2022's first sleeper hit (Vampire Survivors)

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we're playing uh vampire survivors which it comes recommended uh secondhand through a youtuber named splattercat i saw him on uh twitter being like hey check out this game and then i looked at it and i was like look it looks like it's from the super nintendo which i don't hold the grudge look at the games that i play but i'm like you know some games you look at it oh the first everyone remembers where they were the first time they looked at among us they immediately got it they were like so elegant look at this guy he's but vampire survivors i had to get a little bit more convinced but here i am looking forward to it many people in my chat were saying oh i played this for five hours yesterday i played this for you know 10 hours this weekend let's give it a try the way i i bought it on steam by the way it's three dollars the way i understand it it's like a roguelite kind of um you play as like one insanely strong individual creature that mows down hordes and hordes of uh mobs that's the way i understand yeah it's a bullet hell but you're the one dispensing the bullets it's also kind of similar it's been said to snake rx let's just give it a try man i'll be antonio he his attacks deal 10 more damage every 10 levels to a maximum of 50 percent okay i'm moving so it is he odd he's auto attacking what can i doubt on well we don't know yet kill some bats collect some gems the gems allow us to get experience look at that get owned he's moving already oh my god okay i'm gonna turn down the volume just ever so slightly [Laughter] scare me a little bit shoulders come down get those shoulders down there you go okay knife fires quickly in the face direction santa water generates damaging zones acts high damage high area scaling we gotta try some santa water man oh look at that so i think it's i i think this is one of those games from what i've seen in like the screenshots this is one of those games where like you scale out of control i don't think it's one of those games like you know like slay the spire where you get like you know a little better over time it's one of those games like monster train where you know you go to the stratosphere uh you scale exponentially let's say instead of linearly shields from damage when active high damage high area scaling or king bible i mean come on we got to go king bible orbits around the player look there it is it do be orbiting you're not wrong it wouldn't be the worst thing to get like some kind of diagonal weapon i would agree okay i see that we've got some stronger enemies that have appeared now help me you have hp they they would with a game like this you can't make it if you get hit once you die like that's that's not conceivable this is the new isaac hey put some respect on isaac's name okay and do you know you don't have to take respect off of vampire survivors i'm just saying isaac's been somewhat kind to me lately it's i'm i'm i'm a noted isaac enjoyer yet again you know what let's get a level two whip fires one more projectile whoa whoa there you go we got a front end bag now what the heck is that dad's briefcase okay toss me an axe treasure found i saw an animation of this and i'm like this is what it's all about this is the dopamine i saw someone click on the chest and it just exploded in a fountain of loot oh oh it's it's the cs go slot machine oh oh oh santa water level two okay level two santa water i mean this seems pretty good don't get me wrong oh yeah i guess uh obviously i have hp huh probably uh indicated by the red bar underneath my uh character help me help me help me did you see that what the egg man do you see the horde okay some enemies are meant to be killed some enemies are meant to be dodged [Laughter] help help help help that's a good bid he's just an isaac boy just trying to make it you know what for now why don't you give me a level 2x let's let's keep it moving let's scale upwards instead of outwards i some protection from damage maybe would be nice when the when the bat swarms arrive when you destroy torches they can also drop food to heal great intel thank you thank you i gotta be honest real vip right now king bible king bible is doing some fantastic work at keeping me safe what in the castlevania two simon's quest am i looking at it's a very dan giesling type comment i respect it i gotta be honest i so i i touch base with dan you know at least like once a week talk about you know how things are going at home how the how the stream's going and he was like how the stream's been going lately and i was like oh the french canadian car game i played was was a lot of fun super people kind of a little resident sleeper but you know but i was confiding in him that to be honest with you yeah it's level three santa water i was confiding in him that watching a little bit of his nuzlocke runs has made me much more open to the idea of doing one myself the only thing holding me back is that i think that i didn't realize at first the clip ability like the the pog generation you can get from the most poggy moments in the in the run but i i recognize because i've played you know enough pokemon in the past the moment to moment actual gameplay can be if you'll forgive the terminology can be a little tedious but i think we maybe we can find a way i'm going to level with you i'm going king bible two king bibles i i think i'm i'm like i'm speccing in the king bible here good for banter though probably true probably true so what okay so the timer at the top is how long we survived the skulls are how many uh baddies we've killed unless we're the baddie no probably not they're skeletons holding javelins that's like video game language for they're the bad guy [Laughter] openly oh baby they did a great job with the king bible level three level four level three they did a great job with that the santa water sorry santa water level four oh give me more king bible man i'm all in [Music] that's not a bible sorry i had the wrong religious figure i i got the bible confused with santa claus okay being able to walk through your own [Music] santa water that's a good piece of intel that's going to help out my positioning do i ever have to escape from the bounds of this i don't know i don't know they're closing in on me they're moving in now it's they got br's in this game now what the heck okay i gotta admit it looks kind of sick or it is kind of sick to play oh they're all dead at first i i feel like this maybe is one of those games where just watching like 10 seconds of it in the steam store page doesn't doesn't give you all the sauce with tea edits this is why you're you're one of the goats in this industry all caps they turned loop hero into gungeon and then like three question marks at the end and then you're just your face like so good you know i think we need some more raw damage personally we got a lot more space well we got two more spaces for equipment should we desire it snake rx but castlevania um gentian impact meets castlevania this is kind of like genshin right isn't genshin you just sort of like move around and your phone does the attacking for you i'm not trying to be a hater like that's my understanding it is kind of like that that's what i thought cause i mean you're on a phone you know it's not you're not on like a flight stick you know there's only so much complexity that they can introduce i'm not a hater i play super auto pets okay you know what this is this is like when you're at the mall and you're trying to get into a store but like people are you've got slow walkers surrounding you absolutely everywhere so you have to use your movement to cause them to create an opening at the lululemon front door so that you can get in people be walking up just looking in the window not using the providing hand sanitizer good stuff good stuff the movement is insane dude we need to get some xp though i'm i don't think i'm scaling as fast as the hordes hey don't don't hate on the lululemon um i'll have you know i'm wearing a pair of their pants right now someone in kate's chat i i apologize your name escapes me right now kate was talking about how i always blow out the crotches on my jeans and someone said you should try the abc pants from lululemon they're stitched different like they're not stitched like a cross they create a across the groin they create like a little pocket what the heck mantis lord um i need some xp so i i got some and i gotta tell you they're very comfortable if you didn't hear isaac today which is probably true they they feel kind of like a men's dress pant which is always comfortable it's the most comfortable part of the of the men's business formal attire but then they got kind of like more like a gene waistband that stretches a little bit it's nice they are they are expensive there's there's no doubt about that but it would also get to the chest get to the chest okay save me save me save me i will also say you know look 130 bucks is an expensive pair of pants but i've been buying like you know 40 dollar pairs of pants from h m and blowing the crotch out in like three months so if they if they break 400 percent slower than the h m beds then it's that it's money well spent but i honestly think they might because h m is like you know it's designed to break what the egg is a triple chest oh my god golden whip and two santa waters look at that did i have to choose did i choose i hope i didn't choose i wanted them all i'm gonna die but do you break the torches there could be ah if you break the torches there could be hp inside just go man just go i want it i want it i can't get it get to a torch get through a torch we'll go back that's just a freaking coin man that's nothing it's useless to me that's hp that's a big red bag with the dollar sign on okay okay well that was ten minutes we learned something we got four unlocks survive for under 10 minutes but close okay start me again i totally get it that's that's an easy game to get oh you can okay so it's got some rogue legacy as well okay i like that these are expensive maybe so you don't scale up super quickly ray's movement speed five percent faster per rank that seems goaded so does magnet as well okay start me we don't we have not gotten oh 10 10 gold that's it imelda bell posse the heck she's got a lightsaber well the characters are so cheap oh okay she shoots a a homing ball how about that okay let's get this early experience this time look i it would be irresponsible of me to run the casino right now because i don't know where we're going you know i don't know what a reasonable survival rate is we've only had one run man it's like going to your first day of school and being like i got this give me um give me king bible again just i it was my favorite of the available [Music] lovely okay dude you got to stay a little close to the sauce here i think she gets more experience per rank is what it said so you know picking up these can't hurt you whoa hey you it's totally my fault but magic wand fire is one more projectile okay i didn't think it would fire it at the same individual but you know what okay i see a little turkey over there but i'm gonna leave it i'm going to leave it we don't need it yet dude honestly imelda's kind of she's kind of pog you ever meet anybody irl called imelda not like a celebrity but like a real human being my aunts seems like kind of an ant name i know i'm not the first person to make this joke but it's really interesting to think about how the names that we associate with like only old people have them now at one point young people had them you know what i mean [Laughter] like yeah like at one point there were a bunch of like teenage ednas running around and a bunch of like you know uh like 22 year old richards and stuff like that now they're all in their 70s man i'm gonna get let's get laurel man richard isn't an old person's name i'm just i'm not trying to be a hater i'm just saying like i don't know the last time i encountered a richard that was younger than i was let's put it that way ryan might be there dude i don't i don't have any control over my own i guess i have complete control over my own name but i'm relatively content with mine i don't really i mean honestly if they stop naming people ryan i'd be happy they broke the mold oh do you see the mythic holy crap a a quintuple chest did we choose oh no it just did you get them all holy cow oh let's take some armor too dude honestly i feel like the bat horde is about to get owned look at the experience we're generating off of this horde dude give me king bible okay no king bible that's fine that's fine we're hanging tough okay i did take a little damage you know what give me give me more invulnerability i feel like we got something going here i need that xp we gotta do some schmovement okay move me smoove me ro look at that right into the mother lode what do you do with the coins they are used for uh passive unlocks outside of battle that give you a permanent increase in your power level inside a battle i mean this seems insane why don't you just give me seven percent more experience seven percent is that's a large number doubles in 10 years so true based rule of 72 enjoyer is in the chat the rule of 72 enjoyer has logged on yes seven percent on top of seven percent holy cow we're already two years into our rule of 72. should have gotten 10 move speed you know how many percentage move speeds we're going to be able to get with all this compounding experience you're going to drop a chest you piece yeah yeah you're an elite get ready to drop the chest oh baby character moves 10 faster what the heck we're getting such better perks this time i knew it oh give me i'm not gonna be able to even get my heart rate up unless i see at least three items come out of here oh oh oh uh two crowns and a magic wand two crowns seems kind of insane can we mouse over to see how we're how we're pogging how we're moving no we can't okay maybe we can pause and see more cool more invulnerability please you're gonna need some more damage at some point i i believe that i'm getting this is starcraft i'm getting my vespi and gas economy under control i'm deploying my scvs to build refineries and then we're going to start getting the fire bats going like you know what give me a 10 spinach game apm off the charts this is like it's it's like starcraft if it was boomer friendly because i i only need to have one hand on the keyboard which is not how i meant for that to come across but you know what give me even more movement speed i want to be sh moving man compare four minutes into this run to four minutes into the last run like we're we're in control right now all right fine look at this what does schmoving mean it's it's supposed to be sus movement give me one additional charge but in this case moving is like i i think of schmoving all the time when i'm in like a crowded place schmoving is we've you've got some place to be and everybody else is just out for a morning stroll you know you know that you got to squeeze by these people oh these people are you know looky loos they're probably gonna you know stop for uh you know window shopping so you're gonna squeeze by them on the left and then you're gonna pivot right back in on the right and it's all gonna be good to go you know it's schmoving is moving with intent it could be smooth it could be it could be saucy it could be anything sure you know what base damage up by 10 happens often in grocery stores so true i can't believe that even grocery stores have window shoppers man people will stop and like look at the mangoes and be like nah crop doesn't look so good today i sleep i sleep boo single magic wand oh but it's piercing [Music] never mind that's not so bad holy cow i'm scared the enemies are getting a little stronger but you know what we're very quick just kite them make sure you get that experience it's going to be valuable dude the hit marker sound is so good too do you go down every single aisle in the grocery store um look i'm not trying to put you on blast the answer is absolutely not but i also grocery shop i would say substantially more frequently than the average individual if i grocery shop like once a week i might go down every aisle it's possible you know you might need something from every aisle i grocery shop probably like four times a week i go down like like five aisles max per trip i pick up like uh some kind of protein i pick up a few fruits and vegetables i go down maybe maybe baby aisle to get some juices for the baby uh i still want more invulnerability i go down the dairy aisle to get some skier to get some single serving cheeses and then i'm out before they even knew i was in i'm out okay there is there is a chest bath there you're not wrong i'm just trying to keep myself in a position of relative safety you get some great vectors here for piercing shots steal some xp have you ever drank any of the baby juice out of curiosity i have not the breast milk a lot of people have asked a lot of people wilding out on this website but i have like the baby juice it's literally just fruits and vegetables so i thought i'll give it a try and i had one that was like you know kale spinach and beets and it tasted like drinking like a melted penny and i was like maybe it's better for the baby than for me people be like i would try the breast milk yeah okay you don't even eat like uh spinach you're gonna drink human breast milk i'd be surprised you you spend half of every day on the internet being mad about pineapple on pizza and you're gonna drink human milk sure okay sure yeah totally i bet we're gonna beat our pb that's not even close that's not even up for debate uh isolated champion they're too strong they're too strong i gotta take a new approach we love to see that okay the two champions these guys are pretty strong man we got we got to get that xp we've been woefully inadequate in the xp department but look at all the xp we left for ourselves oh triple champion the fields of rupees nice try nice try nice try i think we're gonna need some more damage been a little low on the damage front having a hard time killing enemies this is what eight consecutive laurel upgrades does to a man look you're probably not wrong i'm scared but we got we got the power of plus 10 movement speed compounded twice on our side that's fine this is why we have laurel upgrades there's a way out there's a way out you just gotta you just gotta cycle i think that the the flowers take damage collectively right or do they just all disappear when you reach a certain point oh no we out you can just walk through it i didn't realize okay another level get a damage upgrade we know we got champions around this might take us to level 20. oh no clear up the clear path you know what let's let's add a knife to the squad let's get some extra weaponry going on here dude honestly this game is kind of sick you see the size of that mantis it is also three dollars which i mean we're pretty quickly approaching the point at least in north america where like three dollars is like you can't buy anything with three dollars man you could buy like three cans of soda from a vending machine i'll take base damage up by 10. my eyes i don't know like but i do feel like maybe the bit rate's going to suffer a little bit how much does a can of soda cost in a vending machine like i would i don't use a vending machine too often i would think i could get a a bottle of coke zero for 250 canadian a can i would think i mean if i if i paid more than two bucks for the can at a vending machine i would feel ripped off but yes more damage please okay we gotta start moving up at some point because we're killing enemies up there but not actually getting their experience there's werewolves now by the way oh so there's werewolves now great okay get the xp that we left behind we still got these champions following us this oh don't stop till you're numb this movement is out of control no i don't think it despawns it seems to hang about let's go okay we could use a big one one blue i sleep come on oh oh oh oh oh what a rip man fires one more projectile you see those two like golden lions tease me i thought for sure we were getting at least two more oh the hordes are ghosts now great ghost hordes werewolves skeletons with javelins am i missing anything don't forget about the mantises help me it's all right this is why you take movement speed so you can move like this so this is like trying to squeeze through gerard station at rush hour excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me now we're gonna now we're gonna create our loop excuse me excuse me okay there you go we opened up a little line just put me back down and start whoa there's so many enemies even the enemies are bumping into each other xp me please thank you thank you that's a juicy deposit oh red one more damage please more damage i'm taking some more damage thank you we don't need armor yet give me increase my luck increase your luck oh that's probably something i see i thought this was a fourth option for we could forego it to get a better chance of getting more in the future but it's probably another stat that we haven't seen yet let's take um [Music] let's take an axe here let's get some more project we got it i like the axe because if it misses something on the way up it hits something on the way down and we've been moving a lot of up and a lot of down oh we are cruising man honestly movement speed seems okay right now i think we need to keep eating our spinach there's a chest there's a chest with our name on it there's two chests with our names on them squeeze just gonna it's just gonna squeeze right by it help me dude i i know i keep like you somebody say i'm overusing this metaphor this game is so much like walking in a crowded train station i think that's why i'm a little cracked oh get out of here oh man my hp that's no good let me out let me out okay this is a genuine problem they're closing in on me i'm just trying to get in before the doors closed okay 15 minutes five on locks i'll tell you what we need what we need from the power up the magnet pickup range plus 25 per rank oh we're gonna growth can we oh we can't pay for experience yeah that's crazy man 197 this will just buy a new character pasqualina projectiles get faster every five levels to a maximum of plus 30 percent okay okay oh do we do look at this two double stages what the heck we gotta give it a try right whoa am i insane or do these all look like uh angry woe-jack i might just be a little twisted let's get a fire one that deals heavy damage like to me this kind of looks like angry woe jack was like no you can't just make your game 500 hours let's also take uh oh dude we need the whip that was what was holding us back last time with me with me green gem on the table very true very true you probably break the candlesticks i'm assuming pichon bombards in a circling zone sure why not all right i see the sneaker x comparison i see you it's bird poop sneaker x sneaker x good game min great great game just got a little a little hard i thought that's about it look we're crushing it give me a crown if you're crushing it you get a crown so that you level up faster oh baby this map's a lot tighter man you gotta you gotta use and abuse the corners and then you open what was your favorite game as a kid easy all-star baseball 1998 with larry walker on the n64 cartridge colorado rockies legends rune tracer base damage up by five base speed up by twenty percent oh the rune tracer was our default weapon so now those those projectiles be moving duh wait wait i don't know what the hell a rune tracer is i've never read the silmarillion hit me with a duh this is just ignorant look at that rune tracer legit actually sounds like a piece of middleware now this is like something you use to like save session data in google chrome in a highly compressed format okay this is easy we definitely want 10 damage doubles in seven iterations look at the oh man oh man maybe one level of laurel in the future sure maybe one level of laurel i think we did not need five levels of laurel it inhibited us overall i mean we're going straight into the rune tracer oh baby it's a feeding frenzy you're really messing up those brussels sprouts how did you know i botched dinner last night that's a joke i didn't botched it was actually delicious i'm telling i'm not the greatest cook in the world i think i'm okay all right but i would honestly put my brussels sprouts up there against almost any restaurant some people out there still serving like uh you know roasted brussels sprouts sad all base damage up by 10 thank you what do you put on them it's not look a little lemon juice salt pepper maybe a little microplaned parmesan maybe a little cracked uh red pepper flakes for a little bit of spiciness but the trick is not in the in the seasoning i want the rune tracer man the trick is in the the cooking process instead of roasting that for 20 minutes or making your whole house smell like a fart you heat up your your pan real hot with an oil that has a high smoke point cut the brussels sprouts in half put them cut side down for like four minutes flip them over they're gonna be like close to being charred that's what you're looking for let them go on the other side for four more minutes take them out add the add the seasoning while they're still hot that's the secret more damage please i was 100 sure he's gonna mention the airfryer airfryer is is still goated for some things but you can make brussels sprouts better in the pan than in a air fried component i'm taking the damage man but i'll tell you on saturday i made like a classic breakfast scrambled eggs home fries little toast we didn't have any any breakfast meats otherwise i would have been pogged but uh airfryer is like it's a goated home fry machine for sure instead of again either pan frying it or roasting that takes a hundred years put it in the air fryer they're ready to go in like 10 minutes dude we are leveling like crazy we don't have that many weapons i'm gonna go fire one increase the cooldown scale decrease is is mighty tempting don't get me wrong but i i think we need some extra i don't think that was a crown situation because i do feel like until we get uh some kind of invulnerability things are going to get a touch spicy we got to get back to that chest somehow man i'm i'm being brave with it smoove me incredible sh movement oh man oh that never goes out of style you gotta leave it a space okay i could really use like a triple here just a triple come on there they there they go there they go you piece level 2 whip actually like an insult dude i'm telling you this rune tracer is is going hard right now okay level two whip is actually dope you're not wrong what the heck is this dude it's a a self-emulator hold on hold on give me make my fire wand better and then please please what a ripoff man this is a joke level three whip i sleep base damage up by five like i'm sure five is probably like you know relatively significant but it just seems like such an on uninspiring number five okay if you insist fires one more projectile why not i think i should be taking the rune tracer every time it shows up it's like windrunner's q ability it's the defining trait of imelda wait what's our character name friend friend francesca you guys watch the new season of hype house on netflix yet i froze them all more fire one please of course i've so i i have not watched it and never will but i i watched the little uh the sizzle reel that plays when you like accidentally mouse over it on netflix and i was i was laughing because it was like uh it it if it's it's real right like it's a real show but it feels like a send up of uh influencer culture because there's like this uh influencer is talking with her manager and her manager is like i rented out all that stuff you want like what are you looking for also i got like your stripper heels and they were going like teehee and then the influencers other manager called and was like hey we've got a real problem apparently you were at a party last night with cody and you told cody to come to the party even though you knew he was covered positive and i was like oh man it's such like uh it's like a self-parody of influencer culture we gotta try a duplicator man weapons fire more projectiles okay we also need to get a wall turkey at some point my schmoving thank you thank you thank you oh look at this look at this perfect line i am gonna watch righteous gemstone season two for sure i i already know what channel hbo is on my digital cable i already know how to access their vod products i'm uh i just need to find the time wall turkey luds we're right back in this saved you seeing the size of these brussels man okay there you go nice movement you buy yourself a little window and now we go oh oh oh oh oh oh okay okay great time for a penta a great time for a triple followed by two more for a penta okay okay okay three levels of whip all right well it's still kind of sick though okay all right i gotta pick a side shmove me look at that oh my god look at the xp though i do think some movement would be helpful the dopamine oh oh no now okay same same save okay okay okay you know what give me a magic wand as well something that fires at the nearest enemy oh i want that red rupee though man oh okay okay give me a knife as well just like let's get some more weaponry we're pogging man so here's now is the time maybe we're getting a little bit ahead of ourselves but does the game ever end or is it literally just like survive as long as possible 30 minutes is is considered i don't know why i use considered like that 30 minutes is is a win okay okay another duplicator okay you see this spike ball it's the speed run mindset i can't believe we're only at 10 minutes that's like where my brains at right now okay just take a deep breath maybe hydrate and send it at least triple me [Music] juice me you would squeeze me one more tease okay 61. 61 gold we got a lot of gold we could we can probably unlock the fourth character after this run we need like 90 more no we need two more oh man maybe that magic wands i think because we have a triplicator the more uh projectiles we have and the better those projectiles are the happier we're going to be fire is one more projectile that being said i'm actually i'm just going to take a reduced cooldown on everything because then we're getting the triplication on our reverse our reduced cooldown eight percent's pretty big uh doubles our uh our rate of fire in nine iterations you think i can divide by 72 in my head give me another one i can't help but notice that the base enemy has become what used to be the strongest enemy hardly seems fair i'm still schmoving i know we need the xp but i gotta i gotta live what the heck is this [Laughter] oh man and it's still coming it's still coming all right give me one more projectile oh you know what give me one more projectile and base damage up oh oh man you know what let's take one armor why not could use it see we got a little turkey down there couldn't hurt look at that back to almost full hp oh man that was beautiful so we gotta have some confidence here because we have the whip which means as long as we're moving on the same y plane i'm doing it not to the camera as long as we do it on the y plane we're creating space for us that's not x x would be can you see my mouse pointer on the screen x would be if we stayed here and went up and down we got to stay on the same y plane which is right here incorrect no you guys honestly need to go back to 10th grade mathematics if i'm here if i'm staying at this horizontal line what is my y value changing or is my y value staying the same it doesn't really matter i can't help but notice that we've gone from nl's definitely wrong to it doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong get blown out by uh a bachelor's degree in biology where i had to take exactly one semester of calculus and then also took one extra semester of biomath uh a couple of years later and got like literally the worst grade i've ever seen in my life but anyway most of chad is saying you're right anyway i don't need most of chat i require complete consensus rise is why run is x when when you take an english major to math class sorry that was a joke at your expense but also it wasn't mean-spirited it was just it was just meant to be humorous bro why are you using words to describe numbers they're their own beautiful language okay sorry fire is one more projectile i want this chest i've isolated the boss is now experiencing incredible pain give me the quintuple he didn't even drop a chest okay he gave me a red ruby so i'm not upset but still what a rip oh man on the other hand oh baby oh baby dude the levels are not coming fast enough anymore give me more movement speed more movement speed equals safer experience equals faster levels dude we got to get dan on this this is like his game it's it's pure dopamine we do have a we got a soy jack boss here let's go okay i'm ready [Music] okay at least it's armor that's something oh how about some extra fire wands you gotta get the 30 minutes i'll be honest like i took firewand because one of the comments i saw when i glanced said please take fire once i beg you so we've done that now i honestly think the whip is very important to us there's an orb on the right okay orb on the right i also saw there was a lot of gold there let's go to that orb on the right i don't see it a little scared you know what reduce my cooldowns again it's further okay i believe i see another boss he's getting whipped he's getting whipped all all high hell come on man you don't have the sauce or me oh let's go okay let's keep that fire watch moving oh man let's whip let's get some extra oh base speed up 20 let's let's take the fire one oh man oh what a game what a game they they studied like the primate brain in order to implement systems in this game fire is one more projectile okay don't mind if i do i'm invincible like i mean that's like huge amounts of hubers i wonder if they have a difficulty spike at 15 minutes for the midpoint of a run i think like i love that like the game looks so complicated but literally it's like the simplest demogorgon it's the simplest game of all time like all you do is move forehead but it looks so impressive oh man [Laughter] yeah the shooting happens automatically i mean some of the stuff it shoots in the direction you're facing so you might want to like try to aim it but i don't know i i have it you it might influence your movement let's put it that way trying to aim it might be a bit of a a misnomer a turkey we don't need that tortilla just leave it for a second reduce my cool downs by eight percent i can't believe that boss is still alive oh never mind [Music] really because i'm looking at the drop tables and it seems like the drop tables we should have had at least a triple by now why i don't know why they're screwing us so hard someone said there was a purple bag over here okay hold on hold on any time i see fire one projectile i take it if there's one more projectile i take it someone said purple bag purple bag purple bag you just got it all right never mind i knew that this is what i meant to say yo we killed uh 11 000 enemies it's like an isaac run where you go to uber mom you know what let's take a little xp gain i know you know the earlier you get it the better but we still got half the run left i'm still a believer it could be useful we're pogging up so hard we might as well uh invest in ourselves i want the turkey oh man even the ghosts don't frighten me okay we gotta choose this anytime you see uh the walls closing in on you that's your cue to get your whip involved you gotta move left right you gotta stay at a consistent y value and you gotta make yourself some space and then you make yourself some space sometimes you're gonna have to bail out of that and that's okay fire's one more projectile huh you're gonna make yourself some space are you seeing this bird holy cow man when it goes it goes okay now we've created an escape route now we get out beautiful place beautiful place oh baby oh i don't even want to think about what this is going to look like when we get our next orb i love that the orb seems to be like once every like 15 minutes that's uh that's a very smart design choice oh man can't believe the bit rates holding up yeah even on the steam store page it doesn't look uh right like it looks fuzzy it looks like forza fire is one more projectile you shouldn't have all right i see a large witch here either that or it's like marty mcfly playing on electric guitar at the sadie hawkins dance this me you're gonna drop a penta for me i know it i know it to be true that's why i'm focusing you we're due look at the loot man look at the loot and look at the bird oh fires one more projectile pretty sick not do it like there's no horde they're just melting please please good start okay i'll take three i'll do it three is fine three is fine i love getting the crown without having to give up a level choice for it like that just feels good we take those should gain on my xp till i level that's pretty true when you think about it 13 000 kills i bet the way scaling works in this game i bet we get to 30 000 if we live for another 10 minutes i'm gonna be honest i feel like this these are the worst choices we've had i'm gonna take a little crown the dove is actually like it's the main character it doesn't always have the best target selection okay we have an incredibly large that's a darkest dungeon enemy i'm not scared this is we for a while we've been on autopilot now we use our powerish movement fires one more projectile we were coasting for a bit now we got to start playing the real game again they coming out the damn walls okay whip whip whip whip i'm not scared of skulls dude the whip lets us go passes through one more enemy sure the whip lets us go left right the knife lets us go up down we got the we got the whole cartesian plane in the palm of our hands right now oh man [Laughter] red rupee not quite it's not quite enough dude we're almost level 50. and the best part is we get another chest after this okay okay okay oh we got some pinks and some purples let's still take those little fire one little magic wand a little knife sure why not why not still it still seems pretty good to me give me a magic wand now we we we leveled our knife enough no fear just a 100 confidence it's like popping on a high visibility vest and walking onto a construction site like as long as you don't stop nobody's gonna stop you give me one more projectile i'm i am pondering the but if i if i could get an orb i would love to ponder it right now what do you got for you're gonna drop something you're gonna drop something is it gonna be an orb it's not an orb it's a chest hold on we just gotta make some space thank you i almost gave the camera the finger what the heck is that tell me hellfire evolved fire wand passes through enemies requires spinach do i i have spinach [Laughter] and to think i was upset we only got one thing dude this is legit like walking on the sidewalk when you have when you have a stroller like an extra magic off like people just get out of your way like they i don't even look at the the crits man are you seeing these crits i don't okay you know what that they got a little spicy in there i i don't even want to know how much xp i'm leaving on the table over here okay don't don't get don't get insane here you know what let's get some armor just in case i took some damage a little hubris it's hard to tell where the enemies uh end in my projectiles begin sometimes so is this just an idle game you play actively yeah it's a game i would say i would describe it as a video game for sure [Music] red bag where where lewd hero grade name red bag red bag red sack on the right let's get some armor i think we're we're ready man red sack red sack ray i see it i think it's just money unfortunately but still 10 that was for 10 gold i thought it would at least be like 50. another wall chicken my frames we're out of upgrades man it's all right these guys will be dead soon we'll be fine holy cow yeah this is what super people looks like when you're just inside of an empty building i think we got all the levels they're not even giving us options anymore where's my orb so true all right oh whoa whoa i i can't even follow what's happening anymore there's like a one-piece cosplayer here now i'll just if i had wings i would fly let me contemplate i glance in the cut and i see my homie nate i gotta be honest there's i got a little bit of input delay now it's like every every action i input takes like a third of a second to actually manifest on the screen i'll take a big coin bag they got nothing left for us is are we in final boss territory by the way is that what's happening here come on man there we go there we go we got some speed back okay i'll take i'll just take 30 health points i don't know why we must have killed enough enemies to actually like get some frames uh it's oh we killed the big boss i think one chest [Music] what a rip what a rip oh my god are you seeing the xp though oh it was an evolved magic wand i didn't read because it didn't have like a flaming skull or anything oh man to the victor go the spoils oh okay okay okay we've actually like cleansed the library all it took was killing 20 000 enemies 20 coins it evolved money bag well we got three minutes left i did see a comment i saw uh oh here we go again i'm i'm moving too fast man uh it's is said and l i love watching you play variety but this is just giving me a headache i hear you um is there anything specifically about it do you think that's that's causing the issue i understand it's i'm not offended i promise i'm just gonna like stand still for a bit how's the cpu handling there's a chest there is a chest someone's an orb oh my god this might save our frames i just got to be careful because i move so fast i think i could like die before i even realize what's happening frame saved just in case man just in case [Music] it's just gonna give me a bunch of money don't lie to me look at they had three evolved money bags i guess on the bright side think of all the passive unlocks we're about to get probably two i suppose that's pretty true minute and a half minute and a half remember yeah when we said it was an idol game that you actually play two more minutes till final bus what do you this isn't the final boss this is the only time we get our frames back ah you peace [Music] oh coin bag huh a little surprising you said three minutes two minutes ago yeah my timer's not moving at one second equals one second that's old metal we got we got a little time dilation happening right now look at all the levels we're getting though man this is crazy get out of here i'm taking damage man i'm going down i'm going down 30 seconds okay just just hold on check settings maybe there's something to help i don't think you were here at the start of the stream just hold just hold just we're just doing loops we're going up and down 10 seconds i don't think we're gonna lose though like i i don't think enemies are getting much closer to us there's a chest oh what the heck oh stage completed okay i literally thought that we just got like one tapped because we had to press the spacebar or something like that i was so upset [Laughter] oh my god stage completed though let's go holy cow our bird did 305 000 damage i'm just going to be honest with you i had no idea our holy wand did a lot of damage oh a rune trader did 1.4 million damage hellfire did 2 million damage dps 4.2 000 holy cow all right that was pretty sick let's power up we have 3 000 coins i would say second level magnet so you get more experience definitely seems valuable you know what yeah luck so you get more selections it seems like a good oh well the coins as well oh amount fires one more projectile from all weapons duration okay let's go luck why not take me back it's a little expensive though okay just gonna throw in a slash marker vampire survivors and i'm going
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 595,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9xcNiaaAzB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 40sec (4660 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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