We’ve Been Writing Twist Villains WRONG

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if you really want to ruin your movie throw in a Twist villain and I think I finally know why it's because they all freaking suck like okay pixars are fine they seem to know what they're doing usually but like Disney's they're just all thrown in willy-nilly to make the kids think that the movie's super smart but kids opinions are meaningless because they're all idiots and you and I are hopefully not and now the movies are worse off than if they just played it straight but what's the difference between Pixar and Disney villains what makes a Twist villain good versus bad what mistakes are being made here so that we can know when to avoid them well that's exactly what I hopefully have found out after some analysis I narrowed things down to seven pretty basic things that make a good twist villain and while having all seven isn't strictly necessary and most don't any less than 405 leads to an exponentially worse twist and character so today we'll be discussing three Pixar villains and three Disney villains and going through each of those seven points to see once and for all what makes a Twist villain insert synonym for bad here or insert synonym for good here it's just a code to me that I didn't actually write any synonyms into my script foreign [Music] if you needed any more proof that Mr water news is the best animated twist villain ever look no further than the fact that he's the only villain out of the six we're doing who gets a check on all seven points but of course he's still learning with the points are so let's go through them item one a solid motivation if your villain doesn't have a good reason for doing what they're doing they kind of just turn into a joke but throughout the movie we keep hearing about how Monsters Incorporated is about to collapse because kids aren't getting as scared as they used to so when this new and more productive way of getting energy from children is discovered like of course you would choose to do that item two he's not evil just for the sake of being evil this is kind of a subcategory of the motivation thing but I just really need to specify that it doesn't really count if a villain is just being evil because it's fun obviously a villain that enjoys being evil on top of a solid motivation can also work but villains like Mr watunus I feel like are just better in most situations they might calculating nature just makes them seem like more of a threat than someone who kills puppies in their spare time just because like Mr water news didn't want to banish Mike and Sully that was just a means to an end because they accidentally discovered the scream extractor because of you I had to banish my top scared and with this machine we won't need scares besides got what he deserved Sullivan was twice the scarier you will ever be item three a cool reveal or at least a not awful reveal I really don't think anything needs to be said about this one though plus I don't know how I would describe it so let me just play the scene the reveal is what people remember when they think back to a Twist villain so you want to make sure it leaves an impact and it showed us here this paired with item four the fact that he doesn't monologue about his plan for several minutes even though that only makes things worse for himself just makes the whole thing better like we can already tell that he's in on the plot with Vandal and even if we didn't Mike explains it to us plus that scene we already saw where Mr water news and Randall are literally just talking about the evil scheme think how much worse it would have been if Mr watanus had tied Mike and Sully to chairs and explained the already obvious plot kick them through the door and now that all the suspense is gone and said now all that's left is to kill Elsa and bring back summer oh wait I'm getting ahead of myself Point as they nailed it then there's item five the fact that there's already a villain obviously some movies namely murder mysteries are gonna have a Twist villain and you know that walking in so you're trying to figure it out the whole time because it's literally the whole point of the movie it's a murder mystery and two of the three Disney movies we're gonna see actually try and fail to do that very thing but with Monsters Inc we already have a villain Randall so we're not trying to figure out who's behind the suspicious plot because it's plainly obvious who's behind the suspicious plot at least we think it is adding mystery water news on top of that was just an unexpected and yet still completely sensible and inevitable surprise which leads nicely into item 6 the subtlety and I don't think I can say this unsubly enough subtlety it needs to be subtle but it also needs to be there so Michael showed the director of the good place among other things said that the key to a good twist is that it's surprising while still being inevitable in other words you don't want to figure it out too early but you want it to seem really obvious sanui watch which is another reason why having an already existing villain is so helpful we get all the clues we need to see that he's a villain and so when you re-watch the movie knowing the twist lots of stuff that he says has a double meaning but it's subtle enough that you don't really pick up on it the first time an inevitable surprise and item 7 the fact that he has more than like 15 minutes to actually be a villain again this stuff is really self-explanatory if you're going through the trouble of having a Twist villain give them time to actually be a villain instead of just a Twist if they revealed as a villain and then immediately defeated that's just kind of lame but if you have 10 to 20 minutes of rising action in between the reveal and the climax another villain actually has some time to establish themselves as a threat and Mr water news has that time and sure enough he's a threat so that's the gist of it in almost every way Mr water news manages to be a new perfect twist villain but before him we had Stinky Pete Stinky Pete is the twist villain in Toy Story 2. and even though he doesn't have the coveted seven out of seven he's still a pretty good twist villain but I don't have as much to say on him so let's just look through the points again item one was motivation and his motivation is that he wants to go to Tokyo he makes it clear that he wants to go to Tokyo and he just wants to be appreciated by kids to have a sense of purpose which can be accomplished by you guessed it going to Tokyo item two isn't being evil for the sake of being evil he just again wants to go to Tokyo item 3 the reveal which isn't as strong as Mr water noose's but at least he doesn't say anything really lame at least there's a bit of a shock Factor still there since he had never gotten out of his box before and him being well out of his box is a bit Yeah shocking item four the monologue he does monologue a little bit however there's a big difference it's not to brag about his genius it's to get Woody to go with him to Tokyo because then he'll be more valuable part of the complete set or whatever it's an actual part of his plan instead of him being stupid and ruining every item five the fact that there's already a villain I guess Al is already a villain but I was thinking more about Woody's little conflict of whether or not the love of one child is more important than the general acknowledgment of many children obviously it's not a traditional villain but the Toy Story movies really don't need traditional villains the stories are just driven by the characters making toys being loved related decisions which is why I don't like Toy Story 4 but that's besides the point so just like with Mr water news you're not really looking for a Twist villain because you think the story is wrapping up although that's a bit of a problem which we'll get to in a minute but first item six the subtlety we see throughout the movie how important going to Tokyo is to Pete but it's never the main plot point and the audience's attention is never drawn to it more than necessary plus the fact that he's never gotten out of his box and how could someone essentially stuck in a display possibly do anything harmful we just didn't realize that his desire to go to Tokyo outweighed his willingness to stay in the Box all in all it's pretty well executed item 7 however is a bit weaker while Stinky Pete does get revealed before the literal climax of the movie that's not saying much because that's basically the bare minimum with Mr water news has revealed about 10 minutes earlier than Pete was and maybe that's why overall liked Mr water news more maybe that's why people don't immediately think of Stinky Pete when someone says Pixar twist villain but I mean he still has a six out of seven which is like a b to the B plus I think I've proved my point by now about Pixar understanding the basic formula but you know what I said three and we've done two and that math suggests that there's more to go if I asked you to pick a Pixar twist villain and Mr water news was already exhausted as an option who would you pick probably syndrome right and yeah I tend to agree with that he's probably the second best but he's kind of in a Class by Himself and even though he's got a lot of stage presence that's less of a Twist villain specific thing and more of a general evil person cool thing so instead let's talk about De La Cruz to those of you who say Ernesto De La Cruz is a bad twist villain I truly do not understand you even though I think we can all agree that uh water nuisance syndrome or the two best twist villains I can say with almost absolute confidence that Ernesto was probably third the reason for his evilness is like an actual real reason and even more we get to see the results of his actions which is something that most twist villains never have the chance to do most twist villains are defeated before they can enact their Clan but Dela Cruz is different his crimes are far in his past and he's been living not living happily ever since I mean we'll still go through the items because that's the point of the video but hopefully I've made my point already item one motivation is very obvious he wanted to be famous and he realized that Hector's songs were good enough to get him that Fame item two he's not being evil for the sake of being evil but unlike the other villains we've mentioned he's actually aware that what he'd done this bad but he wasn't doing them just to spread chaos and become emperor of the first Galactic Empire he wanted to be remembered and since that's kind of the whole thing with the Land of the Dead the audience kind of sees where he's coming from he was willing to do whatever it took to seize his moment and it actually offers a little bit of commentary on whether it's worth doing bad things to be remembered especially if you do those things when no one's looking cool well not cool you know what I mean item three the reveal I have a bit more to say about this one so there are two types of reveals they're the ones where in a split second your whole grasp on reality just completely falls apart and all the pieces fall into place with a few lines of dialogue so obviously Mr water news would be an example that one in the good places too there's a second type of reveal though and that's the slow realization and actually this slow utilization kind of splits into two subcategories and depending on how well you saw the twist coming either one could apply to you the first is what you already know and that's dramatic irony dramatic irony is when you already know the Twist and are just waiting for it to happen to the characters you know something they don't probably the best way this has ever been described is of course for example if I were to say I can't wait to eat the salmon cookie but there were people around that knew the almond cookie was poisoned that would be dramatic irony so picks it up in Charles months like he's the guy who's trying to kill the bird and the bird is one of the main characters at this point so he's the bad guy easy but he's Carl's Idol and Russell's an idiot because he's a kid and so they're not going to suspect anything we're just waiting for them to suspect it which still holds tension because the characters are still in danger and the second sub-category is when you don't know you start questioning things as you slowly realize wait a minute something's not right here and then that eventually builds and builds until you finally see what's happening you're like oh my God that's crazy uh until like The Sixth Sense spoilers I guess but he was dead the whole time but it's done very subtly and it's incredibly difficult to pick up on it the first time around and I don't know anyone who did you start thinking back to the rest of the movie and you're like oh my God no one's ever actually really talked to him except the boy who can see dead people and it's really good but what did I mean when I said either of these could apply to you well honestly that's just it either you thought that him being the villain was perfectly obvious so you get to see all the foreshadowing and watch the character slowly figure it out or you figure it out with the characters with that slow and satisfying build up either way the villain is shocking to the characters and if it's shocking to you too great but if it isn't that's also great and that's just the beauty of actually caring and trying to make a good villain anyway item four the monologue thing now some people are gonna say he doesn't deserve this point because his monologue doesn't reveal too much of his plan only to the main character no why not just have it reveal his intentions to literally everyone ever it'd be very strange if someone tried to defend them okay so listen here's the thing it was actually Miguel who listed out all his crimes and Dela Cruz himself didn't actually brag too much it's not he was like yeah I was the one who killed him I was the one who did this I won and you lost hahaha no if anything he was just like defending his actions he didn't outright deny it but why would he it's not like he was expecting to be caught on camera and revealed with the whole world like a relics from the 2000s I don't care the more you think about it the more you realize that he does technically get this point however he does not get the point for item five I'm a reasonable fellow the fact that there's already a villain like there's not already a villain so obviously if you read it the 20 seconds when Miguel's about to go home too much you will kind of realize that the story can't possibly be wrapping up since they're like 40 minutes left but again dramatic irony and to some extent it doesn't matter if we know because even if we know it's not over Miguel thinks that though but he still doesn't get the point there just isn't another villain and you'd have to work the facts way too much to get the logic to work out item six the subtlety you don't need me to explain what subtlety is again so I'm just gonna throw up some examples the fact that his face is missing from the offender and it probably wouldn't occur to you until way later that maybe the guitar belonged to someone else then there's this scene here the greatest musician of all time oh you're funny greatest eyebrows of all time maybe but his music and this one isn't that major but the gold tooth on the guitar because Hector has a gold tooth I just think that's cool point is they went throwing it in your face but you can catch it on re-watches and see how cool and inevitable the surprise really was yeah see what I did there and then item seven yes he's revealed before the climax in the movie the song theft reveal happens at about 40 minutes left the poison reveal happens at 38 minutes left and Miguel gets coded away a bit before 36 minutes left and there's still time for like a whole character reconciliation and all that before the climax so there's ample time to be an epic villain so just like the Stinky Pete De La Cruz gets six out of seven great job well done I think you probably definitely understand by now at least if you didn't before that Pixar knows how to make twist villains work good job Pixar now let's go through the criteria again but with Disney movies oh boy first though I'm gonna ask you to subscribe because I mean it can't hurt right so um subscribe [Music] Frozen Big Hero 6 and zootopia I like all three of these movies but sadly tragically even they each have a very disappointing Twist of villain starting with a main man Hans so let's just get into it item one motivation he wants power because his brothers bullied him and pretended he was invisible when he grew up I guess an argument could be made that his need for people to bow down to him is a very weak parallel to stinky Pete's need to feel loved by going to Tokyo if that's what you're doing with your English major I'm not going to question it but you know remember how I made that comparison to Palpatine and how good twist villains aren't evil for the sake of being evil just to become emperor of the first Galactic Empire Hans is literally willing to Lenny sword through an innocent and distraught woman and then let her sister die from like Kodiak hypothermia just to be in charge of a 19th century Scandinavian city state for like 10 years until someone uses them power because you want power is lame whether or not you think his dumb backstory is tragic he's not doing any of this For Love or appreciation like Stinky Pete Stinky Pete wants to be admired by the kids Hans doesn't want love he wants power just cuz now wait does he get this point item two being evil for the sake of being evil which I kind of just talked about so yeah he doesn't get this point either item three the reveal this reveal is Infamous if only there was someone out there who loved you they didn't really hinted in being evil at all which we'll get to in a minute oh yes we will but it's definitely shocking no matter the reason so I guess he can take this point for I like hair he's bad enough in other ways that this point is meaningless in the grand scheme of things item four the monologue no point not at all if I could take points away I would I can't but but if I could I would Hans could have just walked out the door and locked it just like that but instead he felt compelled to go through his entire plan to honor in the middle of the Castle full of the people he was trying to fool even though the veil itself feels pretentious and while I guess still it's an overall acceptable reveal which is why I ended up giving them the point literally nothing was stopping him from saying oh hold up be right back I forgot my phone or whatever the equivalent of that is at this time period and then just you leave or just don't say anything what's he gonna do hobble after you hey where are you going oh and then she fell and then that's it you can leave why would you tell the princess that you're going to assassinate the queen AKA her sister when it's already been established by you that reason is considered very bad item five the fact that there is already a villain similar to Toy Story 2 the villain was less a person and more of a concept the villain introsion was the relationship between the two sisters so Hans being a villain as well who attained its surprise this is inclusion supplement the story in any way not particularly but does it get the point technically yeah I want you guys to realize it might be an unreasonable or skew in the information because this work would be pointless then item six the subtlety all right so I suppose you could say that this movie was very subtle about Hans being a villain but I think of it less as subtlety and more of not hinting at it at all you see not being too obvious is only half of being subtle the other half is presenting Clues to be subtle about which this movie Just forgets to do see this he's smiling if he was really a bad guy since no one was looking he would not have smiled so the reveal was surprising but just more like a post on our slash unexpected it's kind of a random comparison but you get what I'm saying you can say oh didn't see that coming but not you can't base a cohesive conflict off of it you don't see it coming because no sane human was looking for it because there wasn't even a slight intimation that there was anything at all suspicious about him remember how I said a Twist is supposed to be an inevitable surprise sure it was a surprise but it was by no means inevitable ironically with the next two Disney twist villains they make the exact same mistake by having no clues established but they accidentally ended up being so confident about it that they instead made it inevitable but not a surprise at the same time so that's interesting and item 7 the timing of the reveal in between the reveal and the credits 17 minutes normally you won at least that much between the reveal and the climax but oh no with this movie that's apparently enough to wrap up the whole entire thing I mean you could give him a point if you want to but I don't really think so so what's his total score one out of seven but I gave him the reveal Point as a 3D so two out of seven You could argue three out of seven but even if you did that's still really really bad like a whopping 29 following standard grading conventions that's maybe an i i plus pretty big step down from Pixar's huh well fear not because we still have two more of these to go foreign Big Hero 6 for the very first time for this video and I actually really liked it I was expecting the worst movie I've ever seen this movie is actually one of the best movies I've ever seen and I know that's very controversial but I'm being serious I actually really like this movie but of course I do have one complaint and unsurprisingly it's Professor Callahan as the twist villain now he's actually incredibly interesting and this transfers over to zootopia too because Disney screwed them both up in one very particular way so Professor Callahan first they made him really dumb like he didn't think through any of his revenge plan and not even whether it was necessary because that's a whole other thing he didn't think of but just the basics on how to do it you could make the argument that he's being irrational because he's so angry oh he's just so angry so he can't think about it you can't make that argument at all it's extremely unlikely that his rage didn't die down at least a little even once after unspecified amount of time that's probably probably several years at least I mean this guy is just calmly standing here that doesn't look very revengeful it just doesn't make any sense as we go through the points which we haven't even started yet you'll see exactly what I mean item one motivation so Callahan sets a fire as an excuse to steal these micro robots that Hiro made so he can kill the guy who's responsible for the death of his daughter because he was the one who opened the portal his daughter went through and got stranded on the other side of so he went through all the trouble of reopening that portal just so it could eat the guy's building not once did he wonder whether his daughter was still alive on the other side of that portal that he spent all that time reopening he just wants all of this guy's hard work to be swallowed by DOI Mamu with some sort of poetic justice and Callahan makes it perfectly clear that he doesn't care about confirming whether his daughter is dead is this what Abigail would have wanted Abigail is gone so to recap he refused to kill this guy and just sat around patiently for presumably a very long time years without a single thought of Revenge then Hiro just so happens to make these microbots and then I guess Callahan realizes that he can use them to ruin this guy's life in the most over-the-top and ridiculous way possible going out of the way to reopen the portal his daughter went through only to not even care if she's still alive and then not even carry when all these other innocent people are dying man it sure sounds awful when innocent people die that chase sounds like something you would care about you dumb piece of garbage then it turns out that Tadashi this is how it gets even worse Hiro's brother and callaghan's perhap advised student went into the building to save him and died but instead of feeling remorse for tadashi's death like an intelligent human being or even just a human being he doubled down and insists that innocent people needed to Nay had to die to justify the death of his innocent daughter even though they didn't have to die before and he basically just turned from kindly old man to homicidal terrorists in the span of like an hour after being completely mellow about the whole thing for years I'm repeating myself at this point and we should probably move on to the next item but like it's just so stupid instead of because of you I had to banish my top scared we get we're in there to save you that was his mistake there's no way he gets this point item two being evil for the sake of being evil this one's kind of technical because even though he does have a motivation it makes absolutely no sense and then it just becomes perfectly okay with letting civilians die which seems pretty evil but he's not doing it for power just for the joy of being evil like he does have a motivation which is is technically not power so he can take this point item three the reveal it's just a reveal he turns around and then that's it it's not laughably absurd and it's not cool he just turns around he just turns around and someone who is a different person than the person you thought was the person there's a lot of funny stuff after the reveal that was his mistake but the reveal itself is just your average Moto mystery unmasking Mr Jones I don't believe it we thought he was thing one but it was actually thing two all along wow he can take the point who cares I mean the reveal itself was fine item four the monologue again he says a lot of stupid garbage after the reveal that was his mistake none of it was really a monologue it's not like Hiro and the Gang were tied to a metal pole hanging above a vat of acid is Callahan smugly walks around and explains exactly how he's going to kill some random guy who nobody really cares about except him he doesn't really give anything away and he's not even really in power they knocked his mask off and then Baymax beat him up he was defending his actions but just like with De La Cruz only because he didn't want to be talked smack to by some kid and he vlogged out of the server as soon as he could so yeah he gets this point too item five the fact that there's already a villain there isn't just like zootopia it's a modem mystery this one's just a superhero murder mystery the whole point of the first two thirds of the movie is unmasking this guy we have plenty of time to wonder about who it is because the movie Duets all of our attention to figuring out who it is no point for you item six subtlety he doesn't get this point either I'm saying it right off the bat there's literally a scene where Fred gathers everyone around and says the villain is obviously this guy now I didn't watch this as a kid like I said but even as a kid I'm pretty sure I would be able to figure out that this isn't how movies work and that someone else or something else was afoot and if it wasn't this guy who got basically no screen time why not the guy who hates that guy who got considerably more screen time that Everyone likes that way technically no clues so you might think it would be too hard to notice but then they accidentally made it like way too obvious again it's the same thing as zootopia which we'll see it was gonna be a surprise but not inevitable but then they got 2A again and were so confident in their genius but they accidentally simultaneously made it inevitable but not a surprise and so I'm revoking this point and item seven the timing of his reveal now on the one hand it was like 40 minutes before the end of the movie on Disney plus which is why I watched this on the other hand there are 16 minutes of credits which is ridiculous and so he only has like 20 minutes to be evil but on the third hand where did you get that hand from it was still time for the whole emotional reconciliation batons and Bellwether didn't get but it's less the time that matters and more what you do with it so he can get this point too and that's four points out of seven a 57 percent which is kind of close to passing and it's above half I mean obviously not a good twist villain and the one thing that he gets wrong is extremely awful but this goes to show that Disney did have a few good ideas when it came to Callahan truth is he was presented fairly decently the real only messed up on that one thing they just messed up on it extremely badly if Disney had thought through his motivations a bit more at all and had him not say that was his mistake most of it would have been fixed the fact that we could draw that conclusion by using just our seven points is probably a good side but you know what isn't good nice nice transition here assistant Mary Bellwether it is so perplexing how an otherwise really good movie managed to screw up so brilliantly on this character which just goes to show again how Disney has no idea what they're doing Bellwether is just such a joke in literally every way let's just get to these points so I never have to talk about this sheep again until the every animated movie ranked episode which may or may not happen because I'll probably be dead by the time I get to it item one motivation this is the flimsiest excuse for your motivation ever like Callahan didn't think through his at all but at least he had a reason to be angry at the guy since the guy in question did make a really dumb mistake Bellwether just woke up one day and thought hey you know what a peaceful Society where predators don't actually hate prey and there's no problem at all let's make it a problem now we can get rid of all the Predators you know just in case Hill logic is literally oh we're the majority and they're the minority so let's kill the minority ninety percent of the population in zootopia is prey why not make it a hundred she really just went every day I wake up and I wish you were dead but the Predators didn't even really do anything so basically she's saying look at this minority this minority is Savage this minority is dangerous and we need to kill this minority or at least imprison them I'm going to let that uh I'm gonna let that sink in for a minute she says the prey will be United against a common enemy but they didn't do anything I mean I guess it works a lot maybe too much for the anti-racism message I mean you can't deny that the parallel is very very close but it doesn't make for a good villain you can't commit genocide just in case so no of course she doesn't get this point item two is she being evil just to be evil literally yes like I just said the problem she's trying to stop is only a problem that she came up with she made it a problem like with her own mouth she admits to staging the problem just so it doesn't become a problem in the future even though it was never gonna become a problem in the future still no point item three the reveal and item for the monologue let's just do them at the same time this is the only reveal that I think is genuinely just boring let me play it get them that's it but like I guess there's nothing really wrong with it it's the monologue that's tricky now just like with De La Cruz she gets caught with a recording although I guess the police were just already there but you know whatever so what's the difference De La Cruz doesn't hunt Miguel down while explaining exactly why he killed his best friend and took his songs he doesn't walk back and forth while he taunts the main characters he doesn't openly admit the crime you know what Bellwether does she explains exactly why she did the crime think of it 90 of the population United against a common enemy fourth while she taunts the main characters County since preds are just biologically predisposed to be Savages and she openly admits that she did the crime fear always works and I'll Dart every predator in zootopia to keep it that way at 4 55 a.m on January 1st he searched how long before a body starts to smell at 4 58 a.m how to stop a body from decomposing I mean she definitely doesn't get the monologue point but I suppose that she can take the original Point since even though it's the least memorable part of her character it's also the only thing she doesn't actively mess up item 5 the fact that there's already a villain since this like Big Hero 6 is a murder mystery there isn't really another villain so what most murder mysteries do and certainly what Big Hero 6 did although badly is establish a red herring the Big Hero 6 just did it with way too little subtlety the key to making a good red herring is to establish it without saying it outlay the audience likes to work for their meal that's a TED Talk that I think everyone's been recommended at some point the audience thinks they're being clever so they think they're late and they don't realize that it's someone else the writers want you to think that they don't want you to think it so you think you're being smart and you think you figured it out and so you stop thinking about it but in reality you're thinking what they wanted you to think all along and you've Fallen right into their trap but here they do something even more peculiar they don't establish anything like halfway through the movie they arrest the mayor but he was never even really mentioned in the context of the case and like I just said at this point there's still like half the movie left so it's obviously not him so not only is the search for the villain front and center thanks to the murder mystery style they don't even use a red heron to distract the audience from the search by making them think they've already solved it and item 6 the subtlety is accidentally ruined by this Mayo thing think about it you were trying to think of anyone who it could be and you get introduced to this probably very likely fake notion that the mayor was behind it all and so now you're wondering well if it's not the Predator government guy why not the play government guy or girl whatever and since it falls in line with the whole somewhat botched message about racism it makes perfect sense and then you've solved it that's how I solved it at least and I was a stupid kid when this came out so you would think that it's inevitable but not a surprise right it is but only accidentally again just like Big Hero 6 within the movie there are almost no clues that this sheep will even show up again after that scene in the security room it's just that in Disney's attempts to make their movie less predictable they did it so badly that they made it more predictable and I think Big Hero 6 did it worse but it is the same general issue so no Bellwether doesn't get either of these points either nor does she get the last Point let's think does she have time to actually be a villain no Callahan was bad enough Hans was bad enough but Bellwether is revealed as a villain and caught by the police in the exact same scene I counted the seconds she has less than four minutes even Hans waited to be captured until a different scene so bellwether's final score is 1 one out of seven or fourteen percent and the one that she got was the reveal and I was being nice about that one like that one was 50 50 anyway I gave it to it because she didn't actively mess it up an argument could be made for zero out of seven zero percent nothing correct at all but with all this being said I do think zootopia is a really good movie I actually like it a lot the main characters are good the city is really cool it's single-handedly reinvigorated the fairy Community its message about racism is good at its core despite bringing up some uncomfortable questions about whether people of color are supposed to be the prey or the predator in this analogy even though Bellwether tone is the very idea of a Twist villain as did Hans and Callahan that doesn't mean this movie is bad Nora or frozen or Big Hero 6 bed they could just all be better and I hope you learned a little something along the way thanks to this video but yeah thems be the rules you can probably poke holes in them and you're welcome to disagree with me on any of my takes that's why they opinions and not facts but you know I thought about these for a while and I think that if it's not an exact science it is a somewhat accurate one so please feel free to use them if you ever want to or have the need to luckily Disney seems to have moved past this in recent years and while I can't say that what they're doing now is objectively better at least this way I can make another video once this new thing gets buoyed if it hasn't already so I guess I'm supposed to tell you to subscribe and like the video here but instead I'm just gonna foreign [Music]
Channel: Pistachios For Everyone
Views: 392,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frozen, prince hans, coco, de la cruz, pixar, disney, twist, twist villain, villain, pixar twist, pixar twist villain, pixar villain, disney twist, disney twist villain, disney villain, waternoose, monsters inc, stinky pete, toy story, toy story 2, big hero 6, callahan, callaghan, professor callahan, professor callaghan, zootopia, bellwether, mayor bellwether, assistant mayor bellwether, pistachios for everyone, movie review, video essay
Id: AP2W_ioSB_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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