Everything GREAT About Guardians of The Galaxy!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so get used to this the songs used in this movie are just phenomenal no it's not what made this film success and it should not be to take away from filmmakers but it's still well great immediately setting up Peters compassion for the helpless and small love that she's crazy right nope the dude is like a planet or something right he isn't human I know that much a fear-filled infinity stone shadowing moment that defines so much of what Peter becomes this timing might be a little convenient but of course Peters dad would have yondu waiting to get Peter right after his mother died so seriously guys this is marvel we promised look here's the logo fun fact that's James Gunn's dog cuz why the heck not that title card I can hear James Gunn saying yeah so what has me if I care do you ever read the comic prepare to be impressed suckers look at that beautiful face I'm so happy for Andy Dwyer that I've actually circled back around to jealous but no one deserves it more than Chris Pratt I think God for Chris Pratt also rap monster karaoke and the song is also a great tone ship from death and seriousness and sets up how we should actually be feeling throughout this film star-lord who this character was created for Pratt who also could deliver such confidence and then immediately switch to disappointment giving you a run for his money he's like Iron Man but clumsier of all the spaceships we've seen in the last decade this one is definitely one of the more unique ones it's like a muscle car that flies and something about it makes me feel like I could fly it troll trickery shadowing these boys of mine wanted to each yeah they never tasted he turned before I stopped them come on Merle you know you wanted to eat Peter to look at mr. smiles where's your wife old man well she's back in the 90s with the x-men I love action scenes they entertain me and Marvel usually hits it out of the park but guardians manages to keep even non-action seen lovers engrossed with comedy and banter oh man now Glenn Close is giving orders to Darth Maul this is a voice yeah length also setting up how she can last an open space for a little while later shout-out to Rockets otter soulmate Lila who's that like Lady larks brother also they spelled enter on also manipulation is illegal in this galaxy well you don't know talking good like me and you so his vocabulary is limited to i' and am' and groove eloquence I mean really that's rocket sarcastic way of saying you don't need to use proper grammar or even real words to convey your thoughts where is Pratt's workout routine protecting your booty from Nathan Fillion no less it's not yours to take somehow dave bautista is a decent actor somehow saw that coming hello expression for you killing somebody you've heard of this you've seen this right you know what that is everyone knows negotiation skills honesty whoa the other was out like that the guy who made Loki shaking his boots all right I guess Ronan scary dude well supposedly these bald bodies find you attractive so maybe you can work out some sort of trade you must be joking no I really heard they find you attractive compliments we're passing along compliments everything about this scene is amazing from the serious tone and delicate planning rocket and team are going through to the shortcut routes and patience creates two tracks just standing there watching Groot inquisitively classic caper subversion oh yeah yeah what he said buddy no hey what did he look like hoppin around I had to transfer him 30,000 units worth it for the raccoon snicker you might wonder why they couldn't still shoot the RPGs but if you think about it slowly lifting off the ground having nothing to brace against would make aiming just about impossible so Tyler Bates did the score for this film and it's totally confident I mean I enjoy it it just doesn't really stand out and I'm realizing why that is he seems to be the composer you go to when your movie uses a bunch of popular songs already like sucker punch in Watchmen that way he doesn't outshine all the expensive music and I'm sure it's Avengers II deliberately yeah there it is get my ship mr. Milano it's like Alyssa Milano classic you know I love seeing star-lord go all gun slinger even if his covenant plasma rifle probably would have overheated a behold it's strange that in a movie with talking raccoons and trees I need to defend this little space John but hey what are you gonna do not nitpick pets insane believe it or not quill could survive this given that his mask supplies him with oxygen the vacuum of space is actually a great insulator in his hands and skin wouldn't instantly freeze then shatter like Frank Palicki noir with his eyes pop out of his head like cyclist quick it's good to see Kirk's smile like this he's usually so serious it's called no the severed head of an ancient celestial being it's stuff like this that makes this movie so awesome it expands the MCU to a huge new size confirming there's giant planet sized beings other than Dormammu well I come from a planet outlaws Billy the Kid Bonnie and Clyde John Stamos John Stamos is an outlaw and a mortal I think like secretly Dorian Gray maybe generosity there's a legend about people like you it's called Footloose and in it a great hero named Kevin Bacon Kevin Bacon history lessons finding common ground so obviously there's a crap ton of fun references in the collectors museum since collecting got a dark elf its atari cosmo the space dog and a bunch of others ton of fun nods in here and nobody makes an entrance like Fenster somehow I feel like Benicio del Toro gives this movie legitimacy love that guy another fun fact Chris actually dropped the orb they're not scripted at all it's really something that adds to Peters character and makes him unique in the MCU he's a tough guy with lots of skills but he's also a goofball that constantly makes mistakes I mean seriously give me a Celestials movie can it be done without being totally lame am I the only one clamoring for it saving your little buddy well so you might be wondering how yan nunu to show up at nowhere well it's because of something I find sort of funny the broker wouldn't tell Peter or yondu who his buyer was but once yondu pulled out his Yaka arrow and asked again we cut to the collector and since the broker was still alive at the end of the film he must have given him up what's funny to me is no matter however many middlemen the orb had to go through the collector was still going to end up with it at least until the crazy girl grabbed him self-sacrifice all right so this exposure is a little more questionable as long as he expelled all the oxygen from his lungs they wouldn't burst and he'd pass out pretty fast from hypoxia but then he'd have a few minutes before actually dying the ice crystals again magic space rocks giant world sized head floating in space modesty yeah so Thanos basically has an extra-long cameo but he's are broad enough that we should be scared of him Ronin just threatened his life and he doesn't really care because Ronan's issues are so irrelevant to him your politics bore me he'll let him destroy his and our and then he'll take the stone from him just like candy from a baby that's the impression I get anyway well that's Dec mark left off from the Iron Islands I know no way you know who he is but I thought it was funny you probably came from game of thrones filthy set to this filthy set I'm giving you to the count of five attempting to rescue friends you copy me from when I said I had a plan I'm not unique of a thing to say dang this is what makes this movie so good they should be sitting around inspiring each other telling their sad backstories and building their personalities or something or something but they've been slipping those details in throughout the movie during the action scenes during the comedic moments so now they have a truly hilarious conversation building up to a meaningful moment that's then undercut with comedy again giving us a chance but it still doesn't take away from this meaningful moment they've all lost things but up until this point they were all out for themselves even when they were saving each other it was to serve themselves but now each of them has been at the mercy of one of the others just because they're friends doing the right thing is open them up to doing the ultimate right thing caring for people outside of themselves I have lived most my life surrounded by my enemies I will be grateful to die among my friends it's easy to see why Kimora's on board after Peter saved her life Drax is a man who appreciates honor and Peter showing he's willing to die is more than enough for him we know groots a big selfless softie initially rocket is a hard nut to crack but through his conversation with Groot we learn about him and why this relationship forms so quickly won't there be hundreds of what Sekar and soldiers how did I miss that this was proof right here that Ragnarok was gonna be Planet Hulk right gearing up going over the plan montage set to The Runaways cherry bomb is the fastest way to get me pumped up for the finale what it is and a hero's walk set the cherry bomb is just the best some cliche should never die but it's still a subversion since Gamora is sleepy and peter has the sniffles job satisfaction [Music] now that's what I call teamwork one place I've got to give it up to Tyler Bates is with groots moments man what a character was score standing up for your friend finally get to see this weapon in action and to defend why these idiots don't shoot him number one they're idiots number two it happens really fast and number three when something is about to kill you you don't always direct your attention to the thing controlling the thing it's instinct to try to protect yourself and try to stop the weapon and if the first guy is still standing when the last guy is killed it happened faster than you could have stopped apparently nebula doesn't even need the future dimensions broken-leg Serum sold in every corner the crust pilots enact immolation initiatives contextual vocab lesson though - the burning that's implied star-lord finally name recognition [Music] [Applause] also yep Andrew defend why he didn't do this before the first wave wasn't all lined up single file when they entered also yep I get that like this was the Nova cords only line of defense but why create the shield so that it holds on in spite of the ships integrity like if the ship blows up because the shield didn't let go the shield will then let go once the ship is gone and then the ship can't do something else like let the pilot live so that part's kind of a sin but I appreciate them holding on as long as they could trying to stop the ship so let's call it a drop to 1000 reference got to give Drax credit for still going in full force when he got his butt handed to him last time and he just watched this dude take a missile to the chest no problem saving your friends kinda I guess he knew Drax was pretty indestructible I mean you have to be with the moniker destroyer right oh you gotta be made of stone to not feel anything for this self-sacrifice grood is really the glue that finally shows the Guardians they're better off together a little tear wiping moment Oh things will get brighter bring it down hard mouse rat reunion come on so back I know this is more of a personal memory of Peters that comes into focus because of his regrets but I'll say it's interesting that he pictures her in space come on it can be sad cry with GRU and then happy cry with the guardians show of unity and teamwork chills every time where the guardians of the galaxy it's comforting your friend which has even more meaning when you remember that rocket was dismissive of Drax's loss initially showing us how far they've all come your father well he's something very ancient we've never seen here before he's known to the ancients as a Snake Plissken criminal records have also been expunged talk about a happy ending little star-lord oh right in the gut the hits keep on coming his outlaw name is from his mother and a very apropos sweet first song in her mixtape to remind Peter that nothing could keep her from loving him troll pay off but at least he's got something to stick to his - hertzel I've also I've read so many theories about how group comes back in the end and only a very few noticed this scene of group plucking a seedling and then cutting to john c reilly watering plants while it would be cool if rocket had planted a stick he'd been holding when they were absorbing infinity stone energy he eats just not I watched it very carefully his left hand is open anyway root planted a seedling of himself duh a baby tree dances better than me which was actually James Gunn so James Gunn dances better than me gross see guys it was us marble this is how little we care we're willing to remind you of one of our biggest failures ever guardians of the galaxy was a bit of a personal mission for me this week is I just recently found out that one of my friends somehow doesn't like this film or even more mind-boggling Chris Pratt so are we convinced yet look at that face anyway talk about breaking the mold right from the title card James Gunn went down a very different aesthetic path even for the MCU DC gets the most criticism for a gritty realistic universe but having just an Iron Man I felt that there to the flashiest part of Iron Man is Tony's personality in the suit itself otherwise we were given his believable look at becoming Iron Man while still being fantastic as in filled with fantasy if you know what I'm trying to say scientific mumbo jumbo abounds and the villain is a straight-laced businessman now we've got James Gunn saying whatever here it is comic-book movies are cheesy here's a way overstated title card the colors are vibrant and often oversaturated from ships to the shots in space even those darker scenes have pink in the background hinting at the vast bright galaxy if Star Wars didn't define space opera I'd point to this film as the best example the characters are either over-the-top serious ER under the bottom goofy or raccoon and our villain isn't insane well let him tell you they call me terrors bent on world destruction I mean he literally hates peace again purposefully one-dimensional the way Francis wasn't Deadpool now don't misunderstand this film is not without heart emotion sorrow or stakes it's just this framework is so different it's so James Gunn just like Kevin Bacon you know I'm not the biggest horror fan but the Dawn of the Dead remake is a really well-made movie gun didn't direct but he wrote it and he just has this way of winking at the audience without winking at the audience that makes sense so many movies try this goofy aesthetic and fail Batman Forever Jupiter stand even green lantern over did the green a bit and I'm not saying I don't like each of those movies for what they were but Guardian sells it in a way that's believable yeah Peter has a magic facemask and this guy's a tree so what are you gonna do about it thanks in large part to Chris Pratt my wife disagrees she claims that the raccoon is everything which is also true Bradley Cooper was so good I constantly forgot I was listening to Bradley Cooper and raqqa became his own real character with some of the funniest moments it's not cool to get help walk by yourself you little guard but they're all great they're written so well so likable I mean they managed to give so much personality to a character that says three words the entire film five by the end I guess we know he's soft-hearted likes money feels the plight of the health list seems to be alright with someone owning his carcass and fiercely loves his friends like right from the beginning he doesn't he can to protect them save them and ultimately sacrifices himself it keeps coming up that rocket is the heart of this film and I understand he's the character with the biggest change arc and he's the first team member that Peter identifies with when he sees the cybernetics on his back but for me Groot is the soul of the team these are the kinds of movies you come back to the ones with fun compelling characters the plots whatever go get a thing it's powerful whatever I personally loved it but without these characters this movie falls to the land of forgotten MCU films there's no real super secret message in this film it's about friendship and how friends can become your family they all experience intense loss and they're all loners in their sadness they come together for something larger than the individuals themselves I think doesn't need to be complex to be engrossing something I think people miss and the reason some people were thrown off by Peter's mom reappearing in the end is how important she is to Peters story she's felt throughout the entire movie through the Walkman and the music that Peter listens to its the reason he gets so angry when this guy uses it and why he risks his life to go retrieve it the Walkman embodies his sadness regret and guilt over his mother has all he has left of her she says so right up until this moment he hadn't accepted her death that's why he was finally able to open her present I'm not gonna keep gushing over Chris Pratt I just think he's amazing you you like me to Chris right it's always scary when you hear that they've cast non actors but the rock proof that could be done and dave bautista follows in his footsteps the zoe saldana always fills out her roles really well never a huge standout but never a disappointment either I hope consistency isn't a slight but you know you can count on her for a great performance the last thing I want to talk about is the reason for guardians success realize it has to do a lot with the public's current trust in the Marvel brand but I feel like we're maybe not giving Gunn and Pratt enough credit there is a possibility that had the Marvel logo not been there the movie could have gone down as one of the most underrated sci-fi adventures of all time because no one went out to see it but I like to think that our culture wouldn't let that happen without Marvel the budget would have been smaller as well obviously so it's almost impossible to say what the film would have been but I think the director and stars deserve a lot of the credit that's all I'm pretty happy to add at Kurt Russell to the cast for volume 2 I'm really looking forward to it and I'm hoping it's the movie I can convince my pregnant wife to finally go back to the theater for and yep that's how I tell you my wife is pregnant what's kind of funny about that is that a couple videos ago when I talked about the five to twelve year old girl living inside her some of you thought I was announcing she was pregnant while I technically wasn't she was actually pregnant that but he's a boy and he's only negative two months over so as you can imagine I'm pretty excited unfortunately my happy dance delusions for the star-lords not sure how to segue into this so non-sequitur I think only a handful of you got the frame from last week so maybe this one will be a little easier but he's not and I'm quoting him here 100% bud said Jack [Music] you
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 3,992,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 2, Everything Wrong With Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Guardians of The Galaxy, GOTG, Star-Lord, CinemaWins, EWW GOTG2, EGA, Cinema Wins, Film Wins, Movie Wins
Id: QvrDFolfBLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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