Every Dunkin' Donuts Ever

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pearltherebel 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Hi, could I just do a jelly donut? - Yeah, sure. Would you like a coffee with that? - Oh, I've never had your coffee before, but I think I'm all right. - Oh, our coffee is really, really good. Are you sure? - Yeah, I don't, I don't need it. So no, thank you. - But you'll want it. - Hard pass. - You're gonna want it. (bag rustling) - (coughs) (yells) Did you put coffee in this donut?! - [Dunkin' Employee] I told you you'd like it! - It's delicious. - [Narrator] Every Dunkin' Donuts ever. - [Both Women] Ah. - I feel like shit. - I need coffee. - Well, let's go to Starbucks. - No, Starbucks is way too nice. We have to go somewhere, where like, we know we won't be judged. - Hey, welcome to Dunkin' Donuts and may I say you two are the most attractive people I've seen all day. - Oh my god, that's so sweet. -Thank you so much. - Wait, wait, who's... - [Dunkin' Employee] See what I mean? - [Woman's Voice] My body runs on Dunkin'. - Hi, can I get your egg sandwich? - Okay. Two sandwiches. - Oh no, I just want the one. - But it's a two for three deal right now. So two sandwiches. - I only want one sandwich. The second one would be too much food, - But it comes with two. - Just charge me for one. - It comes with two. - I don't-- I'll pay you $3 for one sandwich. That's fine with me. - What am I supposed to do with the other sandwich when you- - Just eat it for all I care. I just want one fricking sandwich. - I don't want to eat it. It's gross. The sandwich is gross. - Just give me a fricking sandwich. - Okay. (cash register keys click) - Order up! - (beep)! - [Woman] Dude, just dip a donut into hot coffee. Just do it. It's so good. - Hi. What's good here at Dunking? - Oh, our coffee is great. - Oh, Dunking Donuts has a coffee. - Yeah. And it's actually pronounced "Dunkin'". - That's what I'm saying. Dunking. - Well, there's actually no G at the end. It's Dunkin'. - Dunking. - Dunkin'. - Dunking. - Okay, listen to me. It's not Dunking. It's Dunkin'. - I don't... dunking, I-- - Dunkin'. - Dunking? - Dun. Dun. - Dun. - Kin. - King. - Dunkin. - Dunking. - [Man] It's Krispy Kreme, but everyone has a Boston accent. - I freaking love Dunkin' Donuts, dude. - Oh, hell yeah, dude. Way better than Starbucks. - Oh, (beep) Starbucks. - Yeah, Starbucks (beep) sucks my ass. - Yeah. - (gasps) - Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry. We didn't see you there, lady. - Starbucks ain't (beep)ing (beep), dude! - (Beep) Starbucks. - (Beep) yeah! - (laughs) - [Woman] Have you ever surgically opened up a jelly-filled donut and sniffed it? - [Other Woman] Yes. - Welcome to Dunking Donuts. - Hi...there. I would like a bag of bacon. - Absolutely. Because it is a real item on our real menu. - That's incredible, dude. (thump) (thump) (bag rustles) (Cowboy-western trumpet music) - [Woman] My body runs on Dunkin'. - Hi, I got you coffee. - Ah, no, thanks. I don't really like Dunkin' coffee. - But America runs on Dunkin'. - It's just not my thing. - That means you're not American. - What? Yes I am. I was born in Raleigh, North Carolina. I was a girl scout. My dad's a firefighter. - I was just kidding. - Oh yeah. (laughs) I knew that. (laughs) That was good. - I'm gonna go to the bathroom. - Okay. (laughs) (mysterious music) - (in European accent) That was a close one. New intel. America runs on Dunking. Hey, would you like a- (switches back to American accent) would you like to take a selfie? - [Girl] Can I get the chocolate/vanilla swirl with vanilla sprinkles, please? - Excuse me. Hi. I was just enjoying my blended caramel iced latte and I noticed that on the receipt, you charged me for whipped cream? - Oh yeah. There's a small upcharge for whipped cream. - What? That's ridiculous. All blended drinks come with cream. Why would you have the audacity to charge me for it? - It's only 50 cents, ma'am. It's not that big of a deal. - Oh, it's not a big deal. Not a big deal. Well fine, then I will return it. (splat) Now give me my 50 cents back. - Unfortunately, ma'am, I cannot accept this exchange because you've already consumed half of your whipped cream. - Oh, give me one second. (dry heaving) - [Man] No one can have just one donut. - What's up, dude? Hi. I'm watching my weight and I can't have any sugar. So what should I do? - Ooh, you should get out. Leave now. - Everything has sugar in it? - Everything. - Can I get like a water cup or something? - Cup's made out of sugar. - Okay. Fine, I'll leave. - Be careful. Door handle's made out of sugar. - What the (bleep)? - Sugar! - (yells) (choking) - This is my kink. - (yells) (beep) - Mom, why do you have to come here to embarrass me in front of all of my donuts? - I don't believe you work here. I don't believe that you actually work here. I think that you killed everybody in this establishment and you took an apron and you started working here like a little Scooby Doo bad guy. - How did you know? - I raised you that way. - [Off-Screen] Okay. (laughs) - Just give me a sandwich, mother(beep)! - Okay. - What is that? - I heard my name. - It's two sandwiches. It's two sandwiches. - (laughs) I don't want two sandwiches! Did you not hear a single-- why did you bring me two sandwiches? Gimme-- - Sandwiches. - You mother(beep). Give it back. - No, mother(beep) is your name. (laughter) - I heard my name. - No, no. Call off the snipers. He's okay. - Sorry. I thought you didn't like-- - I was just giving it a little sniff. - You sounded actually like Melania Trump. - Actually it did- my nose cramped. I got a nose cramp. You know the monthly nose cramp. - Oh yeah. - When the same- happens the same time a woman has to cut off her penis every month. - Oh, Dunkin' Donuts sure is good. If you want to watch some other videos, we got them. We got a whole bunch of them. I would say at this point we have 5 million videos you can watch and I highly suggest you do it. You can also subscribe so you can know when we have post other videos and we also have smosh.store where we got just so much clothes. It's good. It's good clothes. Wouldn't you? - [Off-Screen] It's smosh.com now! Oh, it's smosh.com now! Smosh.com is where you go for our clothes. Really exciting, really great website. Wouldn't you agree, Tobias? (cup crunches)
Channel: Smosh
Views: 2,644,526
Rating: 4.9392819 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, every blank ever, smosh every blank ever, every dunkin ever, every dunkin donuts ever, dunkin donuts, dunkin, coffee shop, donut shop, sketch, sketch comedy, skit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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