Costco’s Vitamins & Supplements- Crucial Breakdown | Part 2

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let's head on into costco and i'll show you the ropes i'm gonna jump right into this because they've got about a million different kinds of turmeric i love the selection of different omega-3s and fish oils that they have here okay now i just found a good bargain here when i actually find the 100 natural alaskan salmon oil this is good stuff check this out [Music] yesterday we did part one of this costco vitamin hall but there was so much good content now we're bringing you part two so if you haven't seen part one i'll link it down below in the description that way you can get the full enchilada and then after this video just so you know a lot of the supplements and the vitamins that i talk about in these videos you could also get through thrive market probably quite frankly don't tell anyone probably a little bit better pricing too but anyhow there's a link down below so thrive market is not just for supplements and vitamins it's also for any kind of good pantry staples so like my keto goodies my fasting goodies all that stuff i get through thrive market because it gets delivered to my doorstep super conveniently and i can sort by diet it's just it's epic so anyhow there's a link down below that way a lot of the stuff i recommend i talked about in today's video you could get directly through thrive and ship to your doorstep so use that link in the description now let's go shopping i'm excited about this next little category we're going to cover oh that kid apparently is too we're going to cover minerals and vitamins for just a second but mainly the minerals like calcium magnesium which i'll touch on as quickly as i can while still making sure i provide you with the right kind of information because there's some things you definitely need to know first of all the world is going to tell us that we need to be having as much calcium as we possibly can okay we fortify our milk with calcium we do everything we can to get more calcium when the reality is the calcification of our arteries the calcification of things is the problem generally okay we're not getting calcium in the right places let me explain yes calcium is a mineral that is required for all kinds of different electrical functions within the body it is what is called an uh excitatory mechanism so we have like magnesium which calms and relaxes you we have calcium which excites but it does this at a neurological level too like sends the signal okay it's more of the electrical charge we live in such a calcium abundant world where everything is fortified with calcium and we're not getting it into the bones where it needs to be it's staying in our bloodstream potentially causing issues most people do not need to be taking in calcium even people suffering from osteoporosis or that are concerned with that i don't want to speak for their doctors but a lot of times when most doctors will agree the more important thing is natural bioavailable vitamin d so calcium counteracts magnesium magnesium is so critical for over 300 different enzymatic functions in the body including bone health and i've done videos talking about how magnesium is really more of a root with bone issues than calcium is so i do not necessarily recommend taking a calcium supplement however i'm not your doctor i'm just some dude on the internet so i'm going to skip over calcium directly because i just don't know if it's necessary unless you are taking copious amounts of vitamin d but also vitamin k2 as well which we'll talk about okay we have this vitamin k2 here now vitamin k2 is great because what it does is it transports calcium into the bones okay so vitamin d helps sort of stage the calcium and k2 sort of derives it into the bone that's a pricey price for straight up k2 because most good vitamin d supplements will also have k2 in them but here's a good just you know 150 percent of your daily value serving of vitamin k2 this has some other pieces in there too that are going to help support c-reactive protein levels so inflammatory response i don't think it's necessarily a good supplement to buy but the point is is there's a market for it and that's why they have it here what about some of these other ones that have a blend okay for example i see this one this calcium magnesium and zinc is that something that's worth taking it's dirt cheap right okay it's 1349 for 500 tablets but what's it have in it let's see okay so we have a little bit of vitamin d3 20 micrograms really 800 iu probably not very bioavailable not really much vitamin b6 calcium 500 milligrams okay we have a good amount of calcium coming in but this is mainly a b vitamin magnesium 80 milligrams and i can probably tell you magnesium oxide which is the lowest quality form of magnesium that you could possibly take then we have zinc and we have 10 ml that zinc is probably copper so they do have the right ratio of zinc and copper which is nice and they have a little bit of trace minerals with boron but the magnesium oxide is not even going to get utilized okay you usually want to look for like a magnesium malate or some form of magnesium glycinate or 3 and 8 but oxide is not the best one that you really want to go for so in this case the magnesium essentially is nolan void so you're basically left with magnesium and some zinc um i think you would probably do yourself more harm than good taking this so let's see if we can find just a good quality magnesium to take instead just moving along down the aisle here and now we get into this you theory brand collagen this youth area is the same one that had the turmeric it looks like they're just kind of branching out making a bunch of different skews bunch of different products let's take a look at this this is a hair skin and nail formula collagen plus biotin in this case i do like that they put some things together okay vitamin c helps the formation and the utilization of collagen in the body now it's from a calcium a sorbate form which probably isn't going to do you a whole lot of good but then we have biotin so a lot of biotin 3000 micrograms hydrolyzed collagen 6000 and we have six tablets 65 servings you know i mean you'd probably be better off to take it in a powdered supplement form but for price that's really not that bad i just don't know if it's fully worth it um i i think they might be trying to kind of take advantage of the fact that there's a market for it because we can compare that let's see 1479 for nature's bounty with hyaluronic acid and everything too yeah this one let's see we've got vitamin c still as ascorbic acid retinol palmitate vitamin a argon oil alpha lipoic acid hydrolyzed collagen okay so this is much more of a there's barely any collagen in this one so that's probably not getting a whole lot of value there um yeah i wouldn't really worry too much about these i think if you're gonna go like in the protein powder section get some like the vital proteins or get some of the other collagens that are there that's gonna be a better option than getting it in pill form i just stumbled on across something pretty cool this bio aston it's pricey 49.99 here in california but it's pure astaxanthin which is cool i'm happy to see this that it's getting the recognition i'll explain kind of the science behind it it's really intriguing so you're looking at 49.99 but it's a four-month supply okay so about 12-ish 1250 a month that's really not bad let's look at the dosage here 12 milligrams of natural hawaiian astaxanthin it's coming from micro algae that's intriguing i am brain health recovery from exercise it says powerful natural red carotenoids sourced from microalgae cultivated and harvested in kona interesting let me explain this so astaxanthin is what helps uh like okay salmon for instance it's pink right the reason that salmon is pink is because of the astaxanthin it is a natural antioxidant that helps the fish with combating all the reactive oxygen species all the stress that comes from swimming upstream so salmons swim upstream they beat their bodies up they have a lot of reactive oxygen species a lot of cellular damage because they're working their bodies hard so their bodies come equipped with sort of a almost a catalytic converter in a way okay it's if you're a car person you know what i'm talking about it takes all that extra energy that gets wasted those rogue electrons and it processes them and excretes them so they don't damage the body that's why salmon is so pink that's why alaskan sockeye salmon that is swimming upstream is so deep red it's because of the astaxanthin so this is concentrated astaxanthin now can you find astaxanthin on amazon cheaper absolutely absolutely i'm just happy to see this is not a bad deal considering how concentrated it is and the form of microalgae that it's coming from is going to be less risk of mercury of heavy metals so i would consider that a cool find i'll show you it again so you can remember it it's this one here okay the next one i want to cover is i want to cover some of the sam e and what that is because we've talked about that before let's see 400 milligrams i know for most uses like for osteoarthritis we're looking upwards of like 800 to 1200 milligrams to actually get the desired outcome in 37.99 i just think you know if you're after something that's going to be more mood regulating something like a 5-htp would be better at a better value for you oh here's something i want to jump to okay so case in point here with cme based on the research it's really not worth it however it's intriguing because it definitely has a function in the body so it's called s adenosyl methionine and yes it has a function and yes it helps with serotonin reuptake uh helps with dopamine reuptake it helps with epinephrine reuptake but the evidence just doesn't show that taking it in an exogenous form is going to help you out better than what is naturally occurring in your body okay so i saw this with testosterone support let's see what's in it this could be interesting because these are always fun to mess around with and see uh when i say mess around see what they have there oh this is cool they actually do have a couple things i would recommend okay so vitamin d3 but not very much uh b6 b12 it's all kind of garbage not really worth it a little bit of zinc which is good to see okay here we go so d endomethane which is more of an estrogen processor ashwagandha extract which is powerful ashwagandha not necessarily for testosterone but it is going to help you develop some homeostasis as far as various hormones and it is what is called an adaptogen it helps your body kind of adapt to homeostasis then we have cordyceps extract which i have seen some studies with testosterone in that and then piperine which is going to help the absorption so there's nothing in here really i would hardly call this a testosterone supplement it's more of an estrogen management supplement and considering they want twenty nine dollars for it uh and it's really only diendl and methane at 50 milligrams which quite frankly you need to be having like a minimum of 150 milligrams with dim dienol methane ic3 and all three carbonyl you need to be having at least like 150 to 300 milligrams really be doing a job as a male and as a female you don't even want to mess with diandola methane unless you have a specific diet where you need it which i talk about in other videos let's talk vitamin c here really quick okay vitamin c here we have it in yeah the ascorbic acid form which some studies indicate that if you take too much in the way of the ascorbic acid form that doesn't go through a liposomal micellar pathway that it actually inhibits the utilization of vitamin c you're better off to get vitamin c in a whole food form which i don't know if they have so i will check it out in one second see what else they've got um it's not a bad price and then we've got these gummies which i'm going to talk about because they're going to have a bunch of sugar in them so we'll go into a different one what about this super c complex what's in this well this is nice because this has some other immune boosting pieces in there okay yeah this actually has a nice rounded out protocol here okay vitamin c if it wasn't absorbic acid i would be much happier these are all okay vitamin c is water soluble so you're going to urinate a lot of that out vitamin d3 you have 25 micrograms or a thousand ius vitamin e which is probably there more as a stabilizer for the vitamin d zinc nice to see the zinc in there and vitamin a so they've really focused on the full yeah super sea immune complex this is actually a great little product there i'm not a big fan of nature made and if they were using a higher quality vitamin c i'd really be bullish on this product um so i would say that one is okay vitamin b12 i would strongly prefer that you get it from something like nutritional yeast get it from food okay because vitamin b12 i will show you what you want to pay attention to when you're buying a vegan vitamin b12 supplement but generally get it from food it's going to be better off okay get ready to have your world rocked on vitamin b okay so here we have regular vitamin b12 okay the whole idea of let me show you different one here's vitamin b the whole idea of buying vitamin d is to help your nerves but it's also to help red blood cell formation it is required for that see how this one is vitamin b12 from cyana cobalamin well guess what the cyanocobalamin a cyano is cyanide okay not saying you take it and you're gonna die but the cyanide has to get broken down by the liver okay it has to go through an entire different process where there's different uh it's not i don't think it's cytochrome p450 i think that's directly associated with alcohol but basically there's some different enzymatic functions that have to go through to break down the cyanide within the liver so it kind of defeats the purpose of taking something that's trying to make you healthier right so what you want to look for is this we have one like this this nature's bounty or even the kirkland signature brand which is generally 1999 versus generally 18.99 uh 5000 milligrams of vitamin b12 in the methyl copper lamin form okay this is a methylated form versus the cyanide called the logan form so you end up with a lack of a better term a healthier option okay you're going to get better utilization now it has some other weird things in there but you're also getting 5 000 micrograms for 18.99 versus 2500 micrograms still a methylcobalamin for well normally 19.99 so it's a little bit cheaper right now because it's on sale but bang for the buck you're getting way more milligrams i wish costco had the price per milligram versus price per tablet because the milligram is what really matters while we're in all this immune stuff here's some elderberry look at i've done some research on elderberry and you know some of it is a little bit inconclusive but my own anecdotal experience with elderberry is that it works really well i have felt like it gives me some kind of immune juice but that's purely anecdotal and purely my experience so please do not take that all the way to the bank however most of the forms that i find are going to be either riddled with sugar-free ingredients that aren't too good or they're going to be real with sugar i'll show you for example this is the primary brand that you see everywhere this sandy coal i think is how you say it okay but the other ingredient the first one is glucose syrup nothing is worse than your immune system than a bunch of inflammatory responses coming from sugar so i don't like that it has that i do know they have a sugar-free option that's not available here at costco i've seen that sprouts um still better than nothing and then we have let's see what is this one this is gummies so there's probably still a bunch of sugar uh but i do like they add a little bit of zinc a little bit of vitamin d3 vitamin c as a sorbet acid they're getting the full profile there they're just not having the right kinds of things they're playing a little bit up on well people see the trend for it and they want to jump on it so what i recommend this particular elderberry not necessarily but it's still i think elderberry's worth looking into a little bit to give you context so i'm not just blind leading the blind here what makes elderberry potentially effective isn't so much anything magical about it it's the fact that it is rich in what's called campherol and it's also rich in what's called quercetin now these are both just very powerful antioxidants which could have a short-term effect but not necessarily what we're after for longer term immune support okay now the studies are also inconclusive i know there was one study that looked at air travelers and they found that like 17 versus 12 placebo ended up with a cold versus those that took elderberry that's not enough data to really prove you can't say 17 people got colds versus 12 people did it's the holy grail it just doesn't work like that so it has to do with sym are you symptomatic and all this i'm not a doctor i don't want to go into detail with that the point is you could probably get a similar effect by taking a concentrated version of camp ferrell k-a-e-m however that's spelled and quercetin which are just powerful flavonols anyhow i digress people talk to me about these i do so many videos talking about using apple cider vinegar and people always ask can i use the capsules instead for some effects yes okay so organic apple cider vinegar and what they say here is let's see we have apple cider vinegar popular ingredient so basically you're getting the acetic acid so you should still be getting a lot of the same effect you don't get as much of the probiotic effect and it's not going to be as potent of an well acid right so when it breaks down in your gut you might have a similar effect to some degree with acetic acid but it's not the same as taking apple cider vinegar i highly recommend apple cider vinegar instead but this is nice for when you're on the go now it's nice it's made from organic apple cider vinegar which is definitely a huge plus but let me explain why this is so powerful it's all about two things metabolic support okay how it activates what's called the ampk pathway putting you deeper into a fasted state helping the cells utilize more of your stored tissue and store nutrients rather than the food that you're eating per se but it also helps glucose uptake so what you find is people that are watching their blood sugar and i wear a continuous glucose monitor like this all the time and i notice when i take apple cider vinegar my glucose drops a little bit after i eat it seems to help me and this is my own anecdotal experience however there is a lot of good evidence that demonstrates this at least potentially that it helps the glucose get taken up into the cell which could potentially modulate your blood glucose now i'm not a doctor i'm just some guy on the internet but the point is is i've seen it with myself and the data is at least leaning that way so very powerful to take with meals in this pill form however if you're looking for the strong metabolic effect i recommend taking the liquid first thing in the morning on an empty stomach yeah just use the pills to take with you and have a cheat meal or having a few too many carbs they're starting to get really crowded by the vitamin d section so i'm just going to skip through that and i will tell you costco doesn't have a whole lot of good options for vitamin d you usually want to find a vitamin d that has also vitamin k2 with it because the k2 is going to help the utilization of the vitamin d and help the vitamin d do its job so calcium get into the bone vitamin d is not a vitamin it is more of a hormone and is now being seen more of as a signaling device okay there are so many indicators that show that when we are low in vitamin d we have all kinds of other negative attributes like muscle wasting that occurs sarcopenia which is age-related muscle wasting muscle strength as well as testosterone levels so many different things vitamin d is critical okay and all has to do with of course that sunlight photobiomodulation how our body receives light and uses it is so critical to our overall health and one of those big pieces is vitamin d so can you get that all from a supplement yes you can but nothing beats good old-fashioned sunlight however good quality vitamin d that is not a synthetic form that is bioavailable is going to be the best so i usually recommend getting it from like a cod liver or something like that where you're getting it from sort of a fish that's also going to give you the vitamin a to balance it out et cetera et cetera so look for cod liver oil whenever you can to get your vitamin d in otherwise a good non-synthetic form i'm going to touch on this one because this one's been at costco for so long this green tea fat burner i feel like i've seen infomercials on this one what's it all about is it actually worth it um is it going to really help you burn fat let's see it's got yerba mate which is kind of cool uh let's see cayenne powder wow that's powerful cayenne which does have some powerful effects there is good evidence that shows that cayenne pepper does temporarily boost your overall core body temperature so the thermic effect of food the thermic effect of just your overall metabolism there by a small amount ginger extract which has a lot of different effects let's see they call this the vitality boost what else do we have in here green tea extract 50 egcg 200 milligrams and 160 ml of caffeine so mainly you're looking at caffeine plus the green tea extract antioxidant effect it's cheap so if you are looking for like a pre-workout this could actually be a really good pre-workout for you believe it or not uh 400 milligrams of concentrated egcg clinically researched to help burn calories well caffeine is clinically researched to help burn calories because it's elevating your overall i guess i could call it your metabolism but you're basically speeding up the rate at which you are metabolizing things and caffeine is a very powerful fat burner in the sense that it helps mobilize fatty acids and it activates what's called cyclic adenosine monophosphate which basically tells your body from a sense perspective that you need to start tapping into stored tissues so yes there is evidence there but i think it's a little bit overhyped but for that price i mean you could just get green tea capsules on amazon probably for like four bucks so i don't know if that's really worth the 15 bucks but it wouldn't be a bad pre-workout considering what's in it the only downside is it has a bunch of antioxidants that would probably affect your fast negatively if you're a little bit more advanced and you're into intermittent fasting so overall it's a no-go it's been here for a long time clearly people buy it uh people ask about it so if you want a little boost sure try it it's cheap multivitamins get your food i don't even wanna i'm not gonna even waste your time would be just be beating the dead you know what into the ground talking about that one so there we have it just to recap okay we've got the good quality krill oil that we want to have okay uh we also want to go for the wild alaskan salmon oil okay that's going to be a very good one we have that really interesting astaxanthin which was cool uh they also had some resveratrol there which i just want to make a quick note resveratrol is not something you really want to go for unless it's what's called the trans resveratrol form or what is called terracilla bean tea or it's weird it's spelled like p t e r tarot soybean which is a different extract form of resveratrol resveratrol is very fragile anyhow i digress vitamin d i recommend getting in a liquid form that is bioavailable not synthetic along with vitamin k2 do not get the magnesium or excuse me do not get the calcium their magnesium sources were not that great here i recommend getting those online or through thrive market so avoid the calcium the calcium magnesium zinc was not really worth it too much okay then when we looked at some of the other things like the collagen they were okay uh the turmeric going for the powdered turmeric or the other cunol could be okay but still not the best value you want to be taking at least like three to six thousand milligrams of turmeric to really get the job done and actually feel the effects and just a world of other things there so i better get out of this store because people are starting to look at me like i'm crazy because i've been hanging out here for like an hour in the vitamin section i come here almost every day now filming videos generally i come here when i do my grocery shopping which is not every day but anyhow as always please please please keep it locked in here on my channel and i rely on you to tell me specifically what kind of videos you want me to do what kind of topics you want me to cover okay because if i don't hear from you and i don't know that then there's no way for me to determine what to do next i listen to you so comment down below i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 135,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, costco shopping, shopping at costco, what to buy at costco, vitamin review, supplement haul, costco supplements, supplement review, costco tips, costco haul healthy, costco haul with prices, costco vitamins, costco vitamins review, costco supplements review, costco vitamins and supplements, thomas delauer, vitamins, supplements, costco’s vitamins, supplement breakdown, clstco supplement breakdown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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