Everyone Hates Millennials - Zoomer Tik Tok

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what's going on somebody to face the billboards we just put out oh that's funny wait from the photo shoot with you and me so back in December I made a video about bad boomer humor how they got super upset at the okay boomer meme ho talk-show hosts somehow act surprised if young celebrities don't know who classic musical acts are but also if they say one of those older musical acts is one of their favorites and that meant something to you that did did you follow the Spice Girls so you're too young for that you know who Madonna is you know can you name a van Halen Oh essentially creating a situation where there's no way they can possibly win and kind of ended it off for the fact that every generation is going to have that thing we all think we're the best the older we get we're just barreling towards that back in my day ideology that we all love to laugh at so much now which is true I think the 90s are the shits and I loved being an edgy loser with bad clothing in the new millennium while wearing really bright yellow pants and this horrible horrible plaid zip up Hoodie look at this edgy middle-school loser chilling in a garden look at her but it's been pretty normal to see a lot of hostility towards Millennials we've been blamed for shutting down chain restaurants for killing the housing markets even though 2008 would love to have a conversation with you about that and I still think it's absolutely hilarious that the second the Millennials and the zoomer started hitting back with the okay boomer meme they all seem to have this collective meltdown either because they felt they shouldn't have been included in that group or that we should be respecting them over the most basic of jokes some people started advocating the okay boomer should be seen as aegis discrimination some tried to compare it to the n-word so terrible and so hilarious but come to find out it's not just the boomers and gen-x that hate Millennials it's the Zoomers to all Millennials know is go to coffee store read a book BuzzFeed wear jeans with sneakers take awkward coffee selfie and be cringes man I thought kpop stands teaming up to flood hashtags but the craziest crossover we'd see this year but no it really must be gen Z teaming up with the other generations just to [ __ ] on Millennials they're coming at us for dog oh they're coming at us for bling they came at us for BuzzFeed pop-culture quizzes which I thought that we all unanimously decided as a group were horrible but I guess that still represents us and finally they're coming at us for Harry Potter tired of boomers bunching Gen Z and Millennials together because I personally don't want to be associated with people who still think that Harry Potter movies are a personality trait okay I don't think that Harry Potter movies make up a part of my personality it's obviously the books yeah no I just I definitely don't do that and I definitely don't feel attacked now before we get into the crux of this I feel the need to just clarify a couple things one it ain't that serious a lot of people got really upset in my last video because they were upset at being called boomers when they're not even in that age demographic or people pointing out that boomers legitimately ruined everything so it shouldn't be something we joke about this isn't supposed to be a sociologically driven history lesson we're talking about memes an Internet trash talk and to these arbitrary generational titles span from like 10 to 20 years at times I doubt someone born in 1995 has that much in common with somebody born in 1981 somebody born in 1981 wouldn't have even lived in a world with a regular home Internet until they were pushing 20 I think the only one that really seems to have a lot of meaning behind the name is like the baby boomers because they were the babies that boomed out of the Second World War but even that range goes almost 20 years like a baby boomer could have a Boomer baby nowadays things change in advance so quickly that it's hard to even lump five your age differences together with some kind of trend so yeah it ain't that deep we're just having a little bit of fun we're all gonna be okay because realistically none of us are gonna be okay I also find interesting the back in January there is this article written that actually asked the question whether or not Jen's Ian's Millennials would grow to hate each other in the wake of the okay boomer even with a lot of Millennials being like good job youth of tomorrow caring about things a my goodness it appears so [Music] every generation can agree millenials were a mistake millenials are monsters and I stand by that so stop the Harry Potter tick-tock and then I read through the comment thread spreading on Twitter and my guide some of this is so funny either because of the comments or just the reaction from people again reacting like the exact same boomers they are making fun of a few months ago just cuz a handful of people that are 10 years younger than them were calling out their love of Harry Potter look we get it My Chemical Romance we're right teenagers are scary but they won't beat you up if you just let them have a little bit of fun the internet before the real world kicks them in the ass yeah it kept on going but I honestly think that it is the comments section on these videos that really elevated to the next level I hate adult saying just give me a slice of pizza and wine like sis Rebecca you are 32 in an alcoholic please sit down look I'm not gonna say disagree with them because I went to school with a lot of people who act exactly like this not me though I'm awesome and think wine is gross maybe 34 talking about I'm a Hufflepuff like grow up and do a line of coke already yeah imagine talking about being a Hufflepuff when you could be a Gryffindor you [ __ ] loser which leads perfectly into the next comment because I know a lot of you Hufflepuff are already in the comment section raring to go Millennials will attack you if you disrespect the Harry Potter house like they're not wrong I'd also like to say that while looking up this video I started getting targeted ads on Twitter for a 90s trivia and yes I do feel attacked and targeted people that still say adults say oh my god people do and did say that's so much Catherine trying to sell her weight loss supplements talking about adulting when all she needs there was feed her kids look I'm sure I've said adult saying at some point probably in relation to taxes or something let's look this up oh my god okay I did it was in 2016 give me a little bit of leeway but there's a lot of things I'd like to put money towards but I need to try and pay off my car as soon as possible adulting is terrible oh my god I was insufferable look I did pay off that car and then I got a better car and paid it off too so look at me adulting they're worried about their Harry Potter house but they live in a one-bedroom apartment y'all were right look I don't live in a one-bedroom apartment but if I lived alone I would we're all moving towards a world where will barely be able to like afford the cupboard under the stairs but damn that was good and they always say they have a combined house like Griffin Claire's some like they missed the whole point okay yeah freak the slither doors and whatever the hell else you want to try to figure out you get one house that's how it work you're allowed to have personality traits that might line with other houses it's okay if things don't perfectly align with the story that was written by someone who insists on revealing the bathroom habits of wizards after the series is long since completed Professor Snape was a single mother now obviously this hate is bringing out all the Millennials we're feeling a little bit betrayed right now but their reactions are almost just as funny as the actual hatred that we're experiencing from the Zoomers and fellow Millennials keep in mind the Boomer energy you might be bringing to this I've seen comments from some of the older Millennials or hating some of the not that old Millennials being like back in my day we had the privilege of growing up with all that knowledge out there but we still had to go outside and play to get our enjoyment we don't think sitting and watching someone play video games on the internet counts as a hobby Marleen go get me a beer I might miss the only two minutes a game play in this year football match has remembered watching people play video games on the internet is stupid and wrong but watching grown men play sports while you sit on the couch and drinking is a legitimate hobby like show with that [ __ ] Becky and Alan you neglect your children for facebook you're not helping the situation also I see a lot of dudes that treat taking care of their children like it's babysitting they're like ya gotta babysit the kid today cuz you know the the wife's out at the office that is your child taking care of it is doing your job as a parent I also stumble upon this one that ends with a nice cringy string of emojis Gen Z doesn't know what it's like to play outside to roam the neighborhood untracked via smartphone as Millennials were the last to have a real childhood we were free and proud of our streets like in the movies Goonies never die also hashtag ravenclaw Q gen Z crying laughing emoji and a glass of whiskey I really hope that this was satirical I don't think it was though do people think that like kids don't play outside anymore because I see kids outside all the damn time older Millennials like myself had the privilege of growing up where we didn't reach for our phone every minute we played outside got dirty got in trouble built character really got to know people Jen's Ethan's watching others play video games on YouTube is a hobby we deserve all of this but then they even started going at seem kids like I'm literally so glad I'm not a millennial I had way rather be associated with tik-tok dancing this look I never went full scene I had the colorful pants but let's not disrespect the legacy of riot era hayley williams by insulting the scene kids by oh my god this response seeing kids walk so you're Billy I wish could run respect it's so good there's also some Millennials trying to take this really seriously by pointing out that Gen Z is in for a rude awakening when the state of the world gets even worse than it is now and they need to start living their independent lives I'm pretty sure they're aware of that they're just having a little bit of fun in preparation for the dystopian future that's awaiting them like it was all fun and games when you could hop in on the okay boomer memes but somebody makes fun of your Harry Potter house and suddenly it's the end of the world but also Millennials never let these insults take your spark away it doesn't matter if you still love Harry Potter or Twilight as an adult life is too short not to love the things you love and to love them fiercely as long as they're legal and I go say anything I trash on in my videos like if you like something that I didn't like and it brings you happiness that's amazing that means it brought joy to you so the opinion of some eating on the Internet shouldn't matter I am that idiot unless you like the movie cats that's those are the rules but I will take this time to remind you that in this context boomer it's like a state of mind and an attitude I didn't make the rules I just follow them and a lot of you guys are just you're headed to boomer town like you're straight you're on that you're on the midnight train to boomer town over all these threads have mostly felt like that girl fight scene and Mean Girls well Regina George is just standing above watching the chaos happen I don't know who Regina I'm Regina in this situated but I'm what laughing I'm definitely one of the people that's being insulted but I'm having a great time you get older Jen's either in their 20s now calling out younger Jen's II which obviously isn't helping we got Millennials pointing out that Zoomers are in for a rude awakening we got boomers and Xers saying that the Zoomers might have it right and realize the complaining won't fix anything like those damn Millennials always do we got Gen Xers thinking they're just completely uninvolved with any of this but they are just depends which side they fall on no one raised Gen X we raised ourselves and were ignored it's okay it's gonna be okay we've all been screwed over and you might think that I'm a salty millennial but it really isn't that deep like I said in my other video every generation has its strengths and we all suck so I guess what I'm saying is it's okay to poke fun at other generations because everyone does it if you're on the receiving end of it just don't have a fit because you can't take a couple jokes all teenagers are idiots we just didn't have the ability to document it as well as we do at this exact moment in time so people saying that like teenagers are just way more stupid now than they were before is just blinding themselves to the stupidity that has happened throughout generations of teenagers and for the people that are trying to be all high maddie in their position of maturity every generation before yours is just a representation of the world they live in and how they were raised everyone shapes the world that they're in and every new generation just has to grow up in the rules of that world until they grow up and make their own which then in turn just shapes that next generation give it ten years in Genoa or the quarantines whatever we're gonna call them are gonna be shooting on Gen Z just as much I think this just might have been a little bit of a shock to a lot of Millennials because we're so used to getting it from in front of us from ahead from the older generations that when that knife came from behind we were just a little bit shocked so I get their discomfort but it's also hilarious I think what really sums up that attitude was this tweet I saw what the hell I was looking forward to being old enough to complain about the next generation and suddenly it has skipped us and we're getting it from both sides I feel cheated and that's just the way she goes we just waited too long to start punching up that they gens II caught up with us so that's gonna do it for today's video I was gonna do the 365 days movie which I will still do but I just felt like I need a little bit of a break from that and I saw this and it made me laugh for a very long time so I figured it would be a fun little video to make and kind of like a little bit throwback to a video that I did back in December so thank you all so much for watching I hope you're having a fantastic day let me know if you guys been watching anything good lately catch you all later thank you as always to my patreon supporters subscribe if you're new like the video if you're into that kind of thing and we'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 236,329
Rating: 4.9371872 out of 5
Keywords: zoomer vs millennial, gen z hates millennials, gen z, millennials, ok boomer, boomer humor is sad, boomers vs zoomers, billie eilish jimmy kimmel, harry potter millennials, everyone hates millennials, milenials, millennials ruin everything, tik tok, reacting to tik tok, gen z millennial tik tok, zoomer humor, boomer humor vs zoomer humor, commentary, tik tok commentary, your boomer is showing, talk show boomers, satire, harry potter hate, millennial harry potter house, zoomer
Id: PQW7idnTFcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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