Cleanest Keto Snack Foods at Walmart - Quick Grocery Haul

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all right it's time to go pick up some healthy snacks at Walmart now we're gonna go kind of the traditional heat over out here but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab maybe seven eight snacks that I think are just ideal when it comes down to keto at Walmart I know it's a little bit windy so hopefully you can hear me okay the interesting thing is is Walmart's done a really good job with keto friendly and just low carb options surprisingly so a lot of the things here are trap foods though so we need to break down the ingredients and help you pick out different snack foods in different sections so let's head on in we have been kicked out of Walmart before so hopefully it doesn't happen this time we're gonna try to keep it discreet and just very positive and helpful let's see inside alright the first place we're gonna go hit we're gonna go check out just the basic chip aisle because I think that when people think snack foods that's the first thing they think of so let's go ahead and let's check out what we got down here okay oh this is gonna be a good one because one of the things that people think about when they're thinking keto is they're thinking okay pork rinds right a lot of times when you first look at a for crime you're gonna think that it's just this terrible terrible thing one thing you got to be paying attention to whenever they have the flavorings added to them is when you're gonna run into the problem okay so in this case we've got fried pork skins salt Malta dextran monosodium glutamate spices so monosodium glutamate goes really terrible things in your body monosodium glutamate isn't by its self toxic but it excites your brain so the reason you want to end up eating a lot more of these things is because of the MSG it lights up your brain tilts it source the glutamate cycle what that means is you're gonna be in a situation where you just want to eat the whole bag and you also have an exit ori effect on your body so what that means is that you're gonna have a hard time sleeping or in have it it's a bummer because these calories in this six servings of seventy even you're looking 500 calories for this bag which is so easy to eat the whole thing and the msg makes it so that that happens now let's take a look at the unflavored once fried pork skins and salt okay so I know it's tempting you want to get the more flavorful one and from a calorie standpoint you know it's tempting to want to go for this one because it's lower look at okay so we got nine pieces fourteen grams seventy calories versus eighty calories you're you're thinking you're getting a deal on this hey it tastes good and it's lower calorie but no you want to go for the unflavored boring one because then you're not getting the msg so that's not a problem this was actually totally approved food so we're gonna rock and roll we're gonna grab this let's go ahead and let's check out some of the other snacks down here and tell you what to look for and what to get you some of the things you want to look at when you're looking at almonds and particularly at Walmart okay so look at this we've got an actually I'll show you every year we've got almonds then we got vegetable oil almond canola and or safflower oil this is what scares me first of all canola oil it's not expeller pressed so because it's not expeller pressed it means that you're getting all the GMOs but you're also getting the really low quality omega sixes that we don't want there so it's also interesting is whenever they say canola and or safflower oil it really upsets me because what does that tell you it tells you that they don't even really know they don't have a clear line of delineation of what's in there so that means there it's so far removed from their food so far removed from what they're doing that they don't even know what's in here so I'm very very cautious of this also the multi-textured spikes your insulin a whole lot and then they're also adding hydrolyzed corn and soy protein in there just as additional flavoring so if you're going to go for like a blue diamond brand usually best to go for just the straight-up raw ones because it's just rate of almonds no hard part with non-organic almonds is you may think almonds are gonna shell okay so what's gonna happen is it really all that bad well what happens is that they spray the base of the tree with pesticides and then when the almonds fall to the ground they're getting saturated in the pesticides then so you really do want to go for organic whenever possible so let's suit they've got here but bang for the buck great value straight up just raw almonds here but even if you go for the roasted ones you can see so almonds vegetable oil almond canola and or safflower so normally I would say go for the roasted because it breaks down the phytic acid so then you actually get more absorption of the mineral so what phytic acid is is phytic acid is something that is in these almonds that makes it so that it ki lates excess minerals within your gut so chelating of minerals in your gut means that all the iron the magnesium the good minerals you're getting from the almonds end up getting excreted out of the body because they're chelated because of something called phytic acid if you've ever looked at like a animal droppings you see that the lot of times there's nuts and seeds in the animal droppings that's simply because the phytic acid has made it so it doesn't break down so this is a problem because it means we're not absorbing your nutrients as much so it ends up kind of making a toss-up do we go for roasted where the phytic acid is broken down more but we have canola oil in them or do we go for the whole natural form which doesn't have the roasting effect to break down the phytic acid I don't know it's a toss-up but in this case I think I am gonna go for the whole natural and go ahead and just get some smaller bag here in fact go for the macadamias actually it might not be the cheapest option but this might be the way to go okay we've got dry roasted macadamia nuts and sea salt so sure we are looking at five bucks here okay okay when we look at home that's one of the important things to know with the whole nut section in general is that the order of operations you usually want to go from macadamia nuts whenever possible next in line you're gonna be like walnuts then you're also gonna be things like pecans which a lot of times if you go into the baking section you're gonna get a better bargain because you're gonna get ones that are just completely unadulterated and they're just ready to roll this is also a good deal though it's just walnuts so we don't have a whole bunch of other stuff in there it's just straight up the way we want it but the other thing that we have to be paying attention to of course is you know what is the omega-3 profile we're trying to get macademian that's high amounts of what are called omega 9s so they have different aspects in the body what's called palmitoleic acid things like that it's really difficult the good news is the selection is great here the bad news is the selection is great here so you don't really know what to go for I am gonna go ahead and I'm gonna stick right now with my macadamias pistachios here the thing I do like about pistachios is there's a barrier to entry okay these are tracked it's nuts or trap foods you end up consuming a ton of calories and you just got to be careful so interesting with pistachios place you have a shell that's gonna give you a little bit of a barrier to entry you're not gonna consume as much you're gonna you know slow you down a little bit unless you go with the no shell version which you can end up eating a ton of but in that case look at the carbohydrate content of macadamia nuts four grams okay versus eight double the carbohydrate content okay we're looking a lot more carbohydrates in the pistachios so we're gonna go with these these make the cut and they're simple easy snack size okay bars are usually tricky so if you a lot of times you have to go over to the actual pharmacy section to get the good bars because the bars that are over in these areas are usually loaded with sugar okay like our X bar kids they trick you here okay I mean still clean but you end up having a good amount of carbs in there 15 grams of carbs in a bar if you're doing keto you don't want that okay but they kind of make it seem like hey this is low carb and that's a pretty small bar to say menacing with kind bars so get all these bars they're not gonna fit into a keto lifestyle so one things to know about Walmart do you usually have to go over to the pharmacy section because that's where they're gonna have the lower glycemic kind of like diabetes control things so we're gonna head over there and see what they got so if you go in the pharmacy section then you end up in the sports nutrition section now let's see if they got here okay lynnie and Larry's this stuff is just total garbage the one's still 22 grams of carbs eight grams of dietary fiber that's they taste great but they're gonna blow you like crazy these quest bars I always say they send you on a quest to the toilet so we're looking at the world of bars look in the world of treats there's not a whole lot here oh shoot okay they do have the Susie's good fats okay so these are cool so ridiculously delicious which is literally their tagline they've got the plant-based version and got the regular version totally keto friendly here's what's interesting about them okay so they do show they have 12 grams of carbohydrates 7 grams of which is fiber but here's what's cool they don't have sugar alcohols in here so this is the non plant-based room they've got the fats blend which is peanut butter organic palm starin which is hard to get coconut oil peanut oil which ok we could do without the peanut oil but not a huge not a huge deal here in this case chocolate flavored coating we've got inulin palm kernel oil really a pretty clean actually really clean keto bar but thing I like about Susie's good fats is they have a plant-based version as well so if people have issues with the dairy then they can go for the plant-based version these are probably the only clean keto item here in terms of bars I see take a closer look yeah and I love Suzy I've met her many times it's a Canadian company I'm just so stoked to see them in Walmart so yeah you know you pay a little bit now I'm really 797 versus the one bars me in 747 I will gladly pay fifty cents more to not have sugar alcohols and to not have elope sitting happening here Metrix bought all these are just kind of low-quality garbage I don't think they have the Suzie's good fats and a single packages otherwise that would be really cool I'm gonna get one of each of these that way I have a choice cuz I don't do a whole lot of dairy but my wife will sometimes eat the ones that have dairy either way these are a staple in our house so I already belts to a good start with interesting clean keto snacks here at Walmart let's take a look at the powders I'll also just so you know I'll go ahead and put a link down below for Suzie's good fats if you don't have a Walmart close by I don't know who doesn't have a Lauren somewhat close by but that way there's a link down below you guys can check them out and also get them there okay so all the protein powders here Wow they've stepped up their protein powder damn I'm not gonna lie certified grass-fed whey because they've got Garden of Life certified grass-fed whey okay see that's a joke I don't like that premium whey protein isolate primary source what that I think what they're saying is it's the primary source of protein not the only source because you look at the label here we got truly grass-fed protein blend whey protein isolate and then milk protein which is like the cheapest protein you can get and then organic tapioca flour I'm okay with that Organic at least the organic but then you've got the erythritol which is gonna blow you know man that's deceiving I don't like that okay but if we go whey protein isolate here what do we got here whey protein isolate Kristin and fructose this is actually not bad natural vanilla flavor is not the best thing but whey protein isolate so spikes are insulin really high gets the protein into the muscles really quick it would be keto friendly 5 grams of carbs for two scoops seems a little bit high but 24 bucks ain't bad hydrolyzed whey protein I'm gonna buy any these but I wanted to break into a breakdown avoid casein protein it's definitely gonna be what ends up just lets it know protein isolate slimy mice look yeah basically they're using low quality milk protein isolate here casein protein has been shown many many times to not only be a carcinogen but cause a lot of issues when it comes down to digestive health and everything like that it's the casein protein that has the inflammatory effect within the body so this is pure like just milk issues in your body whereas the whey protein isolate is obviously going to be a lot cleaner for you so something to pay attention to there doesn't seem like they have a whole whole lot in the way of the plant-based options so I'm just gonna go ahead and skip that let's go ahead and check out some other snacks let's go check out the peanut butters and stuff like that cuz it's definitely a snack you got to be careful with it being a snack because it's a calorie bomb let's see oh so they do have this stuff this is interesting I wouldn't really call this keto because it's actually so powdered almond butter so PB 2 has been around for a while they're like a powdered peanut butter the problem is legumes can be inflammatory and cause some issues for people so then Barney butter came out with this which is almost double the price of the PB 2 but it's almonds that have been put into a powder form so basically they take almonds they de fat them people think that they're doing something good for themselves when they consume a bunch of this because they can reconstitute with water and save a bunch of calories and that's true two tablespoons is 45 calories and versus let's say versus 190 right he's so significantly less calories but all you are left with is the phytates so remember when I was talking about the almonds I was talking about how the skins have the phytic acid that makes it so it's hard to absorb other minerals well here you're pretty much just left with just that so in essence you're almost better to go with PB 2 then go spend the double the money on this right so just something to keep in mind to know I do want to see so Mary now has something have to be careful with I mean it's delicious but it's delicious for a reason they're really sneaky with their market they see they add sugar into this so this one well actually this one is great okay so that's why no sugar or salt added but most of them look how similar this is you can barely tell the difference and this one has three grams of added sugar to it but I don't understand here is that we have six grams of carbs in this and so there's like a weird discrepancy here that I've never like understood the no sugar or salt added has six grams of carbs the regular version has seven grams with three grams of added sugar how come there's three grams of added sugar here wouldn't it make sense that there would be nine grams of carbs in this not seven I don't know so it's something weird here so something's off about the Maranatha brand so I'm just a little bit concerned about that anyhow some of these other ones like Sam's choice are a little bit cleaner I think they have some almonds vanilla seasoning no that one's got sugar this was just almonds in palm oil trying to see oh they have nuts out here okay so this stuff's not cheap but it's great let's see this is an interesting one this is their power fuel this one's got pumpkin seeds let's see what's in this one cashews almonds Brazil nuts flax seeds chia seeds hazelnuts pumpkin seeds Celtic sea salt okay yeah nothing else added to it just straight-up they also have this Barney butter which is the same company that does the powder grams of carbohydrates if you see we got blanched roasted almonds okay they're blanched which does help kill off the phytase palm fruit oil though I want to stay away from that the cool thing is they do have them in these little individuals so that's great in terms of just being able to control right because one of the things that I hate about almond butter is is so easy to just overdo it walnut butter now ooh not cheap Wow see we got walnuts palm oil I wish it wasn't palm oil I wish it was sustainable palm oil because palm oil can be a little bit dirty but if it was red palm oil that would be better but palm oil really isn't that bad okay it does have palmitoleic acid in and okay a very good fat that's going to help up regulate fatty acid utilization in the body so when we're looking at all these different nut butters okay we've gotten the reason that I'm not gonna get the nuts so today is a the price but be because they have this walnut butter the omega-3 profiles gonna be significantly more even though we have flax and Chia in this we end up having cash using this which I don't want okay it gives cashews there okay now and then but with high omega-6 so this just makes the cut for today but it's always changing always changing yeah we're gonna leave peanut butters out of the equation today yeah let's go ahead and roll with this bad boy all right so it comes down to canned fish something we talked about in various videos all the time very difficult to find high-quality canned fish at Walmart simply because most of the fats that things are going to be in are gonna be in soybean oil okay so you've got these sardines right perfect fatty acid profile on a sardine like high amounts of omega-3 high amounts of Doukas of hexanoic acid high amounts of what's called lyso DHA which is a specific kind of DHA that gets into your brain a very specific kind pretty much specifically high in sardines and anchovies and roe fish eggs which is weird not everyone just straight-up eats masago but come on you take a perfect sardine and you saturate it in soybean oil which is like one of the worst things you could have in the but it doesn't matter how much you rinse this off you're still gonna have that in there now the nice thing is crown prince of king oscar do you have them olive oil these are some of the best snacks you could possibly have on keto I'm really not even kidding no no not everyone wants to consume that but here we go the king oscar ones savory a lightly smoked sardines olive oil salt not bad versus Crown Prince which is sardines olive oil and salt okay so we're looking at the same here I'm gonna go for crown princes they're a little bit cheaper but these will definitely I consider these I know they're in olive oil and I usually say to get them in water because if you can get them in water and then you're not having added fats that you can't control I don't know how old this olive oil is I don't know how how much lipid peroxidation it's gone through I don't know how oxidized it is I don't know the quality because olive oil it's one of those things with with fats you want to make sure you're getting a good quality fat all the time and it can be really really difficult so in this case although will suffice but if I were to see one with water it would be better so I could always go for tuna and get tuna and water unfortunately with tuna you're going to be a much higher mercury contest I try to avoid that unless I can absolutely just minimize it chunk light fYI is going to be lower mercury content than albacore but I've talked about that another video so I don't want to bore you with the details there also Oh oysters so I'm a big fan of smoked oysters because they're the highest source of zinc in the world but in cottonseed oil it's not gonna fly it's not really a snack plus I'm literally I'm looking for snacks this is already a stretch cuz hardly any people would consider this a snack food except for like health fanatics like me but still gonna count so I'm gonna grab it okay so I don't think jerky on keto is tough because most of them saturate them with all kinds of other things so in like this one I love country Archer or what would love what they're about but we've got grass-fed beef so I love that so remember grass-fed doesn't mean anything grass-fed just means at some point in the cow's life it ate a couple blades of grass or it was fed grass pellets in conjunction with its soy and corn pellets you need grass-fed grass-finished and I don't know if there's truly any beef turkey or beef sticks out there that are 100% grass finished so it's just don't be fooled by that it's almost meaningless I do like they use gluten free tamari that's pretty cool so that means they're at least keeping that in mind then we get into the third ingredient where organic brown sugar I don't care if it's organic it's still sugar okay so we've got organic washes our Shire sauce which usually has some sugar in it and then soybeans then additionally it's got organic sugar later on I just can't justify that plus the macros just don't work as a keto snack eight grams of carbohydrates for one eight I always try to say okay one ounce of this I can't I don't carry a scale around with me but I can at least very off say hey eight servings per container what's the likelihood of me eating an eighth of this pretty hot probably more like two eights which means I just got 16 grams of carbohydrates enough to kick me out of heat oh right there so that one's not gonna work here's one I haven't checked out before nah this is got gluten in it otherwise I wouldn't do that back let's see Jacqueline's tender cuts hydrolyzed vegetable protein I don't like that plus that's got wheat in it that's got gluten so slim pickins it's a really general rule of thumb is unless you know if the jerky you're getting it's not the best source to go for for a snack so old trapper this is actually pretty clean it's still too much sugar beef brown sugar water salt beef stock hydrolyzed corn protein that sucks vinegar flavorings sodium nitrite don't be afraid of nitrates nitrites and nitrates aren't as bad as people think it's usually just like celery powder stuff like that but I will always prefer someone use a celery powder versus an artificial nitrite so this one won't work just because I just don't like the sugar content in there but that's also old-fashioned flavor let's look at hot spicy nope still brown sugar hmm cheeks cane sugar now looking good here natural cuts this smoke snack sticks beef sea salt 2% or less of cane sugar spices mustard seed cultured celery powder thank you they're using celery powder instead of nitrates okay a good amount of sodium for sure but look at that one gram a car for one stick that's not bad 100% natural doesn't mean anything but they do say no nitrates no nitrites no artificial ingredients this is pretty clean stuff Wow five bucks for this too okay okay this makes the cut I will actually get that okay so you got your pork rinds maybe you want a little bit of this dip stuff my first rule to the wise would be probably just go in the refrigerated section get some good clean sour cream and just make it yourself because people think Oh creamy spinach dip this is gonna be great on keto okay yeah it might be low ish carb two grams of carbs but look at the ingredients here okay water spinach sunflower oil and or canola oil because they don't know what's in their products water chestnuts whey protein concentrate I actually like these whey protein concentrate is a thickener that's a little bit better than some of these other things but remember always want whey protein isolate not concentrate they took the cheap way out but so many different gums and so many different preservatives in that case oh is one that people ask about a lot while surprising this has real cheese in it but then canola oil and or sunflower cornstarch monosodium glutamate did this one have a misty thus down towards the bottom these are all gonna have MSG in them I wanted to do everyone a service and just at least review them but I think you're best off to just get some good quality sour cream [Music] okay quick on the ghost snacks in the frozen section let's see not gonna be a whole lot of snack so we can get from the frozen section let's see here very tough okay something that trapped that people fall into the Kali power is not keto friendly okay so let's look at why even just our straight-up crust I love that Walmart's making an effort here this is cool to have this but check this out where the ingredients here I'm looking right at them well first of all let's show you just the carbohydrate content one third of the crust 26 grams of carbs clearly not keto we got almost 80 grams of carbs in a crust that's definitely not no here we go okay cauliflower is the first ingredient but then brown rice flour then cornstarch in water than tapioca sunflower then a bunch of oils sugar egg xanthan gum baking powder Oh sodium acid pyrophosphates sodium bicarbonate cornstarch monocalcium phosphate okay not only is it fold a bunch of stuff it's definitely not keto so just because it has cauliflower in it doesn't mean that it's keto if there's anything you could do here see Ami's poles they don't even have any of the normally what I would say is because Amy's has some halfway DS and stuff a lot of times to check this out I would normally say like get one of these amy's bowls that has like some chicken in it or something like that and then just eat the chicken and the cheese because at least it's organic and it's clean but they don't even have ones that have a meat source in here this is all vegetarian so it's not gonna work on keto but normally if you'd go the amy's route you can get some decent stuff there and just at least it's organic in the frozen section I honestly don't know if there's any quick snacks that we can get from the frozen section I'm not anti frozen I just need to find the right stuff normally I just say get some frozen berries get something like that let's take one quick spin through the refrigerated section see if we can maybe find a cheese snack or something that you can just take on the road with yep we could do a whole haul here and get a lot more stuff done but trying to make this just snack oriented here let's see what we got [Music] almost all of these cheeses are really not like super clean kinds but if you're in a pinch and you're shopping at Walmart this could work it's still a much the harder the cheddar the more age to the cheese the cleaner is going to be he's with me yeah who are you this is deaf okay so if it comes down to picking a cheese you're gonna want to get one it typically is more aged just simply because it's going to have more the lactose out of it well you're also just the aging process alone it's going to make it a little bit cleaner so mozzarella is something that doesn't really work right Plus mozzarella is not really like this isn't real mozzarella but if we go for a medium cheddar that could work well see this is about the only snack cheese snack I would say would be approved and it's still not even that clean let's go ahead and roll with this one all right so when it comes down to this quick snack hall we're not looking at much but I have pretty high standards so we kept this really clean and quite honestly not the cheapest but at least now you know some of the things to avoid some of the common pitfalls that people will make when they're just running in for a quick snack hall now this is something again they're on the road you see a Walmart dude this isn't like kind of stuff you're gonna load up your house with it's kind of thing that I would do is I was like I'm craving some snacks I don't want to break keto I don't want to go through a fast food joint but I want something that's at least gonna say she ate me and still keep me within the ketogenic realm while not breaking clean keto I don't want to go into the dirty keto pathway I want to still keep it clean now you can check out my full clean keto Walmart haul I'll link down to it in the description you can check that out let's go ahead and check out and see how much the stuff was I think wait to try these interesting these are seriously the best I'm so stoked yeah these are awesome Susie's just such a such a nice gal she's so cool most expensive item is that that expensive walnut butter okay I did spend 40 bucks on snacks but again I didn't say this is gonna be the cheapest thing [Music] all right so we made it happen we didn't get kicked out although it was a lot less obvious than last time we decided to go a little bit more discrete film on the phone not do anything super crazy any help do a lot more of these types of videos where we break down the ingredients but more so break down the biochem side of things what's gonna happen inside your body when you eat it not just what's a healthy choice because it's all about your on a fat loss mission you're trying to get in the best shape of your life I've made the same decisions that you've had to make and I've been in your shoes yeah I lost 100 pounds it sucks it's not easy to do so let's teach the world how to do it right so as always please make sure you keep it locked up here in my channel hit that red subscribe button and you go and hit that Bell icon and keep it locked in I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 1,122,289
Rating: 4.8911657 out of 5
Keywords: walmart keto, walmart keto haul, keto budget grocery haul, walmart keto snacks, walmart grocery haul, keto grocery haul, grocery haul, walmart haul, walmart keto grocery haul, keto at walmart, keto grocery shopping, healthy grocery haul, keto on a budget, keto shopping list, keto snacks, keto budget, cheap keto meals, keto haul, low carb snacks, keto shopping, keto walmart haul, walmart shopping, cheap keto diet, thomas delauer, keto, intermittent fasting, weight loss
Id: QPR4F3B68sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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