Quibi is a Billion Dollar Disaster
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 266,949
Rating: 4.9532647 out of 5
Keywords: quibi, quibi review, quibi is useless, quibi is a disaster, quibi is bad, quibi is annoying, most dangerous game, quibi dummy, quibi failed, what is quibi, streaming, anna kendrick, liam hemsworth new movie, steven spielberg, guillermo del toro, deltoro, new series, chrissy teigen, bad shows, worst of netflix, worst of streaming, hbo max, disney plus, streaming wars, jeffrey katzenberg, jeffrey katzenberg quibi, disney, dreamworks, kirby jenner, clips
Id: hYoyN-4U7U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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