Every Drive Thru Ever

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(whimsical music) - Here you go sir, have a great day. - All right, thanks. - What are you doing? - Oh, I'm just making sure I have everything in the bag. - Why do you not trust me? - No, no, no, it's, it's just. - Wow, after everything we've been through up until now. I mean, come on man. We talked, you told me your inner most food preferences as they pertain to our specific menu. We got deep, man. What the fuck? - Look guy, it's nothing personal. All right. I've just driven off without items in the past. - You can't keep comparing me to your ex's John. - What? - Just go, John. - My name is Michael. - We are so over. - Okay, okay, okay, fine, fine, fine. - We are over! - Dammit. - [Narrator] Every drive-thru ever. - That'll be 3.25. (subtle music) (screaming) (screaming) (screaming) - [Man] All right, please pull up to the first, second window. Oh, actually the car in front of you paid for your meal. - That's so sweet. - I know, right? It's been like this streak going on all morning. 15 cars in a row now. - That's awesome. - Do you want to continue the streak? - Yeah, why not? - All right. Your total will be 67.08. - Oh, yikes. That's a lot of nuggies and fries. - Oh, it's more than nuggies and fries. No, it's four number fives, three number twos, and seven milkshakes. - Oh yeah, I can't pay for all that. - So you're breaking the streak? - It's nothing personal, I just. - Breaking the streak. 15 customers in a row and you're going to break that streak all because your greedy ass doesn't want to pay it forward? - Come on, I just ordered nuggies and fries. - Get outta here. - Don't be like that. - Go! You're not wanted here! Go! - Okay. - Go! You know, we're closing Burger Queen all cause this woman doesn't want to pay it forward. - [Woman] Can I get a cheeseburger, no cheese, no burger? I want a number three with cheese. - A number three with cheese. - [Woman] A number three with cheese, medium or large? - Medium or large? - Uh, medium with a Coke. - Medium with a coke. ♪ Medium with a coke ♪ ♪ Would you like any sauces ♪ ♪ Would you like any sauces ♪ ♪ Would I like any sauces ♪ ♪ Ranch and ketchup ♪ ♪ Ranch and ketchup ♪ ♪ Ranch and ketchup ♪ ♪ Is that all ♪ ♪ Is that all ♪ ♪ That's all ♪ ♪ That's all ♪ ♪ Please drive forward ♪ ♪ Please drive for ♪ Oh, that's me, my bad. - [Man] Oh, you want the food fresh? Okay, can you pull off and wait 45 minutes? - Hi. How are you doing today? - Oh, pretty good. - Oh, I'm talking to another customer. - Oh, okay. - You want any sauces? - Uh, no thank you. - Oh, other customer, sorry. - Oh, all right. - So you want to hang out later? - I don't really know. - Oh, I'm on the phone. Hi, can I take your order please? Yeah, let's do soul cycle at eight, but don't forget your towel this time. That'll be 8.35 with the next window. Do you want any napkins? - Me? - Yeah, you. Napkins? - Oh no, no, no, I don't. I don't need any. - I told you Bethany, you cannot let him walk all over you like that. You deserve better. Yeah, I can take your order. Do you want any sauces with that? No, Dad I told you I can't come home this weekend. I'm going to Palm Springs. That'll be 6.38 at the next window. - Uh, thanks. - Bethany, I'm not going to sit here and listen to you talk about your ex when you already know how I feel about him. Do you want to supersize that? - I don't know if you're talking to me. I'm just going to go. - Bethany, you are a queen. Act like it, okay? Act like it. Daddy, I cannot come, I'm going to Palm Springs. I told you that! - [Woman] The ice cream machine is still broken. Oh my God. Okay. - I can do 30 miles an hour sometimes. - Cool. Hey Janice, would you like any sauces? - Aw, thank you for asking me Burger Queen. My answer is yes. - Which sauces would you like? We have ranch, barbecue, honey mustard, ketchup, white cloud, teriyaki, habanero. - That sounds like an excellent flavor. Her answer is yes. - Oh, you want all of them? - All of them. - They come in individual packets. - I said all of them. (intense music) Oh yeah, get in there real good. Looking like a nice little similar dip, all for my freaking nuggets. Get in there, dude you have good sauce fingers. You're freaking good at doing that. Whoa, look at all the colors. (intense music) - Just take it, just take it. Janice no, Janice, Janice, just take it. Just take the sauces. No. Oh my God. - [Man] Light salt? Uh no, just no. - Gosh dang it, his line is so long. I'm freaking starving. - Me too. - It's like everyone in the world decided to come to this drive through and this drive through only. I don't get it. Well, maybe it's everyone just coming home from work, looking for some dinner. You know? - Yeah, totally. - What the heck? How did you get that? - Oh, well I just walked in. There's like no line inside the restaurant. - You couldn't have got me like fries or something. - Fries, fries. - My son is such an idiot. How could I forget the fries? - Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not going to get me some. - It's not my fault you're the idiot who thought going through a drive through at 5:00 pm on a Friday night would be a good idea. - Can I at least have a couple? Oh, oh yeah. (moaning) Oh, I've seen God. Oh, give me more. - I don't have anymore. The (beep) is wrong with these fries? - [Woman] Can I get this drink with no ice? Thanks. Welcome to burger queen. Would you like to try our new crispy cheese crunch Supreme? - You know what? Yeah, I'll get that. - [Woman] Really? - Yeah, the crispy cheese crunch supreme sounds delightful. - [Woman] Oh, well no one here actually knows how to make that. You're just supposed to ignore the question, get flustered for a second, then yell your actual order at me. - Well too bad 'cause I already decided and I'm sticking with it, okay? Let's give me a crispy cheese crunch supreme, come on. - [Woman] You don't even know what's in it. - I'm living for the moment like Kesha says or whoever. - [Woman] Okay. Yeah, let's live in the moment. - Yeah! - [Woman] One crispy cheese crunch supreme coming right up. - All right! (laughter) Oh, I should not have ordered this. - [Woman] Is that all for one person? - Here you are, have a good day. - Thank you. Can I get some hot sauce please? - Renee. Okay, so she wants hot sauce, but if you ask me she looks more like a mild sauce kind of girl. - [Renee] Oh, just give her ketchup, she'll think it's spicy. - I can hear you. - Oh, I'm talking to another customer. - Oh, it's another customer. - You're not wearing a headset. - It's a very small headset. - Super small. - Very small. You probably couldn't see it from where you're at. - Sure, okay, whatever. - They're by Motorola, they make all the head sets. - That's great. - How much spicy sauce do you want? - A lot, 'cause I'm a spicy girl. - You know what I'm going to do. I'm going to water down her ketchup. - Oh my God, that'd be so good. - Yeah. - I can still hear you. - Oh, I'm sorry, we're talking to another customer. (screaming) (screaming) (screaming) - That's so sweet. - I know, right? It's been like this weird chain thing. Sorry. I gave myself funny bone reaction and it broke my brain. - [Girl] Are you okay? - Yeah. - No, not at all I'll get your packets right now. I'll get your sauces right now. Just like, can you just like stay back just like a couple feet. - Sorry, I have big energy. - Yeah, oh I feel it. Very big energy. Smells good, thanks for cooking for me. I'll do some tricks while I wait. - Why do I work here still? - Give me more. - I don't think I'm gonna give you, - Give me more! - Here's potato. (laughter) - Bethany, you take charge of your life, okay? I love you, we all love you, we are all rooting for you. No, no, no, no, we are not gluten free but you know what? We do have mushroom buns. (laughter) (laughter) (laughter) - I can't believe it, it's like we're in a teen movie. And I'm just saying yes to everything. Are we in love? - [Woman] I mean, yeah! - I don't even know what you look like. Ah, marry me. - [Woman] Okay. - Oh God no, don't go back in. Oh God. (laughter) ♪ Would you like any sauces ♪ ♪ Would you like any sauces ♪ ♪ Would I like any sauces ♪ ♪ Ranch and ketchup ♪ ♪ Ranch and ketchup ♪ ♪ Ranch and ketchup is that all ♪ ♪ Is that all ♪ ♪ That's all ♪ ♪ That's all ♪ ♪ Please drive forward ♪ ♪ Please drive forward ♪ - Oh, oh that's me. - Wow, welcome to Burger Queen. I hope you enjoyed that delicious video. If you'd like to order another delicious video, you can click over there. - And if you want some sauce, you can go down here for some saucy merchandise. - And of course, if you wanna subscribe you can do that down below. That one's not on our menu, that one you just click and do yourself. - Now, that's a secret menu but we still like it. - Oh, secret menu option, you can subscribe. Anyway, don't eat any of what we just handed you 'cause you'll die of cholesterol. - Yeah, and cholesterol is bad.
Channel: Smosh
Views: 2,657,275
Rating: 4.9061522 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Every Drive Thru Ever, every blank ever, smosh every blank ever, smosh ebe, ebe drive thru, smosh every drive thru ever, fast food, drive thru, sketch, skit
Id: vml4hskxqtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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