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who's really found out that my combination never even had a to in it so this weekend I think that Emily and I are gonna be making out what is it your braces - yeah so say it - be careful otherwise if you kiss her your braces get locked together everyone's gonna know you're kissing when Jeter engineer can see every puberty ever wow I can't believe over the span of one summer we all started to grow our boobs right also in turn it's so weird how once all the girls started wearing bras all the boys started working their backpacks in the front see you guys later hey what what's with the front mer cracks oh you know it's really stylish it I had my boner it's easy to get my books it is Neal schools weird by Ciara super sauce I heard he surfs what yeah every puberty ever okay guys what is around the school we smell so I talked to my parents and they got me some of this body spray now they said to only use a little bit everyday so I can only assume by that they mean the entire can just smell and good now what the hell are you guys good Oh God Oh what is that oh it's injury every orifice of my body no pre-puberty ever Hey whoa my God why did I smell like manure oh that's me I put mole to my bra what yeah to help my boobs grow bigger trying to get to a C cup oh my god that's so smart trying to make mine even [Music] [Music] I'm going through changes hi mom I was just wondering since I'm gonna start my period soon maybe I should keep some tampons around the house just in case you know sweetie that is a great idea but your first period is supposed to come at the most inconvenient time possible so during a class presentation or on the bus or during your first kiss see the woman experience is supposed to consist of a series of miserable firsts so we're just gonna hold off and get those tampons when it's too late okay okay hey Jake when did you start using tampons oh dude I think I just hit puberty what yeah cuz mrs. Applebaum is like really hot now oh my god dude check out the hot girl on the bike that's a great - oh my God look at that multicolored titty dude everything in this class is sexy okay okay look Stabler no no no no no no will you be my girlfriend oh look at that fan SOCAN puberty your dick falls off you grow a new one right kind of like teeth and then I got another one in fourth period God random boners are the worst right they're so embarrassing being a guy during puberty is the worst we totally have it worse totally every puberty ever hey guys thanks for watching this video kay that puberty voice is annoying thanks for watching this video if you want to see every high school ever click the box on the left and if you want to watch every crush ever hit that box on the right I had a crush on
Channel: Smosh
Views: 12,307,786
Rating: 4.8549104 out of 5
Keywords: every blank every, every blank ever smosh, smosh ebe, puberty, every puberty ever, hormones, raging hormones, smosh, smosh every blank ever, the talk, having the talk, crush, high school crush, every high school ever, every crush ever, talking to your crush, smosh crush, smosh high school, high school, smosh school, every school ever, school
Id: v0eafGbrSJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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