5 Pokemon I've Never Used

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Gouri dings book pens Michael here and obviously I have played a lot of Pokemon so therefore over the years I have had a lot of different playthrough teams but despite that there are still several Pokemon out there that I personally like a lot yet have never used on any of my playthrough teams in any game I thought it would be fun to share some of those Pokemon with you so today I will be going over five Pokemon I have never used but want to or at least wish I could for clarification purposes a playthrough team is the squad of Pokemon that I use up to and during my first defeat of the Pokemon League so don't forget to leave a like on the video and let's get started with number one Lantern Lantern is such a good looking Pokemon to me I think it has an excellent balance of looking strong but also looking cute but not so cute that it looks like a baby I think the best word to describe its design is I guess tasteful it just looks like a well-designed Pokemon I also love its mask you know the different color around its eyes I think ever since I saw The Incredibles as a kid I've really liked that design aspect whether it's on a Pokemon or a superhero so lantern having one is obviously extra points also I love its typing water is a pretty solid type and electric is my favorite type so combining these two powerful elemental types together makes for a fantastic combination at least when it's not a washing machine also a fun extra bonus of Lantern is that it is blue and yellow which is by channel's color scheme so it's fun however despite my love of Lantern I have never used it on a playthrough team and the primary reason for that is the accessibility of chin Chow now when I say it's accessibility I don't mean the number of games that it's available in in fact chin Chow has been available in every single main series game since its introduction in Gen 2 except for a firered and leafgreen also it was not available in Coliseum and xD and I mention those because I am in looting my teams for those games in my pool of Pokemon that I have used before when I talked about chinch House accessibility I'm talking about how easy it is to get and how early in the game you can get it in the johto games you cannot get one until you have the good rod which you cannot obtain until olivine City and the Hoenn games you cannot get it until you can die which you cannot do until you have it seven gym badges in the cinah games you cannot get it until you have the super ride which you cannot obtain until postgame the univer games have a similar issue since while there are not unique types of fishing rod in them you do not get that singular fishing rod until beating the league the only two regions where chinchou is obtainable reasonably early on are Kalos and al-hola in Kalos you can obtain it once you have the good rod which is obtained not long after you get your third gym badge in a lola you can obtain it as soon as you get to the route where it's available since you already have the fishing rod by the time you get there that being route ain't surely after you complete the fire trial even for the games where it was obtainable at an early point I oftentimes still had a water or electric type already especially like I said water type it's necessary for HMS it's a possible starter type and they're just everywhere it's really easy to get a good water type early on in most games also one thing I should note because it's important for the rest of the video is that whenever I play through a new region for the first time my team always consists of brand new Pokemon only so therefore the only time I would have used a lantern was in Gen 2 but my first Pokemon game was Gen 3 so I kind of missed my chance to have it as a brand new pokemon on my team plus you have to go out of your way to find a chin Chow since the only way of finding one is either by fishing or by diving neither of which are mandatory in any areas where chin Chow is you have to fish during the water trial in a low law and you have to dive to get to the sea floor cavern in Hoenn butt chin Chow isn't located in either of those places therefore it's entirely possible and somewhat likely that if you weren't trying to complete the pokédex you could have just played through the game completely missing chin Chow which I often did another reason I haven't used Lantern especially as I've gotten older is that it simply is not very impressive in the battle department its base stat total is only 460 with every stat being met at best except for its HP now while stats don't make as much of a difference in a playthrough as they do in competitive battling it's still something that I can't help but think about because I have the knowledge of it but despite all of that I still want to go through the effort of having a lantern on my team at some point maybe it'll show up early in a randomizer or something but even if it doesn't I still want to use one because it's just such a good-looking Pokemon number two is Kingdra Kingdra is another Johto water-type pokemon that i think looks pretty solid I'll admit I don't love Kingdra Sapir install I think it looks good I don't think it looks amazing what I really like about Kingdra is its water dragon typing that is just such a cool and interesting typing that is pretty good in battle however I've never used a king jar on my team because it is very difficult to get in the cantos in oh and Unova games it is not available until postgame due to either a horsey or the dragon scale not being available until after you beat the league heck and let's go tinkers not even in there at all in the johto games horsey is first available in the world islands which requires you to clear the Team Rocket headquarters and beat price to gain access to since you need the Whirlpool HM this is kind of late in the game in the Hoenn games horsie requires the super rod which as I mentioned earlier is not available until you reach mossdeep city pretty late in the game and the aloha games it requires island scan in kala Bay a completely optional feature being used in a completely optional area the only games where it's not too difficult to obtain are the Kalos Games in which you get access to it at the same time you can access that ciao once you get the good rod in coumarine city however well horsey is easy to get next and why the Dragon Scale is not you either have to farm horsey and use thief on it or catch all of them until you find one holding a dragon scale and there's only a 5% chance of that happening or you have to wait until you get to terminus cave a location you don't get access to until you have seven gym badges and have defeated team flare so in short the main reason I haven't used a kendra is that it's either impractical or it's a heck of a lot of work and like I said with Lantern because it's a water-type that means I have a lot of other options of water types to use that are much easier to obtain but nevertheless I still think Kingdra is a really cool pokemon and at some point I want to make it work number three is dawn fan I've always had a bit of fondness for Dawn fan I don't absolutely love it but I think it's unique design of being a tire elephant is really interesting and unique plus I love the armour on its body and I enjoyed watching Ash's kick butt in the anime but oh my god it is simply impractical to use a Don fan in virtually every game that it's available in which isn't even that many to begin with it is either not available until postgame or not available at all in the Kanto Sinnoh Unova Kalos and the low log games that leaves only the johto and the Hoenn games plus XD in the johto games phanpy is a version exclusive which of course makes it less accessible in addition to that in most Johto games it's only available on route 45 a route you do not gain access to until you have reached Blackthorne City the final gym town the one exception is in Crystal version we're on route 46 the route that you have immediate access to that is a dead end you can find phanpy at level 2 however it only is a 5% encounter rate and only is found in the morning so your chances of finding it if you aren't intentionally seeking it out are very low in the Hoenn games you can find either phanpy or donphan in the safari zone depending on whether you're playing gen 3 or Gen 6 they are found in area 4 both times and in generation 3 you must have the acro bike to get there the safari zone is accessible once you have five badges since you can skip Wynonna if you want but you do have to journey through several routes to get there so it's not early but it's not egregiously late XT is probably the game in which a fan pee is the easiest to get being found in the wild at poke a spots however the problem that arises here is that you don't want one it sucks just look at donphan's level up move set in the generation 3 games it is entirely normal type attacks + rollout until you reach level 49 at which point it finally learns a decent stab move considering that TMS broke back then so it wouldn't be easy to fix its moveset using one of these would stink donphan's move scent has been better since generation 4 but that means that the only place you can get it at a reasonable time with a decent move set is the Safari Zone in horas and even then the best matchups for a ground type in the game are already over with except for Steven so it's just not gonna be something that you're probably gonna want to go out of your way to get so while I do like donphan it simply hasn't been possible or practical for me to use one up to now that's why I'm holding out hope that it gets a gallery form because donphan is a Pokemon I've wanted to get a regional variant for quite some time so if they got a cool new gallery form in sword and shield there's a pretty solid chance I would pick it up before we move on to the next entry it's time for a fun new segment I'm tentatively calling back attack I thought it'd be fun that if once per video I opened a pack of Pokemon cards just to see if I get anything cool I would always do the most recent set so today would be a pack of unified minds so yeah energy with psycho energy Breloom Kamala magmar snorunt dynamo meditite sille and it is the reverse and Abomasnow okay nothing cooling this pack unfortunately but yeah that was just an idea I had and wanted to test it out so let me know in the comments if you want to see more number four is Ludicolo Ludicolo is a pokemon that my fondness for has increased substantially in recent years its happy-go-lucky and constantly dancing personality has really grown on me a lot plus I associate it with the mirror being music from Pokemon Colosseum which if you didn't know is the background music for most of my videos nowadays so that's one of the reasons why I haven't used Ludicolo before my only started to like it within recent years however there are actually two other reasons as well the first of which is its accessibility the only games that this evolutionary line can be obtained within before beating the Pokemon League are the Hoenn games but even within those it's a version exclusive only being found in sapphire emerald and alpha sapphire so while I have played through Hoenn many a time half of those places don't work for this because they were in Ruby or a mega Ruby so lotad wasn't an option but despite that I've still done several Hoenn playthroughs where I could have used it on my team but I did it that leads us to the final reason why I've yet to use a Ludicolo it's typing water grass is a unique and interesting typing that is pretty solid in battle however a lot of the times in the context of a playthrough it ends up being impractical because it overlaps with two of the three starter types in other words if I chose Mudkip or Treecko the latter of which evolves into my favorite Pokemon of all time and therefore I tend to choose it a lot that means that Ludicolo was at a practical team member option because I already had a water or a grass type therefore the only situation in which I could practically use a Ludicolo would be if I started with Torchic and was playing through sapphire alpha sapphire or emerald and that is simply a scenario that has play it out for me yet but like I said I have a fondness for Ludicolo and I really want to use it maybe it'll get a gal or forming sword and shield or maybe you'll do a whole playthrough where I do decide to set it up in such a way that I do get to have a Ludicolo although that probably wouldn't be for a while because I'm actually about to finish a playthrough of Hoenn using only a cast form so I'm not super keen on playing through how in in the near future and finally number five is golurk I have always thought that golurk was a really cool Pokemon it's basically a giant robot but it's not just your run-of-the-mill metal robot it's a creative ancient robot with huge fists that just crush things whenever I see a goal arc I always think of this epic and badass fan art of it based on Pacific Rim a movie that I am wildly entertained by every time I see it plus it can fly it is an ancient robot that can fly that is so cool additionally I really love it's shiny form it's actually one of my top five favorite Chinese of all of them also have you seen how it looks in detective Pikachu there is no way you could dislike this Pokemon if you know that that is what it would look like if it was real however I have never used it in a playthrough team because it's not easy to do so first off it's a generation 5 Pokemon so it's a small pool of games to begin with and then even in those games most of the time it's hard to get in black and white you cannot find it go--let until you reach Dragon spiral tower an area that you do not gain access to until is serious city the seventh gem town which is pretty late in black 2 and white 2 it's even worse since drangus Viral tower is a post game area the soonest you can get a member of the evolutionary line is the victory road in all of my Unova playthroughs I've already had either a ground or ghost type on my team already that I wasn't keen on replacing in a Lola the only way to get a ghola is if it is SOS called in during a battle in the Hina desert and this is only an ultra Sun well I could have used one on my team during my first ultra Sun playthrough and went to the trouble of doing SOS battles in the desert I had already decided on using Garchomp for my ground type instead of golurk dragon simply seems like a better secondary typing than ghost because I already had a dark-type on my team and against the two types that dark and ghosts are strong against dark is superior because it's immune to psychic and not weak to ghost the only games in which it can be obtained easily our surprise X&Y cuz Carlos had basically every Pokemon ever you can find a go--let on route 10 the route immediately after the second gym town that being cyllage city however despite that i never used a golurk in any of my three Kalos playthroughs and that was for a different reason each time in my first playthrough of X I was dead set on only using new generation 6 Pokemon so that didn't apply to golurk in my first playthrough of why I was dead set on using a mega Gengar so I didn't want a go alert and in my most recent play therof y on my twitch I already had a hone edge on my team that I intended to make an Aegis slash so another ghost type didn't make sense so unfortunately golurk has never been the right option at the right time however based on the trailers it seems like golurk might be somewhat easily accessible in the wild area we'll see but if it is easily accessible there's a pretty solid chance I'll try to use it on a playthrough team probably not my first cuz like I said I've plan to only use new gen 8 Pokemon but maybe it'll work out for a subsequent playthrough so there we have it those were five Pokemon that I like a lot but have never used on a playthrough team thank you so much for watching and let me know if you enjoyed this video I originally planned to make it 10 Pokemon but I cut it down to 5 since it was getting too long so if this one does well I might do a video with the second group of 5 also let me know your thoughts on the pack attack and if you enjoyed this video and want to see some more of my fun Pokemon content I recommend this video here alright that's all I have for now so don't next time fans you gotta catch the mom
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 912,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, pokémon (tv program), top 10 pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon anime, worst pokemon
Id: q0uzh_US21I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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