The Official Loud House Back-To-School Checklist | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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Lincoln check out those columns do you think they're real Marvel probably this place is so much bigger than our school good thing they gave us Maps huh you guys guys got Stitch the maps first rule of survival don't act like a total Noob but we are noobs yeah I'm gonna sum upperclassmen realizes that you'll be a prime target for pranks like the kid who asked an eighth grader for directions on the first day of school the poor fool got sent on a wild goose chase down in the tunnels under the school and didn't make it out until the whole game is over don't be noobs you get to sit by Hank our beloved class pet [Music] s excuse me Mr Bull offner I'm not feeling well if you're not bleeding then you'll survive till the end of the day oh can I go to the nurse now fine but give Hank his tooth back [Music] Fairway University boasts the tradition of academic excellence and a golf program as old as our great nation at Fairway we live and breathe golf 24 7. and the cubed root of 64 is foreign doesn't it look amazing you know what the best part is it's only a few miles outside the city so I'll be close to Bobby well this calls for a celebration I'll make a cake no wait par phase get it next is bio suit up cool I've always wanted to wear a lab coat welcome fifth graders we're continuing our work with live mealworms today so everyone grab a case from the back of the class sorry guys that was my fault I was only making business Lynn what the heck rule number three never own up to making a mistake but I spilled the worms so do you want to be like the sixth grader who we hang on clydings to hear this too you want to be like the sixth grader who owned up to farting during a standardized test [Music] be for some magic ladies and gentlemen my name is Lincoln the Magnificent and these guys and the shiny pants are my volunteers methods be questionable but they're always looking out for me [Music] kick it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay class time to present your robotics projects Lisa it's okay if you want to sit this out give me a moment say hello to Todd he's fluent in over 600 languages [Music] oh and he destroys anything inferior to him as long as we're together we'll be fine this is it middle school and we'll make this day look easy but we're not lit we're not cool and my stomach's really queasy I don't think I can go through with it just take a deep breath and get a grip our strategy is tight our game is strong we got this we got this we'll get through it all together we got this we got this we're Invincible we're a team we're a troop we're the best forever friend group I've got your back I know that you've got mine trust me we'll be fine with that terrible tee shot a redo was requested and thus was created the Mulligan oh my word sorry Lenny I can't talk I'm in class Lori please you've got this huh fine but if I get a call from someone named booboo bear I'm gonna need that back hey Luanne hey what's up Benny I just wanted to say good luck I hope you win the playwriting contest no thanks knock on wood hey quit it toots you're giving me a splintering headache more like a migraine introducing the woman who recently played the coveted role of confused eater in the new bourbon burger commercial wow Mrs B has really stepped up her entrance game thank you thank you please oh please hold your applause um as you know the winner of the playwriting contest will be directing the play they wrote there were a number of superb entries but only one Tess of me and the winner is oh my goodness I've got this really really and you'll be needing this every director must have one congrats Luanne thanks for the opportunity Mrs B I can't wait to get started whoa welcome to Canada here's your complimentary snowsuit and took oh you're gonna want to put those on welcome to Canada it's a treat this time of year so go on Mount your moves for your commute it's how we get around around here try the ketchup chips just costs a loony don't resist the Chinook Winds are very very extra ordinary foreign so if you love [Music] mounties gravy bags of milk a minus 50 morning chill we got it boy so come and seize the day go and break the ice and make a life north of the USA Today you'll be getting your very first report card the first installment of my perfect academic career was she an A in science in a ragging in a in math one Penny that's four dollars and eleven cents or approximately 416 Japanese Yen also I took the liberty of preparing your tax returns an A in physical education in a in vocabulary and an F in social skills perfect oh wait what and what does this animal do [Music] I'm so getting an a that new volunteer is delightful she really relates to the children on their level [Music] here Lincoln U10 goal I don't really do okay kids if Sadie hits 160 gram Puck with 4 200 pounds of force how much time does Lincoln have to raise his glove to block the goal to my correct Sadie a nice Slap Shot way to nail the biscuit ooh the solo I've been practicing for the audition for a month you're gonna do great buddy meanwhile I beat the final villain in muscle fish so it was a big month for both of us I hope those private singing lessons pay off that was a long drive to Cleveland every weekend on the bright side it did give me time to listen to Leon Colorado's guide to improving your vocal cords in this Herky jerky world you shouldn't need to say goodbye was I off there I can't be off my odds are flying in from the Canary Islands just to see me singing the show no no you were fine but maybe try it like this in this Herky jerky world you shouldn't need to say goodbye did you know he had the voice of an Angel they're good to see you my man missed each of you the most Mr B how lovely for us now zipper absolutely but uh Mr bohuffner Sir is there any way you could turn down the temp in here I got kind of used to the cold time turn turn that temp [Music] I don't care no one's ever asked [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] see you later Sam okay see ya [Applause] just can't shake it follow your heart if you really want to make it [Applause] [Music] or you can do what you love and it'll all work out my life is a dream the great is archeology [Music] ladies and gentlemen we've got some rumble royalty in the house give it up for gestures [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you right there [Applause] happy Monday class it's the moment you've been waiting for lunch no Rusty the fifth grade Egg Baby Challenge you'll work in pairs to look after an egg baby for a week now class if your egg cracks or breaks you fail but if you can keep your eggs safe for the whole week you pass and get a special waffle breakfast [Music] wrong picture Lincoln McLeod reporting for parenting Duty and Waffles no no no I'll be choosing the pears the whole point is to work with someone you don't know so you can learn about each other through caring for the egg okay homeroom there are no assigned seats so it's time for rule number two don't get stuck with a crummy desk oh sorry please it's all yours I'd pull out the chair for you but it's attached wrong boom dominant nobody's messing with that uh wasn't that a little aggressive not if you don't want to end up like the kid who got stuck with the worst desk in the room this one kid thought she had the perfect desk but ended up getting stuck in it so tight that they had to call the school cook sorry kid we're gonna have to grease you out you got any nut allergies four three two good morning Royal Woods Middle School I'm Lincoln loud and I'm climbing bright and kangaroos this is your news breaking news today is Mr ball hoffner's birthday we've got reporter Stella Zao live on the scene that's right Clyde I'm here with the birthday boy Mr B how does it feel to turn 62. I'm 34. ha now Rusty spokes with sports Frosty you're live I'm here with the soccer team's Captain Lynn loud Rusty we're trying to practice here Lynn wait how are you feeling about today's game against hazeltucky more like hazelucky if they score a goal don't move I need to run a few drills that's today's sports news licking a Clyde kicking it with Lynn loud is definitely not a goal of mine let's check back in with Stella who's learning how to whip up that famous cafeteria one bean chili I'm here with Chef Pat and together we're cooking up some trouble is that a shoe well that's the news for today from all of us here on Action News have a happy day kangaroos that's a wrap [Music] hair dryers you can't play hockey without ice [Music] [Applause] get back here with that oh [Music] well bust my flannels what's going on here eh oh no principal Marshall we're so busted do you realize what you've done sorry principal Marshall I guess I'm a born troublemaker I just can't help myself anyway I'm sure this means I'm kicked out so I'll just go grab my belongings no you actually saved me seriously I was actually coming down here to melt the ice myself but you could have just turned on the heater but uh hair dryers work too huh dang it I hate dodgeball weak and why is Mr bullhofner running it coach kecks at a gym teachers conference so we're stuck with him hey chuckleheads look alive [Music] my hair doesn't count I'm still in I can't wait for yoga week can't change princess the Rope is waiting and it will continue to do so coach Pete this is 30 of your grade kid I mean right away Coach I gotta pee coach uh pee do I [Music] okay everyone royalty coming through if this damages my nails you will be hearing from my attorney [Music] wow Lola I've never seen that kind of hustle from you before oh oh right um I'm in training for a Miss survivalist pageant great job class I'm so proud of all your arts and crafts Dr s look I made a painting based on this scary dream I had last night there were some super cute espadrilles on sale and they didn't have my size but I bought them anyway Lily Audrey what did you do you're okay my book Cloud so get to your new seat now looking lame if you want me out of your precious seat you're gonna have to make me move huh
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 2,079,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoons, nick toons, loud house, loud house full episodes, loud house scenes, best of loud house, loudcasa, loud house family, cartoon, ytao_lh, lori loud, leni loud, luna loud, loud hose, family, lincoln loud, loud house funny moments, casagrandes, back to school, school, back to school checklist, nickelodeon back to school, lincoln loud school, loud house school
Id: WabnhmAZl4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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