We made our own New Minecraft 1.14 TNT Update

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hey what's going on guys drink here I've got 20 brand new types of TNT behind me and when they explode they all do different things from TNT capable of turning your world into a winter wonderland the chemical TNT that will poison all creatures nearby - even TNT that inverts nearby objects we've got your fix and yes don't worry we've got the big boy TNT's - to make it happen we hide to developers to code in any TNT they want and they decided on these 20 join us as we go through all 20 of these TNT and blow em up now don't worry we'll show you how to get all these TTP at the end of the video because what would you rather we do craft TNT or smoke these first 10 TNT are by IC and we start with chemical TNT this one is awesome it will cause all nearby mobs to get poisoned when this thing gets lit all the crafting recipes are gonna be showing up in the bottom left hand side of your screen today look at this look at them go you get hit with wither nausea and slowness 3 for about 20 seconds sure to kill any mob caught in its path oh boy yeah oh I'm gonna be sick but yes as I said we're gonna go into deeper instructions on how to craft all these at the end of today's video but you can get a basic look by checking out the bottom left of the screen oh yes let's see if we can survive this and survive we've got on Prop 4 gear and we've got a whole bunch of potions as well as golden apples ready now this TNT doesn't cause any block damage which was very interesting we'll call it now look it actually looks like we're doing just fine the Golden Apple kind of it may have put things over a top but needless to say any mobs caught in the action it's probably gonna have a rough time now all it took was really having some decent protection armor which I believe helps us a little bit at least I mean look at that we're pretty much art like that wasn't that bad at all ok how about with no arm yeah let's see how we stand now oh boy it looks as though I don't know it looks as though it's not too bad I mean we're starting to lose our health down there it's not the end of the world by any means oh boy yeah we get a little close now yeah nice Oh okay presents an actual threat but for now we move on the fortune TNT requires a fortune book and some TNT and will allow you to collect an enormous amount of ores for the amount you find in-game as you can see here we blew up oh I don't know maybe a good 13 Diamond doors let's see how many diamonds we get from it though according to this we got 43 diamonds 43 of them from just 13 ores this is gonna be amazing for collecting different ores and your minecraft will I mean really I mean really any guesses look at that - TNT netted us a grand total of mmm let's say almost 2 stacks of diamond that's amazing we got some hiding ok we got two yeah about two stacks but this is an expensive T&T as you need a whole fortune book in order to make AT&T so you'll want to use it well I don't want to say sparingly but you might want to use it sparingly like not for redstone next up is the inversion TNT and this one requires some ender pearls but look at what you can do with it the moment you light this thing it will invert any nearby objects and structures that is around it and now look we have inverted this you can now see the floor on the ceiling and it actually got rid of the bottom area down here okay Oh not bad - oh yeah this'll be way better to show off with the inversion y'all ready for this plop it right down in the center let it do its thing baby that TNT baby baby nice nice oh that's sick yeah next up I see TNT quire's ice and look what happens the moment it blows up well your world will become a winter wonderland with logs becoming blue ice leaves becoming regular ice grass becoming snow and if you happen to set one of these things off with a cave or a mineshaft underneath you you'll be pleased to know that the caves will see some changes as well it doesn't go too deep so the caves have to be closed but if you were to light wood in here you'd notice that the stone undergoes a change as well namely welcome to your icy cave of goodness use this to instantly beautify areas that you'd like to have a little bit more of a winter touch fantastic quantum team T is up next notice we're in survival mode right now not because we're gonna die but because the quantum T and T has a power and survival namely it will teleport you extreme distances like where the heck are we right now well let me to explain we were all the way over here and this baby took us like 50 blocks away so check this out look we're gonna light another one any guesses where we end up hard to say but it's probably gonna be somewhere pretty far out I'm gonna light three more of these okay we are now boom two to go and we're now Pope and the final T and T where are we now how far away so we started right there by the dead bush interesting kind of went in a circle quantum T and T is also capable of teleporting of it huh hey get back here now you stay put okay no I just just look it works see he's gone next up magnetic T and T this will drag nearby mobs towards the block itself witness y'all ready I hahaha allow me to show off once again in greater detail the magnetic tnt which requires iron will bring all mobs nearby and blow them all up hahaha Wow some survivors well you know for now why don't we bring you a little bit closer to the ground level instead so that nothing bad happens and I just kidding y'all gonna blow up again does that Oh even brought me in that time next up is the silk touch TNT which will allow you to collect all blocks that the silk touch TNT breaks in furnish to Mojang in Minecraft 1.14 they change T and T to be a collector of 100% of block drops in its own right so this is every single dirt block and grass block the blue up however it does not work for every single block in this example we're not gonna get leaf blocks back it's going to actually blow up those leaf blocks and you'll be left with the logs and etc however if we were to blow up this silk touch T and T block it will collect everything and so if we were to place it by these leaves over here you would see that it has a nice little change to it namely you're gonna get all those leaf blocks and it also means that you'll get grass blocks if you happen to blow up any nearby grass and it works the same across the board so whether it's leaves cobwebs ice blocks you can get them using this TNT just make sure you have a silk touch book handy cuz you'll need it for the recipe now we move to nuclear D&D some of the big boys this one you need a wither skeleton skull and a whole bunch more TNT and as you can see upon setting there's probably a few different things happen namely you get a nice explosion as you might expect this whole areas gone but you'll also get you with poison and nauseous or any mobs caught in the crossfire will be poisoned as well as given a little bit of nausea for their trouble good luck trying to find your house man it is totally gone let's dig one of these super deep in here yeah curious to see what happens to this mountain we're gonna let it freeze come back up for second bag at all no baby okay do you think the amounts could be gone it's gone but is it as awesome as antimatter TNT which you need eight nuclear TNT and a nether star for I guess we'll find out right now light this puppy off and say goodbye to this local branch of the village seriously it's not gonna stand a chance blowing up now your dig boom and did you hear that explosion my goodness you get here with wither four and nausea to so nothing should survive this explosion apparently except for cactus and wheat and emeralds it torches amigo on but this is a crater and a half I am a big fan however doesn't in there the final of I seize TN t--'s is the black hole TNT which requires eight antimatter TNT and another nether star which means this single TNT required nine nether stars to make but let's see what happened to this poor island after we placed down one singular black hole TNT oh boy I don't know if I'm ready for this one or my computer blow it on a baby oh oh my gosh and look a black hole forms instantly Wow and then closer you get to it oh it killed me and it's still there there's literally a black hole that's before him holy moly can't expel the hole anyway the island is essentially completely gone we've caused a crater in this ocean to the point where we can go underneath and where the ocean once was is now just pathetic kelp hanging out and yeah you're gonna want to stay away from this black hole lest you die once again I didn't mention though in survival mode you will get drawn to it it will continue to kill you if you get too close you know can we just see that again can we just stop and appreciate we literally got sucked into this black hole no amount of swimming was gonna be able to save me at that point watch let's see if we can oh i'm just swimming around I'm just a swimmer swimming around sorry I was obnoxious but hey it's okay we got 10 more TNT now we move on to blues TNT and we start with anvil TNT which as you may have expected requires anvils to sort out so we're gonna go ahead and let this thing blow on up and see all of the anvils falling from the sky amazing a lot of them too like look at this let's play a game I want to see if I can actually survive right let us survive the onslaught of anvils oh my god it's like a mini game it's like a whole mini game oh boy next up is seismic TNT which requires you gather stone for your crafting recipe and look at this it will cause seismic activity in the nearby area as all the blocks on the surface of the area the TNT is lit will explode into the air and then push outwards as well causing heaps of different blocks to be strewn about all over the place let's see what happens when we light a seismic TNT around some of these anvils Oh some of the at look at that amazing imagine using some of these in combination of one another shipwreck no problem baby plenty of ship to give right now as it completely do that's cool I ain't even mad about that how about a second give me do it underwater as well what happens underwater oh nice yo that is neat I'm mad at all let's see what we got in the chest empty or I'm a little up next to sponge TNT which requires sponge and TNT food of thought right and look what it does it clears water I could've told you that one well I guess I did okay but so how much water does it clear exactly is it enough to clear this entire lake out sure is how about this shipwreck area we were just nearby is it enough to cause a dent in the ocean Wow way more than I thought I'm actually quite impressed yeah go ahead and keep the change bunt look at that that's amazing okay but here's gonna be the real test right here we go here we go here we go here we go let's see if we can get nice nice look at that Wow we actually bought a decent amount of time before being submerged once again this is definitely a team tee you'll want to use to clear out areas with moderate amounts of water none crazy but you know your results may bear chain-reaction tea and tea requires blaze powder and palm blowing up will cause other explosions to start occurring in the area so put this in the middle of a crowded spot and you'll be lucky if there's any survivors look at that none of them oh and that goes for a hot second that's good oh hey whoa hey got some leftover anything else no we good you sure okay might be a fun way to clear out larger areas of blocks I'm gonna place a few of these down and see what happens oh it begins we didn't light them all but it begins we're gonna see how it explodes you start going off at once we lit like six of these at once and so all the different chain teams here causing this entire area to be totally leveled out look at all the blocks and with the 1.14 change this is gonna be an amazing way for you to collect tons of different blocks we literally cleared out a majority of this mountain in mere seconds of time this is too good next up is Arctic TNT it's similar to I see TNT however it does have some slight differences namely blues TNT will cause snowmen to spawn in and we'll turn random blocks in the area into ice and snow instead of converting things like grass into the snow and stone into ice and you don't even technically need mobs nearby in order for the snowmen to spawn and they'll just spawn in on their own accord however depending on the bottom you spawn them in they may end up dying essentially instantly oh yeah you need ice for the best up next is volcano TNT which you'll need some magma for and it will spit out nearby tea and tea on its behalf look at that that's nice the explosions have slight delay to them it's because the volcano's got to spread at all the tea of tea for it so a little bit of a random explosion area here boy are my arms tired series a lot of fun and if you set all four off next to each other you'll have a whole string of TNT going all over the place I mean look how many T&T worth here it's literally spitting them out everywhere this would make for an awesome server party death and destruction I suppose did you clarify now boy T&T requires upsetting to make and it will actually take you to the bottom of the world basically to the void because it will continue to explode in an upwards and downwards direction until it reaches bedrock level so let us stop and appreciate the amount of explosions we're seeing happen right now literally from just one TMT we can't even keep up look at it like we can't reach the bottom until you see that the Y level begins to approach its bottom most area and we hit bedrock fantastic way to get to the bottom of your world very very quickly and honestly if you space them out properly you can essentially make yourself a quarry just using four of these TMT let's see what happens once these 14t have finished blowing up and going all the way down still looking pretty good starting to see mine shafts appear we got the whole shebang down there it looks like most of it is hit void but check out this quarry we made look at this all the way through doing some cleanup on the side there and you've got an instant access experience to bedrock at the bottom of your world and look we just found some diamonds or that black hole is still hanging out next up is nether TNT which requires red nether wart blocks and it will turn your world into a nether experience you've never had an experience like this before hey get it right good for some spoopy decorating place of beauty suckers down and witness area around you slowly turns into the nether complete wind now the warp blocks soul sand and at the rack fire and your fair share of guests let's introduce them to the black hole and you guys go again sucked in oh they're getting sucked in they move a little - yeah split team tea requires gunpowder to me this baby and as you can see here the moment it starts to light off it will turn into more TNT which turns into more TNT which from there well you know explodes that's kind of the idea here and wow that is a big explosion area let's look again okay baby do you think let's see split into eight and then those eight split into eight more seriously a lot of area to cover with all of this fantastic and wow there's so much TT going on that the explosion I'm a little worried about look at that that is huge surface area however our final TNT the other nuclear TNT requires dragon's breath and has a really cool animation look at that you can hear it counting off you can see some fireworks we're gonna back away a little bit you know let it do its thing okay let's see what happens is all this TNT and animals that we see going off right here y'all ready the countdown is real oh oh oh wow big very big very very big explosion oh my god I mean look the nuclear TNT very cool but I think I seize antimatter T&T takes the cake in terms of the explosion amount let's see what this puppy does III don't really remember how big the hole was I just remember that it was pretty enormous so ooh the suspense right now literally killing me can we just see blowing up let's see what we left with oh here it is yeah yeah yeah huh much bigger holy moly now to use any of the team TC on the right side of my screen right here all you need to do is take all the recipes you've been seeing on screen and put them inside of a crafting table and you can make them with the crafting table however to make any of the TMT you see on the left side of my screen right now including all of these special ones like the antimatter you're actually gonna need to take a crafting table put a regular TNT buy and then blow up that crafting table because the moment you blow it up you'll be met with a brand new block type instead it's known as y'all ready for this the Demel it in their table get it cuz it's a demolition stem al it because it's lit baby and it acts as this own very special crafting table which is how you get the rest of these guys but let me know in the comment section which TNT ended up being your favorite and we'll see you later [Music]
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,888,430
Rating: 4.5186744 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tnt minecraft, tnt, new tnt, mod, tnt mod, minecraft tnt mod, more tnt, custom, mods, modded, showcase, explosion, funny, new mods, items, more, nuke, exploding tnt, new minecraft tnt, tnt update, how to, tnt crafting, crafting tnt, new crafting recipes in minecraft 1.14, crafting recipes, explosives, no cursing, minecraft tnt, crafting, new, minecraft 1.14, 1.14, minecraft 1.14 tnt, logdotzip tnt, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, logdotzip 1.14, black hole, black hole tnt
Id: SkD5ev_ROK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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