I Built an INFINITY PRISON in Minecraft (Insane Craft)

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so dudes once again welcome back to insanecraft listen before I show you how much EMC I have Russell Dave blur down the top left I gotta do something remember last episode I made this here this is called a fluxochron look at it kind of looks like a flower I'll show you what this does today this thing is insane okay hold on first of all there's Biffle I think biffle's AFK staring at his horse okay hold on so if I shift right click this fluxocron look in the chat okay so it's mode switched Mark location mark entity okay so what I have to do I can just look at Biffle I don't even have to be close to them like check this out check this out if I right click before look in the chat wait no I gotta get closer I think do I have to get closer I have to left click what do I do how do I do this what if I mark this sheep there we go sheep added to Fluoxetine fluxation which I which I mean which I think it means biffle's Mark too I'll show you what that does in a minute okay let's do this so before I show you how much see I have [Applause] EMC we have that's how many likes need to be on this video oh gosh remember this is my EMC Farm gosh you ready look guys hit the like button this many times ready roll look in the bottom left of this little menu [Music] Quint let's get to 9.2 quintillion likes on this video okay you want to see how big that number is check this out and pull up this calculator check this out that is one quintillion I got nine of these so oh gosh um well uh let's go ahead and do this so we're gonna need nine quintillion likes uh okay so what I need to do now uh I need to make the final tier of the Bonsai pod right because what we're about to make if the rumors are true it is literally when I say literally I mean I have to use this now before they admins ban it from the server that's how strong it is if the rumors are okay so the final power flower power power flower oh gosh okay uh final relay so I need the final star Shard what is that okay nether star and colossal star Omega I think I already got those don't I so I just need a bunch of these colossal Stars so I need a sphere I need to combine spheres oh this okay I just need to combine all these then I need to combine all these to get one of those shards to oh boy all right well um I think I already have these though yeah I think I already have the star Ein yeah right here star e i n so if I grab four of those do that then that upgrades oh gosh this is so this is oh this is gonna be a process ain't it all right now I need four of these and turn it into that teach that to that and get for those and make that teach that to that I make the upgrade at that now I T oh my God this is this is a process but then I can take this purple one and make it red wait hold on oh wait no I can take this one and make it red oh my goodness he's hurting me keep in mind one of these Omega stars is 172 billion and there we go now we got the red shard now I gotta do that again and there we go we got the Colossal this one is uh 700 trillion that's a lot of numbers EMC all right let's grab four of these I need a lot of these so I need to make the final star Shard which is that with another star that it look at that number look how long that number is Russell zoom in on it oh gosh that's so many at least I can teach it to that there we go all right now I need a bunch of these shards dude these shards are expensive look at how much it's taking away that is insane so now I just combined these with the shards and there we go there's the Bonsai look at look how many zeros under that keep in mind if I can get this to work it is gonna be broken I don't think I need any of these anymore all right well one of these upgraded bonsais there and it's like seven times faster than all of that now the fun part let me grab a stack of these final star shards right so the final star so if I do this oh I need a bunch of these bonsais with a dragon egg oh and a dragon egg has EMC cool I got a stack of dragon eggs thanks okay so if I do that surround that with that that's just gonna work we have the final star look at the EMC value of this look at all those zeros I can make nine of these final Stars this is the most expensive item in the game and we can get nine of them I just taught it too let me grab more oh I need more final Stars thank you all right thank you look how many final Stars I have [Music] supposed to happen we got money for days so how the final star is supposed to work I don't know if it's correct okay let me grab this pedestal come with me if I place this here put the final star there activate it put a chest next to this right I think hold on let's grab uh some diamonds if I throw a diamond on this chest does it hold on how do I get this to work maybe if I throw it on the pedestal right there let's go into the chest [Music] [Laughter] no no so what the final star says place a chest next to a pedestal and drops item items on top of it to clone it infinitely no there's no way right will this work with final stars now hold on let's try this [Music] [Laughter] oh that's why this is gonna get banned soon now let me go ahead and grab all these thank you we are literally the richest person on the server wait hold on The Infinity Gauntlet The Infinity Gauntlet oh The Infinity Gauntlet doesn't work because it acts as an item sitting on the ground oh that would have been wait what about volcano Venoms the hardest hitting item on the entire server get it on the pedestal that's it [Laughter] that's broken no I gotta get a bigger chest okay that is the strongest item on in the game can I duplicate my armor um and try that there we go try that there we go try that there we go try that there we go all right wow oh no yup this is gonna get banned yup yup oh okay all right well I'm cheating this is cheating I'm cheating yep I am I am currently cheating I just duplicated the strongest armor on the server I'm cheating yep now since that works the rumors aren't true let me go back up here okay I don't know if I showed you this but sigil's trick kinda trolled me like a year ago right you remember this I don't know if I showed you this block here this is an energy barrier like you can't pass through it oh wait I can jump over it though yeah look you're not supposed to be able to pass through it right and I'm like crazy strong and I can't pass through this thing right so I have an idea I had one i s I took one from sigils and I've just been holding on to it because it's like a creative item apparently and it can't be destroyed like no matter how long I sit here I can't destroy it and it's just one of the strongest pickaxe on the server pretty much so what I'm gonna do with this creative item uh let's drop it there is it oh this is cheating oh okay let me get a ton of those let me get a ton of those let me get a ton of those hold on hold on hold on will this work I'm gonna take out my injection my crazy strong injection with all my abilities in the top left can I duplicate my injection oh doesn't duplicate it only gives me an empty injection oh that would have been sick all right okay I guess it can't be too broken you know what I'm saying all right well we got we got all those though let me grab some more of these because what I'm gonna be building with these energy barriers right with my fluxocron item I'm gonna be showing you soon that I tagged Biffle with I want to set something up that is so diabolical we're gonna trap them like rats so for this to work hold on let's do uh going so type in Bound yeah remember this my bound dislocator I have one on sigils and I have one on Henry and Jerome Padrone's not on right now he's a bot all right so we got those so check this out we have a new upgrade to my armor added right so whenever I press this button look in the chat I activated my uh death effect around me where everybody dies around me now I disabled it so whatever I sneak up on people they won't know I'm there all right so let's TP to Henley actually I should go invisible first okay vanish hey I'm invisible okay let's defeat a Henry I'm invisible he does he does okay let's do the flexicron we make sure Mark entity and Mark Henry look in the chat he's been added and thank you anyway all right now that he's added so Biffle Henry who else is on the server uh Frost and sigils okay okay let's go to sigils go to sigils am I still invisible I'm Not Invisible go to visible okay I'm invisible I'm invisible okay I'm gonna teleport let me put this back in here the bound dislocator of Henry now let's teleport to sigils and I need to hit him with this let me make sure it's on Mark entity there we go on Mark entity okay let's teleport to sigils the heck is centrals [Music] it's right there it's right there go invisible go invisible I'm invisible I'm invisible but I gotta hit him he has no clue what is he doing why is he wearing that arm why aren't you wearing the good armor oh I'm sorry sigil well that's something fun all right now I gotta find Frost all right let's put this back in there my hidden base that can never be found okay where's Frost the heck is Frost doing way out here oh let's bind him I missed hold on I missed oh no did I get him I got him look in the chat I got him I got him I got him that's everybody they have all been bound ah crap I'm invisible you will all rule the day all right so now that I have all of these blocks right let me grab a ton of these let me set this up this is gonna be terrible yeah this spot should be good middle of the ocean okay so let's put down the angel block there we go okay so let's grab some Stone I'll build the platform right here I also have this Builders wand look all right let's build this platform that should be good right there so I'm gonna set this house pet right here there we go all right now let's start building the cage it's getting so cool so these cannot be broken I cannot break these I need to be careful as I place these down Okay so let's get a four going look at this oh this is um I get bigger let's make it bigger that looks like sports now let's build it up a little bit I guess three will work let's do four now I gotta be careful here I don't I want to keep a little section so I can look in on them and now let's close it all in this is gonna be so good why it's just bouncing me back and forth oh gosh all right uh and then close it in once I close this in there is no leaving oh boy wow all right I'm gonna land here let me set the point right here let's do teleport to marked location we'll mark it rate uh there I have a market right in the middle there we go now the coordinates marked right there I finished filling this in there we go there we go and there we go oh gosh look at this so anybody that enters that room cannot exit oh yeah also check this out uh let's try this hold on hold on I remember I have these Droids too hold on let's see what this does if I shoot this in here [Laughter] oh snap all right boys let's get everybody on the server duh this will be fun oh actually real quick I forgot remember the blade of convergence that I have if they're above 100 height level I can like two shot them I'm currently at 137. so so boys to sheriff in town no you're old I am the new sheriff in town you guys keep trying to shoot me and poke me and pull up I would never mind yeah you know what you know what you see this what do you see this guy I got a lollipop what flavor uh let's go ahead and mode switch to marked location guys all of you oh come on go ahead bump into the wall go ahead and bump into the wall you can't leave these are unbreakable this is where you will forever live you will think about what you can what you have done to me all of you have attacked me multiple times you can think about what you've done for all of eternity in there have fun yeah I've had these for years Ian what do you does he not know who we are yeah you're gonna You're Gonna Leave what are you are you trying to leave out of here guys we've got to get out where did he go oh you got to be kidding me I got this i got this I'm out of here you're not good okay have you guys lost the wheel to escape [Applause] you're wearing a helmet no first person to tell me something nice I will let you out of here first of all hit F3 look at look at our y value okay what is her faster that you think I do why did that kill me because it does a wide radius but wait but wait I'm home now there's more what do we what do we see right back okay boys let's play a little game I'm gonna play a little game oh crap it shot me away you got a complete game no not really put that away right now sigils put it away two can survive the longest oh my God wait did I survive the longest wait let's try again let's try again let's try again let's try again let's try again let's try again wait I don't even get a present but I can't even I'm home at least I wasn't brutally slain why at home anymore oh all right guys I'm done you can respond I'm done okay listen I will let you guys go here just stay there for a minute stay there for me yeah we didn't go anywhere could we go where else could we go hold on hold on we're holding stay there stop pushing stay there it's not going anywhere oh I'm going stay there hold on let's go ahead and do uh let's go ahead and do Mark location who's Mark what is he marking Mark location right there okay okay okay no sizzles drowned oh God why'd you drown hey boys stay there we can't help it we have to legally wait does it summon all versions of me there's more schedules stay there here comes the common shower guys protect me why'd you give it to him he won it fair and square oh dude that's uh uh sorry for your loss guys but uh so you guys just sitting there think about what you've done I don't want to think about nothing no no come back please come back here hit the like button subscribe button ah you guys just you'll learn someday you'll all learn
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,167,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KuOZN-gPsgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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