Costco’s Vitamins & Supplements- Crucial Breakdown

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[Music] we are in front of costco and we're going to review the vitamins and supplements that they have there so that you know which ones are worth getting and which ones might be worth just getting online costco has some tremendous values when it comes down to vitamins and supplements they actually put their best foot forward with really good quality stuff but i want to be the judge of that for you so i want to go through there because they have three or four different kinds of turmeric three or four different kinds of coins on q10 different multivitamins which one is the best value and which one should you get so let's head on into costco and i'll show you the ropes now more than ever people are paying attention to the vitamins that they put in their body okay it's everywhere that we need to be taking care of ourselves doing whatever we can to feel our best to defend ourselves so it's a perfect time to be taking a look at what they've got i think you'll be pretty surprised with how many amazing things they have but you'll also be surprised with how many things shouldn't be on the shelf and hopefully you'll walk away from this video with an understanding of what's worth taking and what's worth well not worth taking i'm gonna jump right into this because they've got about a million different kinds of turmeric okay as if one isn't enough we need to have one two three four five like literally like nine or ten so let's break down briefly what you're looking for with turmeric and what we might want to find in a value for turmeric supplements this first one i want to break down is the qnull turmeric 1500 milligrams this big orange bottle okay 1500 milligrams 95 for humanoids uh let's see what it says on here very very simple product turmeric root extract 95 curcuminoids and black pepper root extract black pepper root is in there because it helps the liver process or i shouldn't say processed it's actually the opposite what black pepper does is it disarms the liver so that it allows the proper absorption of turmeric and doesn't get it broken down by the liver so curcumin doesn't get processed very well it gets excreted the liver actually senses it more of a i don't want to say a toxin but it breaks it down so that we don't utilize it well we need to disarm that portion of the liver the systematic process and black prepper root extract does that so this is a very very simple product for forty dollars you're really not getting a huge huge value there that's a little bit disconcerting because you're getting let's see two capsules a 90 day supply but you really need more than that to do the job so you're looking at more like a 60 day 30 to 60 day supply for 40 bucks let's see what else they have there's a million other turmeric so let's see what else they've got we've got this turmeric this you theory turmeric a thousand milligrams here i'll flip it around and show you 10 milligrams 95 curcuminoids so that's technically 950 milligrams of the active curcumin now what are you getting out of turmeric what's the actual point here usually what you're going for with turmeric is an anti-inflammatory effect now there's a lot of evidence okay over 2000 different peer-reviewed studies that demonstrate the turmeric is very very effective and curcumin is demonstrated in so many different directions to be beneficial for what is called nuclear factor kappa v prevention or shouldn't say prevention of nuclear factor kappa b inhibition which basically just has an effect on your inflammatory response within the body so if you're someone that is maybe suffering from a little bit of like achy joints things like that yeah there's some evidence that shows that turmeric could be helpful so here we also have black pepper except this one says bioperine all biopurine is is a form of black pepper it's just a registered trademarked name so that they could have a little bit of a monopoly on that so you'll see bioperine sometimes it's the same as black pepper now here we have 180 veggie caps but this one is 36.99 price per capsule 20 cents price per capsule 22 cents still a lot of money let's see what else we can find okay here's another turmeric so also from the cunal brand this one is a liquid turmeric still a thousand milligrams at 95 percent curcuminoids well what makes this one so unique i'll show you something it's a little bit tricky because i'm not sure what they're going for here says this is an enhanced absorption and if i look at the ingredients here i can tell you let's see water natural flavor citric acid a little bit of different extracts potassium sorbate ah glycerin acacia gum okay i know what they're doing so what they have here is by putting glycerin in it i think they're going for like what is called a liposomal effect now liposomes are really powerful what it is is it's basically making this turmeric more fat soluble so you potentially enhance the absorption however you really need to have it be in what is called a micellar form additionally i know that's complicated sounding but i'll abbreviate here you see liposomes will help protect the vitamin from or the nutrient or whatever from break down in the stomach breakdown in the small intestine but what it doesn't necessarily do is enhance the actual absorption through what it's called the endothelial layer right it doesn't actually get it through the small intestine doesn't help that absorption too much there so i'm not that intrigued by it however that price is quite a bit better when you look at it from a general price point but not when you look at actual servings and how much you get per milligram so let's take one more quick look so here we get one tablespoon which is 60 servings but one tablespoon is still just a thousand milligrams of curcumin plus 1 209 milligrams of proprietary turmeric support complex which is just the basically black pepper extract and as well as the glycerin to help give it that little absorption boost which may or may not technically be real you're getting that of 27.99 so it is quite a bit cheaper but you're getting 60 servings whereas with this one you're getting sorry this one you're getting 90 servings at a thousand in this one you're getting 90 servings at 1 500. so so far this is the best value but it's still pretty pricey then they have straight up turmeric powder that's fortified with curcumin and then they have black pepper extract to help the absorption again this one price wise is pretty cheap though turmeric powder organic 18.99 okay so 18.99 for 64 servings and this stuff is just as bio available as these other ones now they can throw a bunch of different signs at you to show that their absorption is going to be better and arguably this particular cunol is probably going to have slightly better absorption but not necessarily at that price point now either way you're stuck with either a liquid or a powder the powder is nice because you can throw it in your coffee it's not going to break a fast it's completely like fast friendly it's not going to kick you out of that fasted state this one has glycerol in it which might be i don't know arguably could kick you out so it's tough to say but bang for the buck with the turmerics you'd want to go with that powder it just seems like that's going to give you the best value otherwise i would go with the qnull 1500 milligram one because it's simple it's basic it's relatively safe and it's gonna get the job done as far as still being that potent cyclooxygenase excuse me cyclooxygenase inhibitor which can help i can't even say it on youtube because it'll kick this video down but basically it can help you out with anti-inflammatory effects within the body i love the selection of different omega-3s and fish oils that they have here so i'm going to give a quick overview of the different ones they have and then we'll touch on which ones are probably the best value for you red which is a krill oil they have kirkland brand krill oil then we have wild alaskan fish oil which we'll break down in a minute pure antarctic krill oil which is pretty much just a fancier bottle then we have k2 okay the more wild alaskan salmon oil then we have pure plain old fish oil okay so actually we should also talk about triple omega and we should also talk about flaxseed oil and then we'll also talk about this generic fish oil and we'll figure out which one's the best bargain fish oil is a very unique thing it is a very fragile oil which means if you get something that is not high quality it is almost doing more damage than it is good we need to do what we can to get that balance of omega-3s in our body the right way when you consume omega-3s it ties up some of the enzyme that would normally absorb omega-6s we get enough omega-6s in the diet we want omega-3s because they're good for our brain they're good for the inflammatory response they're called docosahexaenoic acid which is tremendous for your brain and echospendanoic acid which is good for inflammatory responses within your body so basically it helps the function of what are called prostaglandins okay we want prostaglandins one and three to be mitigated prostaglandins one and three are what are called pro-inflammatory prostaglandins they are what trigger a response to an injury but sometimes go overboard okay we want to make sure that we have as much of our inflammatory response in check as we possibly can and omega-3s are a big part of that in the ideal world we should be eating a one one-to-one omega-3 to omega-6 ratio you know what we generally consume here in the u.s usually about an 18-1 sometimes even worse so what we look for in omega-3 supplements is either really small fish coming from anchovy or coming from sardines usually you just see it from anchovies but better yet you want to go even lower down the food chain you also want to look for where it's sourced now costco puts a lot of effort in this so i think most of their stuff is halfway decent but let's break it down even better let's start with this mega red high concentration so here's what makes the mega red good okay when we look at the omega-3 fatty acid content here okay you see how we have total epa and dha is 180 milligrams then it has some phospholipids in it which is still important to pay attention to and then astaxanthin which is a specific antioxidant that protects the oil in krill oil now this is only one soft gel and we only have how many servings we have 80. so this is technically 80 servings that number right there 180 milligrams that is such a low amount of overall krill oil so much so low in omega-3s you would really have to be taking like 10 of these to get what i would consider a good amount so i'm a little concerned with that whereas it's 26.99 comparatively kirkland's signature brand one per day krill oil let's see what this one's got we flip that label over and we have still pretty low okay so we have 500 milligrams of krill oil 60 milligrams ecosyspentanoic and 30 milligrams docasa hexanoic esterified acids anthem that's a good amount of astaxanthin it's better than the mega red was okay so we're already off to a little bit of a better start even though the omega-3s are a little bit lower i would like to see much more omega-3s than that now let's take a look at this one so you can see what i'm starting to pull here it's easy to end up with something that is rich in the antioxidants like the astaxanthin but not rich in the omega-3s like we need a good amount remember we have to cancel out how much we absorb in the way of the omega-6s so we need to be taking in not necessarily more omega-3s than omega-6s but as much as we possibly can to prevent the utilization of the omega-6s as much i know that sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook but the more omega-3s the more dha the more epa the better as we get further down the line with the other fish oils i'll teach you about the ratio of epa to dha so you can be an expert in what you choose okay so with this one we have 1200 milligrams of krill oil for one soft gel total epa dha much better okay 250 almost double much much better yeah some ingredients in the capsule that i'm not a big fan of the nice swing with krill oil is at least because of the astaxanthin you're going to get a more bioavailable i shouldn't say more bioavailable almost more survivable type of omega-3 and the phospholipids help it carry through the cell membrane a little bit better we have these fatty layers these lipid coverings these membranes that cover our cells and the phospholipids help that absorption through there so 23.99 and we're looking at 40 cents per soft gel okay but we compare that to 33 cents per soft gel with half as much of the actual active ingredient that we really are after so this one surprisingly is a pretty good deal i would double the amount that i would take on this i would take two a day if i was taking this which means that you're looking at twenty three dollars for a month's supply not terrible but really not the best either what makes krill oil good is that krill oil comes from krill which is small very very small you want to go as low down the food chain as possible because that means it's an animal that hasn't been exposed to a lot of the radiation a lot of the mercury a lot of the toxins the heavy metals etc the smaller and the lower the food chain like calamari calamarine oil things like krill the better okay additionally because krill has an exoskeleton it ends up rejecting some of the toxins that come in them too so it ends up being very beneficial that way it's just pricey okay then we got to talk about coenzyme q10 here which is one of my favorite supplements one of the things that i typically recommend that people take and they do have some good ones here and i do think that we're going to find some winners so let it be known that cohen's mq10 i think whether you are doing a low carb diet whether you are fasting whatever is a great product okay it has two different mechanisms one it is a it helps you metabolize energy via the electron transport chain so basically we have high concentrations of it in the heart the kidneys the pancreas but it's utilized to process energy it's utilized to help atp ultimately create energy within the cell okay it also can create what is called a proton gradient which means it allows atp to get into the cell to form energy but also to leave the cell to go back through the cycle again so i'll explain what that means as we get further down the line so whenever you're digesting fats or digesting glucose carbohydrates they're broken down into what are called reducing or reduced equivalence okay now these reduced components of what we eat get converted into electrons okay electrons are pulled from the food it's electricity it's energy right and they get passed on what's called the electron transport chain and they go from like portion of portion to this chain think of it as like a game of telephone like i'm holding a lemon and i give it the lemon to the person next to me and they hold the lemon and give the lemon to the next person next to them we're just passing a limit on down a line right the limit is the electron well coenzyme q10 makes it so that the person next to me can catch the lemon or the electron better otherwise what ends up happening is that electron or that lemon gets dropped and then it causes a cascade of different problems in the body but worse you end up not having the energy reaching the cell so that's what coenzyme q10 does and it's a huge part of our energy metabolism but when i mention the proton gradient basically it helps create sort of this passageway for energy to get into the cell but then also for protons to be able to for this electricity in the list like electrical current if you want to call it that to leave the cell and ultimately create energy again through another cycle long story short is it's so critical for our overall metabolism and if you are someone that's doing a low carb diet you're going to get a huge benefit out of it because it's only going to enhance your utilization of the energy you're extracting from fat now additionally it serves as an antioxidant right at the mitochondrial cellular level okay so that means the energy that you are creating is creating some forms of cellular waste well since coenzyme q10 is right there at the source of where you're creating that energy it's also able to diffuse the exhaust okay so it's like a cat it's like how do i put it it's not a catalytic converter it's almost like an o2 sensor that can pick up any like weird remnants of exhaust and it can help clean them up and recycle them properly it's huge so which one is the best so here we have ubiquinol ubiquinol is the actual active form of coq10 because you've got ubiquinone which is coenzyme q10 and it has to get converted into a usable form of ubiquinol now the research is still out there if ubiquinol is far superior within the body as ubiquinone okay so cohen's mq10 100 milligrams 1349 on sale it's a good price but i typically recommend that people take between 300 and 600 milligrams to actually get the desired outcome so here we have coenzyme q10 ubiquinol which is probably going to be about the equivalent of maybe 200 to 300 milligrams of regular coenzyme q10 and we're getting this for 27.99 23 cents per cap so it's already cheaper per cap uh let's see one soft gel it also has a vitamin c in it which can help play a role so this is a very good bargain but then what about this liquid this q one what's the difference here i think it's more or less the same one but just in a liquid form yeah it's just a liquid form i think they're just doing it because it's easier to market sometimes if it's a liquid i would prefer this one let's see but bargain wise 37 for 90 servings oh yeah because 90 servings at 2 teaspoons which is 100 milligrams or 4 teaspoons only 45 yeah but what about this one though you see then we have kirkland's signature coenzyme q10 300 milligrams higher potency yeah it is definitely higher potency i don't like they have soybean oil that is a big bummer what does this one have oh yeah this is using mcts gelatin sorbidal still some weird stuff but at least no soy okay this one's out low potency and soybean oil we have ubiquinol usable form with mcts we have a liquid form or we have high potency with soybean oil so 1949 for high potency but it has a little bit of soybean oil but you're not taking in that much so i would say if you're looking at the price the sale price at least this q null form is pretty good i would go for that one it's going to be probably your best value for absorption so yes coenzyme q10 powerful powerful compound one of the best things that i think costco has brought into their lineup and they have a good selection at least for the most part by the way i keep saying you can get supplements online and all this you watch my channel you probably know i talk about thrive market all the time but i highly highly recommend that you check out their supplement section they've got some really really cool and fascinating products there so if you use the link down below you can check out thrive market so not only is it a place where you can get your groceries like your keto groceries your low carb groceries your paleo groceries all that stuff delivered to your doorstep they have a whole supplement shop too and it's all clean stuff okay they've got like the collagen they've got the stuff that i would typically recommend because thrive and i are so aligned in that world that's why we partner in so many videos i highly recommend you check them out so all your groceries things like that you can deliver directly to your doorstep so right now especially when it's a little bit wild outside you may not want to go to the grocery store a whole lot order your groceries online through thrive they get delivered to your doorstep in a day or two or three and a lot of times you're not spending less money through thrive online than you would going to the grocery store not factoring in driving to the grocery store right so highly recommend you check them out there's a special link down below for viewers of my channel if you're getting value out of this video i think you'll get value out of what thrive has to offer so please do check them out special link to use after this video you only have this wild alaskan fish oil it kind of leads you to think that it would be salmon oil but it's not you see if you flip it over you see omega-3 fatty acids we have 330 omega-3s and then we have 670 other omega fatty acids 5 6 7 9 and 11. which is i'm not totally afraid of that but it doesn't break it down which is which so when i look at the ingredients i see wild alaskan fish oil has naturally formed triglycerides okay so we know that that's coming from alaskan pollock cod salmon and soy okay that one's a no-go not going to go with that one even though it has 330 milligrams of omega-3s so we have to look at the big picture here okay now i just found a good bargain here when i actually find the 100 natural alaskan salmon oil this is good stuff check this out thousand milligrams per two soft gels okay it looks like this and we have let's see omega-3 fatty acids 600 dha epa180 i always look for a ratio of dha higher than epa so 220 versus 180 epa is not bad it's tremendously good but i like dha because that's the one that helps support your brain so always look for a dha content higher than epa if you are looking for a brain boost now let's look at the ingredients while the last and salmon oils let's see okay and it's got some vitamin e and stuff like that as a stabilizer because the antioxidants in the fat soluble form contains fish oil from salmon i don't know much about the sourcing uv protected bottle which is nice so it doesn't oxidize so that's a good find i actually am really happy with that and i'm gonna grab one of those test it out myself let's see on sale right now 14.99 for 130 soft shells 1400 milligrams let's see we've got looks like this just so you know we have 647 milligrams of epa 253 milligrams of dha that's pretty good still a high amount of dha but it's a worse ratio of epa to dha remember they're still going to compete for the same absorption so we want a little bit we would want a slightly better ratio than that i'm going to guess that this is coming from like sardine or coming from anchovy so if we look down the ingredients yup contains fish anchovy herring mackerel and sardine yep okay looks fairly clean though price wise we get one soft gel and get 130 i would probably yeah serving size is only one softgel so you could take like two or three of these per day and end up i mean that's a really good bargain it's just not as good as say the wild alaskan salmon oil it's just we don't really know the sourcing which can make it tough leads me to the next one the nature made which doesn't have the best reputation it's a dollar cheaper but we're getting a heck of a lot more that doesn't mean it's better though fish oil is really easy to market incorrectly it's easy to rip people off and you have to be careful i'm not suggesting that naturemate is ripping people off at all in fact there's nothing on their label that would necessarily lead me to believe that other than you really do kind of get what you pay for a lot of times when it comes to this kind of stuff and this being so inexpensive has me concerned another thing that has me concerned is this 1200 milligrams fish oil only 360 milligrams of omega-3 it's also gone through a purification process which is a little bit questionable i don't know what they're doing but if they're going through with small fish they shouldn't have to worry too much about removing a lot of mercury but that amount of omega-3s for that amount of milligrams that's a low omega-3 content you'd have to take quite a few capsules so see we see 2 400 milligrams of fish oil but only 720 milligrams of omega-3s so we have a shoot like seventeen hundred additional omega omegas that are in there or fats that are in there and again a good amount of echo cement and noic and docusa hexanoic but in the grand scheme of things with the volume that you have to take just leaves me questioning it a tiny bit so i'm going to think that still this salmon oil is probably the best bet as well as this krill oil so because bargain wise that's not bad now what about flaxseed oil okay what if you're vegetarian you don't want to have fish or you just you hear that omega-3s are really good in flaxseed oil well that's not incorrect they do have a lot of omega-3s the problem is like this particular flax seed or any flaxseed in general the omega-3s are from a form of omega-3 called alpha linolenic acid ala now ala has to convert in to epa within the body okay so ala has to convert into a usable form that means well we run about one percent conversion rate so meaning for every 100 milligrams of omega-3 that you take in from flaxseed oil you're converting about one milligram into usable ecosyspentanoic acid now you can boost that overall conversion rate by adding turmeric to the mix turmeric has been demonstrated to actually help make it so that the conversion process you have more of the enzyme readily available to convert it but even then it's not that much more it might bump it up a couple percent which is big in the grand scheme of things but overall big picture how many milligrams you're taking in it's not much so what's the benefit of flaxseed oil 1400 milligrams 700 milligrams of omega-3 the rest is going to be coming from well you guessed it omega-6s which we certainly certainly do not need to be taking in because we get plenty from our diet we also have oleic acid though which is pretty cool but 168 milligrams not much to really do a whole whole lot so is it worth it the short answer is flax seeds are great as a seed because you're getting the soluble fiber you're getting the omega-3s and the less of the omega-6s so it's a great seed to add to your diet for that reason it's not something you'd want to take as a supplement per se unless you're a vegetarian and you're really trying to get some omega-3s in a more healthy stable fashion so i wouldn't necessarily recommend it just out of the blue unless you have a very specific need for it i'm excited about this next little category we're going to cover oh that kid apparently is too we're going to cover tomorrow we will be bringing you part two of this costco vitamin hall there's so much information we had to divide it into two videos i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 181,588
Rating: 4.9179378 out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, costco shopping, shopping at costco, what to buy at costco, vitamin review, supplement haul, costco supplements, supplement review, costco tips, costco haul healthy, costco haul with prices, costco vitamins, costco vitamins review, costco supplements review, costco vitamins and supplements, thomas delauer, vitamins, supplements, costco’s vitamins, supplement breakdown, clstco supplement breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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