Highschool students, What is your biggest "Oh Sh''t" moment? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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high schoolers at reddit what is the biggest oh [ __ ] shit's about to go down moment that you've experienced with either students teachers or even both officers of discipline in my high school let two students box literally with boxing gloves atop the quadrangle stage the officers among them being teachers too did that to let the kids settle their little fight beforehand these officers tasked other students to film it so the students did these officers also tasked them to upload it on facebook needless to say it made the national news my dad grew up in south america and whenever there was a fight the pay teacher would give the kids gloves and have them go at it after that he'd make them shake hands and move on my school had the usual cliques there were the smokers the jerks the nerds and then a big mix of just everyone else one day the smokers from my school and the smokers from the high school across the street started arguing these arguments went on for a few weeks basically about smoking territory or some [ __ ] one day i went and got a burger and then came back and parked in front of the smoke pit as soon as i did the other school smokers started walking over with knives chains baseball bats etc i was like yep [ __ ] about to go down they had made threats and someone phoned the police to give them some info on what was happening and what might happen the school resource officer walked out and resolved the issue i just sat there eating my burger not currently in high school but when i was a freshman there were a few before moving schools topping the list was definitely when a kid wouldn't take his hat off his head so a screaming match started teacher takes hat off of kid kid throws a chair at the teacher teacher puts hat in the microwave and turns it on kid dumps dear urine on teacher this was in south carolina and he had plans to go hunting that evening not just carrying around dear piss anyways that teacher was put on leave during a lawsuit and the temp teacher was a family friend who cheated on her husband and was going through a divorce her son was also in the class that made things interesting we had a legitimate food fight in eighth grade i remember the rumors being spread and then the girl standing up on the table and yelling food fight the moment the first few people started throwing food was the moment i knew sht was going down we had to eat lunch in classrooms in complete silence for the rest of the year all field trips cancelled worth it we had one in school uk where everyone was in year 11. it was the last week before leaving people knew about it and were hyped one of the popular girls shouted food fight and threw slices of pizza across the cafe someone threw an apple across the room and it smacked her dead in the face knocking her over and busting her nose so she ran out crying everyone pissed themselves she didn't come back for the rest of the week lol [Music] a kid got another kid's girlfriend pregnant without their knowledge kid thinks he can keep it a secret girlfriend rats him out the next day at school everyone hears screaming coming from the hallway before the first bell rang this kid got beaten to her pulp got his jaw broken and broke his nose it took four security guards to restrain the enraged boyfriend from beating the shitty out of this kid the girlfriend stood there and had an expression of wtf on her face a fight broke out between four kids selling pot during lunch the lunch room erupted teachers started dragging kids out a youngish band teacher picks up a kid to haul him out lady next to start screaming [ __ ] him up fck him up it was her son and she told him to go after a teacher my neighbors karen of a grandmother came storming over to my school bus while we were still in the parking lot the driver hadn't closed the doors yet so she got on the bus my brother was sat at the back i was at the front just behind the door karen starts screaming at my brother while the bus driver tries to keep her from getting on the bus my brother starts screaming back she's accusing him of bullying her granddaughter our neighbor she tells him to get off the bus so she can beat him or something i don't even know he stands up as if to say go on then then school security comes over and pulls her away the bus driver closes the door and we level her fun a female student's mother came into class in the sixth grade to confront the teacher about her child being on detention even though she brought a note for why she couldn't do pay that day all i remember aside from this student's mother yelling at how teacher was her saying she wanted to take our teacher outside our teacher asked if it was okay with us if she did go outside we stupidly all said yes not knowing what it meant in the end she had one of us kids run and get our principal they ended up arguing outside we heard it all the parent was a complete psycho with a daughter that had lots of attitude and personal problems poor kid hope she turned out all right teacher resigned the following year and never went back hardly blame her our dean of students the disciplinarian was a former marine and one day two dudes started fighting in the cafeteria and he vaulted over one of those old-school long cafeteria tables to get to them and break them up the calf went silent when he did lol in third grade i remember there was a girl who had anger issues because of some sort of mental problem one day in class she was really behind on work and seemed really stressed muttering to herself i don't remember what the teacher said but this girl just left king snapped she just flipped her desk and grabbed the teacher by the throat and was like now you listen to me or something and started going off everyone just sat there shocked but looking back it's actually a pretty funny sight a small chubby third grader just scaring the shti out of a grown-ass woman lol she ended up getting sent to a special school or something it's kind of a shame because i talked to her in art class once and she was actually a really nice person it was just clear that she had some issues and would snap sometimes never heard about her again i was in one of the classes that had all the bad kids the ones that always talk and piss off the teacher and never get their work done one day teacher had already had a bad day and those kids were extra rowdy and teacher snapped he smacked a metal ruler down on his desk so loud the entire class went silent started cursing us out and got his code red box down off the shelf and kept it open on his lap the rest of class and kicked four kids out code red box was significant because he was an ex-marine who told us he was allowed certified to have a gun on campus and alluded to the fact that it was in that box but didn't explicitly say it that's what terrified us turns out he was bullshitting about the gun to get us to shut up he actually had bear spray and a large metal pipe in there he had respect for the rest of the year i remember we had to shut lunch down early and they played an alarm all because a mini riot started our school integrated and everyone eats at once lunch called one lunch and within the month we had issues a guy slapped a girl who was talking shti and then a bunch of her guy friends started to fight him this escalated to the point where random people were getting tossed into the mix and our resource officers couldn't handle it smaller fights started to break out in the hallways until they shut down lunch the alarm scared the shti out of us we all thought there was a shooter or something edit the way our lunch system worked was everyone about 2 000 students had an hour to get their lunch and they could go anywhere in the school to eat before that we had lunch periods during our third class of the day where they would split it up in four small periods and you had to stay in the cafeteria there was a fist fight in the snow one year and at one point one guy got his shirt ripped so he stopped the fight to take his shirt off and handed it to one of us to hold so it wasn't just sitting in a pile of snow as that was happening the other dude punched him in the back of the head whipped shirt responded by whipping out a knife just to end the fight because the other guy basically fought with no honor the head puncher ran away soon came back with a big ass friend and they started chucking nearby firewood at nephi mcnew shirt until he biked off the rest of us were dying laughing the whole time because it was silly how much it escalated i was late to class but i just pointed out the window at where we were and said oh sorry there was a knife fight and fell into the lesson with everyone in shock the nerd table read it were looking at you and the football player table had a long running tradition of throwing stuff at each other during lunch one day my best friend chucked a thing of mcdonald's barbecue sauce and it exploded all over his shirt the football coach lunch teacher ran over bright red with smoke coming out of his ears while a distraught football player with red stuff all over his shirt was screaming at us the coach gets to us and yells who did that we were all [ __ ] and ratted out our friend he yells [ __ ] nerds and flips our table ruining lunch plus we had to clean it up we saw our friend again but he was a different man a quieter man but he was a man at the homecoming bonfire where it was a tradition to tp or spray shaving cream on the incoming class of freshmen there was something in the air that october something darker than usual on the hint of winter air that told of trouble on the way when the field lights went off and the fire was high people also started throwing around eggs punctured bottles of mayonnaise and water balloons filled with maya calling for the death of kids who had the audacity to be freshmen the dean was not happy the teachers were not happy the police who had to show up to get things in hand were not happy neither were a lot of male sophomores and juniors who still looked like freshmen who lost some hair that night at least the folks welding out didn't to my recollection target any young ladies for epilating there were definitely some with tear streaks of mascara running over the mayonnaise on their faces though school in the middle of wisconsin a hick who was known for being in trouble all the time in my high school was sitting in the cafeteria at lunch and dropped the n-bomb on one of the few people of color in the school what this kid didn't know is that the guy he just used a slur on came from south side chicago that kid got ripped off his seat and stomped on as hard as possible for about a full minute we could see blood pooling under the table when he was finally separated from the attacker he was taken out of the school by the first responders where he had five facial reconstruction surgeries one more this one was actually me this one needs some backstory i was in middle school and i was in advanced math so i went to the high school every morning for math and we had to take a bus back to the middle school for the rest of the day and this bus driver was always late and plus this bus was so small that some of the kids had to sit on the floor and there were like 40 some kids screaming and yelling so one day like every other she pulls up 10 minutes late and as normal we crowd on the bus pushing and shoving for a seat so she stands in the aisle blocking and yells at if we crowd on the bus one more time like this we will all have to walk to the middle school and mind you this was already a 10 minute drive so out my stupidity i yell i will so she pulled me aside kicked me off the bus and drove away and my mom had to come pick me up open bracket edit thanks to all of you for the upvotes this is the most i've ever gotten i went to a south side school in chicago mainly with hispanics blacks and asians this was middle school btw one time this boy let's name him tony and this girl jean had beef she was constantly talking so much tea and tony pushed this girl so hard he shifted all of the four desk tables in the room then he grabbed her hair and started dragging her across the room and started to throw punches another time during recess police officers came and arrested my spanish teacher he is like a 300-400 lb mexican guy who was always really kind to the students he used to tickle me when i was in sixth and seventh grade then only to find out and he grabbing girl's tits jerking off in class and many other things that sexually harassed girls my ex-boyfriend at the time cussed my reading teacher out and made her cry he called her a fat btch that doesn't know how to do anything but look like a ref king pair funny thing was he was asian in the valedictorian of our graduating class another time during recess the tallest black girl from my class and a black [ __ ] started fighting lol the [ __ ] still won he was swinging on her heart as hell with them little ass legs edit one forgot to mention the [ __ ] got expelled during seventh grade for bringing a gun to school in eighth grade english class my teacher didn't speak spanish obviously this teacher is strict when i say strict i mean like the kind of teacher to kick a kid out of a classroom because he sneezed during a test so one of the choir kids said some weird spanish word under his breath and this teacher went ht on him we only speak proper english in this class what did you just say in a tone like a karen and with the smuggist look on his face he screams in english i t means you're a btch and she went f king ballistic on him edit thanks to all of you for the upvotes on the friday before spring break we were on the bus home some kid in the back threw a candy bar wrapper out the window this rapper happened to brush up against the truck of this dad who was behind the bus having picked his daughter up in carpool he then proceeded to follow our bus honking and flashing all the way to the first bus stop as one of the kids began to get off the bus this dude storms up shoves the kid back onto the bus boards the bus and begins to start screaming cusses he then threatens the bus driver not to leave since he is on the phone with the police so he goes back and sits in his truck while we all sit on the bus our bus driver told us not to get off since she was genuinely afraid this dude would cause someone physical harm if they did so we sat on the bus for a good half hour mind you spring break in 4-hour county in north carolina is later than most schools it was a hot sunny day and school bus is unknown for excellent ac so we are all sitting in the bus cooking the kids in the back are yelling at the truck dude out the window someone recognized the dude's daughter who had proceeded to cover her face in embarrassment eventually these three guys had enough they opened the emergency door in the back hop out and run unfortunately that's right when a motorcycle cop finally rolls up the truck dude tackles one kid the cop another the third managed to get away and he sprinted all the way to his house the cop then talks to the kids the dude and lastly the bus driver he sent the bus on its way within five minutes word got around turns out the dude got a very strength talking to from the cop for trespassing on county school property and using explicit language in the presence of minors this was actually in seventh grade but during spanish class two students started arguing over some stupid [ __ ] usually would just be verbal arguments but things started to escalate shortly after it started the girl came over to the boy and said say it to my face after some more verbal arguing they started hitting each other while i don't remember exactly who it was one of the two got a chair and was about to throw it at the other what baffles me the most is that our sub-spanish teacher was there the entire time and was going along with the kids when they were verbally arguing instead of breaking the kids up when it got physical he ran outside to get someone which he could have done after so yeah some kids had to separate the two this is unrelated but me and my friends ended up getting him fired since we told our school counselor who we were very familiar with that he had called us [ __ ] in class which was indeed true there was this really annoying kid that would always walk around like he owned the school so annoying anyways one day he comes waltzing into the band room and just starts banging on the drums there's a rule in our band room to not touch percussion instruments unless you are a percussionist this kid was not so we're sitting there watching him mess with the drums and this clogged girl goes into the back comes back with a gun thing that they twirl around not sure what it's called and she just hits him with it and so he runs and she chases after him it was legit posted this before this happened either in my junior or senior year new principal a woman banned female students from bringing in their own pads and tampons from due to some students sneaking in drugs inside them if a female student needed one they would have to go to the nurse's office ask for a bathroom pass then finally go back to the bathroom and lastly back to class it took forever so teachers even the males hid pads tampons and their desk to make it easier yet they soon also get banned to have stockpiles of them the wtf moment was when the principal installed the red pants rule if a female student or staff member had a period leak that stained their clothing they had to go to the nurse off for dark red sweatpants part of our school colors and wear them till they get home it just caused more bullying and became a game to some people try to spill red drinks on people or putting reddish-brown paint of chairs for people to sit in students staff and parents threatened to sue the school and the principal people were fake stained pants even the guys did to protest principal got rid of the rule and quit her job we had a substitute teacher who didn't know one of the kids liked to pace the classroom teacher told the kid to sit down multiple times kid would keep responding with i'm not a dog until the sub threatened to report him to the dean he yelled okay you deserve this and reached into his bag he was just f king with everyone but it was terrifying our school was in the middle of transitioning from one administration to the other the soon-to-be admin put the previous one in bad taste but everyone liked the previous one and would rather not have the new admin they held a school gathering and one student confronted the new school president through a mcd q and a everyone went berserk in that auditorium luckily no one got suspended but the new admin still crappy by the time i graduated my buddy fighting another kid behind our high school probably about 50 people showed up and were circling them as they were two of the biggest and roughest guys in school anyways they started fighting some blows were exchanged and a wild police car literally drove through some bushes apparently knowing the fight was going to take place with its sirens blaring everyone ran there was a refugee family from sudan who moved to where i lived a mom with five sons i went to school with the two older sons in high school and became good friends with them one day a kid who is known to be racist decides to go at one of them and drops a n-bomb as well as a couple of other racial demeaning comments i go to fight the racist so my friend doesn't have extra issues because of recently coming to canada he took two steps and had kicked the guy and dropped him the guy goes to get back up eats another hard kick and now i am trying to hold my friend back from killing the guy the racist got kicked out apparently the school district got tired of hishti and all that happened to my friend was missing two days of school rcmp decided not to press charges because of the known nature of the racist who would go out to native reserves to try and intentionally start fights i was close friends with someone who had some anger issues he was also a black belt in karate which is important later on we hung out all the time after school but went to different schools so he had just transferred over to my high school sophomore year i think we both had similar classes which i was happy about keep in mind he has anger issues so first day we're coming into class side by side and someone behind us just blurts out hey new kid who's your boyfriend dart at first he ignores him but this dude just keeps harassing my friend i tell my friend to just ignore him but he keeps on going eventually my friend just snaps and he just mike tysons this dude in the nose he goes to the floor and my friend just starts beating the shti out of this man of course i'm freaking out cause my closest friend might get expelled so me and a few other people separate the two my friends really strong and they both go the principal's office remarkably they both get away with a two-week suspension but it was still crazy tldr some dude harassed my black belt friend with anger issues and gets the shitty beat out of him so this girl in my older sister's class known for being a [ __ ] was just sitting down ignoring the substitute teacher they had that day the teacher caught her falling asleep and cursing her under her breath multiple times but the sub was pretty chill so she let it slide she did it so many more times that she snapped and yelled at her the whole class went quiet apparently the guy sitting behind btch girl tied her shoelaces together this girl was so out of focus and angry she didn't even notice so she flipped off the teacher and started to storm out of the room i'm sure you can guess what happened next tldr a girl flipped off the substitute teacher and fell face forward as she stormed out our high school was under construction my senior year so we had to park in the neighboring streets or the middle school parking lot i parked in the middle school lot one day and was heading to lunch which didn't leave much time to get a bite and get back for class lunch hour was the same time the middle school kids would all be outside for recess me and a few friends have to drive the long way around the one-way parking lot but all these kids are coming in from recess i'm almost to the exit and noticed the middle school principal running after my car screaming i say screw it and just kept going the next day i'm called to the office and given a five hundred dollar fine and eight points off my license for reckless endangerment of people or property i ended up getting a lawyer and going to trial to fight the [ __ ] charges and one middle school principal didn't acknowledge my existence after i beat his ass in court my friend who was into drugs and smoking sophomore year and jr year was challenged to a 3 volt 3 to see who was the toughest in the high school and as a knot next to the school is a large park with a giant empty can reach square in the middle of the grass they walked to the park and so did 60 or 70 students to record the fight my friend and his two other friends fight fist to fist but one of the kids on the other side had a switchblade and then when people saw that blade sht got real the blade was grabbed out of this senior's hand while he was being punched and threw the switchblade into the forest the kid that had the switchblade tried to run away but they caught up to him and started beating him into the concrete floor needless to say concrete and bones and a good match the switchblade kd got a fractured skull and was bleeding from his nose and air after the fight and his other two druggie friends ran away after they saw what happened my friend was charged for the fight and went to juvi for five months i know ppl recorded it but it occurred over two years ago graduate on the last year i remember a russian kid whose father is a boxer started arguing with one of these jerks he turns around and starts walking to me when a carton of juice hits his head and spill all over him boy oh boy the jack's face was priceless when vlad walks up to him and punches him so hard he was knocked to the ground and took three of his other jock friend with him it was like in an action l movie please vlad was my friend used to have this best friend she was put frankly a [ __ ] we fell out because she accused me of talking badly behind her back well after a lengthy argument of her being her usual self calling me ugly telling me to cut myself saying i need to get a life etc i get to school i walk into the canopy outside my class and she walks up to me i just think away fat and k and she starts screaming in my face come on scrap emmy you want a scrap to which i reply will you piss off and she just says the same thing back even though i wasn't the one shouting in her face i'd say until she went away i was particularly calm i lost it when she walked off into class this type of thing carried on for two more days safe to say she didn't do anything during senior year in my math class there was a girl let's say girl one and girl two i knew who came up to this other girl who was sitting in her desk and started talking to her i don't remember the reason exactly honestly but anybody who had heard it must have thought they weren't being serious including myself then girl 2 stood up and got in girl one's face talking shitty back at this point most likely all of us thought nowhere they're actually gonna fight but now they started grabbing and fighting each other our teacher was an old small asian lady super cool loved to fit in with the kids and was a tough lady she was telling them beforehand okay okay enough enough but that didn't work so she tried to break them up and we're all just watching like holish tea in the classroom the teacher ended up getting knocked down and hitting the wall while the two girls were still fighting as soon as she fell i and some other dudes immediately jumped up and tried pulling the girls apart it was stupidly tough but eventually we pulled them apart and security came to take them to the office the teacher was okay little hurt but still went on to teach for the remainder of the period [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 224,810
Rating: 4.9289355 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: _zjK76Q8Kfo
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Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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