Everything GREAT About Ghost of Tsushima!

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[Music] mongol empire is invading our home they are brutal relentless unstoppable jen's description of the mongols can be directly applied to him by the end of the game we are 80 samurai against an army the samurai code is like nothing we've ever seen on earth i know i'm being a little hyperbolic but for real 80 samurai against thousands and they go into battle knowing full well they're going to die not many doctrines are as hardcore like the samurai are here it's amazing how cinematic our games can be coming off of an rpg like cyberpunk to a game like this is a little jarring in a good way here in single player games they get to be so much more intentional and meaningful with all aspects of production camera lighting sound music games at this point are just super long interactive movies and i love it so so much so much that i felt the need to create a channel devoted to it send your finest warrior to face me well their supposed finest warrior did show up to bat even if he decided to just start stealing bases before hitting the ball was that a bad analogy oh well i'm sticking with it the entire opening is wonderfully cinematic and you can already start to feel the kurosawa influences throughout especially with the use of natural elements such as wind and fire and of course everyone knows at this point that goto tsushima is a beautiful love letter to akira kurosawa game director nate fox toting seven samurai and sanjiro as the main influences the team held such respect for the man they went to create an entire mode named after going out of the way to contact the kurosawa state to get permission to name the mode after there's something about respecting and honoring the greatness that came before you that i really admire and hope to see more people do what all that's left they knew the outcome and they knew how little they would actually be slowing the mongols but but they rode into battle anyway no one wavering i'll fight beside you to the end well technically he does kinda instead of by his side it's in front of him against him [Music] see what i meant about showing respect to what came before i mean yeah it's a little hollow but let me have this so i'll ask you once again samurai do you surrender and no words are needed this look of determination says it all show don't tell my friends league's more powerful than any line of dialogue could have composed jyn's father is the guiding winds for all sucker punch wanted to avoid the supernatural this is as wild as it gets with the red leaves swirling around him after he fails his second father this is just the first hint that it's his father's spirit i'll take care of this please hide jen doesn't argue a wink he just immediately trusts yuna don't hurt me you know would make a really good actress and i would know i did theater in high school jyn might have paid a little too much attention to this stealth kill match cut to young gen the sword of clan sakai has saved lives and ended wars and the blade continues to do so with jen what does honor mean to you protecting people the ones who can't fight for themselves jin's definition that comes from his heart is what he lives by once the mongols invades so sticking to what do you believe in also all of jyn's instincts as a child are what he eventually reverts back to as he becomes the ghost [Music] that little cheeky smile control yourself jen oh listen to that score we are playing a samurai movie and check out the reflection of the sword illuminating his eyes doesn't even put his helmet on the face jim and he backs the cockiness up [Music] jin gives code on a scar on his cheek just like him the first step to jin in the mongols not being so different and like if you can make god bleed and such and is this dishonorable my research suggests there was only honor and combat amongst those who upheld the same ideals so i'm gonna go with no but for the game it reads as dishonorable so almost right away the mangas are changing jin into the ghost throughout my playthrough i never found any blood fountains of which could be found in senjiru so i'm going to say this rapid move of blood is a small nod to that exaggeration but if there is and i just missed it let me know in the comments down below your father is the wind at your back second piece of evidence that the guiding winds are jen's fathers the clouds above are dark yet the sun still shines through it's like the world is responding to the mongol invasion but jen's surviving father how do i safe and evidence number three that the winds are jin's father they literally blow after he asks this and we big brains know that if it comes in a third it's important bastards scared off the horses they're samurai mounts trained to return to their masters sucker punch didn't have to explain why the horsies come back but they did and it makes sense don't have much to say about this shot maybe the tree is representative of gin in this moment but i just thought that this was a really pretty cinematography and wanted you guys to know so i guess pompous grass planted in front of your house in modern times signals to others that you're a swinger i guess it fits since jen swings between samurai and the ghost [Music] jesus beautiful title card the music build up with the release into this gorgeous field with the sun shining down and jin leaning to touch the grass does it get any better than this while writing this script i literally watched it like four times over so no i promised my uncle i'd never break our cold then bend it to save my family and what's left of yours the way of the ghost is such a great theme for this game and jin's character coming in soft the azuna asks him to bend the samurai code notice that the objective says stab the mongol and the back instead of kill the mongol it's a small difference but with where jyn is at very powerful it makes the player feel the weight of this choice even more see what i mean jyn really internalized that tummy stabbing your arrow wounded him this is when a beast is most dangerous kind of like jen in the present no it's just some simple juxtaposition but that doesn't mean it isn't worthy of a win it only took about 10 years but we finally have npcs that sprint with you at your pace [Music] star wars a new wipe and the best swindler on the island [Laughter] his face dropped so fast whoa look at that shadow super unnecessary from a development standpoint but super cool that they went the extra mile to do that for our enjoyment no one would have said a word if it was just a glow of light around him i need you to trust me tucker i need your help i'm a freaking sucker for good naming schemes and light motifs so when the way of the ghost comes in as jyn is building his legends getting people to follow what will become the ghosts makes me smile every time did i already win this like two minutes ago i did i just love it that much your brother wasn't the only prisoner in azomo bay you're going to save them and make their captors suffer this is the first time it happens but a ton of side tales branched naturally off of the main tail stop here we need to talk this boo i love that sucker punch has ishikawa boof this bow why do i love it because they know he boofed it and they know we'd notice him boofing it but they know that we just accept it a trend that is becoming the norm is super duper minimal huds giving us more game and less systems to look at is always welcome oh they're cute together i bet they live a long and happy lash by the end of the game my husband lord adachi died a warrior's death did he though he asked for the 1v1 and it wasn't received so i guess just asking for the challenge grants a warrior's death i'm not sure so either jyn's lying to spare masoco's feelings or he's telling the truth to comfort her there's a win in here somewhere i've waited long enough have you seen a more beautiful game i reckon not the art direction here is stunning i have more to say about it but i'll wait until later i guess no more f's in the chat now it's our twos he is a vengeful spirit back from the grave to slaughter the mongols we honestly have unit to thank for creating the legend of the ghost you look like a scarecrow you've looked better too can i have my hat tension tension tension and comforting music to relieve the tension along with their lives do we have a deal i'll think about it a good writing technique applied here in many other places is having some external force disrupt the conversation as to push the resolution of said conversation to a later date there are many different reasons a writer might choose to do this here i think it's a simple one as gameplay has to happen it's a game so it's slicing time but this combat still serves a narrative function as well watching these two whoop these mongols with synchronous standoff kills add to the history these two share and the capability of riozo [Music] star wars the wipe strikes back they'll kill you if they do avenge me and take their food that's not funny who said jen was flat and boring protagonist i see a hilarious joker here you read mongolian if it's in chinese i can make out some of it since when since i had to read sun tzu in one line we were shown i want to say rift schism slight difference with connotations that these two are not as close as they once were and that one is superior than the other what i'm getting at is jinbe rizzo and the duel this was his plan and now since he can kind of read chinese he's the reason rizzo might get more food also he's read the art of war there's a lot of reasons for rizio to feel less than and lends to his eventual betrayal i know i'm kind of going crazy i would have had that [ __ ] if you hadn't shown up i know humility don't let them see you coming well he followed your advice just not against the people you wanted some of them are calling you the ghost he's the ghost ghost is the ghost ghost an iron hook with a rope attached to the end i call it takanawa from what i could find means rise high in full swing so uh no apt after all i did to keep them alive we still have enough to save your men i've worked with less jen you've worked with none before like literally you still had broken armor and no sword before so uh counter humility sucker punch and interviews have stated so many times that they wanted a grounded approach to the game and they killed it all over the place but this grappling hook is ridiculous and i love it tucker i owe you jin no you don't the hook was him owing you for saving his life you say one more humble thing and i'm gonna fall in love with you my men said the mongols didn't hurt them they fed them the samurai are playing checkers while the mongols are playing 40 chess star wars return to the wipe we sneak in and catch the enemy while they're sleeping like a thief oh ghost oof that subtle small delivery holds so much weight help me save my uncle and he will reward your men the soundtrack trilling along with ryuzo as he mills over jen's offer only to stop when he comes to his decision i need to protect mine betrayal makes sense and is set up decently well from our quests with him we got his jealousy harbored at gin and how much he cares for the straw hats and during the fight he refers to them as his family so he takes the easy way out that is guaranteed for our first real boss sucker punch did not hold back this boss arena is drop dead gorgeous i hope to one day see it on a ps5 upgrade it's not too late even after trying to kill each other jen offers peace they will sing songs of our victory sometimes a simple reaction shot is all you need the look on jyn's face says it all and it's framed beautifully we will win this war never misses a moment to remind us that the samurai's way is the only way you have an impressive home won't you welcome me inside how respectful complimenting and loving it so much you want to see it closer [Music] open the gate open the gate even though we are all still mad at riozo this is hard to watch and the performance from lenard wu is heartbreaking mongol invasion whatever near-death experience that's kind of the point of being samurai but your best friend trying to kill you yeah i bet you'd meditate about that right where it all went down i don't seek revenge but i will fight for peace ellie could take a page out of that book oh i didn't call for rooney oh my lord what's your business with goron private we'll we'll be back i love when jen gets to flex his power and influence helps my power fantasy two samurai just charging a fort sure samurai op i guess a weapon of the enemy not samurai saving our people is all that matters you know how to fire this shimura bending his rules again building the argument against the samurai neat little burst fire machine gun not much else to say about that one day our people will look to you as their leader backed by all the power of the shogun you're right about that shimra he just won't be backed by the shogun we can't sneak past an army tucker i stake my life on your metalwork now it's your turn to trust me you know how i always try to learn something from every game i play as taco was talking here i literally said out loud stop being a little [ __ ] only to hear jim's more measured response i was like oh that was a much better way to handle that who's this your servant i was born here glad that yuna speaks for herself jen doesn't even flinch to speak for her yoon is a good example of doing a female character correctly these clothes physics are out of this world i know this is tech we understand now but don't y'all remember like that parachute from shadow of the colossus on the ps2 you could count the squares in that thing now look who we are gin snow stick in the mud and drinks quite a bit too we heard they found a month later face down in the street mood sometimes our only choice is to walk away from everything we know jyn was like it's been like six hours should i say the thesis of this game in case someone missed it our first big battle of the game games are getting insanely close to having that grand siege battlefield i hope that next-gen consoles can make these sorts of battles feel out of this world jen's so badass he doesn't even need the right stance to take on this shield leader oh chopping this dude's head off and seeing everyone cower before you feel amazing then to give us ghost mode this right here is when we really feel like the legend this game has been building us up to be i mentioned my power fantasy being fulfilled earlier but now it's in maximum overdrive you say you are not soldiers you are warriors this speech is simple and cliche but so cathartic you get to stop moving and write haiku in this game what other game do you get to ride haiku [Music] the sound design of jin's breath is muffled once the mask is on attention to detail i too have pride in family and i know what it's like to live in that shadow living in the shadow of jengas can't be an easy life you want to divide and conquer you did it defuso not us oh patrick gallagher might just be my favorite performance at the cast he brings a lot of life to kodunkan while looking up actors for the con i noticed that most actors in this game look very close to their actual voice actor i'm loving that studios are doing this and i'm so glad that this is a predominantly asian cast as it should be very unlike gods of egypt gotta give him points for trying at least brutal your friend died for you now i must find another coda knows he can't kill jin does that just make him murderer he's got to kill his image first what he represents right here this scream is a turning point for jen's character he can't hold this in and let's go of control over his emotions whatever the con is doing to keep the torches lit awesome keep doing that coden i'm not leaving him just like at the start jen doesn't question and just draws his sword right alongside her oh taco's bandana with the dragonfly on it [Music] kage knows jen is in distress and just wants to comfort him it's a good thing this horse will be with us for the rest of our journey ghost has no limits a little poison foreshadowing for you those red trees above symbolizing the red blood that will flow on the battlefield gen uses poisoned and beheaded it's super effective unless kai i gave them hope you did nothing can't handle the truth uncle the window broken behind the two is representative of their relationship broken with nothing to hide and finally we are granted the ghost armor from taka no less everyone deserves a fan like taka but i was just spy jin watched rizzo with his sword at his neck but he backs down as razio steps towards him the conflict in jin is on physical display here goodbye jyn still has his honor but only for the worthy he gives rizzo an honorable death but not the mongols this distinction makes the conflict that is about to ensue between shimura and jinn even more powerful as we all know jen is on the right hitting like goldilocks i am not your son i am the ghost damn what a statement in front of everyone and this camera panda shimmer is brilliant [Music] did anyone else get flashbacks to shadow of the colossus with this see where the khan feeds his horse to his men after one arrow jin lets kage carry on until he literally can't and he gives the horsey a proper burial even the snowy areas are beautiful it's not just the color it's everything about the presentation that comes together to craft this experience as i climbed this i said to myself i'm the ghost i'm the ghost i'm the ghost i'm the ghost which is what i'd say anytime i would do ghost-like things i don't know just thought you should know look at the waves they're flat the kind you see before a storm in actual history the mongols were beaten back from sushima because of a bad storm and here we are getting a storm but instead it's what joins it that destroys the mongols to do this we'll need mongol weapons a simple task for a master thief we'll need fighters too sucker punch could have patted the game out and forced us to go with yuna but they made the right call having us not a small force could distract the mongols while i get inside port gizmi kill the khan kill the khan sounds like a fun arcade game this one actually stays with you this time i had to strip you half naked just to reach town i wouldn't be here without you you know i can't lose eugene so glad that stories have matured and allow platonic relationships such as this lord shamira actually pulled through remember our thing about thirds this is our third and last time we see the khan drink out of his goblet our last meal on death row if you will these eye close-ups paying some wonderful homage now the khan wears a helmet jin's exploits really have made an impact too bad the helmet doesn't help him jin cleans his blade the exact same way he did the first time he fought the khan the khan's battle is fitting he's no honor bound man he tried the 1v1 but as soon as he started losing he tried to poison blow up and outnumber jen the khan meets his end with splendor i almost made this shot the thumbnail unicaring jen again against you can still remarry i each oh you can hear the trepidation in jen's voice here you have no honor and you are a slave to it our final day together it is beautiful everything leading up to this duel is so tragic and perfect all they've been through they keep their honor and respect and still love one another the red and white leaves and the trees spilling over the battlefield but never mixing the white of clan sakai in the red of shimmer and sucker punch didn't pull a punch when it came to this ending this ending fight is so beautiful with the colors and having it all bathed in the glow of the setting sun and of course they were fighting in front of a setting sun as the sun has set on their relationship [Applause] and the score let's just toss some ones out for it so breathtaking from start to finish in every way it's utilized and the father thank you even in the very end when one has to kill the other they take a moment to recognize the love they still share god it's all just so tragic and great [Applause] i haven't played a ps5 yet but while shimura is dying you feel his heartbeat slow and stop through the vibration of the controller i never understood how much a difference actually feeling something physically could have until then feeling the life leaves shimuro's body changed the entire scene for me and it gave it so much more weight i cannot wait to get my hands on a ps5 this screen made me feel sick hearing gin like that i can't even put into words how bad i felt for him and how icky i felt making him do that i know it's just a game but damn was i immersed in this story jin finally looks the part of sakai and the ghost with this white guy i don't think i've ever seen a game snuffed harder at an award show than ghost of tsushima nominated for seven awards and only one one of them now award shows are just that award shows and don't mean anything in the grand scheme but i'm sure that i speak for everyone when i say it's frustrating to see when a masterpiece such as this game comes around and is treated like that this is game of the year 2020. one of the best ps4 exclusives and a beautiful send-off to the last console generation at the very least the award sucker punch did win was for art direction which they damn well better have with their reimagining of sushima and i do mean just that as their rendition of the island isn't a one-for-one creation obviously not as that would be impossible but tsushima island is actually mostly covered in forest which was not conducive to the game they were creating so instead they focused on the feel and authenticity of japanese land and culture god did they do a wonderful job there's no other game out there that makes you want to take screenshots more than this game if you look up the definition of every frame of painting you'd find ghost of sushima this world is dripping in color sucker punch purposely created 40 distinct biomes to make each and every location of sushima stand out on top of that they typically chose one color and focus the biome around that color which you could surmise easily just taking one look at the golden forest the sockeyes stay or the area surrounding lord shimaru's castle i think i can confidently say that i haven't played a prettier game i'm racking my brain but nothing can step the sushima sucker punch was fearless in the art design making sure to honor japanese culture and bring a bold picture all at once a few things i want to mention quickly but don't have much to elaborate with ghost tsushima has a wonderful sense of knowing when to slow down and not being afraid to most poignant with riding haiku letting us sit for a moment and take in the world around us something we don't do much nowadays in games or in life and i would be hung at the gallows by you guys if i didn't mention the stellar score for this game every track oozes beauty and elevates every single scene it's placed in never does the music not hit just right something to do is listen to the music part of photo mode and just stare at a landscape it's one of the most serene feelings you can get in a game just watching the world blow by i sound like a broken record but beautiful is the best word when describing most aspects in this game pre-possessing this game is pre-possessing and off assets there you go new word to describe what i just experienced i don't have much to say about the gameplay it's super solid sucker punch gives us a lot of tools to unlock along with different skills to use against the mongols i opted to not really use many of the tools given to me as i wanted to try and walk a samurai path i was if it was a thing but i also did this because nothing else feels better in this game than when you get into that flow state of parries and dodges when a horde is upon you which is the precise reason sucker punch opted for no lock-on mode they wanted to encourage us to dance between our enemies of course there is lock-on during a duel but there is only them in you animations are slick and smooth and all the effects surrounding combat are top notch slicing into enemies and hearing the blade cut through them immediately grabs my attention i'm not a psycho i promise the gameplay is rock solid and a joy to play i can only imagine it just gets better from here ghost of sushima is a simple game it has its moments where it switches up the formula but by and large ghost of sushima is what ubisoft open world games wish they were and that is high praise in my book ubisoft has had a lot of good ideas but haven't been able to get them across in a game since forever ghost of tsushima has no issue with this the world isn't bloated it's not a collection nightmare you actually want to liberate shushima and help outside characters because the main story actually made you care back to it being simple it is and that's a strength it possesses with the simplistic nature of it all sucker punch can really hone in on what makes each element good and make it great one such aspect is jin's main story it's a super simple premise but draws us in anyway of a man who leaves behind everything he knows and believes in in order to save his people it's not a news story but is told so well by sucker punch i don't care this story can't be judged in a vacuum as it's the sum of its parts that create the beautiful hole the art design the soundtrack the performances all come together to make the story what it is you're probably thinking yeah that's kind of how most stories are told but i just want to emphasize it because it's a great example that you don't need to be some groundbreaking philosopher to write a moving story the ending confrontation had me on edge and heartbroken jyn in the relationship he develops with everyone around him is the focus of this game you might say it's the relationship between him and chimera but it's about jin and this island to me at least so much of the sad content is dedicated to jin interacting and helping others at the core of this tale it's about what we will do for them of course there are the themes of honor sacrifice and tradition but those all eventually find their way back to what are we willing to do for others and i love this focus it makes jen so easy to like as a protagonist but also makes us understand every character's motivations when inspecting under that lens there is such a plethora of characters that i feel everyone can find a version of themselves in at least one and i challenge you to find at least one character in sushima that you can personally see yourself in or relate to i want you to do this because through examining this you might get a little insight about what you might be willing to do for others or what you're not as much as i hate to admit it i personally see myself in riozo i won't go in more detail right now sorry once we know what we're willing to do for others we can finally create our boundaries and with those we develop our circle and our lives understanding oneself and not just this nature but in all facets is important to leading meaningful lives waking up day after day not questioning or exploring what you truly believe in or following someone or something blindly as a quick way to lose yourself or never even find it in the first place trust me i would know if not trust me trust jen his story throughout his story everything he knew in his life was challenged and he could have gone the path of least resistance but he did and i'm confident that he didn't do it just for his people but he did it for himself too as walking the path of the ghost was his purpose and finding that is what brought him meaning to his life he's a lucky man in that regard as i wish it could be that easy for all of us that's really my main takeaway from this game now i am three for three in my latest videos with pulling life lessons out of video game narratives yes but i've been really enjoying reflecting on these stories and how they could impact my own life or at least get me to think about it at a minimum i understand that might be a little hokey for some of you and i get that but i urge you to keep an open mind with everything you experience ghost of sushima is among the most beautiful experiences sorry pre-possessing experiences i've had with the game through its well-crafted simplicity and gorgeous design sucker punch was able to create not just a fun gameplay experience but a rich and meaningful narrative one getting overly complicated just muddies the waters of what truly matters in nature and when we can peel all of that back we can make meaningful progress in this silly thing called life [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GamingWins
Views: 8,367
Rating: 4.9464288 out of 5
Keywords: gaming wins, gamingwins, game wins, gamewin, game review, ghost of tsushima review, everything great about, everything great about ghost of tsushima, everything great the ghost of tsushima, ghost of tsushima analysis, ghost of tsushima critique, tsushima, things you missed about ghost of tsushima, ghost of tsushima missed details, everything great about tsushima, ghost of tsushima great, positives of ghost of tsushima, ghost of tsushima gamingwins, tsushima wins
Id: v5s48zXeAYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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