hello fellow engineers and welcome to craft drill clicker now in this game you start off with a mine you need to drill the ground but in order to do this you need to make your drill in the middle actually work now we don't have any money to spend look zero stons so we got to do a little bit of clicking every time I click I gain a coin very nice you'll notice as I click as well our our drill is also rotating so as that rotates down to the dirt it does nothing cuz there's no handles on there there's no spikes it's a blunt instrument however we have a nice amount of money now which means we can actually buy some upgrades so if we buy the clicker power Bo then it unlocks the next thing which is a Drill N now I think n stands for North because this is sort of like a compass sort of thing so if we spend 50 Quid to do that I mean North is down that direction but I think that's because we were spinning you'll now see we have a log on the end of this so if we click really fast as it hits the ground it's doing some digging we're mining with a piece of log so as we keep doing this you can see rotation speed is going as fast as it can now that's because I'm a pro at clicking oh and we've we've mined into the ground we've gone a little bit lower and you'll notice as well as we sort of smash through the ground can you see they've turned into like a little a little block there so these blocks eventually they pop into five coins each oh there's also a bonus coin that I just clicked on after watching a short promotional video you'll receive a bonus of 215 okay okay this video is sponsored by shape Hero Factory combining three of my favorite game genres Factory Builders Rog lights and Tower Defense shape Hero Factory has you combining shapes in a factory to mass produce various Heroes and fight your way through a wave based Tower Defense it's developed around the concept of playing the best part of a factory game setting up at the very start over and over to your heart's content and its demo got featured at steam's new and trending list of demos ranking it in the world's top three so why not check out the free demo yourself boost the steam Link in my description and be sure to wish list and follow to receive updates on development thanks to shape Hero Factory for sponsoring this video but let's get back to mining where we can now spend our well- earned coins so we've now got 490 quids so we can either increase our click power I mean it only costs 17 and if we do that every click we get three coins however it's probably more sensible to upgrade our drills so if we get drill s for 78 quid we should get another log out the bottom yes and that means we're now as we as we spin this thing around we're doing twice the damage so overall I think that was a very good investment yeah look at that look at that digging with logs as we got the coins I'm going to get the drill West and the drill East so now we have four of them which means we've just doubled our drilling capacity once again remember each of those coins gets us five as well I'm going to do a bit more clicking power actually let's just bung it all into there oh they got expensive fast so every click now gets us eight coins it costs 233 to upgrade that Bo still I think it's probably worth getting to 10 so I do a little bit more clicking and upgrade remember every time I click this thing is moving it's getting US coins and more importantly the deeper we go the more our M level is increasing nice right anyway as we're doing this you may notice I mean we're mining with logs they're not the most efficient way to mine in my opinion so what we can do we can increase the damage of these so if we spend 78 quid on our drill and we can make this one way stronger so much so it's turned into a plank of wood now planks have way sharper edges than logs so therefore when that one hits the ground oh did you see that it like rip through it straight away look it goes like it literally rips through wa okay I got to get I got to try and get planks on all of these so let's do drill s can I fully upgrade that yes we now have a plank there as well so I think as long as we keep going with the planks we are really ripping through the ground I mean I'd love to get a plank on the on the West and East oh we've just leveled up we've gone down another level and you know what that means look there's bits of coal on these so I think when they pop they're going to be worth even more so seven for those 12 for the coal so as a money making Venture this is going very well we can actually scroll down and look there's an auto rotate you might be wondering what doesn't auto rotate do does it keep us Auto rotating damn right it does we don't even need to click anymore we can just go and drink a cup of nift tea out of our architector mug available at real civil engineer.com and we we know that our mining thing will just keep spinning around the logs and planks will keep going through the ground we'll keep earning money which we can spend on upgrading our drill so let's add a plank to the west and then we'll get that rotation speed up by clicking and then we are really ripping through the ground now this is good I think we just got to get drill East up to plank level and then we should be laughing so let's do that oh man it's expensive 693 still I want I want three planks I can't have a log poking out the bottom that looks a bit weird we need 1,00 so let's just come on yes okay nice we now have the four planks we need which means we're we're doing a decent amount of drilling however if we scroll down check out this upgrade the swing cost 300 quid but it's going to allow our drill to swing left and right cuz look we've only done like a little shaft we're missing all these all these resources on the left and right so if we just do a bit more mining we can unlock swing and then look it's leaning to the left and look we're actually down to level two so as we start drilling down here you should see we we're making a wider shaft cuz we're getting to the left to the right yeah we've got one extra one extra Square on both sides that is a lot more stons yeah we getting nine quid for each of these now look how fast we're actually drilling through I think the cold is worth 14 so yeah this is working very I actually quite like the swing can I can I get a few more swings on the goat so swing power is up to 0.3 so does that mean we're going to swing a bit wider and get any further yeah we can just about get the if you look there yeah we got oh we only got one square though I think we need a bit more swing power but I want to get this as wide as possible cuz the wider we go the more chance we can get extra resources as we're mining by the way we're up to level three there's a new war on this level so that is that like do you think it's iron or just rock either way what's it going to be worth so the normal squares are worth 11 that one's worth 21 and the coal is 16 very nice the only thing I'm a bit concerned about I'm as I get older like my my joints are going my wrists are going I'm a bit worried about doing all this clicking manually so time to unlock my secret weapon we'll just make that 1 millisecond and then oh my goodness that's so much money oh wow the noise is fantastic cheers game I just got to be careful not to click that ad thing as it pops up but yeah that is that is really really mining oh we're up to 12,000 right I think what I want to do I want to add a little bit more swing power so let's do that we can then get a Time 2 or multiply so that's 400 quid for ooh only 2% that's not great we've also got all sell so we can increase how much our selling is worth so if we do that oh 10% that's a good investment 925 for another 10 and then 1,700 for a 20% increase that's got to be worth doing that doesn't increase my click you'll see but it does increase like the a that this is getting so as long as we keep that spinning very nice ly I think we should probably add another another swing just so we can get to to like the The Wider bits a bit easier so swing power 8,600 unlocked that's now up to 0.75 Grand to unlock the next stage um I I imagine it's probably worth putting some money into these so drill North let's upgrade from the plank we'll earn a little bit more money just so we can see what we progress to from a plank it's going to be oh a speed they're way bigger at digging than plank yeah what I like about this as well is look we're getting like right to the edges we are really doing some damage I wonder how much money we're going to need just to get like every single arm to Spade level let's have a look so drill South oh that rinsed our money drill West I can afford two upgrades and then we're done is this game meant to be played without an auto clicker I'm not convinced what I might do as well just to get like more cash from the actual Auto clicker uh invest in Click power so 560 has got to 11 886 yeah so let's get that so we're now getting 14 per click and as we're clicking as fast as physically possible that should really add up yeah look we're down to level five there's increased chance of the of the new white or you see as we go deeper now there's yeah there's way more or down here like as we head to the right here that's going to be a whole lot of money so yeah we've just dug out four of them they're going to be what are they worth each they're worth 26 each and remember we can increase the or 3,00 200 for another 10% very nice oh there's also damage scaling cost 1.5000 and it's a 10% increase that's a big increase I mean when you think just to upgrade like my drill cost 2,600 and that only adds that adds way less than 10% yeah I think we're better off doing the damage scaling cuz 7,600 for another 10% I think that's good if we look we've got drill East to go so 1,700 to go from 9 damage only up to 10 damage so yeah damage scale feeling it was definitely the right option I do want to get rid of that other plank though it's just annoying me having one plank hanging out my drill so drill East oh we cannot afford it it's expensive I tell you what we may need to invest in Click power just to get that up so every click is worth 22.1 now you can definitely read that there there's not so many it's just a blur yeah now we can afford drill East and we've got four Spades this going very well I might do should I do some more auto rotate I think I probably should if I can get that to like one yes it cost a fair bit but now it spins on its own when this bar drops to the bottom that's how much my clicks add but it is just yeah spinning really well and the fact we got like so much damage it's actually ripping through making me a decent amount of money without clicking anyway as we scroll down there is a chance to get a crystal for 2 and a half Grand oh look we're in a a new level mine there's sapphires down here are they what are they going to be worth so if we look the normal ground is just worth 26 Sapphire what are you worth 47 that's nearly double yeah if we get a chance for a crystal as well oh it's only 0.2% chance but yeah we'll keep an eye out for crystals I imagine as we're digging through there's just a chance for one of them to turn into a blue crystal as we as we're drilling so we'll keep an eye out for that I mean maybe I'll increase the chance 0.4% that is double the chance but it's still a very low chance all right look if you ignore the coin which I know is jingling I really want to click it but look there there is a crystal so let's see what a crystal is worth worth noting normal rocks are worth 29 so the crystal 127 okay so that's way more than like The Sapphires even so that's probably worth putting some money into the crystal chant so let's just get that to it's 0.8% so roughly one in a 100 of these blocks should be a crystal trouble is if it spawns on the very right we're not actually going to be able to get it unless we increase our swing power and that costs 15 grand so if we want to do that you know what we're going to have to do auto click right did a bit of auto click and there's another another Crystal there which is always good but if I increase swing speed by two it's now 0.9 which looks like I guess when I get it to one we'll get all the way to the very edge like way more way more frequently at the moment it looks like we're just about missing some like we're doing some damage but we're not going to be able to get all of the edge pieces so we saved up we can now get swing power up to one oh man we can go above one cost 80 grand to upgrade next I can't afford that what I probably should afford though is the x 2 or chance so let's increase that to yeah 8% seems good now we've just gone to mine level 10 now there's a brand new or it's a blue gem which I what's it going to be worth so normal ones are worth they 35 yeah 35 so this blue one is worth 63 okay that's quite a big increase 56 for the for the greens and yeah look this is the problem we've got the we got the crystal right on the left I think though looking up are we doing damage to like all the edge yes I think we are I think we're completely clearing out unless that one doesn't get hit no it does okay I think we're clearing out the entire width now so that is amazing if I do a bit more clicking I mean why AR I auto clicking there we go yes we got the gem on the left oh no look that bit of coal survived we didn't get all of it I'll tell you what we need we need a new skin so we've now got spikes on our main main wheel thing which can only make it stronger right I'm now going to upgrade my drill North so can we afford to do that all the way no we need 14 Grand for the next stage so we can unlock that we then need 23 Grand that's a lot of money I think what I might do probably put some more into like the or cell and the the double the double or chance so we've now got 12% chance getting double ORS if we can then make the ores worth like 50% more that's even better right so we've been mining down at level 11 for a little bit there seems to be good amount of cash here so let's do the or sell so that we now get 70% more cash for all of our or and then if we do the double chance even more then hopefully we can sort of double our double our income yeah so if we watch these gems oh no only single gems came out I want I want double gems to come out there's also down the bottom the chance to get double the cash so we now have a 2% chance I think it just means when we sell there's a chance it'll be worth double so some of these like 45s which is what we're getting for the Rocks I think some of those should increase but yeah looks like as we the deeper we go we need we need more strength so let's upgrade drill North so now oh look it's a metal spade metal was way better at digging than wood everyone knows that yeah we're going to have to upgrade all of these and the upgrades are pretty expensive these days oh I think the double ones they actually look like that can you see that green one on the right I think the doubles actually have like two in oh there's loads of doubles here what was the double oh so 16% chance look how many have doubles though this is awesome that one's got triple maybe is that just like a chance as you go lower as well they doubles oh no only singles seem to pop out like these rocks here yeah look only one's popping out oh I thought doubles were going to come out I'm really confused how this works I think what I'm going to do I'm going to invest in the scaling so all damage up another 10% we need 38 Grand to add another 10% I think that's probably worth doing so let's do a little bit of ay clicking just to help things along a little then damage plus 50% there we go oh look down here two crystals two yummy yummy crystals what are they worth these days oh we never found out cuz we went to the next mining level why does it do that uh by the way there is a Prestige button so if we were to prestige we gain 1% coin increase per Prestige points and it looks like we've got 167 Prestige points so that would more than double our progress speed oh that could really be worth going for I want to looking at my recording it's taking me half an hour to get to this point so if I were to prestige it would should only take me 15 minutes to get to the same point right quick M see what let's get to 200 Prestige points alsoo click right okay Prestige points 199 let hold to prestige oh it went up to 200 I'm going to start by watching an advert so now we got 3 minutes of double reward so we'll do the auto clicker we are speed running this now so we're already up to some fat damage let's get the the clicker up let's add one of the drills there we go let's add the other drill as well and that one oh look they're already planks we got four planks already oh this is this is actually speed running this is speed running that's good I'm going to do the the swing and the double or chance and the or cell get the or cell up real height all right money is flying we can invest in the swing I think if we get the swing up to one then that's the most amount of all we're going to get all right so swing is on one let's do the or cell get that up let's get damage scaling as well and then let's swap these planks for some Spades I reckon so North South West and East they're all wooden speeds I can probably do the north one up to up to a metal speed which is exactly where we were before but we've got there in about 3 seconds nice so we're only on mine level two but we're already pretty much at the same at the same spot we were before Auto clickers working fantastically you're up to a 100 Grand so let's invest more into the click each click now worth 27 we've only got a minute of our boost left though not ideal what it might be worth doing let's increase the crystal chance and the times two chance I think if we invest in all this chance stuff early then we're going to be we're going to be good I'm going to increase the or sale as well so 37 Grand we need six 68 Grand to get another 10% right anyway let's upgrade the the other arms to the metal Spades ideally before our boost runs out okay the boosters run out you know what that means I'm watching another ad nice back to double money this is what clicker games is all about watching ads right I got 250 Grand on me I want to try and get my drill upgraded as far as I can what do I need 133 Grand and that won't even upgrade it to the next visual thing I don't really feel like I need the damage like we're ripping through the ground I'm just curious to see what it looks like but it might actually be better off going for like Crystal chant these are worth over a th000 now the trouble is 50 Grand it only adds 2% and to add another 2% is 115 Grand is that really worth it I'm not sure instead I've just invested into auto rotate that seems to be working really well oh I can gain 500 Grand by watching a video okay anyway we're down to mine level seven now I really want to see what the next stage of this Spike looks like so so oh it's golden tipped I mean that would actually be terrible but it's probably good cuz it's gold so yeah we're really ripping through the ground we at mine level eight now I could probably do with getting the old increase a bit quicker we're still only on the greens I think we got to dark Blues Before and we haven't even seen what's beyond that I mean I guess probably worth increasing like or cell maybe double or chance watch and add I get a million quid to be fair I think if you're told I'll give you a million quid if you watch this advert you'd probably just watch the advert wouldn't you I don't have to buy the product Oh and it gave me a new skin as well oh look how much better our drill looks now so with 1.26 million I'm going to increase the double reward chance and then Crystal chance cuz we've unlocked the blue gems now so I'm hoping that's just like way more money is it also worth looking what Prestige points oh man 530 Prestige points so we've currently got 200% that will add another 530 per. oh I might need to prestige I'm doing it I can't help myself I need to prestige so yep 731 bonus from prestiging so let's start the autoc clicker let's unlock that unlock that unlock that unlock that then increase the or cell that's already up to 50% anyway look at the Mine level bar going up and up I haven't even got the times two bonus active that was silly of me okay now we're off now we're off yes this is better look at those numbers fly so drill North now golden drill South is very close actually we can upgrade our skin to to make it lucky look at that that's got to make our drill luckier look at it I could Prestige for another 500% increase I'm very tempted I feel like prestiging is probably the way to progress fastest in this yeah screw it we're prestiging again it's just annoying when you prestige you lose your two times bonus I got to watch another advert still now we are good to progress oh this is good literally just like Auto clicking on here get a bit of auto click over there so I think now's probably the time to invest in some of these drills so they're all up to the metal drills can we get them all up to the gold reasonably quickly uh yes we can oh we're so close on those two they're the cheapest ones to upgrade as well North and South so just a little bit more Auto clicking then we can afford that one a little bit more Auto clicking again then we can afford that one then get the bonus going again yes another ad please still I really want to see what's after a gold or oh that's so expensive why do I always have to see like what's next on these stupid clicking mining games so what is it after gold oh it's a pickaxe we got pickaxes around the edge I feel like I don't really upgrade the auto rotate and the swing pass one so let's do that for a little bit see if it makes things any better I mean speed is 2.7 now it is flying but like it still takes a long time to do anything in terms of getting upgrades I think we need to prestige again we get 1,500 Prestige points so better than a kick in the nuts all right so now let's completely annihilate this game so how fast can we upgrade everything really fast I can't spend money as quick as I'm earning it maybe I just need to prestige like 10 times and then see how far we can progress after that I don't know we've already earned 600 though remember we only had like 1,00 or500 last time you prestiged I've been playing for about a minute so if I prestige straight away I think this is how you meant to do this you literally just prestige your nuts off all right so if we just unlock like all these chances again then have a look at the Press we've already earned 300 in seconds okay yeah up to 500 again we just keep doing this and then when we get to like a decent prge number of points I'll show you exactly how I speedrun all this so for now leave me doing this a little longer than a few minutes later right okay we've got a 10,000% Bonus so let's have a little go all I've been doing is literally just investing in Click power and like doing that and then if you just get your click power up keep burning over here get your click power up again then like literally after a few seconds you've already earned another 400 points but uh this time we're actually going to do a bit of drilling cuz I haven't done any drilling for a long time now so let's invest in all of those they're all up to Steel Spades already we can then invest in the auto rotate and the swing cuz that keeps everything moving then we do the or cell that's already worth double then damage scaling crystals times two reward down the bottom yeah that's up to 22% um I think a little bit more a sell would be good a little bit more times to or oh we've dropped down to mine level one already but anyway as we do that I think we're then good to sort of head to the top invest in some of these upper things so I think click power is probably the one we want to go for just so we can earn way faster so every click I'm doing worth 11 Grand now by the way so I think we'll invest once more in that so every click is worth oh still 11 Grand but it means the cash is flying so much like look we're getting like nearly a million a second I mean maybe if I invest in Click power again now it barely goes up now so I reckon a million a second will probably allow us to get to pickaxes very very quickly let's just get Golds all around there we go and then we can get our first pickaxe nice can we get our second pickaxe I mean they're still taking a long old time this is 10,000% prestige level I did not think we'd be waiting around this much this late on in the game I'm not going to lie I want to know what's past pickaxe level as well if I were to prestige 1,800 points though I don't think I want to I want to I just want to upgrade finally this game really became an ad watching simulator I just want to actually upgrade and get better mines is that so much to ask yes it cost 10.7 million to get the next upgrade and it doesn't even unlock anything all right I'm watching another ad for 20 mil all right that 20 mil means we can see what's past the pickaxe it's going to be a golden pickaxe oh no it's bronze ooh bronze pickaxe 25 million to upgrade that again I'm wondering is it worth just going down like some mine levels to see if like all the extra ores are like worth it like we've already got the prestige so maybe we're better off yeah let's just upgrade like swing and a rotate so we're mining nice and quick we can get the double or chance up and the cell or chance up cuz at least this way as we do go deeper we know the ores are going to be giving us more money particularly if we have higher chance of crystals we know they're worth about 10 times what normal ores are worth so yeah if I don't actually mine the money isn't going up very quickly I definitely need to auto click in order to get the millions so maybe it isn't worth going deeper I'm now getting nearly 15 grand per click by the way so at least that's some sort of positive I can't see me being able to like upgrade my pickaxes past the bronze 25 million for an upgrade I only get 60 from an ad all right stop complaining Matt let's see what's beyond the the bronze we will do it right we are at least in Uncharted Territory there's a new red or I doubt that's going to be worth anywhere near what I need to upgrade my drill though 95 million and that's not even the final upgrade to get it to the next level so if I were to prestige I could get 5,000 points that's not even going to double what I have though it's a 50% increase right let's just upgrade this drill 148 million come on also clicker get me there please could really do with a floating coin right now come on just let me watch another ad that's all I want from this game all right right okay we're coming up to 148 million I'm telling you now if this upgrade is just a gold pickaxe I'm ending the video it's a gold pickaxe peace love and Mining bye