Everything Wrong With Xenoblade Chronicles in 52 and a Half Minutes

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52 minutes! Are they insane!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sometipsygnostalgic 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
long ago narration but what is known as the making model wreck on which how would the hums know did they name the MEK on so is Dixon just squall Leonhart with the tumbler is is the gun blade just a normal weapon in Japan I'm not throwing my life away no point dying in some godforsaken field forage I look to you dumb van as a decoy that should give me talk to it okay you just escape right now done been in Dixon already left and by the time they notice you didn't join you'll be long gone you know that man you're doing a bunch of cool [ __ ] that I wish you could do in the actual game on you but does the concept of hell even exist on bionis is there an afterlife that they believe in [Music] oh no no not moon car he was my favorite character sorry I didn't mean for you to come all the way out here during your break I mean it's not like you're right outside colony 9 you've still got quite a way to go before you get there I'm pretty sure Ryan just came to see you regardless oh so that's why waluigi isn't in smash is too busy being in this game nothing but slack hush same old colonel at this rate the member will be dead before they see any action what are you talking about didn't Vanguard just say that they were a disgrace her in the joint forces colony 6 which I'm assuming was the Battle of sword Valley [Music] [Music] it was the minato it was truly what was the point of not letting us here with dunban said if you're gonna reveal it like two seconds later show you spending too much time in the lab are the that or rummaging for junk in the scrap yard you don't healthy for a kid your age that's why you're always looking so pasty you should get out get some fresh air once in a while I'm sorry is the scrap yard not out in the open a month I mean hell he even kicked back for a little bit it looks like he gets plenty of fresh air well I'm sure you'd like to try someone it's still hot done man please your sister must have a secret that's how dun dunnnnn was able to destroy so many MEK on and why he lost the use of his right arm if I can just unlock the secret of its power so how come sometimes when people are talking in their head there's a filter to indicate it but then other times like right now there isn't making me think that shulk's thinking out loud it's always delicious but today it's amazing really yeah thank goodness I used some special herbs and spices today so if you said it was just the famous usual I've know for sure you have no sense of taste I don't think there's a sense of bite fiora he puts the same which to his mouth and a sandwich retains its size the pattern in that circle or maybe it's a symbol I think it shows which power the Minato has at the moment you think it's a symbol I mean what did you think it was just gibberish on a magical sword we interrupt Sina Blake chronicles to bring you that So Raven anyway did you collect the cylinders yep all done thanks just come by yourself from now on well damn fiora maybe he wants to hang out with you guys no we'll never tame there now wait let me think here Shulk your colonies kind of under attack I don't think now should be the time to think and more importantly why isn't anything attacking them right now okay thank you fiora is apparently a fan of just a pancake well that sure was lucky that that didn't hit either dunban nor Rhine even though shock was standing right in front of them so do cameras exist in this world cuz I assume so given this photo and the way more advanced technology like gem crafting machines and whatnot but think about it that's pretty much the only photo we ever see in this game it's all very well going off to that metal face mech on but shouldn't we have some kind of plan shouldn't you even file that before even leaving colony 9 I mean granted you're right outside the colony but you kind of just said let's go without really thinking about where you were going solar reminds me of the battle between the bionics and the McCauley's I wonder if it's anything to do with that well it's hard to believe that living things are just a source of energy for machines there has to be another reason or shadowing a coal boy [Music] what's this oh wait but monado shield covers everybody why doesn't shulk have a shield too and shouldn't I have lost the shield after the Queen arachno attacked that's strange we were just abandoned of Bucky in this place and it's pretty new is it brand new not brand new but it's in very good condition I don't know man I don't think smoke is a sign of a vehicle being in a good condition oh hi juju juju you should come back to our camp you can yeah it's not far how about it let's take him up on the offer I'm surprised there's a homs camp here but they might have some information I suppose jutsu can you tell us how to get there why don't we just follow the kid he's heading back there too I know that in game I have to get there myself but in story it makes no [ __ ] sense why we wouldn't just follow him juju wait the buggy had enough juice to get to the camp why don't we just write the buggy it makes even less sense why you'd give us directions now could could you take me with you to the colony juju the people here need us how many times do I have to tell you but you heard the Meccan attack colony nine that means a lot of them have left colony six already it has to even if that's true no especially if it's true we cannot expose the cap to any more danger so you don't care what happens to the people in the colony are you not listening to what Charlotte just said if you go back you are putting people's lives at risk of course she cares about what happens to the people of the colony this ghetto he would have been my husband by now if not for all this Ryne you really remind me of ghetto when you get angry I do gadot's taken care of us ever since we were young I always saw him as a big brother really so you would have been your big brother's wife by now what are you doing let's don't find you Jew [Music] when you talk like that you sound just like Gatto that's how I know it's not worth arguing what am i some kind of Gatto substitute you know starting to think guy does not even reeling that this chick is just looking for a baby daddy come on who put this barrier in the way what the hell are you talking about rag weld bridges a straight line how do you even this up I'll have to walk it they're all cowards I'll show them all bruh they've got weapons they're not fighting because it's a smart thing to do and not because they're afraid you idiot wait does Rhine hatha not off-speed apply to him - that's absolute [ __ ] I wish you could do that child abuse why scoffers that other faced mechon is called metal face I mean yeah but aren't all face back on metal face that's like if my family called me Mexican skin band you're not wrong but why single me out truth be told we were gonna leave without you but the thing is I get roughed up a lot and we don't know anyone else who can use ether what about Jacques he knows like he'll it's not much but it still uses ether I think we should observe them and plan our attack afterwards you insolent we don't have that kind of time you don't know a damn thing about these machines I have observed their movements I've planned this attack for a month we don't have time but you've been observing them for a hole-in-one I don't mean to be an [ __ ] of Thorin but I feel like that's kind of on you juju in the others [Music] until I scrap each and every one of you damn Charlie wish Ural is useful in the game yes but there's still no sign of that mech on with the metal face he's the one we're really after yeah hope I'm not interrupting well that was convenient you may be able to block a projectile let's see well when you announce an Telegraph your attack like that you can pretty much block anything I could see the by on his head where is an island prison Island if you want to go to the bye on his head you'll need a guide to get to the upper regions we're at the bottom so I guess the only way to go is up you're right done man that is how that works why even say it not to mention even if you've won at the bottom considering you're heading to the bionis head wouldn't you be going up regardless it pains me to say it but this is the point where I turn back honestly I don't even know you're still doing here a Thorin you could just turn back after the ether mines you haven't done anything since and juju juju I'm Sharla I want to go with the Thorin are you sure yeah I've never seen anything cooler than shook smashing meh calm of the Minard oh but I'm just slowing you down no way kid you just need to shape up like me no no right he's got a point he's just blowing us down and all honestly he's only caused trouble since we met him it's just that it feels like the bionis isn't really dead wait a minute shocked if the Bayona starts moving around things won't look good for us to be fair you're on the inside Ryan so there's not a whole lot to worry about as people on the outside that should be worrying this is the third time we've seen this cutscene and we're not even close to this actually happening you Silke what's wrong another vision kind of I'm not sure you're not sure I feel like kind of was a better answer you could have just said I've seen her in past visions or something like that we're gonna need water type ether crystals I'll load the crystals into a cartridge to shoot from my rifle I shoot no silly I'll fire them into the air and the dispersed ether will heal her that's what I thought Ryan Sharla has healed you before you should know that that's not how that works she does shoot you I suggest you stop staring [Music] the sword is yours well what's that light that's what you're wondering it's not have a 3/3 of the Minato and then show up behind you after you caught it this is the only fighter Albus is part of your team and that's just lame yeah technically Alvis who are you wait you're on the rock over here just across from the shore where Shulkin rice should have been able to see you [Music] everywhere me want touch hum hum hum is that racist that's racist forgive me shell but what are you talking about short can see visions of the future the future and you expect me to believe this rubbish so when you were explaining to Melia that you used the power of the monado to beat Olivia you didn't explain the fact that you could see into the future you know kind of the main thing that makes a la fiere problem welcome home lady Melia lady huh Thank You captain these Hans and listen op honor my guests see them safely to the guest quarters give them anything they need as you wish what's going on I have no idea didn't you just give Rhine [ __ ] for not knowing first grade history how's it not obvious to anyone but dunban that male is a pretty big deal around here Silesia rent havoc on countless veteran nights hew triumphed where they could not I find it difficult to suppress these feelings of pride for you my kin that's your majesty I fail to return with any of the subjects you entrusted to me my inexperience cost them their lives hey how was any of that your fault they would have died anyway hold on Elvis I need to ask you did she'll just interrupt himself patient it took Albus a little bit to even react to what Chuck was saying and so it begins the resurrection of the bionis what of the Minato I cannot see my sight is hindered however speak here sorry and chill he wasn't even finished may I introduce your crown princess and there's the lady yourself Melia Antiqua it's it's hard she's she's a princess okay so you know what a princess is but you hadn't put together that Melia was royalty the matter with you and presuming that they are inquisitors of the bio Knight order a group of assassins long devoted to the imperial family ridiculous the bio Knight order are a mere myth the order existed before records began I like many others believed they had long since died out yet here they are before us his father aware of this bruh did you not hear your mom of course your dad doesn't know about this who are you my name is dunban I'm sort of the protector of this mech on bashing band of Homes dunban I love you but the only times I've used you were at the beginning when I'm forced to use you and later on when you're forced to be my party memory you're not protecting Shay as I explained before dunban the defense systems are designed to prevent uninvited well what does this do don't touch [Music] thoughts and speech and he passed away thousands of mistaking me for a living being you're surrounded by all of this frankly advanced technology but you don't understand what AI is you can eat bread without knowing how to bake it makes sense to me health you've done bad [Music] what do you understand Melia so far we can rule out the constants of artificial intelligence and the emotion known as joy I just realized can Melia see through that mask or is she going about this through hearing and instinct because I don't see how she would see through that mask have no right to the throne why did your echo disappear you're still in the same room right who puts a great big hole somewhere like that as I explained it's a defense mechanism what a mess Rhine friend not clever touching button I'm with these guys Rhine how was I supposed to know that was gonna happen you warrant that's why you weren't supposed to touch the button Rhine that's kind of the whole point of a trap do you go sis into this mess and it's not the first time either Ricci a grievous choke why is it my fault all of a sudden how was it not nobody mean all of a sudden it was your father the moment you consider pushing the button this route will lead us to the ritual altar but time is of the essence we got to hurry there's no time to lose well I don't see any of you moving this goddamn fight man I know lorath pious fight is considered more difficult and trust me we'll get to that one but my God on top of dealing with the tilapias bullsh and having to minato persian only for this absolute units a topple your entire party and leave you dazed leading ty Raya be absolute [ __ ] to spank you with the cinderblock she calls hands and feet and you better pray to meyneth herself that you have enough talent gage to apply monado purge again because that she wears off so quick and you might be thinking well why not just do a tie Raya first well because the monado doesn't hurt the high entia but you need the minato for the tilapia I was so sick of hearing I will not let that surround me salad yeah that's my own version of your pay for your insolence tomorrow will be the investiture ceremony at the appointed time you will become my successor be proud I I will one child I am overjoyed at how far you have come you are truly worthy of the phone continue the legacy I was like to dedicate this into the fact that due to royal high entia decayed bullsh-- butter whatever saurian doesn't tell his daughter how excited he is for her or even that he himself believes that she's the future of their people please don't and I mean this having experienced the situation where someone I care about lost someone they love without patching things up don't pass up the opportunity to tell people in your life that you love and care about them life's short and yeah I know the high entia live to be like 300 plus years old but we don't so just put petty [ __ ] aside and tell people how you feel you know how you really feel before it's too late probably be a lot happier that way sure forgive us for detaining you earlier you and I are not of the same people but this I must say thank you why was that line so much louder than the rest of his dialogue it's on Prison Island our forefathers sealed something away just as they did to the monado all records have been lost and there is now no way to know what it was wait your forefathers sealed away the monado and you know why they sealed it away but there are no records of the ancient giant they sealed arguably the more dangerous of the two and not to mention he sealed away on prison island which is like right next door to al come off compare that to the Minato which is sealed away at vollis Mountain a place where you would have to traverse not only the Aerith sea but also the frontier village and Makkah for is just to reach you're telling me no other emperor got curious as to what exactly was on Prison Island checked and recorded for posterity I ask this not as Emperor saw the Atlantic line but as a father I do not demand that you act as Melia's protector but I would be honored if you would be a friend admittedly this is probably one of the most nitpicky things I'll ever say about any game but Xenoblade has this thing where it loves to recall lines we just heard or replay scenes we just saw right now and then and I wouldn't mind if they recall those lines or those scenes with at least a couple of hours in between this line by Sauron was said I [ __ ] you not less than five minutes ago there has been no game playing between when you first said it's a shulk and now that shield remembers it pretty sure it's still fresh in my memory game but I did not interfere with your ministerial affairs in fact you should be thanking me I wonder if he feels the same we have all the information we need we know that such a telethia cannot hurt them you see nothing can befall him before he sees his dream fulfill Laura Thea novels were playing the class pronoun game by Hasbro tendon right Ricky and friends visit Milly now hey the analyst at Salk in pops I am much older than you there it is we were too late again you weren't late for anything in fact Melia was in saurians arms right before it happened you were on the ground behind them I need to tell you something I always thought if fiora were to be with anything it should be moved what but Rhine hangs out with her just as much as me shock do you not want to be with your cuz I mean it's pretty obvious how much she favors you over Rhine you'll write Marion I've made up my mind I'm going to get the aura back you don't have to do this I'll go and look for myself the burden should be mine how is getting fewer back any more of a burden than taking down the metcon like if you're doing one you might as well do the other right a real case of having your cake so you might have all eat it too but remember the longer he's away the more chances feelings for you will fade once we find this fiora I will personally whisk him back here in a heartbeat did Charlotte not know who fiora was even without the context of dunban she was a third official party member how shulk nor Ryan even mentioned her once while Charlotte was around you see some of them have conversations the background what the hell are they talking about then leaving without me do you want to come to reach galahad fortress you will need to travel through VALIC mountain on the right arm of the vileness the snow-covered mountains are fraught with danger those unfamiliar to them risk never coming back I mean done Ben's men to sword valley before unless they traveled there on an aircraft which I guess is likely enemy it's not like I don't want you to come I'm just saying that if you are you should at the very least be an active party member first we will head through McConnell forest this short-range pod will be our transport but why do we have to go to vallah countin and let the hands you don't have better long-range pods Mellie is the [ __ ] Crown Princess they can't spare a better transportation pod for their ruler why free the Minato Sansa must realize it is now a double-edged sword of Dixon's homebrew right about now we're not built for this cold oh it is to be expected this climate is as different to your home as it gets it only snows this high up on the bionis the bionis arm i'll come off prison island and air at sea are on the by on his head you know higher than the arm doesn't snow there we will need to do something about the ice before we can enter so hot water on ice yeah nice one genius precisely there should be a geezer nearby in the cave next to it we will find a stone called magma Rock or you know Melia could just use some and flare and melt the ice with her ether don't know why that wouldn't work this place something up sugar no it's just I feel like I know this place deja vu is friendship thing in this world like do different languages exist we've seen the high entia writings which could be its own language but where would the term deja who come from if French doesn't exist [Music] sadly I wanted this sword as this puny boy even figured out how it works yet I mean he beat your ass with it didn't he plus I know you've been with the metcon for about a year now but do you know how it works do you even know what it does works by remote so watch it to be that was an incredibly irresponsible move on Elias part she could have accidentally caused metal phases clásico straight through fiora's neck or even crush her body we fight to free the world from the tyranny of the Bionic why machines what do you want from us why make us fight for you Shaw would be great at cinemas little quit it would be most unwise to proceed without restocking our supplies you arranged this for us where you arranged this for us yet you still made us go to oh say tower for some reason I know that Albus has ulterior motives but the rest of the team don't so if anything they should be wondering why I didn't just arrange for us to get here straight from Malcolm author at the very least Magna Forrest fiora you mean dumb bands sister do you know another feel why would Sansa released them another he surely knows it would become a double-edged sword and get it and double-edged cuz he said it twice like us are you really willing to kill another homs yes sometimes need money even if it's fiora well I mean to play devil's advocate here but it's not the same shulk fury' as far as you guys know doesn't remember who she is and even as maintenance she hasn't done anything to hurt anybody moon car on the other hand remembers everything in his plot out admitted to wanting to kill all of you just so he could have the minato even saying that he loves his new mekin body it's pretty clear that he's acting of his own free well mekin or not what's the reason for all of this why did bionis and mechonis have to keep on fighting i have to find out why shall she be CEO of cinemasins all right Oh Boosh how did any of you survive that show camellia makes sense cuz shulk use the monado to grind his way down and cotton Ellie as she was falling but do you expect me to believe that an up on like Ricky could hold the weight of both Ryan and Sharla and still hover down safely I'd buy it if he did it by himself but he's got two full-grown Hobbes dragging him down and I don't even know how dunban survived was I dreaming I don't know what you did but you somehow survived that massive fall fiora you're awake um do you remember my name is I can't believe it my first kiss I mean does that count though cuz you wouldn't call mouth-to-mouth CPR a kiss this is more like a mama bird giving its babies food because they don't have to process solids yet I take it this cutscene was meant to be played during the night because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why they'd have a fire on a beach during the day I doubt they need the warmth and I thought they're cooking always they don't seem to be inside my heart I was crying out desperately but you didn't hear me nobody did we always believed it was you it's okay you don't have to say that what are you talking about did you not hear all the times they refer to you as fiora look at this dude Makena you mean machine people wait haven't you guys been here longer than done been Ricky and Melia did you not ask who these people were when you arrived to the village were any words exchanged before the rest of the team got here you do not look fully functional ever since she was given this body she hasn't been feeling too good but we honestly don't know what to do do you mean to tell me you are not to machina how do you not know that aren't you a doctor plus I would have figured her Homs looking ahead we've been a dead giveaway nonsense I am a doctor do not worry I specialize in people in your situation if that's true how did you not realize that she wasn't Maki no joke I'm fiora your right shot that is for Yura don't think that's what she was gonna say though the sword the young man is holding is that from the mud it is and the destruction of the fortress from the sword was that your doing yes although unfortunately we were unable to stop a gill thank you yeah you know your son the whole reason you were present to see us in fact you tell us this like two seconds after this so I don't understand why that was your reaction I'm afraid she's had several of her organs removed am I correct in assuming she was configured to operate inside a mech on of course she would be correct in assuming that you yourself said that she had been converted into a face unit you don't go and take care of that ego or whatever his name is I know hindsight is 20/20 but doesn't anyone find it weird that Dixon knows about this plays his buddy-buddy with the chief of the village assumedly visits often or at least somewhat recently and yet he doesn't get a girl's name right you might run into someone called Vern error in the capital just mention my name she'll lend a hand Linnea is she a mocking her as well she's my daughter I didn't bring this up with me Cole mentioned that Edgar was a son but how do machina have children you mean there's no mention of a mother and there's a kid in the machina village that people say won't grow but is this like a robots thing where the parents build the kids and they just replace their parts they get older is there an organic component I would assume not given what Lee nadda said earlier what are the rules dammit this whole is female she was with the boy who wields the monarda a light of her memory it shines strongly in this one bring me face to 0-8 one for man gadot's je fais makan doesn't even get named during a cutscene that's bassist [Music] wait that was it that was like three quests to get monado armor minato eater took like 70 just to raise the affinity of central bionis once and personally I find armor to be the more useful of the two why is either so much more time-consuming to get whoa look down anyone know where we are other than high up maybe somewhere around the thigh the thigh do you mean we ain't even halfway there yeah dude you're climbing a 12 kilometer Titan I'm surprised that you guys are even at the thigh to begin with I could make you a new rifle if you want thanks but I I want to keep using this one for now Shulk get a clue man it's more than just a weapon sewer she can't just throw it away and get a new one of course she can and trust me it's only because I chose to record these cutscenes with the default outfits that she doesn't [Music] we drop xenoblade chronicles to be of the Subspace Emissary more recent phases have had all memories of their previous lives completely erased is that because of me no it is not your fault mum car seems the more likely candidate his attachment to us was too strong you could say it caused his destruction that sword one and all well I really I mean sword didn't even remember who he was are you saying that Sansa is to blame for makani's devastation it stands the sword that I'm using does this mean we're enemies and if so why are you shook calm down damn it Ryan let the CEO of cinema stand speak didn't Bend guard died during the attack on colony nine I mean granted we didn't really see him die but when this happens followed by Ryan saying the colonel the guys I'm gonna destroy every last one of those makan there's only so many places your mind can wander [Music] this is when Sansa was imprisoned so are they watching this on the projection or is this maybe on a screen if so who recorded it did video cameras exist back then do you even exist now he's completely under Regulus control now remember what when they have told us damn it woman listen to the robot lady with the big boobs which why does she have boobs they don't serve a perfect like they do for hums do they wouldn't I make them somewhat organic the machina I mean not the boobs tell me boy are you familiar with the concept of stealth Asian tactics of course a military strategy in which you cut the supply lines and starve out the enemy breaking the fourth what is he supposed to be saying that to Ryan because as part of the defence where's the colony nine shouldn't he know what that is and honestly it looks like it's looking at the screen while they're looking at Ryan people how could this happen even with the Apocrypha you know Edgar you know the reason hmm the power of the will to protect your own is that what you refer to my friends are my PowerCLI Chanel you would side with those of bionis and attack me you have forfeited your right to exist perhaps if that is to be my fate I gladly accept brother as would any of the villagers so the few remaining members of my people have now betrayed me I don't think they ever agree with you to begin with miss I mean dude even your own dad wants you dead [Music] you should have gone for the head good news from his highness the allied force retreated in time casualties were kept to a minimum wait what did you guys not see the ocean of people that fell into the ocean how do they managed to save all of them the monado isn't at full strength I don't know if it can beat Eagle you're talking about that apochromatic thing I'm worried he's no match for all of us together at least the previous encounter allowed us to gauge how he fights we won't make the same mistakes again well I like letting him live do you guys realize you've won the last fight right niku is directly linked to the apocrypha generator destroy the generator and the apocrypha field will deactivate allowing shulk's monado to function properly again now you tell us I wish you'd said something earlier what would have been the point you guys haven't even been to the core yet if I concentrate I feel like something will happen and it does are you saying you don't need a vision to know what comes next pull the other one Ryan you're going to scratch your head with your right hand I got I told you that you know that all the time then the arm stretching thing sure you can part broken Melia just how dare you how many how many do you think died in that attack baby thousand I don't even think there are hundreds of people on beyond its total hundred maybe what hundreds I killed I don't have any reason to kill you even if you do not I still do I know but I won't do it if you do not kill me now my blade will annihilate every last one of your people I don't understand Ariel do you want to die cuz Schultz letting you go and you keep giving him a bunch of reasons to kill you lady main s once said that aside from the vileness and the mechonis this world is filled with nothing but boundless ocean but what lies beyond that we are still young and unable to leave the by honest or than the conus well you haven't invented boats oh the high entia have light teleportation technology surely someone could have built a spaceship or something by now I don't know much about any curse for now all I can do is this a girl we can live in peace again good on shop for learning to forgive me forget but this dude is still responsible for kidnapping and killing a bunch of people you realize that sounds us disciple Sansa's disciple Hegel what do you mean Dixon what are you I don't have to explain anything well you're about to do it anyways as they say seeing is believing what does that even mean right now you shooting shells doesn't make me believe your zanza's disciple it just makes me believe that you live up to your name you son of a dick so quit already date that's impossible we grew up together you grew up with an empty shadow he appeared to live because I became his life force so by definition he could not have been an empty shell if you were his life force would you also makes me question artless Anza because if your soul was inside of the monado and also supplying shulk's body with life what was inside of our closest body was Argus more of a zombie infected with a Z Y or Z of course Danny for zanza I doesn't understand how Zam's could possess both shulk and Argus at the same time especially when his soul was also in the Minato [Music] what was it that made you select Joker's your battle there was no particular reason she would merely happened to be there at the time oh so it's just a huge coincidence that you two look and sound exactly alike wouldn't the bionis moving kill a bunch of life on it isn't that the equivalent of like ten earthquakes in one imagine how many people just got Yeaton by the way honest awakening I don't care I will gladly sacrifice myself to a lemonade stand as long as he lives there can be no peace for us or for the people of bionis well there's not gonna be a bionis if you keep driving the mekin sword into it a gill does the bionis have its own gravitational pull because otherwise I don't think that prison Island and Alchemist should be moving alongside it in fact after that movement I think the air at sea should exist anymore the energy from the chest component made it work it turned out to be a mulatto such a strange a monotonous yes Melia you were there did you not see it happen will you walk the path laid out by zanza or will you walk a new path so I don't know if it's because Albus knows shulk has a third Minato but why is he being so encouraging to shulk about existing outside the passage of faith but it was giving run and done been a bunch of lip back at colony six because when you think about it both Ryan and dunban have changed the passage of fate even though Shulkin knew it was going to happen to a far I'm back as the ether mind he still couldn't save him minded yeah it was because she told him what was going to happen but he only did so because Ryan convinced him to stop keeping his vision to himself yes Schulz saw himself fighting alongside Mellie on Prison Island but he also saw a telethia killing her at the high entia tomb and the only reason we were able to save her was because of done been using his wit to convince Kallen to let it into the high end to get to him at all are you you already know you know what I am does II though cuz even you admit later on that Schulz most likely can't even fathom what you are forget about the man or no kid more space between zan's or nuts the better if Ryan's got time to sound off we must be doing okay we are doing okay Ryan is correct perhaps we relied too much on the Minato will you add to I'm honestly shocked you guys can even fight this man she loved you without Minato purge whether or not I could use it meant life or death in most cases this is [ __ ] I could see it the future I don't have the Minato but it came to me Ryan well you don't have the Minato bd-r this replica of the machina made for you that kind of mocking iooks machina dead no it looks like she just passed out let's get her to the infirmary Ryan come on why me because you're the strongest that nobody else is here also why is nobody else here it's kind of weird that shulk Melia Ryan and Charlotte here but not the rest of the party on top of that why is melancholy tie array of the only side quest with voice acting cutscene I think it's a neat little side story that's too important to not have voice acting wrapping up terrain you may have stories yet to out a place to incorporate in the main story so I suppose that's why but there are other side quests that could have benefited from voice acting to look me in the eye and say to me that the whole destroy the city trade series of side quests and frontier village wouldn't have been awesome with voice acting that quest has so many prerequisites it was practically a sized story of this game with some CSI level twists uncovering an up on conspiracy involving upon being sold on the black market going back and forth from central march all the way to Alchemist we crash the secret Club it's nuts hold on a sec are you saying that's why Raya is kellyanne's half-sister that's right Ben isn't she in the same position as you mm-hmm know if ty Rey is you mayor's daughter but it's still Cal Ian's half-sister doesn't that mean she's not saurians daughter meaning she's not the emperor's child meaning she's not a princess come on dude I spent hours fixing the colony back up not for the people I mean they didn't put the mobile furnace me experience up three but still wait is this the only time we see a high entia actually use their wings to fly like you would think right but we only ever see them flying on have wrist so I figured that the wings were just left over from the tilapia Jean Shelby we interior share the same goal sure to me together yeah you're right as far as I could tell nope wait cally I'm still alive I thought he died in the giant explosion after Makana score because you know it was an explosion there is no use in calling it worked before but now his transformation is complete is it because pretty much every other till Effie it looked like a fully formed beast Callias over here look like a [ __ ] Resident Evil monster man this fight it's bad enough that Sun another telethia thank maintenance I don't have to deal with having to apply monado first though but trust me there's plenty more that makes this fight mega annoying for starters she summons for different kinds of nebulae meaning that you have not one not two not three not four but five different sources to be taking damage from and as if that weren't enough of a hassle to deal with you're surrounded by little pools of ether which you'll take damage from it if you enter them meaning that your teammates the garbage AI that they are will constantly insist on attacking the nebulae from the ether pools taking more damage than they need to and don't even get me started on this [ __ ] every single one of her art suck these are laser lowers your ether defenses boiler alert all the enemies in this fight primarily use either to attack and on top of that it inflicts art seal meaning you can only auto attack doing chip damage obliterate is an AoE meaning everyone around her is screwed because it comes knocked back followed by topple leaving you wide open for more attacks big bang sticks is a fun one not only does it cause days it also applies confuse on you meaning you're open to be attacked followed by not being able to control your character elemental barrier something's more nebulous so sorry if you focus your efforts on the one when the battle started now you got to deal with even more of these bastards elements like to be called sure to have an awakening raising her level and therefore her stats so if you thought she was hard before oh boy and finally she has shield recovery me that if you applied any debuff store as you should they're gone now just gone oh and it also applies debuff immunity meaning you can't apply any divas for a little bit and I hope you like repetitive lines because I am so sick of this absolute trash heap saying you'll pay for your insolence over and over and over and over again all this is saying this fight is bad I don't like it I can sense Dixon we must be near the top if we proceed from here we will be unable to return what like regardless how do you know that dunban what do you think is gonna happen after we beat Dixon John fix it I just wanted the power of a god it's turning into a harmless just a thing Giants can do did Sansa give him that power so how did we get here what happened after we beat Dixon did we all just pass out and wake up hear that voice it's Sansa no I'm pretty sure that's a smash for Wii U in 3d s logo we interrupts you know boy Chronicles bring a shadow the hedgehog in order to escape his own annihilation he wished for a world in a perpetual cycle of destruction and recreation by Olaf's being filled with life and the telethia coming to wipe it out it was all the will of zanza it was but the truth of the matter is that he longed for friendship did he cuz he didn't seem to make much of an effort if you destroyed recreated the world several times and only got three friends out of it and I use the term friends very loosely considering Laura thea wanted immortality Jackson wanted power and Albus would never fail to begin with but he'll maintenance had an easy time making friends with the machina because it was so afraid of being forgotten one friends why did he just do what may have did well I don't know how things work in this new world shell created but it is the ocean rhyme Oh fiora got her Homs body back but could have been [Music] [Music] yura [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fiora your yikes I really like a vibe hey everyone charai five here thanks so much watching my cinemasins pastiche of everything wrong with xenoblade chronicles i'd like to thank my supporters on patreon and my channel members if you want to be featured in future videos and consider helping me out a little bit each month or hit that join button to those who do support stay awesome you guys are heading over to cinema center the awesome people that I pastiche they also host sister channels that cover music videos brands and other topics if you have some time why not check out everything wrong with Kingdom Hearts 3 until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is jar eye 5 signing off you
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 80,508
Rating: 4.8088136 out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Xenoblade Chronicles, xenoblade chronicles definitive edition, xenoblade chronicles definitive edition ost, xenoblade chronicles 2, xenoblade chronicles x, shulk, reyn, fiora, dunban, sharla, melia, riki, high entia, nopon, zanza, meyneth, egil, bionis, mechonis, vanea, super smash bros shulk, gaur plains, monado, monado arts, xenoblade chronicles hd, jrpg, role playing game, nintendo switch, nintendo wii, monolith soft, xenogears, xenosaga, tetsuya takahashi, aegis
Id: bHqIL5ioO3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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