place um he said our street name Justin decides to use magic to make his prediction come true this makes Baxter overly cocky and he starts making increasingly outlandish predictions forcing Justin to keep up not wanting his favorite weatherman to get fired I'm getting free ice this triggers Mother Nature herself who scolds Justin for disrupting the delicate ecosystem of the earth and puts a permanent storm cloud over his head next trains his cop to sing he's only interested if it's a musical cop then he gets hit with hail loses his ability to sing and Max abandons him without your voice you're just another cop and I'm I know where they can do two things they based Alex helps Larry Tate track down the tough bad kids who are vandalizing the school at being naughty she is able to correctly identify who's responsible for what the fellow bad kids then criticize Alex for turning good she starts to become scared that she's a good person if I don't stop being good one day I'm gonna wake up and be a doctor or even worse the guy who drives the back end of a fire truck of course you're gonna help me when Justin comes asking for help Alex tells him she's a good person now and she can't help him it's such a funny perfect role reversal now the show pushes Alex into this responsible role so the episode can work but Justin's just like this now he's almost equally irresponsible when you really think about it Alex just does bad stuff more often Alex triggers another hail storm to summon Mother Nature back what he did she scolds the kids for their environmental damage and gives a wholesome Earth Day message before leaving I think I found your dating problem it's just non-stop talking about the weather isn't it no I think he surely learned his lesson about using magic irresponsibly and never will again back at school Alex gives Harper the key to the teacher's bathroom in a desperate play to do something bad again Lara Tate gives her a month's detention the truth is there's nothing I can do to get through to Sal and the others but you miss Russo I haven't given up on you see I believe there's evil and there's Evil Genius you think I'm an evil genius that's so sweet now you'll have to turn in your theoretical deputies badge [Music] well that was weird and meaningless it's wiztober on Disney Channel and here's a spellcaster shout out Courtney I'm 13 years old I live in New York and I can't Presto poop hey you turned him into Zack and Cody yes [Music] in family game night Justin has a girl named Daphne obsessively following him everywhere they were the only members of the study group who showed up to the art museum last night and Daphne has mistaken this for a date staying alone with someone at the art museum because you don't want to be rude and just bug out of there not a date she is 100 convinced they're in love this is literally just how Harper acts on a regular basis but this time the episode tells us it isn't endearing Behavior then winds up having to kiss her when the big kiss jumbo screen spotlights them during halftime he can only think of one way to repulse her away from him invite her to Russo family game night the most controversial loud and occasionally violent occurrence known to the Waverly Place Neighborhood Max doesn't get the memo that Justin doesn't like Daphne so he encourages his parents to be on their best behavior Alex meanwhile uses the body swap spell from quinceanera to switch bodies with Harper so she can take her history test for her after the test they find themselves unable to change back for some unknown reason can't lose tries no positive results oh I get it not exactly Alex I'd still like my body back she manages to make the situation increasingly worse when she removes Harper's brain from her head and puts it into her own leaving Harper brainless Justin explains that the body swap spell has been recalled due to do a ton of glitches I love that it works like that spells can fall out of repair and be recalled I worked perfectly fine last time was there like a spell software patch between now and then Alex has two rapidly switching personalities as Daphne comes to game night hey Harper come on out Jerry and Teresa can't keep up their good behavior for long and Chaos breaks loose especially when a brainless Harper comes to play Daphne is so disgusted and repulse that she leaves on the spot giving Justin a rare win I am way over my head with this toxic family Dynamic and next time you meet a girl Justin do not bring her home please brain leave brain oh really it's just that easy and polite no wonder you couldn't figure out the spell [Music] Justin's new girlfriend is the only episode of the show where only the six main cast members speak and no one else does it's like a this episode is crazy the carpet episode was also like this but it didn't have Harper in it so it was just the main five but whatever Justin and Harper Bond over their love of silent movies something which Alex absolutely despises both the movies and the friendship it's not that hard to go back and put some voices in the movie I mean people do it all the time on the internet the other day I saw a big bird doing a Kanye West song [Music] I don't want you dating Harper it could upset the delicate balance of who I can pit against whom in my life I'm not dating Harper oh come on Alex tries to manipulate Justin telling him about all the times Harper washed him while he slept but he's determined to remain friends with her since it bothers Alex so much it turns out Harper is completely normal around Justin when she isn't thinking about him romantically that's a good one oh hey Harper the silent movie festival runs all week we should go catch another film oh that's okay so our heroic protagonist decides to throw a wrench into it and tells her she's pretty much dating Justin at this point right I am dating Justin I never thought it would happen like this by accident oh hey Justin how you doing have you ever noticed that you and silent film star who to find you have a lot in common you're both half Italian you both worked at a restaurant although you're not a dancer but if you were a dancer I'd come to one of your shows are you having a show because I would go never said my side up front oh I hope it's greasy because I love Rosa and I hate Sandy this leaves both Justin and Harper Angie at Alex and now she feels bad and she's looking for a way to make amends she goes to her mom for advice if you truly care about them you'll need to put their feelings above yours do you know where Dad is Teresa suggests that Alex leave the two people alone in a room and make them talk it out despite the fact that it doesn't really apply to this situation since Alex didn't provide full context she opts to do this anyways I'm gonna take out the garbage make your troubles no more going through the outdoor she charms the room to be inescapable and forces Justin and Harper to interact neither of them are able to escape but Alex is playing backfires when they both decide to take revenge on her Justin undoes the spell because Alex forgot spell lock but she probably wasn't smart enough to put a spell lock on it okay spells can swiftly be undone that they don't have a spell lock I guess then they strike take away color and sound this is where revenge is fell Alex is trapped in a 1940s physical comedy sequence reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton this was really unique and distinct and different I remember this from my childhood they were clearly limited with the sets and locations but they do a good enough job replicating the gags with the show's limited resources David Henry mastered the physical mannerisms of this era it's so impressive to watch how well he's captured the style of acting [Applause] [Music] ultimately Justin and Harper make up over their torments with Alex Russo and decide to remain friends [Music] meanwhile Jerry is like haha Teresa being a waiter isn't that hard and Teresa's like haha Jerry being a cook isn't that hard so they switched places for the day and then they're like man it is hard and they both bribe Max to do their jobs for them he buys a pilot's uniform anyways I really like this episode good exploration of Harper as a character and her Dynamic with Justin Harper is gradually becoming dimensionalized and losing the insane Edge she had in the beginning by the end of the show she's the most rational and mature one in the room at any given time and I feel like it all started here [Music] [Applause] next up we have my tutor tutor Max is struggling with his wizard training as he accidentally turns himself invisible due to holding his wand backwards Jerry has arranged for Max to have a special wizard tutor which is both Alex and Justin are vehemently opposed to Alex fearing she'll be the next to have a tutor and Justin outraged he wasn't considered the tutor arrives and it turns out she's a beautiful woman who Justin immediately changes his mind about and falls in love with Justin Alex also starts to bond with her due to their mutual love of the same wizard comic book I feel like the notion of a wizard exclusive comic book is way too interesting of a concept to only get one offhanded mention in this whole show Alex and Justin are now competing over who gets a former relationship with Tudor Harper shows up for only one scene today Alex explains that Tudor is named tutor because a lot of people in The Wizard World name their kids after the profession they want them to have sometimes it doesn't really work out my dad goes to a doctor named butcher anyway I don't even know what to write here we never hear this concept again but I bring this scene up because Harper is wearing a dress made out of fruit roll-ups I haven't mentioned this yet but I am in love with the costuming of this series I have no eye for clothing no eye for fashion I watched 163 episodes of the franchise and had zero thoughts about any of the wardrobes except for a skyler Storm's outfit in Mighty Med which I thought was um uh not good not very good at all no no but here it's so impressive to me how much effort goes into these Harper has one if not multiple creative outfits in every single episode this shows lead costume designer Julie rein deserves so much credit she's just one of the unsung heroes of this series production this is where we actually keep all the cast clothing got every single piece that I've ever worn on the show my role as the costumes liner on this show is to basically from the moment we get the script let's say on a Wednesday morning is to break it down and to determine what's all needed for the show you know it sort of evolves throughout the week and finally on Monday I get to see it and it's amazing some of my favorite Harbor outfits include rubber ducks a roadway my all-time favorite from season 3 is made out of markers just in general in terms of production value and care and attention there's no competition between Wizards and the other shows I've talked about the set dressing is incredible the world of wizards feels real and lived in while everything else feels hyper sanitized and barren back to the episode Justin takes tutor on a date to the leprechaun Grill in the Wizard World again amazing immediately iconic outfit Alex shows up to crash the party there's an employee here who should have been the monotone Woman Grill would you like to try our new pot of gold mini tostada you'll never be her then they have a leprechaun held captive in a cage here it's not a sitcom from the 2000s if it hasn't aged just a little poorly I guess I'm famished I've been working all day you can just spare some of those buds you mean one of these no no so Leprechauns are enslaved since we already have magic slavery I'm gonna go ahead and revise this list a little bit enslaved species include elves probably dragons and leprechauns and there is racism against goblins werewolves and Giants back at the lair Max hasn't improved greatly and mastered his wandai coordination Tudor says that once Max passes his quiz tomorrow she'll move on to her next student Alex and Justin suddenly start to panic at the notion of losing their friend Tudor she's the first wizard girl I've ever met who's actually normal most wizard girls are all like oh my God those girls don't talk like that in my mind they do maybe we could find a couple of tutors to help him where are we gonna find a couple of tutors at this late hour I know let me call someone hello hello oh us so the end of Courage Max to stay up all night watching unicorn attacks the next morning he miserably fails his test when he speaks to Teresa she quickly figures out that his siblings duped him and subtly encourages him to take revenge at the leprechaun Grill Alex and Justin calmly explained to tutor that she has to be either Alex's friend or Justin's girlfriend only one [Music] and look tutor being my friend and also his girlfriend isn't really gonna work out for us we try to keep our lives very separate yeah we find it's better for everyone that way that's when Max arrives to expose them and calls them out on what they did a huge step towards Max becoming an independent character Alex tries to Gaslight Max into thinking he made that up he believes her but then Justin finally cracks and confesses the truth out of guilt Tudor is so disgusted by their behavior that she chooses neither of them next freeze the leprechaun from his cage and it violently attacks his siblings you know he has a lot of talent but he can't focus it because of all the dysfunction in this family what do you mean we're not that dysfunctional tutor has to her next job and reveals that she's part elf elves have a magical effect which makes everybody obsessively like them making Alex and Justin suddenly realize how it was possible that they both enjoyed the same person I'm guessing his friends from movies must have been elves too since that already happened we never see the girl again so we'll never know and I guess Alex has realized by now that Zeke is a loser and she no longer likes him at all but let's go back to Tudor being an elf this confirms that Wizards aren't limited to humans besides Hugh falsely thinking he's a giant there had been no indication up to this point that Wizards can be any other species as everyone we saw at wiztech was a human but Wizards or at least the Magic World in general keeps pocket elves as slaves I guess it's a subspecies or whatever but couldn't a pocket Elf or a werewolf or a giant theoretically become a wizard what does tutor think about the enslavement of pocket elves it's very suspicious that despite other species being capable of becoming Wizards wiztech only has human students huh especially given the explicit racial Prejudice Wizards have against these other species I hate leprechauns true chest of Talon and the Russo family is how well you wave a wine a new episode of Wizards of Waverly Place is next on Disney Channel paid by committee continues to explore Alex as an artist a characterization that the show comes to really enjoy through the second and third Seasons she's been painting with the art hippies down in an abandoned Subway tunnel Justin the Harper arrives to tell her that the school mural committee which they apparently lead has selected Alex to paint the school mural due to every other submission being terrible Alex agree as much he realized that she gets to skip class she comes up with a design that she's passionate about New York above and below with a vibrant colorful City up top and a dark underbelly beneath the surface I want to make it good because I have to look at the stupid thing every day except this one this one's not stupid it's actually really awesome but I'm not excited about it every one of the mural committee starts to inject random suggestions like add panda bears add caricatures add Cowboys add Harper's Grandma Alex makes these changes but she winds up with a disjointed piece that she's deeply unhappy with line the wise paint hippie tells her that it's impossible to please everyone you're probably right or maybe you're not no no no I'm definitely right I mean you can't please everyone okay I was trying to make a dramatic exit oh oh all right uh well do your thing okay thank you you're probably right or maybe you're not [Music] Alex casts an eye of the beholder spell on the wall causing everyone to see a personalized version of the mural Cowboys like panda bears to me well Buckaroo with great art the interpretations are endless Alex leaves deeply unsatisfied with her work however and thinks she's a sellout as she Paints the mural she actually wanted down in the subway lion tells her that sometimes artists have to sell out he spends the day making holiday greeting cards that he doesn't enjoy at all then comes down here at night to make the art he really wants which is like what a message for children's programming the show accepts that you don't always get completely happy endings but you have to find peace with the situations you have you can hear the voices of hundreds and artists and writers in La coming through this random one-off character Justin feeling bad for his sister decides that her actual mural deserves to be seen he uses magic to Place New York Above and Below on the wall of the school everyone hates it but Alex is happy that it got to be seen and happy that her brother did that for her I can't believe you did all that for me well you're the artist and you're my sister and I think your work deserves to be seen thank you I literally just smile when they talk so many shows have huge dramatic tirades about how it's about family it's about family and that's what's so powerful about it and then characters shout we're family every five seconds we're family we got a problem we deal with it together we're at the duck family and we are ready for anything we're a family that's my family if you hurt my family I will hunt you down so you better take me out too like shut up just saying that constantly doesn't make you more related to each other but at Wizards the characters don't have to Proclaim that they're family there isn't a single over dramatic sappy speech like that in the whole show yet I buy these characters connections to each other more than almost any other siblings in media during the Beast story Max films a viral video of Jerry slipping and falling foreign [Laughter] the era when people said hits referring to viral videos they got tons of hits people loved it next Max has Jerry catapult him up to the balcony where Teresa yells at him to knock it off now she has become a viral sensation too kids at school ask Max how he'll top it Alfred's literally just gone this kid could have been Alfred but it's not Alfred's gone Max then crashes the unicycle into garbage cans and no one cares because they're only fans of Teresa this sort of feels like incomplete it didn't have a proper ending really but I guess in a season of 30 episodes with tight deadlines one or two scripts might not get all the attention they deserve there's a couple more B plots like this in the back half of the season but they're all very small so it's not a big deal [Music] in a wizard for a day is Jerry's birthday Justin gives him a Charmed soup can to sharpens pencils Alex forgets to get him anything at all it just kind of hopes it doesn't come up she decides to try this here and sets her sights on the first magical object she saw in the first page she opened in a magic book the powerful Relic called the Merlin's hat which grants any mortal person magical powers for one day she sets out on a dangerous quest to find it oh really really hold this no okay Jerry with new magic abilities isn't using them for much he makes pencils appear to sharpen them but it produces a milkshake from his favorite childhood restaurant the asteroid belt he's a simple man it's important to Alex that her gift is better than Justin so she turns the substation into the asteroid belt milkshake bar Jerry loves it but as he tells Alex to turn it back customers begin pouring in to relive their childhood Nostalgia they're just like me for real this old lady actor here in real life do you think she's homophobic there's no way to know but I just think about these things sometimes the asteroid belt becomes highly successful Jerry's wardrobe looks like Sentinel Prime's wrists from Transformers Animated and I find that highly distracting Justin has to Grapple with the fact that his birthday present was no longer the best one restaurant themes like this are just a fad bro they never last believe me Mr Russo we're with the Waverly Place Merchants Association and we've come to present you with an award for having a fantastic fad that's not going anywhere anytime soon Jerry winds up hiring Harper again and throughout the rest of the series she's an employee of the substation my mom's always saying that's how people get taken advantage of you've got the first four shifts poor girl could so easily get wrapped up in a cult however deserves better than this family sometimes Alex comes to absolutely hate the new restaurant in the extra hours she has to work and seeing her brother use the restaurant as a meeting club for the alien language League oh my gosh I have to make this stuff the alien language league has been mentioned off and on for a few episodes now it's a club that Justin ezek co-founded it's more relevant in season three but it's starting to get referenced exponentially more commonly aliens have landed our Waverly Place yeah well who's gonna tell him they can't park there then all of a sudden actual aliens arrive from space to claim the asteroid belt's milkshake machine as their own I just spent several minutes praising the costume department and now they give us this these Mighty Med looking cause all sorts of problems Merlin's hat no longer works due to the initial day running out am I alone on the big island huh I knew it ultimately Justin shoes Merlin's hat in the asteroid belt disappears the aliens leave disappointed would reverse all of Dad's wishes I didn't I was just really sick of that present the kids learn a valuable lesson about appreciating the simpler things in life and the actual Alien Invasion is passed off as a simple publicity stunt the end the next episode is very special and it's simply one link of the greatest crossover event of all time the Channel presents a summer of stars event Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana let's go that's Wizards of Waverly Place on The Suite Life on Deck with Hannah Montana wow you like my place huh like it I can't see it for the first time ever see what happens when Nine Stars I'm Zach I'm kind of the one on the ship who does weird and hilarious stuff I'm the one who does cool stuff that people laugh at for no reason you see how much fun this cruise is are all on board the SS Tipton is Hannah Montana Friday July 17th on Disney Channel be here for wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana did you hear that it's one Cruise you will never forget now keep your head down the last thing we need is to be recognized watch Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana premieres Friday July 17th at 8 7 Central on Disney Channel our new hyped a man so there are two big crossovers like this on the Disney Channel first was 2006's That's The Sweet Life of Hannah Montana which brought That's So Raven Suite Life of Zack and Cody and Hannah Montana together I know I watched that as a kid but I don't remember if I watched it live the day it scared my sister thinks we did but I know for sure that we watched this second one when it debuted on July 17 2009. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's what I said let's go it all kicks off with a Wizards episode called castaway to another show [Music] [Applause] It's Not What It Seems Alex is a naughty terrible student and she's behind in her science class the 14 missing assignments I thought it was 10. I told you that four weeks ago suddenly Justin receives word that he won an essay contest and gets a teen cruise to Hawaii so the family heads to the SS Tipton Zach Cody Bailey Mr Mosby wow apparently Teresa has an irrational fear of boats you know the ship's name is Tipton which has the word tip in it which makes me really nervous how does this thing float Magic magic there's no such thing as Patrick Alex convinces her parents to let her take her science class on the Tipton and they reluctantly agree apparently you don't have to pre-enroll you can just walk into class at any time while you're on a presumably week-long Cruise the kids are sleeping in the infirmary Mosby says it's because they're overbooked I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's because they didn't have any spare cabin says to film the Wizards cast on now the kids split off for three subplots the rest of the episode doesn't so much have a plot as it is a series of random events occurring next decides to take random people's blood pressure it's one of those arm clocks I'm gonna go put it on people and tell them what time it is inside their bodies there he runs into the mischievous Zack and the two of them just do dumb slash unintelligent things that like aren't uh humorous Alex opens up her bag and there's Harper she tells Harper to take on the name Alex Russo and take her classes for her I'm gonna be the girl in the ship having as much fun as she can as fast as she can until she gets caught Harper's a good student she becomes friends with Cody Alex becomes friends with Bailey and just just random various activities with her she tells everyone her name is Ashley Olsen the only story that has any sort of structure is Justin's he sees the beautiful London Tipton at a paleontology exhibit and in a panic tells her he's a paleontologist named Dr fossil jewelry store can I see that in a princess setting she asks him on a date I like doctors so Dr fossil if we were going on a second date and I'm not saying we are because I think the number second comes after the number first but then again I was never really good with lower case numbers where would you take me tonight eight I'll meet you there Dr fossil The Doctor Is In at dinner London talks about how people often make up stories just to get with her she's glad that Dr fossil is so sincere then she has to leave to take photos with the poor russos obviously putting Justin in a tight spot London Tipton thinks I'm the rich doctor fossil and she's on her way down here to take a picture with the poor russos oh no we're poor well then I guess I can't afford these where am I gonna get a disguise Harper hey Justin you're good with costumes right okay I need you to make me some well I'm not sure if I have that material but Harper what are you doing here I'm part of Alex's scheme I need you to be Alex Russo London thinks Justin looks just like Dr fossil and that's when Justin realizes he has to break it off with her Max and Zack's utterly humorous Behavior indirectly causes bayley to choke to death Justin doesn't know how to save her Alex does this leads to Alex's identity getting exposed I probably got an A on the first quiz wait a minute she just called you Harper she called you Ashley and you called her Alex okay what is your name you cleared this up for you right now her name is Alex Russo she's my sister Willa London breaks up with Justin for being a bad doctor and being way too dumb for not knowing how to save this woman Justin can live with that in the end Alex sends Harper back home because I guess Jennifer Stone didn't sign on for an episode of a different show oh wait did I say Rome or home first she'll like Rome this bleeds Into The Suite Life on Deck season 1 finale double crossed which I think is a far stronger episode in terms of like having a plot in Castaway there are no actual obstacles for the characters achieving their goals Max and Alex just wanted to have fun and then they did the end the next one's a far better structured television production [Music] Hannah Montana herself arrives on a boat to perform a concert in Hawaii Cody already knows her from the 2006 crossover and thinks he can sweet talk her into giving him and Bailey tickets for the show so he and Bailey haven't started dating yet and I gather at this point in the show Cody's eager for a relationship to start what he's here to his one joke is that he likes eating does he still have the cake hey guys wanna buy the birthday cake whose birthday is it I don't know some guy whenever I hear singing I just go in the room my cake laughs maybe there's still so much at the party it's like you enormous but 8 000 times worse at least with you normus you know that the writers themselves know the joke isn't funny with Woody I think it's unironic face value humor Alex and zachami then both get scolded by their brothers zax pulled a zany crazy prank on Cody which Justin accuses Alex of doing so now they know each other Max is trying to impress London Tipton it's literally just the same thing with Justin except now it's Max doing it and it's three scenes and barely an afterthought London's into max even though he's a child Hannah and Lola AKA Miley and Lily are bunkered down in their cabin as a frenzied mob tries to get in Cody tries to let Kirby let him in but Hannah doesn't remember Cody Alex is being a sneaky little girl and she fills the hot tub with blue dye somehow knowing Justin would get in it the last two links of this crossover episodes of other shows were the final things I watched in this Wizards Waverly Place rewatch project and Justin getting covered with blue dye was my final repressed memory of Wizards of Waverly place to get unlocked like I audibly gasped at this his face is turning red has bought blue let's take a few stars in him we can fly him off the back of the boat I remembered it so vaguely but it was in my brain Mr Mosby sees this innocent guest covered in die and both of them have an idea as to who's responsible I know exactly who's gonna shark bait as this was Alex I know my sister oh this was Zach I know my hooligan now Alex is on the run as she gets hunted down by these two sticklers for the rules she winds up running into Zack who welcomes her into his cabin she accidentally drops the dive vial outside the door which prompts a Mosby to blame Zack entirely and confide him to his cabin you'll have to entertain yourself with whatever's in this room I think I can make that work Jesus this is the one instance in the entire Wizards franchise where Alex uses science to mess with Justin instead of magic and that's clearly just a massive contrivance so that Zach can get framed for this Zach thinks it must have been Cody who framed him as payback for the prank this morning and he's on the hunt to get revenge I've gotta say I love show crossovers that put a ton of thought into the character appearings and having Justin and Mosby team up to pursue Zack and Alex is the best possible use of these characters and the maximum potential for a crossover between the shows although I also think it would have been better if we the audience didn't know who died the pool and let it be a mystery because we know for a fact Justin's gonna be right we watched Alex do it Cody and Woody do a scavenger hunt for Hannah Montana tickets what idiots it's a swordfish on a scavenger hunt list foreign this show just has one main Hub set and since there's too many subplots going on for each to have a designated area they instead just have this three minute sequence where characters ebb and flow through the one room Max talks with London down here Cody and Woody inter talk about the scavenger hunt then leave Alex and Zach enter a look for Cody then leave Justin and Mosby enter Then Cody and Woody enter again the final object they need to win tickets is a Golden Goblet there it is but uh oh now Zach decides to take revenge on his brother foreign how could you my own brother what Justin catches Alex and decides to expose her to Mosby he pours water on her hand and reveals the die ston Mr Mosby is our host on this lovely cruise and you insult him by arguing come brother I recognize those word twisting manipulations followed by a hasty exit it was you she is apprehended for good surely she's learned a lesson and will never use science irresponsibly again Cody apologizes to Bailey for not getting tickets and she says it's okay she's never had a guy try so hard to please her Hannah Montana re-enters remembers Cody and offers them free tickets State ever date oh yeah [Applause] yes apparently this crossover was the beginning of their relationship which I think is super cool remember when they broke up in Paris I cried man London also kisses Max he's not a man he's a child no for now I was gonna be like oh grooming but like honestly London I think she's less intelligent than Max I don't think she even has the capacity for a baseline understanding of Ethics so whatever then the Russo's Dismount despite a three-part crossover between three shows Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place don't overlap at all Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus don't even get one scene together which seems like an insane oversight for their schedule is really that tight that they couldn't find a day to go on set together it's weird together the third part is the worst because I hate to break this to you everyone but Hannah Montana is painfully unfunny and that's an objective reality of the world we live in I've tried to re-watch it I've considered doing a video but I would be absolutely miserable even more so than I was with Elite Force because you can tell Miley Cyrus herself doesn't give a about the show past season one she's publicly stated this in many places it's just unfunny lines that the actors themselves don't find funny or try to make funny written for the lowest common denominator of unintelligent children I was one of those children I liked it back then in part three a Hannah Montana episode called superstitious girl which doesn't feature the Wizards at all Miley loses her lucky inglet which her late mother gave her she winds up with terrible luck at all turns in her concert rehearsal goes terribly she looks for the anklet but can't find it a cleaning lady finds it and gives it to Mr Mosby London promptly take it London frontly London promptly takes it him London promptly takes it as her own because it's shiny Zach sexually harasses Miley Lily multiple times no I get it I get it you want to spend a little one-on-one time with old Zack Donald here I kiss there a kiss everywhere a kiss kiss so let's say I go check out the dessert buffet and bring us back a little Strawberry Shortcake you see what I did there so I'll be right back and don't worry I'll bring back a little dessert for lighter head got vanilla in this pocket tapioca in this pocket and napkins in the back where'd you go Miley finally tracks London down and asks for the anklet back but London is so dumb and Goofy that she drops it into the ocean below Hannah's wig blows off as well she's bombed and decides to cancel the concert there is no concert what is this going to affect the after party until her dad who's also on the boat gives her a pep talk and cheers her up and gives her a spare wig which Miley herself has apparently never thought to bring to anything without mom up there on stage with me I'm gonna blow it I know what you mean I used to worry about that same thing raising you kids without her but I did it you know how because she was with me every step of the way right in here and ankle it or no anklet same thing for you she's with you right there she she really proclaims that the concert's back on hey what are you guys sitting around here for don't you have tickets to my concert and the after party let's go oh my gosh Cody did you do this Bailey look if this relationship doesn't have honesty it doesn't have anything yes yes I did all five Suite Life main characters appear in exactly two short scenes each they're barely even in this it's basically just a regular Hannah Montana episode that takes place on a boat and has small 60-second cameos from the Zack and Cody cast then she performs in Hawaii what is this did they film like an actual real performance Miley did and then had Hannah wear a corresponding dress when they filmed this episode in the beep lot Jackson and Oliver are home alone a package gets delivered which dad tells them not to open but they're just too darn curious and they open it anyways it turns out to be an inflatable bounce house which dad ordered solely to warn them not to open his packages this visual is the only thing that felt even slightly familiar about this third part it was mid anyway glad that's over the week after the crossover Wizards of Waverly Place started experimenting with its storytelling and marketing as the network heavily promoted an epic four-part Saga Wizards versus vampires Friday there's another sandwich shop on Waverly Place the late night Bike compass send somebody down there to check it out with a secret dating the competition fights back they're vampires that's why they had bangs for the first time ever a Wizard's four-part blood-sucking Saga hold for it [Music] Wizards versus vampires they have stolen all our business you dating the competition what is the deal The Saga Begins With a fantastic super-sized episode best night ever starts next Friday at 8 7 Central on Disney Channel the first of these four episodes is Wizards versus vampires on Waverly Place when the substation's business reaches an all-time low Alex discovers there's a new sandwich shop on the block called The Late Night Bite just an Ascent on a reconnaissance mission and that's when we're introduced to one of the most memorable characters of the series Juliet Van Heusen you know their takeout menus if you want to copy the trash can out front probably has like 20 of them anyone who knows 2010's Disney Channel immediately recognizes Bridget Mendler the star of Lemonade Mouth and Good Luck Charlie but before those she had her acting debut in induction to the Disney Channel right here Juliet's parents elucard and Cindy Van Heusen recognize Justin from the substation accused him of spying and kick him out he's not spying Daddy I mean he's very nice he was just videotaping our menu for his you know things are not looking good for you Julia gives him her number before he leaves back at home Jerry starts putting the pieces together hold up garlic style open all night count fangs they're vampires Ben Houston's are vampires that's why they had bangs there is some clear racial tension between Wizards and vampires here I don't know why every species hates Wizards this much I guess they're like the mythical creature equivalent of white people Justin asks Alex to help him secretly date Juliet without their parents finding out what do I do use magic that's it but you've thought of it nope okay then all right for some reason this episode paints Justin is a complete and total stickler for the rules like he was in the very beginning I used magic to add five minutes to the break schedule now when we date it'll be for 25 minutes at a time you used magic to do this Justin you could have used magic to to stop time freeze mom and dad so they can't find you create an alternate universe where you and Juliet could date for like a year but it would only be a minute of our time something big and magical I also used it to grow two inches you wanna know something crazy the iTunes version of this episode was 15 minutes longer it's a full 37 minute episode almost double length Juliet wakes up from a nightmare and we follow a montage of her nightly routine she lies to her parents and tells them she's going to terrorize Mortals when she is in fact sneaking out on her date with Justin there's a lot of puns it's great stuff a B positive Oh Daddy go back to dead I'll switch to blood light ought to walk through a graveyard Justin subtly tries to make Juliet reveal she's a vampire The Scene goes on for far longer than it needs to you tend to walk faster through graveyards I mean unless you know you actually like graveyards do you you know what actually wow we have uh we have some time to kill yeah I I guess we could hang out here for a while you're not sure about this uh this movie that we're gonna see I don't think there'll be enough uh uh uh blood in it for me it's a romantic comedy totally fine with blood it's not a thing aren't you hey I was I was wondering if we could grab a bite after the movie aha two zombies pop out of the ground and ask Julia how her parents are doing she puts Justin to sleep immediately a power she only has in the Snyder cut version of the episode back to the content of the Disney Channel release Justin confesses he knows she's a vampire and Juliet confesses she knows he's a wizard due to smelling his scent Wizards have a scent for some reason they both choose to have this Grand romantic display directly outside of the substation where they're trying not to be seen but they both agree to finally tell their parents then just to make sure there's absolutely no subtlety about this being a clear Romeo and Juliet homage Alex calls them Romeo and Juliet Romeo Juliet wrap it up with the lucky looks to compete with Late Night Bite Jerry has decided to level the subway theme of his restaurant up to 100. okay and here we are can we eat now not yet sir first a little Subway entertainment Harper you're on and there's another extended Chunk on the iTunes version as well as a scene where Harper tells Teresa she'll end up with Justin someday which is a weird thing to say to his mother and back too said iTunes a version Justin gets cold feet and can't tell them Teresa drops a lore bomb that Jerry bought the subway car at an auction while eating a sandwich and she's despised it ever since then returning to the normal version Alex is sick and tired of Max doing impressions all day and is desperately trying to send them away to underwater summer camp there's this magical underwater sea horse ranch that's all filled up but I've got him slowly moving up that wait list the extended version has several extra scenes of Max doing impressions and they're all almost close to humorous per usual with Max anyways we're still in the normal episode territory the band uses into the substation and Declare War come on [Music] now back to iTunes Justin and Juliet are just too sad to do anything special today what am I talking about there's nothing special about today there's nothing special about tomorrow there's nothing special Juliet argues with her parents who try to set her up with some random customer instead yes hello young man yes hi I'd like to introduce you to our daughter Juliet I think this is die die I'm trying to do he's like 45 years old yes but you're like 2 000 what difference does it make in the regular episode Alex decides to help her brother out she even correctly refers to his action figures as action figures a little action figure clear character growth from season one she gives him a pair of glasses that changes appearance but then steals them backwards and use them for something oh Justin and Juliet finally convinced the van heusens to let them date each other and they reluctantly agree at home Jerry and Teresa aren't as accepting but Alex tells her parents that Justin has done nothing wrong he's just in love and they agree as well in the iTunes version Justin decides to add we're dating to the dry erase board while Jerry tells Alex she's a good person no Daddy please don't say that makes me uncomfortable I know that's why I'm gonna keep saying it you're the guitar it was actually really really cool to discover an extended version of this episode Julia is here to be a prominent character throughout the rest of the series and she's a welcome addition here's something I'm scratching my head about the Wikipedia page says that in future Harper Harper mentions saving a girl named Juliet it doesn't say it's an extended version or anything though it's definitely not in the regular episode so is there an Extended iTunes version in a future Harper where that happens I do not see any documentation of that existing anywhere else in the world except for this Wikipedia page so that's something I'm curious about I'm David Henry from which is a Waverly Place and you're watching Disney Channel [Music] the saga continues with Wizards vs vampires Tasty Bites Juliet comes over for dinner I remember this confused me as a kid now all of a sudden the parents are Overjoyed by Justin dating Juliet and they're hyped for her to be there they think she's wonderful all of a sudden what is Alex doing in the background despite being advertised as part of a serialized Arc these episodes still have the regular episodic lack of continuity they usually do Juliet reveals that vampires are health-conscious creatures and the Russo's unhealthy food just won't do Jerry throws away a whole cake and it made me mad as a child and it still makes me mad and life looked good the family quickly becomes Fitness nuts which Alex is not a fan of thank you for ruining our family I'm just kidding but seriously I'm not gonna eat with you guys that it's just so good Harper lets Juliet know there are no hard feelings he and I have had an on and off relationship for years we're off now which is why you guys are on so I'm cool whoa whoa what's with the garlic we were just having a conversation sorry I just wasn't sure if this whole thing was gonna go oh you're the food for clothes girl yeah Justin has talked about you yes Max accidentally creates a pumpkin and he decides he'll live inside of it for the rest of his life that's what he's up to today Alex convinces Harper to get a job with her at the Late Night Bite they're quickly hired Ellie card and Cindy mentioned that younger vampires convince humans to eat healthy before sucking their blood Alex in a panic rushes to Justin to warn him that Juliet's going to eat him I can't believe it you got a job I know it's weird Justin wears a scarf on his next date and is extremely frightened by Julie it's things growing in look she has vampire speed she doesn't use that ever again but boy is there a moment in season three where she should have suddenly Juliet reveals a double plot twist Cindy and Alucard hired Alex and Harper to drink their blood Justin rushes to get his family and they come to the rescue oh my gosh oh what if we only have time to save one Alex is our daughter but the Harper has so much more potential snow would be Harper who'd take care of us in our old age we'll talk about it on our way Alex is getting her employee photo taken told to stretch her neck as far as she can and she sees nothing wrong with this that's when the russos arrive huh Max covered in pumpkin and that's apparently vampire repellents that being the reason pumpkins are put out on Halloween the terrified van heusens agreed to stop being bad and then everyone eats ice cream together at the end awesome episode next Cranium revolvis turn your heads towards the TV and fall under the spell of Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney Channel Wizards versus vampires dream date Alex plays Skee-Ball with Dean remember Dean we haven't seen him since episode 7 of this season which reaffirmed how in love they are with each other on their date Alex and Dean play Skee-Ball and flirt and have all kinds of fun then Dean wakes up the whole thing was a dream and it turns out double plot twist Alex has been controlling his dreams ever since he moved away look I I go into his dreams and I control everything so it's exactly the way I want since Dean moved away our relationship has never been better Dean shows up to visit and takes Alex on a date to Skee-Ball but there he's a jerk he doesn't really care about Alex and doesn't pay attention to her barbecue bacon cheeseburger with curly fries inside the bun a double chocolate shake with whipped cream on the bottom you kind of stopped eating like that John it will just wreck your heart yeah that's not the only thing that's wrecking my heart Alex is sad at school and she tells Harper that Dean's a terrible boyfriend and she might have to break up with him but since that's too emotionally difficult for her she can Cox a plan to make him break up with her she performs a poor hygiene spell to be stinky and terrible when Dean comes he thinks Alex has fallen apart without him in town I'm gonna try and say this as nice as I can but you look like something I snaked out of my shower drain Alex tries to talk him into a breakup and he agrees with no resistance breaking Alex's heart that night she returns to his dream to get a sort of post-mortem for their relationship he tells Alex that she'll always be his first love he'll always be my first love Alex that's one thing that will never change same here [Music] goodbye Dean Alex finds peace with this and Dean wakes up but Alex stays in the dream somehow playing Skee-Ball with Abraham Lincoln very cool Max gets the most undercooked sea story I've ever seen he orders a hot dog the monotone woman gives him the wrong toppings and he says man what happened to our relationship then in the closing tag he returns dressed as a hot dog and the monotone woman gets his toppings correct nice gesture wearing that hot dog suit for me what oh this oh no it's not for you it is for something I'm doing later like this feels so bizarre and incomplete what was the point of this this is monotone woman's only appearance in season two and final appearance in the series by monotone woman we'll miss you in the Justin Juliet story Juliet invites him to go camping with her he starts to become nervous that they've been moving too seriously too quickly when he asks his dad permission to go Jerry surprisingly says yes as long as you're hanging upside down in separate rooms but Justin's just too concerned and too nervous about the relationship's progress that he lies to Julia and says Jerry said no she agrees they may be moving too fast I mean we are getting pretty serious but I'm fine with it but you know parents they get all serious about getting serious they're genuinely talking like they're having sex off screen this one over my head as a kid obviously Juliet comes to ask Jerry why he said no and obviously Jerry doesn't know what she's talking about why would he be packing he can't go he can't go oh he'll be so disappointed he was really excited yeah yeah I know so why can't he go I don't know you haven't told me Justin's caught in his lie and he confesses he's afraid and Juliet sadly leaves Justin comes to realize he's made a terrible mistake Jerry tells him it's okay to make mistakes and gives him the keys to the Magic Carpet so he can catch up with her I love how genuinely supportive Jerry is I've said this before it's easy for sitcoms to have over dramatic overprotective parents but Wizards keeps its cast grounded which is almost necessary with how outlandish the stories and visuals often are case in point this ending where Justin catches up with his girlfriend they confess their love for each other and fly away into the distance I love you too what I I can't hear you fly closer I love you too [Music] ever wish you could cast spells like the Wizards of Waverly Place now you can with the spellcaster you can go to wiztober click on spellcaster and before you can say spellus created you'll have your own personal spell which could be added to the wiztober Spellbook for other Wizards to hear and if your spell is added to the Spellbook it could be featured on Disney Channel plus you can check out other whiz-tastic events like the wiztober movie lineup and find out about special episodes of Disney Channel shows to join in the Thrills and chills of Wiz Tolbert go to wiztober now we've reached the conclusion to this Arc Wizards and vampires vs Zombies the school prom is coming up soon and Justin is excited to invite Juliet she is hesitant however as she's already been invited to 523 Proms and they haven't gone well she has dated a lot of young men across her thousands of years of life Alex and Harper decide to throw an anti-prom to be contrarian and theme it as a zombie prom something which Alex actually pitched earlier in the season but I'm also the kind of girl who wouldn't be caught dead at prom unless it was a zombie prom and we all dressed up like zombies oh my gosh I would so be on the committee for that I guess the writers liked the idea however Max accidentally sends their zombie prom invitations to actual zombies who eagerly really accept the invite Harper suddenly has a crush on Zeke but she's too nervous to ask him out I was wondering if maybe you'd like to zombie prom and maybe after we plan it we could be on the cleanup committee and in between planning and cleaning we might as well stop by and make sure everyone's happy are you asking me to be on three committees changed my name to extracurricular man so Alex gives her an anti-fearing which gives her the courage to do it this is unfortunate because Justin needs this ring to serenade Juliet tonight and ask her to go steady hey you know what they say ladies what they like to eat dinner at four and they get amazing discounts that prom Justin sings a terrible and humiliating song to Juliet and I've just gotta say this is still a vast improvement over his previous problem I'd like to apologize to Miranda Hampton for the way I acted Alex realizes there are actual zombies at their zombie prom which Harper tries to pick a fight with due to her anti-fearing Alex rushes to get Justin Zeke challenges the zombies to a dance battle and now we get a showdown like no other [Music] foreign [Music] s lose their limbs and are forced to leave in humiliation I don't know why Max is at prom back in season one they Justified 10th grade Justin going to prom because his date was in 11th grader here though they just don't even tried Max is just at prom the anti-prom turned out so popular that Alex decided chill off to attend the regular prom next year Juliet accepts Justin's request to go steady and they kiss for the first time which makes me wonder what they were talking about in the last episode when they said they were getting serious too fast what were they doing exactly this marks the end of Juliet's introduction Arc she had all this advertising and promotion behind her which in turn made her very memorable to me like Zeke I genuinely didn't remember him at all he's the most frequently appearing character in the show behind the main six and yet I have a complete and total memory blackout towards his existence despite the fact that I vividly remembered some of his lines Justin Russo wins by a total of six votes I'd like to withdraw my vote okay Justin wins by five votes evidently these multi-part events were a huge success because the show kept pumping these out for the rest of its run event-based stories will come to define the third and fourth season of the show Selena I'm glad you came to me I got just a thing for your opening monologue it's uh something I've been working on to catch you a little tune all right ready here it goes Floyd get it [Music] it's Studio DC so come and party with me with all of my friends around her on this knee I am your host from coast to coast and there's just one guest star that I love the most David Henry the history that David Henry oh he is so funny he's the handsome young lad from Waverly Place and a new movie called Dan Neptune remember his face that's David Henry d-a-i-v-d-h-e-n-r-i-e um David don't you think it'd be a little weird that I'm singing All About You in My monologue what that song could be about anyone I was kind of um all right bye guys I got a good feeling now for the season finale retest kelvo interrupts a wizard lesson and tells Jerry that due to a technicality they have to retake their family wizard competition you man somebody else who's all no one it turns out that Jerry and kelbo have an estranged sister named Megan who cut ties with him after Jerry gave his powers to kelvo over her the odds of her coming back to them are slim and if she refuses to come then the Russo's family's Powers will have to be revoked including the kids now they have to search for their long-lost aunt well the problem is nobody knows where she is I have a magnifying glass will that help she's not tiny this really makes no sense to me at all we never find out what the specific technicality is because the writers probably haven't figured out what a family wizard competition is at this point and thus can't get into specifics but let's track this Jerry wins the competition and gives his powers away so he can marry Teresa then they have three kids those three kids still inherit wizard Powers despite Jerry not having them anymore which implies to me that it's some sort of recessive gene that still lingers in Jerry somehow so now why would their powers get revoked if the test isn't retaken by their dad aunt and uncle because correct me if I'm wrong but by the show's own logic they'd still have magic powers regardless of whether their aunt uncle or dad won the competition right this episode makes it clear that all three initial participants have to be present for the rec test what would happen if one of the siblings had passed away since the original test what do they do if it turns out Megan's dead and on that note how does the family wizard competition work if divorce happens let's say after having Alex Justin and Max Jerry divorces Teresa and meets a new woman where he has two new kids with her are those kids in turn competing with Alex Justin and Max or would there be two completely separate competitions due to separate unions the Quest for Megan isn't going well once you all lose your powers we should really use the Wizard's Lair as a quiet room that's when Justin finally discovers her via a police record she's living in Paris France the kids teleport to her Loft which is right next to the Eiffel Tower which I cannot imagine is cheap real estate the fact that Suite Life on Deck is canonically part of the same universe means that Megan might have looked out her window and seen the season 2 finale breakup in pair is happening in real time that's so crazy are we gonna talk about how the Wizards teleported to Paris previously in the show you'd have to use a transport stick or an inter-wizard people Porter the IPP as the scope of the show expands so too does the scope of the magic we've seen Harper teleported across oceans and we've seen the kids teleport to France so Wizards can now teleport anywhere in the world from here on out but the side effect is that those magical items from earlier are now very very redundant with the benefit of hindsight and the graphic appearance of flashing out has changed for the rest of the series there are strobe light effects that happens when characters flash into place that didn't happen before Megan absolutely refuses to come back and see your siblings she's a painter with a rebellious and rambunctious side to her it's the latest in my series called every Russo for themselves in the episode spends time drawing a very close comparison between her and Alex Megan herself says that Max reminds her of kalbo brother I used to have named calbo really because I have an uncle named kilbo I couldn't be the same guy because Mike kibble is an uncle and yours is a brother yeah you're just like him it wasn't a compliment thank you it was an insult thank you the episode's going out of its way to very clearly demonstrate that Justin Alex and Max parallel Jerry Megan and kelbo this is the one thing I vividly remember so well in fact that I thought this was a multi-part episode and Megan was a recurring character across multiple Seasons despite this being her only appearance for 10 years this episode was one of the very first things that popped in my head when I thought about Wizards of Waverly Place and I think what the episode is trying to do is show how Jerry Megan and kelpo represent a potential future for our three protagonists their once strong childhood bond is shattered and broken over the outcome of their competition something that could happen to Alex Justin and Max if they lose sight of what's important Megan refuses to return but Alex lies and says that Jerry and kelbo are ready to apologize plead on their knees for her forgiveness she returns and naturally that doesn't happen Jerry and Megan begin fighting immediately hey everybody oh my God Megan it's Megan I I remember you you're my sister Megan refuses to retake the competition because she wants her siblings to be powerless just like her yeah Jerry will still win and give his powers to Cowboy and all of my hard work will be for nothing you don't like hard work oh my gosh she is just like me the conversation isn't going well and Megan leaves gilvo hires a fish lawyer the spiritual successor to the messenger fish is there any legal solution oh we're toast okay it looks like it's over me I'm heading to Atlantic City you my friend get the hotel room I'll get the plane ticket this time Teresa returns with Alex to plead with Megan but Megan refuses to go Alex defaces Megan's painting with magic which opens up a philosophical argument about what's considered an art and what isn't like his magic Art like AI art is it art there's so many questions the show is not here to answer them with Megan refusing to return the lair is cleared out and Alex tells her siblings she isn't willing to give up on them I just realized I never added Wizards can't marry Mortals to this list it would take me like two hours to go back and retroactively change all of them so it's just gonna go right here the next day Mr McFly of the wizard Council arrives to remove the wizard power panel now all of a sudden we're supposed to believe that the source of Alex Justin and Max's Powers is in these canisters in the wall but also simultaneously an energy ball that crumbs can pull out of them seeing as they teleported to Paris there doesn't seem to be any range limitation on the canisters what would happen if say Max's canister gets cracked or broken can it be repaired or would he be out of the running the siblings as part of Alex's scheme peacefully concede to the competition Mr McFly is so Blown Away by their sibling bond that he decides to let them keep their powers you know what I'm gonna let you keep your powers that's against the rules I don't know if you're allowed um and look if it comes up Mr McFly was never here thank you wow which so technically Alex and Co are secret Wizards now right if they're no longer registered they shouldn't have an upcoming family wizard competition scheduled anymore because theoretically the wizard government shouldn't know they have their powers the show I guess forgets about the logic this episode established though because there is a family wizard competition eventually but look at what Mr McFly says every day I see the wizard competition tear families apart even I haven't seen my own sister in years why do they even have the family wizard competition if it's just known for ripping apart generations of siblings and destroying families the only thing I can think of is limiting the number of wizards in the gene pool in the world but if that's the case it clearly isn't working because Alex Justin and Max have powers while their dad's Immortal Justin tells Alex that at the end of the day she isn't like Megan because Alex never gave up on her siblings and worked to keep the family together something Megan would never do I think this is a phenomenal ending the show has not lost sight of its characters and especially Alex and Justin's Dynamic after a full 50 episodes is still going strong despite being a completely Standalone story retest proves essential to the duration of the series it raises the question will the kids start to fall apart when the competition comes Todd Greenwald has even expressed heavy interest in a Wizards a Waverly Place prequel series about Jerry kelbo and Megan rooted in this episode which would culminate with Jerry giving up his powers his tweet didn't get the traction he wanted and like honestly this sounds like a terrible idea because we already know how it would end going in and Jerry's siblings are just foils to this Show's already already existing protagonist so I would literally be Wizards of Waverly Place but again there are far better ways to return to this universe but I'll link the Tweet so we can help him get all the retweets he wants and that ladies and gentlemen is how the second season of wizards or Waverly Place draws to a close with a sweet character moment and hundreds of questions raised by the lore of the show cracking under its own weight [Music] foreign [Music] major Keystone events being so close together but apparently just two weeks after the Wizards versus vampires Saga in just one week after retest came the biggest event of the summer of 2009. Wizards of Waverly Place the movie this is going to be the best vacation ever it was supposed to be the family trip they always remember see Paradigm Paradise but one accidental spell I wish you and Dad had never even met what did you just do on their biggest this is a very bad thing Adventure Mom and Dad don't know each other and they don't know us what's your plan find the stone of dreams you can do anything you can reverse any smell if there's not a lot of time nothing Wizards of Waverly Place I didn't worry you struggle the faster you think the movie premieres in August on Disney Channel that's what we'll discuss once part two begins until then to wrap up part one I want to talk about the Wizards of Waverly Place lost Pilots like most sitcoms Wizards had an initial pilot episode that was used to pitch the series to the executives Todd J Greenwald described the pilot in the 2017 interview originally titled the amazing heritans it was radically different per usual and focused on Twin siblings Jordan played by David Henry and Julia played by Selena Gomez they were named after Todd's own kids Max didn't exist because of the currently airing Nickelodeon series just Jordan Disney necessitated changing Jordan's name for the final series Julia's name was then changed as well out of fairness to his real son Jordan Dallas Lovato played Jordan's love interest Chelsea Kane played a character named Rachel and Brandon Michael Smith played Jordan's best friend crazy stuff I feel like barely anyone knows this exists at all Todd Greenwald indicated he loved her release the pilot back in 2017 but it never happened I uncovered three pieces of actual Transformers lost media this year one of which no one even knew existed until I found it by accident in a thrift store containing Transformers Animated Series art director Derek J Wyatt's estate and I don't want to stop there I want to see these Pilots uncovered somehow I just have no leads really also the Lab Rats pilot I talked about in the Elite Force video would be sick and the Jonas pilot I want to see those I decided to split this video and I realized the complete project was gonna clock in close to eight or nine hours I ran some polls and a lot of people said that run time would deter them from clicking the video part 2 will cover the 16x9 HD era of the show spanning the movie the third and fourth seasons and the reunion special there we'll meet Mason the full extent of the wizard world's corrupt xenophobia will become clear and we'll finally learn who will become the family wizard be sure to use this hello fresh code and I'll see you there
Channel: Keyan Carlile
Views: 2,302,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 236min 54sec (14214 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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