Every "Big Sis" Moment in Loud House & Casagrandes! 💖 | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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lola what happened i don't know i do feel a little under the weather but the pageant must go on whoa whoa whoa you are clearly sick i'm so sorry lola i know how much you wanted to compete but you just can't that's all right i'll get over it someday well enjoy the spa shh forget the spa i am staying right here maybe a fun sister day will help cheer you up what no you don't have to do that i know i don't have to i want to now sit tight i'm gonna hit the gift shop for supplies [Music] i'm back oh good the flowers and balloons arrived first up mani pedis i got coral and seafoam you get first pick whoa this is a fancy brand what's money when you have a sick sister uh room service i'd like two chocolate chip cookies warm please with your coldest milk but those cookies are 5.95 each what else am i gonna do with my really hard-earned babysitting money and the winner of the little miss unsightly skin rash pageant is miss oh little miss unsightly skin rash [Music] luma what's wrong is your condition getting worse oh i don't have a condition unless you count being a terrible person i'm not really sick i faked all this with makeup to get out of the pageant but why i don't understand well i've never competed at this level before and the other girls are really talented i couldn't stand the idea of losing yeah that thing i'm sorry i lied i understand if you're mad actually lolz i'm not really no i get it i almost skipped homecoming because i was worried i wouldn't win queen but in the end i sucked it up put on my dress and went anyway and i'm so glad i did but i thought carol pingree went home coming clean oh she totally did and it definitely hurt at first but if i hadn't gone i would have missed out on an amazing night the competition is going to get tougher as you get older but you can't let it stop you from doing what makes me happy exactly so what do you say you still want to do this thing yes but it's too late the pageant starts in 10 minutes and look at me uh i'm a complete disaster don't worry i'm calling an expert okay lori grab a makeup wipe the one with the green tea extract we don't need to be irritating the skin right now one with green tea extract check and start warming up the curling iron while you're at it uh the one-inch barrel not the three-quarters have you ever heat-styled before woman ladies and gentlemen welcome to the little miss southeastern michigan pageant beautiful girls i'm talking about the beautiful girls just crazy for them go get them remember eyes forward chin until she clenched let's meet our contestants let's hear it for these beautiful girls [Applause] okay attention shoppers i mean siblings here's the deal we're gonna wait in line and everyone's gonna get their turn okay so how can i help you today ma'am well my concoction is currently corroding the living room floor hmm we have some lovely water that would do a great job of stopping that burn next our movement we're thinking about what is scary let's see if we can get you folks into something a little less terrifying and the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly that hit the spot next five for you and five for you makes ten thanks for coming in today um we live here sir do not make me call security yeah sofia i was at that new elevator lunch spot you stop on every floor and each time the door opens you get another appetizer okay i'll talk to you later carlona you're cool can you get me up to speed on all of the latest everything i thought you'd never ask prima has anyone seen carlitos i haven't seen him all day hello carlitos there you are hmm let me see what's happening oh there's a photo op at the froyo museum some kind of pop-up journal bracelet stand and a fun 5k run and that pizza shark meme is hilarious lol plus laugh cry emoji and just let me text back these 12 people real quick wow i can't even talk as fast as you text this day is gonna be so awesome [Music] [Applause] are we gonna get trendy new hairdos i had something better in mind whoa this is where you buy shoes so cool or heading the wrong way home just wait trust me a pop-up subway dance party no way [Music] lucy what are you doing on the stairs sigh i submitted my best poem to the transylvania review they didn't want it i must not have what it takes to be a poet your first rejection letter huh well step into my office i want to show you something these are my rejection letters it's like a coffin for your dreams it's just part of the creative life you can't expect to shoot to the top right away when i was your age i had to start at the bottom performing for our pets birthdays what did the dalmatians say after eating a snack that hit this spot wow rough crowd dang it charles it was a long time before i was ready to try my act out in public good one mr coconuts you blow me over yes that one landed in the gutter toots even then i still had a lot to learn about comedy so i enrolled in a clowning academy finally after paying my dues i was ready to build my own business how do turtles talk to each other on their shell phones just be patient and keep trying and no matter how hard it gets remember you always have a sister who knows you're spectacular i feel a lot better you know so much luanne maybe you could help me become a successful poet i suppose i could stanza to do that after all i am well versed in mentoring we'd make quite a couplet okay so your first step is to sharpen your skills at home fresh tuna shrouded in a cold beet sauce and laid to rest on a bed of pineapple great job lucy this is the perfect update to the aloha comrade menu i was just gonna say fish and sauce looking for an outfit that'll knock them dead this black sequin gown shimmers like the eyes of a hundred vampires on a moonless night this is perfect i can't wait to put it on my fashion blog done nice work the next step is to get some formal training okay class give me your best rhymes for rose cheers close bows decompose evocative the next step is to start putting your work out there oh honey these pillows would be perfect for the nursery i can't decide rage against conformity or embrace the darkness get them both you might have twins okay you're almost ready to read your work in public but first you gotta build a thick skin melancholy night before a hopeless dawn the sun is rising soon but all my joy is gone oh i don't want to do this it's for her own good i'll show you how it's done that poem is terrible i have been more moved by lynn's farts oh thank you you smell weird your hair is wrong and i would not recommend you to my friends mean little blonde you throw stones and sticks but what would you know you're only six booyah that's my girl is it a crush or maybe it's chemistry maybe it's all in my head lori look at this thread tell me what you see [Music] when is he trying to get me look at this one again what do you think it means he's gotta like you for you and your music too don't wanna call it like if it isn't true it's online it's not life and the real world takes time just to [Music] we got our own kind of song [Music] tristan i'm sorry forgive me tristan oh edwin i know it's too late to get tristan back but maybe it's not too late for my sisters dory lenny i guess it is too late i blew it sigh [Music] so lisa wanted my used tissues and gasp rory lenny will you please watch vampires of melancholia with me i know you probably don't want to now that tristan's gone the truth is i just want to hang out with you guys of course we'll watch tristan may have been the reason we got into the show but the reason we stayed is because it's been so much fun sharing it with you yeah in fact we were just at the store getting vampire themed snacks for tonight i got garlic bread is that right well actually never mind it's perfect come on who could that be a wandering traveler a door-to-door salesman [Music] what's up uncle eddie tristan you're back but how griselda you're back too we crossed paths in the underworld bringing him back with me was a snap well more of a bite guess my protest didn't affect the show after all i'm glad am i crazy or is tristan even cuter as a vampire well the fangs do help so we must be upstairs i've got you now wait stop [Music] why you hold it right there mister if you exterminate this spider you'll exterminate this boy's future everyone will think he's a spider killer and no one will ever trust him again do you really want that on your conscience wow i never thought of it that way lady you just changed my life really course not you spider huggers exterminator out here's my bill [Music] lenny that was amazing but why i heard what you said at the funeral and besides maybe spiders aren't so bad after all i mean this one's kind of cute no it's not take it take it flanked at me oh yes it came eyeliner lashes no way i even got the shadow palette where are you even getting money for all this stuff do you get more allowance than me no i don't pay for it i review makeup on my vlog and the company send me stuff for free really would i get free toys if i made some videos sure there are tons of kids who unbox toys online it's like a whole thing i could help you if you want excuse me i think i know how to play with toys hey guys check out this cool toy it's a brand new fire truck with a working siren [Music] toy companies send me free toys zero views why is no one watching my video nugget oh there's my favorite sister those new shoes styling girl let me guess you didn't get any views and you want my help she's good if you want my help we are doing it my way no way no one could tell me what to do enjoy your zero views no wait please i can't wait until my birthday i want this toy so badly i need it fine i knew you'd come to your senses first you'll need the right angle lalo you can be our cameraman second and most importantly you need a gimmick something to help you stand out [Music] hi i'm carl the upside down toy unboxer oh watch it [Music] hey guys this is flamin hot toy reviews where i look at some hot toys and drink even hotter sauce [Music] ah refreshing i'm carl this toy makes me want to jump for joy it's pogo tastic pogo sticks check me out this is a blast wait this is perfect a boy and his bird fighting over the latest toys it's so crazy it just might work [Music] that's mine it's mine that's your own 50 000 hits in a couple of hours that's amazing proud sister moment huh way to go sidekick you're the sidekick i'm the star baby hey carl a package came in for you have a good day thanks mirta let's see dear carl we hear a toy city loved your video you and your bird sidekick are so cool told ya please play with this toy in your next video oh sweet mother of swagger worked let me see that's mine get out of the kitchen guys save it for the video wow a brand new race car time to take it for a spit and back off i get to drive first [Music] get your own popcorn [Music] let's just get this over with oh maybe they'll seat us behind someone with big hair so i don't have to watch my sister steal my dreams i was hearing fuchsia today e3 hey what's going on why isn't anybody ready for lucy's reading lucy will not be doing said reading what why not she claims to be ill though i just checked her vitals and she seems to be medically fine it must all be in her head hey loose lisa said you're too sick to do the reading cough cough yeah my throat's killing me and i think i've got a fever that was weak hmm you feel fine to me is there any chance you're faking just because you're afraid to go on stage um not exactly hmm well something's going on you can tell me sigh okay lincoln told me it was your dream to be the youngest person to ever perform at the royal woods theater i don't want to take that from you really so you're giving up on this huge opportunity just for me how could i not after all you've done for me all right get out of bed what you're doing the festival i think we should go with vacant tomb that's actually eternal sadness luanne i don't understand what about what kind of a mentor would i be if i allowed you to miss this opportunity look i'm sorry i got jealous before you've earned this luanne honey lucy's hugging someone get the camera [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome our next poet lucy loud [Applause] this poem goes out to the person who got me here my big sister luanne dreams burnt to ash hope tingled like laces till love swept in with puns and funny faces where my path will lead i can't be sure but if ever i'm lost i'll look up to her [Music] that's everything on the list where's our giant s'more sorry guys i made up the scavenger hunt to get rid of you get rid of us but we were the best part of your lame sleepover well we did ruin the scary stories and the dance party and okay okay maybe we weren't the best part about i know it's late but can they come back to the party i owe them a giant s'more see ronaldo but just for a little longer vito what happened speak to me all right one super smart as promised [Music] lumber party ever you can say that again come on lenny hurry up other people live in this house too you know but lori mom said no running on the stairs oh sorry lenny i didn't real wait if you're not hogging the bathroom who is it's me dude luna are you crimping i'm just getting ready for the royal woods astonishing quest sam's my partner this is so i want to look good tell us everything this is your first date isn't it you must be so nervous nah just stoked i know sam and i are gonna be perfect for each other okay take a deep breath pimples are literally no big deal and plus benny should like you for who you are not what you look like maybe you're right good golly miss molly that thing's a monster it is monster where come on it's just a zit but man is it huge can i pop it can i bomb it please uh popping that beast will spread the bacteria wait isn't your date with benny today yes so i've got to get rid of this can you guys help me please i still don't think you should worry about it but if it's literally that important to you i'll help according to 16 and a half magazine this pimple patch should vanish your zit in five seconds or less hit me three two one rip it big whoop i'm still not convinced well maybe you'd like to take a ride in my falcon mobile that's a lot bulkier than on tv not so fast falcone it is i la cobra eat venom bird later squares silly snake i've got full control of the falcon mobile including the eject button awesome i mean not bad you can see the greens break slightly to the left of the dinosaur's tail uh lola that's not how you hold the club to putt ugh it's not that hard just hit the little ball into the big dinosaur you're gonna be dinosaur when i'm done kicking your butt buddy nice one look my sister's a professional golfer so stop rushing her you're gonna have to deal with me that was my club oh let me guess you want us to get our putts out of here oh i think that's enough puns for today nothing like dairyland for some guaranteed fun the signage for fondue falls clearly states no more than three passengers per cheese log yeah but today is about us being together and those signs are just a suggestion uh i think they want us to asia go oh sorry lori i couldn't resist [Music] this will be perfect we can catch up with each other have a little bourbon burger soak up the sun seriously oh well give me them chicken tendies touches my meatball shake it's over if anyone touches my salad it's over who orders his salad at bourbon burger hey come on guys today was supposed to bring us closer but instead we're going backwards yes that's exactly how i feel no you're actually going backwards [Music] hang on i'll get us out of here what do we do now you guys push off here walking in mud there is nothing more disgusting come on everyone i stan correct it oh lucky you want it you got it come on [Music] it's okay lori we'll get vanzilla out of the pond no it's not that lenny this whole weekend was a bust i came home to reconnect with you guys and nothing went right you were all off doing your own thing and then when we did spend time together it was a disaster i feel like i'm not even a part of this family anymore what that's nuts today was not a disaster in fact i would call it a normal loud family sunday yeah dude what's more loud than getting kicked out of places or rolling vanzilla into a pond and even though you're not with us every day you're always going to be part of this family even in the afterlife thanks you guys i really needed to hear that group hug no no i'm already dirty enough [Music] [Laughter] okay who wants ice cream for dessert oh i guess it's a little melty sorry about the soggy vanilla it's better than the soggy vanzilla [Laughter] wait wait i don't get it what does that mean sorry mom you just had to be i have there idea why we're laughing seriously why are we laughing
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 6,483,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoons, nick toons, loud house, loud house full episodes, loud house scenes, best of loud house, casagrandes, casagrandes full episodes, casagrandes scenes, best of casagrandes, loudcasa, loud house sister song, loud house sisters, casagrandes and loud house, casagrandes family, loud house family, cartoon, ytao_lh, lori loud, leni loud, ronnie anne, luna loud, carlota casagrandes, ytao_casa, loud hose
Id: Y6n4GMQwTE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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