All Version Differences in Pokemon Black, White, Black 2 & White 2

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that's right it's finally finally time to cover more version differences in Pokemon in today's video we're going to be taking a look at generation 5 with black and rice black 2 and white 2 we'll start by comparing black and white and then both of them to life and way to you while also comparing the last two to each other hopefully it'll weigh well says as we get through the video stop there was black and white the introductions are identical but the title screen features a different legendary Pokemon beyond the title screen the color scheme for the menu is different in each version as the version exclusives in black serves the wheedle murkrow hound our Shroomish Gazeta and valla beelines as well as plus alternators and Reshiram in white to get the Kapiti Paras mischievous Poochyena cirrhosis and brooklet lines as well as mine and thunderous and Zekrom there are also a few more Pokemon that can only be found in the wild and one game but can be obtained through different means than the other for example the cottony in parallel lines while they cannot be found in the wild in both games a version exclusive trade for the unavailable Pokemon can be made in that cream city volbeat and illumise they also fit into this category but whenever these Pokemon breed the egg has a 50% chance of containing the other one so you could get your volbeat in black version and then breathe it with details get illumise a little easier and last of all we have pon tail and gorebyss which are exclusive Dru fishing spots but seeing if you can still catch Kanto and both you can just evolve it to normal way to bascule in is also a little bit strange under normal circumstances the red striped one is exclusive to black and black too and the blue shape wanted to exquisite the white and way too but the alternate forms can be found in the other version through rippling spots Weiss also has all of these additional Pokemon available through the exclusive white forest area so we'll see more of that later there are a decent amount of differences throughout the region itself too I'll pellucid says he looks completely different between version and black it's a futuristic metropolis and has this super techno sounding theme with a key soft layer [Music] whereas in white the city looks much more old-fashioned and traditional the music fits the town too and the additional Quito has been replaced by an ER whoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] another tiny change would be the coloring of the jagged structures on the gym or reverse between versions the gym itself also has a different leader in each version in black epochal tradin whereas in right at Cyrus they balsa wood the same Pokemon accept trade-ins are all male while irises are all female yes a girl dragon oh yeah I mean of course you're a girl dragon cuz you're just reeking of feminine beauty agita Conan Dexter has also have different abilities to mr. Olsen sissy is also very similar so lucid with differing themes between versions in black the edge of the city is covered in modern green houses whereas in white its farmland two huge areas being black city and white forests are also entirely virgin exclusive both areas allow you to invite NPCs over from the other version using the interlink the more NPC's in the area the more features you'll have access to in black 50 you can bottle the NPC's and buy rare items from the market and white forest you can encounter a lot of different pokémon each NPC makes a specific Pokemon appear they'll also drop items to you to pick up which are the same as a selection of items you can get from black species marketplace you can also get berries by showing specific Pokemon to the mayor rotation battles are mostly exclusive the black and triple battles the white with the exception of marvelous bridges Glinda who challenges you to a triple black on black and irritation battle and white the story in black and white is pretty much the same in each version with the cover legendary swapping roles between versions and blog you receive the light stone to awaken Reshiram and an has zekrom stock stone while the opposite is true in white the final version difference these games would be a Wi-Fi event released to promote the first see black and white movies and black you get that krelman and what you get restaurant the with the it's time to take a look at how universe gameplay change between black and white and its sequels while will Pokemon follow up versions up until this point had adjusted versions of the original plot wise black and white see were the first true sequels in the series taking place two years up to the events of black and white you get to play as a new protagonist nathan rosa and face off against get says once again with his newly formed team plasma there's a whole new cast of colorful characters like your new rival hugh and team plasmas mysterious scientist colorado a red joke I called colress a colorful character when name literally stems from the wood colorless as is the same with pretty much all paid versions black and whites you play out the same way with little-to-no soaring line changes with the major difference being that you encounter either black or white kyurem at the story's climax depending on your version the footage playing now is actually from the new intro which is very different from black and white asked the contrast between the pad versions the only difference again is it a different cure in form is shown in the intro in the title screen that's in the bicycle is black the black to you and white for white to who would have solved the color scheme beyond the title screen is different as in the originals the credits are also different with a ton of images shown to represent your new journey with new background music - June epistle welcome to the world of Pokemon speech is mostly the same with the character choice is obviously being different as well as the rival introduction June assessment Eno is now a shinji know and cannot be shiny anymore thank you the background is also different to match the color scheme of the respective game the storyline changes how you encounter some Pokemon the climax of the main story happens at the deepest part of the giant chasm and kiram can still be caught there after all of this after different levels in in black and white Cavalli on Taraki on and Virizion a roll calls in different locations kobali on is on route 13 taraji on is on route 22 and Virizion is on route 11 you also don't have to encounter them in any particular order like you do in black and white thunderous to a notice and launderers just aren't there at all the way you get your saucer is different instead being given up by bianca in a special city instead of being given the cover of plume fossil by the backpacker and relic castle Leonora herself now gives you wanted maxine to see the rest of the fossils can still be given out by the guy and twist mountain but you can also get more including the cover and blue bottle from the antique shops to you no longer get one of the pond monkeys from the dream yard or a lava stag but a bunch of new gift pokemon take their place the dominie 2zv a dealing with its hidden ability from the seasoned research lab a Happiny egg from breeder and macaroon city skate a shiny dratini or gibble from banger and philosophy town and and Rick Dale fizzy root gives you an Zora speaking of n so c'mon that's a pretty big thing to after using a new feature which I'll mention later and slow c'mon from black and white spots appearing in the wild including Zira there are a total of 15 of these Pokemon they have a special animation in different text when they're encountered so they're pretty hard to measure they also have set nature's their TI v h5 microsoft friendship and a predetermined trainer ad and like in platinum these games reached and expanded pokédex and non-universal c'mon appear all over univer now you explore unison a different order from black and white so naturally almost all areas have a different selection of pokemon at different levels from what they were in those games for example re1 is actually a post game area so instead of having your level 2 to 4 4 chart and Lily pub you've got watch hog and here in the late 50s the upgraded pokedex also has something called a habitat list which is essentially a database that lets all Pokemon available in each areas you encounter them the Pokedex is interface also now sports red instead of green not only did these games introduce new pokemon from other regions there are also brand new forms of some of the unifor legendaries obviously this black and white kiram then the theory informs of the kami trio and resolute form Keldeo but with that let's get on to version exclusive pokemon I'm not going to go over every new pokemon introduced but it is worth noting that black and white to put a lot of legendary pokemon from previous games throughout the universe gen there's all for Reggie's the EON duo the late Guardians heatran and Cresselia all of the version exclusives from the previous entry still apply to the sequels as there's no need to go over all of them again we'll get right into the new editions Black team has a spinner axe Magby bombs like spoink Venera some cute and gibble lines as well as Latios and Zekrom flash black kirim white 2 you have zucchini ledyba elekid mime jr. Schettino mall and grammy outlines as well as latias and rush around flash white kirim something with no Singh is Zora and Zorro are completely unobtainable and black and white outside of events but in black and white view they can be found in game the swarms will also massively changed the same time I won't go over each one but here the lists and swarms from the originals in the sequels cause if you want to regi ice and registeel are initially version exclusives but they can be caught in the opposite versions via the transfer of their keys from game to game heracross intents are kind of weird too in the wild they're exclusive to black 2 and white 2 but can be found in the other version through lhasa and hidden grotto there are also a few Pokemon that are not available in these games that were available in the original black and white this would include the Paras mr. Rivas found our Poochyena and Shroomish lines all of which were version exclusive before but now can be found in either version as we mentioned before the Kami trio in its entirety is also absolute and this loans will also altered which does add some new Pokemon to the mix but it also makes the execute and Tyra Glines as well as miracle unobtainable outside of trading since the Liberty pass was only released with pokemon black and white Victini can't be caught there in black and white too however if you take a Victini there in these games a short event will occur with Victini popping out of its pluggable in the basement another event exclusive the black and white would be the Zora you receive in Castelli asipi i'm the zero walk from Laughlin forest and well obviously you can still obtain it through other means you can no longer encounter the stationary doll mannequin and as it resolves the in-game trades have all changed in some way from what they were in black and white and the new character Yancy or Curtis depending on your gender offers an even larger choice of trades later on in the game there are now a lot more area to access throughout universe first there's a social city which is where you start out now instead of November town routes 19 through 23 or all new / new towns would include philosophy town Burbank City when Tamar town and human are City other new areas would include philosophy ranch reversal mountain cave of being Castel yasuo and garden relic passage clay tunnel underground ruins pledge groves suicide cave and a nature preserve you can now make movies in a new area pocus off Studios above Burbank City there's also the plasma frigate which technically is in part of the universe but I guess it counts as an area hidden Grosso is a new many areas on routes while other places that have a chance of containing rare Pokemon and items it's interesting because certain Pokemon or more or less likely to appear in the different versions in some areas say for example in Los columns hidden grotto in black to pensa is three times more likely to a peasant hair cross and vice versa turn right to the same also goes for pinwheel forest with Hariyama and medicham in the elf area and both the free and B trail in the inner area lots of awe at the new areas but the loss of existing areas changed too so let's take a look at them there were a bunch of changes that apply to multiple areas so to save going over all of them again I'll just save them all in one go some rural pathways were redesigned as well grass tiles all types of water tiles were also redesigned houses here and there generally look the same with a few redesigned route 10 was destroyed by a landslide and can't be access anymore but you can still listen to that sweet music by talking to this guy he's in the house and Icarus if he's that had the Team Rocket grunt in the family that house was now home to a Team Aqua and I'm a grown couple instead the rest of the city looks the same as it did before what bridges Assad Siri bump and the broken one was completely removed withdrew can essentially erased from the map the old Victory Road has gone to the new one is now located at the end of route 23 we're still leads to the pokemon league in the end the entrance challenge of cave collapse making the cave inaccessible the majority of the relic castle dreams have now become filled with sand the first useful is also accessible via the desert result a few of the rooms including Volker ona's are now access to the relic passage Volcarona itself as route 30 levels between black and white and it's equals probably because it can now be caught during the main story the cold storage area of JPL city is no more having been replaced with the blow c'mon world tournament this place is no ordinary bottling facility it's huge gym leaders and champions from all past generations compete in all different tournaments and it's so cool they all feature remastered thieves do it it's so good I really like it as I call it vital full of bad triple 50 itself isn't too different I got a fresh new set of floor tiles though which is pretty cool the bridge also looks a little fancier and the houses look totally different village bridge has had its restaurant replaced by a tennis court and the basketball court has been added to obviously on dela town was altered to make space for the entrance to the Marine tube and reversal mountain but even aside from that there are a lot of changes the richest house has been knocked down in the town itself looks a lot more like a result stration city pretty much looks the same it's gym has now been turned into a restaurant and has been remodeled with its own paving area the daycare looks totally different to the two mullet and looks a little messier in these games and some of the wolves and houses a covered in plant life the girl who plays piano in the house now refuses to play unless you show her a cricket oh and a witness of some reason finding that great city is essentially the same with a Crissy looking entrance a museum which also is not a gym now someone in Boston City is even more colorful than before a small Picchu statue is now next to the giant Pikachu and Alisa gem has been moved to this new building left of the ferris wheel the old gyms building is still active and house-trained as you can battle there's also a new area to the left of this with an old enough statue south of Mombasa City it's a newly added joint Avenue this is a new area that particularly makes use of Wi-Fi communication features by finding as you interact with more people you can run a load of shops here and get items and services that are provided anywhere else lhasa on forest looks the same as it did in black and white after the Zoroark event but the closed-off look is exclusive to those games along with the Zola Rock event itself it's cool because if you go to this location in the sequel's then you actually get to catch a quick glimpses or walk after getting the TM small the giant chasm looks unrecognizable with the center having no told grass at all and the trees now being completely stripped in knocked over Kieran's cave also now has two chambers with kieran being found in the back lawn the gyms are all changed pretty drastically from their original appearances and their order has changed significantly too bad one is now the basic badge with Sharon and suspicious of Hashem leader budge 2 is not a toxic badge with the new character Roxy is living City Gym Leader by 7 is now Jaden in the same location and budget is now Malin in the new humility the gyms remaining from the original all had their layouts completely changed in different trainers added o'james now have their own unique music to help represent a theme of the gym better here's a little snippet of each one so that you know what I'm on about [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] delia for the same from black and white and they've had bedrooms change up to their returning Gimli does Neely for all had that team's change to fully show off the expanded pokedex iris is now the new champion and her room looks totally different from oldest you do get the battle altar and philosophy town later on though roots flow has changed drastically from what it was like in black and white but this area actually differs in appearance between the sequels as well and black team has had many buildings put up throughout the whole route whereas in write to you there are still buildings but they're in different locations in a visibly worn down by the sandstorm and the sequel truthful also has a stationary encounter of a pokemon that differs by vision my debuffs is black - and Riviere void - the entry link also so significant redesign like sofyan white forests are also a little different all communication features affecting them were removed you can increase the city's occupancy by clearing floors for the new facility black tower an area that you can't access until your vassal older and philosophy town post elite 4 it's basically just a facility where you battle a bunch of trainers on each floor and then a super special boss trainer oh and this tent was white forest has no more patches of grass or ponds outside at all so now there's no way to encounter any Pokemon here there's the addition of the white tree hollow which is essentially just black tower except with different trainers once you beat Benko on the 10th floor of both places you get the towel or tree hollow key which allows you to access both of these locations in the same day a few times for the key the only real difference is if you keep going to the tenth floor a black tower in black to bank will be the boss arena every time whereas if you do it and white to you he'll be the boss 1 and then in subsequent visits just bugger off outta here low and leave some random girl called Gianna to do his job the same goes in black tea for the white tree hollow except this time he leaves it to Jarriel like I get that they had this whole alphabetical thing going on with the boss changes but they picked some of the most random names possible anyway reversal mountains interior is different in each version and white - it's filled with hot lava and is known for its many recent eruptions whereas in black - it's a dormant volcano full of water pools you could almost say that reversal mountain troll is first between games the layouts of the plasma frigate is different between versions with an entirely different assortment of trainers being present in each version and it even requires different puzzles to be completed in order to progress the new victory road is also slightly different from between versions with you taking a slightly different path to reach the same location the trainer's are the same here but they scattered through different locations in each version now here's the section where I cover a ton of miscellaneous changes between the originals and the sequels a few sprites and designs for characters and Pokemon will change as a couple of years have passed since the sequels Bianca and Charon a change a lot to you and they have completely different designs at least in the two year gap the focus much more on her modeling career and has a very different look to reflect this iris now school it's a beautiful dress and her redesign a champion of Unova and guest:this is now dressed in all black as the pokemon the only one I can think of will be companies which looks very different if there are any others and the changes of likely miniscule like all the sprite for example yeah sure it's technically different between versions but only because of a tiny change in contrast and a couple of pixels being a different color a few of worlds brights do have noticeable differences like ancestors as well think Owen Emmet well-muscled characters were redesigned all changes were given fully animated sprites in black and white to you while previously this was only true of some significant trainers sprites also have more frames of animation so they look smoother too well Cynthia can still be baffled Anand ella town the theme has changed a little she's removed her Riviera and electro sin favours overcast and Glaceon the whole team is one level higher than in black and white and the Pokemon that remained the same have different moves at SU and that's a tiny change that probably only I would even obsess over is the habala theme is the slightest bit faster and higher pitched and in black and white and my new black and whites was already a step up from diamond and pearls take a quick listen to all three and you'll see what I mean [Music] if [Music] it just gets faster and faster each time we Hey I mean just take a listen to the preview from ultra stone and ultramoon we could hit top seriously I swear Caitlyn Villa does still get visitors other than Cynthia like in black and white Leonora and I Aristo visits in black and white 2 is the no longer gym leaders with ELISA skyla Chantal Caitlyn herself and now Roxy will visit instead there are also different battles with n now available in the ruins of his castle with his teams changing depending on the season carrying on from o topic of music guesses has a new theme to you which is pretty much just an amped-up version of the original there are also some sharks that was slightly remixed between the originals and the sequels for example let's take a listen to the gym leader themes [Music] you [Music] Oh it's very slight but you can definitely hear a difference and seem also has a cool new spin with it being more characters and areas in the games - there are also a lot of completely new themes I can't possibly list them all but I'll let you take a quick listen to some of my favorites [Music] [Music] debacle stages and tall grass caves sand water and marshland are all changed to include more natural details the tall grass stages even change appearance depending on what season you're playing in PC boxes also have added functionality you can now take a look at the contents of a box using a new simplified interface and even move multiple Pokemon at once power box wallpapers or something I love and of course there are exclusive groups for the originals on the sequel's this time you don't have to do anything fancy to unlock them other than completing requirements in the main story now during the day if you set out of certain buildings then a ray of light will spread across the screen the items that you can get from dust clouds are different between games in the sequels you can now find charred and hard stones no longer available not the you see me complainin because you get way too many of those things from antique shops seriously pick up items have also been tweaked a little with a couple of slots being shuffled to make up for the fact that they removed lucky eggs the back has been redesigned once again and there's a new pouch called free space where you basically just put whatever you want in it there are also a bunch of new key items that are either related to legendary so key points in the story once the regional pokedex have been completed you'll receive the new oval charm item from Professor Jennifer this makes Pokemon produce eggs faster in the daycare after the national pokedex once you complete that you get the shiny charm which makes finding shiny pokemon a lot easier the animations for some moves are changed examples of this would be outrage and head charge the HP ball has a new look and actually looks different depending on whether you're playing black sea or white to the weather icons hearing bass will look a bit different too once again the area markers have been redesigned and now show the season at the bottom of the screen too there were also no black or white to fit each version as well as the map being updated to accommodate all the new areas the locations that were green circles and the originals and now squares and lights up red one that's out it's very slight but the user screen has been redesigned and now school it's blue instead of teal the entire bottom screen menu has been redesigned and now has a different color scheme for each version the Pokemon menu has changed a little bit with the previews being a different shape the summary screen is mostly the same with a slight change in color in the size of the moving squares the header is now blue and has a different font to the save menu is different as well as the options menu well obviously the gym badges section now has the updated gym leaders in it it's been completely redesigned to the feature probing desktop the badges is now gone and they now all make a different Noah's you tap them as opposed to the blonde noise she's before the battle menu also has a completely different look to which is now also cool it differently in each version the text bar the pokémons moves in summary when view from basilar also different a new feature introduced in the sequel's would be metals there are 255 of these which had given alpha just about everything from seeing all the bridges and universe defeating the Pokemon League with a single Pokemon and everything in between the name racer is still in cassellius if he has the originals but is now in a different building instead the move reminder and delete here and now in the Pokemon world tournaments instead of mr. Alton City absolute shooters Draco meteor and relic song is still learned in the same place the secret sword is now linsan pledge Grove instead of more vigorous frenzied plan Blasberg had your cannon and the pledge moves and now on to the pokemon world tournament black on YT also has new mooches located in Jeff Dale City London Moscow timolol City and Matt green City they teach a wide variety of moves in exchange for shards there are a bunch of new NPCs all throughout Unova most of the same npcs do still exist in the same locations and a lot of them have the text edited from what it was in the originals but they'll still be talking about the same subject which i think is pretty clever most items TMS and a chance are obtained in different locations so a TM only available through an unreleased event it's also not accessible and game to something that technically isn't a version difference because it's tied into the story is that you actually get to massive all through normal means I just felt like mentioning that because it's pretty cool the cross chance evo also has two new minigames as well being balloon catch and balloon smash it's in five years and I didn't even know the cross to achieve a hot mini-games the fee gear received a massive redesign it also has these really cool customizable skins which were released to various means there are two groups of available sea gas cans for the originals and sequels some crossover into both of the CGI designs and so we're available in all generation 5 games but some of them were completely version exclusive the campus hero pokedex game was also only available in black and white while in black and white two three new pokedex skins were released designed up to certain characters the downloadable pokemon musical smash was only available in black and white while the musical chrono Ludicolo was only available in black and white to ask for other events there are a few Wi-Fi events that we're only available in certain versions the black and white this would include you to cry Victini as well as the Reshiram and Zekrom events mentioned julia of black and white too though as genocide Calvillo and deoxys there are also more version exclusive events to Global Link promotions and in-person events but if I listed them all then we'd be here all day so let's move on Pokemon breeding mechanics have changed with black on way to being the first game so have ever stones passed down and parent pokemons nature speaking of breeders they now rematch you every time you cross their line of sight I didn't know this until recently and go increasingly annoyed every time I entered those areas past powers returned from black and white with three more types thrown in these would be surge power which increases the chances of shaking spots and so on appearing kidding Grasso power which makes hidden grocers more likely to appear and charm power which makes very Pokemon more likely to appear in place of black and white CenturyLink missions funfest missions are now available instead which unlike the former doesn't require other people to play which is good to me because I don't have friends to do that with anymore the univer link is a new system in black and white 2 that contains quite a few new features one of these would be the memory link which is unlocked by connecting with a black or white version it allows you to see flashbacks that took place between the originals and the sequels giving a lot of the characters more depth you do however need to have progressed far enough in the original black and white to unlock so some flashbacks memory link is also how you introduce ends Pokemon into the wild and to also let you baffle Sharon and Bianca a new vemma town using their original black and white teams the key system is also pretty important we did touching it before but it's the overall name for the system use a chance for the keys needed to unlock certain features and different versions like flex a team white forest as well as the Reggie's this is also where you access black and white choose new difficulty settings which is an interesting new concept but it can't be unlocked until you've become champion easy mode is unlocked and white to land challenge mode is unlocked in black too to get them both in one game you just connect with the other version and send the key over finally we have the Nintendo 3ds link which is used to connect the game Pokemon dream radar which can be used to receive Pokemon and items it's actually the only way to get the carry to you in these games without trading from the original black and white and one of the best miscellaneous changes would be the fact that now one hell runs out it gives you the option to spray another one gone are the days of having to reach all the way into your bag and grab another Appel because now the game does it for you doesn't it feel satisfying hey Lizzy what does it Gilbert your past is overcooking what's that you saved a feature even more groundbreaking than a new repeal mechanic that can't be that's not what I said Thank You Gil plus I'll take it from here what could be even more shocking than the previous point prepare yourselves get this in black and white - it was changed so that your boy watch hog gives out not one but two attack V's after the bead first I think that's a rather fitting way to round off this video that was the long-awaited generation 5 version differences I hope now you can understand why this took me so long with it being the longest trivial by a long stretch I want to thank you so much for sticking around and thanks so much for 250 K I also made a few more videos this week to celebrate this milestone including my first shiny in forever as well as a super old booster box opening if you're interested then be sure to check some of those out too I know it was ages ago so if you're new to my channel then this video is actually one in a series of videos that I've done about version differences in Pokemon games I have a ton while covering the rest of the generations - so as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: CandyEvie
Views: 1,176,359
Rating: 4.9262319 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Trivia, Pokemon, Pokemon Black and White, Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, Gen 5, generation 5, generation 5 version differences, black and white version differences, pokemon version
Id: -GPjhhUXYNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2017
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