Every PRESENT Ever from the Loud House ๐ŸŽ | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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David Steele issue number one that's right your gramps gave it to me when I turned 12. [Music] whoops wrong button Lincoln is that is that a spy car can we ride it yeah can we please please please please please please [Music] oh is that my princess ride okay hopefully [Music] first sleepover at Dad's I can't wait to check out his new place I got him this singing Cactus as a housewarming gift congratsa congrats us congrats put operation paint the peeling house to give Mom and Dad the greatest anniversary gift ever and also think of a shorter name for this operation into action I still think adjacent burial plots would have been a better gift nothing says romance like eternity [Music] back paint brushes down [Music] good gravy so you like it oh [Music] best anniversary gift ever hi we're your neighbors I'm Rita loud and this is my husband Lynn great to meet you bumper and Jancy Yates and I brought you a little housewarming gift some of my famous lanzania thank you how nice that we really don't do dairy it makes our kids sluggish but we could share it with the needy oh won't come in uh we won't take up too much of your time we're sure you have a lot of unpacking to do or not wow how did you do that so fast we don't like putting things off it sends a bad message to the kids the key to the perfect anniversary present for your parents is simple know your audience and since my folks love what I bring to the table I make them the same thing every year this awesome coffee mug coffee mug I thought it was a paperweight paper weight nothing is definitely a pencil holder negatory clearly it's the bust of German philosopher Emmanuel Kant I can't even tell what it is clearly no one can figure out what that thing is no wonder Mom and Dad just throw all your old gifts in the Attic what here she is hey you guys uh Lenny where are your bags oh I didn't buy anything I gave all my clothes away what after all our training what happened to the new Lenny she wasn't really me I'm sorry you guys it did feel good to get what I wanted but it felt even better to give other people what they wanted Lenny were worried about you how are you going to make it in life if you keep putting yourself last Boo-Boo Bear and I cannot support you forever oh there you are dear I got you a little something to say thanks oh you shouldn't have I hope your granddaughter loves the suit I know she will I wish more young people were as sweet as you are presents are nice but you know what's nicer all those Clues you gave away excuse me young Miss we have the number three combo with fries for everyone in your party courtesy of that woman over there you look great no rashes Excuse Me Miss thank you so much for helping my hubby he has never looked so cute we got you a gift card to the froyo shop that's so sweet of you that's my favorite place Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Bank [Music] Lenny it's great that all these people are doing nice things for you but I still think it's more important that you excuse me I wanted to meet you I miss car Michael I'm the manager of reiningers and I've been hearing such wonderful things about you you know we could use a sales employee with great customer service skills great let me think about it and get back to you with some names words are flexible and employees get a 50 discount on all merchandise it's like there's a blowout sale happening in my heart I'll take that as a yes stop by whatever to fill out paperwork I'll see you back at all eyes wow we were so wrong about Lenny yeah I guess we don't have to worry about her after all hmm if being nice does that much for Lenny I wonder what it can do for me like my fries well thank you I'm trying to watch my cholesterol go ahead take them no really I'm good with this mall maybe stick to what you know Lola okay mi amor open happy anniversary Frida oh oh Carlos you made a portrait of me out of breakfast oh well the kids helped too I love it so much [Music] oh beautiful me some Morris and delicious thank you Carlos and here's your gift ah you got me a trip to fly on a vintage World War II aircraft on the P-40 Warhawk no less awesome right here so what are we going I'm sorry but the ride is only for your father and me all day what can't get A Moment's Peace [Music] I used to think that Christmas was about the wish list to filled with stuff I never really needed anyway but as long as we're together it's a holiday [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas Mr Grouse we all chipped in and got you something it's a bus ticket so you can go see your family for Christmas tomorrow and since you can't be with them tonight we're bringing our family to you how about it neighbor put [Music] you've made this the best Christmas ever thank you I'd say you all landed permanent spots on Santa's nice list even you once again well what are you waiting for everyone inside [Applause] thanks kids who whose present should we open first mine oh come on girls let's all let Lincoln give his perfect little present yeah I sure hope it's perfect enough oh Lincoln this is wonderful it's the best gift we've ever gotten it's going above the mantle right now you bonehead you the wrong picture yep I knew you'd blow this too no I gave them the right one the one that chose the real you the perfect to you oh thank you Lincoln by the way you all might want to put your presents for mom and dad in here oh look super lame next to my awesome gift just perfect very nice [Music] well that's all the Christmas presents time to start decorating for Valentine's Day wait wait I still have one more I saved the best for last merry Christmas babe I couldn't find anything good enough to buy you for our first Christmas together so I decided to give you myself oh that's literally the perfect gift I got you a present too I hope it's food and water come on guys we need to speed this up Luann's right we've been gone for hours we've already missed half of Dad's birthday how about this fancy Rock it's called a geode oh and it costs a whopping 300 clams oh never mind [Music] never mind sometimes you just you did what you need oh and gosh is it what is it it's a royal guard known colloquially as a Beefeater ideal for a father with an affinity for all things British and it's a nutcracker dad won't have to borrow my upholstery Hammer to smash open walnuts anymore this is literally the best gift in the entire world let's go give it to Dad wait where's Lola the Unicorn I would like to buy it from you Santa sure was good to us this year Oh I thought you didn't believe in him I didn't until I spied him leaving a present behind the couch last night behold there is a present back here and it's addressed to Lincoln wow a fearsome flyer 1000. [Music] hey Mr Grouse thanks for the sled don't thank me thanks Santa Merry Christmas Lincoln well another Christmas is ever a new friend I think from now on things are going to be pretty different around here [Music] foreign maybe not that different well I guess that about wraps things up yes I did it that's 12. Merry Christmas [Music] what's going on kataro this is literally the best gift of the entire world well he's only saying that because he hasn't seen our gift yet a real life Beefeater I can't believe it his post is outside of the Tower of London I use all of my airline miles to fly him out here but wait there's more is going to take you to lunch at bangers and mosh he said he'll help you perfect your British accent he's just going to be the greatest experience of my life ding ding beef guy just made her nutcracker look so lame between this and the Scrapbook we are really oh for two today what are we supposed to get Dad now The Nutcracker was the best thing at the mall well maybe we shouldn't get Dad a thing maybe we should follow katara's lead and get him an experience oh well we'll be needing this hunk of junk anymore Lynn we need to return that or we won't have any money ah good point I'll go get it welcome back lame-o hey Ryan I brought you a present cool a royal wood sweatshirt I got it at Gus's games and Grub uh sorry it smells like garlic knots beat smelling like a dog thanks ow Ronnie Anne it's Samir calling I'll call him back later who's mirror oh samir's a part of ranian's little group of friends they're all thick as thieves it's so sweet I'd love to meet them no no this weekend's all about you come on we have a lot of catching up to do whoa cool ball that that's my most prized possession it's from their very first Lions game Mrs Grouse and I went to when we were dating oh they had football back then yes Miss Mighty pants hey check this out I got the QB to sign it look at that he's in the Hall of Fame now I'm not worthy I'm not worthy and Mrs G was the only person I knew who was as big a lions fan as me till now you know what I want you to have this Mrs Grouse would want it to be in such good hands wow thank you Mr Grouse this is the best gift I've ever gotten I have to get you something special foreign here my lucky socks wow you wore these the whole season didn't you thanks loud and there's your refund minus the 25 positive course oh and the restacking fee okay guys we don't have a lot of money left paintball night at the aquarium too expensive actually we may not be able to afford anything well how much you got very little hmm I do have one thing that might fit your budget fun daddy would not like this yeah Dad's very sensitive too oh whatever this is sorry flip we're going to pass oh no problem it's not for everybody here's a bill for the test run there's a customer survey on the bottom and I'd sure appreciate it five star rating huh this week was so awesome Bobby and it's only gonna get more epic yeah about that there's something I need to say it's kind of difficult for me I really enjoy being friends with you park oh me too bro which is why I got you a gift a gift really yup and it's so you you're gonna love it oh sorry I I I'm so excited I cut you off was there something else you were about to say uh no what's the gift you are gonna freak out over it tandem skydiving do you love it or what I knew you'd be speechless on the count of three we jump one two wait I can't do this par what's up you want to go solo instead definitely not listen I've been scared to tell you this because I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I actually hate all this thrill seeking stuff I get enough Thrills from hitting the snooze on my alarm clock or flossing my teeth a little too hard I'm so sorry I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore but I can't jump out of this plane I wish you would have said something earlier bro I have a blast with you Bobby we can still be buds even without the thrill seeking really you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that secret handshake [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is amazing you're doing it Bobby you're doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it why are we headed towards the zoo wait is that the cheetah pit I've been doing some research on increasing human lifespan and thought we could make some modifications to your lifestyle well I suppose a nice stroll never hurt anyone precisely now if you'll just put this around your wrist it's a heart monitor no point in a burst Glock if we aren't elevating the heart right now ish there all right kiddo you set the pace hmm are you ready Riker [Music] dudes remember the first time Bobby came over to Casa loud sir and Mrs loud it's an honor to finally meet you you're literally bleeding oh no worries babe it's it's just marinara sauce um could I please use your restroom well we got 71 cents left maybe dad would like a cider ranch dressing man we have to totally blown dead 's Day come on guys we can't give up there's gotta be something nice we can do for him I can make him some playing I can realign his spine I can teach him how to part his hair so it covers his problem areas you know around you guys whoa what's that I can't believe those kids oh honey why is dad crying guys it's obvious we blew off his whole birthday looking for a present and he doesn't even know the worst part yet that we never found one there's only one thing left to do foreign hey Dad we're so sorry we ruined your birthday what are you talking about you kids gave me the best gift ever a scrapbook yeah I'm sorry I opened it before you got home Cliff dragged it in here and blew your big surprise so you like it I love it it reminds me of all the great memories we've made together nothing could beat that actually Daddy we weren't even finished with it yet we had more memories we wanted to add and 10 times more Sparkles like the time we filled up a kiddie pool with flippies in the time he went to a 3D movie threw up and then saw it again and I don't think we'll ever forget that time we made you that scrapbook oh Lenny [Music] no need to hide the evidence of your Frozen delicacy pop-up I've made some adjustments to my plan and you'll no longer be restricted to the raw fish diet oh glad to hear it what's with the change of heart kiddo I realized that the regimen was too taxing so I came up with an alternative inside our sensors that will extend your life span without requiring any changes to your daily Behavior so I can go back to living my life the way it was before as long as you're wearing the suit you got a deal I see him boom dang yeah great shoot you're sure looking fly thanks my granddaughters made it for me we're just on the way to the pharmacy for some gossip and lotto tickets wanna join sure that sounds yeah not so fast your huge battery power is low come on I set up a charging station in your room excuse us gentlemen we'll chop any veggie you purchase free of charge gotta sample our spa water today's flavor is island sky I didn't even know that was a flavor how about a cocktail weenie with a flight of dipping sauces okay I've seen enough hi there I'm River and I'll be your checkout buddy sorry we were just leaving oh well here's your Parting Gift a Good Luck Penny you can keep it or make a wish in our Fountain huh well I hope you wish for this place to close there's no way the Mercado can compete with it don't worry Bobby we have the most loyal customers in the world Vito uh Hey kids I was just looking around and buying half the store I'm sorry but they got a whole aisle of gourmet Taffy and look it makes a little beep every time you scan an item I feel so alive now there are certain sisters that you definitely do not want as your Gift Giver it's pie worked out to the 5 millionth decimal it would have been six but you know last minute gift it's a void of nothingness just like the universe the best sister to get as your Gift Giver is Lily no it might seem strange to want a toddler to pick you in a gift swap but because she's so young Lily can't do her own shopping so what you're actually getting is a present from Mom and Dad oh and gosh this is the pleated A-line skirt that I've been wanting forever thanks Lily [Music] all right yes an indoor field goal I totally need one of these perfect thank you so much Lenny why don't you open your gift next oh sorry I sort of cheated and opened mine up last night Lincoln do we need to start hiding the gifts thanks Luna it was exactly what I wanted Lola open your gift they're so gorgeous I don't even care they smell kind of funny it must have cost a fortune they were totally worth it ha ha huh amazing thanks Lily I love it [Music] Grandpa Daddy's here I brought presents yeah wow my favorite kind of present I'll never grow out of it I give them allowance sometimes I guess we really blew it we couldn't find Lenny and now we can't give Mom a decent surprise [Applause] oh it's you guys hurry up and hi Mom will be home any minute Lenny what's going on don't be mad I know you wanted to go low-key but I found all this great stuff at the store and I decided maybe we should go hikey doesn't mom totally deserve it plus I found that card you wanted me to get it is Toad's cute and it's a scratch and sniff too relax flip okay I was just leaving for work no no no it's Christmas their food and fuel is closed today you got the day off kiddo and that debt it's paid in full oh flip what's going on please it's safety flip and I got goodies here for everybody here you go Skipper get that bad boy in the oven toot sweet and the gobblesworth farm appears to be legitimate hmm so that's what happened to her hey uh can I have that label there you go hey thanks for the turkey flip I heard something about goodies you did good flip oh boy yeah it feels nice to give back once in a while whoa the flippy machine this is totally the best gift ever Sandy flip got a bit caught up in the moment didn't mean to uh heck Merry Christmas to us all [Music] delicious [Music] oh [Music] laughs [Music] this is the best Christmas ever I got it hola Mrs Casa Grande we came to pick up Lori at college but vanzilla broke down would it be all right if we hung out with you this Christmas we're going to need more masa it's not [Music] classic Earth
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 2,129,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, cartoon food, the loud house, the casagrandes, the casagrandes christmas, the loud house christmas, best loud house moments, best of the casagrandes, funny cartoons, nickelodeon holiday special, lincoln loud, ronnie anne santiago, lily loud, holiday cartoons, loud house compilation, ytao_lh, ytao_casa, christmas, christmas for kids, christmas cartoons
Id: ChHttt8AIAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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