Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey - 100% Walkthrough Part 1 [PS4 Pro] – Intro

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hey everyone today we are starting a new 100% walkthrough for ancestors the humankind Odyssey we're gonna be checking out everything this game has to offer and picking up all of the trophies so for those of you that may not be aware this game was chosen by my patreon supporters just like all the games I play on this channel so if you like what I'm doing here and you'd like to throw in some support yourself you can click the link on the screen or down in the description below become a patron and vote on the games I cover in the future so let's get this started alright so we are going to start a new lineage I originally thought the lineage name was the species name that is not the case so I'm just gonna name my lineage alas sir I suppose when I thought it was a species name I named it Homo collective which I thought was appropriate right so we're gonna confirm that and for game-mode we only have one option and that is first time Explorer expand and evolve by experiencing what our oldest ancestors had to face and then for player help I'm gonna put that on total which is full HUD and full tutorial this game has a lot of things that are difficult to figure out and you're gonna want all of the information available or at least I do so we're gonna go with total and then gender it honestly doesn't matter I'm just gonna go with random alright so we're going to start out in the settlement hidden waterfall oasis we're gonna start out as female and our client sizes medium our species is apparently unknown [Music] inspired by true events the world in characters you will encounter are meant to represent archetypes of a place another moment not the exact depiction of what happened latest scientific discoveries were used as guidelines this adventure was made by panache digital games which is composed of those people with the help of other people in the following hours you will relive the challenges of the dawn of humanity embark into the neverending odyssey of human progression on this planet user body sends his mind and voice to guide your voyages gain strength in numbers and advance the species survive the elements teacher family build a home good luck we won't help you much [Music] and remember evolution is not set in stone it is your path to forge [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right well member of our clan got beat up we gained safety and a hiding spot or in your clans settlement intelligence tap triangle to use your intelligence used to identify a hiding spot your Claims Settlement or other practical items all right so we will use the intelligence intelligence don't move to stay in intelligence look around with the right stick to highlight a point of interest then follow the steps displayed on the contextual UI all right so we will check out that and we will focus on it by a holding triangle and identify it it is a hiding spot and we can memorize that so it stays on our HUD intelligence the location of anything you have it have identified can be memorized which we just did intelligence can also be used to discover practical items and to visualize the things you have identified [Music] okay so look sense of hearing don't move to stay in the census this is the representation of the sounds within range look around with the right stick to target a sound then follow these steps displayed on the contextual UI and so we're looking around and there's actually nothing making sound in distance all right so anyways we have that hiding spot to get to you can see we're terrified all these images of various animals trying to eat us are popping up poor little guys all scared hopefully nothing decides to mess with us we are very young and not capable of defending ourselves okay so here we are we can hide inside with ex new objective find the lost child of your clans and now we're an adult female so we got to figure out where the kid was sprint in jump move in the direction you want hold X to sprint release an X to jump so to cancel jump stop moving before releasing X I actually hate that but that's how it works all right clan I gotta go find a little monkey a little I guess he's not even an ape at this point I have to go find the little one [Music] alright so I'm gonna use my intelligence see if we can find him I don't know exactly where he is it's that oh and growing neuron intelligence that I'll cover in more detail later but basically as you do things you gain neurons which can then be used for various upgrades all right so we're gonna memorize this I don't know what it is we're gonna head to it unless it's really far away which it kind of is since is tap square to use their senses to help you locate any member of your clan all right well let's go ahead and do that census oh actually that might be him down there we're gonna focus on that and yep that is the kid join and comfort the lost child all right just got to get down up and growing there on four senses [Music] now when you jump on to climbable things you'll just automatically start climbing grabbing foliage and creepers jump then hold X to grab the foliage or the creepers when passing through it trunks branches and rock walls are grabbed automatically I guess I could show you're trying to grab stuff I'm actually horrible at navigating this forest but I'll try right now oh crap well yeah I'll show you later cuz I'm just gonna hurt myself and I want to save this kid oh and I didn't focus on him did I I did not memorize memorize please even though he's right there comforting kid tap circle then wait for the answers to progressively comfort the kid lower the temperature take the time to listen [Music] alright so press circle wait comfort [Music] new objective join your clan in your settlement all right about we were just there so except to get back and growing they're on for communication very nice all right I'm gonna guess I could climb up this way looks like gonna work yeah cuz I can grab that branch and head over oh and if you want to help getting back to your clan you can use your intelligence and you can focus on that symbol right there which is the current clan settlement [Music] [Music] new objective build a sleep spot and we got the trophy a real hero for getting the kid back to the summer avatars vitality life expectancy is the red circle that you currently can't see because it's all filled with green reduces by poisonings injuries and exhaustion limited by avatars age then we have stamina which is yellow which you also can't see at the moment cause it's all green reduces by the intensity of your actions refills by eating drinking and sleeping limited by life expectancy and then we have energy which we can see produces by erections refills automatically limited by stamina level avatars vitality updates after sleeping for one hour or more hinges on a healthy lifestyle [Music] all righty Oh contextual actions stop moving to see all the contextual actions offer they vary depending on your situation so like right now I can lie down I can use my senses I can use my intelligence or I can call alright so we need to build but before we do that let's take a look around some stuff so like we can actually this works out perfectly so I can examine this thingy let's go see what it is inspecting items hold square to inspect any item you have in the right hand newald new tool discovered natal grass psyche which I probably just murdered so anyways we are actually gonna need these so let's come over here and like I said the game just doesn't really explain things to you you have to figure it out so I've already figured this out go ahead and take that grass and drop it Oh stockpiles when already discovered dropped items can be stockpiled with identical items alright so that was a small clue so we want some more of these things although it seemed to grab those can i grab it so grab that add that to the stockpile you have to be pointed at it and then the contextual menu will say add to pile construction some items can lead to construction possibilities when in a stockpile depending on their number alright so we want some more of these things [Music] and that to the pile and here is another one being stubborn oh I grabbed something else well let's inspect this new neutral discovery a dead branch now from what I've experienced so far you can use this as a weapon but I assume it has more uses than that but now I don't need it so we're just gonna drop it now notice one thing for things that we know if we inspect those it pops up with an icon indicating it's that particular thing same with the grass other things that we don't know won't pop up they'll come up and ask question marks all right so add to the file and now we can start construction with triangle and our version of building is jumping on it let's press that over and over again and there we go we've made a sleep spot when built a sleep spot is the basis of every settlement tap X to lie down on a sleep spot and we discovered a new action building various constructions can improve your settlement we have a new objective form a couple huh all right so let's see yeah I don't know my status am i I am single and I'm also fertile so I need to couple with a male that is not already couple active adults grooming to form a couple with an adult is the only way to mate and eventually give birth all right so what about you buddy he's single huh that's a female oh I wasn't paying attention okay do we have [Music] about you you're definitely a male and you are also single I will groom you all right the grooming took me a while to figure out so hold circle you're gonna hear those little click sounds when you hear one release the circle button immediately and your bonding will go up couple formed identified the jungles hidden waterfall Oasis all right well before I do that because I have a fertile female it is beneficial for me to get her pregnant so we are going to go over here lie down and we are going to get the child out of here because you know they shouldn't see this although they're going to see it hey we have a baby with spontaneous genetic mutation metabolism interesting well let me show you what that is before I do the naughty stuff all right so we have evolution help neuronal assign neuronal energy to connect neurons and develop your lineages capacities grow the neurons you want when they're mature enough to receive energy neuronal energy is accumulated by doing actions when kids are around a neuron will lose its energy at the passing of a generation if it hasn't been locked by a reinforcement will go over reinforcements later oh and then it has that nice little crap on the side neuronal connect neurons to develop lineages capacities generation reinforce new capacities by the passing of generations and then there's evolution progress through eras faster than what science suggests all right so under neuronal we currently can't get anything because we don't have enough energy to to light up one of these nodes so we're gonna have to wait on that however I did come in to show you this so we have a baby genetic potential of metabolism na which is one of the kids has an increased capacity to metabolize food this spontaneous genetic mutation will be defined once now reaches adulthood so that little guy is very important that we get him to adulthood so then he can develop that note all right so we want to get this particular person this particular female pregnant so we're gonna call the maid over you saw earlier that we are fertile matured neuron communication I see he should be coming over there he is uh and hold circle two mates new pregnancy now we could give birth that would fast forward time by quite a bit I think these particular creatures take 15 months to have a birth but we're gonna wait on that there's no rush all right so what do we want to do now well let's leave her in a safe area we don't want to risk this particular female so we are going to analyze this male law and we are going to switch to them with X and now we have control now let's see we got this neuronal energy having children nearby allows the accumulation of neuronal energy more children around means increased accumulation all right so we have spontaneous genetic mutation a newborn brought a new neuronal potential kids with new potentials must reach adulthood to reveal the nature of the mutation in the neuronal network okay so this is the little guy who has the potential you can see it there at the bottom so we want to keep him out of harm's way we just want him to get to adulthood however there should be another kid that does not have that potential and we want to bring him with us so he could potentially learn some stuff plus we want kids around us in general what we're doing activities because that's how we progress the speech so this little guy over here analyze him that is gak and yes he has no potential at the moment but we're working on that so let's go ahead and have him piggyback on us by pressing sir all right the next thing wanted me to do let me see press up on the d-pad if you forget your objective identify the jungles hidden waterfall oasis we're already here but what it wants us to do is open our intelligence look up there at the question mark and hold down triangle to discover new landmark discovery the hidden waterfall oasis [Music] [Music] [Music] new objective inspect a meteorite so we just saw those meteorites crash down and one of them should be viewable let's see we also got the evolution feet jungle master Explorer for discovering the oasis and we got a mature neuron intelligence alright so where that smoke is coming from that's where the meteorite landed that's where we need to go however we haven't done much yet oh look below what is that it's a dead hominid Oh No one of our friends oh I think that's the one that died in the intro let's see what else is over there and well it's just him alright well we should probably go see if we could get those eggs jump down this way emotions in dopamine emotive state varies according to situations affects pace and actions that's our eyeball and the dopamine level tempers fear were filled by doing gratifying activities and that's the bar around it you know we do want to be careful we saw what happened to him when he tried to take those eggs take a look around I don't see any nasty Birds doesn't mean they're not around all right when I grab this inspect it oh crap it's coming in dodging attacks hold x2 Prime dodging move to choose Direction release X at the right time we'll dodge out of the way oh god it's coming after me intimidation power a hold circle to intimidate a threat when you're emotive state is alert oppressors are intimidated by the perceived size of yourself or your group so with I don't think it would've worked on that bird but for example if it was a less scary creature I could have used intimidate on it which is in the contextual menu and trying to scare it off but I'm by myself so that's probably not gonna work the best way to use that is when you have other Klan members with you but we're off exploiting by ourselves at the moment all right so I think I dropped the egg which is my problem grab that out oh I managed to grab it nice swinging and jumping in foliage it's not moving before releasing x2 cancel jump move to swing hold X 2 prime jump and release x2 jump so we can whoops damn terrible for swinging I need to learn how to do it better there we go yeah I just suck at doing it when I'm like trying to go quickly all right well let's see I kind of actually want to go back to the settlement because there's lots of stuff we haven't done around there things we haven't inspected and we also haven't upgraded any of our I guess [Music] evolution nodes I don't know what to call them but neuronal things so we're back here let me see if anything is available now because we had some neurons mature I guess it would be expanding on neurons all right so we're gonna lie down and evolution there we go well we got options now so matured neuron for communication the Ronal growth is complete assign the Ronal energy to initiate a new communication skill now the neuronal energy is the big bright circle in the middle that is the resource that you are depleting to fill up these notes new learned ability kinesics I think the ability to gather all clan members is acquired hold circle together all clan members and have them follow you okay that is a useful skill and then over here we have a matured neuron for intelligence memory arrange for detection of non-edible resources is increased tap triangle to use your enhanced intelligence then followed these steps proposed by the contextual actions you want alright so we got those two new nodes have become available but we'll need to light those up and then have enough energy to unlock them all right so I may as well show you our new gather ability so if I just hold circle four clans call everyone in range will now be following me and then we have our clan so dots with links represent who are following you so you can see three of the dots have links to the center that means they're following me actually five of them due to the children and three of the adults outside oh and I missed that but I assumed you said outside of that outer circle is any of the members of the clan that have left the settlement so right now everyone's in the settlement including myself now if you're tired of having people follow you you can analyze them all right no that's not it he's not actually following we can tell them to wait here in the following but also something you can do is just go to a sleeping spot and hit end expedition yeah and they all go back to whatever they were doing all right so yeah let's take a look around a little bit more notice also if you highlight the grass you can see it makes a sleeping spot but it's also used for something else which is currently an unknown oh and we got a mature neuron for intelligence all right what is this over here unknown let's go check it out new gathering spot discovery it's a fishing spot so apparently we can catch fish here however I have not yet figured out how to do that so that is something for me to eventually discover now whether that's that's because my species can't do it yet or because I just haven't figured it out I don't know what do we have here new tool discovery granite rock I don't know anything that I can do with the granite rocks I'll just drop it for now something else is there up there - granite rock [Music] it's good to up census tap X to stand up and increase the range of your sentences so if if you wanted to increase the range you can go into intelligence and then stand up oh and we got a matured neuron for Motricity and then the range of things that I can check out is increase you can see that dead hominid still over there what's that over there dead branch I think it's actually looking through the wall all right else do we have around here that branch these over here I have never figured out it's some sort of bramble I would presume that we can do something with it at some point but I can't even inspect it I would imagine like maybe like burn it away or I don't know burn it away is the only idea I have at the moment but that does not work all right so let's try another since I'm just using intelligence now let's do smelling with squid you can see like little patches of smells pop up let's check out this one right here a charred neuron four senses let's see what this is inspect new food discovery for Tommy berry we can go ahead and eat that adaptable metabolism assimilated nutrients from the berry kind of food nice is what you can't what else can we smell we can smell this which is also unknown Oh new food discovery horse tail meat that adaptable metabolism assimilated nutrients from the vegetable kind of food or vegetal actually and notice when we ate that we got a little buff thing on the bottom left I believe that is resistance to broken bones so it's probably beneficial for us to munch on a few more of these I don't like breaking my bones ok what else can smell pick up something here that's a more horse now but there's something right all right so we can scoop the water and inspect it new food discovery fresh water source right and we can drink up drink eat sleep their stamina level depends on the way you drain to eat and sleep over a 24 hours period your body will reset your needs after each sleeping period all right so very important to sleep eat and drink keep that life expectancy up keep yourself healthy all right what else do we have [Music] all right we will take this food discovery African agaric fungus eat this up and that was bad we've got some sort of stomach anger mint all right so I don't want to eat this about that hopefully nobody else eats it let's go check in on the neuro capabilities on to evolution all right we've got new nodes available so what do we have here matured neuron for Motricity motor skill the ability to switch hands with an item is acquired tap l1 to switch hands with an item new potential nodes out there quite a few and what do we have here neural growth for sentence perception arranged for detection of odors and sounds is slightly increased taps where to use your senses then follow the follow the steps proposed by the contextual actions you want all right and it looks like I might actually have enough neural energy to go out here all right we'll find out you can see it reaching out to it and we've gotten out fantastic spatial perception arrange for detection of non-edible resources is increased now what we want to do is sleep because it's both good for me and it'll get rid of this stomach discomfort so just hold down X you can see the time flying by on the top and there we go all right so daily regimen update you can see we're mediocre on food mediocre on sleep but water is an issue so we need to go through [Applause] and also when you do actions typically the clan will follow you good that they're all doing the same all right can't member is there anything else in this area I might care about what's this over here yeah we know berries I should be the same although it's still good to identify them because regardless you are going to get progress boy which are at neuron actually just since the true my already knew about is that over there oh that's one of the members of the clan oh we've got something unknown up there let's go check it out should be able to fly them up here all right what the heck do we have new food discovery that would be cut needed and you can see it gave us bone breaking resistance and also that other one is weather resistance so the elements will not affect us is badly need to eat that much shut then alright what else we got something up there unknown interesting let's go check it out what do we have right there hmm bee nest [Music] we can inspect that I would assume we would want to break this like maybe with a rock or something anyways it's a beehive I'll have to mess of that later I've never done anything successful with a beehive but I would like to get the honey inside I imagine so what was up here new food discovery Coco's know I can shake it a bit oh I can shake the tree branch I didn't realize that well I just learned something new all right so I've got this cocoa I can't eat it cause it's in the shell I originally thought well let me just grab a piece of granite and break it open but that just ruins it but I may as well show you because it's good for showing how to switch hands and alter stuff so I can switch hands without one altering and crafting once in the left hand some items may be altered with bare hands that were crafted all right so I can hold look altering and crafting a hold I want to take position to alter craft all right so I can hold out one altering and crafting hold are one to prepare to alter or craft release are one to use the right strength oh I never actually realized it was a strength thing so maybe I just did it with too much strength before interesting all right so maybe I can get in this let's see so hold r1 oh and it has a click huh sweet I just figured something out all right well this is something I didn't know alright matured neuron for dexterity fantastic and can I eat it now nope still can't I'll actually home let me switch hands nope still can't you gotta do more work alright so alter like I said this game does not teach you how to do things at least not in a easy-to-understand way so we got inside I'm gonna switch hands and I still can't eat it what the heck alright guess it needs more work looks like it's out though there we go discover new alteration stripping Coco's can be modified fantastic switch hands respect new food discovery coconut well I still can't I still can't eat it huh well perhaps if we bash it open all right so let me um switch hands all right there's something over here I haven't shown you guys all right so grab this oh I am getting tired you can see yeah yeah we'll get to it a bit all right sounds back new tool discovery that would be obsidian all right so I'm gonna break open this cocoa nut with the obsidian hopefully you can see oh no I destroyed it aha Fran all right well I'm learning new stuff which is exciting so I think I can get another yeah there's another coconut up there perhaps I can break it with the appropriate amount of strength [Music] oh and set yeah that's the granite okay good all right so it's all to this we know we can get inside [Music] all right so we got that now I want to pick up this and hopefully I don't destroy it heck yeah discover new alteration hitting the granite rock can alter a coconut alright so drop the rock switch hands inspect new food discovery opened coconut and I can finally eat it so much work it's a lot of food though that's good all right Oh still haven't finished oh my dad all right we got a whole meal here I will eventually get through this thing adaptable metabolism assimilated nutrients from the cotyledon kind of food I know I said that wrong all right I know that my guy needs sleep so let's get him some sleep sleeeeep will sleep till noon so we should be good on food water I might need to drink some more nope not actually we're pretty good on all of the above and I should see if there's any evolution available there aids all right so what do we got over here census olfaction the range for detection of the source of an odor is increased alright and then over here dexterity the ability to switch an item from one hand to the other while moving is acquired oh nice that doesn't sound like much but it actually is oh and I can't keep going this way if I have enough energy I'm not sure No didn't quite make it all right we need more all right well since I figured out the coconut thing now I kind of want to figure out the beeping I'm thinking dead branch so let me go grab this brand we'll take that up and see if we can like knock it down or something maybe you like throw a rock at it not quite sure we're gonna experiment all right so can I do anything to it can inspect that's Justin spaceman branch that'll help if I go above it knock it down that crap well that's hurting me no dump dump them alright yeah I don't I don't know what to do with those with those bees alright so I think I explored just about everything else here that's just another person in the plan apparently they'll smell all right so let me drop my stick I said drop the stick let me go ahead and get a save the only way I found how to save is to open up the evolution screen and you don't even have to do anything in here you can just leave and there we go we got to save alright so we made some good progress actually learn some new things which is very exciting I there's tons of things for me to learn in this game so it's nice to just chip away at my lack of knowledge a little bit at a time so anyways we're gonna wrap things up right here thank you for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: All The Shinies
Views: 301,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey, Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey Walkthrough, Ancestors, 100%, 100% Walkthrough, Walkthrough, Full, Guide, Gameplay, Playthrough, PS4, PS4 Pro, Spoiler free, Difficulty, Intro, Mating, Neuronal, Evolution, How to, Open a coconut, mate, Story, Let’s, Play, Lets, Achievement, Platinum, Trophy, 1080p, 60 fps, 60fps, HD, All The Shinies, Part 1
Id: aA1NFF0aU3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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