Everything Wrong With Avengers: Infinity War

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Thought you would have waited until Christmas Day to drop this on us.

Holy shit. Don't want to spoil it for anyone but...that was the funniest Sentence you've ever given a movie.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/ROBOT_B9 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

Expected a sin removal for the Thor entrance. That was so awesome.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/Kashmir33 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

Did Jeremy forget the Iron Spider Suit in Homecoming?

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

I found it odd that they pointed out the Gamora Easter egg at her being the “last survivor” of her people, which is something you really have to look for, and yet forgetting that Spider-Man used his spidey sense in Civil War.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Ninjajay2417 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I've waited for the sins removal on the "Thanos throws a moon on Iron Man" scene for too damn long!

I hope Justice League is next.

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/zero_ms 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thought for sure Drax’s “why is gamora?” Would get a laughing sin removal.

Also thought for sure they’d sin Thanos’ “You should’ve gone for the head.” Would get a “Thanos would be excellent at CS”

Or When Thor screams “No”

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Ninjajay2417 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

“Vomiting magenta computer code” made me laugh 😂

Also he has a point. Why did the fully powered infinity gauntlet not even slow down Thor’s ax? Wouldn’t that make the ax the most powerful thing in the universe? Why couldn’t he turn it to bubbles or reverse time after it hit him or just like deflect it slightly? That ax and Thor are cool as shit but they make no sense at all

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/DubsFan30113523 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

I want a Rickenbocker bass.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2018 🗫︎ replies

Not removing more sins for Thanos fastballing a fucking moon?

That's a paddlin'.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ThisGuyLikesMovies 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] even forgiving the nine seconds of black screen this logo takes up 34 seconds for one goddamn studio Thanos supposedly kills half of a people he encounters so is this half of what was left of Asgard because it looks like a whole lot more I'm also wondering since Asgard lost so many at the hands of Cate Blanchett and thorne part three does famous update what constitutes 50% population of a planet or should we give him a pass since he couldn't possibly know the devastation Asgard just went through the tesseract your brother's head this two-hour and 30-minute incomplete movie where Thanos locates all the Infinity stones is only necessary so the Thanos can snap half the universe's population to death just so he can be lazy all this trouble he's going through to find Infinity stones he could have travelled planet to planet and did this job faster like six years ago when we were introduced to him in the first Avengers we don't destroy as God if Thor doesn't send Loki down into Odin's trophy room at the end of Thor the third does the tesseract survive it and float around in space and to stano's quest and when he realizes he can't possess the space stone that's the snap only produce impotent sparks at that point it's a hypothetical I grant but I'm sending it anyway we have a hawk why does Hulk hold back during the battle while fanless destroys the Asgardian ship until the end when Loki says we have a Hulk was he doing before then Thanos destroys Hulk with only one stone in his glove later with many stones in the glove his punch will be held by super angry Captain America after coming to a tow with Iron Man on Titan for a good bit and the Power Distribution slash comparisons and the MCU have never felt more squirrelly than in this movie also where's Valkyrie Valkyrie should have at least been shouted out in this movie thank ed and Valkyrie got half my people the way to safety is all Thor had to say later just who the [ __ ] is this guy we've sat through 18 goddamn films and if I'm remembering correctly 75% of the MCU has been Thanos bitching about traffic on the freeway and we haven't once been introduced to these powerful [ __ ] the farm around or why he needs to fine than my two bring them to me on time sure put infinity stone or evil in the hands of your henchmen that worked so well in the 39 other movies didn't you literally grumble fine I'll do it myself Oh No Loki's gonna die again like in Thor the dark world which definitely means he's probably not dead and even if he is I'm sending it anyway because that dark world scene did not get sinned enough in previous movies we were told Hulk and Banner have different memories so how does Banner remembers the Hulk alone knows Tony Stark famous Avengers running around Central Park and nobody's bothering him this guy is more famous than any president or celebrity in history Tony Stark to normal people see this while I know New Yorkers are up on their Avengers knowledge I'm not quite so sure they've been informed about the Masters of the mystic arts its banks and 6 elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe if the universe is infinite we're at least close to it then these stones were sent directions that should have guaranteed no one could ever combine them all just based on sheer math also why six two weeks ago vision turn off his transponder he's offline okay if he had a transponder and knew it he wouldn't have waited until two weeks ago to turn it off so this is some both we both can't run fell out hard we're not on speaking terms are youing what was that letter caps hit you at the end of civil war then he specifically said if you need me I'll be there all these dudes are superheroes and they all sense something sinister is happening outside but instead of instantly leaping into battle they take several seconds to gape like children at the strange noise like [ __ ] the alien ship causes Peter spidey sense to go off and homecoming didn't give us any indication spidey sense even existed and now this movie is just thrusting an army alike well almost like they forgot it was a thing and are only now implementing it stretchy Ned you are a treasure maybe none of the classmates on the bus see Peter do this plenty of other drivers and passengers on this bridge do and in the age of smartphones and dash cams and government surveillance this transition was definitely seen and captured on film and Peter's cover's blown forever the matter with you kids yeah sure they've seen a spaceship and it usually means bad things I've seen a tornado before that doesn't mean that when it happens I'm gonna sit on the bus reading Madame Bovary bring me the stone dude a minute ago you were making metal fly with a flick of your wrist why do you even need the futuristic space ax do to do this for you versus hope transformation troubles become an impotence metaphor and does that mean when he's successful it's like he's a huge green boner and what does that say about his character that he can only become erect when he's angry this is the most embarrassing Mark Ruffalo's been since in the cup I realized that nanobots are legit real-world science to a degree but Tony suit is applying it in ways that make it utterly unbelievable here's some we definitely won't use later when it could sway the fate of the universe I mean there are much more important dangerous hands that this could be used for to cut off in this film unlock 17a thank God Stark had pre designed and built and voice programmed for deployment a space worthy iron spider-man suit in the I'm guessing a few months and spider-man homecoming Friday why didn't the suit just fly him back to wherever Tony wanted him to go you're telling me that the suit doesn't fly then why doesn't it if the suit does fly then there's no need for the parachute send-off especially if you've got Friday controlling it somehow after that massive battle that ended in that one park banner retraced his steps and found Tony's phone in the rubble like a needle in a haystack calls and thinks you're making this too difficult well this is 100% definitely not a reaction to cinemasins complaining about Tex place names and movies being used when they're unnecessary this is 100% definitely not a reaction to cinemasins complaining about Tex place names and movies being used when they are necessary of all the retro references to make Groot is playing defender looking and fury ating video game why is even playing ancient earth games anyway aren't there are modern alien games to download from the nebula that though is convenient illogical but I do love Fig Newtons after that encounter with a sudden new alien being Groot is still playing handheld video games there comes a point when a parent's got a parent and clearly no one aboard this ship ever did that so Groot ends up like that affluenza kid in Texas and everyone around him acts like oh snap he's such a bad seed why didn't anyone do anything he's anxious angry he feels tremendous loss and guilt so basically every single American then or even every human are we all anxious angry and feeling lost these days mantises empath revelations are more obvious than Forest Whitaker's and species are you guys that's an awfully rude way to greet people you don't know I once woke up in this room and this dude tried to do all this gnarly to me with these strange tools and I was like who the hell are you and he said I'm your [ __ ] dentist [ __ ] dr. James Packer DDS was tough but fair retrieves another stone he'll be too powerful to stop he already is how exactly did they expect to stop Thanos who doesn't even need Infinity stones to be powerful but already has two of the plus Thanos needs Gamora to get the soul stone keep and Gamora away from Thanos as strategy 101 but because there's no time they hastily conjure up some no ass plan vision and wand are supposedly on the run and hiding out from I guess the government but this apartment or hotel room is largest this looks like a honeymoon not a couple on the lam Romancing the Stone also they went from kind of maybe flirty - kissy face hotel buddies and deeply in love entirely off-screen look this is the [ __ ] MCU I refuse to believe anything is an accident and I'm losing sleep trying to unravel the meaning of we will deep-fry your kebab is it a promise a threat guarantee a cipher key the sign is taking up way more screen space than Wanda's face it has to mean something did that alien assassins sneak up on an Android without being heard or seen or sensed the plenty stop it's literally the only explanation this movie's gonna give for why the two most powerful Avengers end up needing help from some punchy fools like Black Widow and no longer Captain America Wanda is hand to handing this henchman she's a magic witch that fooled all the minds the Avengers with false visions of awful futures at once why does she have to throw her mind powers at people why did cap need to make a dramatic entrance into this scene and why on the other side of the tracks why isn't he helping already and in the time it took both Scarlet Witch and próxima to figure out who it was either of them could have potentially won the fight while the other was distracted audience applause break guns these henchmen failed to get the stone they were sent after and they piece out to save their own skin and I'm pretty sure even they know that Thanos values the stones over his henchmen so look at these minions thinking bailing out like this stay close check in don't take any chances you just wanted time you know to figure out the whole having sex with the synthetic vibranium body think it's a lot tougher than you'd think I hope the analyst is keeping count during all this disorder and chaos because I can't figure out how many are dying at first glance but I'm sure he knows how to keep the death at half C's this room the fact that Thanos would ever have stopped on his kill quest for even a moment because of a cute kid is a big pill to swallow you grade the fighter girl she asked a question that's it she's displayed zero fighter characteristics she's inquisitive confused scared guileless but a fighter she is not this half genocide scene illustrates a curious character detail in guardians of the galaxy when they told us Gamora was the only survivor Santos gets me I want you to promise me don't kill me one other thing you could do just find a distant planet to live on lay low find a cave maybe find Spock and don't allow Thanos to ever get near you you mother Looby characters think that a promise will be a bond if they swear on a loved one but of course it doesn't work that way cliche I realize she has a hate boner of justice but goddamn what was she thinking she's the one that's been reminding others how powerful Thanos is pretty mature herself reprobation you knew I come I come so he assumed that the guardianship would get the distress signal from the Statesman they'd follow it they just so happen to run into Thor he'd tell them about the reality stone and that she would agree to come here this is being impossibly brilliant he didn't even tell Thor he'd be coming here he just told his minions to get the two stones on earth and meet him at Titan the only reason he pulls the trigger here is because the movie knows it's going to undo the act and keep Gamora alive for now his love for her and dopey puppy-dog nature 100% does not jibe with his willfully pulling the trigger here why did Drax and mantis go back to normal when Thanos leaves the stone powers aren't proximity-based but somehow the damage he did was only temporary this is a hologram of Ross whose physical body is in a completely different room somewhere country and yet he's able to walk around this room like he's physically in this one is he in a replica room with a virtual reality display and if so there should be a camera somewhere in here tracking his eye movements so he can face the right way when he's talking to people right no one in this movie should own a Rickenbacker bass and have it displayed on a floor stand in some kind of library this guitar is the biggest lie the MCU ever told I played one of these tell me congressman have you ever played a Rickenbacker bass where is it fine Kentucky are we just gonna gloss over the fact that a stark shoulder missile from Earth easily blasts a hole in the hull of this alien spaceship the hell is this spray stuff tony's using here to seal the breach in the ship's hull nano magic and convenience it's magic wiz and it's cheesing me off way to introduce a new character in the movie in the 19th film of a franchise and completely kill him off in an hour Darth Maul and ebony ma are now in some seventh circle of movie franchise Hell where they were told they were special and mole their fates with mole Flanders at the Hades mall so I say we take the fight to him granted the ship you're on is going to him and you haven't stated declaratively that you can turn the ship around despite being asked twice by strange maybe this is less of a choice than the movie or Tony wants to make it seem you planet was on the brink of collapse I'm the one who stopped that you know what's happened since then I don't know has 50% of the planet multiplied and brought it back to pre Thanos population numbers I guess you plan on snapping the universe back to half its people every 20 years or so this seems so pointless don't do this ultimately sisterly love is what causes her to give up the location of the soul stone and therefore the fate of the entire universe she begged her boyfriend to kill her rather than let fan o's win getting new hama the word 33 and 1/3 odin told him his hammer was just something that focused his power now that's been forgotten and a hammer is important again you gonna need more than one stupid I will but you're handing him a fake eyeball so he still only has one stupid eyeball right some random computerized alien eyeball has a connection port that matches Thor's flesh based eyes socket connection port so this is a second Marvel movie to waste Peter Dinklage did he choose if you would anyway would accepted me let me do some math here 300 dwarves were here one is left carry the 9 multiply by PI R squared that's ninety nine point six seven percent of the dwarf population which means he must have left 299 other dwarves on some other hammer building station live that's all well and good but how did she get out of the mid air suspension thing that she was in doesn't that thing make you for all intents and purposes immobile in fact I'm kind of wondering how she was even able to kill that guy wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you I'm sorry I do not want another single pop-culture reference that even I'm trying to say that something is coming really because there was absolutely nothing urgent about what you were saying at all in theory could even summon the Bifrost because why not Thor's gonna have to get to earth faster than a ship can take them somehow so bacon the Bifrost into this baby and we're set what are the odds a far-flung planet moon like Titan would have air breathable by humans so wait at the end of Captain America Red Skull touches the space stone and is sent into space to be a sort of keeper of the soul stone it really just seems like a reason to shoehorn Red Skull back into the story more than anything that makes sense guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess are you saying you've had a lot of people looking for the soul stone since you got sitting here in 1945 what happened before you were here its warren g harding guiding people back then so holds a special place among the Infinity stones why you might say it is a certain wisdom but why stone demands sacrifice why does the soul stone require so many more parameters to acquire it than any other stone it's like the original creators of the stones themselves said okay if you're powerful enough to hold the other five gems will let you change reality move across space it will increase your strength and harness the most powerful energy in the universe go into the past of the future and access other people's minds but when it comes to controlling all life in the universe that's where we draw the line dude's got kind of a thing for bubbles I see I feel like the sacrifice of Gamora would have played a lot better if Thanos had been given his own proper origin film and if we'd had more reason to suspect his love for her this death is sad until you realized that a the time stone will end up figuring into her coming back to life anyway and be that despite all the problems since the firing of James Gunn guardians of the galaxy three was ready to go into production after this movie the hell happens here he kills her the weather gets weird a flash suddenly he's in a pool of water with a stone how and where is there any water here anyway it's like an ice dimension with snow is he not on for me or anymore I'm actually so confused by this cut I suspect the next movie might hinge in some small way on it but whatever it's still a weird cut location in the movie and I shall sin it something sentencing atmosphere just one line about how Thanos or something with the stones tells him exactly where each one is would be king terrific it didn't help him at all with the soul stone he needed Gomorrah to tell him that so why the precision knowledge with the others these ships hit the earth at massive speed I don't understand why they don't do to the planet with meteors that large would do like in deep impact or an age of Ultron and yet they don't they just caused little fire ripples and loud noises this battle at Wakanda doesn't make a whole lot of strategical sense Thanos already has enough stones to wreck these Earthlings on his own he needs vision stone that's basically the only reason he sends this army feels like we needed something action II to do with a bunch of our characters that didn't make the trip to Titan and we came up with this I'm gonna hold it open that's suicide so who's facing finals without that axe okay dude you can had a magical hammer made by this guy at this place and your sister smashed it like it was chocolate I take offense to the idea that I'm axe from here could defeat Thanos and the fact that it nearly does these Star Wars asks Kid style troop transports are super inefficient in that only 20% of their surface area can hold troops look at that distance between the shield and the wakandan troops that everybody including Natasha just traversed in 3 seconds and that pissing match confrontation at the shield was 100% unnecessary to the story and the battle oh good just what I wanted to see in this giant Marvel movie swarms of easily killable CGI monster clones Thanos could easily just do the job right now but why do that when you can reenact Braveheart they went to the trouble of showing him getting away Condon made but brain 'i'm armed and in battle all we really seemed to his fire machine-gun I'm no war machine fan this looks hella useful and he should just do that all battle long up in the bedroom in order to keep the aliens from going around and flanking them they open the pink shield barrier directly in front of them and honestly it's one of the most baffling military decisions on film since Denzel started firing unfriendly tanks and courage under fire why not leave cap and you and Falcon and war machine here to get the stragglers getting through one at a time and send the entire rest of the army to the back to fight the alien foot soldiers I love how they both leap in here punching like they somehow know these aren't aliens with poison skin or acid blood there are frogs here on earth that have poison skin also safe why didn't Fano staff his army with aliens that had poison skin or acid blood a bunch of whatever if the war can withstand the energy of a star then what can kill him it's almost like this movie is saying all that stuff that could have killed Thor in the other movies well forget all that because he can take the brunt of a star's energy because movie really needs him to Groot finally looks up from his video game and don't tell me it's because he cares about Thor the movie just needs him to get involved here in a second teenagers did not act moody for a long time and then suddenly sacrifice a limb for a creepy stranger they bumped into a couple days earlier why not the god of axes is he so now he in the weapon or one because he helped create it I thought he and the hand were one but ultimately that hammer didn't matter and he didn't help make the hammer either my point is these movies give zero [ __ ] about how the magic space weapons wielded by God's work or don't work audience applause break how the [ __ ] did Thor know where to go once he got his new axe why'd he go to earth instead of Titan why not New York Norway Thor doesn't even know what kinda exists does he bad CGI floating head Bruce gives me nightmares when we faced extinction I offered a solution genocide but random his passion is fair to rich and poor alike you know it'll be awesome since the death snap doesn't discriminate if it killed Thanos to imagine fanno is actually deciding for the greater good that he could even die was such a snap but guess what you don't have the balls for that no six stones I could simply snap my fingers they would all cease to exist why though why a snap and not an okay sign or salute or middle finger or the Shocker I feel like with just the four stones he currently possesses he could easily end this fight right now the guy can currently manipulate all the energy in the world reality itself and let's not forget control all life in the universe with three of those stones don't close his fist why you can't use the stones if he doesn't close his fists since [ __ ] when moving and in why movie honestly for a bunch of all-powerful when they're combined together magic space gems the Infinity stones are super restrictive that punch somehow doesn't kill Peter god damn that was a punch this [ __ ] guy how can all these superheroes be so emotionally wound up to make the same fatal mistake when they hear about losing their loved ones yeah sure it's within his character to do this but I'm sending the movie that this is the reason why I Thanos escapes mantis has thrown several hundred feet away from Thanos Spidey reacts to this that apparently could jump said amount of feet before mantis lands well he finally answers the question I have never asked about what happens when a film character uses a Bruce Almighty moon as a projectile and I've got to say I should have asked this question years ago but also everybody survives the moon's meteor shower so you can see the bind I'm in I know we like him and she loves him but honestly kill his ass and destroy the stone you idiots the universe is at stake not once during this battle do we you see if they're making any real progress against these CGI nothing's just a bunch of quickly edited fights that act as filler until Thanos gets here sure it's kind of cool to see Bucky pick up rocket and perform a 360 death ballet but in the end who cares about the stupid army it's like watching the Harlem Globetrotters beat the Washington Generals while Michael Bay coaches both teams after Thor's where he Thunder grew taxed everyone seeing him punch foes one of the time here makes me wonder why it doesn't just keep doing that first thing okay notice you've copied my bid good thing there's no one to fight for a few seconds so we can have a humorous exchange about hare Dix [Music] this time because Scarlet Witch was there to destroy the mine stone if sure he got it out of vision geez lady who do you think you are you're worse than cinemasins I'm not saying I like the wakandan battle rhinos I'm just saying they would have been super useful in this battle vision ex machina you should be vomiting magenta computer code at this point but somehow he has the strength to stand grab a weapon and kill a fool come on move II have just 25 percent more consistency damn it holy is fight between strange and Thanos is first of all amazing as take off two sins for it but also it's so evenly matched for so long than it makes the group fight against Thanos that came before it seems silly and wimpy and underwritten so hyoeun man shield can apparently withstand that good to know it's not like these stones are the most powerful clean objects in the universe or anything like that arrival needed some kind of narration or verbal confirmation if we're about to see a reenactment of Spike Lee's old boy here I'd only like to see one specific scene the soul stone is the only one to demand a sacrifice so you understand its power but the Mayan stone is the largest one and takes up the leader position of all the stones in the glove honestly should anything be able to defeat that glove right now let alone a new axe that we only just learned about we now interrupt this Avengers movie to bring you a special presentation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows starring Josh Brolin is double Moore here comes the part of the movie where the snap of death plays a game who's gonna live and who's gonna die and apparently it takes its time picking and choosing because all the dramatically relevant deaths wait for each other so we can see them all rather than happening at the same time also his gun stays solid but the new vibranium arm turns to dust well it's distressing to see your favorite characters wasting away don't you just know they're all gonna be back this kind of death scene is reminiscent of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 or the movie stage is a free-for-all with death galore only to show us that it was a vision like a new chapter of final destination with sexy vampires it has motional impact as an idea but absolutely none because you know it will be reversed there's no other way glad you could mention this just before you waste away in and nothing I hear the snap loves letting people have final words before they go geez did Thanos move out into Camazotz or whatever the [ __ ] that was and a wrinkle in time you know what that means your spine is gonna complete the Chris QWOP vechta in Avengers 4 woo hoo I guess it's a good thing Nick Fury always carries around is Captain Marvel X mucking a pager with him wherever he goes and that the snap waited for him to use it so I think yes mm-hm [Music] the power of the Sun in the palm of my hand you got knocked up in order to take the stone you must lose that which you love I love poetry and a glass of scotch and of course my friend Baxter here [Music]
Channel: CinemaSins
Views: 16,426,605
Rating: 4.2996192 out of 5
Keywords: cinema sins, eww, iron man, thor, avengers: infinity war, avengers, mistakes, movie, infinity war, review, everything wrong with, captain america, cinemasins, wave jockey job, thanos
Id: zs4ELJwA5D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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