Every Girlfriend EVER (ft. Amber Scholl)

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guys have their quirks girls have some pork stew but let's talk about let's talk about it dating is like watching a TV show halfway through the season I'm like do I even like this right before you guys make it official girls love to leave stuff behind so they have an excuse to see you again hey um rings in your car yeah I'm in my car right now I don't I don't see them um check in the fridge in the second drawer to the right check in there see if they're there how did they get in here so um come over later and get huh when you have a girlfriend first thing you understand is a lot of them love blankets and I mean a lot of blankets they get cold very easily not all but most and girls you got to do this thing when you're out with a dude usually in the courtship before you start dating and it's freaking freezing and you're they're like she's on the verge of catching pneumonia your teeth are chattering you got snot bubbles and the guy's like yo you cold no no no and the guy goes to give you his jacket no I'm good you look like you're about to catch death girls love to pop pimples if you start getting a pimple I'm popping it so my exes would even be on YouTube watching pimple popping videos you also have your checkpoint and girlfriends text me when you get home text me when you get the boy text me when I don't know what else men do it's like checkpoints in a video game why come you girls take up 95% of the bed fellows you wake up in the middle of the night with no blanket freezing coals on the edge of the bed and your girl has taken up the other 99% of it for no reason it's not on purpose it's just how they roll I think it goes back to that girls are always cold thing they're trying to push up against your warmth so that's why they're constantly pushing you against the edge of the bed which also explains why they shower in two hundred laba degrees Celsius water if you ever hop in the shower as your girlfriend's getting out in French fries you'll ask her grill she's hungry and she'll be like now I'm good you walk in and get some french fries and walk out and all of a sudden different situation girls love french fries okay fellows one thing to understand food always tastes better what is coming up for your plate and girls never know where they want to eat but they always know where they want to eat pick a place wherever fellas just know that you have to start naming off stuff until you you hit the sweet spot okay another thing girls love the shop even if they don't buy anything thank God online shopping doesn't require us fellas to be their president but it's just something to keep in mind cuz girls love to shop I don't think fashion OVA is ever gonna go out of business also detective girlfriends you'll know if you have one those are the girls that get in the car like this is not my shade all right all up in your trunk with a black light in most cases it's the girl putting insecurities from their past relationships onto you but in some cases fellas you've done something you've messed up maybe you cheated or you don't know micro cheated and then you made your girl a detective girlfriend oh and you get problems cousin there are those girls who let their boyfriends get away with murder guys do this too but sometimes you girls will get a guy who you think is so attractive and you love them so much you let them get away with everything if you're over six feet tall you got the hair get the jawline the cuts blast like those guys I've seen when they get in relationships they get away with murder I've said this before but anything you allow increases that's in any relationship boyfriend-girlfriend mother father whatever relationship if you allow something to happen it's most likely gonna increase fellas it's a good idea if you can prevent lying to your girlfriend don't do it cuz I catch you in that lie and they stay with you and next thing you know everything turns into a plight I don't want you to hang out with Sabrina anymore why are you always liking have naked girls on the grill the only negative like army right in a future video almost like we talk about boyfriends because we have our set of quirks - don't get it twisted [Music]
Channel: sWooZie
Views: 3,683,106
Rating: 4.9401412 out of 5
Keywords: swoozie, adande, animation, funny, 2d, girlfriend, relationship, advice, dating
Id: 6mQi6um1T8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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