JoJolion: The Complete Manga

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all right what's going on guys i got another manga timeline for you and this time we're going to do jojo part 8 jojolian now i'm going to break up this timeline into three separate videos and then at the very end we'll combine it into one video for you guys so you can binge watch it at your leisure now a little bit of background knowledge about you julian this is the second part within the steel ball timeline and it takes place in a parallel world from the first six parts it's written and illustrated by hirohiko araki and it features a boy josuke higashikita as he attempts to find out who he really is it should be noted that according to the wiki page julian released in the monthly ultra jump from 2011 to 2021 for a total of 10 years and 3 months was the longest part of the jojo series yet with 110 chapters 27 volumes and over 4 600 pages now while this part of jojo just recently finished it is not the last part of the jojo's bizarre adventure universe there is another title coming out called jojo lance and it will be jojo part nine but we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves here let's get invested in mario japan and jojo part 8 jojolian a girl hides from a stalker she then finds a mysterious man trapped within the dirt we learned that morio has experienced a giant earthquake as a result protuberances have risen from the ground they became known as walleyes the walleyes blocked the roads waterways electricity and gas the mysterious man reaches for help but the girl worries that he might be contagious with something she takes notice of a wound surrounding a star-shaped birthmark yasuho the girl calls for help the man can't recall his own name the man starts to sink forcing yasuho to pull him out the man is completely naked yasuho notices that the star is transparent a man yasuho recognizes joshu then shows up joshu gets jealous thinking the man is here to steal yasuho from him by the way yasuho doesn't even like joshu joshu shoves yasuho out of the way and looks to bash the naked man with a rock the man tries to defend himself but joshu puts him into an arm lock a bubble then floats from the man and lands on joshu joshu's eyes disappear causing him to drop the rock and panic the man punches joshua in the gut as his vision finally returns and with that guys this is a story about breaking a curse yasuho then speculates on the origins of the curse she also points out the absurd fact that the naked man has four balls in other words four testicles the man still doesn't know who he is he does recognize yasuhu who's walking down the hospital hallway the man startles yasuho when she walks in yasuho is here to see joshu and she makes it clear that they are not dating yasho then sees the man's four balls once more making her exceptionally nervous the man needs some filled mochis making a mess in the process yasuo then asks if it's true that he lost his memory the man remembers nothing about himself the only person he remembers is yasuho yaso recognizes his sailor outfit and is familiar with the designer and the salesman they need to exit the hospital prematurely so the man uses a bubble to drain the water from a nearby security guard who's keeping watch over the room as she drinks some water the two make their escape joshu sees yasho with the man and becomes angry he then passes out as we see a similar bite mark on his body the hat salesman confirms that the man bought the hat three days ago yasho inquires about the sale and the salesman reveals that the man is yoshikagi kira they also pick up an address and head on their way out now when yasuo looks at the man she feels like kira is not his correct name to her he looks more like her dog who is named josuke yasuho finds a spare key for the apartment so they let themselves in the sailor clothing inside matches josuke's dimensions to a t the two then hear a noise from one of the other rooms revealing someone else's inside the apartment with them josuke and yasuo inspect the room yasuho notes that they can hear the echoes from the footsteps upstairs yasuo finds a lot of canned peas and proof that kira truly lived here josuke enters the bathroom finding a naked woman in the bathtub josuke tells yasho about her so she goes in to check in on her after talking with josuke outside the door yasho reenters and asks a girl if josuke's her boyfriend the naked girl has a strange mark on her feet she then begs for help josuke attempts to put on some slippers but gets poked by the thumbtacks inside he then finds a jar of fingernail clippings yasuo then finds a photo album unfortunately there's pictures of girls getting tied up and gagged inside she becomes freaked out by this and runs out on josuke josuke searches for answers but the naked girl thought he came here to save her a son from the apartment upstairs causes him to gouge his hands in glass the naked girl says they need to escape josuke's cut hand then develops a signal that's already on the body of the naked lady in fact it's on her feet and hands the cut develops on his left foot but the woman says there's still time to escape outside yasso declines an invitation to go to a dessert shop with some friends yasuo thinks of josuke contemplating on whether or not he would do the things she saw in the photos josuke reaches for the towel but there's needles hidden within the girl states that if the people upstairs stand above you it's over the girl goes back in the bath but she wants to escape the girl then begins to drown seemingly against her will josuke notices that her body feels heavy josuke's limbs affected by the mark start moving on their own same goes for the girl's limbs she gets out of the water and claims she was on a trip to mario and got kidnapped josuke was here previously and escaped josuke then cuts himself on the stopper's chain for the bathtub the girl is compelled to cut out her own tongue but josuke wrestles the blade from her the unknown assailant attempts to hurt josuke but the boy reveals his stand soft and wet when his soap bubble breaks he can take something from an object in this case he took the sound from the wall josuke breaks a nearby wall and uses the footsteps to avoid being caught directly underneath the stand user josuke determines that the doorway is too dangerous to exit from so he instead uses the veranda josuke jumps through the glass door precariously avoiding all the little shards a garden snake begins attacking him as he notices a bite mark on the back of his foot the man upstairs still can't locate josuke to avoid receiving his force symbol josuke has to keep his position concealed the man uses a snake to peer into the apartment josuke has trouble breathing because of the poison josuke then notices that the hacksaw says why not cut it off josuke goes back inside remembering a person from his past but he still can't recall whom this man is the man upstairs calls their phone hoping they'll answer so he can locate their position josuke's right foot develops the mark allowing the assailant to control his entire body the assailant puts the hacksaw on josuke's mouth with yassho returning to check in on him josuke urges yasuo to run since the guy upstairs is attacking him just then yasuo's right hand receives the mark josuke releases his bubble to take the friction from the floor upstairs causing the assailant to slip the assailant slides josuke to the snakes josuke uses his bubble to steal the assailant's eyesight however he leaves just a little bit of light in the eyes causing the assailant to chase the light over the balcony and fall over josuke catches the assailant with his stand josuke then finds the snake anti-toxin inside the man's coat the man demands to see josuke's hands they don't match up with the models of kira's hands josuke gets violent thinking the man is kira i am not yoshi kagi kira josuke looks at the picture of kira which looks strikingly like himself the assailant's name is ojiro and he has a grudge against kira ojiro explains that kira is a ship doctor kira mocked ojiro's surfing ability precipitating a grudge between the two kira went on to say that ojiro was pretending to be a man he then enticed him to eat his own fingers to prove that he was a man yasuo and josuke inspect the photo with kira in it josuke proceeds to knock out ojiro and then him and yasuho return to the spring josuke removes the water revealing a corpse underneath the investigators that come by later reveal that the body belongs to yoshikagi kira and he died three days ago interestingly enough kira's autopsy reveals that he has no testicles and in fact there's no cuts or any removal whatsoever they just don't exist after the calamity of events joshu's father and the higashikata family welcomed josuke in with open arms his new name is josuke higashikita noriske the father chit-chats with josuke and yasuho in the car as he drives them to the family estate noriske then reveals that his great-grandfather took second place in the steel ball run and with the money the man started a successful fruit company that is very profitable today yasuho recalls that kira has no records of a family joshu makes fun of josuke for getting his name from a dog we are then introduced to the various members of the higashikata family hato the first daughter daya the second daughter mitsuba the daughter-in-law her son sarugi and the maid kyo all introduce themselves they get ready for a family picture yasuo doesn't want to be in the picture but josuke grabs her hand and brings her in this makes joshu very angry because jobin isn't there the eldest son the father abandons the idea of the family photo noriske gives joshu's room to josuke and tells his son he's staying in the room above the garage noriske then lays down the law with josuke claiming that whatever he says goes norisky tells josuke to watch over daya who's visually impaired daya hugs josuke somewhat irking yasuho yasho then takes her leave noriske instructs josuke not to go to the set of stairs that lead to a mysterious room noriski's messengers warn yasuo not to tempt joshu and to never see josuke again obviously she's very befuddled by this josuke noticed a marking on the railing for the staircase daiya knows of all the nooks and crannies in the estate and doesn't need josuke's help while pouring some tea daiya's stand comes out and a piece of her leg is destroyed in a mysterious fashion shocking josuke josuke wonders if someone else is in the room as he holds daya josuke is reminded that the symbol on kira and the handrail are exactly the same suddenly daiya's wounds are gone joseki's memory of the storage symbol is then extracted from him via a chess piece daya places the piece on a board next to other pieces with bubbles around them too daiya explains that she has a stand called california king bed when she was two or three she fell into the faults her vision subsequently got worse but she received a stand in return because josuke broke a fair rule i.e he lied to her he lost a memory daya claims that happiness is to share memories with someone and with all these memories she has lots of happiness if daiya steps into josuke's shadow the memory will return josuke stares her down realizing she's more dangerous than she appears yasso returns home finding her mother in a drunken sleep yasso receives a letter concerning the dna results of josuke and kyla the test reveals that they are the same person with over a 95 percent accuracy yasso gets pissed but then notices a strange mark on kira's wrist from the photograph she recalls the mark from the handrailing at joshu's house all this information is very perplexing daiya asks josuke to accompany her while she changes he uses soft and wet to steal the sound from the light switch with the light off josuke positions himself for daya to step into his shadow daya determines that his movements are unnatural figuring out his plans before they come to fruition she then demands to see if the light switch is on or off josuke becomes frantic launching for daya's cell phone to call yasiho as he dials his memories of her are extracted yasso receives a call but doesn't recognize who it is since it's daya's phone because josuke deceived daya he lost another valuable memory that of yasuho daya cozies up to josuke with yaso's memory gone diet takes advantage of josuke's innocence by seductively positioning herself on the bed norisky sees the two becoming silently enraged with josuke he vows to make josuke pay for this in the future daya continues her seduction with josuke admitting that he loves her the bubble pops causing daiya to panic thinking that the lights went out again turns out the pop was by coincidence and not planned by josuke daya wants josuke to love her and she'll continue stealing memories until this happens josuke jumps on the daiya's bike to go shopping yassho waves at him from behind the gate but he doesn't respond yasso hides behind a wall wondering what's happening to josuke josuke extracts his voice with a bubble and hangs on a nearby tree branch daya notices that he isn't holding her from behind this deception results in another memory loss this time the memory of a soft and wet stand daya hears her cell phone coming from the house and josuke admits that he hit it daya smashes the soft and wet chest piece thinking that yasho is contacting him through her cell phone she demands that he retrieve her cell phone josuke goes to the fridge where he hit it daya grabs the cell phone answers and hears yasuo's voice on the other end piss said he tried to contact her earlier she looks to smash the two memories before this happens however josuke reveals that she's standing on his shadow all his memories subsequently return he reveals that he set up the whole situation from earlier daya confirms that she didn't attack under her father's orders she just did this out of her own love for josuke daya still wants josuke to like her so he decides to use her for his investigation on the mark daya confirms it's the mark of a publisher josuke and her subsequently break into the room which looks like a small office with a library the mark is on a book titled steel ball run race complete record josuke wakes up underneath his mattress the next morning noriski then carefully monitors josuke and daya from afar josuke watches joshu shave thinking his beard is getting a little bit on the long side himself josuke begins to shave he uses his soft and wet bubbles which transports his shaved hair to joshua and hatto noriske eats breakfast wondering why josuke isn't following daiya's orders like before afterwards josuke and daya open up the steel ball run book written by noriske the first josuke finds out that daya's grandfather took second place in the race at the end of the book there's a family tree for the higashikata family it turns out that the first generation noriske had a daughter and her name was rina and she married johnny joestar one year after the steel ball run what's odd about the book is that it chronicles the joestar family tree as well no i don't understand kira is a descendant of the joestar family which means that he's a distant relative of the higashigata family jyosuke wants to investigate yoshikage kiro's father yoshiteru josuke tidies up the room on his way out both kira and his father are dead but holly joestar his mother is still alive what i'll be investigating is the family line of the joe stars and kiras what am i josuke's laundry mixes in with joe shoes josuke finds some of joshu's money in his laundry as the man himself walks up and instructs him to get his mitts off his shirt joshua slaps him accusing josuke of stealing his money joshua entices josuke to hit him back as he conceals the blade behind his back noriske breaks things up he calms down his son and talks to josuke about attending school after everyone separates josuke uses his bubble to divert a security camera so he can call yasiho yasho is having trouble contacting holly joestar yaso then instructs josuke to use his gps to meet her at her shrine yasso calls the university hospital where holly is working finding out that she's currently staying there as a patient while following the gps josuke is instructed to make a u-turn he then enters an alley and is led to a closed road josuke calls yasuho and finds out that holly is in the hospital afterwards the gps continues to frustrate him he writes the directions on a notebook but a man on a motorcycle drives past him sending his gps into a spin soft and wet then blocks a sharp metal point from hitting josuke on the neck josuke uses his map to get to a set of stairs but the man on the motorcycle lurks behind him the man on the motorcycle turns around yet josuke is knocked back by a gust of wind a metal shard then gashes into the back of his head leaving him in a state of disarray that writer dressed in all black it's his stand attack it's cold what is he josuke pulls out the shard from his head and summons his stand soft and wet josuke calls yasuo to tell her it's too dangerous for him to see her right now josuke wonders what's going on with the gps as the black suit rider returns once more josuke is hit with another gust of wind as a cavalcade of shards goes into his eyes what with the wind my blood my blood is so cold a pen gashes into his body josuke struggles to keep his eyes open claiming he's going to attack with the intent to kill joe's case saliva begins to solidify as he struggles to breathe the gps instructs him to go upwards josuke finally realizes that the stand inside the gps was attempting to help him with useful advice he then grabs onto the electrical pole and kicks the rider off of the motorcycle this gps is my ally i was saved by the gps yasuo scratches a wound around her ankle that looks similar to the one that josuke had at the very beginning of our story yasso then hears a woman calculating the distance of birds off in the distance similar to what josuke was doing at the beginning of the story hallie thinks yasso was an actress in a porn magazine but yasso denies this yasso inquires about holly's son yoshikagi kira a nurse removes yasuo from the room and calls security on her as she's removed holly notices her shadow taking on the form of a stand if she realizes that she will give strength to my son surely this is also fate josuke continues to follow the gps's advice making his way through someone's house the motorcycle rider waits for josuke inside the pond josuke runs into the house with the rider blasting the old lady with a gust of wind josuke realizes that the gps is aiding him but he also wonders if the enemy can hear the voice as well josuke listens to the gps regardless leading him to an open door that results in an avalanche of snow falling upon him josuke calls upon soft and wet but the rider tears up his arm the biker looks poised for another attack but a kid in the house opens a door this makes josuke realize something very important he instructs the kid to close the door which he does he tells the kid to open the window for him the stand does not appear josuke realizes that whenever he opens something a door a notebook or a cell phone that the biker locks onto him but when someone else opens something nothing happens therefore the stand is only targeting him on his way out josuke stares at a family photo experiencing a feeling of longing and sadness realizing that no one in this world is looking at a photograph of him josuke makes his way to the hospital in search of yasuho josuke backs away from the front door waiting for someone else to open it he backs into a taxi cab causing the door to fling open revealing the motorcycle rider inside josuke summons soft and wet to prevent himself from getting run over by the rider soft and wet bashes to stand in the face with several punches josuke looks to be in trouble but realizes that the face is now exposed the rider looks to pinjoski against a phone pole which would likely be a fatal collision josuke opens his cell phone looking for an alternate route to help save him the phone calls for a taxi josuke tells the driver to close the door which makes the rider disappear into thin air josuke is still tossed backwards due to the momentum however before the stand disappeared soft and wet attached a soap bubble to his body with this information he's able to find out that keough the housekeeper is a stand user for the motorcycle rider kyo throws a pen at josuke that opens up in his hand summoning the bike rider once more josuke however beats her to a pulp with soft and wet ending the fight for good josuke questions her about her objective he then notices a star-shaped birthmark on her neck in the same position that he has his who is my enemy yells josuke if you go to where holly joestar is i'll kill you josuke decides not to see holly joestar at the moment but he still wants to see yasuo he looks to leave but kyo tells him to stick out his tongue she claims to be the daughter of holly joestar as she inspect josuke's tongue she says yeah i knew it there's definitely a connecting seam four eyeballs and two tongues yeshua exits the hospital and finally locates josuke unfortunately the wound around her ankle begins to act up suddenly josuke is gone from her sight yasso was placed on a gurney by a nurse and is rushed back to the hospital yasso notices that she's in a room adjacent to holly's the doctors talk about how parts of holly's brain and organs are mysteriously missing it almost seems as though they were stolen however there's no signs of surgery you're holly joestar's daughter and yoshikagi kira's little sister say i believe that do you know who i am kyo infiltrated the higashikita house in order to protect her mother kyo and holly are the only living members of the kira family tree kyo and josuke then moved to a remote location kyo pulls out a lemon and a tangerine and buries them underground calm your heart and accept it because it's the truth she pulls out the fruit from the ground and cuts them in half surprisingly the fruit has traded parts and become amalgamations of each other i'm me there's no way i'm anybody but me who the hell am i answer me you are a fusion of yoshikagi's body and your own your minds are fused as well kyo explains that yoshikagi's bubbles would just explode when they touch something josuke's bubbles on the other hand take something from someone one half of josuke is kira but who's the other half it may very well be that the higashikata family knows something about this just what sort of person was yoshikage kira but that is one part there is also one more person the entire hika shikata family comes to the breakfast table in their swimsuits the family had to cancel their trip to hawaii because hato didn't attain her passport joshua enters in his regular clothes arguing about the expiration date on some milk noriske son i want to go to school says josuke josuke also asked for a cell phone but joshua angrily snaps back at him norisk instructs joshu to take josuke to school with him joshu then hands josuki a geometry problem to intimidate him however josuke figures it out with ease joshua makes excuses for losing in their earlier fight and instructs josuke and not to hang around with yasuho joshu explains that he got his money extorted from him on this road and today he's looking to exact revenge joshu states that josuke will be the one ripping them off as the two scope out the area a woman claims the two stepped on a little girl's toy and broke it joshua is instructed to look at the bottom of his shoe and he sees a sticker from the toy stuck to it the girl cries as the two are quickly surrounded by several men in the area embarrassed by the situation and not wanting the police to get involved joshu pays the woman a hefty sum to keep the situation under wraps josuke inquires about the situation from earlier and asked joshu if he really stepped on the toy joshua isn't sure he did but he felt as though he had no choice in the matter everyone knows that this is shake down road and you always get your money extorted by somebody an old man tells josuke he's got blood on his sleeve the man claims that josuke broke his shop's water tanks and he's looking for compensation the man claims that the blood belongs to a turtle that costs 330 000 yen josuke denies involvement but the man will hunt them down and the quickest way to resolve this is to pay at the 330 000 yen the two look at joshua's video recording as an alibi but it turns out josuke was blown by a gust of wind in an instant and then back to his original location without either the boys noticing what happened joshu did notice however that the leaves in the area were moving in a strange fashion but he keeps this information to himself the old man threatens to call over the two officers but josuke grabs his neck with soft and wet the old man can't see soft and wet making josuke question whether he really was the one responsible the man takes twenty thousand yen and claims he'll collect another twenty thousand yen every month josuke borrows joshua's cell phone so he can videotape himself one of the gangsters then claims that they broke his cell phone the two replay the video footage finding out that josuke knocked the cell phone out of the man's hand with his elbow josuke is in disbelief the gangsters instruct them to pick up the flower pot they find a package underneath and are instructed to deliver it to a woman in a red dress josuke asks joshua if there are comrades and joshua verifies that they are indeed family josuke's bubbles won't allow him to see what's inside the package when they bring over the package the girl is going to show them her tattoo they're going to nod and then hand over the package josuke figures out that a stand is present but he's not sure where the stand user is the girl reveals her tattoo josuke nods and then the girl places her purse on a pile of leaves the two police officers begin to move in but one is smacked in the face josuke unconsciously elbows the other one as the two purses switch places while josuke is pinned to the ground by the officers joshu figures out that the gangsters and the woman just performed a transaction joshu then notices stands underneath the leaves the gangsters realize that the money is not in the bag turns out that joshua was able to intercept it without anyone noticing the gangsters used the leaves to catch up to joshua and tackle him to the ground they threaten to cut him with a knife but then joshu notices a screw coming out of his hand one of the gangsters also notices a screw in his hand he proceeds to unscrew the bolt causing his hand to fall off what the hell the gangster's other hand falls off joshua realizes he's doing this as he decides to run away the stand effect wears off as the man's hands return to normal joshu realizes that the money he stole is merely a pile of leaves the policemen find the money inside of josuke's clothing josuke reveals that he sent some leaves into joshu's clothing with his soap bubbles when joshua ran away he brought the money back from inside the envelope fooling everyone i've won josuke calls yasuho while she's in class but since it's joshua's phone she doesn't respond yasho looks at the gps and discovers a monument named joestar jizo the monument was named after johnny joestar who died a mysterious death apparently he was found dead with a large boulder on his head yasso keys in on his wife rina thinking she was involved in some fashion despite the fact that no evidence came forward to convict her at the time meanwhile josuke stares at joe starjeso the old pet shop owner then recounts the legends surrounding johnny joestar johnny came to japan to teach the army horse riding techniques but that was a front the real reason he came to japan was because of rena's sake over time rina was attacked by a disease that caused her to lose her memories one by one then they would come back and then they would disappear again so johnny decided it would be best if she lived out her days in japan where she was born desperate for a solution however johnny thought that the power of a holy corpse could cure her illness for the sake of the one he loved johnny joestar unearthed the corpse johnny managed to escape his pursuers and board a boat he hid the corpse in a cave on morio's coast and brought rina to the location of the corpse removing the disease however carried the risk of exchanging the disease for something of equivalent value reno awoke with all her ailments healed unfortunately his son george joestar received his mother's disease with tears in his eyes and his son in his arms johnny vowed he'd never use the holy corpse again johnny used his test to remove the curse from the sun but due to the equivalent exchange he received the curse himself george is completely healed as he watches his dad get crushed by a large rock not long afterwards the people from america retrieved the holy corpse that's when the ginkgo leaf started moving things in an instantaneous fashion the old man claims that the legend is just a mere fantasy but he still charges josuke 3000 yen for the story meanwhile yasso makes her way to meditation pine she reads an old story about a one or two year old boy being discovered on the beach he was naked except for a cap socks and a necklace with highly valued jewels around his neck the article with the baby appeared on the same day as the one concerning johnny jostar's death the meditation pine used to be called twin pines as yaso descends down to take a closer look a cryptic hand grabs her and drags her inside the hole the mysterious person begins to grope and lick her in a creepy fashion yaso then finds herself inside the higashikata family cellar sarugi is playing in the room as yasuo notices that it's filled with materials from the 1930s tsurugi explains that after the earthquake occurred it connected the hidden cave to the higashikata estate tsurugi wants to play paper fortune teller with the girl yasso opens up the paper surprised by what she sees inside she looks to leave but realizes that her cell phone is missing she grabs tsurugi finding out that she is actually a he surugi explains that when the first son is born in the higashikata family they're dressed as a girl until the age of 12 to trick the demons that cause the disease and it's gone down this way for each generation of higashikita male paisley park yaso stand then summons itself and heads over to josuke's location to entice him to text yasoho the phone buzzes underneath the rug but when yasso looks it's not there she then finds the phone folded up like a frog the phone attacks yasuho yasho then retrieves the phone and leaves the room she then comes across a room that looks somewhat like a prison tsurugi offers to show her the way out but yasho declines and finds a way out herself yasuo reads josuke's text message wondering why he's using joshu's phone inside the town yasuo becomes enamored when it looks like everyone's got the same face the origami frog from surugi then approaches her yasuo returns home to put on some new contact lenses her mother approaches her in the bathroom with the same face as everyone else freaking her out once again he also looks in the mirror and finds out that her face looks just like her mother's and everyone else's she leaves the house in a panic she then sees arugi playing on the sidewalk yasuo calls josuke so they can meet in five minutes sarugi folds the origami into a plane and flies it over to josuke's location after stepping on the origami josuke sees the same face on everyone else that yasuo is seeing as well surugi offers yasuo a drink but she knocks it out of his hands and instructs him not to follow her anymore sarugi suggests that yasso doesn't know who she is so she's projecting those feelings onto josuke yasso and josuke miss each other at the front entrance of the sesame honey cafe josuke recognizes sarugi on the street surugi suggests to josuke that he head home joshu angrily takes his phone back but josuke is perplexed as to why he has the same face as everyone else inside the shop yasuo is smacked in the face she receives a call from what sounds like josuke so she decides to look for him outside it's me yasso dives into the arms of joshua thinking it's josuke joshu mishears her words thinking she said joshuisuki which means i like slash love you joshu joshu begins to grope yasuho yaso states that she's wet and wants to be alone though she's just bleeding at this point the two head to the bathroom where joshu rips off his pants and uses his stand to tear off yaso's clothes joshu professes his love for the girl [Music] but it's then that she realizes it's not josuke she knocks him out with the toilet lid and runs towards some police officers unfortunately these are not police officers but a group of thugs who are keen on drugging yasuho for their own perverted reasons want some drugs yes paisley park twists the driver's foot causing the car to crash a woman who claims to be yasso's mother apologizes for earlier yasuo doesn't know what to believe at this point so she begs for tsurugi's help josuke realizes that someone is attacking yasuho with their stand ability and he needs to find her asap inside the room again yasso seems to have accepted her fate surugi admits to using a stand attack called origami to make her lose her ability to distinguish between faces his stand is called paper moon king he also accepts some of the responsibility for the event surugi explains that the eldest son of the higashikita family always gets ill when they turn 10 years old and die that's why the second son or daughter ends up succeeding them as the head of the family the disease makes the child's skin become like a rock and then they die however they have found a means to escape the disease for example grandpa noriske is the eldest son and he's still alive to this day yasuo dozes off as she thinks of the higashikata curse and holly joestar a strange man appears in the room as yasso sleeps the man proceeds to suffocate yasuho attempting to draw out her stand at paisley park once the stand comes out the man determines it's a long distance type stand the stand escapes giving josuke useful information about sarugi though he doesn't know the stan's involvement the mysterious man identifies himself as yotsuyu and he's an architect he doesn't want josuki's memories to return because he's going to die one more time yasso uses an origami banana that's powered by sarugi stand to trip yotsuyu the man disappears as yasuo escapes from the room wondering who he is josuke wakes up the next morning seeing sarugi trip with a bag of groceries josuke wonders about nod staircase in the backyard as noriski asks him how school is going josuke then notices a rather large bump on the back of joshua's head joshu proceeds to brag about his loving encounter with yasuho later on josuke looks to tail sarugi outside noriske stops him wondering where he's going josuke admits that norisky is the most suspicious member of the family however he asks about sarugi and holly joe starr noriske requests that he ask one question at a time did you kill yoshikagi kira no i did not kill kira and i've got three reasons number one he wouldn't have taken josuke in if he was half of kira number two the higashikitas and the joestars share the same family curse and number three he needed yoshikage akira because he may have found a method in curing the illness with half of kira's mind the answer for the curse may be inside of josuke that is why noriski accepted him into the family in the first place noriski survived the disease in exchange for his parents dying but he doesn't elaborate further on this i want to ask one more thing what is your stand noriski gives josuke a glimpse of his stand which looks like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle you want to play a little game noriski then explains that stans are like [ __ ] you don't go around showing them to other people it is your new issue of gigantic truly truly sagely advice josuke gets nervous thinking that someone was behind him just now he looks at the scenery thinking something is fishy the flower pots then accelerate towards them and trap them on all sides so you came all the way here to die a second time says yo to you from a trapdoor soft and white can't get the fragments off of josuke with the help of noriske and soft and wet they pull josuke out of the stand users range so that the fragments have no effect sarugi then explains that this has nothing to do with his grandpa and he should just go home josuke questions noriski about the mysterious man but he doesn't know anything about this josuke notices the hatch on the ground realizing that yasso is being held captive despite what josuke believes noriski explains that he does care about the boy a cryptic hand touches josuke's the two become alarmed when the scenery in the garden changes once again they also notice a strange sound they identify it as a chestnut rolling down an incline from a tree the two are quickly surrounded by a horde of chestnuts with a little recourse the two rushed towards the hatch with noriski begging his grandson to open it up noriski reminisces about his childhood he remembers a time when he asked his mother if the higashikata curse was real his mother grabs his face and reassures him that the disease can be cured and that his father was able to beat it we then see an image of noriski as a stone child as we return to the present noriski looks down at his grandson begging for him to open the hatch surugi claims that if he hands over josuke the man will cure his disease hence the reason tsurugi lured josuke here in the first place the chestnuts pierce their needles in the josuke noriske's skin josuke instructs norisky to use this stand to open up the hatch from the inside he does just that unfortunately the hatch is chained up with a lock he just wants to get rid of josuke says surugi norisky attempts to bash the chain with a rock the sheer amount of needles overwhelms the two josuke uses soft and wet to steal the moisture from the chestnuts as the needles disintegrate norisky bashes the lock allowing the two to get inside the two closed the door nuriski demands to know who the man is surugi says that yotsuyu can cure him i know him yotsuyu is the man that did the architectural design of my mansion yotsuyu's attacks are unrelenting those objects will continue pushing towards them until they reach their organs though serugi is terrified of the disease his grandfather attempts to calm him down be a man i swear i'll protect you josuke walks in on yasuo as she sleeps the house yo2 design can withstand earthquakes when he was working on the plans he worked in the basement tsurugi explains that there was a dog that turned into stone but thanks to yotsuyu it was healed noriski inquires about the specific details of this occurrence apparently yotsuyu fed something to the dog and after he ate it he was cured surugi wants to know what he fed the dog josuke wants to know why yotsuyu wants him dead sarugi explained there's a fissure in the ground outside josuke figures he used the fissure to enter the basement and thusly wants to chase him down nirisky tells him to stand down as he'll be the one following him noriske claims that he came here through the air vent nuriske's stand is called king nothing and it can see smells though it has no physical power it can be used to track people down in this case yasuho noriske senses that this is a trap but they can't let this opportunity slip through their fingers as they follow king nothing noriski mentions that he caught the disease in the winter of 1971. everything in his body turned into stone yet he still remained conscious back then my mother took my place for the disease in my steed in order to protect the eldest son someone else in the family would perform an equivalent exchange for the disease this is a family custom that's gone on for generations noriski claims that no food could cure the disease and that yotsuyu was deliberately misleading sarugi king nothing turns around indicating that yasuo is close josuke spots her sleeping amongst some rocks josuke reaches for yasuo as the stone version of yotsuyu reaches for his arm soft and wet pummels him down as josuke goes to yasuo's side josuke claims that yotsu can live while having rock skin josuke instructs nuriske to lock onto his scent a flashback is shown of noriski's mother performing the equivalent exchange to save his life josuke confirms that yotsuyu's body was literal stone and he's now hiding amongst the rocks king nothing picks up on youtube's scent from yasuo's body and begins to pursue him they think they got him so soft and wet begins punching the rock josuke rips off a chunk causing the rock to bleed containers of pesticides then surround them they thusly have a choice finish off yotsuyu or run away and get surrounded by the pesticide yotsuyu changes his location amongst the rocks i will obtain it yotsuyu makes a chess reference claiming that joe's case king and rook are forked and he's in a losing position kasparov is conglomerating his pawns into a mega chesatron soft and wet proceeds to pummel him noriski instructs josuke to leave yasuo behind but the boy can't do that josuke claims he won't use his soap bubbles for defense but rather he's going to attack you said my king and rook were forked but that's wrong i've got checkmate and oh oh this is extraordinary kasparov is pissing all over the board josuke catches the man inside one of his soap bubbles i am a rock i am an island various rocks smash into the bubble breaking it open and releasing yotsuyu the pesticide containers then fly towards noriski and josuke the pesticides then smash in ajosuke and yasoho yotsuyu wants nurisuke to be alive so he can steal his entire fortune at some point in the future yotsuyu claims it's impossible for josuke to escape at this point josuke reiterates that he's going on the offensive he rushes towards yotsuyu pushing him off of the cliff into the ocean josuke uses his soft and wet bubbles to converse with yotsuyu underwater i'm making you sink or maybe you'd like to tell me who i am josuke uses one of his bubbles to communicate a message to noriske he tells him that he needs nets that you'd use to catch fish a net is subsequently tossed down as josuke uses it to wrap up yotsuyu you'll be stuck not breathing as a stone on the ocean floor forever yotsuyu claims he put in between some rocks and he killed him earlier but due to the walleyes he's still alive youtube's stan attempts to fight back josuke blows up a chunk of the stone with one of his bubbles either i attach weights to you and make you sink or you tell me who i am i am a rock josuke uses his bubbles to take all the air from inside his lungs the one whose actions are correct is tsurugi higashikata josuke returns to the surface with yotiyu claiming he's dead the parts of yotsuyu's body in the water begin to disintegrate noriski wonders if youtu was really a living creature and wants to get a chemical analysis done on the remains due to his unique body composition a small amount of oxygen loss was detrimental causing him to drown rather easily sarugi explains that yotsuyu didn't have a house bank account or a phone nuriski then notices that yotsuyu's dick fell off my dick fell off or maybe he wasn't a man at all but a woman the person before you was what you call packing and i didn't want to see that i'm packing too narisky suggests that he probably has comrades that are out and about surugi wonders about the food he gave to the dog to cure it in the past joe's case all some kind of fruit that was connected with the disease because he saw it earlier youtube attempted to eliminate him yasso wakes up briefly finding a cryptic piece of fruit in her hand she puts it down and decides to go back to sleep i'm certain i was once a person that came here to mario pursuing the disease that makes you become like stone and die that the higashikita family has inherited for generations in other words there is a way to cure the higashikata family disease did i know the cure if there's a way to cure it i'm going to find it for the sake of finding out who i am meanwhile noriski attempts to catch the dog that yotsuyu healed josuke thinks of yasso in an endearing fashion he checks up on her but she's not in her bed noriski explains that she already woke up and went home noriske elaborates on yotsu's past saying that he stole his identity from someone else the healed dog then emerges from the wall grabbing the fruits and the bed this is the fruit arugu-chan niriski inspects the fruit as surugi desperately attempts to grab it from him king nothing memorizes the smell hoping that they can locate the tree that the fruit came from srugi decides to take the dog in naming him rocky quite ironically in their search nuriske provides josuke with a tour of the higashikita parlor touting the freshness of their fruit and the deliciousness of their melon parfaits the two grab a melon parfait as norisky explains its various components number one cut melon with original price of 7 500 yen jelly and whipped cream ice cream melon granita champagne sherbet crunchy corn biscuit melon jelly more whipped cream and finally melon juice that is the shape of the glass i came up with basically what i'm trying to say is everything has a natural flow josuke takes his first bite as it squirts out of his mouth just then jobin the eldest son bows down in front of them jobin and his father share a joke as the two embrace each other for a hug jobin shows his father an expensive beetle bought during his travels josuke and job and then have an awkward moment where they stare at each other jobin offers the beetle to josuke as a present but he declines with noriski embracing his son king nothing identifies the smell of the fruit on jobin's handkerchief joshu becomes jealous when he sees josuke's stag beetle from jobin joshu then opens up the door to jobin's room revealing a huge collection of beetles as the two walk in they see jobin working on a collection of robotic toys jobin then quotes the poet mitsuyu ida scolding joshu for not knowing who he is jobin explains that beetles need protein in the past josuke confronted surugi outside tell me about your dad's stand ability i'm planning to corner job and higashikita josuke is certain that jobin was at the place where the mysterious fruit is located and he figures noriski knows something about this tsurugi explains that his grandpa's stand is automatic josuke claims that jobin knows how to cure the disease and he's keeping this information from nuriske for some reason josuke leslie wants to corner him about the matter sarugi is reluctant to say anything claiming that his dad is a good person and he wouldn't do anything bad josuke nevertheless continues to pressure the boy in the present josuke wonders if jobin is housing living stag beetles back to sarugi and josuke's past conversation the boy reiterates that he doesn't want any harm coming to his dad josuke henceforth promises that no harm will come to jobin surugi reveals that his dad's weakness is stag beetles he's definitely got a bug specimen room in the house so you have to go there josuke then try saying let's make our stag beetles fight in the now jobin takes joshu and josuke to his living collection of stag beetles jobin states that stag beetles stink for 45 seconds then they forget right away essentially they have a form of intelligence josuke mentions that the mandible's on the one looks thinner than the one that he's got i'll bet he could win against yours in a fight joseki attempts to play it off nonchalantly with joshu scolding him for speaking out of turn jobin however becomes intrigued with the idea of a fight josuke recalls surugi's advice to win in an overwhelming fashion against his dad josuke then acts as though he doesn't want them to fight but jobin begins to explain the rules of the battle the fighting arena is made of chemically hardened resin with a diameter of 27.5 centimeters the battle time is one round of 45 seconds if you're pushed out of the arena you lose if one is raised into the air they lose after a count of ten a paintbrush can't be used to touch their bodies but it can be used to excite them jobin then asks josuke again if he's up for a simple test of curiosity what would happen if i were to win do you want to bet ask josuke i have a hercules in here if you win i'll give it to you replies jobin jobin states that he wants to give his beetle fighting spirit he places the beetle inside of a terranium with a japanese wasp the battle begins with the beetle cutting the wasp in half there's one more rule if it's killed it loses for 45 seconds they're gladiators and you said you were betting right josuke what exactly are you going to be betting prior to the battle josuke wonders what makes a person bad the three gentlemen sit down with jobin wondering what josuke wants to bet jobin then retracts his earlier bets saying that if he loses then he'll shave his eyebrow and if you lose you have to shave off one of your eyebrows jobin gives josuke a chance to get out of the bet but josuke is confident that he can win so he makes the bet and places his beetle on the battleground jobin does the same as it's time for the two beetles to throw down for 45 seconds prior to the battle surugi didn't have any information regarding his dad's stand ability but he implored josuke to focus on the stag beetle fight sarugi also gave him useful advice the best thing to do with the male stag beetle is to give it female pheromones with a brush in real time the stag beetles begin grappling jobin's beetle quickly pushes back josuke's to the edge of the arena jobin wonders if joe's case brush has female pheromones just then jobin's beetle cuts off one of the mandibles of josuke's beetle jobin reveals that he sharpened the mandibles of his beetle prior to the battle hence the reason that they look thinner jobin's beetle begins twisting josuke's as it looks like it's over josuke calmly uses his paint brush inside the brush unbeknownst to anyone are his soft and wet bubbles and they contain the female pheromones after smelling the pheromones josuke's beetle gains a surge of energy lifting up jobin's beetle into the air josuke implores joshua to begin the count before that happens though jobin's beetle runs out of the ring making josuke the winner jobin proceeds to shave off his left eyebrow as he sees in rage meanwhile yasso mentions that she's been seeing some weird hallucinations lately caused by paisley park sarugi arrives at the door explaining that he needs yasuo's power to guide him to the fruit tree jobin finishes up shaving his eyebrow josuke looks to leave but joshua accuses him of cheating jobin looks at his missing eyebrow and begins to lose his composure jobin instructs joshu to cheer for josuke this time around in the rematch josuke refuses a rematch though considering that his beatles mandible is already broken in truth however josuke wants a rematch since that's the reason he came here in the first place but this time around if he wins he wants jobin's lamborghini gallardo meanwhile surugi tells yaso that the lamborghini's event data recorder will tell them the location of the fruit hence the reason yasuo stand is critical in this mission meanwhile josuke uses glue to fix his beetle's mandible cause i guess glue fixes mandibles now i i don't know jobin accepts the terms of the deal throwing the key for the lamborghini on the table pulls out a golden beetle for this match he implores his brother to support josuke which he does in an awkward fashion jobin states that when josuke loses he wants to lick one of his eyeballs the two beetles lock onto each other in an epic exchange though jobin's beetle is significantly smaller than josuke's its mandibles cut through things like a saw that being said josuke's beetle pushes him back with ease jobin's rosenbergie fights back he flips over josuke's beetle causing him to cower in fear the rosenbergie proceeds to cut off one of the legs of josuke's beetle it pushes the beetle off of the edge but it manages to hold on with just one of its legs josuke yells at joshua to grab the illustrated insect guide when beetles feel strong vibrations and other shocks to their leg joints they instinctually react by assuming a state of apparent death playing dead as it were the beetle proceeds forward however josuke feels that something is amiss possibly an underhanded trick on jobid's part i can see it jobin higashikita is definitely manipulating something and he's trying to keep it hidden the rosenbergie breaks off another one of josuke's beetle's legs the rosenbergie lifts the beetle into the air aiming to snap off another one of its hind legs josuke's beetle thusly falls out of the ring fortunately for josuke the round went over the 45 second time limit because of this they'll have to restart the round jobin continues to half-heartedly cheer for josuke as the two brush off their beetles josuke points out that something was dripping out of jobin's beetle almost like it was melting there was liquid oozing out of it what is that that hole i'll answer you josuke it's wax jobin opened up a hole and put wax inside of his beetle when the wax melts it causes convulsive movements it allows jobin to control its movements like a zombie because of this invasive measure the rosenbergie will die in around 20 minutes in the next 45 seconds we'll have our winner round two thusly begins we then see joe's case bubbles travel to a nearby thermometer in a mysterious fashion josuke reveals that temperature was inside the soap bubbles and they quickly make the thermometer go up to 60 degrees celsius josuke stole this air from jobin's brush which indicates that he's controlling his rosenbergie through temperature meanwhile the rosenbergie charges in the josuke's beetle slicing off one of its mandibles the temperature inside the arena is normal yet the rosenbergie continues to get hotter the rosenbergie continues tearing josuke's beetle to pieces flipping it on its back once more josuke looks up catching a glimpse of jobin's stand josuke deduces that jobin's stand allows him to manipulate temperature though he's going to pretend as though he didn't see this jocheu becomes excited kicking the tiranium with the dead hornet inside jobin and joshu then wonder why the hornet turanium is on the ground in addition they notice that the bottom half of the hornet is missing and suspiciously it's close to josuke jobin takes note of the rosenberg's erratic movements in fact it's convulsing the rosenbergie goes bonkers with liquid oozing out of all of its body the rosenbergy then explodes dying on the spot jobin checks his brush noticing that there's hornet venom on it which means he unknowingly put hornet venom inside his beetle when he was cleaning him off looks like i won the lamborghini gallardo [Music] get back in here hey come here josuke this isn't over yet close the door come back inside before closing the door josuke floats the lamborghini keys to sarugi with one of his bubbles surugi tells yasuho that they've gotta hurry before jobin figures out josuke's real objective what did you come here for this battle you planned it from the beginning didn't you [Music] sarugi mentions as dad has a secret that he's keeping from everyone else my dad knows where the fruit is but for some reason he's hiding it from his family surugi helps yasuo sneak through the window to the garage as they look at the car yasuo wonders what surugi wants her to do he wants yaso to figure out where his dad went with his stand yasso doesn't know what a stand is since paisley park works unconsciously yasso receives a question on her phone surugi then implores her to choose an answer after doing so the car opens up and yasso sees paisley park inside who are you yasuo and sarugi then review the travel data jobin determines that josuke came here for something else and not the lamborghini who are you ask jobin as josque's nose begins to bleed jobin offers him a tissue as josuke determines that heat is warming up his nose who do you hear about me liking beetles from jobin presses josuke to wipe his nose but josuke is concerned what jobin will do to him next the sprinklers go off in the stake beetle rearing room josuke uses this distraction to run away josuke then deduces that josuke was using a stand ability just now yasuo and sarugi don't find any revealing information about the fruits location making surugi suspect that something was erased jobin enters the garage as the two hide inside noriski's minivan joshu suspects that josuke was after jobin's travel data which is correct but it was just a wild guess on joshua's parts and jobin doesn't necessarily believe this after the two leave yasso uses paisley park to look at the security footage from earlier in the day at 4 38 pm jobin either handed the fruit to a mysterious man or he showed it to him the two determined that the man's name is aisho and he's on the management staff at the baseball stadium mario stadium was damaged in the tsunami and yotsuyu did plans for the renovations yaso and tsurugi spot the man with the potted plant surugi folds paisley park into origami as they track eye show through the park all of a sudden aisha was no longer holding the potted fruit they then see the shattered pod on the ground with the fruit torn apart as if it had been eaten the two take notice of a man that was in a wheelchair previously but thanks to the fruit he's starting to walk he enters a car and begins crying telling his wife it's a beautiful day he continues raving about the miracle as his eyes turn into stone and fall out of his head turns out that he performed an equivalent exchange trading his eyeballs for his legs surugi wants to recover the remaining piece on the ground unfortunately aisho stomps on their combined frog stand yasso provides a brief analogy about her stand as zaisho battles the two by stomping on the frog stand aisho then attempts to call yotsuyu but his phone won't make the connection aisha looks to smash the frog once again but yasuo places a banana peel on the ground however aisho doesn't slip on it but then the frogs multiply confusing i show aisho attempts to crush the frogs but they're actually just leaves created by sarugi's stand yasuo determines that aisho got off work nine minutes ago and came straight here which means the fruit might be in mario stadium i sho deduces that two stand users were just attacking him just now paper moon returns to sarugi just then a small tornado blocks their path the vortex destroys the computer and begins attacking them this is aisho's stand and he tracked him here because he touched their combined stand the two then run away they climb out of a window and close it shut trapping the stand on the other side unfortunately the stand reemerges on the windowsill right by them aisha determines that something happened to yo to you hence the reason you can't contact him right now he mentions that the two stand users saw the equivalent exchange aspect of the rokakaka meanwhile tsurugi and yasso are desperately close to falling off the edge the two combine their stance to pull over the ladder they subsequently tumble down it onto the ground they then run away from the stand trying to get out of the user's radius surugi claims that the fruit is power and it's incredibly beneficial yasuo is given another choice on her phone choosing bus sergey is then attacked by the vortex yasso grabs his hand and drags him to the bus the two enter with paisley park closing the door and stomping down on the accelerator unfortunately the vortex materializes inside the bus tsurugi determines that the vortex shows up every time he exhales the two then hold their breath as the vortex dissipates into thin air yasuo can't hold her breath any longer as the vortex immediately reappears yasuo then uses a newspaper to suck the tornado up meanwhile jobin receives a phone call from my show jobin informs him that he's not supposed to call this phone number and they're only supposed to meet in public aisho determines that the rokakaka and yotsu's disappearance is the work of the same person jobin immediately thinks of josuke when he says this but he doesn't share this information with aisho aisho states he's going to kill the two stand users which makes jobin incredibly nervous sergi says that the only way out of this is for them to attack the main body as he constructs an origami that looks like a car in the past aisha told his girlfriend that if he fell asleep he couldn't wake up for one month if he loses focus for even a second his skin becomes hard like a rock and he sleeps in the now yasuo continues fighting off the vortex the two take a moment to catch their breath as surugi releases his car origami the two make a mad dash off the bus in the past once again aisho's girlfriend stole the deed for the house and when he was asleep she sold it off and ran away in the now yasuo and sarugi run away as fast as they can wilts holding their breath the two find an ambulance with oxygen mask inside as they watch the vortex dissipate unfortunately the vortex materializes inside the mask paisley park attempts to crush it but it doesn't work the two are out of ideas but just then jobin and aisha walk in despite the fact that it's jobin's son aisha was resolute in killing sarugi here and now especially considering that yotsuyu is most likely dead he demands jobin's permission to kill surugi surugi reveals his master plan though that he made the buses in the city look like his dad which means aisha was talking to a bus this entire time sarugi and yaso look at the video footage from the baseball stadium the two then review the footage of the bus hitting i show after this happened there was only broken stone and sand on the road aisho and yotsuyu were rock humans and jobin had some kind of contract with them and it all revolves around this mysterious fruit the two reviewed the security footage of aisho inside the stadium josuke then shows up in the park causing yasuo to rush towards him in tears surugi-chan yasso then embraces josuke josuke starts crying too causing yasuho to laugh at him the two take a walk with each other with yasuo or jinjosuke to sing something for her i like large fries i like large fries i like large fries but not fried chicken not fried chicken not fried chicken i just want those crunchies i like large fries and the grammy goes too bucket with fries josuke receives a message from a curly-haired girl who refers to him as sachon josuke leaves yasso to meet up with the girl the girl knows josuke asking him what happened to his cell phone josuke doesn't want to reveal too much information so he acts as though he lost his cell phone the girl hates josuke's hat mentioning that he looks like yoshikage kira after staring at him she notices that his appearance looks different causing her to run away josuke uses a bubble to find out her name wait karira don't go you didn't make a mistake karira embraces josuke attempting to kiss him she doesn't like that josuke is hanging out with another woman as she has to borrow some money she goes to a food stand to say there was a hair in her food she gets a refund as josuke thinks that she's using a stand ability karira then plays slots as josuke wonders who he is at a cafe josuke wonders what's up with this girl's vulgar behavior she even uses her water glass to wash her toes he then wonders if she's homeless and how to figure out who he is karira leaves with a short man as josuke proceeds to chase her into the bathroom despite what it looks like karira was using her stand to make his hair grow she receives money for this but her range is only 80 meters at which point their hair falls out again josuke proceeds to question her karira doesn't know about her family she's all about living in the present upon leaving the cafe karira shows him a photo of herself yoshikagi kira and a third person who's supposedly sachon she then refers to josuke as jose fumi kujo as an aside the kanji for cujo are the same as jotaro's surname and the joe kanji and josefumi is the same as the joe in part 4 josuke's name josuke is leslie shocked to learn his real name karira uses her power to steal the credit card from a guy inside the cafe she then empties out his bank account we then catch a glimpse of karira's stand meanwhile some police officers approach some soccer players who are kicking a ball in the middle of the street the officers notice a zipper on the ball the soccer players don't listen to the police officer's demands so the officers request backup as a soccer player's hand turns into a stone handcuff the man puts a handcuff through the officer's jaw he then puts the other side on the other officer's hand as the two soccer players begin their search for karira the soccer brothers ask people if they've seen karira kariro mentions that she wants to be a fashion designer as the two head towards josuke's old home karira verbally abuses the cab driver as the two walk from this point forward karira then heads for kira's condo as josuke says didn't you hear karira chun yoshikagi kira is dead karira loses her composure thinking kira was murdered josuke wonders why karira would think this he then explains that kira was buried in the ground at the walleyes i was buried under the ground as well i survived i lost my memory though my body seems to have undergone an equivalent exchange there was a rokakaka tree kira had a single tree hidden in a flower pot kira disposed of all the other trees and was saving one for his sick mother kareera suspects that joseph fumi changed his appearance to hide from everyone who more interested in the tree's location the two soccer players then ambushed them with one dousing karira with gasoline and lighting her ablaze josuke uses his bubbles to remove the flames from karira one of the soccer players attacks josuke but gets smashed across the face the two combine their abilities to capture josuke as karira escapes from the area the next chapter starts off with a detailed description of the rock humans 95 of rock humans are stand users they reproduce just like humans do and transform every six years they grow up by molting and they can live for up to 240 years they are parasites in a way using human society for their own ends because they sleep for several months they can't hold down a regular job the rock human brothers notice that josuke stand is similar to kira's we then see a stand inside the soccer ball josuke uses soft and wet to throw several bolts at the brothers josuke then proceeds to beat one of them up with his fighting skills the brother dribbles the soccer ball and releases a toxic gas from the inside josuke protects himself with soft and wet but some of the corrosive liquid goes through his skin the poisonous gas is making josuke sick the other brother grabs josuke from behind as the younger brother kicks his soccer ball at him after the older brother catches the ball josuke claims he'll win if the ball contains the poisonous gas the elder brother attempts to poison josuke but it turns out that josuke placed his bubbles inside the ball and they now contain the poisonous gas the big brother suspects that this is josefumi with the standability of kira kurira then lights a wick out of her hair to set the older brother ablaze the brothers run towards each other but that's when josuke's bubbles pop spreading the poisonous gas onto both of them with the brothers dead carrera announces that she wants the rokakaka fruits for herself since it's worth a lot of money josuke wants to question her further but she leaves before he can do so we then find out that her stand name is love love deluxe and the two dead brothers were called the aphex brothers and they were twins in 1938 a plant called the rocakaka was discovered by the australians even for the natives the fruit was exceptionally rare infertile women who ate the fruit became pregnant but sand would come out of their breast and their teeth would turn to stone eventually after some time reports of the rokakaka disappeared and it became urban legend in the now yasuo thinks that someone knows the location of the rokakaka fruit josuke reveals to yasuho that he might be josefumi yasuo looks up josephumi's address as she wonders where josuke went yesterday joshua interrupts josuke wondering where his dad and brother are hatto then brings over her first ever boyfriend noriski is a bit flabbergasted by his ugly appearance the man's name is tamaki damo and he manages a dry cleaning store otto introduces tamaki to her family tamaki begins to greet them but then joshu rips off his glasses saying that it's disrespectful not to take them off when you greet someone for the first time this then reveals tamaki's bald spot joshu hands him back his glasses as tamaki offers the family a dessert kyo notices some odd fingerprints on the door handle as does noriske on the dessert box noriske asks how long they've been seeing each other hatto casually mentions that they've had sex two times as the rest of the family is shocked to hear this we then see the fingerprints on joshu's hand and bracelet tamaki breaks a chair when he sits down in it when joshu opens up the champagne bottle the cork knocks off tamaki's toupee joshu apologizes he then notices that his bracelet fell off josuke still has yaso on the phone she found a photo of josefumi and she's going to send it to him via a fax tamaki mentions that his drag cleaner is located at the back of the train station hano mentions that she was doing a photo shoot where her necklace broke off tamaki arrived and reassembled the entire necklace for her in fact when he did so he wrote the letters i love you into the necklace josuke and tamaki then excuse themselves josuke looks for kyo under noriski's suggestion when he enters the other room he finds a myriad of handprints all over the place it appears that kyo even slipped into the walls joshua then tracks tamaki finding that the security equipment had been tampered with the facts for josefumi comes through with a picture of tamaki's face on it joshu's hand then gets caught into the handles of the cabinet he attempts to escape but then he hits his head on a nearby faucet as he begins to drain into the sink daiya sees the name in the face on the facts and she attempts to conceal it from noriske and her older sister haru wants to get a closer look but daiya rushes over to josuke unfortunately she falls and gets trapped into the floor josuke wonders what happened in his past as daya melts into the floor tamaki then asks hato to retrieve the facts that daiya was carrying nureyski drinks some champagne which causes a weird distortion in his skin tamaki informs noriski that he entered his home to solve three problems at once tamaki is looking for four people an architect twin brothers and a security guard sounds rather familiar tamaki makes noriski's body melt with a stand vitamin c tamaki suspects that the culprit for these four missing people is in his house and they will thusly be killed tamaki states that noriske was close to kira he then states it all started with flying fish two years prior we see yoshikagi kira on a ship and he is 27 years old at this point in time a man gets injured by the flying fish bakira was more interested in a rock that looked like a man and was bleeding afterwards kira finds out that the higashikata fruit parlor ordered the rocks for an artificial garden they've also imported some sort of fruit tree and they've done this several times at port kira beretsojiro for being a surfer are you a man of the sea or a man of the land which is it be decisive you all remember ojiro from the first few chapters right as ojiro runs away he knocks the pepper out of a customer's hand kira spots aisho deducing that he's a rock human and he's connected with the higashikita fruit parlor josefumi then extracts the pepper from his soup and resumes eating kira recognizes the boy as we go back to the present josuke tells hatto they're under attack josuke claims that tamaki's attempting to kill the entire family josuke then throws a flower pot at the window but it doesn't work his skin then begins to melt we then go back to the past again even further this time to kiyomi kujo she's a woman who went to the beach instead of going to her job and she was henceforth fired all the sudden her son josefumi then begins to drown in the water kiyomi hides at first and has reservations about saving him despite this though she goes into the water to save her son josephumi is sent to the hospital where holly says his occipital bone was crushed kira is then called over by holly his mom to look for a blood clot kyra summons his stand killer queen to save joseph fumi's life however kyomi has mixed feelings when she hears that her son was saved a former baseball star buys the rokakaka fruit from aisho aichu informs him about the equivalent exchange as the baseball player consumes the fruit expeditiously i would cure his shoulder fully heals after eating the fruit kira determines that the fruit comes from new guinea and aisha only sells it to a select few people with an abundance of cash i'm gonna steal one of them says kira josefumi determines that kira wants to steal the fruit for his sick mother but he agrees to help nonetheless josefumi however doesn't want to steal the fruit but the branches from the tree so they can graft it onto another tree and grow the fruit for themselves in the meantime aiwakira's mouth turns to rock and sand josefumi and kira then trail aisho aisho uses some eye medication as josefumi approaches him from behind killer queen then causes a motorcycle accident in the street josefumi then opens up the briefcase to steal some branches he reattaches some random branches so aisha wouldn't notice that they were missing the soft and wet bubbles also block aisho's eyesight so he doesn't see josefumi kira and josefumi then leave having completed their mission in the now tamaki taunts noriske because of the changes in the terrain yotsuyu had a difficult time finding the rokakaka on the higashikata property are you the one who killed yotsuyu questions tamaki nurisuke's arm is sliced off by tamaki nuriski admits to killing yotsuyu however tamaki presses further wondering who really killed yotsuyu in the past again josefumi meets with holly joestar although she doesn't recognize him this is because holly's memory is slowly deteriorating on a sailboat josefumi says he'll be able to harvest two fruit from the branches the two noticed karira on the pier noting that she has a stand ability involving hair josefumi looks to anchor the sailboat but then he notices fingerprints on the rope kira then notices tamaki and yotsuyu in the cabin of the boat tamaki states that they always weigh the fruit before and after a transaction the tree was off by nine grams and after six months the tree had wilted since it had been replaced with different branches tamaki searched all the sick and injured people in japan figuring that they wanted to use the fruit for themselves and they eventually narrowed down their search to holly joe star which is why they're tracking kira today killer queen attempts to attack but vitamin c softens him up with the two boys subdued tamaki begins his interrogation tamaki starts torturing the two he then chucks josephumi's cell phone at his face tamaki then offers them a choice he's only going to kill one of them if the other will reveal where the fruit is tamaki pushes a piece of currency through josefumi's head the boy thinks of how his mother nearly drowned him as a child kira urges josephumi to get moving without him kira then threatens to kill the two and steal all the fruit for himself tamaki thinks kira is bluffing by stating he's got comrades coming just then karira pops in to the surprise of tamaki yotsuyu stan then mounts karira you know doggy style [Music] surprisingly karira has josephumi's phone in her hand kira then apologizes for roping josefumi in this mess we then find out that kira's stand is hidden in kareera's hair as the boat explodes in an instant tamaki and yotsuyu are injured and disoriented from the explosion josephumi carries kira's body away from the wreckage josefumi admits he was close to revealing the location of the fruit apologizing to kira in the process he brings kira to the fruit hoping it will heal his wounds he grabs the fruit and puts it in front of kira's mouth meanwhile tamaki is resolute in killing kira and josefumi he instructs youtube to call aisho and the twin brothers to flush them out because tamaki gouged out much akira's liver he determines that they might be going to the fruit here and now kurira hears all this information while hiding in the water josephumi urges kira to eat the fruit but he's unresponsive likely dead at this point josefumi then decides to use soft and wet's bubbles to feed kira the fruit by force josuke's body melts at a rapid rate josuke then asks hato if she would mind if he killed tamaki if anyone else touches the fingerprints they begin to melt and the entire higashigata house is covered with them i want to move forward haruchan please give me your permission in the past again kira's wound seals up unfortunately josephumi's ear turns to stone and falls off yotu mentions that the shaking is pretty strong from the aftershock there's also a tsunami on the way josefumi finds metal shards in the back of kira's head causing him to cry the aphex brothers show up and call yotsuyu to confirm the location of the fruit josephumi easily smashes the younger brother with the elder brother intervening but it's not long before he pummels them both with soft and wet josephumi has always wanted to be useful to holly for saving his life though he can't make that happen right now he uses the second fruits on kira via his bubbles josephumi says he quote unquote died at the beach long ago and he'll happily exchange his life for kira's josephumi instructs kira to grow the other fruit for holly elsewhere noriske notices that the aftershocks are making the walleyes lift up even more they thusly head inside the house the earthquake makes the ground unstable creating a crevice that joseph fumi and kira fall into meanwhile a stray dog picks up the fruit we then see the two lying underground in an unconscious state in the now tamaki throws a fish inside noriski's body when it swims it causes him immense pain tamaki demands to know where josephumia is but noriske doesn't know anybody by that name tamaki threatens him by saying he'll slaughter his entire family tamaki then calls over hato-chan josuke warns haro that tamaki is planning to kill her noriske pleads with tamaki to spare his family and to kill him instead i'm sorry josuke i can't protect you niresca deduces that josefumi is most likely josuke which surprises tamaki tamaki doesn't necessarily believe him since his face and physical characteristics are different from joseph fumi norisky states that josuke didn't have any memories and there was an equivalent exchange involved hato enters the room as tamaki uses vitamin c to melt her body tamaki stares at josuke realizing that this is josefumi josefumi fused with the parts of kira thanks to the exchange phenomena of the rokakaka josuke attacks with soft and wet but he's melted by vitamin c a bubble then breaks tamaki's glasses with josuke's body melted tamaki cuts out his liver again just like he did in the past he looks to slit josuke's throat but then he sees hato outside the house in one of joe's case bubbles hatto proceeds to impale tamaki's neck with a stretched heel on her boot she continues gashing into him splattering blood everywhere tamaki pleads with otto saying he wasn't gonna hurt her family he just wanted josefumi she then summons her stand and walks up the side of the house josuke instructs tamaki to flee otherwise hada will defeat him tamaki then contemplates josuke's equivalent exchange a phenomenon he hasn't seen before he realizes that in exchange with someone else could gather a huge amount of interest from the wealthy community tamaki thusly wants to eliminate hato and get the fruit for himself tamaki grabs noriski in a lighter he lights him on fire and puts him inside the chimney the flame also contains his fingerprints despite this the stretched out heel goes through the roof and through tamaki's head tamaki then finds soap bubbles on his person which gave away his location nahado the heartbroken hado proceeds to impale tamaki's head several more times after this happens everyone's body returns to normal despite this tamaki still has enough strength to run away josuke confronts him outside tamaki attempts to bargain with josuke to spare his life but soft and wet smashes him to pieces i my identity is josefumi and kira i'm josefumikujo jobin witnesses the event from his car and is visibly upset that tamaki was killed meanwhile at the stone ocean prison a woman is given her items back with compensation for all the work she did in the past couple years the prison staff is going to miss her the mysterious woman then pulls out her phone from a deck of cards she calls someone on the phone and says that she wants to meet noriske but she wants it to be a surprise i don't have any regrets but that's because i'm going to take back the life i lost it's then revealed that this is kato higashigata and she was talking to her son jobin meanwhile joshu climbs out of the sewer joshu then goes to a store prepared to purchase items from his favorite idol a man then skips ahead of him in line and leaves his wallet on the counter the man then returns to the counter looking for his wallet but joshu takes off and goes to the bathroom since he knows the man is a fan of rina he determines his pin number and henceforth withdraws 500 000 yen from his bank account which is everything joshu tosses the man's cash card and blames him for leaving his wallet at the register effectively absolving himself of any guilt he then attempts to buy a watch with the money but the shop owner says there's a scratch on it and they'll order him a new one when they return joshu's money he discovers they gave him 10 thousand yen too much joshu then buys nine seats at the movie theater to watch a johnny depp pirate movie it's a key no much more better it is a drawing of a key jocheu then wins a johnny depp figure in a movie lottery and he henceforth sells it to a desperate man joshu then finds a hair and a meal at an exquisite restaurant the meal is comped and he's given compensation for the mistake he then tosses a breadcrumb into a woman's cleavage and proceeds to order golden champagne and sing karaoke turns out the 10 bottles of gold does champagne cost 540 000 yen but the man wants to know where he got the money from the owner then asked him if he met the milagro man he gives joshu the money back with interest and tells him to leave the bodyguards look to rough him up in the elevator but joshua uses a stand to put screws into them joshua is then confused as to why he keeps getting more and more money he then finds a bag full of money inside of his backpack joshu then wonders who the milagro man is as he's nervously excited about all the money he's accumulated though he just attributes everything to luck after buying a soda and a soda machine he receives more money than he spent making him even more confused joshu receives extra change at every vending machine he uses joshua ponders his situation determining that the bills aren't fake he then bets on an online boat race winning 3.1 million yen in the process joshua inspects his bills discovering that the serial numbers all end in 13. joshua shoves his money in a locker but then it falls out and flies away the people in the area pick up the cash and hand it to him he ends up with more cash again after taking a taxi joshua and the driver try to force the money onto each other joshua puts the money in the driver's pocket but it starts on fire and begins to grow noriske shakes joshua awake the boy wonders if it was all just a dream he opens his bedroom however and it explodes with cash joshu then confronts zaihei the owner of the wallet he originally stole zaihei then explains the milagro curse he originally stole a bill from a homeless man and soon noticed that the money continued to increase no matter what he did it turns out that the homeless man was only pretending to be homeless and was waiting for someone to steal his money and take the curse from him zaihei left his wallet behind on purpose so he could pass the milagro curse onto someone else and it just so happened to be joshua the original source of the milagro man was an arms dealer who profited off of war but he lost a prolonged lawsuit and ended up paying 50 billion dollars in the process after killing his family and himself a single bill was left behind that changes form and follows individuals until you pass it on to someone else to clarify you must pass it on and have that individual destroy them otherwise you'll never be able to buy anything ever again and you'll be stuck with the curse for the rest of your life every purchase adds more money to the pile and slowly drives you insane joshua attaches a screw to zaihe's bottle causing him to accidentally destroy the bills and accept the curse back once again josuke remarks how tamaki stole his identity but now he's done away with that rock human those fruit they sought and they monopolized control of the rokakaka and the equivalent exchange the rokakaka brings about josuke yells at doctors wondering why holly is strapped to her bed in a freezing cold room josuke claims to be her son and the doctor explains that her medical expenses have gone unpaid the doctor says that holly ate her own fingers since you can't distinguish them between food they were able to reattach the fingers but there's no cure for her illness plus expenses are 120 000 yen per night josuke then has an emotional moment if any other bad things happen to holly son whatever the reason i won't forgive it she's someone who should be happy josuke needs the rokakaka fruits and money to make his dreams a reality noriski looks for a dvd from an exercise guru on the couch he then realizes his wife is sitting on the couch it's been quite a while hasn't it the children wonder who this strange woman is kado makes condescending remarks to all her children as hatto seems to be the only child who knows who she is hatto tells josuke she was only 9 years old at the time that it happened that's our mother she was in prison kato claims she didn't do anything wrong and that nariske abandoned her daiya tells josuke that kato was found guilty of murdering someone's child kato then looks to hug daiya but joshu pushes a chair in front of her making her trip joshu then tricks her with a stand ability causing her dress to fall down are you really our mom why don't you let me suckle a bit it's not too late come on kato asks joshu to help her pick up her cards which causes a chair leg to go into his chin kato remarks that she always thought of her family jobin then reveals that he was the one who let mom inside the house i want to ride that cool bike yells josuke noriske hops on the bike yet josuke wants him to look at the security footage from this morning in the footage there's a dark shadowy figure lurking in the forest in the backyard based on noriski's research he determined that tamaki was the boss and he only had four allies josuke explains they needed to import the fruit and hide all the revenue josuke then brightens the picture revealing jobin's face jobin knows about the graft and he was business partners with tamaki in fact he helped import the fruit into japan because the walleyes caused the ground to move they can't determine the grafted branch from the regular ones however josuke is determined to find it for holly son's sake nuriske decides to help josuke he tells him about a planned appraiser that only he knows about this person can tell the difference between a regular branch and a grafted one noriske cautions josuke not to tell jobin about this you need the right path for the equivalent exchange meanwhile kata is sitting on a hammock in niriski's garden nurisuke is appalled by kado's past actions and he's not giving her a thing kado calls jobin informing him that josuka's got a cell phone and he's most likely planning to meet someone with it jobin arrives at a shrine puts some gloves on and then tosses some fried chicken at it a rock human emerges from the ground jobin hands over the fried chicken and informs him that tamaki and the others are dead so the favor i want to ask is josuke receives a letter from a small boy in the light josuke notices a two stain on the envelope josuke determines it's not safe to open but the little boy approaches him once more in the past an unknown man attempted to save his girlfriend from touching a generator but he accidentally touched it himself and was left in a burnt state in the now the man informs job and he's got no interest in earning and laundering money with the rokakaka fruit jobin explains the equivalent exchange that happened with kira and josefumi creating josuke dolomite reveals his stand suddenly interested in obtaining the fruit josuke asked the boy who gave him the letter mysteriously the boy begins smashing his face this goes on for a while making josuke extremely concerned the boy pursues josuke but a motorist gets in the way the boy starts smashing his head against a window as josuke suspects that this has something to do with the letter josuke realizes that the boy is being controlled as it climbs through the window of a lady's car soft and wet catches a coffee with one of its bubbles and tosses it at the boy josuke saves the lady as the boy continues his pursuit the boy then collapses from exhaustion josuke then recovers a tooth with a bubble wondering if tamaki has other allies josuke wonders what the meaning of this attack was he then wonders if they're after the fruit appraiser as the female driver now begins to chase him like a wild beast dolomite smashes his mouth against a rock jobin announces that he needs to find the person that josuke is after so they can find the branch back to josuke the lady goes crazy as the boy wonders what happened to her the lady falls down with josuke asking if she's okay the lady stands up ferociously attacks josuke but hits her face against a metal box josuke then smacks her down with a trash lid suspecting there's a user in the area the lady is unrelenting as her speed is getting faster josuke then pulls himself onto a steel grating as she smashes into a wall she proceeds to go forward by repeatedly hitting her head into the wall meaning her movement is linear unfortunately she clenches on the josuke sneaker josuke slips out of his shoes but she captures him nonetheless soft and wet pummels her in the face and then uses a shovel to smash her through a window the woman attempts to break through the wall on the other side some young people inside the building decide to rob the lady josuke wonders how someone else found out about the plan appraiser josuke then calls yasuho informing her that someone is attacking him right now he tells her about the tooth at the bus stop he informs her not to touch it though but to use paisley park to figure out whose tooth it is a girl on the street starts acting weird and an ominous man approaches him but none of them are being controlled josuke however is in a precarious situation since he doesn't know who's being controlled this person is out of their mind they're gonna make the whole town dissolve into chaos a strange woman attacks him so he proceeds to beat her down the woman chases her like a zombie in pursuit she gets run over by a motorcycle a muscular man takes up the chase making josuke feel as though he's being pushed off a cliff the man collides with a fence as josuke uses his bubble to protect himself from the projectile blood a boy then hit by the blood changes his demeanor josuke steals his bicycle and flees from the area josuke then suspects that these attacks could last for hours or even days he thusly needs yaso to figure out who the stand user is so he can eliminate him in the meantime yasuo uses her phone to inspect a tooth with paisley park paisley park uses her powers to investigate the dental records she reads a document that a human bit rabbits into pieces and consumed them whole another incident happened with 25 chickens the police identified a suspect masaji doro komo and his records match up with the tooth in the bubble yasso notices there's dirt on the tooth which means she can analyze the soil and determine who he is yasso then feels a sudden rush of heat passing out immediately jobin thinks this is joshua's girlfriend he figures she's working with josuke and his dad however it would be bad for him to kill her so he recovers the tooth and leaves jobin stops on yasuo's phone and says that the rokakaka fruit is vital to the future success of the higashikita fruit parlor he also recovers quickly realizing that all the evidence was stolen from her josuke can't contact yasuho as he gets the feeling that he's being tailed the driver hits a bird which contains the contaminated blood altering the driver's state of mind josuke kicks the car door into the driver since the stand can infect anything there seems to be no escape josuke enters a full sprint as a fly drinks the blood and begins to chase him down josuke enters a store and sprays some bug repellent on the fly the flag continues buzzing around so josuke positions himself in a narrow hallway and gets ready to smack it with a can josuke then reasons that he could close the door on the fly and crush it to death unfortunately josuke sees a bloodied woman lying on the floor he attempts to close the door but the baby lodges itself in the opening from the fly to the mom with the baby in the carriage then she hit her head and it went into the baby's carriage the baby looks fearsome the disability the stand it has no weakness the baby touches josuke's foot causing him to lose control of his body he mindlessly walks to dolomites at the pond dolomite questions joe's case motives josuke confesses he was going to meet with the plant appraiser to find the rokakaka branch dolomite looks at the image of the plant appraiser on josuke's phone and instructs him to drown himself dolomite reminisces about the girl from his past as he also whacks him on the back of the head she instructs him to cancel his attack on josuke and once he does that she wants to know who attacked her earlier dolomite turns to stone so yasuo pushes him into a mud pit he turns back and admits that jobin higashikita was behind the attack and he's keen on recovering the branch josuke emerges from the water dolomite says that jobin is laundering money with his fruit imports dolomite also warns him about the dangers of the fruit surugi then chronicles the higashikita curse noriski's mom sacrificed herself in an equivalent exchange the lifespan of the people they marry are extremely short in the past kado ties job in shoes as he goes off with his scouting group fellow scouts steal jobin's money and physically abuse him the boys find kato's bra and pictures of her in the shower in jobin's bag which he did under the bully's instructions a girl scout appears so the bullies act as though everything is fine later on the girl reports the boys to their parents and the police angered that his future is ruined the bully instructs jobin to light the girl's house on fire jobin is appalled and outright refuses the bully beats jobin claiming he'll rape kato and kill him if he plans on double crossing him the bully pours oil on jobin and starts his lighter jobin stan then boils the bully causing him to have a stroke joman goes to his mother for help she places the bully's body in the trunk and reassures him that he didn't do anything wrong it turns out that jobin's memory is fleeting causing him to forget the previous day's events i can live for your sake she remembers the legend of johnny joestar and the curse of this land she instructs jobin to take the bully's body and bury him behind the shrine thus performing an equivalent exchange when jobin was 16 nariske wonders how he could be in such great health given the hikashikata carsonal in time the bully's body was discovered dna on the boy match kados they also found his dna in the trunk of her car she leslie served 15 years in prison for it josuke reflects on his conversation with dolomite particularly the claim that jobin is just a gopher he also alluded to the true goals of the people behind the fruit but didn't elaborate any further on this in fact the reason he's alive is because he doesn't know anything about this mystery dolomite advises them to walk away now he explains that the rokakaka fruit has infinite value and not having anyone know about them josuke realizes that dolomite wasn't just talking to him back there there was also somebody else it's as if he was attempting to prove that he was ignorant about the fruit secrets i told dolomite where i was going and the smartphone was lying there with the screen on somebody heard it the bus driver then stands up and collapses to the ground the plan appraiser takes the wheel but he's going to need josuke's protection since his identity has been compromised so this is him the plant appraiser the appraiser has been in contact with noriske but he hasn't said if he'll work with him on this yet he then wonders why josuke brought a girl with him josuke states that without yaso's help he wouldn't have made it this far the appraiser says they're being pursued right now the bystanders on the bus wonder what's going on as josuke wonders where they are going the appraiser doesn't want to reveal any information since someone might be listening right now the appraiser then clarifies josuke's responsibilities the priorities here are protecting me first then your own life comes second she's third those bangs of yours did you perhaps cut them yourself take a big step back and literally [ __ ] your own fat the appraiser estimates their survival rates at 7.5 percent when they exit the bus yasuo erases everyone's phones on the bus with paisley park josuke questions the appraiser about the enemy i know there's some dark enemy out there one that slipped into society as long as the fruit known as the rakakaka exists they'll do whatever it takes to get their hands on them and you best not doubt my probabilities the appraiser points at a tree telling them they should practice recognizing them the the tree it's not just one what are those the tree starts making its way to their location the appraiser claims that this person attempted to attack his house so they'll want to avoid setting foot on soil therefore they move on concrete the appraiser's name is rai mamazuku and he's noriski's personal fruit grower josuke pulls out his phone claiming he's taken photos of all the tree branches on the hikashikata estate could you appraise these and tell me which photo it is after ray identifies the branch josuke will go home and give him no further trouble ry identifies the branch and verifies it's still intact jobin can't find the branch and collecting tissue from the branch would make it wilt the only way to identify the branch is via ryze's expertise if noriske wasn't backing josuke rai wouldn't help him either the three then board the chairlift as ry states that their survival rate has increased to 20 percent rye stops the chairlift at a pole and opens up a hidden kitchen ryde then details the process of making a romanoff which is a great way to round off a tiramisu yasuo determines that rai lives in the skylift to avoid unnecessary danger rai then reveals his stand growing strings from his fingers to grab strawberries to complete his dish by the way rye's stand is called doggy style which allows him to turn his body into a wire or rope and extend it and snap it back yasuhu and josuke are stunned by the tastiness of the romanoff ry then reveals a bathroom on pole six and the entire chairlift is his home rye states that he avoids using agro chemicals to maximize the sweetness and taste of his strawberries that's insanely good rye believes that with the fruits one can replace their entire body at the cellular level in just two hours ryze speculates that the enemy wants to take the rokakaka and convert it into technology and more importantly keep it for themselves therefore they could create a new industry of immortality police officers find numerous trees surrounding the bus in the parking lot numerous holes develop on the officer's bodies in a mysterious fashion rye notices patrol cars but no officers in the area a tree then sneaks up on yassero nearly whacking her off of the chairlift when did the trees get so close rye sees purple and blue objects on the trees the group determines that the enemy stand is attacking them from the branches the stand opens up a hole in rye's skin entering into his body and decreasing their chance of survival to seven percent josuke uses his bubbles to remove them from yasuo's legs to destroy the tree rai uses a remote to start the chair lift he then scolds josuke for not protecting him first as per their arrangement on the bus ry's body is being polluted by the enemy stand which leaves him with a little recourse josuke kun promises are sacred i've got no other choice i'm abandoning my left hand it can't be brought back to normal ry pushes yasuho off of the chairlift leaving her unconscious on the ground they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine and you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because josuke mentions how vital rye is to harvesting the branch unfortunately though there's a contingency that wants the branch for their own purposes and thusly this group is after josuke and rye josuke wants to help yasuho but ryze states that they need to use her to flush out the enemy yasuo wakes up and reveals she's injured from the fall josuke instructs her to head to pull six and climb up yasuo makes a mad dash for the pole ry informs josuke that if the enemy destroys the base for pole six he could take down the entire chair lift yasuo reaches pole six as the ground begins to shake violently the stand user proceeds to chase yasuho as she jumps onto josuke's bubbles to avoid danger several rocks pop the bubbles as yasuo comes face to face with the stand user the man grabs her neck and unleashes his stand on her face ry tosses a knife at the stand user ride then uses his stand ability to cut across the chest of the stand user yasuo proceeds to run away and climb up the pole for safety paisley park then activates the shower in pole six which washes away the user's stand the enemies are rock humans and there's two of them we then find out that one of the stand users is named urban gorilla and his stand is called brainstorm and the stand that he's riding is doremi fasolatido the chairlift collapses sending ryan josuke to the ground the two rock humans then emerge from the ground rye clarifies that dorae me seems more like a pet rock animal more than anything else urban gorilla threatens to rip off ry's limbs urban gorilla wonders whom he should kill first as ry throws a knife in his direction the knife gashes into his leg so the two rock humans dive underground ride determines that the pet utilizes caterpillar propulsion a process that takes in the soil and minimizes the amount of surface level vibrations josuke and ry make their way to the 7th pole where the fuel is located josuke worries about protecting yasso again with rye reminding him about his promise josuke jumps off nonetheless making his way towards yasuho i've changed my opinion of him somewhat when all is said and done josuke kun is a man i can count on paisley park locates a bedrock on the map which they could use to slow down the enemy doremi emerges from the ground as josuke prepares soft and wet for a counter attack the bubbles have no effect as josuke's shoes are getting pulverized josuke uses his belt to capture his bubbles and float above the enemy josuke grabs yasuo's hand to protect her as the two have a momentary glance at one another the two resume running with josuke's leg getting torn up they reach a large rock but they need to keep looking for a higher area for safety meanwhile ryze swings his way over to pull seven unfortunately urban gorilla is already there waiting for him you'll be my first victim states the rock human ry's whole body is uncovered with brainstorm to give a brief explanation of brainstorm first they grab onto the surface of the skin with their feelers they break through the skin and extend their feelers inside they themselves are the toxins and they cause hemolysis the breakdown of red blood cells they then enter deeper and begin to double and double again multiplying their numbers exponentially then the target's body starts to break down as if the holes are being dug into yasuo blames herself for all the bad things that are happening to rai urban gorilla is hopeful in healing the disease and earning money from the rokaka apparently the rokakaka is not meant for humans due to the differences of carbon based life and silicon based life with the new rokakaka the rock humans will claim the top spot in the hierarchical structure of society ry proceeds to unravel his arms into a makeshift slingshot he then fires at the rock human's eye shattering the glass on his goggles brainstorm rips right to shreds but he manages to fire another rocket urban gorilla the rock human uses the pull as a shield as ry collapses to the ground do remy blocks josuke's access to rye but he's unconcerned saying he'll take some damage if need be yasso worries about josuke as he leaps off the rock urban gorilla deploys brainstorm into the nearby soil creating a multitude of holes so he can dive beneath the soil and meet up with his partner once again i'm a rock human i'm above all of you josuke then sinks below the soil with yasuo watching on in a nervous fashion josuke brainstorm rips holes into josuke's body your body is falling apart it's too bad really yoshikagi kira was right damo tamaki and his men only used the lust for the rokakakat to make money they were nothing but drug dealers josuke determines that urban gorilla was a doctor ry utilizes his stand to funnel gasoline from the pole to urban gorilla's location dive yells urban gorilla it's then revealed that josuke's soap bubbles contain the gasoline and with the help of ryze lighter they scorched the two rock humans josuke wants to question them further but rai doesn't wish to put his life in any further danger yasso embraces josuke as the rock humans parish josuke thinks about the fact that urban gorilla was a doctor yoshikagi kira was a ship doctor holly's son is a doctor too and she's fighting against illness right now is there something connecting all of this somewhere ryan specs josuke's bubbles a line is vibrating at a super high speed making it appear as a sphere huh his ability is chord ry has identified the rokakaka branch from the photos that josuke took and with the help of pull eight he's going to harvest it inside tubeate they're specimens of moss larva and they were raised for harvesting the fruit they'll burrow into the vascular bundles under the branch bark then a new rokakaka fruit will grow on that branch before winter passes joby meets with an old man that looks like a child in a parking lot this individual's name is poor tom poor tom then thinks a girl across the parking lot is flaunting her assets at him on purpose jobin clarifies that he can help poor tom with money laundering like he did for tamaki poor tom reports that urban gorilla and his pet are missing and without the plan appraiser they'll be unable to locate the branch so we're going to close off the entire higashikata estate orchard poor time stand ozone baby will block the area around the branch preventing anyone from recovering it poor tom wants jobin to bury his stand in the higashikata estate so it will take effect with jobin doing this instead of poor tom it will only affect josuke and the plant appraiser and leave the higashikata family out of this the woman from earlier drops her phone number out of the car for poor tom confirming his suspicion that she was hitting on him rai recognizes yasso's usefulness but he urges her to go home and to stay out of this from this point forward yasuo was then reminded of a situation when she was 13 years old when she bought a hair braid she explains to her mother that it was made in china and eventually ended up in the hands of a taiwanese girl her mother scolds her for spending so much money on a hair braid as we find out that yasuo's parents were divorced when she was 10 years old at school yasso forgets to buy her friend a birthday present and at home her hair is littered with dandruff she then notices that even her skin is flaking off after using medication her skin returns to normal the next morning unfortunately she can't find her hair clip tears stream down her eyes as she begins to panic she then accuses her mother of being jealous and stealing the hair clip to prevent her divorced husband from seeing it you're always bad-mouthing dad the mother touches her hand as it flakes off causing yasuho to collapse to the ground the hair braid stand then jumps into yasuo's hair and bores into her scalp causing the flaking yasuo then wakes up as her father takes care of her her dad likes the new hair braid he then indicates he won't be able to see her on sundays anymore since he wants to start a new family with his girlfriend and spend more time with them her father then flakes off in the tiny pieces it turns out that this was not yasuo's father but a mere construct that was formed by the stand yasuo's mother comes home to find her daughter in the bathtub with a wristlet in the now yasuo is not sure why she saved josuke's life back then while recovering in the hospital holly joestar says it's self-evident that there's not a single thing that is good to overlook kira remarks that holly won't be a doctor anymore after this as he shows yasuho her hair clip he proceeds to crush it with his foot and claims it's a fake in the present yasuo tells raj she has the same motives as josuke and wants to get her hands on the rokakaka for holly's sake ryde permits her to come along and even note that the hair clip was probably a rock pet elsewhere jobin buries ozone baby in the higashikata estate the current time until harvest of the rokakaka fruit is 12 days 4 hours and 33 minutes at the higashigata house joby measures fish sausages with a ruler thinking they're smaller than they used to be in fact joshua has been meticulously weighing and measuring each sausage to determine if it's really a value pack as the package claims unfortunately for him daiya and hado begin eating the sausages in the past jobin complains to his dad about the seats at a baseball game and the fact they couldn't book a reservation at a distinguished italian restaurant with the fruit parlor playing a prominent role in mario he believes they should be offered more privileges but it seems they're losing power jobin suggests that they start importing olive oil supplements and processed fruit goods to up their game noriske outright refuses claiming a fruit shop need not be powerful after nuriske leaves yotsuyu introduces himself to jobin youtu has accepted the position of designing the higashikita estate and invites jobin over to taste some imported wine in the now jobin turns off the security cameras so he can bury ozone baby without being noticed by anyone the time to harvest is now 12 days 2 hours and 11 minutes ryan josuke arrive at the higashikita estate through an underground passageway ry tells josuke that yaso went home to analyze the remains of her hairpin to determine what kind of creature it is perhaps we'll lead towards the identity of the rock humans ryan josuke peak outside the plant appraiser identifies the rokakaka branch instructing josuke not to forget the spot rai activates doggy style and places the larva on the branch two nights a full two days from now will come back and harvest it the two are going to lay low for the next two days meaning they won't report their activities to even noriski jobin is not sure what abilities poor tom stand have but if josuke or the plant appraiser get within its range they'll die jobin wonders however how poor tom plans on attaining the branch without the expertise of the plant appraiser with 12 days two hours and two minutes left until harvest tsurugi asked his dad what he buried into the ground jobin is angry that his son was watching him jobin explains that when he was just a bit older than sarugi is now kato helped him get better and if surugi gets sick jobin will be the one to cure him that is why i buried that thing so be absolutely sure not to go near it you were friends with youtube before did you do something bad daddy suddenly their ears hurt and their noses begin to bleed joby notices that all the plastic containers are getting crushed ozone baby causes the dog to bleed profusely the same happens to sarugi as the boy collapses to the ground jobin worries about his son as blood ejects from every orifice of his body poor tom the disability of his is insane he has no way of choosing a target or discriminating who it hits at all jobin attempts to reach his son but he also falls to the ground jobin deduces that the current attack was minor while in the shed the symptoms however got progressively worse when they left which means they need to get back inside jobin grabs his son he then activates speed king to drive the car backwards so he can fling himself back into the room once inside jobin determines that the air inside the room is pressurized and when they go outside they underwent sudden decompression making their current predicament undesirable at the same time josuke and ryan experience the same set of symptoms tsurugi went outside before his dad so his decompression sickness is much worse ozone baby enters a room with speed king throwing a flurry of punches the decompression starts once again so jobin constructs a makeshift oxygen tank out of sodium chlorate and heat to help his son the air in this closed off shed is getting pressurized again ozone baby that form is an illusion of the enemy jobin reveals that he buried the stand in the soil of the orchard tsurugi is surprised by this revelation but his dad states that his aspirations for the higashikita fruit company vary greatly from noriske's the only bad thing is defeat i'm going to get my hands on that rokakaka and i'll keep them all for myself i'm not letting anyone else have them and one way or another i'll eventually kill poor tom joben now wants to use josuke to gain his victory daya and hatto open the door precipitating the decompression sickness with the pressure gradually going up they'll be at life-threatening levels in just a few minutes since this is a long-range attack poor tom is likely far away from their grasp meanwhile poor time is giving oral sex to the female from the parking lot he receives a call from jobin and looks at the images of the orchard on fire panicked poor tom leaves the woman's room this event was caused by sarugi's paper moon stand and job and speed king stand jobin's hoping that the threat of destroying the branch will stimulate all interested parties into action sergi creates a fire truck origami which speed king ignites accelerating the burning of the orchard nevertheless jobin is counting on the fact that josuke is somewhere around the orchard which will stimulate a move from him i'm confident we're walking the path of righteousness so i'm certain we'll win in the end meanwhile ryan strucks josuke to close the door much like jobin they determined that this is a pressurized attack josuke proceeds to look outside seeing the entire orchard ablaze right confirms that the branch is still intact but the flames are quickly approaching it josuke contemplates the enemy's stand attack and the orchard being on fire thinking that something is not adding up the increasing pressure is taking its toll on jobin and tsurugi jobin reassures him that the dog is probably fine if he turned himself into a stone tsurugi starts making a crane origami meanwhile josuke enters one of his bubbles planning on collecting the rokakaka branch from harm's way though this plan is risky since he'll be giving away the location of the rokakaka branch he can't take the chance of it getting destroyed no matter what it takes i can't let the enemy get the rokakaka or let it burn rye doesn't like the plan stating that if the bubble pops he'll be dead that branch is a demon plant there's no human who can tame it so i'll go collect it right traverses the scorched orchard as joben and tsurugi watch on with the crane origami serving as their eyes jobin is pleased to see that the plant appraiser is in the bubble since this is playing perfectly into his plans ry reaches for the branch but then suddenly stops and motions his hand to the side what's he doing the flames are getting to the branch rise stares at poor tom in the bushes holding his lego house jobin is shocked to see poor tom in the orchard ry then uses his wire-like hands to stretch out and grab the branch and pour tom's face at the same time so that's the branch eh got it and so does everybody else [Applause] [Music] take me where i wanna visit are you alive when rye was a child his parents grew prize pairs which would sell for big money unfortunately a rival competitor ruined their orchard forcing them to sell the orchard off rye could never forgive his parents for their error so he decided to live alone on the ski slope he henceforth cultivated strawberries on the plateau the higashikata fruit parlor bought the fruit and rye exclusively cultivated the fruits for noriske inside the house noriske wonders what's happening to rye jobin points out the plant appraiser and josuke to surugi on the phone poor tom's neck is tied up by rise wire yet he formally declares that he'll get his hands on the rokakaka branch poor time increases the pressure on rye with immediate effect the rock human plans on crushing rye's insides with pressure josuke uses his soft and wet bubbles to send several u-seeds to poor tom turns out that these seeds are extremely poisonous josuke pops the bubble rye releases the branch for just a moment to grab the seeds and force them into poor tom's mouth rye explains that the u-seeds can cause extreme hypertension convulsions and tear up the internal organs poor tom pulls out a knife but ryan knocks it out of his hand will i be crushed by the pressure first or will the poison get to your heart first poor tom uses the sheath of the knife to capture the wires and add more pressure to rye the fruit appraiser's body is torn to shreds by the pressure i've won [ __ ] you [ __ ] josuke starts to feel the height and pressure as poor tom grabs the branch and runs away while escaping poor tom thinks about boarding the ambulance to counteract the poison he then thinks the ambulance and the fire truck are possible comrades josuke continues his pursuit he thinks of holly and ray as he launches a soap bubble with multiple soap bubbles inside the bubble pops one layer at a time as it chases tom down poor tom raises the branch like a baseball bat in fear the rock human is in total panic puking from the poison poor tom attempts to bribe josuke with money as the bubble quickly approaches out of desperation tom cancels his stand causing the bubble to pop on a nearby tree nothing was in it at all he tricked me poor tom then realizes the gravity of his situation poor tom makes for the ambulance in a mad dash thinking his comrades must be inside poor tom holds onto the branch but he's subsequently shot through the back of the head in attack no way says josuke a mysterious person grabs the branch from behind the ambulance door and henceforth drives off with it josuke gives chase yeah he trips on a rock in the process they they took the rokakaka branch niresca tells surugi they were attacked by the rock humans he then wonders where jobin is tsurugi worries about his illness with the branch being stolen but noriske tells him not to worry noriske runs off as jobin shows up where the cactus once was it turns out that sarugi was using his stand ability paper moon to disguise jobin as the cactus let's savor this victory says jobin with the branch in hand you and i defeated everyone inside the ambulance the unknown person determines that this is not the rokakaka branch he deduces that whoever lit the fire has the real branch jobin plans to cultivate the branch they fuse it with a cactus thinking they can grow a fruit in as little as 14 days jobin implores sarugi not to tell grandpa about the branch josuke returns to rye who surprisingly is still alive josuke laments that they lost the branch we then have a brief history about the rokakaka branch it is found in new guinea and has a medical use yet one must undergo an equivalent exchange in the process rai reconstructs his entire body as joshua rudely interrogates him josuke explains that the estate was attacked to obtain the rokaka branch and the ones riding in the ambulance currently have it rise says the branch will bear fruit in a minimum of 10 days so they need to recover it before that happens joshua was skeptical that a plant could bear fruit in only 10 days but rice says that it is possible if it is grafted to a cactus surugi suddenly feels extremely nervous haru is distraught about the burnt down family orchard joshu then recommends that they start a new business with the land his grand idea is to host mushroom hunting tours joshu goes on and on about his grand plans but daiya informs him that everyone already left rye determines that poor tom and the people in the ambulance didn't start the fire who are you saying lit the fire ask josuke the culprit is jobin jobin lit the orchard on fire replies rye josuke has his doubts but ryan is confident in his assertion the two then decide to track down the ambulance a mysterious woman then enters the university hospital as an old lady rushes over to the elevator the woman closes it right in front of her face higashikata mitsuba calls a nurse mitsuba sees a doctor complaining about a variety of ailments the one of note is the fact that she can't hear out of her right ear the doctor quickly scarfs down his lunch before starting the examination he pulls back her hair revealing crumbling stone on the side of her head afterwards the doctor claims she's in perfect health and he doesn't see anything wrong with her mitsuba reiterates that she can hear out of her right ear but the doctor brushes us off he then resumes eating as the girl recalls that she came here originally to get her breast lift in exchange however her teeth became like rocks the doctor leans her back and instructs her to calm down the doctor then chugs a bottle of water with a high concentration of silicon in it the doctor explains that he gets hard skin from time to time as well and it's nothing to worry about mitsuba mentions that tsurugi her son has noticed her heart and skin and he's persistently asking questions about it i have a perfect treatment method claims a doctor 200 million yen that's a one one-time only price the doctor says the treatment can begin as soon as she has paid the price yasuho who's in the hospital hears about the fire at the higashikata estate she heard from josuke that they lost the branch she then notices mitsuba being pushed in a wheelchair by the doctor under her skirt are crumbling stone legs yasuo compares mitsuba's situation to her father's when a pseudo-version crumbled away because of the hairpin josuke calls yasuho to tell her they're at the fire station he informs her that the ambulance with the license plate 311 does not exist it's just some ambulance that showed up from somewhere josuke relays the video footage from the estate to yasoho yasso then mentioned seeing mitsuba at the hospital and making the observation that her legs were dry and rough and coming apart josuke warns yasuo to leave the hospital as soon as possible as he and ry go there now despite his recommendation yasuo stays and begins investigating mitsuba's doctor his name is wu tomoki and he was one of the people inside the ambulance that josuke saw earlier mitsuba then walks past yasuho with her legs in pristine condition yasuo peeks into the room unable to locate the doctor excuse me but is that you yasuo-san um hello mitsubu-sun yasu is here to get medicine for her menstrual pain she then panics thinking she's got to escape from the hospital in an instance yasuo's demeanor changes and she questions mitsuba about the doctor and the wheelchair mitsuba is ignorant to this line of questioning she claims she's in perfect health her purported reason for coming to the hospital today was to have a breast enlargement in her school days mitsubo was miss cherry and in her travels she met jobin and eventually married him she can't let her looks disintegrate being in the higashikata family and all yasso spots two shards on the table she then finds the destroyed wheelchair inside the desk drawer mitsuba scarves down the same food that the doctor was eating earlier yasuo attempts to call josuke but the fragments emit a weird sound and one of them implants inside of yasuo's ear mitsuba's body is controlled by someone else and the person claims they know more about going from the realm of life to death yasuo is dragged inside and the door is closed josuke and ray enter the hospital looking for yasoho lies on top of you she also has blisters all over her hands yasuo manages to bring the girl back to her senses but she's unaware of what just happened yasuo demands to know if she ate the rokakaka fruit mitsuba is unaware of what she's talking about claiming she came here to have her scalp looked at she paid 200 million yen for the treatment and she's all better now yasuo says there was an equivalent exchange and that something is missing yasu is attacked once more as mitsuba notices that her fingers feel heavy yasuo's phone is shattered to pieces by mitsuba's increased weight the shards on the floor then multiply and attack yasuho paisley park is summoned to travel to the mri room and find the fragments inside yasso's body turns out the fragments are fusing with her bone tissue and they're made up of an organic silicon compound yasuo passes out so paisley park extracts the fragments through her eye with a syringe yasuo grabs mitsuba's hand and tells her to run away as they're under attack from dr wu yasso determines that the rock humans are attempting to gain control of the equivalent exchange dr wu then materializes from the fragments mitsuba run dr wu activates the air conditioner to spread his fragments across the room yasso catches a glimpse of rai and josuke in the hospital mitsuba reveals something she hasn't told anyone yet that she's pregnant she then wonders what got traded away during her treatment she then activates her stand prior to the examination dr wu took mitsuba to the gynecology department though she was skeptical dr wu reassured her that he never fails he also oversees all of his patients care informing her that she's 13 weeks pregnant mitsuba's memory blanks after that but then we see in the treatment room that the rokakaka fruit is being grown inside despite seeing dr wu numerous times she can't remember what the treatment was like she has no memory past seeing the fruits she wonders what she traded away as the two run away dr wu's body can reduce to tiny fragments and reassemble at his command the two girls are then head-butt by two men the two struggle to breathe as dr wu calls for them to return dr wu wants mitsuba for money and information he also knows about surugi stand and his involvement in the orchard fire mitsuba sends out multiple arrows creating a safe space for her and yasuho she uses another arrow to fly into the air and kick dr wu in the face her stand awakening three leaves can move energy to the points of the arrow the two board the elevator mitsuba realizes that dr wu was using her this whole time and he accomplished this by using the fragments and she needs to flush out those fragments asap she sticks an arrow on her hand and ejects them from her body to yasuo's horror she discovers that two baby arms are amongst the fragments woo tamaki never fails a brief explanation of dr wu stand is given when his particles enter a person's body it shows up as an allergic reaction yet those particles fuse with the bone tissue allowing him to control the person's actions his real age is unknown but it's estimated that he's 70 years old yasuo and mitsuba are mortified by the realization that dr wu made her trade her unborn fetus in the equivalent exchange dr wu needs mitsuba's body to inspect the higashikita estate he states that josuke and they are the evil ones dr wu grant wishes by healing people's bodies though the fruit is a public secret it is a benefit to all he reminds mitsuba that the fetus is 14 weeks and is legal and because of this she's become beautiful mitsuba uses a triple arrow to accelerate the elevator giving dr wu quite the jolt the two affix tape to the doctor's body to keep him in place mitsuba breaks down emotionally when she looks at the rock fetus yasuo says the tiny hands look alive dr wu's legs attack mitsuba but she uses her arrows to pull him apart yasso continues to tape his shards all over the elevator they grab his face with the tape and chuck it into the parking lot mitsuba uses an arrow to send the fetus fragments back into her stomach again yaso runs into a boy she recognizes toru toru works as an orderly at the hospital yasuo has toru to find josuke and to tell him she's on the third floor toru makes a remark that the two were sexually active back in the day before he leaves turns out they dated in high school the two girls entered the gyno room with paisley park being summoned to unlock the door a video about the fruit is pulled up dr wu's voice recording gives a detailed medical explanation of the fruit once the teeth bite into the fruit it takes 3 minutes and 21 seconds for the equivalent exchange to take place dr wu documents a case where a woman ate the fruit because she wanted luscious lips but her buttocks became hard in the process it seems there's no explanation as to why this body part was chosen by the fruit paisley park opens the door to the room with the rokaka tohru tells josuke to head to the third floor and that he's yasuho's ex-boyfriend the girls decide to steal all the fruits along with the branches mitsuba grabs one of the rokakaka and chomps down on it yasuo notes that it sounds like there's something hard as she chews mitsuba then hands yasuo and arrow sending her backwards the rock shards start coming out of the sprinkler system the arrows continue flinging yasuo's body around move to moki he was inside the rokakaka fruit itself dr wu got back into the pipes and now he's in mitsubo's body he uses mitsuba as a mouthpiece he wants to cure all the world's viruses through the fruit he then sends the deadly viruses at yasuo's body dr wu informs her that holly joestar made this lab but she failed in her research efforts yasso captures the arrows with tape and manages to purge most of dr wu from her body we then find out that dr wu enters a patient's body and protects a vital part from the fruit usually the brain dr wu turns the rokakaka to fragments and encourages the girls to eat them the shards are captured with josuke soft and wet yasuo warns him about the viruses josuke's bubble contains medical cement which should keep dr wu at bay the group determines that the new branch is not in this room ryde destroys all the rokakaka in the room yasuo mentions that dr wu wanted mitsubi's body to investigate the higashikita estate josuke is confused thinking that the ambulance person took the branch she posits that someone switched the branch during the fire mitsuba's nose is then turned into stone because of the equivalent exchange there are 10 days before the harvest of the new fruit rai determines that only four doctors had access to the rokakaka dr wu rio poor tom and the mysterious head doctor of the hospital now the kanji for rio read as girira meaning that he was urban gorilla with three of the four doctors now dead they need more information about the mysterious satoru the last doctor yasuo is adamant that the branch is still at the higashigata estate rice scolds her for her disobedience he then rules out the suspicious jobin and claims that the branch was taken right in front of their eyes he then questions yasuo's story about the hair clip suspecting that she was hallucinating josuke agrees with rai's assessment of the situation saying they need to find a photo of the mysterious doctor toru shows up once again he's currently a medical student and wonders what yasso's relationship is to josuke she says there's nothing going on between them toru notes that yasuo instinctively grabbed his hand and positioned it on top of his yasuo quickly pulls away from toru with the boy leaving shortly afterwards at the estate someone looks hato's ear sroogie steps on joshu's disconnected tongue revealing that he was the culprit we then get a brief aside about stand abilities stand abilities are a reflection of one's heart yet you hide them from others even your loved ones but there are times when those feelings bubble over and one cannot stop the flow of energy that is a stand sarugi enters the office and drags noriski's body to the balcony an origami frog hops out of the body bag the time to harvest is 13 minutes we then go back in time these are the events that happened seven days prior mitsuba picks up surugi from the scouts a scout leader then pulls her aside to recount a troubling event campers were teasing sarugi about his grandmother killing a child a kid claims that his dad jobin did the killing and karo took the wrap for him a frog then jumps in the girl's shoe freaking her out and causing her to fall in the water sarugi was henceforth blamed for the incident mitsuba says they cut ties with his grandmother and the higushikatas are not at fault she then threatens to have the scout leader fired and calls for surugi mina the girl who teases arugi is then crushed between the school's gates the crying mother asserts that someone pushed the gates together to hurt her daughter i saw that kid made the gates move as she points to sarugi there are six days four hours and 12 minutes before the harvest of the rokakaka raijosuke and yasho begin their search for the mysterious head doctor the three don't have an appointment with him so ryan attempts to barge in ray asked the receptionist why there's no picture of the head doctor on the website a cryptic man with a cane walks past them raising their attention that's satoru akafu head doctor wait yasso takes a picture of the back of his head the three chase him down eventually spotting him on the stairwell an unknown stan lurks behind josuke josuke attacks was soft and wet but it suddenly disappears josuke claims the stand did something but the other two saw nothing stop where are you going sataru akufu the 89 year old runs away the three give chase but ry runs into a gurney with a patient on it the three lose sight of the doctor toru checks in on the patient and calls yasuo over the child is suffering from an emergency diabetes attack the child choked on a piece of chicken and is now entering cardiac arrest i.e a heart attack with yasuo's help toru manages to dislodge the chicken fragment teru embraces yasuo looks like we ran into each other at a good time seems like that's always the way with us josuke claims that toro used the gurney to distract them toru dispels the notion by pointing out that the head doctor is sitting on a chair elsewhere mitsuba wonders if surugi is hiding something from her sergi wonders the same thing about her it is now 6 days 3 hours and 25 minutes until the harvest the video footage shows tsurugi by the gate mina suffered minor injuries from the incident mitsuba defends her son by saying mina got herself caught in the gate she threatens the other parents and tells them to keep their children away from her son mitsuba puts arrows on their coffee cups causing them to splash in their faces mitsuba then sees the head doctor on the video footage of when the gate incident happened she then wonders why he was there at home a jobin accuses his wife of getting plastic surgery on her nose turned down by her new look joman takes her to the bedroom to fool around a little bit is hiding something from them she mentions the incident about the kids calling his grandmother a child killer so to be honest sarugi had a motive says mitsuba there's good and bad luck in this world replies jobin jobin boils everything down to strength and weakness the strong survive and the weak are destroyed the higashikatas always get their hands on the strength and sarugi understands this as jobin leaves with his beetle mitsuba notices that the head doctor is outside the estate after scratching herself he disappears into thin air she asked jobin for a band-aid catching a glimpse of the new rokakaka elsewhere ski instructs the doctor to turn around but a glass door gets in his way yasso opens the door with paisley park but then ry falls into some chairs the three split up deciding the corner of the doctor on the elevator yasuo reassures josuke that her and toru are no longer a thing the head doctor manages to elude them once more with rye falling down once again yasuo looks at the video footage with paisley park unable to get a good look at the doctor's face toru then calls yaso's phone yasuo continues looking at the video footage as josuke listens to the voicemail toru states he regrets leaving her one year ago and he wants to get back together again he instructs her to meet her at the place on the photo rice states that running into all these objects was an attack we then see his legs in a mangled state it's an attack where something knocks into us some mysterious power continues to knock stuff into rye it's a stand ability josuke's finger begins bleeding from knocking into the icu door yasuo sees the doctor on the bus but right advises them not to chase him down until they know who he is yasuo saw the doctor stand too and it's enticing them to follow the doctor desperate to get a photo of his face yasso runs up to the bus a cigarette falls on the josuke causing him immense pain we shouldn't just chase after him something will knock into us yasuo persists on i can almost see it a car collides in the yasuho fortunately josuke's bubbles protect her from getting seriously injured the two seem all right after the incident but rice says there was a gap in time before the attack took place a strange man accuses josuke of getting some blood in his mouth josuke blox's punch was soft and wet but then without warning the man's neck snaps rye claims it was from the doctor's attack it must have rappelled off a josuke and hit this man to avoid trouble with the police ryan josuke leave they tell yasuo to find them before they depart toru comes to yasho he says he'll testify for josuke since the man tripped on his own toru puts his hand on yasuo's and says he's worried about her it is now five days one hour and five minutes until the harvest ojiro enjoys a jacuzzi inviting kitani to join him kitani bemoans her incident with mitsuba earlier she then points out the higashikata estate and she mentions her desire to build a casino there she thought if she got close to noriske that good things would happen ojiro implores her to appreciate what she has like the baseball team and her great condo despite this kitani is hell-bent on attaining the estate kitani then mentions there's a piece of land on the wall eyes that allows for an exchange to take place rumors have swirled that jobin transferred his disease to his classmates and got better in a hurry to pick up her daughter kitani steps on ojiro's prosthetic fingers she offers to buy him new ones but he tells her it's all good he then recalls that yoshikagi kira told him about the equivalent exchange but it wasn't about the ground it was about a fruit despite the fact that yoshikaga kira's questioning caused him to bite off his own fingers mojiro still considers him a close friend as an aside his stan's name is fun fun fun ojiro eats numerous goodies from the fruit parlor he then puts his trash on a bag and sticks it to somebody's luggage with some gum he then takes a picture of niriske entering the building sergi dreams about the fire and the new rokakaka branch a baby touches serugi's origami frog sergi runs off as the baby drowns in the nearby fountain the first signs of the rock disease are showing themselves but the boy aims to keep this a secret from everyone if noriske ever finds us out he'll likely offer himself in the equivalent exchange while thinking about what happiness is ojira warns him about a steep cliff he then inquires about a dry cleaners that made 200 million yen in profits last year ojiro determines that the fruit company and the dry cleaner run an operation together in which they launder money in his search to find tamaki's dry cleaner however he came up empty so he's going to investigate the higashigata fruit parlor instead ojiro mentions that the fruit allows one to cure an illness through an equivalent exchange he heard there's a ship smuggling in the fruit and now he wants to steal one to make a large profit ojiro is going to blow the whistle on nariske if surugi doesn't let him meet his grandfather sergi uses paper moon to distract ojiro in almost falling off the cliff at home astrugi is in a panic telling his dad that he met ojiro and that he said jobin was going to jail jobin wonders who this ojiro is he then spots a knockdown flower pots and a dirt footprint on the windowsill he rushes over to check in on the rokakaka branch jobin then notices an odd mark on tsurugi's left hand ojiro controls the boy's hand to show him the location of the new rokakaka fruit with a phone ojiro sends an image to kitani and says he'll grab one of the fruits for himself sergi mentions that he can't control his hand's actions right now joman tells the sun to be quiet as they're now being recorded suroogy desperately attempts to rub off the mark the boy opens up the window against his will and smashes the phone into his face he's then thrown into the window jobin attempts to grab the phone but ojiro places a mark on his right and left hand time to choose joman strangles sarugi against his will are you gonna strangle your own son or maybe push him onto a piece of glass till something gets cut off ojiro gives jobin a third option to hand over all the fruit he's cultivating sergi begs for his dad to stop so jobin reluctantly is ready to make a deal three more days until the fruit can be harvested says jobin as a final precaution ojiro asks to see their stance so he'll know what kind of attack range they'll have mojo determines that jobin's stan looks pretty strong so he forces him to close the window with the broken shards of glass landing on his son as the two bleed out ojiro grabs the rokakaka flower pot to add insult to injury ojil steals money from jobin's wallet after taking a taxi ojiro begins to feel extremely hot blisters form all over his body what the hell is going on while a jewish skin is scalding we find out that the broken glass was an illusion created by sarugi stand joby aims to collect the plant but he wonders why trash like him showed up at the estate in the first place at kitani's condo she picks up a ringing phone joman tells her that his speed king can store heat in one place and it keeps it from dispersing and when that place is touched it starts flowing again german determined she's not a stand user yet because she's audio's girlfriend he still uses speed king on her to burst her eye with the heat she falls into the pool and sinks to her death we then seal gero's body having suffered the same fate jobin recovers the plant with 3 days 1 hour and 19 minutes left nuriske reads that the police are searching for josuke elsewhere ry says that when someone pursues a doctor an attack knocks into you ryan strikes josuke to avoid electronics so they're not tracked we find out that they're in a car stuck in a tree a friend of rye brings him some peaches rye points to an article that states that there will be a lecture at the tg university hospital with satoru akafu being in attendance we'll find out his true identity josuke then notices an obituary for ojiro in the newspaper there are now only 48 hours until harvest of the fruit josuke feels the presence of the mysterious stand once again he attacks but again nothing's there the two jump out of the car with their senses on high alert the two wonder if they've been watched this whole time ride determines that the intent to pursue the doctor was enough to trigger his stand the two get moving with the cops telling them to stop it starts to rain with the droplets tearing through their bodies it's going to crush down right on us josuke creates a shield out of his bubbles to protect them the two then jump into the backseat of the cop car to protect themselves josuke thinks of yaso hoping she's not pursuing the doctor right now josuke thinks it's impossible to chase down the doctor with this stand ability our will to pursue is the stand switch the officers instruct them to step out of the car as backup arrives with the rain outside the two can't do that the officers get persistent josuke tells right he's an amalgamation of two people he's got no memories and no one is searching for him but he wants to get his hands on the fruit and settle things right here right now the only way to prove his existence is to cure holly of her illness josuke says he'll pursue the doctor alone from this point forward he jumps out of the car and is immediately hit by multiple droplets are you insane yells right as he watches his friend collapse to the ground the medics place josuke in an ambulance as ry watches him with cuffs on his hands the officer says that josuke is being sent to the hospital which means he's found a loophole to get close to the head doctor elsewhere toru and yaso sit on a porch together toru recalls an incident when yaso said electricity spills out and flies into the sky even if there's no holes in the power lines this sparked an idea in toru which he brought to apple and other companies a mechanism for electromagnetism induction that can charge something without an electrical output unfortunately all these companies heard about this idea once before which means it's a little bit too late anxiety and anger manifested within toru making him want to disappear forever it was then that he stopped contacting yasuho toru grabs yaso's hand saying that they used to be so happy together yasuo's phone buzzes paisley park has found rye though he was alone in a store toru interrupts her you've been looking for the head doctor right toru's got some photos of him on his phone he shows yasuo a photo of the head doctor with mitsuba it then starts to rain as there's only 48 hours left until harvest tohru wants to provide assistance to yasuo and her friends what have you all been doing at the tg university hospital yasuo doesn't reveal any information as she wonders why mitsuba knows the doctor mitsuba is being targeted and the doctor is still searching for the new rokakaka yaso wants toru to drive her to the higashikita estate surugi's disease is accelerating at an exponential rate mitsuba reads the article about kitani's death and josuke's arrest warrant while preparing dinner mitsuba notices the head doctor walking on their property she then carelessly cuts into her own fingers after fixing them with her stand the pot of boiling water goes up in flames she uses her arrows to protect herself from the scolding water mitsuba then wonders if this was some kind of an attack just now a droplet of water lands on sarugi's nose creating a painful crater the rock disease takes hold of his body the higashikata time limit has finally come despite the transformation tsurugi explains that the higashikitas always win at the lecture dr akufu arrives an officer checks in on josuke josuke uses soft and wet to knock the man unconscious satoru stand activates however sending the officer onto josuke the host of the conference talks about regenerative medicine and its many roadblocks he then introduces the head doctor satoru akufu josuke in obvious pain knocks over a medical cart as he crawls on the floor a mysterious person mistakes him for yoshikagi kira and talks about the severity of his wounds and it turns out that the person is none other than holly joestar and she quizzes him about a pet animal he had when he was a child holly saw him carried into the icu but she needs him to do some walking so she can treat him josuke then notices some weird measurements all over her body she's been getting forgetful so she wrote helpful notes all over her body josuke notices the stone inside her body what's more it's moving according to the numbers the rock will reach her brain in 120 seconds at which point she'll go unconscious saturu pulls out a tube of liquid loca which as he states is a living regenerative substance going beyond regeneration it will bring about an exchange for sound health josuke looks at holly's arm which reads lokakaka 6251 your son's name is yoshikagi gynecology department room do not trust wu tomaki and you're losing your memory satoru reveals lokakakas6251 which has successfully treated many animal subjects he now wants to explain how the medicine can be used to heal the brain hallie explains that in the past she was instructed to take less overtime by the hospital it was then that saturu took over and a bunch of new doctors were hired on including dr wu poor tom and urban gorilla even tomaki's group were subordinates of saturu holly uses nax to break her way into the rokakaka room then i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your house here she hands josuke the locakaka and tells him to take it early though his wounds will be exchanged for rock he has no other choice at this point given the severity of his wounds holly determines that another coma is imminent don't go after him the head doctor no matter what apparently the doctor has no face and every form of harmful force will come crashing into him if he chases him down josuke is unrelenting vowing to kill the doctor he chugs the local liquid with his mouth immediately turning in the stone this is insane i can't breathe no i no i can't drink the rest of the lukaku this was another attack from satoru stand holly opens a hole in his cheek and pours liquid through it the head doctor's form cannot be grasped yoshikagi you absolutely must not chase after him holly enters a coma as josuke cries over her she was under the impression that i was her son yoshikage josuke's wounds miraculously heal up my name is josuke higashikita though his memories are gone he knows for certain that hallie is his mother and he's her son soft and wet destroys a wall as josuke swears to save her life hallie's words then ring through his head that he can't chase saturu but it's okay if the doctor chases him [Music] a delivery man shows up at hallie joestar's room josuke hands him a parcel and the delivery man seems perplexed about the delivery address josuke hands him a fistful of money and he gets going josuke sits in a chair and contemplates a plan for getting the doctor to chase him yasuo knows the new lokakaka is at the higashikata estate paisley park uses joshua's phone to investigate the estate joshua asks his dad where jobin is noriske turns away from his son in a deep state of sorrow yasuo trusts mitsuba but her phone is set off at the moment she gets a visual of sarugi who is suffering immensely from the rock disease paisley park knocks joshu's phone out of his pocket joshu goes to pick it up as we now see paisley park inside surugi's room what's going on surugi-chan are you sick ass yasuho the boy urges her to leave immediately yasso asks about the nulu kakuka but he tells her to go home i love you big sis you shouldn't be here the phone is grabbed by a mysterious person and thrown in the toilet she looks up to see that it was jobin who did this jobin flushes the toilets as water squirts out of yassho's body three hours and 24 minutes before the harvest we will be able to harvest before sunset and surugi the higashikata family will shine on and on nariske has made up his mind to perform the exchange but jobin says with the fruit that will no longer be needed if the phone gets submerged in the water yasuo worries what will happen to paisley park and herself somebody help i need to get the phone out of the water yasuo uses a security camera to beg for help which mitsuba sees on the monitors she determines that yasuo was here to see sarugi mitsuba walks into sarugi's room what is all this deer what in the world are you doing says mitsuba shh mitsuba just shut that door and step out of the room paisley park is getting destroyed in the water mitsuba wonders if this is concerning that thing that's in the stag beetle room since yasuo saved her at the hospital mitsuba begs jobin not to hurt her joman has had enough saying he can't reveal the secret to anyone including noriske yasuo begs for help as mitsubu says that dr akufu is on the wall of the estate that person is how strange yasso upon staring at akufu's face mitsuba states she loves her husband and closes the lid of the toilet yasuo turns her attention to akufu but her body is thrown around like a rag doll detaching her right arm in the process akafu leaves as mitsuba tells jobin that that was the head doctor mitsuba says when you see the head doctor things crash into you a calamity as it were mitsuba looks to flush paisley parkway away with her arrows yet the attack backfires the arrows shoot across the room and break into the nearby wall revealing the nearly grown rocakaka akufu's stand definitely caused this backfire norisky burst in the room with everyone else he saves paisley parkway from the toilet and wonders what the hell is going on jobin claims that the higashikata family will win and this is the right path dad put that smartphone back in the water yasuo notices akufu in the garage jobin have you had the new rokakaka branch this whole time yes that's right dad and now it's a grown fruit replies jobin with the fruit they could break the curse that has plagued the family for generations in that case i'll go along with what you say my eldest son says noriske however that is if and only if we are indeed walking on the right path noriski summons king nothing to investigate an odd smell coming from the plant king nothing takes the form of rojiro as he reenacts the events from when he stole the flower pot the family wonders if this is the event that led to his and kitani's death tsurugi's transformation continues to progress as nuriski spots yasso outside speed king touches the back of noriski's neck i'm sorry dad please i can't turn back from this pass please forgive me jobin you [Music] so [Music] the others look to embrace noriske but speed king blocks their path you better be prepared otherwise close your mouse we the higashika tough family are moving forward on this path the right path joman proceeds to cover up his dad's body they'll harvest the plant at sundown we are winning jobin looks at the phone as paisley park returns to yasho the family is distraught as jobin begins to worry though paisley park is back yasuo is still in extreme pain mitsuba considers this to be a calamity one that has been following them for quite some time and now the whole family is caught up in it in a jail cell ryde reveals that he snuck in a fully charged phone and knife from the evidence locker he can't leave because the elderly man outside has his back turned this presence haunts rye and he determines that it's some kind of calamity energy when he tries to look at his face numerous misfortunes occur in the jail cell he tries to call josuke but his food bursts open with maggots rye uses the phone to show his cellmate dr akafu or more precisely the calamity's power ryde discovers that his cellmate is a child killer and that karmic link propels him to slice his own neck which is precisely what ry was banking on wright uses his wires to hide in the man's clothing as they take him to the hospital after reconstructing his body he notices the stand in the parking lot which means that the user is in some other place yasuo attempts to chase the doctor's stand yasuo calls toru and begs for his help toru says he'll call an ambulance but she doesn't want that she just wants him to come over the boy then decides to head over because outsiders know about the fruit someone will try to steal it from jobin hado dayan joshu carried nurisuke's body to the second floor of the estate as jobin decides to hide the fruit once again mitsuba's not sure if surugi will make it to sunset as she sees the doctor walk by she then sees his reflection in various surfaces in the room the calamities are designed to elucidate the location of the fruit and to make everyone destroy themselves in the process there's something there german attacks with speed king no you mustn't go towards the head doctor jobin removes the sheets only to find a can of hairspray it explodes as he wonders where the doctor is for mitsuba the attack started when she met dr wu the attacks will continue endlessly jobin thanks mitsuba for being by his side all this time he sees yasso in a mysterious figure on the security footage jobin bleeds from his mouth his chest gushes open with blood due to the gas from the hair spray surugi says jobin outside the estate tohru happily listens to music on his ipod the delivery man paid by josuke hands over the package a reporter from pangealand introduces himself to dr akufu the package was addressed to the reporter and it contains an sd card with a video of holly joestar the package also contains a jar with broken up pieces of fruit who did you get that from ask the doctor the reporter can't reveal that information as it would be a breach of confidentiality he then deduces that the fruit is the raw material for the lokakaka 6251 and that they tested it on holly did you perhaps come here intending to pursue me the reporter says yes agafu asked that the reporter opened the jar he then determines that the fruit's liquids enter the reporter's body in some fashion possibly through a cut in the skin the reporter's acne on his face heals unfortunately his neck turns into stone killing him immediately right looks to enter the hospital as he notices that the doctor is behind him meaning they are both going for josuke meanwhile josuke waits for the doctor it's josuke higashikita interesting so he's not pursuing he's inviting akafu walks through objects and even uses his reflection to hop onto the escalator rai needs to get to josuke first he rushes over wondering why josuke is just sitting down the right path even if walked on by a saint who makes no mistakes it is unavoidable that bad things will sometimes occur that is calamity toru looks to collect the new rokakaka at the hospital the doctor stan manifested the wall rai warns him about an all-out power called the calamity and it's coming this way josuke summons his bubbles saying there is a way to defeat him the stan enters through the wall but ends up stopping just halfway through just before putting his feet on the floor oh something seems odd in this slab says toru yaso notices that someone was in the shrubs just now joshu grabs a plant saying something terrible has happened and he's going to help yasso akufu senses a trap hence the reason he hasn't stepped into the room yet the point where those on a long journey are most likely to meet with an accident is just before returning home i have obtained the lokakaka and both you and i will soon return home akafu releases a living creature into the floor the creature attacks josuke forcing him to defend was soft and wet this is a rocked insect and it is carnivorous josuke claims that the attacks have been designed to lure them out in the open to find the fruit since he's still attacking them however that means he doesn't have the loca a little bit of brief information about rock humans a human male can reproduce with a rock female but the opposite is not true after the mother gives birth to the rock baby she leaves the child in the forest insects begin to attack the child yet the child desires this for it latches onto the hornet and with no other choice the hornet must return to the hive during the flight half of the child's body turns to stone while inside the hive the rock baby searches out the queen and takes over her body while she's still half alive it ends up spending 17 years inside the bodies of multiple generations of queens as it undergoes a metamorphosis it then abruptly grows in weight and stature and thusly kills all the wasps venturing off into the world on its own light first came about 4 billion years ago the control towers of life called neurons are the cells that are bonded and evolved based on the element of carbon at the same time life cells that bonded from silicon were born and while they were only a few in number and percentage of living cells the silicon based existed alongside the carbon type organisms as if hiding next to them the creatures whose bodies that are formed by those cells are rock organisms why did a creator give life to these two paths most likely rather than some kind of opposing relationship like a shadow for a light or a positive and a negative it was the role of a fallback insurance for in case the existence of life itself failed if the first path of carbon-based life came to a dead end it was a fallback a second path that is the role the rock humans serve rock humans actions are fundamentally independent and they have no families but sometimes if it's to their advantage they will form groups and slip into human society rock humans have a fascination with ground rock and stone see blessings from the earth as true benefits and make special places that give rock humans special power and their true homes bearing in mind humans ecological behavior to spread and migrate across the continents and they're continuing to migrate to this day we then see a flashback of the steel ball run with johnny joestar gyro and the sandman there's no chance of forming a relationship of mutual recognition between them and the rock humans nor any chance that they can assimilate the devil's palm and the ground of morio says lucy steele we then see a briefcase that says speedwagon on it at a funeral for ry's dad noriske gives the boy a hug ry claims that insects ruined his father's orchard it turns out that a typhoon made landfall and precipitated a rock slide that killed his father ryde then notices an odd person at the funeral in real time he realizes that this was dr akafu the doctor says that the flow is carrying the fruit to him just as the flow will make josuke pursue him the insect goes for another attack after summoning soft and wet asbestos fills his eyes and mouth rye blocks an oncoming attack don't move josuke it's poison akafu explains that trying to escape or extending the joints causes you to spew more asbestos the doctor says that rai's father was caught in the flow of calamity wonder of you as it were thus sealing his fate the insect then bros into the surface of the desk you're hiding something aren't you josuke higashikata josuke attempts to pummel the insect with soft and wet the bottom josuke on the underside of the table josuke's left hand gets caught but he continues punching the desk the boy moves to the wall because josuke stood up his body begins spewing copious amounts of asbestos akafu claims that the insect usually goes for the throat to clog up the airway the insect then goes for the throat but rye prevents this ryde then destroys the insect and points his wire at akufu's head from this position two centimeters away do you think some calamity will occur to block my way josuke josuke says they can't pursue him as ray is only one centimeter away akafu claims that no one has gotten this close to him so he's not even sure what will happen at this point ryan's parents died to a flow of calamity his being here today is by mere chance ry clenches onto akufu's neck i've got you now die [ __ ] rice stan misses the doctor josuke's soap bubbles collide with him causing catastrophic damage the calamity brought out his bubbles akafu notes that josuke stored several things inside the bubbles that he's making spin at high speeds uh are you kidding me josuke is in disbelief thinking that he was controlling the bubbles rye demonstrates that the bubbles are a line that are spinning inside there's spin and within it there are things that cannot be seen [Music] at the estate toru eats some hornets so there are soap bubbles that can't be seen says toru joshu tells yaso that his big bro jobin is dead yasso tells him that someone is after the fruit so he needs to contact josuke i'll protect you we don't need that guy with two lokakaka fruits on the branch joshu offers to fix her missing arm joshua is tired of being a pathetic loser he wants to use the fruit to save his dad nephew and yasuho toru decides it would be good to watch her eat the fruit and see what the effects are joshua offers himself for the equivalent exchange our bodies joining in an exchange it might create a bond way better than sex joshu gets on top of her as they hear something in the trees yasuo determines that it must be toru since she called him earlier she quickly chomps on the fruit and gulps it down joshua's leg goes through hers little strawberry i ain't scared yasuo's arm grows back to normal as joe shoes withers away my right arm is it's freaking disappearing as a child yasuo begged her mother not to leave her at summer camp yasuo inspected her phone with paisley park and found out that she was going to okinawa with someone after cutting her finger and running off yasuo meets up with toru toru looks like an adult the same age he is now and states he's a troubled soul he's looking for a person but he doesn't know who yasuo wants to help him out so she uses her phone to search for someone she henceforth shows him a picture of dr akufu he looks good i could easily impersonate him thanks toru toru walks into the woods saying they should meet again after she's forgotten all about him in the now the equivalent exchange adapts to yasuo's body joshua was distressed by what happened toru contemplates his possibilities of wielding unlimited power and wealth by selling the fruit to the world's elite yasuo can't get into contact with josuke araya at the moment she then calls out toru saying he's the stand user and a rock human toru claims that if she makes visual contact with him the flow of calamity will reach its final form and she'll die he wants her help yet he warns her about the dangers of pursuing him he claims that everyone will eventually die but she can still live if she leaves the new lukaku where it is and go home how long have you been in my life says yaso yasso grabs joshu's phone but toru advises against it give it back it's mine screams joshu that right arm is mine give it back yasuo thinks she can use the calamity to her advantage she wonders whom she can call as joshua absolutely loses it are you gonna fondle josuke's balls with my right hand you [ __ ] [ __ ] i ain't gonna let that happen give me my [ __ ] arm back yasuo decides to call the maid with joshua bearing down on her by calling kay the order will change to yasuo dying next kate takes care of her mother as she receives the phone call from yasuo yasu instructs her to find josuke as k determines his location by looking at holly's arm on an airplane high pressure begins to leak causing the panel for the evacuation slide to fall off the panel comes cratering to the earth yaso notices toru's stand in the trees in the phone conversation yasuo warned kay about the calamity and the fluid disaster since josuke is half of her brother she's accepted the consequences of her actions josuke uses soft and wet to break the lokakaka samples so you want me to approach you the stan dodges the floating bubbles and says that yasuho is currently at the higashikata estate very shortly she will die soft and wet punches and anger but a glass shard then lodges into josuke's neck josuke looks to kick the stand but it explodes on one of his bubbles he impales himself with multiple items as he falls down when josuke falls it opens a drawer unleashing a gust of wind k-stand born this way makes its grand arrival in the battle uh unthinkable this can't be teru begins bleeding from his head shocked that an attack finally got through josuke continues destroying the lokakaka samples this cannot be this world follows an interconnected chain of logic to overcome that chain of logic and launch an attack that touched me is simply k walks in the hand josuke her phone unfortunately her eye was impaled in the proceedings she collapses to the ground as her stand disintegrates toru thinks that if something exists that is not affected by the logic of this world it's spinning i.e at the soap bubbles through paisley park yasso tells josuke that this stand is controlled by toru this means that the head doctor and the enemy stand are one in the same if we kill the user then these calamities will end toru gives up on josuke toru tells yaso to give him the plant if she does so he will thusly vanish from mario josuke run he left the room ryde tells joe's kid that the head doctor fears him he must use those invisible things to spin to defeat him they can surpass his ability i'm sure of it toru says yasuo will die as joshu barges in on the situation joshu rushes towards toru but a leaf slices two of his fingers off joshua then falls on the yasuo as toru grabs the pot yasuo tells josuke that tohru took the rokakaka and that something large is falling from the sky and is heading her way josuke takes aim at the stand with his newly created spin the doctor laughs at him and walks off as a bubble floats from his birthmark in a flashback we see josefumi and kira merging together though josuke can't control the spin on the bubble that comes from his shoulder it's an explosive entity that doesn't exist in this world wonder of you staff is destroyed by the spin unfortunately the stand released oblati and oblata a rock insect that burrows in the josuke's skin josuke attempts to peel it off but the insect rapidly multiplies meanwhile the falling debris fastly approaches yasho as toru moses his way on out yasuho-chan i'll protect you josuke urges yasuo to protect yourself with paisley park paisley park stops the elevator that wonder of you was in fire josuke one more shot go the hatch is ready to make impact josuke lines up his shot yet at the last moment the bug deflects it making it veer off to the right with the bug covering most of his body josuke collapses to the ground paisley park returns to yasiro through the phone along with one of josuke's spin bubbles which is heading straight towards toru nurses walk upon the wreckage in the hospital josuke's bubble connects with toru leaving substantial damage the panel then collides into the higashikata house causing massive damage and the reason this happened instead of hitting yasuho is because toru was injured i was spared by the calamity the injured doctor walks away from the scene josuke crawls into the elevator and tells yasuho that the bubble came out of his left shoulder since toru is still alive josuke wants to shoot one more bubble through yasuo's phone despite his wounds toru stands up and starts approaching the girl he takes the second rokakaka and eats it looking to make an exchange with yasho joshu attacks with the stand but a steel beam falls on his head knocking him unconscious toru traps yasuho josuke then jumps into a bath to remove the insects from his body pointed at him i need you to point your screen at toru yaso points the phone in his face as he grabs her hand the bubble connects with toru's neck eat this soft and wet go beyond that soap bubble does not exist anywhere toru continues forging on crawling his way towards kado josuke checks in on holly as he also thinks of those that he lost kato brought over some soup for her son jobin yasso warns her about toru and the equivalent exchange tohru surprisingly grabs a serrated knife and points it at kado what do you all have left in the end of the dreams and memories of your family karo throws some cards at toru using them to pin him down to the ground yasuo urges her to run due to the impending calamity wonder of you arrives on the roof kado places her hand in front of toru do you want to touch me kado has something hidden within her cards but then we have a flashback jobin panics in front of his mother about something two of his beetles performed an equivalent exchange with each other below the beetle terranium sits the rokakaka jobin worries that more enemies will eventually come for him jobed reveals that only him and sarugi know about the branch and the orchard fire jobin loses composure but his mother instructs him to focus on his family's good fortune kado says the higashikatas must break the curse as she throws some of her cards on the plant to hide it in the present toru wonders what's in between the cards my family's curse and now you will undertake all of this sarugi comes out of the cards and lands next to toru the equivalent exchange between you and sarugi will the illness come to this side kado smashes the rokakaka branch between her cards how dare you do this to me screams toru as wonder of you attacks kado the stan and toru disintegrate to rock as it looks like the higashikata curse has finally been passed on toru calls the branch divine providence as kato tells him to accept her grandson's illness he begs for yasuo's help telling her to kill the [ __ ] but he ends up shattering into a million pieces i thought i saw a hornet oh i see it was a memory of mine sroogie's illness is completely gone unfortunately the serrated knife is in kato's side tears stream down her face as she thinks of the family before she passes away [Music] [Music] this is a story about breaking a curse one cannot see the shape of a person's heart the sacrifices the higashikata's endured were far too large despite it all the family acted in the name of hope because at the moment the curse was broken tsurugi determines that jobin's attack on risque was only minor meaning he's still alive a mysterious hand then lurks beneath the blanket covering noriske yasso thinks it's a doctor's hand but she finds nothing fingers then protrude from the inside of nurisuke's mouth even without a user to control it will the head doctor still not disappear the laws of calamity are just things that exist and toru was using it to his own ends the doctor resides within nuriske's body josuke arrives telling everyone to stand back as he fires another bubble the calamity blasted to bits it is now 1941 as we investigate the radio gaga incident lucy steele arrives in s city a man offers to carry her bags but ends up running away with them a young man kicks down the baggage thief and returns the bags back to lucy she offers to pay the man to watch after her for today however he says he needs to meet with his girlfriend he then tells lucy that the image in the photo is from the radio gaga incident fumi the boy meets his girlfriend but he then realizes that the man from earlier stole his wallet fumi then takes lucy up on her offer she mentions that she works for the speedwagon foundation and she's a botanist who's going to investigate the land fumi then recounts the gaga incident in which a girl stripped off her clothes and started saying gaga a farmer's truck arrived but after a past the girl disappeared leaving only her toes and a little bit of blood behind the two begin their journey towards the orchard they stop at the higashikata fruit orchard as lucy inspects the estate fumi notices the remains of a bird on the ground the driver then states that someone is calling him the driver begins stripping off his clothes repeating gaga over and over again he comes to his senses but then a farmer's truck drives by once it passes the driver is gone fumi finds his clothes and his left hand lying on the ground lucy tells fumi to go back to the car she then mentions the devil's palm in north america the land brought out late and powers of the human heart though it brought about new life in a manner of speaking it led to misfortune lucy came to the mario hunting grounds 30 years ago noticing it was similar to the devil's palm lucy came specifically to find the rokakaka fumi returns to the car as lucy hears a cryptic voice guiding her to the guard rail her shirt gets caught in the guardrail in fact it seems to be eating her clothes between the steel plates lucy sees severed fingers fumi watches on in horror as lucy looks completely helpless the guardrail is alive dead corpses reside within the guardrail as lucy gets sucked inside fumi however manages to save her at the last second the boy is shocked that the guard rail is sentient lucy compares the guardrail to an animal fumi carries her to the car but the grotesque monster grabs onto her bring me with you it's the driver lucy deduces that the guardrail is keeping him just barely alive fumi gets pulled in this time his shirt is ripped off as lucy notices the star birthmark on his shoulder fumi's face is pulled in as lucy tells him to start the car's engine he then summons dorn covered vines to activate the car and drive it into the guardrail fumi unleashes a stand throwing the guardrail into the field the boy decides to carry lucy away from the area fumikoon let me ask you one more time i want to know your name it's joestar my name is joseph joestar [Music] my japanese name is written josefu so i'm called fumikoon my grandma rina who lived with me in sadie gave me that name she married an american named johnny jo star that's why i have that sort of name my grandma crossed the atlantic ocean by boat to deliver his friend's corpse and the two of them got to know each other on that trip my grandma's dead now though as lucy reminisces about johnny jostar she looks over into the orchard to see a cryptic person working amongst the trees we as the readers know this as toru who looks exactly the same age as we saw him in the story she then sees a bucket with the rokakakai in it that was wait just there that was joseph urges her to calm down as they run away [Applause] lucy steele 65 years old died due to a lung disease in new york in her home country of america three years after the radio gaga incident after the incident joseph joestar 17 was concerned about lucy steele's health so we traveled with her back to america unfortunately because of america's entrance into world war ii he wasn't able to get back to s city until the war ended he henceforth worked as lucy's assistant and received an education and earned citizenship in new york in 1952 he got to know a woman who worked at the speedwagon foundation named susie q with whom he married and had a child and that child would turn out to be holly joestar in 1993 the higashikata fruit parlor was taken over by noriske the fourth generation as he built up the company they eventually sported the second highest revenue for a fruit company in the nation in 2010 they rebuilt their former main building that was built 250 years earlier to a modernist architectural design and of course the architect yotsuyu was the one who designed it yasso thinks of holly joestar as there's no longer any rokakaka in morio josuke also thinks of rai and his sister they might still exist like in some land in the islands to the south but here there's no one left that can search for the other rokaka a lady with a baby drops her phone on the ground yasso helps her out and she investigates her phone with paisley park discovering that this woman is josephumi's mother josuke recognizes her from the accounts from karira it doesn't seem like she recognized josuke my memories my very first memories they begin when i open my eyes under the soil of the walleyes i'm not josefumi or kira yoshikagi i'm the one that came from the soil josuke because yassho used paisley park to investigate the phone she found a lot of photos of josefumi inside which means the mother never forgot him it looks like she was looking for you all this time as tears streamed down yasuo's face they determined that the name josefumi is probably the name from a ghetto maker the two meet up with the higashikutas outside the fruit parlor inside they say that noriski is going to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow so they want to celebrate they can't decide what kind of cake to have so they leave the decision to josuke me you want me to pick the cake josuke just choose one pick one josuke yasuo looks to exit the shop with a tear in her eye finally realizing that josuke found his family and that officially ends the jojo's bizarre adventure part eight jejolian [Music]
Channel: BerserkDude
Views: 557,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FJXxrT4bSPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 23sec (11063 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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