1 HOUR Of Lily's Best Baby Moments On The Loud House PART 2! ๐Ÿ‘ถ | Nicktoons

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mm-hmm oh yeah laughs where we want to be Show and Tell star well we need to restart [Music] Superstars [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] huh [Music] no Peter wants to play save yourselves thank you [Music] I'm scared I don't want to play with Taylor try ever again anybody want a free guinea pig it's a little so I said how I get to shrink away we use play to get shrink legs [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] people [Music] oh my God [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] Liars [Music] [Music] thank you so ice cream sounds good if today goes okay too let's see if your siblings can behave for just a few more hours it's ice cream time [Music] and now back to penguin pageants [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh no it's a bubble bubble wow this is nice to see everybody getting along and luanne's even taking a nap you guys have been so well behaved this week we wanted to do Luanne wake up something nice for you so everybody get inventzilla excuse my mind I want to tell them we're going for ice cream [Music] catch up my little Tomatoes time to head out [Music] we're close and early this week to give our scoopers a break don't forget 5 PM one more time I am 5 PM [Music] your estimated arrival time at Auntie Pam's parlor is 4 46 P.M see you soon Lily there's never this much traffic on this street your new estimated arrival time is 505 p.m no biggie Auntie Pam's doesn't close till late oh you want to play with Daddy's phone Lily okay but please don't call Aunt Ruth again it's two hours I'll never get back turn onto Oakville Road look at that Lily accidentally found us a faster route estimated arrival time is 4 50 52. [Music] come back precious uh thanks officer we'll take that as a warning your new estimated arrival time is 4 58 PM hi can I get one scoop of vanilla ice cream please okay I guess she has other ideas one Sunday please [Music] oh poor baby let's get you home a little powder a little wipey now you've got a fresh new diabete we got a runner look what Lily found that gives me an idea you guys she's about to try it thank you or maybe that's the ticket something people can dance to unless I should go with a slow jam uh oh or show tunes or maybe rap no country it's it's Bliss [Music] tube socks I literally love this song it's just whatever [Music] I should hate it but I don't likewise diabolically catchy tune Friday night summer lights [Music] whatever [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude bubblegum pop that's the kind of song the whole world loves what a workout who wants flippies I'll drive mom says first thing we gotta feed her you put her in the high chair and I'll get her food [Music] here comes the airplane okay A little turbulence here let me try it looks like she doesn't want to eat she's just a baby Clyde we can make her eat I mean how hard could it be [Music] you know I read in this book called the food for Tot that if you show the baby you like the food she'll like it too why were you reading a baby book I was waiting to see my therapist her Lobby has a great reading selection well it's worth a try mmm Lily chicken and gravy doesn't that sound good yum yum Lincoln why is there a dog on the label [Music] well that was disgusting but at least I'm not scooping poop at Aunt roots speaking of poop this shouldn't be too bad I've seen Mom do it a million times my whole life just flashed before my eyes let me try I read all about this and oopsie my baby made a poopsie that was weird your life just flashed before my eyes it's practically Radioactive huh radioactive you say it pays to have a sister whose hobby is nuclear physics [Music] if I'm home [Music] [Applause] oh man well that was disgusting okay Lily have fun with your little friends uh we'll be right over there watching you on the loose [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh it's your turn gotcha this is not polite kids Lily let's get you home Lily hey is there something different about Lily yeah we took the wrong baby it's my Mom they're on their way home [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me sir I believe this belongs to you always do this if this is really the end I gotta tell you I went to dereland with Rusty once it was only because you were grounded it's okay buddy [Music] down here kitty meet your worst nightmare the full deck a little help ate a smidge gladly strong suit throw I'll grab the boys Lincoln [Music] think of a better weapon than an abacus oh never mind it's actually quite defective gross hairballs I thought it was Lana's job to do with these save me one would you prepare to face the royal flush oh you're such a cute boy why are you so feisty huh do you need a hug no a donkey kicks a lot about me [Music] [Music] guys I figured it out [Music] The Joker will save you from this catastrophe give it up kitty this ends now [Music] Ace the crate Lily [Music] nice job Jack are you sure we have to Crate him I think he was just playing did Lily just say the d word where the heck would she have learned that [Applause] you're less than Pluto not even the planet when you hear my flash drive you gotta game it's mice [Applause] what are we going to do Lily's important daycare interviews coming up if she says that word she won't get in the school siblings I have the solution a quick painless removal of the vocal cords well mostly painless I have an idea if Lily imitates our behavior let's just give her some better Behavior to imitate I'm going to remain scrubbed in just in case okay everybody know their part good we've got one hour before the interview operation delete the d word is a go Europe in a one-horse open sleigh she didn't see it Lana guess you'll have to do it again making spirits bright it's working oh okay Lewis is a really wonderful actor don't you think Lily didn't see it Lola guess you're allowed to do it again Lisa you're on Lily let's bust some Rhymes better suited to your infant ears good job Lisa and dance dance dance you wear a wig nuclear experiment gone wrong it's also how I got my extra toe Lori and Lenny you're up yes okay because now we can share yeah [Music] dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh 10 minutes till the interview Lynn go that's okay I'll just get it down then loud is the champion of the world [Music] oh sure now the string won't break all right love I was done with that guitar I'd rather play on these drums mate foreign [Music] do you think it worked therefore [Music] we'd love to have her as part of our daycare family just bring plenty of diapers that's great news thank you Dr shuttleworth we are so happy please take snacks for the road Don't Mind If I Do [Music] did she just say the d word please don't blame Lily for saying the d word it's our fault it's true she was literally just imitating our bad behavior she's really the sweetest little girl in the world children Lily didn't say the d word I believe she just wanted a donut see it's do not sweetie she's a fast learner see you next week at the daycare Miss Lily ah I feel so much better and it turns out we had nothing to worry about we're not such a bad influence on Lily after all [Music] literally [Music] how's this volume [Music] thanks but he only drinks blood no problem does he take O positive or B negative hey Mr coconuts what did the sushi say to the bee Wasabi Luanne stop it [Music] hey Clyde oh hey Lincoln I was just giving myself the 10 minute trifle challenge so guess what I gave my sisters the compatibility test they changed rooms and it's working like a dream you hear how quiet it is dang it look it up uh probably just a little glitch I'll call you back she's so dumb how'd you find all your protein bars when you were asleep huh you monster what have you done to Edwin brought him into the 21st century you're welcome that's my least favorite Century what's going on I accidentally stepped on Billy's phone and she's making a huge deal don't you dare post those [Music] I specifically told you never to play any note above better check that too dude nobody tells me how to shred let me stop laughing all I said is I have to pee how do you come up with this stuff Lincoln's lame test didn't work yeah there's no way I'm compatible with spooky oh you want to go princess easy easy we can fix this there must be a flaw in Lincoln's testing algorithm a Savvy superhero Duo quiz find your partner in crime fighting this is the amazingly accurate compatibility test that led you to uproot the entire household it was dead on about me and Clyde yes yes two are compatible because they're both dunches everyone remain calm we can still determine the optimal roommate Arrangement just need to use actual science darn Lisa thinks she's so smart just because her brain's green now Lily if we're gonna be roomies you'll need to sit down some ground rules [Music] finally oh no the demon toy I thought you got rid of that I thought you did what's the big whoop we got Lily to stop crying you're welcome you don't understand that horrible Fox drove us so crazy we almost didn't have any more children Well you certainly went the other way with that come on honey we better go soundproof our room get overreact much it's just little toy oh it's cute now but you'll see you'll all see you're just jealous that we're the ones who got Lily to stop crying I cannot lose I was so tired last night I fell asleep in the middle of cutting Lori's hair [Music] happy happy okay let's go up time [Applause] [Music] [Music] now phase two operation keep Lily from crying go go go [Music] okay here's the moment of truth if Lily can go to sleep without you know who we've done it [Music] good morning what's wrong sweetie you look a little grumpy this morning she's she's pretty deep open the airplane here comes the tunnel well she must not be not be hungry me she wants to play Lily wanna help me build a castle four I know Lily let's build a fort okay Lily come on in but no pooping Lily Lily [Music] oh my gosh you guys that's why she's been so sad this morning she misses Fenton we didn't make her forget about Fenton we just kept her from crying guys I know we've been loving the peace and quiet but it's not worth it if our baby sister is sad I hate to say but we have to get that fox back yeah baby don't you cry no more time All Aboard it's my treat uh of course you're bored you aren't wearing your conductor hats this is called Santa carry oh yes this makes all the difference then let's go for the 20 rides special [Music] yes I'm next hang tight guys I'll be right back how's it going buddy I uh see you got a copy of my book there would you like me to sign it I'll just take that ripping to meet you no I just gotta grab my sisters and get home okay guys now we can do whatever you go okay we still have time to get home before Mom and Dad so we're just leaving Lily here she really real train you guys stay here Excuse Me Miss Goose could you give me a ride please I need to catch that train uh that sounds like a new problem you didn't get a graph from rip right how about if I give you mine they signed this radio foreign [Applause] spooky psychic girl was right my business did make a big splash good job Blinky thanks well we better get going wait what happened to your signed book isn't that the whole reason we came here I gave it to scoot so she'd help me catch Lily oh sorry Big Brother for reasons incomprehensible to me I know that autograph was important to you not as important as you guys I never should have dragged you here in the first place I was supposed to be responsible for you I'm sorry it's okay big brother we forgive you ish let's go home stop something's not right what where look at the couch [Music] thing from a juice box totally normal Charles come here a moment now oh okay well I've never seen Charles do that before that's because it's not Charles Lincoln wait Lily is the prankster wow this is all really impressive Lily the whipped cream the toilet rocket Luanne Focus oh right sorry Lily you've got to call off your grand finale right this minute not a lot oh [Music] dog bone remote well played Luanne Focus right right Lily please you have to stop all right kids here we are I just got a text from Luanne Lily is the prankster what but Lily's right here and she's such a little cutie [Music] oh no she rigged benzilla to drive around on an endless loop forever oh that's really dark funny but dark sorry Lily but Lincoln and I are here to shut it down [Music] hey she's getting away [Music] wow she truly is a pranking genius I gotta shut down the console Lincoln distractor [Music] oh dang it I should have seen that coming hurry I can't hold her off any longer [Music] oh hey hey here's that juice I've been looking for when ah okay here we go loud vacation time can I get a what what print out I also forgot Lily the mudflap Cafe is pleased to present the load family the long family [Applause] wanted a family vacation just to get out of town had it all planned packed up the van ended up in a ditch somehow we got the blues baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] Blues [Applause] [Music] AC broken vanzilla those won't roll down chips of Doom they Sprint [Music] ing mom passed out we got the blues baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] through salad online [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah looks like he got a ticket to ride dude seven eight nine ten dang it forgot Lily again so who are we missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look at that poor lady and her baby pull over hi would you mind pulling over please well that was a wash soon honey oh actually sweetie this is an airplane whoa It's Just Right dudes look over my baby after that car carrier what about our eight o'clock chime the way your mother flies that shouldn't be a problem move it Slowpoke I'm behind schedule forced by aircraft yeah I'll bet if I get one more ticket I'll be driving a golf cart and the Wise Guys like this let's do let's do him again darn it [Music] hey baby man Nothing Stops this guy wait a minute we have a crop duster why are you guys always piling on me Glory I'm talking about the plane ah get in front of him Mom [Music] never give me Popo [Music] okay people we've got a check-in to make oh uh it's okay it's just a little scratched wouldn't that have been tragic no no no that's Mr Grouse sweetie I'm dada oh isn't that cute she thinks I'm her Dada yes yeah downright adorable that's enough of that [Music] if I done okay Lily time for operation remind you I'm your daddy and that guy next door is just an old coot with a bad lasagna addiction and the Pig and the Goat lived happily ever I'm your uncle browse isn't your father there all clean I landed on some Jacks but totally worth it here you go honey daddy's homemade peach puree so just to review I'm daddy this is my peach puree and I made it just for you [Music] oh yeah yeah if you like it now wait till I put sprinkles on it sure they're bad for her teeth but I'm waging a war here Lily dang it well if I'm gonna win you back I gotta get you away from that geezers magnetic pull [Music] s you want a balloon Daddy's on it [Music] Mr Grouse probably would only buy you one balloon but your real Daddy thinks you deserve them all [Music] you want a new teddy bear Daddy's got you covered Mr growls probably would have bought you that Rinky Dink one real daddy goes the extra mile oh that's fun isn't it and real daddy will do this all day if you want got her back [Music] yes yes yes I'm dead you're breaking your father's heart and his nose I chose cowbella over my daughter and now I've lost her forever honey it's it's all right the most important thing is that Lily is is happy and if that means spending time with Mr Krause instead of me then I'll just have to I was wondering if you'd let Lynn Lynn loud yeah I was wondering if you'd like to to come over for dinner tonight I know Lily I know Lily would love to see you yes fine we'll have lasagna okay Lily say hi to yes I know you think Mr Grouse is wait me I I don't understand what's happening [Music] honey I get what's going on Mr Grouse was wearing your favorite sweater that's why Lily was calling him Dada holy what a relief you hear that Mr Grouse she knows I'm her dad isn't that wonderful cool cool you got any pepper flakes [Music] yeah Lily fear not we're here to cure your nightmare don't worry Lily I'll keep you company [Music] now that's how you take out the trash one down one to go hey Steve it's almost Sunrise we're running out of time wait this is just like the boss battle my zombie video game oh was the boss a two-story convenience store owner with nacho cheese breath no but we can do this if we blast it from different angles it will have no place to run and we can take it down everyone split up and get in position I'll get his attention your nacho cheese is green I want my money back [Music] [Music] wait isn't flip lactose intolerant [Applause] [Music] so real hey where'd you go this Monster's too powerful we need to abort Mission it's too dangerous to stay here but if we leave Willy's nightmares will be even worse Chiefs return buttons wait why is Lisa still sleeping sorry siblings I already put one sister's life in danger I can't risk any of yours I must finish this alone for Lily [Music] sword [Music] really that was incredible from now on I promise no more Monster experiments not for anymore then my mission here is complete [Music] sweet dreams Lily huh okay what happened in there did you crush that thing nope he did [Applause] [Music] cookies [Music] huh you had a good dream about you sure tell me all about it Lily Lily no climbing on the parmesan Lily that is very disrespectful we taught you not to be rude okay which one of you taught her to be rude [Applause] okay okay that one was me and you nailed it all right Lily how did you get out of your crib no no it's not snack time sweetie it's time to what is going on with her is she supposed to be the sweet one we heard that not cool Mom oh come on sorry kids love you [Music] no Lily you clearly need sleep and you have school in the morning wait a minute School maybe that's where she's picking up this bad behavior that total sense maybe she's got a new friend who acts like this okay first thing tomorrow morning we March right in there and find out who's rooting our precious Lily know something creative whoa nice save hon looks like we know who the bad kid is Audrey that case closed Lenny I think you've earned yourself a break down those juice boxes Jackson's Bad too one bedroom is not enough space for all these dollies Lily Ellis this is not how we use tape Alice is bad too I can't believe it Audrey Jackson Ellis Flynn Max Tilly cute name Joey Monty Sully every kid in that class is a bad influence stop throwing pans we're gonna have to start wearing helmets what if she's stuck like this forever please really I'm sick of this helmet I haven't seen my hair in 15 years my hair my hair honey you're spiraling we still have time to save her Lily just needs to spend time with other kids nicer kids do you mean like our kids of course not we can hear you seriously dude we have a special playdate for you hello Miss Lily my name is Aiden and I made your favorite parmesan sandwiches that'll be all clear he's been helping in the kitchen Aiden is a very good boy so you know just just do whatever he does Milady do you want to play alphabet box [Music] laughs Lily what happened feeling dizzy so cold Miss Lily is a very bad girl I'm having fun girl you're acting like a monster what has gotten into you Lily Lynn I know why she's acting like this it's the cheese too much cheese can really you know back up the plumbing oh of course and when that happens you get you know cranky okay I know what we have to do [Music] brand fibroblast muffins ought to do the trick oh I added chocolate chips I'm not a monster [Music] feeling better sweetie much better [Music] huh what do you mean you didn't get me anything well I guess it's better than nothing [Music] Burger is so crowded on Christmas Eve well hi there hi there welcome to the forgot to do your Christmas shopping club me and my sister Meryl said that we weren't gonna do gifts this year and once you know what I hear Through the Grapevine she's crocheted me a car cover oh [Music] one burpen Burger gift card please sorry we're sold out okay then how about a burpen burger combo I could put a bow on that sorry we just ran out of burgers too you could make a bow out of these wrappers though how could you be sold Lincoln lame Chandler I might be able to help you out I was just inside the restaurant eavesdropping on you that's a super creepy way to spend Christmas Eve look do you want an amazing gift or not uh I'm listening my dad works at the sewage plant you wouldn't believe the things that people accidentally flush down the toilet first we need to discuss payment I'll give you all the money I have 20 bucks you're gonna need to give me more than that what else you got huh you win come with me here you go rip hardcore backpack cool no I had two [Music] questions yes an indoor field goal I totally need one of these [Music] perfect thank you so much Lenny don't you open your gift next oh sorry I sort of cheated and opened mine up last night Lincoln do we need to start hiding the gifts thanks Luna it was exactly what I wanted Lola open your gift [Music] prettiest earrings ever they're so gorgeous I don't even care they smell kind of funny [Music] they were totally worth it ah huh huh [Music] thanks Lily I love it [Music] very funny Lily but Lola needs those and her lipstick and her perfume [Music] great hold that bow s sorry this is my baby sister do not move this is the cutest thing I've ever seen you girls ever work as a team I have got some big time projects I could use you both for actually I'm kind of a solo performer hey Lori can I borrow your phone when we get home I want to record um my audition to you know practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you show us your worst can you watch Lily I'll let the judges know the two finalists are here so let me do it you just stay and help Lily get ready be right back hello Mrs Carmichael I wanted to let you know that Lily and I are here for our callbacks almost forgot before my sister auditions you should watch the video on this thumb drive you may find it how should I say this not so cute well bye good luck Lily May the cutest sister win not now Lily I'm touching up my blush wait what is this [Music] this is us wait you're never actually competing with me you just wanted to have fun together didn't you hey [Music] loud you are disqualified I can live with that congratulations Lily you're officially reininger's cutest kid [Applause] solos you bummed about the whole cutest kid thing cutest sister one besides it's what got me today's gig the director heard about me tackling Miss Carmichael and said she had a part I'd be perfect for commercial for the karate Corner take one that's it you don't have your own things yet you're like an unformed lump of life but if I can mold you then someone in this house will finally like the things I like hey Lincoln what has two thumbs and totally wants to hang out with his best friend this guy sorry Clyde I'm in the middle of something important I'm changing the baby something important but what's more important than hanging out with this guy it's just you and me Lily we're gonna have the best time together really [Music] here are all the things that make life worth living no no no you don't like this you like this Starship groupers my favorite underwater Intergalactic Adventures check this out it's a 500 piece replica of the Starship built by Yours Truly oh you like it here you go okay you gotta you know try to be careful it's okay I wanted to get the 600 piece model anyway coin collecting is an awesome hobby Lily you collect coins from all around the world and spend hours of fun carefully organizing them by country and denomination who loves us a Lottie Lily does thank you thanks a lotie this is my favorite sandwich Lily peanut butter and sauerkraut you can't chew it yet but you can drink it cheers okay Lily this is my favorite crime fighter Ace savvy and this is an ace Savvy mobile I made it especially for you now look into the mobile you will love a Savvy you will love a Saturday yes that's my girl I guess we should have done this before the peanut butter and sauerkraut good things watching Lincoln all day and I still don't see what Lily has that I don't come on guys let's find out [Music] oh hmm [Music] put your arms up let's see if we can find you a white wig [Music] hurry up Lily hmm [Music] amazing you really are the best you don't need this anymore Lily I still don't get what's so great about this baby but if that's what Lincoln wants hey I'm having a moment here um what's going on do you guys never want to do the stuff I like so I taught Lily to do it no one won't bother you everybody wins look we all want Lily to be our mini me right well there's only one way to settle this we'll let Lily choose thanks you want to hang out with babies then let's hang hey look Lily's coming to me no oh to me to me to me I have something to say to you little Miss friend stealer you are [Music] absolutely adorable no wonder Lincoln wants to hang with you Clyde why are you wearing a diaper he replaced me with Lily so I thought this was the only way to win you back I never replace you you're my best friend her blankie of course now I get it you guys we can't mold Lily no matter what we do she's always gonna want the things she wants besides I forgot I already have someone who likes everything I like what do you say Clyde wanna hang sorry Lincoln Lily and I have plans Lily requires [Music] thank you Darkness [Music] [Music] hey Lily sweetie we need to talk we know you're potty trained change so mommy and daddy decided you can stay it's fine if you're not ready to leave home [Music] I can't believe I have to go back to high school preschool had finger painting naps a trampoline [Music] it was like so bouncy huh I really loved that place I don't know how that happened but I'll take it me too we finally got the house but she's got the card please game over a Savvy and one-eyed Jack think again Wild Card Willie I've got a few more cards up my sleeve [Music] all right girls let's deal with these losers [Music] you'll take a baby I'll take the princess the queen of diamond Islands produce [Music]
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 1,691,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, NCU, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Star Trek, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, ytao_lh, baby, cute, sibling
Id: k1kaW2LnUzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 46sec (4066 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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