What’s New at Costco Spring 2021

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all right so the first thing we're gonna get is some awesome new planting soil it is the most mineral-rich stuff magnesium potassium phosphorous everything you need even a little bit of zinc everything you need for your thyroid everything you need seriously let's go find what's new at costco alright so there's all kinds of new healthy foods popping up at costco and we're going to see what the heck they've got whether it's gluten-free paleo keto vegan whatever we're looking at all of it and we're going to roll through those ingredients and see what is brand spanking new for spring 2021 that might be well something that you want to stock up on in your pantry so let's rock what's this multi-grain tortilla chip here let's see it's relatively new find at costco um i don't like they're using sunflower and canola oil brown flax or brown flour rice flour soupy flaxseed sesame seeds none of that really matters when it's just adulterated by a bunch of sunflower seed oil so that's gonna skip that one for now what's this unreal brand i've seen okay so this must be a little bit lower sugar uh gluten free yeah see so 36 less than the leading nut butter cup ingredients we have dark chocolate my finger's a little bit yellow because i was playing with some turmeric earlier cane sugar is still the second ingredient and then blue agave inulin which is a good inulin if peanut flour organic cane sugar yeah it's still a lot of sugar but i mean i will say you compare that to a reese's i don't know if they have any reese's here that's a pretty that's much better i'd rather have eight grams of carbohydrates five grams of sugar in something like this compared to a reese's so again i commend them for getting healthier better for you options in here so that is a new item i would say it kind of makes the cut it's not something i would run out to grab but maybe if you're trying to wean off a sugar yeah that's kind of a cool find kind of expensive though 989 for that i don't know all right i talked about this one because it is relatively new but this larissa's kitchen it's a little bit deceiving it still has a bunch of sugar in it see cane sugar is the second ingredient so not exactly something i want to have although it's relatively new i don't think it's something that you should be investing in okay organic gummy bears let's see what's up with this organic tapioca syrup organic cane sugar second ingredient so another new item but i don't think it's going to make our cut here and again i'm not trying to be anything keto specific at all i'm just what is new at costco what is worth checking out okay what's this this is definitely new trail mix snack pack from nature garden we have a heart-healthy mix omega-3 deluxe mix and a cranberry health mix i didn't know that they could put health i thought that was a claim they could make but anyway at least it's organic organic cranberries which first ingredient is sugar sunflower oil outside of the cranberries dry roasted pepitas walnuts dry roasted almonds that's you know not a bad nut blend i just the sugar doesn't really make sense uh omega-3 deluxe also still the cranberries papitas dry roasted almonds walnuts pecans you know if you just picked out the cranberries wouldn't be bad same thing here cranberries raw pepitas sunflower seeds black raisins i mean i don't know what the point in buying it is if you're going to pick a bunch of stuff out of it but it's not it's nice to see something a little bit better so again better profile not just peanuts it's nice to see like some brazil nuts with your selenium in there it's nice to see some pecans with a little bit better omega-3 profile don't need that in my house okay these chocolate keto cups i've talked about before chocolate cocoa butter cocoa mass organic low-fat cocoa powder organic cane sugar which confuses me in a keto product but at least it is organic organic coconut organic almonds and sea salt so you have in two snaps you have three total carbs because you have six grams of carbs three fibers so three grams of net carbs in two snaps it's not a bad deal so if you're doing keto you just need a little break now and then i can understand having that so here's something else that's new made with pure coconut cream i'm sure they taste delicious organic coconut cream tapioca flour coconut nectar wow no way that is good to know okay it's paleo friendly which is awesome because there's no actual sugar in it gluten-free where were these when i did my paleo haul man okay we've got yeah organic coconut cream as the main ingredient so no wonder the fat content is high tapioca flour just as the actual flour coconut nectar as the sweetener eggs some natural flavors which could be questionable indeed but if we 86 everything that had natural flavors in it we would never be able to get anything organic sesame seeds so we get that really good sesame one and sesame which is tremendous antioxidant profiles and sea salt this is a great find the sugar is coming from coconut nectar which is slightly lower glycemic it is not keto friendly but it is paleo and if you wanted to have some sweet treat laying around that didn't have artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols i would get this once again i don't need it in my house i don't want to be eating this because it's still too indulgent but good fine and really good price people have been wanting me to address that they changed the formula of the costco protein bars they did indeed they are not as good now they've made a couple things where now we have more in the way of the milk protein isolate which isn't ideal they have some more of the natural flavors in there they were they were perfect before they're a little bit subpar now i still think overall one of the better bars that's out there this is different they've got uh i think i mentioned the toesie bars before i've seen these at pete's coffee um not a bad blend here organic almonds organic flax seeds white sesame seeds organic chia seeds organic evaporated cane sugar so yes we sold the sugar in there cassava syrup which they're using also as a sweetener and to bind it sea salt overall relatively low carb so aside from the evaporated cane sugar in there it's pretty darn good now sugar content is four grams for one of these bars eight grams total three of which is fiber i mean you're really looking at five grams of net carbs in one bar technically i mean that would kick you out of keto if you had a bunch of them but this is actually somewhat keto friendly i love that it's gluten free i personally have an issue with well this one doesn't have the oh it does have the cashew one in there let's take a look see the cashew ones on this side a little bit higher carb this one's seven grams net carbs i can't do cashews they messed me up the phytic acid just really beats me up so i would again phytic aci phytic acid is really rich in the cashews so you got to be careful with that so that means it's going to hard to break down and it's going to chelate some of the minerals whereas almonds a little bit easier to break down and nicely we have the flax seeds in there golden flax seeds white sesame seeds chia seeds so a nice omega-3 profile although you're not able to get a whole lot out of it because it's that alpha-linolenic acid anyway something good to note and then we compare this one which is brand new too the oh mega bar same similar concept this one's hemp seed focused agave nectar i don't like using agave because it's pure fructose very concentrated fructose almost like high fructose corn syrup in a way so although it's technically quote unquote lower glycemic it's a lower glycemic pure fructose that's very concentrated and can really contribute to a lot of well what's called de novo lipogenesis where your liver creates new fat tissues in the hepatocytes that get deposited into the bloodstream as plasma triglycerides um fiber inulin agave fiber inulin a lot of the stuff i do like is it gluten-free only because it says it has whole rolled oats which could go either way yeah that's not even gluten free okay so that one doesn't i wouldn't recommend that so a lot of the stuff i've covered in other videos so i don't want to get too redundant here one thing i do want to say though is a lot of the snack foods that i've been talking about i would recommend getting snacks through thrive market it just makes it way way way easier than getting them at the grocery store the reason i recommend that is well still go to the grocery store but at least when you go through thrive market you can utilize sorting by category by diet category so if you're doing keto or if you're doing paleo or anything like that you can go to thrive market you can get your groceries delivered but you can also like sort by what you're doing so if you're used to doing keto then all of a sudden you switch over to paleo it makes it that easy and i've been using them for years they've been sponsoring this channel for years because it's just relevant and it's practical for people that watch my channel yeah i'm always giving tips on what to get at the grocery store but at least if you go through thrive market you can get things that i pick i have my specific grocery lists i have my specific bundles like my keto bundles et cetera so i just highly recommend it you're not gonna get everything that you would get at the grocery store but you're gonna at least be able to get the snack items and the non-perishables and some frozen stuff so i highly recommend it so there's a link down below that you can use a special access link that gets you a free gift as well so use that link down below in the description after this video to try thrive market and get everything delivered to your doorstep versus i don't know having to deal with lots of people at the grocery store you know i don't know if this is new or not but capers are one of the richest sources of quercetin so if you're trying to get fat adapted like if you're doing keto and you're trying to get your body used to using fats well capers might be one of the best foods for you quercetin is very effective at helping that fat adaptation process and people think that they're crazy high in salt they're not as bad as you think okay so one ounce of these things okay so one fifteenth of this container is only 180 milligrams of sodium they just have this tanginess to them that make them seem extra salty but remember salt is not the enemy okay it's really not as long as you're getting enough potassium to balance it you're getting enough magnesium to balance it and you're getting a good variety of minerals you're fine i actually love capers so i'm going to grab some of these i know it's the only thing i've grabbed so far i think that is a new item and that is a good price too what's this fully cooked super bean mix with soybeans chickpeas okay if this didn't have the soybeans in it i would say go to town on this but see we have water chickpeas soybeans kidney beans black beans rice salt rice vinegar no if it didn't have the soy again the other thing you have to be careful of is a lot of lectins so beans do have lectins so you usually want to heat them up because it breaks down the lectins and allows your body to assimilate them if you have too much in the way of raw lectins what it can do is it's what's called a an anti-anti-nutrient okay or a phytotoxin that simply means that it is a full plant poison but there's something to know about lectins it's a hormetic hermetic stressor right you want lectins to some degree because it builds resiliency within your gut a little bit of quote-unquote poison that's coming from a lectin or an anti-nutrient in a plant is not going to hurt you if anything it's going to make your gut more resilient but if you're going to have them frequently heat them so if you were to get those beans pick out the soybeans and heat them at least here's something new yeah this is awesome see we got pickled asparagus which i love usually this has got garlic in it this is cool okay asparagus water vinegar salt sugar spices very little sugar and it's going to be in the brine so this is 11 bucks with i mean if you're on the go and you're just trying to like be able to find a way you're still going to have all the prebiotic fibers in here you can have everything that you need to get the job done right really good source of the right kind of inulin okay inulin is a long chain fiber which takes a long time to break down and those long chain inulins slowly break down and feed your gut bacteria over time very good for building the gut microbiome as a matter of fact i think let's see what's the sodium content china actually i will get some of these those look good so that's a really cool new find okay we got squash doll yellow split peas with squash and spices in coconut milk water coconut milk yellow split peas pumpkin squash come on guys like really like you're off to such a good start and then like we're i have a feeling we're going to see ourselves all developing like intolerances to sunflower oil it's it's a very inflammatory oil it's not a good vegetable oil but this is lower fat than the other stuff it's still not bad now moving right along i see something else cauliflower rice in microwavable pouches a six pack for 10 bucks so it's not the best price in the world but you know what convenience you pray up cost for convenience cauliflower and lactic acid that's pretty dang clean i like that easy clean simple not the cheapest but i mean you're looking at like a dollar fifty as a pop i'm gonna grab one of those because i could totally use this mix a little olive oil with it make it simple like that perfect okay this one looks to be new or gain superfoods immunity what do we have in here amaranth buckwheat quinoa chia kale apple pulp okay so it's a lot of like grain kind of things try to get some fiber in there i get that lentil sprout spinach trying to see what kind of cordyceps calcium is okay xantham gum monk fruit you know apple cider vinegar powder i actually kind of like this all the carbs just so you know they're all coming from various like starches and things like that brussels sprout green bell pepper cucumber the question is are you actually getting the micronutrients out of this not really because i mean the benefit of a lot of vegetables and stuff really comes down to yes the micronutrients but really more so the fiber content and we only have one gram of fiber in here but this is pretty darn clean i mean yeah i don't like those anthem gum and the calcium masturbate but zinc gloconate and then they have some probiotics added in there and all organic ingredients which is nice that is pretty cool i mean i will say and for right now 18.99 i don't need this i'm pretty happy with my diet but you know as a newer item here at costco i think that's pretty cool that's a good find focus factor i've had a lot of people ask me about this and what i think about it let's see we have is there anything special in here it's really just a small neenah it's really just a mineral blend synergistic and proprietary formulation okay it's got dmae yeah you're going to get a little perk up from this the glutamine that's really more the the science with glutamine is more so in the gut more than anything um okay they do have phosphatidylserine which can help you relax and sleep a little bit they have douglas hexanoic acid concentrate 15 dha inositol in acetyl tyrosine the funny thing about in acetyl tyrosine is i put it on like my worst supplements video because it literally like 94 of it ends up getting urinated out it's a worthless um it's got gaba gamma-aminobutyric acid so 640 milligrams of that i mean i would recommend you're going to probably get a bigger mental benefit by just having 640 milligrams of straight dha from fish oil so i'm not really buying into that just yet well people have asked about the zip fizz what i think of that same kind of concept i think it's pretty much just caffeine yeah caffeine anhydrous green tea leaf extract alpha lipoic acid still i mean that's okay like i'm not opposed to that stuff but then we have a bunch of glucose polymers potassium carbonate tartaric acid that's a lot of preservatives not to mention not that i hate sucralose but we got super lows in there but one thing to look at you can always tell a product by the kind of vitamin b12 it has this is called cyanocobalamin okay you want to look for methylcobalamin cyanocobalamin means that it is the inexpensive b12 that's made from cyanide cyanocobalamin cyanide sounds terrible well it is but you're not having enough to actually trigger yourself to like astronauts used to use cyanide if they were like going to be in a terrible situation and they need to like off themselves really quick well i mean cyanide yeah to a degree cyanocobalamin is made from cyanide that doesn't mean you're going to like self-destruct it just means it's a very cheap inexpensive version that technically has a little bit of liver toxicity so i always gauge that like if i look at a like a energy drink or something like that and has cyanide a cup of almond in it i'm kind of like let's avoid it looks like they have vital proteins with a chocolate one now the vital proteins regular collagen one has been there for a while which is pretty much a straight collagen and this one is collagen along with cocoa powder some natural flavors which could be questionable but i do know there are clean brands that are probably okay sea salt and stevia leaf red m just means the kind of stevia leaf that it is that's kind of cool four grams of carbs too which is fiber from the cocoa so that would be a cool new find i'm happy to see that here i still think this one if you're just looking for straight up collagen this one's a little demented but this one you can't even find ingredients on it because the only ingredients in it are well what do you know collagen so 20 grams of collagen in a two in a 20 gram serving that tells you it's just pure collagen that's how you cross reference let me open one that's or show you when it's clear to see it's not all cemented here we go so if you look at the serving size it says 20 grams and you look collagen peptides 20 grams that means it's pure collagen and the way that i can show you just an example here is if you look at in this case a 27 gram serving see 27 grams there okay and the main ingredient is collagen peptides 20 grams so that means we have 27 minus 20 7 grams of weird stuff that we don't necessarily know what it is right so in this case we know what it is because we can read through that so we probably have seven grams worth of cocoa powder natural flavors sea salt and stevia leaf it's just a quick indicator of how you can like see how much protein is in something it's a really good way to look at like protein scoops and see like here's another example like here we have uh let's see 20 grams of protein but our scooper is 18 gram or 38 grams that means we have 18 extra grams of just other stuff so what is that 18 grams and that's when you cross reference and you look at the label and you start seeing more stuff anyhow let's go buy our capers our asparagus and our rice and let's get out of here i don't think i'm going to do the refrigerated section this time just to keep the video short well it wasn't the most bountiful of halls but you know when it comes down to it if you're going to go into costco looking for brand new things that you're going to just be gleaming about you got to be prepared to not walk out with much because sometimes money talks and if people continue to buy stuff that well isn't exactly good for them let's grab this guy then they're just going to follow that right so cost goes and say hey people want to buy this let's keep ordering it it's up to us to order what we want and to vote with our dollars so that costco starts making the right decisions as they have been usually so as always keep it locked and here in my channel and i will see you tomorrow i'm gonna eat some capers
Channel: Thomas DeLauer
Views: 45,564
Rating: 4.8956003 out of 5
Keywords: costco shop with me, costco 2021, costco haul 2021, costco deals, grocery shopping, costco shop with me spring 2021, costco spring 2021, costco shopping haul, what to buy at costco, new at costco 2021, shop with me costco, is costco worth it, costco haul with prices, costco shop with me + haul, huge costco haul, costco grocery haul, thomas delauer, grocery haul
Id: niPR9TN9fEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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