10 Pokemon You've Never Seen Before!

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[Music] wait so you're telling me that's on the tree and that's not a pikachu over there and also this is not a pokeball in my hand right here apparently they just saw figments of my imagination apparently there are pokemon under under some disguise or something what are you going to say next that you're a ditto no yeah that's what i thought wait a minute oh my god it's hideous oh [Music] [Music] what is going on guys this is dobbs here bringing you another pokemon video and in this video we're gonna go over 10 pokemon that you've never seen before like literally but before we start i just want you guys know this video is sponsored by well you've seen this a lot this video is sponsored by rage shadow legends yeah ferry don't judge me yo racial legends is one of the best fantasy themed turn based role playing games on the market and now you get on on the computer as well instead of just your cell phone see i'm cooler than you ferret that's right ferret race shadow legends and this is like a listicle video we're doing i'm gonna go over my top five favorite champions from this game so here we go for number five we have cecilia flametongue from demon spawn and i just like the way she looks for no reason number four we have eleanor from the high elves and i love high elves in fantasy so i gotta choose one of them number three we have astrolon from the sacred order and i love that he's dual wielding he's ready to go fight some angels number two we have cillian the lucky from bannerlords and i love that he's a knight with a luck factor to him and for number one we have dentoro for the shadow kin and guys he's a samurai i love samurais and he's got a nice hairdo and along with the champions my new favorite thing in raid are the clans you could actually form a clan and complete quest with your teammates and get access to a shop with new powerful items yeah that's right they added a brand new clan shop that gives you access to incredible powerful weapons and such where you can just go boss with them and fight as an incredibly powerful team and also this month right reign added new champions to collect from fragments in the doom tower and yo if the champion is from a doom tower they must be pretty hardcore so yeah if you like what you see and you want to get a head start and raid check the link down below in the description or skin this qr code you see right here and if you're a new player and you log in right now you'll get the new epic hero konoroo which is a great character for the doom tower and also get a bunch of other stuff like all this all this stuff right here so be sure to go to your inbox and claim all these awesome rewards because you only have 30 days to get them so yeah download raid and i'll see y'all in the game and with that said let's get start with the video alright so starting off this video let's start with cloister to really set the tone of what this video is all about because in pokemon stadium it states that no one has ever seen what is inside his shell so that means that cloister's true identity has never been seen before and in pokemon gold it states that it's impossible to open once the shell is shut so humans couldn't cram it open to see what it looks like and no it'd be really hard to destroy it as well because in pokemon yellow it states that his shell is harder than diamonds and as we all know diamond is one of the hardest rocks to ever be in on earth so finding a material that's higher on the mohs scale than diamond would be a challenge so really closer's true identity will forever be unknown unless we you know imagine what it might look like and so that's where this video comes in i commissioned a fake one artist for every single one of the pokemon on this video to imagine what these pokemon would look like behind the disguise and so for cloister this is what we think it might look like as you can see it has a very long body and this is kind of reminiscent to sheldor's tongue because when you look at shoulder it just has a tongue sticking out of it but what if cloister becomes the tongue when it evolves and from the artist's nose fat bum believes that closure might be a gooey duck which is a very large clam that has a long body sticking out of it of a shell and apparently gooey duck is pretty delicious so there's probably a lot of pokemon out there that want to eat cloister which might explain why cloister evolved to have such a strong shell so other pokemon can't eat it but yeah this is just a concept and i encourage all of y'all to draw those own versions of these pokemon on this list like in the discord server in the fan art section or just tweet me on twitter but yeah what lies within kloycho's shell is a pokemon we've never seen before and that is why it is on this list next we have genesect and we've never actually seen what genocide looks like without his armor because if you didn't know in pokemon black and white team plasma revived this ancient pokemon and added the powerful cannon and armor to it yeah this pokemon wasn't always a steel type it was just a pure bug type during its ancient time and speaking of ancient times this pokemon is like 300 million years old and was said to be the apex predator of its era and being an apex predator is no joke i mean that means you're on top of the food chain everything below you is eaten by something else like why do you think in lion king who fought to tell simba that everything the light touches is their kingdom well it's because they're the apex predator that they're nothing can stop them so 300 million years ago when there are pokemon like kabutops aerodactyl and amistar genocide was the strongest of them all and with the art i got commissioned this is what we think it might have looked like and man when dirk when he sent me this the first thing that came to my mind was that it looks like the terminator which honestly makes this perfect because i can definitely imagine the ancient form of genocide being an assassin of some sort and according to the origin of genocide it's probably based on a giant insect from the paleozoic era so this design of gendersec 300 million years ago was was probably gigantic and it just looks like a terminator destroying these little tiny bugs around it so yeah you probably wouldn't want to mess with the genocide back in the ancient times oh and before i end this one off i have to bring up the theory that kabutos might be the ancient form of genesect which is a really fun theory because both their pokemon's entries state that they're from 300 million years ago so i don't know it either could be kabutops or a pokemon we've never seen before so so let me know in the comments which do you think is the true genesect now for this pokemon we're gonna get smaller like microscopic small and this one is not even an official pokemon yet but maybe in the future we'll see it in the pokedex but a pokemon we've never seen before is poker us yes poker us is actually a microscopic life form that attaches itself to pokemon kind of like a parasite but the upside with pokuras is that it doesn't drain the life form of his host it actually has a mutualistic relationship with his host and actually makes the host even stronger it's like a kind of steroid that's a life form and if you have no idea what poker us is well in the video games you actually have a 1 in 20 000 chance of catching poker us when you're catching a pokemon or battling someone and when you heal your pokemon destroyer will go oh you've caught poker us and poker us helps the pokemon gain evs even faster so if you're trying to ev train your pokemon you want to have poker us and just like other microscopic life forms poker us multiplies and attach itself to more pokemon that's in your party so this is an infection that you want to have and want to spread to your other pokemon and so to the concept this is what we think poker us would look like and man winnie did a great job with his illustration because he used the face of the poker us that you see in the video games and with his body shape we based it on a micro animal which is a micro organism that can only be seen through a microscope that has a multi-cellular structure which basically means it's an organism with more than one cell and we thought it would be pink because the poke rust symbol is pink so it just fits incredibly well so yeah this is what poker us could look like and maybe one day if we ever play a pokemon game that's in like the microscopic level of things kind of like an ant-man version of a pokemon maybe we'll encounter poker us that'd be awesome so yeah for the fact this micro organism is canon to pokemon and we've never seen what it looks like that is why i placed it on this list now another pokemon we've never seen before is the dragon type of eevee and this one is kind of a theory because in pokemon origins and brock's gem you can clearly see a cat statue that has dragon wings and a lot of fans have theorized including myself that this might be a hint to the next eve evolution which would be a dragon type eevee because what pokemon out there resembles a cat that has dragon wings well eevee with the dragon type evolution would be the closest bet and it would make sense because the dragon topping pairs just nicely with the fairy typing just like dark and psychic with espeon and umbreon and since sylveon was released by itself it's gonna need a parry just like his other eevee evolution counterparts so i don't know maybe the next eve evolution we see will be a dragon type and that'd be honestly insanely hype and as for the design of the dragon type evolution this is what we think it might look like basically just exactly like the statue it's just an eevee with dragon wings but to make this more fun let's talk about how an eevee would evolve into a dragon eve evolution because the dragon typing is a pretty legendary topic for a pokemon so here's my idea you give a dragon skill to the eevee and then also have a dragon type pokemon in your party and basically in order to evolve your eevee you have to lead with your dragon type pokemon and then swap to eevee and then level it up in the same battle kind of like as if the dragon type pokemon taught the eevee what it takes to be a dragon and as for its ability it can have the multiscale ability which reduces damage when his hp is full there are only two pokemon right now that have that ability which is dragonite and lugia so a dragon type eve evolution would be perfect for that ability and as for the battery for this pokemon it could be like an offensive tank of some sort i don't know y'all could theorize in the comments down below y'all are probably better at this than me but yeah this cat-like dragon type pokemon is a pokemon we've never seen before but mark my words someday we'll have a dragon type evolution now we all know that arceus is the god of all pokemon and surely the form that we see is is his absolute four but no i believe arcades is holding back and we've never seen what his absolute form looks like the greater form of arceus because hear me out in this book of this entry it states that it created the universe with this one thousand arms and somehow it's related to the unknown because in the pokemon heart gold and soul silver event the unknown just kind of appear when our case is showing the player how it created the universe so i asked adam to create an arceus that has all the typings and have hand that it created the universe with and this is what he came up with and it looks amazing as you can see arceus has every single typing imbued into his body with like a halo type of crown thing coming from his chest and around it you have these unknown that are shaped as hands and i believe arc is commanded a billion of these trillions and just like how provopaz has many noses that it commands to do things for it i believe arc is commanded is a known hand to do his bidding and like come on there's no way that each one of them acts intrinatus is the strongest pokemon to ever be because arceus is the god it should be omnipotent so yeah hopefully we learn more about arceus in the legend of arceus game i i'm gonna be surprised if we don't get at least something new about it but yeah i believe there is a form of arceus that we've never seen before and that is why it is on this list next up we have the original dragon and i've covered this one quite a bit on the channel but but hey it's a cool concept and i want a lot of people to know about it okay so if you didn't know restaurants zekrom and kirim used to be one dragon and this original dragon is a pokemon we've never seen before and according to legend this original dragon was owned by two twin brothers who were the heroes of the unova region and actually created the unova region with the original dragon because it was so powerful and mighty and what caused this mighty dragon to split apart was due to an argument the twin brothers had about things they wanted to pursue the older twin wanted to pursue the truth in life and the younger twin wanted to pursue the ideals of life and due to this conflict of interest it caused the original dragon to split apart because they started fighting and arguing and even battling and when this epic split happened it created reshram and zekrom and the crumbs and leftovers from the original dragon created kira so if you ever wondered why kirby was able to feud with reshram and zekrom well it's because it used to be part of the dragon itself and so yeah that is the story of the original dragon and as for the art i got made for this video this is what we think it might have looked like and man if this one pokemon created three legendary pokemon from just the pieces of it then what does that make that pokemon is there like a stage beyond legendary where it's called like ultra legendary or something like i can't even fathom the power of this ultra legendary pokemon it it must have been so strong and these twin brothers must have been one of the strongest trainers to ever live so yeah this is one pokemon that i would love to see be created and maybe down the road in the future if there's ever a pokemon black and white remake we we might see it come to be but yeah as for now it's just a pokemon we've never seen before and we'll probably never see ever next we have the gallerian fossils and if you ever wondered why the glarium fossil pokemon look very strange well it's because they're based on the paleontologist's discoveries from the bone wars era and the bone wars was known as the great dinosaur rush where basically a bunch of paleontologists wanted to find fossils and make new discoveries and just to have the upper hand and outdo the other paleontologists they would purposely mismatch bones to produce quote-unquote new discoveries of dinosaurs and that's what we see in pokemon sword and shield these new discoveries are actually just mismatched dinosaurs combined together that were revived and guess who revived them they were revived by a paleontologist known as careless ergo careless she's careless and so these ancient pokemon that are mismatched have never been seen in their original bodies and well that's where this video comes in we're going to show you what these pokemon might have looked like and the artist fat mod went above and beyond he not only made the original bodies but he also made baby versions of these prehistoric pokemon and let's start with my favorite one zolt zolt looks amazing he's like a very speedy high energetic dinosaur that looks like a velociraptor looks like a very friendly pokemon they could just play with it and have fun and his pre-evolution looks even cuter it's like the cutest thing i've seen i love this and then we have stego drake which is my second favorite one and i just love the coloring of this pokemon the green and red just goes great together and i love how powerful and beasty this pokemon looks and i think it might be based on a stegosaurus which is one of my favorite dinosaurs from that prehistoric time then here's the pre-evolution this little smaller stegosaurus which is still looks like a beast as a baby and just at this stage it looks like a very solid pokemon it probably has a great spread in all of his stats if it were to be a real one and then we have dunk fish which looks like a very intimidating water type pokemon that you wouldn't want to come across in the sea and of course he got some humongous jaws because dracovich is all about the strong jaw ability with his vicious rin and then here's this pre-evolution which which just looks like the cutest little fish i've ever seen in my life it goes from extremely cute to extremely intimidating and then finally we have art desire which is probably based on the plesiosaurus dinosaur and i love this design i'm all about watertight pokemon and this just looks like a lapras but like kind of cooler like a lapras with some swag and then lastly we have arches ours pre-evolution which is a little cutie with them some flippers and keep in mind these fossil pokemon are based on dinosaurs so this little arches are pre-evolution could be a humongous pokemon so yeah all of these fossil pokemon are pokemon we've never seen before in the right assembly and maybe if we ever get a sequel to pokemon sword and show we'll actually have the fossil pokemon in their right forbes and not all mismatched and yo big shout out to fat bomb because he killed it with these fossil pokemon i absolutely love these now for this next one if you watched my last video tim pokemon that actually died you know that the legendary beasts were trapped in the fire in the brass tower and they were eventually revived by ho-oh and what's really cool about the legendary beats is that they weren't legendary pokemon before they were revived they were just regular pokemon like pidgey or houndhour and i know i talked about how the eevee evolutions could be the pokemon that were revived and became legendary pokemon because flareon jolteon and vaporeon have a lot of similarities to inter riku and suicune and that i said that i think this is what happened that the evolutions became the legendary beast let's just play the devil's advocate and say they were pokemon that we've never seen before so with that said here's the concept art that dark winnie drew for the legendary beast pokemon the non-legendary beast and yeah as you would expect there's really nothing exciting going on with the design it's just a solid normal looking pokemon and this design was inspired by the silets we see in the pokemon generations episode where the brass tower burns down and in the artist's notes dark when he mentioned that he created the mask of this beast so that has room to turn into the crowns that you see on the legendary pokemon because if you notice they each have their own little cool crown design especially with squeaky with the crystal looking thing and like you probably guessed we based his design off the silhouettes from the pokemon generations episode where you see the beast burning in the brass tower and all their silhouettes look the same so they might have been all the same kind of pokemon so that's why we just did one design for the beast so yeah just a fairly simple design but i still think it has a really awesome history to it so that is why i put on this list as well next we have fortress and yeah surprisingly enough fortress's identity has never been seen before because it is pokemon gold pokedex entry it states that what lurks inside in the armor is a total mystery and then just repeats that over and over again all throughout the generations and what's interesting about fortress is that it shares the same category as burme and wormadam they are the bagworm pokemon and as we see with burme it's a pokemon that we've seen without its disguise and it's basically just a bug that puts you know leaves on it or sand or something so with fortress inside this fortress like shell there is a bug pokemon that's lurking inside so no that black design you see on the shell isn't actually a pattern it's just the darkness from the shell that you see from the outside and his eyes are actually the bug inside the shell peeking from the shadows kind of like what you see in tom and jerry when it's like pitch black so for the art fatman created this little cute little bug that has like a tipper to it as you can see it looks angry and it's like blowing as steam from its horn-like things so the bug inside the shell having a temper would make a lot of sense on why fortress chooses to explode all the time and also the steam could be like a propellant for when it spins around doing like rapid spin or something it would make a lot of sense if the bug was emitting steam somehow and as for the stubby legs i feel like we just pushed against the walls inside the shell so i can stay in one spot while like blowing steam into the horns of the shell so yeah i just love this design and i love the fact that fortress could be a bug inside of a shell that's just very mad at everything so whatever's looking inside of there we will never see and that is why i put it on this list it's a pokemon we've never seen before and finally we have mimikyu the pokemon you all probably been waiting for and okay mimikyu has been seen before but that person died so other than that one person all of us have never seen mimikyu and since this pokemon century talks about how his true appearance caused someone to have a heart attack because of terror it really makes you wonder what on earth is inside that disguise what kind of monster lies hidden under this this rag and well we think that it might not be a monster it might just be with his eyes that there's something wrong with mimikyu's eyes that causes people to pass away and with that theory this is the art that we came up with it's just a blob with some spikes and some crazy looking eyes yeah it doesn't look that terrifying i just think mimikyu is misunderstood it might have some kind of curse with his eyes and the curse being is if you make eye contact then you'll just drop dead which probably makes mimikyu believe that it's ugly it kind of reminds me of cyborg from x-men because his mutant power is that he shoots laser beams out of his eyes and to not destroy everything around him including his loved ones he has to keep his eyes closed so the same concept could be with mimikyu maybe could be the cutest looking thing in the world but his eyes are cursed but yeah that's just one of many theories on what's going on under that rag with mimikyu and for all we know it could be the ugliest thing we would ever see in our lives so let me know in the comments what is going on with mimikyu is it just a pokemon with a curse or is it like an ugly scariest thing you will ever see in your life let me know down below and there you go 10 pokemon that you've never seen before i hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe and ring that bell to stay notified for future uploads and if you want to miss my other videos click on the end card right now and just start binging also if you want to join the dobs agent discord server click the link down below and you can join us and and talk to us and also be sure to check out my gaming channel dobbs gaming below as well and that's all for this video and i'll see y'all next time peace
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 625,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon you’ve never seen before, pokemon you’ve never heard of, pokemon you will never unsee, shiny pokemon you will never catch, pokemon abilities you’ve never heard of, top 10 scariest pokemon backstories, 10 pokemon you’re glad don’t exist in real life, 10 things in pokemon you remember wrong, top 10 scariest pokedex entries, top 10 scary pokemon theories, pokemon creepypasta, legend of arceus new pokemon, hisuian pokemon, leaked pokemon unite, dobbs pokemon
Id: j0NCYDp5tNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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