Every Pokémon Form Change Ever

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[Music] what's going on Imperials it's empiric you bone here while some pokemons stay the same forever others evolve and change but even more than that some of them can't help themselves and just have to keep on changing into different forms so we'll take a look at which Pokemon can have different forms and what it takes to alter them if indeed they can change at all the first Pokemon that could even be considered to have different forms in the first generation might be neat around with having a male and female version of the same critter however this one is iffy since they are classified under completely separate numbers in the Pokedex so they're not technically the same at all although they can breed but it doesn't really matter because you can't change in between them their gender is locked in so choose wisely depending on how you want the final evolution to turn out the next Pokemon two have different forms was the symbol Pokemon unknown once you go inside the ruins of alph you can find a surplus of different looking litter pokemons to spell out all sorts of things you can't change these forms so you have to try and catch all 26 of them and later they even added in some punctuation to make it just that tiny bit harder for anyone with that completionist itch but seeing is how they all only learn the same single move you might just be better off tracking down the ones that you think look cool I still think that we could tweak unknown to be a bit better but as far as forms go this psychic type is king I said by some premonition of the impending weather wars we next got the Pokemon cast form this small cloud Pokemon changes with different weather conditions applied into battle it has a sunny form and becomes a fire type a rainy form that becomes a water type a snowy form that becomes an ice type a sandy oh yeah they didn't bother to give it a form for sandstorms I know that those aren't actually made of clouds in real life but guess what neither is the Sun as an in-game mechanic this just leaves this tiny pokemon incomplete meaning it can't live up to its own gimmick but if you think of being a bit too hard on it just remember that if you have a shiny cast form you would never know it once it changes forms since they don't have any different colorings I don't think they technically count as different forms but we'll go ahead and note spin de who can have unique spot patterns on its head these are determined if I spend his personality value when it's generated by the game and makes each one different in total there's over three billion different possible combinations for spended to have which is just ludicrous and unless there are some real enthusiastic spender fans out there I'd imagine that it's likely that there are certain patterns of spin de that have still never been caught within the game now we get to a legendary Pokemon with the otherworldly deoxys this alien being came on a meteor and has plenty of unique properties that are foreign to this planet one of which includes changing its forms deoxys has its standard form but can also change into attack form defense form and speed form as the name state these changes come with sweeping stat changes that allow deoxys to switch between outrageous attacks defenses or speed also making an incredibly versatile now starting off was a bit strange because in June 3 you couldn't actually change the form in the game but they were actually game locked meaning that deoxys would be in its regular form and ruby and sapphire it would be attack form and firered defense form and leafgreen and speed form and emerald every other generation since there's been a meteorite somewhere in the game and you can take deoxys too and cycle through its different forms so that you can have them all but now we get into forms that are a bit more complicated starting with per me this bag worm Pokemon covers itself with scattered items around the area when you first meet it it's covered in leaves but if you were to go to a desert environment it would get a sandy cloak or if you went into the city to battle it would get a trash cloak this change happens automatically just by battling in different areas but the cloaks don't really change anything about permi except its outer appearance that is until it evokes now a male bear may will evolve into moth amande that'll be the end of it however a female will evolve into warm a damn when Bernie becomes a warmer damn whatever cloak it has at the time becomes permanent this not only changes the type of the Pokemon but even their potential movesets and their base stat distributions so that's a lot of different forms for an otherwise pretty average bug line another perfectly ordinary Pokemon is chair Ruby the tiny grass type with the unsettling double head situation but it evolves into cherrim who can either be a super emo or overbearingly full of positive energy jerem is usually in it's overcast form but once anyone calls sunlight onto the battlefield Terra will blossom into its sunshine form due to its signature ability flower gift which also raises its attack and special attack along with the allies so cherrim shares this in common with Howcast form has its own Sun form as well although I'm not entirely sure how its eyes start on its abdomen and then morph up to its head sinem also gave us shellye's who has two distinct forms these forms are known as the West sea and the east sea for obvious reasons Mount coronet Insano created a split in the population causing them to diverge into the pink form that seems to be the default for the marketing and the blue one which is the one that I prefer these differences carry over into their ground-type evolutions with gastro dawn obviously these forms are not interchangeable and sometimes even game exclusive to where you can't even get the other one but you can continue to get the same version if you breed it as well now 10 4 also did something more with forms by adding gender differences within Pokemon species for some new ones but also for pre-existing Pokemon as well many of these were not drastically different however some Pokemon run with this concept and have it changed a lot like how we've mentioned the different forms of meowstic changing movesets but I'm not going to go through every miniscule cosmetic change between genders that's for another topic but just be aware that they're out there and of course we can't talk about forms without mentioning Rotom this tiny electric trickster has made quite a name for itself by having numerous different iterations throughout the competitive scene filling out different roles the standard form of Rotom is an electric and Ghost type which is unique to this day but originally this was true for all of the forms of Rotom now these forms change their types keeping the electric but changing out the ghost when you integrate it with different appliances Rotom heat becomes a fire type Rotom wash becomes a water type Rotom o becomes a grass type Rotom frost becomes an ice type and Rotom fan becomes a flying-type they all share the levitate ability which is pretty useless on a flying one but they can also get their own unique moves for their new types but they will forget it if transferred to any other form and of course there's the extra Rotom Dex form that can't be used in combat but it does have all sorts of useful features to help the player out there are actually quite a few form changes down at the bottom of the Sinnoh decks and if you go all the way to spear pillar you might be able to find Giratina the renegade pokemon but as opposing as Giratina looks already it can change to its origin form this is done by giving it the greasiest orb hold item that also powers up its moves the standard original form is known as its altered form whereas its alternate form is known as its origin form even though it's altered form is what it originated with it's kind of all backwards there's also Shaymin whose forms i've discussed before but there's the standard version of the Hedgehog called the landform but with the use of the Grosseto flower Shaymin can transform into its sky form it does gain the flying typing with this change and it even rearranges some of the stats but this is probably one of the most temperamental forms out there because it reverts back a lot Shaymin will go back to its land form at night if it becomes frozen if you deposit it into the PC or into Pokemon bank and also when you put it in the daycare so hopefully you won't be too dead set on keeping Shaymin and sky form because due to its extreme fragility that's probably a losing battle and of course there's Arceus the creator of the Pokemon universe usually this creature of legend is a normal-type but given any of its various plates can change into a different type altogether to be ready for any scenario and as we've seen already this transitioning works with the Z crystals of different types as well so long as Arceus knows a move of that same type and before we leave Gen 4 there's one more Pokemon to note the spiky eared pichu is an explosive to HeartGold and SoulSilver when ticking a special event pikachu colored pichu to the shrine at ilex forest the spiky eared pichu will come out and join you now it's said that this peach who has traveled through time with Celebi and somehow extensive time traveling has made it unable to evolve but that was also their explanation for why this Pichu couldn't be transferred to any other games in the series when in actuality it just wasn't programmed in but the spiky tiered pichu did finally reappear recently as an alternate costume for Pichu in Super Smash Brothers ultimate and you best believe that's the one that I use every time for the sheer volume of Pokemon and Unova there aren't a lot of standard Pokemon with forms the first one is bascule n' who is an utterly forgettable water type to me which is even more impressive since it has two different forms there's a red striped form and a blue striped form these were largely found in their own separate versions but the forms cannot be interchangeable the only real difference is found between them is that they can have some different abilities from one another next is the very strong fire primate Pokemon Dharma and tan this pokemon normally is your standard second stage fire type but with its hidden abilities in mode it will change its form when its health is below half hour minute and will shift into its Zen mode which cuts at speed but cranks up the defenses and special attack and if that wasn't enough it also gains an extra tool with the psychic typing weather if not any of this is actually beneficial as up for debate but it's certainly pretty unique as far as form changes go next we have Deerling and sawsbuck who have a typing that I'd never thought I'd see in normal and grass but the steer Pokemon are tied heavily into the seasons introduced in chin v in that they will naturally take on the form of whatever season it is in the wild or in your party putting them in the box will keep them in the same form and actually since seasons were removed as a feature whatever form Deerling or sauce book might be in when they're transferred is how they will be locked from now on I would definitely lean towards the winter form but anytime they're in the wild and later gins they do appear in the spring form however when they breed they can still produce their other seasonal changes if they've been imported we also have the weird buff dudes flying around calling themselves forces of nature tornadoes thunderous and Landorus are all flying type legendaries but they also have in common they're possible therian forms which change them from primarily human based to more animalistic this change is done by using the reveal class item which somehow shows their dark reflections or something and they also have ties with the now-defunct dream radar system with their therian forms appearing there but these forms do reconfigure the stats on all of these powerful Pokemon and give them brand new abilities to distinguish them from the originals unifo really seemed to like legendary form so strap in because now we'll take a look at Kyurem this ice dragon type is part of the main trio for Gen 5 with its new forms even being the box art covers for the second game's kirim can change forms by using the DNA splicer item and fuse together with either Reshiram or Zekrom into white kiram and black cured respectively this merging of the two pokemons consumes the other legendary actually removing it from the party until they separate again which is required to move them anywhere since black or white kirim can't be traded or transferred these fused versions have different stats and can carry over other aspects such as their previous abilities and signature moves to differentiate the two forms from themselves and the original another legendary form is with Keldeo now this is probably one of the most inconsequential forms in the franchise since kill do is always on it's Ordinary form except for when it learns the moves secret sword this is a signature move to kellyo but knowing it turns him into the resolute form but other than the move it's a completely aesthetic change sure it might be based in some coming-of-age story line but the only possible thing the resolute form is good for is telegraphing a quarter of your move set so I don't really give it Unova also gave us metal Wetty a musical normal and psychic type however that's only what's known as its Aria form if it uses the move relic song in battle it can change between that form and its pirouette form obviously the name has it more focused on dancing as opposed to music turning it into a normal and fighting type while also greatly increasing the physical attack and speed but that's only possible in battle at all other times it defaults to its Aria form and real quick this is incredibly minor but genesect can technically have some different forms but it's really purely cosmetic with the different drives that you can equip onto this prehistoric cyborg the only thing that it changes is the type of the move techno blast now we get to a whopper Vivian this is just the regional bug from Kalos with nothing too special about it except for the fact that it comes in tons of different color patterns but it's not just random these different forms are based on the real-world locations of your des meaning that your geographical region would have a unique corresponding butterfly creature the patterns are called archipelago continental elegant garden high plains icy snow jungle marine meadow which is the one used in all the promotional material modern which is the one that occurs in my region monsoon ocean polar river sand storm sea Castform it's not that hard to have a sandstorm form savanna Sun and tundra I'm not going to list off every single possible location for these patterns but you can take a look at this list to determine where to trade from if you're wanting to get them all and there were also some extra patterns given out in events the fancy pattern and the pokeball pattern so if you missed out on those sorry I guess another Kalos pokémon tab forms is the flabébé family this miniscule ferry along with its evolutions floette and florges have different colors available for their flowers this makes a lot of sense because they can actually correspond to the actual flowers in the overworld to be either red yellow orange blue or white but the petals appearance is the only thing that differs and it cannot be changed however there is data in the game for a ZZZ eternal flower floette resembling the ultimate weapon and it has its own signature move called light of ruin but it's never been officially released into the game Kalos also gave us the other very fitting Pokemon up furfrou this Pokemon is essentially a poodle that you can groom into varying styles you start with only being able to choose between heart star and diamond trims and with successive style points you can gain access to that dandy matron debutante leatheran kabuki and furrowed rims but to me it's never worth the trouble since it costs $500 a pop and firfer will just go back to normal after five days anyway for a temporary cosmetic change I can waste my money in much better ways and of course gin six also brought us the ghostly terror Aegis lash this Pokemon is incredibly tough to battle due to its different forms its ability stance change allows it to shift between blade and shield form alternating between 150s and attack or defense just by using offensive or defensive moves but there are even more ghosts with forms and Kalos with pumpkaboo and gourgeist it's hard to tell on their own but these haunted chords come in different sizes there's small average large and super sized with HP increasing and speed decreasing proportionally with the growing sizes along with rising attack for gourgeist as well similar to other Pokemon forms a certain size of these Pokemon will respawn that same size if bred but an interesting fact is that any wild super-sized gourgeist will always be guaranteed to hold a miracle seed giving you some more reason to try and look for that one xerneas what are you doing oh yeah okay this one's really dumb so quick as we can xerneas has a neutral mode in an active mode active is how we always see it in any media and even in battle and neutral is just Sarnia swith nothing interesting is happening so let's just move on Hooper was one of the mythical Pokemon that came a bit later in generation 6 but this psychic ghost type also came with another hidden form when using the prison bottle item Hooper goes from what is apparently called its confined form to the unbound form this towering Pokemon changes into a psychic and dark type and it's given more power in its base stats and even as new moves but apparently it can be pretty tiring because after three days it'll go back to its confined state ghin six of easly introduced the brand-new mechanic of mega evolution which brought in a ton of new form changes for a bunch of older pokemon they reversed several that were introduced in X&Y and then they added in even more in omega ruby and alpha sapphire along with some primal reversion z' but then they promptly shunted it to the back of the game in a Lola and just flat-out removed it after that but the franchise mascot Pikachu also got some new forms in the 3d era starting with the cosplay Pikachu this was a contest focused Pikachu that couldn't evolve or be transferred out of auras but the costumes each come with their own signature move as well and as if that weren't enough we also received Pikachu with all of Ash's various hats it's a good way to be nostalgic for your favorite seasons of the anime but other than a special sea move there's not a lot different here now you might have noticed that there are some other Kalos pokémon that we didn't talk about yet but that's because they only received their forms later on greninja was given the ash greninja form only starting in June 7 with the ability battle bond greninja can change its stats and the move water shuriken to activate it greninja simply has to feint an opponent and it will turn in to its alternate anime version but once the battle ends it will revert back to normal a similar situation occurs with zygarde as well in its native region zygarde is just kind of a big slug but in the next games it got a lot more complicated now that we're tiny cells and cores that were scattered all about but could be combined if you had sufficient numbers into the 10% 50% and 100% or complete forms you can alternate between them through a lab out in the wild provided that zeig art has the power construct ability and of course that we're talking about alala giving new forms to old pokemon we have to acknowledge regional variants these are lowland forms give new Taipings and designs to certain pokemon from generation 1 providing some more variety for the pool of available Kanto Pokemon by adding in more ice Steve dragon ghost and any dark types but these Pokemon are locked in their regional states with the only ones having potential options being the ones with unchanged based stages depending on where you evolve them but now for the new Pokemon introduced from a lola we see or a choreo who from the very first trailer was shown to have different forms depending on which island it was located the explanation for this was the different kinds of nectar on each Island meaning that you could grab some whenever you want and change over coreos type and this also works with its signature move as well revelation dance we also have rock rough whose strict evolution methods can lead it to have three separate forms midday midnight and dusk form of liken rock these forms are not interchangeable once they evolve but you could choose between two of them before then the third one is locked behind a special event only ability to get the dusk form wishy-washy brings us an interesting case and having this teeny solo form being able to change into the massive school form the ability schooling allows wishy-washy after level 20 to gain a huge boost in its stats with hundreds of small fish working together but you've got to be careful because it will revert back to the timid solo form if its HP falls below 25% making the battle even harder at that point without the giant cloud of backup much like the legendary Pokemon that it's based on so that I can have different forms as well this man-made Beast killer has the ability our KS system which when paired with any of the various memory drives can make silva like into a different type this will also change the move multi attack to the same type providing superlative diversity allowing it to slide right into almost 18 configuration next is a new favorite of mine the small rock flying type mini or this space rock has a unique ability and shields down that gives it heightened defenses and immunity to status it's helped us below half the outer shell will break and many more will become much faster and offensively oriented but that's not all because there are many different colors of the inside of many or representing all of the colors of the rainbow but those differences are purely visual and can't be changed so be sure to get your favorite the unsettling mimic you also gives us a little flavor inform changes with disguise mimic you starts the battle with its disguised form however once it takes a hit it will not receive any damage but the disguise will break with the rest of the battle being fought and it's busted form but by the time the next battle starts it's fixed again ready to provide that free turn and finally we come to the legendary Pokemon Nick Roseman this prison pokemon is shockingly similar to Kieran since using the items the in solar Iser and in lunar Iser mcruiz mccann fused with either soul Galil or loon allah' to make the dusk main form or the dawn wings form which also become the mascots for her pair of second games these forms of Nick Roseman gain a lot in their base stats and also inherit the secondary types of the Pokemon that it fused but even that's not all if you give either of these new cosmic forms that ultra no crows EMG it will become a giant shining monster of a dragon-type ultra Ngoc Roseman eanes well over 100 points and it's based at total from the standard new crows month as well as the neuro for civility that powers up its moves even more not to mention that Z move the light that burns the sky that pulls from whatever stack is no crows Ma's highest and ignores all other abilities meaning that this ultra form is basically another mega or primal reversion and speaking of pokemon sword and shield coming soon are offering up a new feature called Dyna maxing which causes a pokemon to expand to incredible Heights but then there's also Giganta maxing that can change a pokemons form as well to become incredibly powerful we don't yet know the extents of this energy in regards to changing Pokemon but finding out other form changes and their possible methods of transition is a hallmark of the Pokemon universe and as part of what keeps us coming back for more so those are all of the pokemon form changes which forms are your favorites let me know down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 198,013
Rating: 4.8985863 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Let's Go, Pokemon Go, Gen 8, Greninja, Switch, Nintendo, Video Games, Pokemon Evolution, Avengers, Digimon, Ultimate Alliance
Id: Qe40GfsPVk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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