Every Teenager should Know! r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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adults have read it what is something every teenager needs to know most of your friends are the product of geographic convenience just because you grew up being friends with a neighbor or a fellow student doesn't mean you owe them your undying loyalty when they start treating you like [ __ ] yes it's very possible that you outgrow your childhood friends or just grow in different directions at the same time teens should understand that once your school days are over high school or college finding and keeping friends takes so much more effort because you don't automatically see them every day if you don't have a passion learn new skills you might find your passion or something you're good at good advice also if you do have a passion embrace it and don't be shy about it i stopped associating with my former best friend of 24 years because she treated me like [ __ ] she treats all her friends like shti which is why more of them still talk to me than talk to her she got me evicted last year when we shared a flat she was inconsiderate she was in and out of rehab which obviously is not a reason to stop being friends with someone i know many people who have been in rehab who i am still close with including my brother but she lied about why she was there each time turns out she's actually addicted to pierce and she stole my painkillers when i had a broken ankle and tendonitis and blamed it on her dog she was cruel and completely lacks empathy also nothing was ever her fault she'd sleep with someone's boyfriend and then be confused as to why they didn't want to be friends with her anymore so yeah even if you have known someone all your life even if they're your only friend in the world luckily i have a few more it's better to be a bit lonely than compromise your self-esteem and morals clinging to a friendship with someone who doesn't value you i may miss having someone who i can just hang out with on a moment's notice and can be a bit depressed about it but after like everyone in my life was like why are you still friends with this person i realized i was just clinging to this unhealthy relationship for fear that without it i'd have nothing else edit went in to fix some typos but then got annoyed about it again so expanded it again there's always more to it right now isn't the be all and end all edit well we thank you for the awards kind strangers i will also say that by no means as a team should your feelings be downplayed and this is not suggesting that your current issues are minimal it's important to recognize how you're feeling but also don't let it consume or dictate how you look towards your future there is always going to be a better time to those who reached out to me keep pushing on you deserve so much better will get better and have exciting things ahead the person you love at the 17th of may not be the person you love at 30. you change they change if you change together and are still on the same path that's great but allow yourselves to change allow them to change and reassess whether you're simply together for loyalty or because you still really want a future together with who you both are now basically be willing to let love go it doesn't mean you didn't love them you both changed and it happens and it's kind of sad but will just open you up to be yourself learn how to cook it's way cheaper and usually faster than takeout when you do cook make sure you know what ways to make the food last and eat moderate amounts the fact that my mom made a really big meal that could be frozen after helped us out a ton at the beginning of the pandemic when it was hard to buy new food it may have seemed a bit boring but we were able to eat good healthy meals every day because of it instead of having to survive off of ramen this idea would also help a ton in a low income situation because you can always have at least a day or two of extra food that won't be bad for your body if you eat the same thing for a while and if you are eating ramen remember that it's very salty and being dehydrated will often make you tired more hungry and also a bit irritable so get used to drinking a healthy amount of water each day even if you aren't always thirsty people employers etc will take advantage of your navy in many cases this will be illegal yup always take your lunch break there's never a time where it's too busy for you to take a lunch break they have to give you one for a full shift and at least a break for every four hours don't let them tell you otherwise edit some states are four hours some are for over five hours some states don't have pro-employee laws so this doesn't apply how to describe situations and how to disagree with a teacher someone in authority without sounding like a no at all or in a condescending manner for example if a teacher says x and you are certain you learnt differently recognize that there may be certain circumstances that you may not realize that change is something lead the disagreement with a saying like excuse me i may be wrong but i thought learned why this kind of phrasing does not cause the other person to be on the defensive which can allow gentle new instruction for you or a graceful face-saving correction for the teacher a situation with differing opinions doesn't have to be confrontational don't put off dealing with mental health issues developing unhealthy coping mechanisms for emotional issues will fck you up big time down the road if you have issues deal with it head on right away it can take time but start the work now also save for retirement you should open a roth ira yesterday sometimes it's not just a phase and your parents while both very intelligent functional people rf king idiots for letting you suffer through four years of high school don't go to college for more than two years unless you're gonna finish it don't let your bank account yoyo around zero start to save something at least have one thousand dollars for an emergency fund drinking a little is fine drinking at the bar every weekend or 3x wk will ruin your health and your wallet don't drink and drive but you are allowed to have fun and nice things sometimes and sx is not wrong or immoral do it be careful about it and most social media is a poisonous toxic lying breakfast dumpster fire don't waste your time except for you are immediate friend group [Music] if you are assaulted on campus notify the police not campus security to add to this if you're experiencing harassment bullying or anything that isn't technically a matter for the police don't stop reporting it to the school until somebody actually listens to you the first person you talk to at the school may blow you off go to the next person up or another department if they say there's nothing they can do get them to put it in writing people are often much more inclined to help if their actions or lack thereof are being recorded when you get to driving you need to realize that the laws of physics apply to you they aren't out to get you they're just indifferent slow the fck down and don't horse around you're driving a very heavy machine at speeds we did not evolve to deal with be safe pidgey backing off of this always assume that other drivers are out to get you as some redditor said the graves are filled with plenty of people who had the right of way double quote same thing goes for conflict simo i'd much rather ignore a random drunks verbal abuse than end up dead because i called them out on it do not take naughty pictures or record videos edit the irony of the username is hilarious but the more important thing that nobody mentioned so far is that there is absolutely no need for people to judge you based of your teenage sexual activity ignore sexualized media the best you can and don't measure yourself based on the size of your naughty bits or how open to sx you are the only fan's edger or life sounds intoxicating but is absolutely draining since you're nothing more than an object to your supporters double quote second on this before 18 it only takes one spiteful person and you can be prosecuted for making and distribution of child pornography even if it's a view we know all the tricks we were teenagers once before a swell i'm a teacher but i was an awful student but damn i was charismatic and got away with a ton i tell my students that it's been 15 years now and none of them have used an excuse or pulled a trick that i didn't do at their age but better the best part is when i let them get away with it and they come back haha i tricked you no you didn't i let it slide because you're depressed but i saw right through you honestly your teens are the perfect time to begin small on creating good habits that pay off big in the long run 1. save and or invest 10 of any money you receive 2. create a habit of exercising even just small exercises every day 3. someone else said it but it is worth repeating brush your teeth 4. figure out what you enjoy read and try a lot of different things go to camps or shadow any jobs you think you might be interested in sometimes the job you think you'd enjoy you find out you have no interest in at all this will save you a lot of money like studying pre-med and learning you hate health care 5. this is a difficult one as a teen but try to establish a decent sleeping habit preferably one where you wake up early i feel like i slept my teen years away edit on number five i meant going to bed earlier and waking up earlier not sleeping less i realize teens need more sleep edit too guys i don't have all the answers those were just what came to my head at the moment feel free to add additional numbers everyone is smart just at different things people can be book smart or people smart or machine smart etc but the difference between successful people and not so much is the application and dedication you give my nephew is nine and his dad is already calling him dumb which is insane because that kid is sure quick he understands things rapidly but he doesn't like school right now this is something i just told him it's exactly as lame to not do something you want to do because it's too mainstream or popular as it is to do something only because it's cool and the cool kids are doing it also some things seem mainstream to you just because you like that thing so you have a lot of friends who do it for example i had a friend in high school who was very good at cello and his parents are lootius violin makers music was his passion but he felt the field would be too competitive because everyone does it well in reality it wasn't everyone but his social circle consisted of mostly musicians so in college he studied environmental science and hated it fast forward and he is now working in his parents shop and learning the family trade of making violins he still worries about competition in that field but i think he will be successful and it's work that he enjoys just too bad he threw away that time and money for the college that he didn't really want to do anyway if you don't brush your teeth big regrets don't talk too much about yourself and your private life and ideas it will be used against you emotionally you are going to feel better and survive the struggles you are into don't breed anger it will consume your time and energies time flies i'm 38 years old it seems yesterday i was in my twenties enjoy the ride take care of your body don't listen too much to the wired stuff coming from your mind this is going to sound cliche but just be yourself having friends is important but don't act like them just to fit in you may not entirely know who you are yet and by not being yourself you're going to lose your true self in the mix if you're lucky it'll take many years and a lot of soul searching to even bring back your uniqueness and then clump that all together to learn who you truly are i made this mistake i'm 37 now it took me 20 years to undo everything because in college and afterwards i was a chameleon changing my personality with each group of friends i was with i had no idea who i was it took a lot of work on my self-esteem to recorrect my thought process edit high school is really tough as hard as it might be try not to feed a bully with more ammo ignore the person and they'll get bored and move on also try to enjoy life responsibly of course you can have some great fun and happy years as a teenager figure out what activities you love most to do and do them hang out with positive people put yourself first you're going to get hurt but the feelings will pass i promise these are all things i didn't do as a teenager i had a traumatic childhood and its effects really started to hit me as a teenager it led to miserable years when it could have been so much different people tell you these are the best years of your life that's [ __ ] just because you have fewer responsibilities in their eyes doesn't mean your problems are invalid it was especially hurtful for me to hear that when i was going through depression in high school i was already at rock bottom but if it's all downhill from here what's the freaking point learn a second language it's good for your brain and it's a lot easier when you're young get active and fit make it a habit this is one of the most important ways to stave off cognitive decline as you get older plus it's great for managing mental health during the transition to adulthood you are not invincible behind the wheel call my even though you may feel like you are of all the driving age brackets teenagers drive the fastest and have the least amount of experience it's not a mystery why some teenagers pay five hundred dollars per month in car insurance and some 40 year olds pay 500 per year every single day in this country there is a teenager somewhere being killed in a motor vehicle accident every single day it's so common it barely makes the news anymore you're allowed to question authority if an authority does says something you think is wrong you're allowed to question that he she is probably not the love of your life edit to all of you that find the one when you are still babies that's awesome and i wish you a lifetime of happiness well yes and no two of my cousins both met their spouses in school and have been married for over 30 years now married later in life i must add just to head off the wise cracks much more recently the best friend of my daughter married her school sweetheart and they've just had their second kid but i went out with my first teenage girlfriend for four years before we split up i know a few people who had long-term relationships that started in their teens that ended very shortly after getting married don't be afraid to fail at things just getting into my 30s and i am finding the new generation seems to be afraid of being bad at something to the point of not trying new things go and try obviously there are things to be cautious about but take reasonable risks on things like moving jobs work hobbies etc it really doesn't matter what others think of you it only matters what you think of yourself live your life such that you can look at yourself in the mirror at the end of the day and be proud of what you've done also likes from social media don't mean a thing if you post something that gets zero likes or upvotes you will still wake up tomorrow ready to go start a fitness plan habits when you're young you won't have that metabolism forever don't get in the habit of drinking alcohol it may end up running and ruining your life if you don't have a passion yet don't sweat it and don't think you have to go to college straight away get an apartment to share with friends and job hop until you figure out what you're good at enjoy doing then consider college for that specific area take up an instrument as a teenager you have far more time on your hands than you ever will again plus your brain is still plastic enough to learn things easily and quickly relative to a fully formed brain you still need to put the hours in being able to play music is such a joy that you will carry with you your whole life and you can often form relationships off the back of it jamming sessions for egg or just bonding over your love of guitars [Music] appreciate what you have especially if you don't have much there might come a time when your mattress on the floor and the clothes on your back are the only things you have and you might not care at moment but they're still yours appreciate them appreciate good times days with nice weather try to get as much joy as you can from those things because if you don't you won't get any from elsewhere and no one can give it to you later you might look back and regret spending years of your life bitterly emotionally fixated on negative things wasting your time with reading too much news or focusing on tea that won't take you forward in life tldr appreciate everything around you make the most of it now rather than later when you make a mistake own up to it people are more willing to help you when you admit you did a dumb thing this goes for school work and personal life forget to make a payment on a loan call and talk to the finance company mess something up on a school project tell your teacher and ask for a bit of leeway etc people will be more likely to help you if you communicate start your retirement fund as early as possible doesn't matter if you can only afford five dollars a week it's still five dollars more than you would have had otherwise it will add up and you'll thank yourself later the mantra 30 years the new 20 is taking it really far but even though that's extreme the basic idea is important to appreciate you have to keep busy of course but you don't have to dive into anything that serious right out of high school give it two years at least this isn't just because you get to enjoy procrastinating it's because you're a teenager and you're still stupid you should wait to become less stupid so that you're in a better spot to make decisions [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 7,429
Rating: 4.9014087 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 0dlDvvnFLjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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