Everything GREAT About Project Power!

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[Music] [Applause] they say nothing is free but i'm telling you right now hmm that has a whole tron legacy vibe to it and i'm all about it i don't care if they rip oh joseph japanese compose the score well that's one thing i'll enjoy regardless i give it a product for free you'll sell it sounds too good to be true that's because it is there's your first hint that it's not the best idea but it's sort of funny that everyone is smart about it machine gun kelly questions it the guy confirms they shouldn't trust him but i mean how many dealers are gonna say no to free money you asked a lot of questions yeah i'm new before subtitles i thought he said new which makes more sense just telling us his name doesn't explain why he's asking questions but now i'll know who to expect later more importantly machine gun kelly is in so many things especially netflix and i never recognize him so credit to him for having the most generic non-eminem face ever or wait did did newts ask a lot of questions [Music] fun fact dominique fishbach had never wrapped before this movie i like that there's this brief moment where you think am i hearing some goofy theme song for the movie oh she's just freestyling also best way to get me to take a pill is to make it look like i'm eating a nebula not a girl leading by example can't believe we have to look to dealers and old-timey train robbers from moral leaders these days some people take it and just blow up what's your power might be good might be bad nobody knows that's not how it works you take it for five minutes you get what you get pretty succinct exposition for the main plot device [Music] all right two chains in a tight camera flip and now tupac and tlc kids got taste 29. now that's a beautiful bridge wins something that should be a thing just some bloody smudges to let you know our buddy here probably killed someone for the name between the score and this tilted crane push in here i'm feeling it also that shulman and juice production company fire guy shadowing you alone are we all jamie the philosopher that is not something you should be teaching kids but cool trick though ah and that's the fireman stage for mega man apropos a theme in this movie is that things don't always work out the way they're supposed to and showing our first power user being disfigured with burns is a good introduction to that idea no drug and no power for that matter is without consequences just ask my shaky hands after my third cup of coffee today look maybe you aren't feeling this movie yet you're wondering where it's headed is the major a good guy or a bad guy hard to say but the score is slamming also the effects are pretty dope oh well another day in paradise love newt's instinct to pause right as art gets to the edge which may have even alerted art that he should slow down a bit oh man i was just talking about mega man because of fireman but now the major is in his own jump and gun platformer there's some ingenuity see what i was saying about consequences indigestion love the way his memory and his current reality are cut together reminds me of those dreams you have sometimes where you're half awake and you don't know where you are and no matter how many times you blink or rub your eyes you see things that aren't really there and i should probably go talk to a doctor you say smoke looks like her hair bigfrida would be a local hero for robin since she's from nola jamie fox's workout routine all right maybe he's not a terrible guy they do a lot of work towards that goal before he goes a little bonkers phone background checks out genuinely honestly if you took a pill that told you your inner evolutionary power was turning into pyro you're gonna start modeling your life around that idea she even authenticates her fantasy with some future viral cell phone footage of her own performance so next time you tempted to pick on me for a laugh skip the actress and you tell me i could get about your class ah it's even got that r slash that happened and then the whole room clapped cherry on top one of my favorite film tricks are when things are hidden in camera with minimal visual effects where you can see the thing or in this case the guy hiding when you watch it back after there are his feet cosplaying chameleon caucasian same difference i can't tell yeah that's fair my gut reaction here is to say stop drawing attention to yourself if your power is blending in why are you not doing that but number one having a particular power doesn't make you any smarter and i'm sorry there are more dignans than there are danny oceans that's right it's a bottle rocket reference i'm culture and second he's still using it to his advantage just in the most immediate i think i'm more powerful than i actually am kind of way is anybody he got himself this movie is filled with things that are only done because of the specific power the recipient has but i'm not going to look a gift slo-mo jtl getting shot in the head effect in the mouth awesome effect and visual explanation of frank's power and he carries that bloodshot eye with him for the rest of the movie so continuity also following instructions not like you do not like i do and we know what happened last time we were counting on guys in suits to look out for new orleans he's talking about katrina isn't he yeah that's that's fair i do love a good match cut dude ain't here no more what so since newt ain't here that leads us to where too huh like i really wonder if they watch this back and we're like uh maybe we should throw in a scene with him smiling at a toddler yeah yeah that'll fix it only error was not intercutting that scene with this one but a little murky glass window to shoot through reminding us we don't know whether arts motivations are good or bad yet and acting like you don't know i'ma knock your ass out and i'm gonna kill your mother leaning towards bad hmm wonder why his neck skin is all stretched out wonder if it has anything to do with his name being biggie jamie fox kicking butt yes elevated by the score yes casey they really wanted wolverine in this movie and it also makes sense why this guy wouldn't really be afraid of art holding scissors to his throat i'm just trying i'm just trying to find my daughter and now he's finally turned the corner but the soup the thing her mother asked for that morning was the reason robin decided to stick around a little bit of hey that bloody money could buy me more soup but also this guy is hurt sort of like my mother and he has a family and cares about his family i care about my family you know whoa what the heck is going on here who are you guys that is some quick thinking most times people don't want to do something cause they probably just whack at it if you whack just say you wet encouragement find the path you don't know all the rhymes i have the only thing that don't say well within this mind is math and seriously i can't believe she's never rapped before even if she's not coming up with all that on the spot it's still impressive flow [Music] you smoke that agreed this is for dogs yeah well you're a big dog and compliments you going to where the dots and the screen is i could take you there for 10 grand medical expenses keeping ass alive kidnapper fee two five and those are some negotiation skills you can tell she never expected to get 10. she was young she never got sick or anything like that when she got older she got stronger ah but did she almost drown if so she has a really depressing future ahead of her and it disappoints a lot of people but she never had to take a pill oh feed a alcohol ha see she does learn stuff people alcohol syndrome well i'd know that hand anywhere yep it's casey what is this movie [Music] you got light on your mood i don't think i've ever believed anyone being a tough guy less but it's it's really not your fault casey you're just too nice in real life that whole type cast thing you were talking about sort of worked against you kidnapping generosity i guess it's technically payback i thought it was like batman and robin i know batman and robin that's a movie this is real life i mean it's also a comic but i get it buns just wants to give his lady friend listerine a shout out deep cuts for you zoomers today our goal is simple the next evolution of the human species like x-men but with capitalism power to renegotiate your reality did he just do close-up magic for absolutely no reason i think he did and i love him for it the octopus camouflaged herself against the sea floor seen him already the wolverine frog he's coming they dislocate their bones him too they thermoregulate so that guy too evolution has given animals countless abilities we can't only dream of with our giant brains come on man everyone knows we got the best ability also frank has armadillos this tank is completely safe for them in the cia and you know the cia never killed anyone so and now we got bobby drake oh brutal that's a fun quick camera angle now atta boy casey really giving it your all that glass should just count itself lucky candice wasn't in there inventive way to film an action scene from entirely behind the glass from the dying girl's perspective and oddly adds a layer of realism to the sequence you know not because of the ice or whatever because it doesn't cut that yeah just like frozen more like frozen than you realized and albeit a little more brutal i don't know just oh appreciate it no neither oh brutal but also he was talking about regrowing limbs so something tells me right yeah man i get the whole biggie thing now intuition that beard tate that beautiful beard essential fight it's my city so at least we know kanye would have only nice things to say about frank well 2005 kanye i can't speak for 2020 presidential candidate kanye oh i just don't want to forget you know for posterity that's right friends from 2025 kanye tried to run i bet you forgot what with everything else that happened this year i was gonna fight him on it we'll let him see what happens what do you need making new friends damn heart attacks they have guns at me you're not my daddy all right i smell a buddy cop movie in their future you should do the clinton's birthday no turn the clintons with them well i guess you just gotta ask yourself one question am i gonna be the guy that makes a bad decision yeah frank yeah okay so dirty frank it works plus it's a call back to their conversation from earlier when he proved that he was dirty frank pointed at yourself talking a heart are you clint eastwood you don't know me do you know the name henrietta lacks goodness how perfect that the big bad would bring up henrietta a black woman whose cells were stolen and her family has never been compensated for the innumerable impacts her body had on medicine and science to now be talking about another black girl's body and just using her however they want i love the insinuation that unbreakable here just knock these two guys out one wearing a helmet well you got shots yeah i know so are you bulletproof it's cool right with that looks like a thousand cars out there but you know i'm awesome right yeah i'll give you a one-liner you only get one though hey wrong way no helpfulness mere seat buckets french lessons how quickly can you get us out of here about 15 minutes until we can release from the dock ma'am you got 10. who do you think he is jordy laforge that's right it's getting all nerdy up in here go watch bottle rocket and tng but the actual win here is that this all fits neatly into what we've learned about telios the entire operation is on a boat so they just pick up and move to the next city at the drop of a hat even the distribution office is in a truck so they never get pinned down anywhere i feel like they were going for mr fantastic here and to be honest it's one of the few i just don't really get in the slightly more grounded world are his bones always bendy cause that means he'd crumble to the floor with each step whereas reed's bones are like rubber when he wants them to be and don't tell me he's just dislocating them that's a rubber bone okay but they take that power to the next level visually by constantly flipping the camera around with them as they fight i love if that only proves his point that's the sound of the most advanced tactical team in the world taking over your ship teamwork let me ask you something big man it's the most powerful animal on the planet some people think it's the lime it's actually the pistol shrimp 8 000 degrees hotter than the surface of the sun rips the flesh right off the bone so that's that's all true what do you didn't make all that clear is that the pistol shrimp moves so fast it leaves an air pocket cavitation bubble like that one scene in pacific rim where you guys all got mad because i didn't really win it and i should have took you long enough yeah you're welcome that's disgusting by the way come on honesty huh her eyes look like the pills which makes sense when you realize she's just like a pill tap you gotta keep moving ah a little resurrection shadowing hugging again with only half the wolverine powers we know this sucks as a power and i guess you must get the healing by default but again seems like he should have jumped from up there and skewered art but you looking to land that big jump after just pushing bones through your skin i didn't think so it was cooler when logan did it but i'll still give a point for flair teamwork and saving your new father figure [Applause] yeah that'll happen art's got a thing for spike and fool's heads am i lying so you tell me am i lying ah finally calling back with his little catchphrase and making it count but in the end she said am i lying it's the line and now the oblivion section of the score is coming through and no that's not me complaining also not going to complain about incinerating bullets and people you said he was the pistol shrimp wilhelm screamed from the guy that proves art has a little bit of control over it if he can make it dodge robin yeah muffins hearts alive trying to say that there are animals in this world that can bring each other back to life you think you could heal a gunshot wound uh-huh something great inside you robin using look it would have been great if robin could have used the words inside her in some meaningful way at the end but this type of encouragement from the closest thing she's had to a father figure don't at me about jgl he's a buddy not a dad it means something especially since she's one of the few that never took a pill why you got my mama phone man it's a long story seriously frank honestly it should probably be a buddy cop series for these two now that chica's rapping let it be known that she can act and in the end robin did use the power to rap on the credits song yeah whatever so project power isn't the most unique or exciting movie ever made pull out the superpower stuff and it's a pretty generic plot that alone doesn't always sync a movie because i mean look at fury road that plot is drive there and then drive back but it's about characters and i'll give this movie a little credit when it comes to the relationship between art and robin i like where they start i like where they end they just needed a few more hours to get there it would probably work better as a limited series still it's a movie that was made by professionals who knew what they were doing and beyond the generic plot it has its own specific feel to it obviously the score helps a lot in that regard especially for me there is a touch of social commentary but ultimately it ends up mostly as window dressing we know they're in new orleans it's our world where katrina happened and we're clearly seeing things that are meant to be tied to the devastation and failed recovery from katrina but it doesn't really change anything about the story you could probably transport them anywhere else and it would work the same i think there is room to read in more commentary but it's not really in the text i'll say that the shady government people being willing to sacrifice civilians to achieve their own goals is a decent parallel and it also shines a light on the state of health care with robin's mother but it gets fixed with some cash so it ends up just sort of saying hey this is a thing that exists we're led to believe robin does eventually use her power after the credits but like i already said the film shines with its score its visual effects and action and their performances with jamie foxx and joseph gordon-levitt on screen it's hard to not care about whatever it is they're doing they're just both fun to watch and to her credit dominique fishback stays right with both of them and is by far the most likable character in the movie so if that's all this movie ends up being a showcase for how talented she is that's cool i think project power is one of those movies that is just good enough to keep your attention but you might not be thinking too much about it the next day but a good way to pass the time if you're already paying for netflix next week an older one that's sort of relevant to at least some stuff that's being talked about right now point those claws of yours and they're [Applause] [Music] safe
Channel: CinemaWins
Views: 313,514
Rating: 4.9490952 out of 5
Keywords: Project Power, Everything Wrong With Project Power, Projec Power, EWW Project Power, EGA Project Power, EWW Netflix, Cinema Wins, CinemaWins, EGA, Movie Wins, Film Wins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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