Extreme Budget Clean Keto DOLLAR TREE Grocery Haul

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Until now, I honestly never thought it was possible and totally wrote off the dollar store as a keto source.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/plipyplop 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I stopped doing keto because it just got so expensive. Gotta do more research on budget friendly keto options. Thanks for sharing!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/mkhadar 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/YoungCubSaysWoof 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

This was a fun watch thank you!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/distractedbluebird 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

You did really good. Now I gotta go to dollar store. Thank you 😊

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Patzyjo 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is an awesome video. Thanks! I checked out his channel and fell down a fun rabbit hole from the recommended videos.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aggiered0four 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Excellent post and excellent source! Opened up a whole new avenue for solid, responsible information.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheWorldInMySilence 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Warning: This video has a lot of paid promotion in it.

I did learn some interesting things though thank you.

He said the eggs at dollar tree so more harm than good. Why?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thor__83 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

This guy needs a mask that actually fits. Pulling it up every 2 seconds it not ideal. Even if he had pinched the nose band more it would have helped

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/scmflower 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
did you know that you can get keto items at dollar tree and keto items that aren't just complete trash you can actually do a serious budget keto shopping trip at the dollar tree i don't know if you could get a full haul everything that you need but let's go find what's in there i bet you will find some interesting stuff if we look hard enough let's see if there's anything in the candy section let's see let's take a look highly doubt it but it's worth a shot wow you can see there's definitely a whole row dedicated to candy at the dollar tree maybe not the best thing the thing about dollar tree is you have to look okay because they rotate their stock all the time they always change the things that they have so you just have to look carefully and you have to come back frequently but there are seriously some hidden gems in here i found some really impressive things especially when it comes down to like the nut butters and stuff like that every once in a while they just have a crazy cool rotation so let's see nice thing is everything's pretty consolidated so let's see what they got here seriously look at i just found wild salmon for a buck a buck this is actually wild caught salmon just look at this we've got pink salmon sodium okay it does have a little bit of a preservative in it but if you're on a budget this is the way to go wild salmon fillet get your omega-3s in no excuse that you can't do that now the other fish that they have not so much okay they've got tilapia which you definitely don't want to be having this stuff is riddled with toxins and antibiotics but then we also have shrimp check this out okay a dollar for a serving of shrimp now if i had to choose i would go for the salmon instead of the shrimp the nice thing about the shellfish is you do get some additional zinc and some additional things like that so i'm actually gonna grab one just for the sake of it now let's take a look at the veggies this frozen section is awesome word to the wise get frozen veggies okay generally they're flash frozen which means a lot of the actual antioxidant properties and vitamins are preserved right when they pick it they pick it they freeze it versus picking it going on a truck oxidizing so for a buck i can get some really good stuff and check this out i found some riced cauliflower which are perfect for keto and the nice thing is cauliflower is one of those things that you don't have to be super concerned with getting in organic so i'm gonna get one of those and then broccoli cuts or a winter blend or a california blend oh my gosh asparagus that is not a bad deal like i will spend three or four dollars for a similar amount at trader joe's so one dollar i just got some asparagus and then for another dollar i'm gonna get a winter blend that has my cruciferous vegetables in it okay i'm already getting way more excited than i thought i was gonna get on this because this is super cool because the cruciferous veggies are usually a little bit more expensive cruciferous veggies are great on keto because they help you out with that estrogen modulation but also something called sulfurophane which is very very very good for you as far as antioxidant properties but also allowing your body to produce glutathione which is very important for detoxing because when you are starting keto fats are liberated from your fatty tissue and that could release toxins so we want to get those cruciferous vegetables the broccoli the cauliflower the kale stuff like that they help out a ton let's see what else they have one thing i would probably steer clear from that dollar tree is gonna be the dollar tree eggs you're probably gonna do more damage than you would good by getting those uh but they do have some other interesting things like they have some cream cheese and they have some pepper jack that i want to check out let's take a look pasteurized milk red and green jalapeno peppers cheese culture salt pretty clean i've seen worse stuff at walmart if you were stuff at costco so this is okay i'm gonna go for this this is not bad at all it's not the highest quality but it's dollar tree we're spending a buck on it if we can get like a week's worth of food for 10 15 20 bucks then i'm gonna be happy i don't think we're gonna find our good meat sources here though super cool find i just came across this is awesome because these are normally at the airport these are normally at the airport for like four bucks okay this is so cool these p3 portable snacks okay this one's chicken peanuts and cheddar let's avoid that one let's go for the well okay i'll take cashews over peanuts because cashews are a little cleaner peanuts are legume very high omega-6 phytates aren't super super super high omega-6 but they are excuse me cashews aren't super high omega-6 but they are high in phytic acid i'd rather have that than peanut though so ham colby jack and cashews that is such a cool little snack one buck one buck for that by the way quick quick thing to mention if you're trying keto and you're liking pasta or you're i'm italian so i like pasta right check out natural heaven down below in the description they have through amazon or anything like that you can get lasagna noodles all kinds of stuff that are totally keto friendly it may sound like it's not the best bang for the buck at first but no trust me it is because you can have this pasta and you can drape anything over it so you can get inexpensive marinara you can get inexpensive meat whatever and feel like you're having a more gourmet dish so check out natural heaven down below it is pasta made from hearts of palm so completely keto friendly completely awesome in one ingredient so they're a big supporter of this channel so highly recommend check them out down below in the description you do not want to miss out on that trust me okay they're super awesome let me get back to the hall in a second just want to say big thank you to them and make sure you check them out at first glance you say wait a minute there's albacore this is good stuff well let me tell you something about albacore albacore is much higher in mercury and much higher in those things so what we want to do is we want to go for the chunk light which is usually cheaper now i don't know if this is a dollar or if it's two for a dollar or whatever but i'm gonna get a few of them chunk lights generally okay you just wanna make sure you get chunk light in water not in oil get it in the water and you're gonna be much better off you're not gonna have the weird fatty acid profile so in this case i'm just gonna get two i'm gonna guess i don't see a price anywhere they're probably two for a buck or something like that but anyhow go for that don't go for the uh albuquerque let's take a look at the sardines okay so if we go for sardines which are one of the most omega-3 rich foods that you could ever possibly eat do not get the ones that are in soybean oil the nice thing is dollar tree has these ones that are in mustard sauce okay so look at the ingredients here we have sardines we've got mustard some spices some xanthan gum some turmeric these are actually really really clean so i'm going to skip one of these just to demonstrate okay that i know it's not perfect but if you're on a budget that's a meal you don't need to be eating super high class all the time this is going to be clean keto i'm not getting garbage i'm getting halfway decent stuff okay and she has pink salmon wild caught for a dollar okay look at the ingredients of this wild caught pink salmon okay people spend like five six dollars for wild caught salmon in a can again this is a meal is it not perfect it's not perfect but it's a buck i knew i was gonna come in here and find a few things but i'm pretty stoked on what i'm finding so far now i'm getting over to the canned veggies and things like that because i think we can find some stuff maybe some soup maybe you see what we got here um okay not looking real good hey i don't recommend by the way this white chicken in the can let me show you why cooked white chicken meat then a bunch of other stuff salt modified food starts sodium phosphate it's not the best stuff let's just avoid that for installed green beans you could go for i feel like if you're getting your frozen veggies you're probably in better shape so no real need to get that stuff unless you really want it sweet peas are not keto this vegetable blend is not keto beets are not keto a lot of this stuff is not keto corn definitely not carrots not potatoes definitely not okay time to move on to that ooh what's this oh no there's more green beans more peas you can find in this can section here okay oh here's something coconut milk okay again one buck for this normally you go to a store you're going to pay three or four dollars for like organic coconut cream the thing with coconut milk is you're going to get your mcts you can't afford mct oil not a big deal go for this stuff okay first of all the oil is going to separate so you're going to end up with good quality fats from it but we've got seven grams of fat in 80 milliliters so one-fifth of this seven grams of fat most of it coming from coconut uh or the loric acid coming from coconut oil super low carbohydrate the carbohydrates are mainly coming from the fiber that you're going to see in the pulp put the coconut i'm gonna get one of these because this is again i could add this to my protein shake i could add it to something just to give myself a bit more calories who says you can't do clean keto this and here's another thing check this out okay i just found 100 pure pumpkin this is not sweetened okay five grams of fiber in it one ingredient pumpkin you mix that with a little bit of this coconut milk and a little bit of stevia and you have a delicious keto treat that is super rich in prebiotic fibers again we have five grams of fiber all prebiotic fibers there's a reason you give pumpkin to your dog when they have a belly ache it helps them with their gut it helps them with their growing their gut bacteria this is incredible i never would have thought i would have grabbed this much stuff okay i'm already off to a tremendous start so we've got the pumpkin we've got the coconut i didn't see any marinara that would really work here it's all got a lot of sugar added to it let's find some salt here see if they've got anything okay lots of seasonings oh my gosh really pink himalayan salt okay look at this we want to get the pink himalayan salt in a situation like this because we don't want the iodized salt it's been stripped of all the other minerals just so that they have sodium chloride and then they add iodine to it simply because that's needed right now people feel like they're deficient in iodine the pink himalayan salt is going to give you the mineral profile that you need if you're doing keto what happens is your electrolytes get out of whack because the kidneys expel water as a result of low insulin levels so you have to replenish your minerals but in this case we have pink himalayan salt which is very high quality stuff a bag like this would go at whole foods for maybe like eight bucks so this is much better they do have these perriers but if you're shopping at dollar tree i mean unless you want to splurge i don't necessarily recommend getting a perrier if you're fasting it is something that's fast and friendly and it's really really fun to sip on that because it feels like you're actually getting a little treat while you're fasting uh these energy drinks they are going to be keto friendly but i wouldn't recommend them here's an interesting aisle it's a little bit more of like the condiments and things like that see if we can find something here let's see we've got okay this is interesting the pink one which is saccharine not exactly what we want to go for we've got splenda which we don't necessarily want to go for this is going to be sucralose which there's some studies that show that's not the best stuff and then we have a stevia one this is cool to see there's one downside okay the first ingredient's gonna be dextrose okay then cellulose powdered and natural flavors not the cleanest stevia but you could at least be able to get some stevia i think a small amount of this isn't gonna hurt you if you wanna have some stevia in your coffee and you're thinking oh it's cheaper for me to go with the sucralose it's cheaper for me to go with this then i sincerely want you to think again because i feel like this is going to be the better bet for you you're still getting some of the trash in there but stevia at the dollar tree i mean come on a buck and i have 35 packets that's gonna last me if i use two packets almost you know what 20 days something like that that is awesome okay definitely something we want to keep going with let's take a look at some of their coffee yeah they've got i mean good selection of coffee down there too i'm not going to get any today because i don't really need me i'm trying to chill on caffeine for a little bit but let's see what else they have here in the condiment section just found a really cool secret find pickled asparagus is a double whammy okay you get the probiotic effect because it's been pickled but then you get the prebiotic effect because it's still asparagus fibers this is great to put in an omelette or anything like that one buck one buck for this now let's see what else they have i'd go for the pickled asparagus over regular pickles don't be deceived by these bread and butter chips if they say bread and butter they're sweet second ingredient is sugar okay ooh here's something interesting pesto let's see what we have here pesto can be super deceiving okay it's not going to be made with olive oil even if it says it is generally okay so this says made with olive oil on the front but i know upon looking at the ingredients we have basil sunflower oil water potato flakes cashews sugar some cheese extra virgin olive oil way down in the bottom this is going to be an omega-6 bomb i know it seems like it's a healthy keto treat but i would not get it because it is going to be so powerfully negative in even a small teaspoon amount it's just not worth it so skip the pesto at dollar tree yep water soybean oil i would just try to just find some regular olive oil or something that's going to be a better route oh yes yes yes yes look what i just found apple cider vinegar here's a fun fact on apple cider vinegar apple cider vinegar because of the acetic acid it activates something called amp kinase okay adenosine monophosphate kinase okay now what amp kinase does is it puts you deeper into a fasted state but it also puts you deeper into ketosis so this is a really cool stuff this is good because it doesn't have any sweetener it's just straight up apple cider vinegar so if you do intermittent fasting you could have this in the morning and be totally fine i also recommend you start your day with some of this and a little bit of lemon juice one buck again you're gonna pay four bucks for it at like whole foods it's totally awesome okay might be able to find some good oil here which we did okay now we have one big problem here this is oh it's it's refined i wish we had unrefined refined coconut oil is actually you're worse off getting refined coconut oil than you are just not getting it all together so unfortunately even though it's a buck it's refined this is very important the studies that demonstrate that coconut oil is bad for you all use refined but when you look at some of these other jama studies and some of these journal nutrition studies you find that unrefined coconut oil is largely different than refined huge huge difference so i don't see much else in the way of like coconut oils that would work and again when it comes down to like mayonnaise and stuff like that you're looking first ingredient soybean oil you're better off to get a couple of these things like target or another maybe somewhat discount store that's going to happen with avocado oil so i would pass on that and lean into a little bit more of uh just the different kind of oils so don't get the coconut oil don't get the mayonnaise this would be we'd be hard-pressed to find something here um i might get lucky and find some pork rinds or something though cheese curls doubt these are regularly oh yeah no way let's see pork rinds any pork rinds hmm unfortunately i don't see pork rinds oh well how about that all i had to do was turn around check this out did find the pork rinds we've got regular barbecue and hot let's see what the difference is here okay so the regular is just pork rinds and salt that's exactly what we're after then when we go to the barbecue flavor check this out pork rinds salt barbecue seasoning which is ooh sugar tarilla yeast spices here's the big one monosodium glutamate [Music] all that does is trick your brain lights up glutamine or lights up the glutamate cycle so that you end up feeling like it tastes better so you want to eat more same thing probably with the hot oh yeah pork rinds plus additional added lard hot seasoning monosodium glutamate nope but fun to find for one dollar straight up pork rinds and salt when in doubt simple is better okay this is not a bad fat profile okay a decent amount of monounsaturated fats in pork fat so this ends up being a good one okay if you just need the calories look we have enough food here to really sustain us on keto is it going to be perfect keto no but maybe you fell on hard times maybe you just need to save money for a couple weeks this is the way to go for sure definitely not a bad thing so now we're looking more in the treats let's see what we have here freeze dried strawberries hey here's some fun stuff we have nuts what do we have here in the way of nuts i found a really good little treat here oh my gosh look at this this is a nice blend of good nuts let me show you what's in it this is cool it's called a power blend okay and it's salted walnuts pistachios does have peanuts but it has filberts which are hazelnuts and almonds out of the omega-3 profile that you're going to find at dollar tree this is going to be the way to go they are roasted in vegetable oil so that's a problem peanut cottonseed that's not good but we're at the dollar tree we're not going to find the perfect ones that are dry roasted let me see if there is anything dry roasted here let's see we've got some regular almonds roasted salted let's see what they're roasted in uh see this one you get roasted almonds that are roasted in vegetable oil so at least with this imperial or this power blend at least we have a little bit of the vegetable oil being counteracted by the walnuts that are high in the omega-3s what about pistachios here pistachios that are oh here we go straight up pistachios and sea salt now pistachios are the highest carbon nut but they are a pretty decent fat profile and at least these are dry roasted so if you're more concerned about your the kind of fats you're getting in i would opt for the pistachios here and then you've got the ones that are still in the shells but bang for the buck we have 100 we have three quarters of an ounce there or we have 1.25 ounces with the shell i think you're going to get more actual meat for the shelled ones so i'm gonna go ahead and grab those because that's a really good bargain a dollar for that's not bad go to a gas station that's gonna be three bucks easy skip the cashews you don't need those a lot of this stuff is going to have carbs added to it so we don't need to get that flip around see if there's anything here highly doubt it but you never know so it seems like the only thing we're really missing here is going to be the meat like the good legitimate protein and i've done plenty of videos that show that at target at safeway at costco or really just walmart you can get great meat choices so between dollar tree and walmart i bet you you could get your food for the entire week for under 30 bucks and be totally set okay so you could probably do 120 bucks a month and still be eating relatively clean keto and not be doing damage to your body in fact i'll probably do another video that explains how to do keto for you know like 200 a month or less it's pretty easy really when you get down to it just don't believe all the stuff that's out there on the internet telling you it has to be a certain way so i'm gonna go check out and get all this stuff let's see what it comes down to probably about 20 bucks 25 bucks at the most maybe did i seriously just get like a week's worth of groceries at the dollar tree for 20 bucks 20 and 50 cents it's totally totally doable i can't believe this i even got some salmon i even got some shrimp i even got some things that are gonna make it so that i can have my protein this is epic seriously what the heck so let's go ahead and let's just enjoy keto for what it is clean and just effective and then maybe we'll do some more videos where we really break it down budget style week's worth of food 20 bucks as always keep it locked here on my channel don't forget to like subscribe comment share all that fun stuff see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 1,274,883
Rating: 4.9318767 out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree haul, dollar tree keto, keto on a budget, keto dollar tree, dollar tree keto snacks, cheap keto grocery list, keto dollar store, cheap keto meals, keto grocery haul, dollar tree keto haul, dollar tree keto diet, keto dollar tree haul, keto diet dollar tree, dollar tree grocery haul, keto budget grocery haul, cheap keto shopping, keto shopping at dollar tree, groceries on a budget, dollar tree meals, dollar tree food, thomas delauer
Id: VwJ9Mnzul8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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