30 MINUTES Of Lincoln & Clyde's Best BFF Moments On The Loud House! | Nickelodeon

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I'm gonna have to return this Clyde don't you dare but I don't so you missed one day out of what a thousand that's still pretty awesome Clyde perfect attendance Lincoln what do you think that means actually I uh just discovered that I uh I'd like to make you my junior administrator it's a lot of responsibility you'll raise the flag every day help Cheryl with the clerical work way in on the cafeteria menu oversee the hall monitors and read the morning announcements and if all goes well who knows McBride who knows maybe someday you'll be sitting at this very desk I'm so happy you're here Clyde Lance sakes I can sure use the help of my new project digitizing all the student files thanks does that include attendance records I've got a cold butterscotch Cheryl's digitizing the school records and is going to find out that your attendance isn't perfect exactly but I've got a plan I'm in I'm going back to school after principal Huggins and Cheryl leave to remove my fight I'm in now I know it sounds risky and I understand if you don't want to get involved I'm in but it would really mean a lot to me if wait did you say you're in three times oh you're the best buddy now no one will ever know I lied about my perfect attendance success success [Music] here do you think you hear what I just said probably not I must have these Halls Echo like the Grand Canyon yeah I was gonna tell principal hugger goes the dream I just discovered I had okay take it easy Clyde we have to make sure Norm stays quiet and I know how to do it kids are all clean how's it going out here the soap scum and mildew are almost gone I think we may be stuck with the smell forever though loud McBride are you boys cleaning yep just thought you could use a little help wow much appreciated I haven't touched this bathroom since the great flood of 2012. well now you don't have to and you know what they say Norm I scratch your back you scratch mine [Music] we did it now no one will ever know I lied about my attendance record [Music] do you think coach Bukowski heard what I just said probably not he must have stuff for like Carnegie fall Clyde I really think we have to make sure Coke stays quiet and I know how to do it McBride what are you doing under my boat just taking care of those pesky barnacles for you coach Gotta Keep Your Vessel in Tip-Top cheap why would you do that well you know what they say coach I scratch your back you scratch mine I don't think you got enough oxygen down there McBride Ma I just scraped all the bicles off the boat can I have my allowance now phew that was a close one if Coach B told principal hug is that I lied about my attendance records oh God we sucked did North Patty hear what I said about my attendance record does it even matter what I say of course you heard the Lake Breeze scared my melodious voice we have to make sure there's Patty stays quiet and I know just how to do it Clyde McBride is a big fat liar my attendance isn't perfect at all and neither is my character I don't deserve to be a junior administrator or a future principal and because of all that I hereby resign my posts effective immediately McBride summoned was just on the loudspeaker impersonating you no sir that was me I haven't been honest with you I actually missed a day I'm sorry about everything cheese and grits you never missed a day of school yes I did April 5th 2012. it's in my school Journal well nobody was at school that day sugar dumpling that was the great flood of 2012. Clause due to toilet explosion Norm the janitor applies for emergency leave of absence so my attendance record is perfect after all and as perfect as my mama's Plum Pudding on a Christmas morning [Music] we may have to get farts during King of the Rings also soda burps it's okay I can make this work Clyde the lettuce was a head and the Tomato was trying to catch up Luanne I love your brand of offbeat observational humor well thank you my good man give it house band [Music] your rock stylings move both my heart and my feet cheers mate uh oh thank you to stop bugging Clyde we have a long night ahead of us we're now a full minute behind schedule but we can make that up if we don't waste time buttering the popcorn that's fine my dad saved my cholesterol level could use a break heads I got it all right Clyde keep it going I think my new face cream might cause hives can someone else try it first Claude perfect actually it's Clyde this doesn't have peanuts in it does it time for my Friday night brainwave study a new subject [Music] dance dance [Music] we got a runner likes you leave Clyde alone we haven't itinerary it's okay Lincoln we can just hang here with your sisters what no I see my sisters enough as it is this sleepover is supposed to be our night it's princess I need a toad to turn into a beautiful princess oh oh you'll be a challenge Clyde come on we gotta get started hey that's my toad I hate to let the kid down Lincoln start the movie and I'll be right in are you kidding me I can't believe you would rather spend your time with my dumb sisters hey than do all the things I plan for us you are ruining the sleepover Clyde far time is out the window and I seriously doubt we'll get to booger flicking but Lincoln we can still have fun doing this other stuff you know what let's just forget the whole thing the sleepover is officially canceled thanks for coming Artie I want you to know you are my first choice for a sleepover hey hey I'm conducting a practice funeral and I need a corpse how do you feel about enclosed spaces [Music] foreign okay so maybe not everyone can handle the loud house but I think I finally found the perfect candidate he lives in between a freeway and a circus come on man ready for a great night ah heck no huh now that surprises me isn't there anyone who can handle this house oh Clyde of course he doesn't just handle it he likes it little bow sleep this is Slumberjack do you read wow he must be really mad was I that big of a jerk oh who asked you [Music] Clyde you're still here sorry Lincoln I know you wanted me to leave but I passed out oh no Clyde I want you to stay I was just at your house apologizing to someone oh that must have been my stuffed animals they kind of keep me company at night right because you're an only child no wonder you like hanging out with all of my sisters yeah sometimes it's pretty lonely at my house dude your story moves both my heart and my fingers how about we start the sleepover again you mean it definitely only this time we're gonna do what you wanna do so this is the first place that I saw the ghost [Music] want something over here [Music] [Applause] what could see even grosser than I thought awesome what is it ectoplasmic residue go scoop I'll take some for further study [Music] we need to go so he blows the putt for Bogey and then I'm all like scrap the blade clear would you put those away there are people in here this is the spot where the ghost Arnold palmered me [Music] all I'm getting is floor wax and oh somebody stepped in something the special evidence has obviously been mopped away we'll have to recreate the splash patterns to see what type of ghosts we're dealing with hmm did it Splash you like this or more like this neither it didn't throw the drink at me ah so maybe more like this oops sorry we were just leaving [Music] guys remember this is a library so I need you to be extra quiet got it guys what did I just say hi again this is where the ghost started purling books at me yeah just like that shoot me Clyde shook a ghost oh there it is we've got you now ghost Ready Aim oh it's a biography it's headed to the romance section no wait it's coming back that was awesome oh he's getting away follow it [Music] uh so sorry ah maybe just for help gotta go oh seriously it had to go into the dark and creepy Woods here Lori the spirit protection Club will keep you safe um this is just an ARG hoodie oh well it's worth a shot [Music] I think it's trying to communicate with us I'll use a spirit translator don't forget to watch I can't be right who was talking more blasting Ready Aim Henry's must have died that's it listen up ghost you need to leave my sister alone you're really scaring her it's super messed up and you should feel awful about yourself working the ghost responds to shame and guilt just like me leave Lori loud alone leave Lori loud alone leave Lori loud alone [Music] we did it drop the ghost away thank you I knew you could do it Clyde Lincoln I had my doubts but you really pulled through thank you I think finally I can focus on getting ready for the tournament hey where did you get that cookie it was in the pocket that's I put that hey guys check out my new outfit it's perfect for fall weather and springing into action 11 of hearts well guards getting away hey Lily Go Fish the royal flush yeah I see your bed and raise you the Joker Willie why do you always have to play dirty cards cause that's the only way to clean up so I guess it's off to jail for me where'd you get the idea for all those butt kicking super ladies from sisters they've always got my back except for Lola you never turn your back on Lola so if you fellas win the contest they'll make this hair into a really Savvy comic and we'll get to meet the Creator Bill Buck Bill Buck well I think your comic's totally gonna win or two word loud McBride school time is meant for learning not for doodling degenerate fantasies this trash belongs to me now well principal Huggins Igor comic giving me sass that's the tension today till five but we have to get to the post office by four that's the contest deadline oh I didn't realize I'll just give it back to you I've got Tesla thing to keep those doodling hands of yours busy cleaning erasers comic and we're getting it back dang it he walked us in from the outside [Music] [Applause] hey Plan B we'll sharpen a bunch of pencils and dig our way out he just picked the lock not that your idea wasn't great Lola why are you busting us out we heard about Huggins confiscating your comic book me as Queen of Diamonds and me he is the Royal Flush do you think we're gonna let some power tripping principal take away our chance to get famous sweet now we just gotta find a way to sneak into Hogan's office and get our comic back maybe we can use her pencils forget that Pawn I tried buddy we gotta find a way to get Huggins out of his office it's taking care [Music] I'm on it now we have to distract Cheryl taking hello Cheryl I took the liberty of assessing the school budget and encountered numerous instances of wasteful spending uh that's very cute sweetie but I'm sure everything here is in order item one the two dozen fresh cut roses you sent to yourself on Secretary's Day put on a pot of coffee sweetie we're gonna be here a while come on come on where is it there problem solved Cheryl we got rid of the bats and coaches resting comfortably after his rabies shot yeah I'm headed home for the day you can let loud and McBride out of detention at five but only if the erasers are clean oh no Huggins just took our comic home with him and worse we didn't finish cleaning the erasers [Music] oh my God oh am I going too slow for you don't worry he won't give us the slip we still have five minutes to get into the post office [Music] [Applause] which of these new flavors should we release caramel crunch mocha fudge marshmallow swirl all of them I'm so sorry Mr McBride and Mr loud but we've run out of room for all the money you're making foreign getting people to buy stuff like this shirt I never thought I could do Stripes now let's get out there and start taking orders yeah oh but should we get that history project out of the way first Homer can wait for the cookie Kings of Royal Woods will anyone care how we did on some history project what history project let's do this [Music] should I get a roses oh those are played out this anniversary why not give her what she really wants cookies here try a sample huh these wool I'll take two dozen great we'll just get your info hey quit stealing my customers hey guys what you doing at my soccer practice need me to open a jar or something we we team might like to order some cookies come on stinking athletes can't be slamming sugar actually these are made with unsweetened applesauce whole grains and protein packed peanut powder [Music] we'll take six dozen for our next match against Fern Valley [Music] it's on your plate there Mr loud why not let us handle the dessert menu thank you dang exhaust fan anyway these cookies are out of this world you got yourselves a deal you know running a business is a big responsibility you boys want some pointers it's not all a piece of cake it's Dad but we're all set plus we've got a hot lead on another potential sale have fun boys Catherine Mulligan reported you live from Sunset Canyon where a riot has broken out the cause a clogged pudding dispenser senior citizens we have the solution to your putting problem s [Music] these are fantastic looks like we've got a new story these delicious cookies that's right Catherine we are clink and McLeod cookie company and we're open for business now each one of you's got a gentle touch [Music] hey guys come look at the conveyor belt I rigged up I think it'll help make things go a lot faster I made it out of a treadmill your parents were getting rid of see we could do an assembly line and subscribe to cookies [Music] ah there last one we did it here are the cookies for your anniversary sir sorry they're so awful looking we got you these is back up too oh well thanks also we fixed the pudding machine these were clogging it those are scouts jumpers you can't prove it I get it boys bit off a little more than you could chew huh yeah we definitely did we thought we'd be the cookie Kings of Royal woods but there's so much more to running a business than we realized managing employees tracking inventory wrangling dairy cows well don't worry there'll be plenty of time to figure it all out when you're older [Music] enjoy being a kid while you can well do will do [Applause] it's like that zombie was coming right at us I know that's the 2160p LED touch screen can I give it a try yeah sure wow feels like it was built for me that's the memory foam handle grips they conform to each individual Gamer's hand whoops little grease spot I can't believe you got a super snap 95. they've been sold out for weeks yeah my nana Gail won it at bingo though she thought it was a postage scale whoa game over mind if I play again oh sure I was gonna suggest putting it back in its case and admiring it from afar but go ahead guess you've got your weekend all mapped out well actually I can only play with this until 11 59 pm tomorrow is screen free Sunday it's a new McBride house rule my dads think we need one day a week to completely unplug I guess that fits right in with your meatless Mondays and wheatless Wednesdays dang it you know Clyde since you have to unplug tomorrow maybe I could borrow the snap uh you mean like at your house as long as you're cool with it okay Clyde you know you're not comfortable with this just tell him the truth you don't want him to borrow it borrow it I'll bring it over tomorrow thanks buddy Clyde what was that who's that you know what Clyde you change your mind about borrowing the console no worries these things happen no I probably don't say this enough but I'm really lucky to have a best friend who's so cool about sharing his stuff that's me Mr very cool about sharing this stuff geology I don't make no apology I'll apologize to Lisa later [Music] rude hi watch closely son the key to a good pizza crust is Loft you can't be afraid to give it a good toss okay maybe a bit too much luck hands off that pizza grouse [Music] kids dinner oh no okay Clyde just write this out till everyone is done eating actually this isn't so bad it's kind of cozy under here whoa my compliments to the chef oh oh hey Charles who's a good boy want a snacky come on Charles yeah Charles no no no I don't even like sausage here you can have it Charles why are you so mad Clyde why are you under the table Lincoln to invite your friend to dinner and you don't even give him a chair that's rude I didn't invite him that's even Ruder clearly he's hungry uh Clyde what's going on Lincoln can I talk to you for a sec in private what's up Clyde well I've been following you around all day because I was worried about the snap I never wanted to let you borrow it in the first place fight [Music] grow up says the guy having a con Fab under the dining room table come on Clyde so why didn't you want me to borrow the snap I was afraid something was gonna happen to it I'm pretty particular about my stuff and you're um a little less particular and then you throw in your 10 sisters and Clyde if that's how you felt why didn't you just tell me I was afraid you'd be hurt and our friendship would be over can I be destined to walk through life alone and become one of those people who only talk to cats God it's happening again Clyde that's ridiculous I might have been a little hurt at first but I would have understood I know I'm not as careful with my stuff as you are no one is fair point so we're still friends of course we are thanks for understanding I promise to be more honest in the future and you've given me a lot to talk about on therapy Thursday here's your snapback thanks buddy well I should probably get home
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 1,285,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, NCU, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Star Trek, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, ytao_lh, BFF, Bestfriends
Id: IqXsqATo8do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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