Gen Z vs Millennials

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This debate is so cringy, hilarious commentary

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rekt1332 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank god he went on tiktok to get those clips so that I don’t have to!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PalatableNourishment πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just a bunch of obnoxious Millennials and Core Z fighting. It's like us 1995-2000ers feel so disconnected to this, I wasn't even in HS when TikTok came out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZombieKilla980 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œA fucking goddamn reboot of every movie made in the 90’s because you wouldn’t shut the fuck up about missing it so much” I fucking laughed for like 5 minutes straight πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/siimmoonn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

A bunch of 90s kids mad at each other.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Assbait93 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So glad I'm not in core z

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Umax9571 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Amen to that!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Particular-Ad-8635 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JoeyJoeJoe1996 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Justicedrummer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so for most of my videos i walk into frame and i sit down and if i ever stand up in the middle of the video i'll get comments that are like i thought eddie was short and then he stood up and was tall who knew and it's like i you knew from from just a couple of minutes ago when i walked right in anyways hi i'm eddie burback and today we're talking about generations specifically gen z and millennials the reason i want to talk about that today is if you're unaware there is a war going on between gen z and millennials pick your side and get ready to fight skinny jeans side parts in your hair harry potter these are the pressing issues of our time what are we what are we doing [Music] so if you're unaware gen z and millennials have sparked up this huge argument online and when i say gen z and millennials i mean some teens in gen z and a lot of older millennials and we're going to get into a lot of that today but first i want to talk about what is a millennial and what is a gen a gen zero a gen is it just a gen z that doesn't make sense so the pew research center defines a millennial as someone born between 1981 and 1996. now gen z on the other hand goes from 1997 to a rough like 2012 to 2015. dividing groups of people into generations can have a lot of uses you know you can see economically how some generations being born at a time are doing better or worse than others you can examine how a certain generation responds to a historical event that's new versus maybe an older one that's experienced more things listen i'm not a science guy so i can't tell you every good application for it but i can tell you that it's not your star sign it's not a personality chart i couldn't think of a bigger waste of time than arguing about who is cool and who is lame between two generations and we're going to get into that but i just want to say really quick that i think i'm maybe one of the best people to make a video on this because i was born on november 28 1996 which means i was i don't know a little over a month away from being considered gen z and i think especially people born in like 96 97 really don't feel involved with this gen z millennial war that's happening online because it's just like i don't know i have stuff in common with both of you guys this seems super weird so it seems that a big point of contention between gen z and millennials is that gen z says that skinny jeans and parting your hair to the side rather than down the middle is no longer cool and there's a lot of older millennials that seem to really dislike that so i want to introduce you to a reaction from an older millennial to this criticism that they've been getting hey gen z you can suck it you can't tell me what to wear cause i've been rocking this side part since you had kermit on your underwear so cute and you can pry these skinny jeans from my cold dead ass you hear so gen z you can't suck it you can't tell me what to wear oh you guys look grumpy you should take a nap ah that physically hurt me so what the [ __ ] i really really hated that and it's for a couple of reasons i think before i criticize i want to stress that this is not gen z and millennials at war this is a select group of older millennials and a select group of young gen z arguing with each other like everyone's arguing so essentially you have teenagers criticizing people in their late 20s to early and mid-30s for the way they dress which already it's like to those teenagers everything goes in and out of style what you think is cool right now will not be cool in 10 years i remember one time when i was a kid when shorts that went below your knee were a must i saw a photo of my dad as a teenager and i said why are your shorts so short they look so weird and he said i don't know it was a style back then and i thought that he was wrong turns out i was a [ __ ] idiot kid so the more embarrassing bits is older millennials that are feeling insulted by this why do you care if a 15 year old thinks you're cool this is so embarrassing oh my god like why would you give a [ __ ] your time has passed you're out of your 20s you can still be cool and older but you cannot be the generation that's making cool stuff you have to give that away to not even teenagers but people in their early 20s so it's already beyond humiliating that she made this song um but especially something like when she said the line since you had kermit on your underwear so cute i love the muppets but they're not like a big thing with gen z you know i'm sure there are gen z people who love them up it's two everyone loves sesame street but like kermit is not even my generation not even really maybe the 80s it's like the 70s and 80s this gen x so that was the first part of the gen z millennial battle that i saw and i think that song really escalated things so let's see maybe a response from someone in gen z hopefully they'll say hey you're 30 that's kind of embarrassing right maybe we shouldn't have this argument oh gen z is still mean to us what do millennials ever do to you school shootings yeah i don't care about the skinny jeans or the side part columbine sandy hook that's you that's your generation that's your trend whoa what okay especially this this argument is not only extremely disrespectful but just so beyond stupid first off the thing that he mentioned first happened in 1999 which means it would be the first possible year of a millennial when you're criticizing a generation for everything bad they've done you need to realize like i don't claim other millennials because it's literally everyone in a certain time period it's everyone so there are millennials that are my best friends there are millennials that are the worst people to ever walk the earth so grouping everyone up and attaching horrible things that happen to their whole generation is so weird and tribalist and bizarre it's just like these are very tragic things that happen and what you're frustrated with who what millennials are who who's the enemy here you know millennials have some goddamn nerve logging onto this app talking [ __ ] about gen z this [ __ ] app that we allow them to be on when we're doing the work they were supposed to be doing baby y'all were supposed to save the climate starting revolutions and [ __ ] what did you contribute mumford and sons a craft brewery on every corner a [ __ ] goddamn reboot of every movie in the 90s because you wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up about missing it so much when they weren't even good in the first place you just peaked when you were eight years old so this person seems to be gen z but a bit older which confuses me on why she is so uh aggravated at millennials cause i'm sure people a couple years older than her that she knows from school are millennials and the funny thing about what she said is everything was wrong isn't that fun like everything was wrong let's start off with gen z allowing millennials to be on tick tock millennials are the age range to make tick tock millennials are the ones who made these apps and so again not that i'm crediting it to millennials because that's everyone if you're on gen z you don't allow someone to be on something that they made that seems simple when we're doing the work they were supposed to be doing baby y'all were supposed to save the climate starting revolutions and [ __ ] what did you contribute i was at least around longer than some gen z people and i don't remember a prophecy saying millennials were supposed to start a revolution or save the climate we want to try name 20 senators that are millennials name one is there one millennial senator yes so there's uh one millennial senator and he was just elected so already those are two things that are wrong then all the final things she lists are things that uh would probably be gen x because millennials can't afford economically to open up a craft brewery so it's like if you take a moment to think about this battle you already see the seams and everything everyone's talking about and for real like to both sides what are you so angry about what did either side do to i don't understand why are we so angry at each other it doesn't make any sense there's a really interesting section of this battle and it's people who are around my age that are uh not sure how to feel people call it like a zillenial none of it's real so that's why uh people are confused when you are like hey gen z is criticizing millennials but i don't feel like that's me it's because it's it's all made up it's just that we picked a year and it's all made up i also delayed making this video by a day and i am i'm not glad that i did because there's one more addition to what i'm reacting to and i'm not happy about it i want to start off by saying i apologize for showing you this but it has to be shown so here we go what jinzy's trying to what [Music] cancel eminem gen z is trying to cancel eminem honey that's cute listen little kitties let me make this quite clear this man was around even before you were here so what you're all mad cause the man was a lyricist while all your rappers are a mumbling gibberish so i hated that what would compel someone to make that why would someone make that who why do you have a like this blind loyalty toward eminem he doesn't need you eminem wasn't like [ __ ] i don't know what to say to gen z you mind picking this up sarah my bad i made up a name is sarah her name is cassie so i was far off i just want this to stop before it gets cringier i think definitely the cringe is mostly coming from people who are upset about the millennial criticism so i guess millennials but i don't want to say it's the millennials because it's not but all of the statements i'm seeing from gen z criticizing millennials are like baseless and and weird and it's again it's like it's everyone you know who's a millennial me you know who's also a millennial kim jong-un so like how could you be like yeah millennials wear skinny jeans i don't think either of us do but that's probably all we have in common gen z jake pauls and gen z you know who else is in gen z children do they have a lot in com well probably yeah mentally probably yeah so essentially i think my final message is if you are a teenager that is feeling very you know angry about this gen z millennial stuff one styles change you get less cool as you get older your peak coolness is your mid-20s and then it's downhill after that i have a sister who's older than me i'm cooler than her i'm sorry i'm it's just the fact because i'm 24. and to my older millennials this small fraction that is reacting in this way stop it it's humiliating you're an adult who cares they have to go to study hall still and you're worried about what they think about the clothes you wear drop it drop it now it's it's so embarrassing so thank you for watching this video also i mentioned in my last video you know the whole uh twin thing that i have a twin brother tony we're actually making a youtube channel together and i don't think our first video will be ready just yet but i will be linking the channel down below if you like video essays on movies and games please subscribe we're going to be making content on there and i'm really really excited about it so if you go support me there i would absolutely love it thank you if you do also just so you know i'm not wearing skinny jeans well look i'm not wearing skinny jeans i truly am a millennial don't look at my ass the chair is rotating on its own do not look at my ass now word from our sponsor it's sponsor time like i just mentioned i want to thank surf shark vpn for sponsoring this video thank you surf shark i am going to do this entire ad this is a there's going to be a guinness book of world records a youtuber doing an entire ad while standing on a chair surfshark is a virtual private network available as an easy to use app and browser extension that basically lets you place your laptop or phone anywhere in the world really high up 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off this chair because i'm afraid that i'm gonna [ __ ] you
Channel: Eddy Burback
Views: 727,074
Rating: 4.9695973 out of 5
Id: Cp7Q4KDIxXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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