The Redemption of JENNIFER'S BODY | Explained

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this video is brought to you by hellofresh so 2020 has been an interesting year and by interesting i mean garbage but one of the genuinely interesting things was machine gun kelly switching to pop punk and releasing one of the best songs of the year bloody valentine and the added highlight to that experience was the music video featuring the queen megan fox and just like that she's back on the radar anyways all this megan fox promotion kind of put jennifer's body back in my brain i know that last year was the 10 year anniversary but i was like you know what i kind of want to give this a go for you know an october related halloween video and guess what month it is people it's it's october and i purposely underslept last night so i could really channel that demon jennifer aesthetic it's totally intentional that i look this bad today so jennifer's body is the 2009 comedy horror film written by diablo cody as her follow-up to indie academy darling juno and to say these are different movies is an understatement the core quirk is very similar but these are fundamentally different movies all around so obviously after winning an oscar for juno diablo cody was kind of given free reign to make whatever project she wanted and what she wanted was jennifer's body my entire life had dreamed of writing a horror movie i had written juno which is not a horror movie unless you think unwanted pregnancy is a horror which i guess it kind of it yep that's me i'm that demographic i would definitely rather be eaten by megan fox than be pregnant wait now this movie has finally found its audience but at the time of release it had kind of gone through a lot and most of that is largely linked to how they chose to market the film i spent an entire day watching interviews but i know there's a video that keeps getting recommended around youtube about the horror of bad marketing so feel free to check that out for what i'm assuming is a bigger deep dive on this topic but due to the success of transformers in the sex symbol that was surrounding megan fox the studio marketing team made the extremely misguided choice of focusing on that aspect directed at young male audiences when this film was definitely more geared at young women and you might be thinking amanda the whole movie is just about megan fox being hot and killing boys exactly but it's also so much more jennifer's body deals with a ton of different themes from the dynamics of toxic female friendships the pressure girls face confusion of sexuality assault themes of consent and male abuse of power empowerment and revenge this is all very visible in the movie but has been confirmed across the board by diablo cody by the director karin kasama even by the actors it also has a banging soundtrack and features a slew of incredible performances from the cast for all the outlandish and ridiculous pieces of dialogue in this movie megan's performance is absolutely incredible look at the scene with the band and the waterfall the scene of her putting on makeup in the mirror and yeah even the ridiculous line drops she did an amazing job that was largely overlooked for a long time just because she's who she was when diablo cody said that megan was always her jennifer and that she had a mystique not often found in today's celebrities and even megan said that she couldn't imagine that role being played by anyone else that's something that really comes through in the performance i don't feel like anybody else could have done it but me and that's such a i agree i kind of was that person in a way it was like the allegory of what was going on in my life and so it was the perfect project for me at that moment and while it has gone on to achieve that cult level success finally finding its audience i do genuinely think this movie was just a bit ahead of its time except for the clothing the references in the band posters it's so 2000's that it hurts and warms my soul someone's getting murdered but i see a motion city soundtrack poster so i'm in heaven that style of over-the-top quirky comedy horror is way more prevalent and popular today than it was back then and i also think that the themes are finally hitting with the target audience and they're just as relevant now if not more so than they were back then and the best part about this finding its audience down the road is that everybody involved in the movie can now just drag the studio for their horrible decisions from a marketing person at the studio once i had sent him this articulate defense of the film and here's how it should be marketed and i said what specifically are you thinking and he wrote back megan fox hot three words not only was the trailer pretty bad but they also did extensive test screenings with focus groups rather than a wider audience they were all essentially comprised of young men one even giving the very helpful comment of needs more boobs spelt exactly like i have it on screen these are the opinions the studio was taking seriously and both diablo cody and karin kusama made please to the studio about how badly it was being marketed and both were dismissed with similar rebuttals of megan fox hot that was the only value the studio saw i think it's also really telling that megan says that this was her favorite role and amanda seyfried has said it was one of hers as well most of my fans it's their favorite project that i've ever done it's my favorite project that i've ever done jennifer's body is my favorite movie that i've ever done for something that was so critically panned when it came out it's cool that it had such an impact on the people that were involved in it but just watching this hot topic presented q a the sheer excitement of the young ladies here should have let the studios know exactly how badly they messed up and who they should have been marketing it towards next up we have last numbers twilight had already happened at this point do they not realize the true power of the teen girl but we'll be weaving in some more insights as we go through the movie i'm sure that's why a lot of you guys are here so for now i give you jennifer's body the story of anita needy lesnicki in the wild tumultuous relationship with her longtime best friend jennifer check we do get moments where we're exclusively following jennifer but needy is our narrator and our eyes to this story which makes it all the more funny that the first trailer apparently didn't include amanda seyfried at all i wish i could say it was making that up but i'm not it's the classic tale of a young girl getting sacrificed for a demonic ritual so a shitty indie band can get famous except when you sacrifice a non-virgin bad things happen so thematically this actually has a lot in common with things like mean girls and heathers but it also works really well as a gingersnap's double feature so many people have made that comparison in the past but i love gingersnaps and i would love that theatrical double feature to happen here but the dynamic of the dominant queen bee and the more timid friend in the high school setting and the final girl trope is almost identical but with jennifer's body we also see a subverted first girl trope so to the shock of many this movie actually starts with needy in a mental institution which honestly if you had seen a trailer that didn't include amanda scifred would you not have been so confused but her behavior here is directly at odds with the timid mousy nature this character is going to have for most of the movie as we find out exactly what got her here because she's super violent in this intro she's kicking orderlies this honestly could have been on audition to be harley quinn so how did this slightly awkward mousy timid teenager end up violently attacking people in an institution so the setting for a horror movie is devil's kettle which in the movie is the name of the whole town based around this waterfall with a mysterious pothole where nothing tossed in resurfaces and while the town isn't real the waterfall is though i guess scientists figured out the secret in 2016 but we're just going to ignore that and it's here that we finally see jennifer and look at the representation of this absolute 2000s bedroom this looks like a fallout boy music video set and it's glorious jennifer didn't always look this rough why does megan fox looking rough look better than i ever will not even jealous just commenting so we start going through the steps of what happened to jennifer and some people try to say that the stuff that happens with them later on came out of nowhere but look at the look on her face look at how she is staring at her sandbox love never dies and before anybody gets judgmental diablo cody specifically said that there was a part of needy that she didn't fully openly accept that was in love with jennifer and it's noted that they have likely had moments like this before anyway jennifer convinces needy to go to a bar show because she's totally crushing on seth from the oc and niddy agrees wear something cute okay the movie then goes through the standards of what where something cute means to this friendship basically don't look embarrassing but also never upstage me and that's just kind of thing that can happen in a lot of friendships where one person feels like they have to be above someone else to feel okay jennifer is really insecure so she can't be upstaged and that is a huge part of their friendship so from here we get even more indications that the relationship between jennifer and needy might not be super even and healthy hell her name is anita and she has the nickname needies and even if she's not super clingy there is just a dynamic there that makes it impossible for her to say no to jennifer which is something that chip notices you always do what jennifer tells you to do well i don't it's just that i like the same things that she likes and jennifer notices come on needy i promised chip that i would hang out with him tonight bill what time is the show we'll pick up at 8 30. and jennifer honestly probably does this kind of stuff more than she needs to just to prove to chip that she'll always be number one and oh my god i totally forgot that chris pratt was in this that is hands down the best part about re-watching a movie you haven't seen in a while because certain actors careers have just gone on these crazy trajectories and there is adam brody our evil indie rock band lead you play your instruments really super good and this is where things start to go downhill because for some reason he seems super interested in whether or not she's a virgin there's always that girl they love to show it off but they do not give it up but nida overhears this and is like yeah she's totally a virgin so don't you even think about touching her meanwhile i'm not even a backdoor version there are at least 20 iconic turns of phrases in this movie that are just totally underappreciated but yeah that pretty much condemns jennifer so they start playing music and then some like weird seductive frickery starts happening to jennifer and then the venue catches on fire people are getting trampled and burned they somehow managed to make it out and then adam brody just pops up there being like hey you guys are okay you want to come back to our creepy van i watched her get into that van and i knew something awful was going to happen he was skinny and twisted and evil man that was going to be a bad time for her even if it wasn't for a satanic ritual which again is the point that's the parallel so need is rightfully concerned and instantly calls chip instead of i don't know the authorities did you get the making model i don't know chip an 89 rapist and then the doorbell rings and surprise no one's there but jennifer is already in the house and then she exorcists all over the floor and before needy can get an answer out of her jennifer pushes her against the wall in a way that should be terrifying but are you scared why am i into this anyways jennifer runs off into the night needy's traumatized but jennifer is back at school the very next day totally fine and genuinely unconcerned with everything that happened the night before and because needy is the only one who's really seen any of this stuff the concern is just kind of falling on her but the jennifer facade can only stick around for so long she seduces this other football player whose best friend died in the fire but oh boy is she hungry for something other than sex all these animals start flooding forward staring them down deer's like oh no naked manchester look away and then she takes part in those urges that teenagers so often have the flesh of their peers let it all out kids suddenly there's all these news reports about how the band actually helped save people from the fire which we all know didn't happen and it's pissing off needy who's still iffy with jennifer's behavior there's also a nice little mean girls throwback here whether it was intentional or not they're lying hold on so blow it off it'll just be a minute pooh i'm crossing you out boo you [ __ ] then we get the iconic tongue burning scene which essentially shows that jennifer has healing powers that gif is still used to this day but chip ends up telling needy that they found jonas's body ripped limb from lemon that parts of him had been eaten so obviously she thinks everything is connected but chip's like oh no there's no way that anything could get any worse than this and homie if 2020 is any indication it can always get worse so everyone's pretty depressed except for jennifer who is thriving the town was falling apart but starting to heal the low shoulder song through the trees as the anthem of unity and things seemed like they might be turning around we were fighting idiots because the more the town seems to heal the more jennifer is falling apart manini's currently a little bit too distracted with low shoulder trying to take credit for rescuing people to fully notice rumor it's true it's on the wikipedia and oh no this poor dear sweet emo kid is gonna get frickin murked jennifer originally turns him down but needy's like oh no he's really nice yo needy you just got called and killed congratulations i just got aquamarine on dvd it's about this girl who's like half sushi well time to pack it in i can't imagine ever discussing a movie more eloquently than that so nene and chip finally get some private time and colin gets tricked into going to an abandoned house so we're getting awkward teen sex on one side and awkward teen murder on the other and this poor bastard knows he's about to be demoned and in this moment needy is connected to jennifer and can feel the things she's doing so she freaks out leaves almost hits jennifer stumbling out of the woods and gets home to find that jennifer is already there waiting we always share your bed when we have slumber party now i was old enough at this point but hands up in the chat if this caused your gay awakening obviously this scene is one of the more controversial for a couple different reasons as mentioned earlier diablo cody said it was specifically included because a part of needy loves jennifer and jennifer was taking advantage of that and it's supposed to deal with the complexities of dealing with your sexual identity and all that jazz i also feel like there's some misquotes from the actors concerning this scene megan and amanda did both comment that it was uncomfortable a lot of that just had more to do with the fact that filming scenes like that is uncomfortable and it was such an extreme close-up and they both knew it was going to be misrepresented in a certain way by the studios yeah we both dreaded filming that because we knew that's what was gonna happen nobody's gonna understand this nobody's gonna understand the intention it's going to be turned into this sensational moment rather than being used to represent what it needed to in the movie it was just used out of context to exploit the scene megan even joked in press tours that she wouldn't be surprised if the whole trailer was just the kiss and the contract from the studios specified that they had to be okay with the kiss being in the trailer the movie hadn't even started filming and the studio already knew what they were going to do with it and increasingly over the years it kind of started getting linked to queer baiting but in 2009 you took your scraps and said thank you we can play boyfriend girlfriend like we used to that specific line is supposed to show to audiences that this isn't such an unusual first time thing and that their relationship is a little bit more significant than just a traditional friendship so i don't think baiting was the intention but hey jennifer is finally ready to explain what happened so she's in the van and she like needy thinks hey if i tell them i'm a virgin they won't want to do anything with me but they do not care that she's freaking out and honestly just enjoy the struggle she even offers to be part of their street team to help promote the band like you guys remember street teams anyways this scene is actually horrific in a lot of ways the real horror of this scene isn't the fact that they're gonna murder her it's the fact that they're laughing about it that they're joking while they're doing it and they legitimately don't care how horrified she is megan never breaks or has a fourth wall moment with the audience because in that moment it's real it's horrifying and they don't care as long as they get what they want from her in a lot of interviews megan has actually touched on how this resonated with her hollywood life that they didn't care if she got hurt or tired or was dragged disrespected put in bad situations as long as the studios got what they wanted from her and then they stabbed her while singing the jenny song but it didn't kill her at least not completely i just know that i woke up and i found my way back to you you know this would have been sweet if she wasn't craving flesh and then jennifer actually tries to gaslight needy for having these delusions about what she thinks jennifer might be doing after jennifer said she was essentially put through a satanic ritual so yeah as mentioned bad things happen when you sacrifice a non-virgin but hey they finally found colin's body he looked like lasagna with teeth so needy starts doing some twilight level research on demons and tries to share her findings with chip jennifer's evil i know no i mean she's actually evil not high school evil she found some information on demonic transference which is what happens when you try to sacrifice somebody who isn't a virgin the band still got what they wanted but the demon goes on to live in the soul of the victim the dance it'll be like an all-you-can-eat buffet but chip just thinks she's trying to break up with him and needs some serious psychological help which you know i can't really blame him for and despite her urging him not to go to the dance he still goes ladies pepper spray there's obviously a sicko out there who likes points a true sicko indeed so it cuts to jennifer losing her hair looking into the mirror next to a picture of her before everything happened just to show how much she's falling apart and trying to cover it up but again i don't even look that good right now but jennifer finds chip as he's walking to the dance she starts playing it up like she's worried about needy's mental health and obviously chip is like yeah she's totally saying all these crazy things so she tricks him into thinking that needy doesn't like him anymore because she was having an affair with colin which is why she's been so weird since his death needy and colin were intimate and by that i mean they were porking on a semi-regular basis they start making out and again needy can feel it she knows chip is in trouble so this whole part shows the level of competitiveness and jealousy that can happen in these friendships when they're not healthy the insecurities people have and how they try to deal with them by not actually dealing with them jennifer making a move on chip to prove she can and then gets super pissed when he ultimately decides he can't go through with it because jennifer is second place to no one damn man if you would just listen to your girlfriend about her demon theories this wouldn't be happening and from this point on there is just an excellent stream of dialogue classics like you're such a player hater nice insult hannah montana and my personal favorite i thought you only murdered boys i go both ways so needy gets there and jennifer is already feeding on chip yes he can shoot a patron stand in public please give me the power to crush this [ __ ] and while i really want to root for needy i must stan a flying megan fox she's just hovering it's not that impressive and it's at this point that needy realizes how insecure jennifer really is she could have anyone she wanted but she still had to go after chip and it's so much of their friendship is based on jennifer holding needy down so that she can feel better about herself and then finally after getting stabbed by chip the iconic you got a tampon and then she just leaves because she doesn't really want to hurt needy and chip dies so needy gears up for murder do you buy all your murder weapons at home depot got your butt so they start fighting jennifer bites needy needy rips off the bff necklace which appears to shock jennifer so much that allows needy to get the upper hand it just looks like it creates this like timeout on jennifer's powers when it happens but i think it was really just that moment where jennifer realized that needy was done with her no your heart so she kills her and then jennifer's mom walks in the room so now we know why she's in a mental hospital and we learned that if you get bitten by a demon and live you absorb some of their powers just might get lucky for once in your miserable life so she busts out and hunts down the band members that quite literally flips her life upside down must be one hell of a group tonight's gonna be their last show ending with a montage of the crime scene to jennifer's body by whole but hey for all the insanity she's gone through she's now a more confident self-respecting individual god look for the positives at least she's not eating people because if consuming the flesh of men isn't to your taste have i got the deal for you with today's sponsor hellofresh canada's most popular meal kit hellofresh is the stress-free minimal cleanup pre-planned meal kit to make your life easier i'm pretty much constantly working i suck at cooking and a lot of times when i try to make new things it's hard to use up all the ingredients before they go bad hellofresh has the most recipe variety of all the canadian meal kits so that means that every week you can pick from a bunch of new and exciting meals and they'll send you the exact portions you need to make 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thank you as always to my patreon supporters anybody who's watching this video subscribe to the channel if you're new like the video if you're into that kind of thing i hope you're all having a fantastic day i'm definitely mostly okay and i'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 370,203
Rating: 4.9773364 out of 5
Keywords: Jennifer's Body, the redemption of Jennifer's body, megan fox, we should apologize to megan fox, diablo cody, juno, horror movie, jennifer's body needy and jennifer, amanda seyfried, adam brody, johnny simmons, reacting to jennifer's body, jennifer's body review, jennifersbody, amanda the jedi, amanda the jedi jennifer's body, 10 year reunion jennifer's body, bad marketing, jennifer's body bad marketing, themes jennifer's body, commentary, megan fox movie, mgk, jk simmons
Id: YkF9-3--oeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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