30 MINUTES of The Casagrandes Family Team-Ups! ⏰ | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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huh i am obsessed with those tamales i dreamt about them all night well i can't find out or we're rap bait we need a plan i'm one step ahead of you i mapped out abuela's schedule she's got cooking from seven to eight building repairs from ten to two and laundry from three to four should be the most distracted during the repairs so that's when we hit the truck order up one pork one sweet that's me huh abuela's coming aboard abort abuela hi hi um i uh i i thought you were doing repairs i was i'm heading to jack's hardware for more parts bobby do you need to go potty what no uh uh actually yes bye okay we've got 24 hours to get you ready for your next test first things first exercise scientists say it helps release stress five sets nope that one doesn't count [Music] [Music] around the park go [Applause] [Music] wow you really stuck the landing i am the champion oh guys i have a favor to ask you know that family who just looked at the apartment the changs they have to get it we just have to make sure that no other potential tenants see the apartment how does abuela usually advertise it online post email blasts no way abuela's old school yeah she photocopies the same flyer she's used for 10 years and puts it up all over the neighborhood okay so we'll have to take those flyers down and deal with the people who've already seen them plus someone has to keep abuela distracted now who's with me abuela always puts a flyer up at margarita salon got it let's gracias margarita for the trim and the gossip phew that was close oh i know oh hey you want to get manny petties while we're here my treat [Music] uh you missed a spot oh thanks buddy oh i got this one oh you're here to see apartment 3a great the bedbug exterminator should be done any minute now if we want to save abuela and abuelo's anniversary trip we all have to pitch in how can we help great i have some ideas instead of using all these tools for your hair why not try a natural look ugh fine just wish it weren't the most humid day of the year whoa whoa is right i totally rocked this look see you can still make your pirates walk the plank in the sink yeah look it's low tide photography's great but why not try painting you're right i'm sure i can still be true to my vision in this medium it's actually even more fun to run the train yourself okay i'll run it myself but i'm not making the train noises and that's for babies suit yourself [Music] instead of your plug and car you can take the mercado bike to work okay guess i can use the exercise remember you have to pedal backwards to break thank you ronnie ann but i'm perfectly capable of operating you carlos are you okay anything for abuela noelle's trip right right the new supermarket is stealing our customers we've got to make changes or else the mercado will be history if you think we're in danger of losing the business i'll do anything to save it all right here's my plan first we put up a sign advertising the new and improved mercado casa grande stock new merchandise and offer our customers new services from the moment our customers enter we have to give them the shopping experience of their dreams that means no sarcastic comments to the customers okay pal what okay pal that still sounded sarcastic he says welcome to the mercado yeah oh and let him know if you need anything oh how precious thanks cj i'm here to help your flouta samples are going fast good right better than the samples at the bye-bye store actually i think it's called eat thanks so much for watching her you cut my shopping time in half so glad i could help we're proud to be the only store in the neighborhood that offers a free babysitting service oh boys can you come over here for a minute oh they're gonna get it [Music] what happened to all of our balloons [Music] dinner wash your hands please [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hate to admit it bobby but i may have misjudged you tonight you have proven yourself not completely useless oh thanks carl that means a lot it's ronnie ann huh she's headed to the mercado i better get down there she thinks i'm still at work [Music] water though is that all you got that's pickles pickle juice is that all you got actually no carlota release the catnip [Music] guys we have a situation i think abuelo and abuela's relationship is in trouble please yeah they've been married for like a billion years but all the warning signs are there i don't want to take any chances there must be something we can do to rekindle the romance oh why don't we just get them to do sweet thoughtful things for each other perfect [Music] someone has a cords on you oh okay please join me for a fancy dinner at 6 p.m in the secret room love hector romantico i'd better go get ready help yourselves to dinner quick pack up the food and get it down there move move move hey we can take care of that you have to get ready yeah abuela spent all day making you a romantic dinner really it's about time we just need to spiff you up a bit [Music] mom and dad are not getting back together are they if they did it would mean a lifetime of happiness for all of us [Music] i guess it's worth a shot all we have to do is get them together by tonight and let the magic happen yeah you know your mom and dad had their first date at the pier so maybe if they met there good idea abuela i'll pick mom up from the gallery you stop dad from getting on that plane mom mom are you here runnian is that you mom what happened to you freda when i agreed to do this life-size mold for her art installation i didn't expect to be in plaster for four hours we don't have four hours destiny waits for no one maybe it's ready now let's check here oh let me help another way [Music] it's okay mija maybe you could just grab me a snack snack let's go have lunch a little plaster won't stop us bobby what are you doing here i'm just on my way to the airport in a taxi oh that's so impersonal let your son drive you no michonne it's okay i don't want to be a bother it's no bother and these taxis charge an arm and a leg to get to the airport my company's paying for it ah now i'm going to be late where did my suitcase go i don't have time for this okay you win you can drive me first lesson dress for the test score you want not the test score you have let's see your closet oh okay um where's your most professional outfit this is my formal flannel i only wear it when the health inspector comes to the mercado yeah um this won't do makeover time [Music] how do i look okay final thing you got the look now can you work the attitude let's see your power pose okay bobby remember your power mantra i am the ceo of my life and i am going to crush this test victory pose oh we know you're in there hot dog look bruno's car and there's a hot dog follow that winner man there's no escape i can't sleep [Music] it's working it's beautiful wow [Music] oh yeah i knew it all along why vito you're bruno's best customer you love his hot dogs more than anything that's why i did it if brodo wins and goes to vienna i'll have to go a whole mug without his hot dogs but you're crushing bruno's dream i know i know i was wrong i came back to get the card i was gonna return it [Music] to the great lake city art auction see a piece you like raise your battle to bid don't be shy it's for charity announcing lord bobert and lady carlotta zapanta oh they're the most influential art collectors in the whole world i've never heard of them i say i can't wait to bid on frida casa grande's work i have to redecorate my yacht castle ugh yes lord bobert anyone with taste will be bidding on this art let the bidding begin at fifty dollars fifty dollars puppy we're not really supposed to bid we're just trying to get other people to bid right forgot i wasn't rich when i act i really commit valma knows do i have sixty no one's beating what do we do i told you this lame plan wouldn't work i'll get this action going [Music] let's go boys [Music] okay 50 going once [Music] going twice [Music] so for oh i have 60 going going [Music] where are you going to hang it in the garbage hey mom has the week of vacation coming up maybe we can make it up to her by sending her on a trip that's a great idea where can we send her for 12 bucks a button and a cat toy no this will cost a lot of money but i know a way we can win her free trip [Music] check out mr hong's new promotion a prize wheel and the grand prize is a trip to korea two packs of gum please that's good for two spins come on korea come on korea oh yes yes yes dang it congrats you won the latest tx 5000 fridge it makes two kinds of ice crushed and whole bobby you can still win papa's mama needs a trip to korea oh congrats you want a huge tuna [Music] hey look if we eat the super colossal pizza we'll win a trip to italy great idea sis let's do it let's eat whoa they weren't kidding when they said colossal come on we have to do it for mom [Music] um [Music] hey you won the prize here's your pizza pizza we thought we want a trip to italy that's right a trip to italy for your mouth look a message in a bottle is that how you used to text a willow very funny but yes [Music] you found my letter what a pleasure keep reading to find my treasure oh is this for real if i'm reading correctly this letter was written by pancho via pancho hua what are they teaching you in school he's only one of the most famous generals of the mexican revolution the letter must have belonged to my great-great-grandfather he rode with pancho villa legend has it pancho bia buried his gold but no one's ever found it [Music] there's a next letter go get it dad yeah go get it dad oh i just ate six gorditas climbing's bad for my digestion oh did i mention that panchobia's gold is estimated to be worth about 3.2 million dollars which means split between us it's you had me at 3.2 million dollars [Music] thanks for helping me you guys i couldn't pull this off alone are you kidding i do anything to get to arturo to move here he lives in the jungle and saves people's lives he's a boss tia rules he's the coolest but are you sure your mom's gonna be okay with this totally mom and dad got divorced a long time ago ancient history phase one of the plan is simple dad's been roughing it for so long if we show him the comforts of home he'll be dying to move back abuelo do you think that's enough stickers oh maybe it needs glitter abuelo stop scouring is he here yet mm-hmm still have your man crush oh i don't know what you're talking about good the apartment's all ready and i did the whole thing for 20 bucks i even had enough left to get these cute espadrilles i'm still breaking them in the mole is almost ready i'm working with some very hot chiles you can say that again i asked for money for munch no arturo comes into town and we have mole [Music] that must be them no wonder these were on sale buena [Music] well here are all the numbers you'll need wait where are you going maria to the spa i've waited almost two years for it to be your weekend with the kids have fun with your dad chicos hurricane panther shark ninja is in position carl you only get one code name stand by and wait for our signal hey abuela we can chop the onions for you take a break oh thank you i was getting tired of standing take a load off bobby's got everything under control [Music] mama grande has been contained time to put my ninja skills to the test oh john ninja roll dragon slide shut full the onions are too strong for your sensitive eyes no no this this is great all right then i'm off to jack's hardware for a new plumbing snake fashion plate we have a situation mama grande is on the move uh abuela quick i need one of your famous remedies to cure this rash uh three chicken and three pork we're out of pork get the chicken no the beef oh can they check the back ugh i'm making an executive decision uh five beef and five chicken oh i just remembered i put the remedy on the windowsill no wait wait wait wait wait i think i feel better uh do you guys have a loyalty card no abuela no i'm fine [Music] amazing oh worth it so good [Music] you teach me to tie my shoes i'll teach you to swim no thanks cuz all i have to do is get through the day and i'm in the clear guess what familia i just got a great deal on swim passes for the summer we'll be here every day okay you want to learn the bunny ears method or loop swoop and pull i don't know they both sound really hard nice plan did you forget the pools closed not for us lifeguard code let's do this you see the water isn't pulling you down it's holding you up [Music] [Applause] so you make two bunny ears like this oh i love bunnies mr bunny no okay let's practice the backstroke wow you're doing awesome wait a minute carl i know that's not you get your butt in here don't worry i'll hold you up i promise good you're doing great okay i have another idea we need a net a burrito and a lot of tape no carl i think we'll go with my plan is that the mercado's laptop yep the only way to get abuelo out of school is to get him back to the mercado so we need the mercado to have a little situation [Music] heather help there's a mercado emergency frida what happened i don't know but the deliveries are all mixed up the lobsters escaped and they're eating the caviar a chihuahua we don't sell lobsters and caviar okay i hate to say it but school without abuelo was awesome i'll say my torta sales were through the roof let's retrace our steps quick this is where the party started maybe the coins fell in the trash [Music] wow there's 100 bucks in here today's my lucky day just one of your lousy coins that's one gold coins huh nope nothing was left on the zoo tram last night [Music] whoa hey beat it bird what's the big deal oh there's a big fat caterpillar on your shorts oh i'm afraid of caterpillars especially big fat ones [Music] that's too great let's go check the hippopotam next wow that party was nuts what's wrong bitsy [Music] whoa she had a coin stuck in there [Music] uh excuse me pizza chef i'd like to buy that pizza oh sorry i already sold it you'll have to wrestle me for it [Music] [Applause] okay this is the trickiest part of the gig getting the tooth from under a sleeping kid's pillow without being seen [Music] or in this case a sleeping abuelo oh no don't look at me this time i'm totally out hey stop that you're gonna get him mad bobby why'd you wake me up if i don't get my eight hours of nap time i get really grumpy he got me in trouble and he got the tooth without abuelo seeing him he's ready to be el radon raspados get your ice cold raspberries [Music] order up here you go [Applause] now that's refreshing dad sergio ugh you're contaminating the merch i don't care if it's bird flavored it's hot i'll take three yeah me too you guys we got a line forming on it cranking this baby to the max ah that's not good [Music] oh shut it down bobby i'm sorry the toggle won't toggle [Music] uh i guess i will hadn't fixed it yet so much for our ac unit that's okay we just have to think of another way to raise the money [Music] step right up knock down the bottles win a prize [Applause] i'm really good at this game [Music] wait what come on hit me again [Music] fine guys artemio alcaraz's review of mama's art just went live nice must be good right think again it's horrible what but he said her stuff was a wonder and a fizzing and breathtaking i know frida puga casa grande's art is a wonder i wonder how it could be so bad what let me see that her sculptures are a vision of horror while her painting is breathtaking and its ability to make me feel disgust oh she should quit being an artist wow none of those words mean what i thought they meant this will break mama's heart not if she never sees it good idea thanks bobby [Music] oh is that the paper i can't wait to see my review sorry this first school paper mache project okay thanks bye hey i was reading the funnies i guess i'll just read the review on my phone uh sorry mine's out of battery i need to take yours i'll take breakfast for the road love you bye now we have to talk to each other [Music] oh dear frida how can i help you oh i'm just looking for the paper mijo [Music] uh newspapers yeah newspapers uh i know we have them around here somewhere yikes lalo i'm sorry deafrida these are all ruined bad dog good dog you're right if i just focus on getting her signature style down maybe i'll be okay [Music] ooh that's try again [Music] [Applause] yes go get in it again we're out of wigs [Music] you did it so beautiful oh hey margarita yes bad margarita you know i already have a girlfriend
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 4,362,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, casagrandes, the casagrandes, loud house, casagrandes full episodes, casagrandes compilation, casagrandes scenes, casagrandes full scenes, best of the casagrandes, best of casagrandes, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes food, casagrandes song, casagrandes theme song, casagrandes and loud house, ytao_casa, casagrandes family
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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