Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep in Half an Hour

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disclaimer the following is a parody of cinemasins everything wrong with series if you're unfamiliar with their humor I suggest you go watch their content first the intent of this video is for comedy and entertainment purposes only with this in mind you should know that the feelings of the creator of this video towards the game in question will not be accurately reflected here that being said the creator has no intention of offending anyone involved with the game's creation its franchise the game itself or the people who like the game without further ado thank you for watching and we hope you enjoy Disney Interactive Cinderella sells brown-haired this world is just too small hey it's small world after all why exactly does ventus have no shirt he has everything else huh Oh awesome garbage excuse to explain why Roxas doesn't look like Sora no I get you birthday sleep a keyblade dude ventas best Keyblade war e'er he can use a keyblade in his sleep quit treating me like a kid Hey what are you laughing at I can't help it you two would make the weirdest brothers huh it's really not that funny oh yeah Terra you and I have our mark of mastery exams tomorrow I made us good luck charms and one for Ventus even though he's not taking the exam so this isn't a real good luck charm well that's yet to be seen but I did work a little magic on really what an unbreakable connection that's not real magic use some curaga zero gravity on that [ __ ] don't worry about me you two focus on the exam but ven you're in danger here from what a couple of floating balls that aren't even really moving anymore we have deliberated and reached a decision Terra aqua you both performed commendably however only aqua has shown the mark of mastery Terra you failed to keep the darkness within you sufficiently in check well that's not entirely true the darkness seeped out a little but but he didn't use it that's like someone not keeping their tests covered up so they can't be copied off of I can see the test but I don't copy I didn't mean for it to happen I could have cheated but I didn't there's darkness within me so what does that matter I know I'm strong enough to hold it back you are and you did that's why I'm so confused as to why you didn't get the mark of mastery I tried to pass this news on to Master Xehanort but my repeated attempts to reach him have failed I doubt there is any connection and yet this all troubles me master Sina is gone well yeah you just saw him leave didn't you you're fine as you are laughing remember that order must be kept cannot tell anyone there are other worlds sorry I just know if this isn't gonna happen fear leads to obsession with power and obsession back into the darkness oh my god I just realized this is the same speech that Yoda gives to Anakin basically Luke Skywalker's telling Terra that he shouldn't be afraid lest he become Darth paranoid Oh does this mean star wars me firm for Kingdom Hearts 3 uh-oh Oh God oh jeez sorry PTSD if you succeed I will ask the mirror where you might find this Master there and the mirror will know do you dare to question me well yes I mean I just met you and I don't know if this mirror is legit what is what I demand is her life I've had more than enough of her light what did this maiden do to you she's prettier than me she has whiter skin she must die how does she know he doesn't have it did she ask the mirror she could have just asked yo magic mirrors is full gonna bring me this heart though and saved everyone a bunch of time magic mirror on the wall consume this fool once and for all alas my liege that I cannot do I have no power save answers true huh huh you dare defy your queen it's not defying you it literally can't do anything it's a mirror magic mirror instruct this knave give him the answers he doth crave beyond both light and dark he dwells where was waged upon the fells is that all what do you mean is that all that answers nothing it's Vegas [ __ ] darkness always finds a way into a wounded heart you have to be strong strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials said Tara but we're not there yet in your heart do you believe that dreams can come true I do but I also believe you have to make an effort to make them come yes of course but sometimes just believing in dreams is easier said than done Cinderella believes her dreams can come true I wanted her to see that she's right so that's what made her shine--faith in her heart that anything is possible so basically the fairy godmothers telling Tara that yes you do need to make an effort to make your dreams come true but only when it comes to believing the more you believe the wish that you dream will come true so basically no you don't really need to make an effort at all I've met you before have you you barely acknowledge him when he was there you're not worried didn't you tell me it was important to stay strong yeah he did and you kept crying even when the monsters attacked wow this is some piss-poor ball just the prince lady tremaine the two stepsisters in the grand duke this is sad oh gosh wet but they possibly be these people won't even have guard what kind of a castle is this thank you you saved us all the guests were just starting to enjoy themselves what guests a creature of pure darkness one of my making Vanitas are you telling me he came from you he literally just said he made him not was that not clear so are you here to train with us where are you from who is that man with you you good with a keyblade what's hey I go crazy too if a guy just met wouldn't stop asking me questions what's Master Zen or doing here oh I wonder excuse me your elderness I believe you dropped this book where were you keeping it you didn't walk in with it oh I'm very sad to say this isn't one of mine then where exactly did this book come from it appeared when you did if it's alright your elderness might i have a closer look the name is Molly I'm a powerful wizard and I'll have you know a lot of wisdom comes with age exactly that doesn't make you not old anyway as I said the book is not mine but I'd be happy to keep it here for you ah so it's Terrace fall we have to waste our time with the Hundred Acre Woods focus fighters Tara what this fight is terrible the spiders Tara you let aqua take you home no way I want to go with you guys you can't we have a dangerous task ahead of us I don't want you to get hurt and what is this dangerous task Terra it doesn't sound like what the master told you to do it might be a different route but I'm fighting the darkness I'm not so sure I've been to the same worlds as you and I've seen what you've done what take Aurora's light because that's pretty much all Terra's done wrong at this point and even then he was kind of forced to do it Master saying he's the only one I can still count on oh yeah the guy that accidentally created the guy that started this mess and that allegedly couldn't restrain him toast trustworthy that thing right there it's called the Keyblade yeah yeah seems like these days everybody's got one of those right for a keyblade master you're not very what's the word how do you forget the word good master eraqus you see is so afraid of darkness that he to way succumbed not to darkness but to light it shines so bright he forgets that light begets darkness and aqua and Ventus their lights shine too bright and it's only natural that they cast shadows on your heart marecus such a fool light and darkness they are a balance--one that must always be maintained gerrae you are the one who shows the true mark of mastery but he refuses to see it yeah when you think about it this is kind of air kisses fault if you just named tarot master none of this would have happened if you just try to make a balance between light and dark we'd be telling another story I have to become a racer Kingdom cards everyone in town votes for who we think is the most exemplary citizen well one thing I know for sure for Tara you're racing those monster karts yeah you know the muscles that weren't really doing anything aside from racing totally terrorists also how does winning a race make Tara a good citizen that's right kid you got the potential to conquer the darkness inside you and I'll even give you some pointers I mean believe me if anybody knows conquering I know conquering yeah remember when concrete metal lips oh not to leave the bureaucracy of all of these things named Tara kind of earthy and all right Oh Bravo Oh Hades seriously does like no one come to these games who the hell is sharing there is no one here I really wanted to fight you fair and square get it fair and square okay he has no actual feelings--only destructive instincts i have carefully chosen for him or perhaps you need another demonstration of my evil geniusness where was he keeping that experiment capsule goddamn that took forever for supposedly advanced alien race they sure have really poor security management this Jess must be brought to skull rock safely don't let that Peter Pan anywhere near it where's skull rock what does Peter Pan look like these are the questions you ask before accepting a task boy you sure got that much fantasize what monster there were multiple Unversed what's the meaning of this you know I didn't give it that much thought you never give anything much thought I'll tell you what put the stuff that's really special to you in there that can be your treasure yeah real swell idea Thanks kind of makes me wonder what I'd put in there oh he's not talking about the chest he just suddenly remembered aqua what are you doing here oh my friend's dad took us out on the boat this is where we like to play but it won't let us brought here by ourselves not to it so where is his dad he brought you out here he won't let you wrote to and from the main island by yourselves not to mention that the boat is still there so he must be on this island with you guys you got to keep this a secret okay otherwise all the magical or huh Riku must have really taken that to heart because he still keeps that secret to this day not once has he ever mentioned you what's that guy somebody you know maybe oh there you go again just tell me I really can't I've got to keep it a secret not with me don't I'm like the best secret keeper in the world said Sora the kid who would eventually reveal the existence of other worlds to about almost everyone you were right aqua and so was the master I did need to be watched well no not really if they just trusted you you wouldn't have flipped it in Erica's would probably still be alive Terra technically done nothing wrong other than just take Aurora's light which she didn't even have the power to do in the first place let jump out who was clearly cuckoo for cocoa puffs and overall just sayin or but even so when you think about it Terra didn't really have a reason to distrust Xion or hell erik has trusted Zane already been after he scarred Erik as his face couple that with him talking about the balance between light and dark and how Erica's didn't trust him because he had darkness don't get me wrong tariffed up royally but it's not entirely his fault when you don't trust someone they're more than likely not going to place their trust in you either Keyblade no Ventus I'll just fight this fight this fight she's definitely not swinging it fast enough for it to make that sound then two sacks amazes Cinque Terre activate and uses Keyblade armor but proceeds to use himself like he's used it a thousand times his name is Terra he's dressed kind of like me he's dressed nothing like you you mean this stranger saw ya and set his horde of evil demons after you Terra would never do that oh of course I'm sure he wouldn't not if he summon who is your friend princess you trustn't be so musting--er trusting he's a lion mark my words my god these [ __ ] [ __ ] they've been nothing but mean to Ventus since we got here oh thank you my pet to tell the truth I really don't know what I would have done without that Terra did you do nothing at this point both of you have done the same amount of wrong Terra took Aurora's light and you gave the witch the poison apple that ends up in Snow White's mouth you tell me how I got so far yeah somebody tell me to it's never really given a reason and it doesn't make sense hmm I'm going to the royal ball tonight I guess dreams really do come true okay question this is all obviously happening before the events in terrorist scenario but how exactly is that possible I know there's an official timeline for this whole story I'm looking at it right now but even so ventus left mere seconds after Tara did but then hasn't visited enchanted Dominion at all yet when he arrives at dwarf woodlands it's safe to assume that their scenarios are happening simultaneously but now that we're in Castle of Dreams bent as the scenarios taking place went way before Tara's how is this possible was bent is just freaking around on the lanes between until he arrived at dwarf woodlands coincidentally just as Tara got there was Tara law so that's why he arrived at castle dreams after ventus did even though he again left warf woodlands before ventus did i guess you could say ventus travels faster than tara but that still doesn't explain why Tara invent stories are happening at relatively the same time during dwarf woodlands ven doesn't visit any other wall before that and Tara takes some time an enchanted Dominion did Ventus just get lost or didn't know where to go and don't even get me started on aqua scenario stop you'll get away from her what oh I'm sorry it's just I've never seen anyone so beautiful good luck what suddenly Nikki all I have to do is think it and the star shard will take me anywhere I want to go at least I thought it would i haven't quite got the fine points down like when or where it just Ana kicks in whenever it wants to but I wouldn't have met you if it hadn't brought me here oh so star shard ex machina now who do you think will defend the castle if you two go skipping off which reminds me his lordship was asking for you you literally just bitched about them leaving their post only to tell them they have to leave their post another scamp looking to wake the powers inside him what how'd you know we Wizards have a knack for knowing such things you pedantic you couldn't even tell him that it's because Terra came by for shame Merlin for shame we make a good team sure do oh yeah I got you these tickets for what lifetime passes to Disney town he said you he said to take two grownups no he said there was a pass for you and two grown-ups you never said anything about having to take them with you well you're not the only one I know you me and ven all share the same dream hate to be that guy but it's you ven and I share the same dream already I'll see you when I see you after all we're friends now get it memorized yeah everyone get it memorized for different adventures have happened after this one and no one has bothered to bring up Ventus Terra or aqua even though pretty much everyone has met them you ready well I can tell you are yeah what exactly are they going to do with the castle it's never really explained why isin lead got caught up becoming nobodies were they going to become Royal Guards it just wants to get his grubby hands on a bride and he knows that nobody's gonna vote for him if he puts his own name on the ballot but nobody yeah wish somebody was lookin out for me haha I'm Tara I told you I'm booked solid and old spell spaghetti discontinued DeVito come on sound the alert prisoners are the loose knowing the security around here the alarms will sound in about half an hour fairy panty shot and IV recruit us one at that let taker Belle's go huh one of P Japan's brats will tail that Khalid Lee Sparrow if you want and this might be a stupid question but how is he holding the star shard with his hook even using exploits this fight yep I don't need it if I've got terror enough and pan never mentioned Tara at all even though Ventus mentioned him just tell us where the king is mr. Yin said sir and me and Donnell we'll go right there and saving you - that may not be handy Chris but I'm the captain of the Kings royal won't stop you from heeling you would have already used cure the all-powerful key I know there's a difference between keyblade and Keyblade but well that's the thing no one knows the difference when said out loud without text so if heartless already existed why are this game's enemies the Unversed why not both suddenly aquas helmet just slid off I guess then does his helmet slid off to don't know how considering was frozen solid bud will go with it god damn he's so angry he thought himself that's some cartoonish but also dislike this fight this white wow if I could have to say that four times in one game now that my body is about to perish you and I will have to join together oh of course he has to look like Sora anything to see terra and aqua it's always about your friends isn't it at least I have son I've become a part of their heart just as they become a part of us my friends are my power my friends are my power cliche no you mustn't if you didn't want to do that why give him the Keyblade Armour in the first place when dropped by a lovely young lady and I'll search far and wide to find the maiden to whom this belongs will of course is after all you finally found someone whom you wish to marry marry mr. doesn't even know her name I'm aqua but tell me how you know about them a good friend I swear if not for the subtitles I wouldn't know half of what jock says it's all right leave this to me don't lose that key it wouldn't matter you realize you have a key shaped sword that can open any lock in the universe I'll be at least a broken leg right would it would it be all right if I tried on the glass slipper hmm I met you at the palace unfortunately you are not the young lady the prince is looking for neither a Drizella and Anastasia and both of you saw them walk out of the palace would Lady Tremaine the dwarves only knew snow white for a couple of hours if that either they have a coffin not only of her size but with her name on it she's just as sweet as could be she sang us purty songs and made a smile at bedtime she told wonderful stories what bedtime you've only known her for a few hours either that or aqua royally [ __ ] up and took her sweet-ass time to get here is something wrong this castle it's different somehow and I can't find the princess or hear her beautiful voice was it all a dream wait you mean you know Snow White whoa alcohol that's a pretty big assumption to make no one said anything about Snow White and the dwarves never mentioned she was a princess does does that Janna's necrophilia Terra would never do anything to help you quite the contrary he fully embraced the darkness within himself stop lying see for yourself how the edge want to go with you guys you can't we have a dangerous task ahead of us I don't want you to get hurt and what is this dangerous task Terra it doesn't sound like what the master told you to do uh yes it does fighting the inverse with qualifies dangerous and that's what Eric has told you to do you really have no reason up to this point I even suspect that terror is doing something different it might be a different route but I'm fighting the darkness I'm not so sure I've been to the same worlds as you and I've seen what you've done you haven't seen you know that Cinderella was totally okay with Terra no one even mentioned him while you were in dwarf woodlands and you just took Maleficent's word for you don't even know what he allegedly did she could have been bluffing for all you know now that your Keyblade master let it go to your head Hey cue Ventus awkwardly trying to do what's right sure she's not really doing much of a good job but damn it she's trying oh you're very kind how about that Pete though captain justice my hide you can't count on him for anything wait you're saying his real name is Pete who in the right mind wouldn't need a child captain justice this year we have multiple winners the million dreams award goes to oh that's statistically improbable chippendale border for Tara or exploded frog when it's sort of safe to assume it Huey Dewey and Louie voted for Ventus that would leave Queen Minnie Queen Daisy and Pete no one else is around if one of the three voted for Tara and the other two voted for Rockwell then sure all three of them won but we all know that P being Pete voted for himself you're telling me the pluto-cam boat - Oh Pete I think you tried to do something good but you were doing it for the wrong reasons and you went about it the wrong way do a couple of citizens must have thought you had goodness in you because you actually got a few votes not sure they did wait what hey let me go put me down what Oh God Bruce Timm you psychokinesis they're lifting him without even touching him wait so is this the time the pete got banished cuz in Kingdom Hearts two Donald said that Mickey was the one to do it I got an idea I'll sign you up myself and if you need a trainer I'd be more than happy to put you through the ropes whoa okay not cool Phil please sign me up for the games wait how often are the games held the last games just ended you'd think it'd be an annual thing or something if that's not the case then why doesn't Hercules just sign up again to prove his strength so I take it you're acquainted with the spineless chicken is chicken heart you think has anything to do with squall Leonhart never mind well how about this I become a hero then we go on a date hi I can't make any promises yes great it's settled hero-hood here i come it's gonna be really awkward if in Kingdom Hearts 3 aqua comes back for the date only to find out that Zack kicked the bucket so it really does belong to you but where have you seen that shape have you not been hearing 6 to 6 a Tara's name every time you see him we're going on a treasure hunt I don't know why I'm just asking this now but where the rest of the Lost Boys we've never had to fly that high before what if we fall hey when did you to turn into cowards don't you think you're asking a bit much of them this is between me and them aqua aqua is your leader [ __ ] you said so yourself do you like Riku of course I like him he's my best friend well thank goodness you said that last part otherwise tumblr would be going insane one keyblade is enough for any friendship ah poor naive aqua Tara's heart is leading him to the ancient keep we're wielders of those weapons once waged whoa try to say that last part five times fast and just like the legend says the Keyblade war will begin shut up I'm sick of your nonsense look you all know what I'm going to say so why bother saying it okay so you expect me to believe that Castle oblivion was a land of departure alright I can believe that what I can't believe is that sorta Dolan goofy walk from wherever the hell it is if they ended up in Kingdom Hearts 1 all the way here why would Pluto be there with a message from the king if he's from Disney town can Pluto travel of different world at his leisure Sarah what's wrong huh your riku is apparently psychic he foresaw the tear that would run down Soros face I thought I could go one game without seeing this not a boss wait so they get thrown out so then how do they become nobodies Nikki came back the star seeker and the star shard why didn't he give us that in Kingdom Hearts 2 we could have avoided all the gummi ship sections oh come on you don't even know your bow please tell me the amnesia was just a sick joke boy this is some cliche he said it not me I know I've been here a long time wandering through the endless hours unable to escape how does aqua lurked around the realm of darkness for 11 years and not been able to find a way out Mickey and Riku got out Sora Riku got out in ansan got out once too this time not pass here what is aqua eat does she not require sustenance a boy like him who touches many parts he could open the right tomb and save all those people with lives I managed to ruin so many are still waiting for in there both bye sweet roll credits then we've seen the credits like three times already the only thing you drew was a big L on your forehead for loser lame laughable hey guys charge for watching my cinema 6 parody of everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts birth by Sleep I absolutely love this game and all the mechanics introduced but whoo hoo boy does it add plot holes to a story that really didn't need them you guys had hit all over to cinemasins be awesome people that I parody they also host sister channels a cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why don't check out everything wrong with Kingdom memories 3 5 8 ice creams over - until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is char I 5 signing off that's not real magic use some curaga zero gravity on that [ __ ] remember what says I remember the context of that one she's prettier than me she has whiter skin she must die check your priveledge she could have just asked yo magic mirrors is full gonna bring me this heart though and I wrote the script such a long time ago I remember half-fish but I wrote oh yeah the guy that accidentally created the guy that started this mess and that allegedly couldn't restrain him toast trustworthy totes trust worry wait what's this context huh I feel like I'm really gonna live on her oh yeah Kingdom cards that's brother that's the best plan I wrote I and I was working so hard on like finding a a pun for that one and as I got so easy these are the questions you asked before I said yeah this is actually pretty hard he brought you out here and he won't let you row to and fro to and fro if they just trusted you you wouldn't have [ __ ] vente sacks amazed at seeing Tara acted mmm Chip and Dale voted for Tara Horace voted for Ocwen it's sort of safe to assume that Huey Dewey and Louie would voted for Ventus voted for ventus Chippendale voted for Tara horace voted for aqua and sort of safe to assume that Huey Dewey and Louie would have four voted because there's two V words there and it [ __ ] me up Chippendale voted for Tara Horace voted for voted for aqua I keep going like Minnesota I don't know I'd be more than happy to put you through the ropes why I don't like the way he said that whoa try to say that last part five times fast we're wielders of those weapons once waged war oh my god yeah try to say that five times fast I totally forgot where we lived of those what I can't even do it once we're wielders of those weapons once which war where will ders what that's like 10,000 double use what I can't believe is that Sora Donald and Goofy walk from wherever to wherever to here whatever to here requisite parently psychic he foresaw the tear that would run down Sora's face the tear it tear think I said terror
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 351,881
Rating: 4.8773761 out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Kingdom hearts III, Kingdom Hearts 3, TheGamersJoint, HMK, Soraalam1, SkywardWing, Charriii5, Ventus, Xehanort, Eraqus, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi, Kingdom Hearts X, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, kh3, d23 trailer, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Terra, Terranort, Aqua, Gameplay, HD Cutscenes, KH13, Keyblade, Sanctuary, Utada Hikaru, Hikari, Passion, Simple and Clean, 2.5 HD Cutscenes, Organiaztion XIII, Roxas, Timeline
Id: jNxN-R212dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2016
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