24 MINUTES Inside the Casagrandes School! πŸ“š | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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[Music] bigger bubble oh you like me now all right there are three simple rules one you get hit by the ball you're out two you catch the ball the person who threw the ball at you is out and three if you catch the ball an eliminated player from your team can come back in the game good luck speeders not [Laughter] this is gonna be the easiest match of our lives remember everything we learned round one it worked [Music] hey dodge last year called they want their heels back stop talking about shoes okay team attack just like the water balloons how'd they get so good pottery is kind of awesome i'm going to make a new dog dish for lalo i think i'm gonna love it too if i can just run the on button for this thing you have to step on the foot pedal [Music] oh okay sorry laird it's okay maybe this club isn't for us [Music] this is so much better than pottery yes so much better let's try another club today's recipe is preparing calamari step one pick out your squid here's a whopper whoa ah squiddy wow i i miss being homeschooled c-minus hi ronnie and i heard you're aware of my new dating situation and i just want you to know i'm not giving you special treatment clearly oh since i have you here which outfit do you think your dad would like more uh this is kind of weird for me and by kinda i mean super gotta go bye sorry to interrupt sorry renita you forgot your lunch i told your mom i'd swing by and and bring it oh uh thanks dad oh hello miss galliano okay bye may i have a word with you outside about uh educational things oh that does sound important class keep matching until i return close call hey give me my pen back samir so cool now it's blue no red no green oh what a time to be alive i'm telling miss galliano ronnie anne's dad is dating miss galliano [Music] so you have no idea why principal valenzuela wanted to talk to us maybe i'm getting an award for best smile in school mr and mrs casagrande carl unfortunately this isn't good news so he didn't win best smile no alexis won that he flosses between every class carl was caught tricking kids out of their pudding snacks come on it was just one time with the pudding just one time huh hello i'm sorry i just love tricking people and isn't that what you're always encouraging us to do principal v what we love that is not what i meant we have a new student today class say hello to hector casa grande i didn't realize abuelo would be in our class oh but look how excited he is you're right everything will be fine sorry i forgot to take my gas away medication today now let's start our math work who can help me solve this equation oh remember how's that she gets her smarts from me [Music] jump right up for great lake city's freshest and yummiest oh good thinking mikko selling the week old tortas from the mercado he gets his business march from me what we gold oh skateboarders you misfits decide on a team sport yet it's mandatory okay coach baseball field hockey i'm not super into any of these bunkers if only there was a sport we all liked [Music] you guys i got it skateboarding yeah it takes just as much athletic ability as any sport could a basketball player do this i nailed that trick come on let's go tell coach crawford that we're starting the school's very first skateboarding team hey coach my coffee and you got it on my whistle we chose a team sport skateboarding whatever you're doing is hilarious it's the backwards challenge ow hey casey or should i say yeah that's hey casey backwards oh yeah the backwards challenge i did that a few months ago when i fell into a fountain at the mall now it's all about the interworm challenge i love this challenge oh who put gum here it's called a cake shake they blend a slice of cake into your milkshake it's delicious but hard to drink cool but have you tried that restaurant where all the waiters are monkeys oh monkey business that place closed some guy had his finger bit off [Music] all right breakfast bot you finally got apples let's try a harder fruit now maybe coconut pineapple i'll check the cafeteria be right back okay carl [Music] and now to show you how awesome karate is and how good i am at teaching it meet our classes star student carl casagrande [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah join pause dojo [Music] huh weird why isn't it working what [Music] let's try it on a higher setting [Music] you guys want to wrestle me and becky against you two sure what are the rules [Laughter] there are no rules so what's your character's backstory are you both aztec warriors lost in time or oranges who escape from the jews factory less talking more wrestling okay oh you know what i like thumb wrestling all right here's the plan you lure them over here and i'll jump off the ropes and pin them but won't that make them mad don't worry about it we can take them just channel your aggression come on you can do it what makes you angry tap it to your tough side butterfly sid wait [Music] sid look out whoa sorry it's hard to see with the bubble in my face hey there's no chewing gum or skateboarding allowed in here but principal valenzuela he's going for the great lake city record oh you mean wheels mcbubbly's record i'll let it slide just this one time go samir you got this thanks how long do i have to go three hours 25 minutes piece of cake so who would like to take a crack at this equation you're correct this equation is unsolvable [Music] instead of running lamps today i thought we could try fencing oh [Music] let me do it ethan you left your gas away medication at home [Music] hmm what's this hector give those two car later oh carl you forgot to change your charlies this morning you're welcome this is the family tree of los casa grandes on my father's side of me familia i have a great great grandfather who rode with pancho villa whoa and on my mama's side i have an abuelo who helped build a railroad in mexico he was chinese hey did you know that no way that's so cool and this handsome guy is me i'm an abuelo too ronnie ann's grandpa huh when ronnie ann was a baby she had the cutest little bumpies and she used to go [Applause] [Laughter] okay do the thing dairy's not really great for brass instruments just do it already hilarious i like funny sounds same time tomorrow tuba boy i'll bring some more fun stuff for your horn i'm thinking pickle juice these don't and my name is alexis what was that all about oh the usual ricky and julius peeking on me like they do every day dude you let them do this you every day why what toys do i have i'm a hugger not a fighter well good luck with that help him go for justice [Music] alexis i'm gonna help i'm gonna teach you how to be a tough guy so no one messes with you uh okay first let me just mondays am i right [Applause] [Music] he's gone i think we can stop [Music] hi kids i'm coach kernicky now who's ready to get fit and have fun [Music] looking good listen to your body mrs kernicki my body's telling me to rest i need a breather but she only took five steps what's that body i need to chill see nice and easy now this is nice and easy where am i do i smell shampoo engage your car can you keep it down i'm engaging my snore [Music] [Music] sorry if the bread is soaked with tears hello gina arturo man sid what did we do we messed up dad miss g i have to tell you something it's my fault you broke up i couldn't handle you guys dating so i sabotaged your relationship i'm so sorry well that's brave of you to confess but you didn't break us up i didn't no mika we realized that we aren't a match and we're better off as just friends that's such a huge relief wait then why are you guys crying because my soccer team laughs okay lord you can start the match all right butts i want a good clean battle no hitting below the fan belt let's do this i'm gonna take you down sid come at me bro hey can i join this club yeah of course [Music] my money's on becky [Music] you wasted all your balls [Music] uh you're out so long skaters yeah guess you guys won [Music] all right you can have your team well we're not leaving until we have our team uh i think he just said we got it he did yes [Music] that's some nice skating kids some nice coffee too somebody please teach this kid how to stop yes please gnarly moves bubble boy samir's gonna break the record in my school this is so exciting just ten more seconds you've got this samir i'm ready with the confetti cannon five four three two oops [Music] dojo [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will train harder and one day i'll be the best you'll have to defeat me first this breakfast spot is gonna cook everything eggs bacon toast pancakes how's your robot coming good i finally figured out that this piece attaches to this piece ouch i have a great idea why don't you hold me with my breakfast spot yeah let's do that i'm starving anyway i'm almost done can you connect the eye sensor to the servo motor you know it okay all set all right who's ready for breakfast breakfast is the most important meal of the day how about we start with some ash browns are you sure you connected that right i'm like 80 sure or maybe 60. maybe you better turn it off so i can check it out time for breakfast [Music] [Music] fellow students it is i sydney chang i'm going to tell you my most embarrassing secret ever i have a birthmark on my foot that looks like abraham lincoln sometimes i talk to it and sometimes it talks to me good morning sid this is terrible and it's our fault i can't watch this huh that's nothing sid you know what's really embarrassing i sometimes dance like this [Laughter] [Applause] huh i still carry around my blankie and it's never been washed and i put many on my hair to give it volume my big toe is super hairy [Applause] i keep a jar of my baby teeth under my head you guys why did you do that we found out that you weren't unknown color sergio made breakfast bop malfunction and that's how our secrets got out we were wrong to accuse you you screwed up sorry our bad could you ever forgive us hmm what do you think abe all is forgiven thank you mr president sorry principal valenzuela but it's time you felt the burn too [Music] we made it in record time i feel super human yeah you're lucky i peed already hopefully she hasn't gotten on her bike yet how do i stop this thing principal valenzuela what happened i'll tell you what happened your exercise bike went nuts none of this would have happened if i was sitting at a desk like a normal principal you're fired no wait it's not her fault it's ours we rigged your bike to get mrs kernicki fired but why you got me the job we only did that because we thought you were going to go easy on us boy were we wrong but we were all so wrong about not wanting to exercise we get now that it's a good thing especially when it helps you in this [Music] a tough new look must be working everyone seems real scared of me yeah they are plus i've been spreading rumors about you all morning it's the final step in your tough guy makeover reputation what kind of rumors i heard he made a grown man cry i heard a pigeon pooped on him and he got so angry that he pooped on him back what it's a little bit true now go out there and don't let anyone lives with you anymore well done karl you're a good person with very shiny hair yes i am [Music] hey tuba boy we've got a bunch of new stuff to try today let's see how your tuba likes packing peanuts hmm dude what's wrong with your face nothing my face is just like this what's uh wrong with your hair [Music] what do you mean oh just that it looks grosser than the feathers of the pigeon i pooped on after i pooped on it hey man not cool yeah oops sorry i mean fight fight fight let's do this what is going on here hey principal valenzuela so funny story my office now okay start talking who started this and why they did ah fine then you're all going to be suspended what oh man does that mean i can't go to band practice hmm wait it was my fault don't suspend alexis suspend me i wanted him to fight i thought if he stood up for himself he wouldn't get picked on anymore it's not all carl's fault he was just trying to help me and he's right i do need to stand up for myself i just have to do it in my own way i really don't like it when you guys put weird things in my tuba it's hard to clean and it always sounds bad afterwards but i like the funny sounds we won't do sorry great so now can we hug it out what the heck sure
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 6,125,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, casagrandes, the casagrandes, loud house, casagrandes full episodes, casagrandes compilation, casagrandes scenes, casagrandes full scenes, best of the casagrandes, best of casagrandes, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes food, casagrandes song, casagrandes theme song, casagrandes and loud house, ytao_casa
Id: KvZgMQIs2Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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