Trolling Cops with CURSED Cop Cars on GTA 5 RP

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this is the world's biggest cop car and it's about to destroy 100 real cop cars I'm also going to be using a flying cop car to canap a cop a god mode police SUV to scam this gang and many more starting with this RC cop car to rob an innocent civilian you know why I stopped you I'm just letting you know that I'm recording give me your license registration please yeah how about you call your supervisor right now I'll make sure the commissioner knows about this I I'll let him know and we need to steal as much money as we can from him so we could buy the world's biggest cop car and why is this cop in a very tiny RC cop car to the department all right buddy oh it's officer Stephanie uh sorry me thank goodness is that your supervisor this is not my supervisor hey how's it going we need to successfully complete this list of challenges so we can get and use the biggest copc car ever made so I just did a search on his name and he has a warrant in the system well let's pull him out of the vehicle all right Mr wible botom we're going to need you to step out of the vehicle for us can you do that um I guess not going to ask again step out of the car I'm right here I'm right here put your hands up hands up turn around face away and and what if I don't if you don't you're going to get shot buddy stop resisting stop moving get down on the ground don't move all right I'm going to be uh doing a search of his vehicle oh what is this bag it's about $100,000 I'm using that to buy a car you just have a random bag of $100,000 when you have a warrant for your arrest for robbing a bank hm weird what I don't have a warrant for my arrest yes you do unprofessional that's why we pulled you out of the car you with your tiny RC cop car okay dude first off this is this is new to the department they just had it right right Officer yeah yeah yeah yep he has no idea you need to put my money back in the car yeah hold on that ain't right this needs to be confid skated buddy stay here for a second let me what's your name sir oh no he's going toar my name is Jason wimble bottom that's not his name he's lying he doesn't even have a warrant yeah he does he's not a criminal man y step out step out fake cop I'm not a fake cop I'm literally real okay buddy there's a nice meeting you guys oh we got to go bro we got caught hey at least we completed the first challenge we just robbed an innocent civilian and we have seven more challenges we need to complete before the end of this video we've got a RC car so we've got that to our advantage you know we're going to oh oh my gosh and this thing is quite strong car's small yeah your car's small my car is about average all right I have a secret plan here that we're going to use to escape the cops we got a crazy jump right we got Jukes the ability to Juke is crazy oh my gosh see you oh my gosh oh no all right we're going to slow them all down by doing this just combobulate and we're going to hit this jump up here ready we're going we're going we're going oh look at them watch I got to think we're hitting the jump no we're not okay we actually did that jump did not work as plants okay we have other jumps we're going to hit we got other jumps oh his car's broken down that's good oh we got a couple oh my gosh we got a couple brok down cars come here Stephanie no oh nice try oh my gosh dude I'm going to Drew you guys right here oh light work baby light work all right ready for this they're not ready for this we're going to do a little hey it was nice knowing you guys it was nice knowing you yeah yeah yeah see see you see you oh no oh they can just go down the street duh so for our next one we have to steal a car and uh I actually have a friend I'm going to call and ask if he wants to help good friend Gary let's call Gary and see if he's down to help hey Gary Hey Hey listen you want you want you like stealing cars right yeah oh my God are you okay yeah yeah I'm good uh listen basically basically I need your help stealing a car can you help me steal a car later yeah I can do it now actually no no I need I need to be there I need to be there oh oh okay yeah yeah yeah okay are you inviting me to my own mission yeah no I'm inviting you to my mission Gary oh okay okay listen I'll call you once I escape here and we'll meet up in uh I'll get you to help me all right it's it's one of my tasks I have a lot of tasks to do today all right good goodbye Gary goodbye I'll meet you at home love you love you okay Wier Wier wi Y what the excuse me guys oh my gosh oh we are just throwing oh we just threw that was that was pretty sick I a that was sick huh now we going to the ocean all right we need to escape here oh oh into the water oh yeah oh yeah perfect oh my gosh there he goes there you go oh oh every task we get a different car as you guys saw in the intro and each one has its own little special thing that we're going to use uh so with this being super super uh average size we're going to use it to get through tight areas nice one buddy so we're going to take up to Alleyways in the northern part of the city which we're going to head to right now oh my gosh there's so many cops it's actually scary oh and they just pment over each other the spot should be just over here oh no we're starting to get low on gas we're going to need to do this right now like literally right this second the jump I think is oh gosh I think we may have passed it maybe it's right above the tequila law yeah we better hurry we're starting to get low oh oh juked and he lost a tire this is it then the jumps right over here there he is excuse me oh shoot they have a bike cop we're going to hit it land it land it land it okay oh my gosh oh they're all hitting it right now oh my gosh right here he's right here not now we're going to hit the crazy Escape Route we only have a couple cops on us it's not that bad now it's not that bad this is how we discombobulate them all right ready hit a right here and then we're going to take a hard left here oh right we're going to continue through here take a left those still one on us going to hit this come on come on come on we need to lose them right here jump over this yes yes yes yes yes yes right over here yeah now we hide we're going to think I went down that Alleyway I'm going to hide back here literally perfect spot right here and now we hide and now we wait all right once it all clears the area we're going to head over to Gary and get our next challenge done go follow my Instagram it's the top Link in the description I respond to all my Instagram DMS all right we're pulling up to Gary's place right now Gary hey what hey it's me it's iy I'm in the car yeah uh what what is this wait you mean it's a car man I I didn't ask you to make a police car yeah but it's cool you like it no no I don't Gary what this is a piece of TR okay wait no no wait wa wait Gary okay all right G listen I'll use it I'll use it I'll use it I'll use it all right that's my this thing is basically broke down so I can't really do much with it okay thanks for giving me the C then Gary okay whoa whoa whoa wait wait wait I'm joking I'm joking I need you I need you to steal a car all right okay you know what the game plan is Gary uh no no of course you don't we are fake cops all right I'm going to pull somebody over that has a super car and we're I'm going to steal their super car all right okay easy day it's pretty easy so don't mess up don't kill anybody don't shoot anybody don't do anything all right okay I got it you got it all right what did I just tell you uh something about killing people and I don't know don't kill anybody don't kill any don't kill anyone over real quick yeah yeah yeah Gary look what you did what I didn't do it I think it this is okay I just need you to shut your mouth and stay quiet don't say anything okay how's it going up are chief haral here vehicle looks kind of uh I've been requesting for the Department to send me a new vehicle but they just been taking a long time so why is your partner not in uniform this this isn't my partner um I actually am single uh okay not not like that I I could single but like why is he in your car uh so this is I mean this is Gary he was involved in uh store robbery I shot someone he's also delusional just taking him to the the the mrpd right now why' you turn here cuz you pulled me over back I going to the over right but you asked me to stop my vehicle so I what's your name and badge number if you don't like me asking officer Christina officer okay interesting badge number please hey Gary stop making fun of my name all right all right sorry you never gave me your badge number by the way oh my badge number yeah yeah yeah it's uh I have to sh can we hurry this up hey Gary Gary listen he oh my God he just his pants oh my God oh my God it smells so bad all right bring him down to the station and clean up your okay yeah yeah sorry about that all right Gary I don't know how you did that but you you did it now we got to find somebody with a super car all right Gary uh we're going to steal the car then we're going to kill him and we're going to drive away Gary Gary W first we're going to find him and then we're going to pull him over I'm going to get out of the car you're going to stay in the car because you don't have a police uniform Gary and then I'm going to have him step out of the vehicle when he steps out of the vehicle and I put him in handcuffs that's when you're going to run and and kill him no no no no no no okay you're going to run out of the car and get into his car and then wait for me to get into the car and then we drive off together okay all right we got to look around here this's a super car this a super car over to our left we just going to go we're just going to go hopefully he doesn't notice he ran a red light that's what it was right Gary uh yeah I seen it over fatty oh my God okay dude really this is the same guy this is the same give me a second sir sorry I had to put on a mask cuz I I I robbed this guy earlier oh okay stay there disgusting hey how's it going coming from your car what yeah no listen it's just a somebody in oh okay hey get back in the get back in the car I'm doing it Ride Along right now you know why we pulled you over oh my Gary get back in the car right now okay the smell got worse this is Officer Christina with the LSPD all right you know why I'm pulling you over I have no earthly idea you uh did an illegal U-turn you ran a red light and you were uh excessively speeding go ahead and step out of the the vehicle for me all right please okay I'll step out the vehicle but you got to get rid of that God awful smell I don't smell okay Gary quiet yep keep your hands up I'm going to do a pat down right get the smell away from me you you got anything that's going to poke me hurt me stick me no no no guns but thing I have on me is that disgusting smell it's so bad why is Gary no no Gary what is wrong with you are you kidding me Gary no I'm supposed to drive Gary I'm supposed to drive yeah let me Gary Gary no no Gary oh no oh no oh he went North he went North he went North oh no Gary you're supposed to wait for me oh I was yeah I'm supposed to drive what did you drive in the car I got cops chasing me um okay where did you go I don't know I got to way though okay you know what take you know what just take the car to Gramps okay okay okay Gary you screwed me over now I've got cops all over me it's okay I Believe in You You Believe in Me hey thanks Gary I'm so I'm so glad that you believe in me all right I'm screwed now cuz of you you gave me the worst freaking car to ever exist the worst cop car I thought it was pretty good I you basically screwed me I took a lot of time on that yeah a lot of time wasted Gary there's like 10 cops on me right now okay well I know what you want me to do come on fall over fall over Lambo and you don't oh oh I I might have just lost him oh I got one on me you okay that's M Lambo Gary I asked you to steal it Gary I'm going to I'm going to you know what you're going to regret that Gary now you owe me one you owe me one all right and if you don't pay me back soon M I'm going to kill you uh you could try but you really want to test me Gary no no no I don't I'll call Aiden the mafia boss I'll call the cartel oh you want to play that game is that what you really want to do Gary no how many times did the cartel beat the mafia maybe twice you know what Gary I don't need your help I can do this by myself are you sure I can come help no I really don't want your help trust me okay I'll meet you you just do him out I J the I I just went crazy goodbye Gary see tell me let me know when you drop it off at Gramps all right see you later wiener don't call me wiener wiener wiener weener this guy oh great Gary screwed me over we're almost almost out of gas we got to find a jump dude a jump that doesn't require a lot of speed dude this is not good I know I have an idea I have an idea hey what's going on buddy over please excuse me warming up the tires are we yeah yeah oh excuse me oh my God oh my God wait is this thing powerful Gary what did you do to this thing I told you it was good it just doesn't look good Gary get a gas over hey Jimbo that's it oh wait get a gas can a tank of gas okay and then meet me at uh meet me at home oh my God this thing is actually so powerful got to hurry up Gary I only have one cop behind me this is the perfect time to do it I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I don't see you Gary where are you all right Gary I can only do one more lap that's it okay hold on what do you mean hold on what do you mean okay come back come back come back come back I'm coming I'm coming fast yeah you better run yeah you better run all right I'm looping around right now we may or may not have eight cops behind behind me all right fill it up fill it up fill it up fill it up go go go fill it fill it fill it fill it fill it fill it fill it oh my God no way excuse me guys please please please please please please please please pleas you know what while we're here hey that homeless guy is the one who stole the car hey there he is there he is there's our suspect this guy stole the super car this guy stole the super car get him get him get him try to Gary in hold over buddy somebody arrest him arrest him guys arrest him arrest him guys there you go yeah that's try arrest him yeah oh ow yeah Gary that's what you get yeah whatever come on come on we just got Gary caught that's what he gets for trying to scam me come on oh poor Gary so this thing is actually super powerful so we're going to use that to our advantage by locking them in tight areas so we're going to did I Juke one of them bro easy light work excuse me bulldozer stop it it is a bulldozer this is a bulldozer huh dead yeah it's so are you bye who's next who's next Who's Next you're next excuse me oh there he goes there he goes oh he's stuck oh he's stuck going through oh no scarber it's okay I got you oh there he goes oh and you're next you think this is funny huh you think this is a game you think this is a game see you he oh there goes a tire oh my God excuse me oh my gosh this thing is actually so powerful bro yeah you want to play games oh my gosh we just killed that guy all right we're going to go up in this construction site stop me if you can stop me if you can all right come on we're going to go up here oh they're shooting oh they're shooting all right you know what I have an idea hey this leads to nothing really leads to a roof goodbye see take it easy oh my God oh my God they're all stuck oh they're upside down too this might work this might work I don't think they know where I'm at oh my God I have an idea ready for this I'm going to steal one of the other car oh nope I don't I nope NOP nope no point no point they see me they see me they see me I'm so sorry officer why would you do that oh my god oh no no no no this is not good there's only a few left cat me if you can I dare you you know what risk it for the biscuit oh come on oh this ain't good Hey listen hey let's talk let's talk I won't shoot you don't shoot oh my God Hey listen listen let's make a deal I won't shoot you won't shoot I shoot you won't shoot ouch oh my God that on your knees no no no no no ready for this oh come on come on no they cornered me all right we changed our uniform and now we're hey GRS you got my next vehicle yep it's right here um what is this it's a cop bike one missing Tire how do I drive it with a missing Tire it's like a unicycle you know it's a vertical alignment so that's why the light the the handlebars are so long exactly let's go complete our next task this thing is nuts dude what the hell is that a real cop oh that's a cop over there a great hey fellow officer the law I know you're not a real cop okay yes I am no why would I not be a real cop but Hey listen listen there's an officer in the department he's about to get a promotion and I'm not too happy about it I want him dead oh hypothetically speaking let's say I hypothetically am not a cop and let's say I'm hypothetically icy would you hypothetically pay me $100,000 to kill this cop hypothetically no oh okay but I can offer you a cop car that literally destroys everything okay could you send me a picture of them and what's your name George there we go okay uh just text me a picture of him and then we will then I'll take him out all right don't tell anybody I'm a fake cop by the way okay that's interesting a corrupt cop I guess we're going to have to bait out the cop so I can kill KJ all right here's the image you just text us it's on screen and uh and I have the perfect person that can help us with this Gary hey how's it going hey man Hey listen I'm sorry about last time yeah you snitched on me for one and then you kill me for two but I accept your apology thank you man thank you listen all right you're you're pretty good at getting the attention of all the police yeah so I need you I I've got a I've got a Hitman job all right I need to kill a cop so what I need you to do let's have you running around on we'll do Legion Square okay all right and then I'm going to use a sniper from a distance and I'm going to snipe a cop all right so get in the car you got a car right yeah no you don't have a car go steal somebody's car all right and then go to Legion Square okay and then and then I'll tell you what to do joining radio 500 all right Gary I'm ready are you ready yeah I got I got a car okay take it to Legion make sure it's the side of the bank okay where please don't tell me you're in the truck yeah why oh my God I need you to create a road block and start a protest okay put it like uh go a little bit north or keep going straight go straight there you go all right now get out and stand on top of the thing and start protesting just cause a scene Gary cause a scene scene maybe do a fake 911 call I could just shoot Gary that's how they're going to kill you oh yeah that's right um yeah I'll make a 91 there you go oh God what' you tell them there's a ton of them I tell them I how a hostage Carri I need to find the one in all white wearing uh I think he's I think it's this guy actually ask for KJ KJ is anyone KJ are they're not going to tell him so you're KJ right maybe you are maybe you are maybe you are maybe you aren't KJ has shorter hair is a receding hairline look for a cop wearing with a receding hairline okay okay you should be wearing all white I think I found him I think he's right here behind the Trap nothing behind the oh God Gary don't talk to me anymore Gary all right just uh don't say okay Gary which one is KJ where is he I don't see him yeah I can't see him he's behind the truck Gary they're holding guns at you tell them this is a peaceful protest peaceful protest it's a peaceful protest you know is that hit next to you how uh yep I Sho do I take a shot oh he's moving he's moving he's moving Gary watch out watch out Gary watch out so about that about that football game uh oh my god oh they see me oh hope they see me now why run Gary Run come on oh okay is that you parachuted oh no yes it is the vehicle's just down here come on go go go go get on my bike get on the bike get on the bike get on the bike where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go uh where where did you I saw a parachute over there I was checking underneath to see if he was down there I don't know where he's at oh no way he he parachuted this way I don't know where he's at where did he parachute is it this guy save me save me save me save me what do you mean why would I save you get over I don't want to Gary you screwed me Gary you screwed me Gary you screwed me they thought I was a real cop Gary they thought I was a real cop until you came up and said save me oh sorry sorry sorry Gary oh my gosh Gary you screwed me over you like completely and most utterly screwed me over you know that kind of my specialty but I know I mean real quick I got a question okay what's your question Gary um so what is this what um this is my unicycle why is there is there a problem with my unicycle you not want to be on it anymore cuz we can CH it's fine no no no no no no no it's fine the Jes the Jes go crazy tell me tell me the the Jes go crazy crazy that go crazy I'll trade you you stop chasing me I'll let him go I shot the president or wait wait wait wait what you shot him Gary hold on hold on T it's about to be crazy oh god oh there's exploded oh my God he just exploded everywhere what okay well wait what what do you mean by that that's exactly what I mean okay but you said he exploded everywhere like oh shoot I totally for I killed the cop they're definitely going to come after me now like they're gonna use their best forces to be honest I thought we red the bank Gary sometimes I just want to put you in a choke hold yeah please oh my God okay never mind you know what I'm just going to let go of you in here you no way to escape you have nowhere else to go no except forward or backward he's right behind us Gary Gary garyuk watch's theuk kill him no no no no don't shoot cuz I got to shoot got it got it yeah right just said don't shoot I thought you said shoot come on come on come on come on ready Gary ready yeah ready you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready yeah yeah I'm not ready I don't know if this place is an exit there's a place I want to try going and I really hope this exit going into the underground racing area come on pull it over oh it's a racing area oh it's a racing so that means sh got be an exit there's no way there is it it's almost like we think Alik no no we don't Gary don't ever say that ever again he please don't go anything High I'm going to scrap my ass so see oh hold on hold on hold on Gary hold on hold on again I'm so sorry Gary oh my God this is an actual racing area okay there's got to be an exit where's the exit here you know where the is that right uh yeah it's uh to the left yeah stop the whatever this is left okay take it a left and then take a left G are you ready for a shootout all right Gary are you ready oh my gosh yes I'm ready all right we're stop right here we're stopping right here and shoot and shoot and shoot what's in looking like over there over there really bad really bad I shot one I shot one in the kneecap come over this side Gary oh my God there's so many ow oh I got hit hard oh this isn't good we might have to fall back Gary all right you ready we're going to run to that other wall actually you go first Gary let's see if we can make it I'll cover fire ready cover yeah yeah yeah here let me get to the other side G not yet ow made it shoot at him shoot at him shoot him shoot him shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot I'm going to come over here in a second all right a guy pushing you from the from the right from the right to my right oh my God good eyes Gary there's a guy to your left my right I had to talk in Reverse Direction cuz he uses left he thinks left is right and right is left Gary I'm bleeding Gary oh no all right I'm going to try to move I see him over there I got him run run run run run run run run no no no no no ouch Gary I can't leave you like this but I'm going to have to all right I got to push up go go go go go go go go go go oh no they're pushing they're pushing up oh no oh no oh my God Gramps what is this it's half a cop ver two halves so makes a whole right it's all one I mean kind of if you these don't really go together like that but you know hey I need help man uhhuh I need to rob a bank I'm itching to rob a bank right now I think these cars are actually perfect for me uh do you want to you want a rob a bank with me want to be the other driver yeah I'll do yeah you know what I could use the rest of this car yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what we'll do all right let's uh hop on radio 500 baby dude this thing is cursed so how are we doing this we're going to act like you know we're helping the bank move money or something you know yeah I didn't even think about that yeah um we can set up outside the bank act like there's a robbery and then already have the money oh I forgot to do something need to call my uh corrupt cop friend KJ's dead I killed him yeah I saw that yeah that was perfect I'll be expecting my car soon yeah all right let me know when it's ready soon yeah we'll do thanks man so let's just say that there was a uh robbery you went to go negotiate with the hostage or the people in the back and then you know let's put the money in the cars let's do that let's do that real quick hurry fast before other Cops show up all right I'm going to shove this in my car all right Perfect all right now now we wait cuz the alarms went off oh there's so many of them there's so many of them they're inside I think she's the one yeah she had a gun out earlier I think she's trying to act like innocent she's clearly giving the teller a note that says give me the money now oh y is there any shots been fired or anything no no shots fired yet alarm's gone off though want to go in there you I really don't want to clear it to be honest I'm new at the job me commissioner let's go they're not even questioning the half car I don't think they realize it they're so focused they have half cop car uh why do you have a full cop car I'm supposed to have a full cop car this one's only the left half well I had I budget cuts budget cuts only has the front half budget cuts man right yeah budget cuts literally they they know I'm retiring next month so they were like you you get the short end of the stick literally what are they doing does anyone not find it weird that there's half cop cars right here I mean there's pink cop cars and yellow cop cars so do you know people don't find it weird that you're a bull talking to us good wait wait wait wo wo wo wo w w oh sorry all right sorry you got right up next to me what's what's what's that bag right there what bag that's my the my GM bag so why is there like $100 bills hanging out of it uh uh he's a go go go just drive just drive just drive drive drive drive drive drive drive go go go go oh that we almost got away with that dude did you have not enough money to get the whole cop car says the one with the pink car oh just slammed him just like I slammed your mom oh wa wo hey not you not you I was talking about like as a reference to like all right what's the what's the plan here how we going to use this half car to our advantage that is a oh no there's a car on fire there's a car on fire excuse me oh my God GRS why did that do that what did you do to this thing oh my God no this thing is powerful oh no oh this thing is crazy all right let's go let's get out of here let's go follow me to the movie Set you know what let's use the pier to our advantage oh no oh no oh no ready nice one nice one ni started scaming uh-oh your thing looks like a smoking oh no you got two right behind you there's a there's four more behind way back there get them to the end of this pier and then we're going to smack him keep going keep going keep going all all no hope you can swim dog hope you can swim I can't listen listen listen this is going to hurt listen listen oh my gosh see I hope you can swim sometimes sometimes I I can swim I'll be back yeah sure uh I think we got a problem oh no you stuck GRS I don't know what you're going to do you might just have to run I mean I got a back seat but I got money in the back seat good idea all right I'm going to run I'm going to escape so that way they don't notice you I only got one on me are you good back there good I'm good they all coming after you now cuz I they believe me you should be good Gramps I'll need you at the shop all right sounds good all right well he got his half of the money all right ready we're going to oh oh oh oh we could Juke the best oh listen I'm 10 times better of a driver than you really prove it I will okay I will prove it all right come on we're going to go down this way go go go go go go go go go to go down under and then we're going to oh my God I think they thought I hit the jump that's hilarious I probably shouldn't go this way oh no no no no no oh no I think he sees me oh he sees me oh he sees me oh keep going keep going we going duck in here I don't think they saw me going in here hey guys yeah I'll surrender I'll surrender no I'm not that's right no I'm not no I'm not yeah you're screwed back here now list list please please you don't have to surrender you don't have to surrender you're right I won't oh hey what's up buddy hey excuse me oh pardon me oh my God where'd he go oh excuse me just screaming all right we're going to keep going you think you can Juke me you can't I can't Juke you wait you mean I think I can Juke you I think I've already lost you guys though like twice yeah I did uhoh hey what's going on buddy I got some work if you want in ooh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm down I'm down I'm in I got the the map route for a Ballas transport the gang Ballas yeah the gang Ballas so they're going to have they're going to have some Dr and I know they're going to have a lot of money as well okay you might help so if you help me out yeah of course if you can help me out we can come up with a plan and uh I can give you a lot of money okay I'm in on that I'm in on that uh I'll meet you at gramp shop after I escape the cops all right perfect I'll see you soon all right bye all right we're going to help Mr Aiden uh stop the Ballers gang and oh my God all right let's lose him right here right now it's about to be easy we lost him baby oh it's too easy it's too oh the other one crashed oh man we're just keep going we're going uphill we're low on gas car isn't that fast oh they have a super car that's right there we hey looks like I Jui back there man oh that's tough dude that's tough getting I literally called it too oh excuse me guys oh man those are the only cars that are able to keep up with me going to hit this jump up there up there yes yes yes yes yes come on oh they're not going to expect this oh tell me that was the best escape ever all right we're going to go up here oh yeah they have no idea oh dude that escape was so crazy all right off to our next uh let's go to gramp shop so that way we can uh get our deal with Aiden going hey what's going on what's up you made it I did make it like my car Aiden uh I guess you guess what you're just kind of missing half the car ah there he is who that my homeboy yo what up baby this is Officer George this is the car um it's a good question I actually don't know I think this might be like a decommissioned car so you gave me a decommissioned car in exchange for killing a cop I mean I can't give you a real account okay do not you know what all right you want to Sho you want to shoot no no no no no no careful careful W thanks George I appreciate it man we are we are now even all right I'll let I'll call you if I ever need anything okay see you later hey Jonathan hey he's learning I'm assuming Jonathan's going to be helping us today yes he's going to be working with you I'm going to be more at a distance I got you J Jonathan you look at my face yo y sorry sorry sorry sorry what's the plan what's the plan so you guys will be setting up a police barricade to stop the uh the transport cuz we have their route I'm going to be stationed a little bit further back with the sniper you're going to stop them you're going to do whatever you have to to to take over the van and uh we go on our way Jonathan is you ready to work yeah looks like his works all right so we're going to be telling them that we're uh this is a a DUI checkpoint or something like that oh they're pulling up hey what's going on I didn't expect this many hey what are you what are you doing we got a roblock going on we're doing a DUI checks just really quick go and pull all the way up man we're we're just going to do DUI checks all right guys we're going to go through each person all right um can we actually have all you guys step out of the cars um and then go up against this uh barricade over here of course thank you guys thank you go and step out of the vehicle and walk up to that uh wall for me please guys we're doing DUI checks God DOI checks DOI checks everyone get out of the car and go over to the edge over here God damn I mean um all right who's going first you want to go first buddy oh yeah whatever you say boss with your tacky ass pants okay first off you have the goofiest outfit out of everybody here I think we can all agree right guys this guy's the goofiest outfit out of everyone yeah he [Music] does so do you bro so do you dog what mean my pants are Pockets no take a look all right you know what you're going to go first take off your your your stupid mask and your pink hat uh you can you can make me take it off take it all hey stop walking towards me stop hey do not walk hey how hey stop walking towards me buddy stop walk hey put G down oh oh god oh hell no oh hell no thank you a good looks should we just shoot them all oh yeah oh yeah they're shooting at us oh my god oh there's so many Jonathan Jonathan is the car leaking gas oh oh no oh we got to fix that get in the driver's seat I'll cover you I'll cover you get in the driver's seat all right drive towards my cop car over here use you I'll use you as cover you got it you got it you're good Jonathan drive drive drive drive drive drive go run Jonathan run all right we got it we got it we're good thank you Aiden for the help we appreciate it course I'll see you soon get out of there okay oh my god oh he wasn't lying about this being super indestructible I got you Jonathan I'll take care of you all right hey don't touch me this thing will blow you up you touch me you die oh God keep going keep going Jonathan uh where do we want to take this Aiden you could get it back to the tequila I believe I believe you I believe okay Bet all right take it there Jonathan oh they got cops they got cops here now too I'll have your money waiting for you there no no no no no no please please see you buddy oh okay sounds good oh my God I'll give you some boost Jonathan ready come on oh yeah this is how we do it baby this is how we do it ready I'm going to break check them keep going jonan keep going I'll catch up oh I see there's two on you right now hit some turns take a hard right onto the highway up ahead once you get to a highway take a hard right excuse me officer oh my God I got you Jonathan hey good good looks Jonathan good looks good looks good looks Hey Hey Hey listen that's okay I'm going off the law too I'm going off to the law Jonathan Jonathan watch out Jonathan watch out ready oh I got one one of them blown I blew one of them no don't do it don't do it wow you suck we do it really do I I launched one I launched one there's no rubber on your tires I don't need no rubber offic Sor I like to go in raw what can I say anybody else use a rubber not me Jonathan how you doing up there are you good up there well I don't know what the hell this thing made out of oh it's made out of uh your mom looks like we only got cops on us right now I'm going to slow down let you keep going Tru now fine I'll pull over I'll pull over let me get the last ball real quick listen listen Bud hey what's up buddy where did uh where did your truck go I don't know I you don't know a they're all good Jonathan you should be good I think they're all dead all right Jonathan thank you for the help I appreciate it all right once I lose the cops here I'll come collect my payment all right keep going keep going perfect I'll be waiting for you sounds good we can lose them by juking them here boom we just have to blow all of them pause like blow them up I keep saying that that's not good oh we slow them down all right we got to take them to the tunnels oh yeah oh yeah you like that ah ow ooh that hit hard oh that shot actually hit pretty bad oh my God oh God here we go ready oh oh yeah you better be careful you better be careful L listen listen listen list listen listen listen you're dead and you're next oh my God I'm sorry officer I'm so sorry I'm so sorry oh you're so lucky oh never mind you're not lucky you like to shoot huh bet you can play that game yeah that's right that's right run away all right we're going we're going we're going I don't know how how many cops are left or what this thing on our bottom right screen is but we're going to take them up north oh they're trying to shoot like crazy they're desperate now oh yeah that's what we like to see I was going to do the sewers but we'll save that for the next vehicle so I don't even know what our next vehicle is I think it's a it's like a boat excuse me you're going in the water oh my God I want to ram one of them into the oh oh there he goes into the ocean a that poor cop pull it out don't and if I don't hey watch out hey watch out hey watch out out I'm coming for you no uhoh oh oh oh no no no no no keep going up oh that was a bad decision that was a bad decision indeed push his car into the water we just uh car not my car no no longer have a car no no yeah Go Get It Go Get It oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no you really tried it into the water you go goodby oh see you are you trying to push me officer you trying to push me uh-oh you thought you saved it uh-oh oh no come on other side other side oh yeah yeah that's right NOP you're not coming over wait no no no no no no oh uhoh is your car broken oh oh oh that's tough oh my God that is tough man well just to make sure he doesn't get up let me just there we go no no no no no no no no no you tried it there's a cop just break dancing in the water maybe we're good I don't know where Jimbo's at oh he flipped upside down oh we're good easy bro this was car was crazy this was given to us by a corrupt cop friend but uh let's go Aiden and grab our money all right so we're dressed as a fake cop right now and I changed my uniform I kind of masked myself a little bit so I don't get noticed but we need to steal a police car that's our next task of stealing a police car and we're going to go into the department and try to find their new flying cop car they have a flying cop car that they just added we should need to figure out which one is which so we got to find information about the flying car without it being very obvious go over to this guy over here how's it going man going good How how are you oh good uh I quick question where where like the headquarters part of the offices are at oh they're upstairs upstairs all right thanks man I appreciate it so now we got to go upstairs and figure out where exactly the important stuff is like uh maybe we could try to figure out which one of the car what's going on here they're having a a briefing uh something about some new program this uh for example afterwards they for some reason ukulele on the side of the highway never should have got out of the vehicle very dangerous what's sorry to interrupt I just want to know what's going on right now uh it's the just a new protocol that we have to teach everybody and teach them how to what basically how to not crash Corvette really I mean I know we have a couple police Corvettes and uh okay uh this isn't a police Corvette though right but it's Corvette dude they're literally this is my Corvette that I crashed in here we got to figure out where the keys are or whatever hey oh great I hope he doesn't come and talk to me I have a question no no no no we got to hide we got to hide hey officer I heard that there's a new vehicles in the department Oh you mean the flying vehicle we have where are we keeping them stashed at well the vehicle is uh in the garage just watching me new vehicles huh flying cars that's crazy yeah yeah did you just transfer or no I just got hired just got hired just got hired yeah but uh yeah I mean can you actually give me a tour of the uh the the flying police car yeah yeah cuz I'm trying to I'm trying to take a look at them you know where do they keep the keys at so they can start it they're on me right now yeah a okay sick sick or actually you know what come over here I needed your help I was trying to get this vending machine to work okay we have to Rob him they've been a pain in the can I actually hold the keys do you mind if I yeah I mean I guess is that weird is that a weird request thanks okay uh you know what I got to use the the restroom real quick is that I'll meet you down there all right uh yeah yeah I'll be down there I'll I'll wait for you oh hey there you are are uhh yeah I ran into him's up here right where around the corner to the right behind me yeah I I went downstairs I thought there was the the better ones were downstairs okay I guess a little weird to me how was it weird using different bathrooms I I have a preference for bathrooms you have a preference for come come back here stop walking away from me why why can't I walk away bro you're new right yeah yeah going knock how do you not know where the bathrooms are they didn't train me on where the bathrooms are at they trained me on how to be a cop all right so where's the room that you get trained in the training room where's the training room it's literally titled training room thought you had to use the bathroom I did you just don't have to anymore I I did I went downstairs I don't think you did I I really did I went all the way down there you could talk to officer um the the British one oh all right yeah I know exactly who you're talking about that's her that's right that's right all right we got to find a way down first off calm down all right my bad my bad so you guys just sit around all day doing nothing here basically oh oh we went up we went you're distracting me what's down here down there that's where the vehicle was that I was going to show you but let's go see the uh let's go check it out all right no way all right let's let's can I sit inside I'm trying to see what yeah let me want to go and unlock it uh I guess I grabb the wrong Keys about my keys I got the keys no those are the right ones no you don't no these are not the right ons we have to go back up godam we were so close we have so many vehicles you know it's it's hard to keep track up why don't we just label them I mean we run through so many vehicles yeah crazy some guy named icy actually he really uh causes the pdun to go down by the way you look a lot like him yeah I get that a lot you know that's not the first time I've heard it oh it should be in here right the keys it should be yeah okay so I have a question what's up so you say the keys should be in here which I lie they're not in here oh well where are they well why did you assume they were in here because it looks like a room that they would keep them in a camera room is that mustache fake why would this mustache be fake don't touch my mustache get get the F from my mustache all right where where where's the keys at bro you're wasting time now offer Stephanie I don't think you're a cop you don't think I'm a cop no I think you're cop uni hey heads up don't move don't move I'll shoot you hey sh sh listen Let's Make a Deal Let's Make a Deal here Stephanie let's make a deal then cuz I can I can pull the trigger right now maybe even even if you do I'm going to kill you all right so you'll die just show me where the keys are at and nobody has to get shot all right first off it's you versus 17 people where right now it's you a yeah you got a point all right I won't shoot just take me to the office with the keys and give me the right keys and then nobody will get shot nothing will happen oh there's people here tell them tell them to go downstairs could you guys uh run downstairs for me real quick and grab me uh the copy of the report yesterday of course man I'm on in all right let's go what's that in here ah all right this is your desk yikes thank you so much for the keys I appreciate it all right all right get out of here you go dare now you go don't cause any issues I don't want him to play any games all right we're good oh sh ah oh God oh my God uh-oh oh there's people over here oh this is not good got in the building everybody no we don't that's a lie that's a lie he's not up here in the building top floor what the oh God bro a clapped definitely let negotiate all right what do you want Oh no hey back up back up back up hey hey hey hey hey hey hey listen nobody else has to get shot I'm sorry if for killing that cop over there he he kind of came up to he literally pushed me with a gun so I had no other choice I just want the car I just want the flying car that's it all right all right well you can try to run to the stairs right there if you oh sh oh oh god oh oh oh go down go down go down go down all right hide in here hide in here oh no oh no down let's negotiate we already tried that you want to try again try again all right I have an AR oh that was listen not listening you don't want to listen anymore oh he's off yeah want to push me yeah I bet that one hurt H Stephanie oh God I need to get to a different room I'm literally trapped here if you don't stop shooting we are going to wreck you like a CO on a rainy day I'm going wreck your mom go go go go go go go go woo hey let's talk man all right I got to get to my cars over there all right listen are you ready to talk oh my God oh my God I killed a bunch of them so no talking then come on we we got to kill him all right ready oh got her all right I'm going to go steal the car now all right get in the car get in the car get in the car all right here we go oh God this thing is crazy there's no oh oh they have helicopters out oh great yeah of course they do excuse me jeez dude oh my gosh all right baby you ready to take off oh my God this is something else oh my God there's literally a cop car flying how are they going to stop a flying car that is the real question and oh my gosh it's so nice out oh god oh they're shooting yep yep I figured they would I did kill a bunch of cops I killed what maybe like 10 cops ready ready oh barely just barely oh God careful we got to use this car to Ram them so that we can escape a couple of them oh oh oh thank God for Wheels thank God for Wheels all right the higher we go the better ready excuse me oh oh it just exploded there it goes oh God we're got to go up and then we're going to do a back flip onto him ready go up high enough and then backflip and then boom here we go excuse me oh my god oh just instantly to the ground all right we going to hit this cop right here he's done for sorry oh my oh he got so lucky you know what let's take him to uh the mountains let's see if they're able to keep up we're going to stay super low as low as we can oh my gosh they're literally right there oh they're hitting each other oh my God you guys want to negotiate at all let's negotiate let's negotiate guys what in the world is going on over there what the hell let me solve this issue what was that we got stay low and in the tree lines that way they struggle to keep up there we go oh oh see now we can't get shot at which is nice so we got to I want to go to Mount Chiliad up there and use that height to our advantage this 1 2 3 four five six seven cops seven helicopters on us right now oh my god oh through the tree all right we're getting close to Mount Chiliad which is where we can lose them let's see how low they're willing to go oh hey come here man sorry oh oh my God uh-oh fly fly fly we almost hit air support oh slide right through there oh this is so clean oh my God so clean oh my gosh oh there he is there he is oh you better run you better run oh my God I think we've taken out three of the seven helicopters just now oh yeah there's only four on us right now good all right stay low it'll be harder to hit us oh no no no no no no no no no this is not how this is supposed to go dude I got to stay away from water man I don't know what's up with me and water maybe we can uh swim away use this to our advantage maybe we can steal one of their helicopters something at least we took out half the helicopters before we crashed oh Stephanie Stephanie hands hey Stephanie hey hey hey all right my hands up my hands are up let's talken so make sure nobody else lands all right nobody else lands so obviously you crash into the water so what are you doing now um this hey hey oh you want to fight yeah I want to fight let's run it run it run it oh let's run it let's run it let's run it it no way I got CAU like that yeah the big do is oh all right we're going to call from Gary we just got our next vehicle hey Gary what's going on yeah yeah yeah G hey how you doing why'd you call me um I need your help when do you not need my help oh yeah this one's kind of important is it yeah so I know how much you care about me and like you love me and stuff like that I need you to uh canup cop so remember how like I killed a cop earlier and then you got me caught you remember that and now you want me to kidnap a cop yeah yeah yeah why would I do that for you I need him okay Gary it's one of the challenges on my fine Gary only I'm only doing this because I have it on my challenge list okay okay not for any other reason okay now who is it what does he look like it's Jimbo right oh not Jimbo yes he's the one with a big ass truck he talks like he's Southern he's got a big beard and cowboy you want me to kidnap him yes he's been talking mad trash about me like what he he he said I need to get new flippers for one um that's he said really sorry he said I smell like the Atlantic Ocean I didn't like that one what's the difference between the Atlantic and the Pacific I don't know good question okay I'll do it I'll take I'll take I'll con up you but what do you want me to do bring him to you g Gary all I got to do is kidnap him all right yeah yeah and take him to me I have to take him to you oh my God okay yes whatever whatever all right goodbye love you Wier wiener all right we got to kidnap officer Jimbo a picture of him is going to be on the screen we got to locate him uh we're just as a fake cop right now we got a police dog as a vehicle and this dog is the most powerful dog to ever exist and you guys will find out once I kidnpped the cop all right let's go over here hello fellow officer of the law hey what's up how you doing nothing so funny it's just I don't understand why you're riding your canine well look how look how big he is bro he almost as big as your car he is huge but I've been training he's been hitting the gym like crazy bro his name is uh Buford Buford yeah you can call him steppa for short you call him what big steppa big steppa all right yeah right is that Jimbo over oh yeah that's Jimbo to our left all right well I got to go talk to him so he's just ran a red light dude let's pull him over pull over you just ran a red light all right we got Stephanie here as well yo what's going on jumbo when do we get a can9 hey Stephan we got a can9 unit that's what I thought yeah this is the buer but you can call him big stepper for short I can't all right um why you pulling me over you ran red light uh no I drove a red light I didn't run anything do I look like I run clearly not yeah you don't run you run to the cafeteria for the donuts that's what you get exactly see he knows what we're talking about you little fatty oh hey Stephanie could you do me a favor um do you have any dog treats in your car what's it uh back at the station give me like 5 minutes I can get like all right bet bet bet all right yeah yeah yeah all right listen jumbo we keep it a stack with you uhhuh I'm not a real cop I'm not a real copy okay okay that's right don't press any buttons don't press on anything I need you Gary needs you Gary needs to talk to you Gary why Gary need to talk to me because you you you told him that he smells that like the Atlantic Ocean I mean can you can you can you tell me I'm lying I mean you're the one who who has to sleep with him every night all right tell me I'm lying first off throw your guns throw everything that you have on you all right right now and then give me the keys to your car hey hey hey uh Jimbo yeah give them hands up hey everybody back away back away back away oh wo i you got the treats all right toss the treats there we go thank you except I need to take thisy his donut real quick wait let me give him his donut donut you know what you know what to make sure you don't come back for your car hey oh my God that's why they call him the big stepper hey excuse me wait no no no you don't you don't want to do that listen I need to take you to Gary Gary why you going to take me to Gary cuz Gary needs me to kidnap you and it's part of my list I have a challenge I'm completing a list of challenges today as a fake cop officer Jimbo and one of them is to kidnap a cop and unfortunately for you Mr Stephanie needed you K hey excuse me Mr Stan oh my God Mr Stephanie kid Stephanie you got me kidna no yeah yeah it was Stephanie it was Stephanie you're right let Jim go okay this is why they call him the big stepper hey excuse me oh sorry dude you're not supposed to this do vacc something like that hey Stephanie where's Big steppa oh there he is there's big steppa right here big steppa big Ste you know what I'll Make A Deal Jimbo you want to make a deal Gary kind of screwed me over earlier right and so uh and now I'm doing this for free for him which I don't want to do how about I trade you for officer Stephanie are you willing to help me with this I can help you with that okay I need I need to find a way to get Stephanie and then I'll let you go all right okay you got any ideas uh maybe I tell him that you're going to let me take my donut and only he can come and then you know when he comes you know you can put a gun at him and take them has to come pretty fast though hey Stephanie hey officer Stephanie uh I can get my donut but only you can come and give it to me okay everyone back away everyone back away everyone back back everybody else back away so I'll give both of you guys one I yep yep y offic y hey wa what it was a I'm sorry so okay let me explain I'm going to explain the context to you Stephanie um so Gary wanted me to kidnap Jimbo but Gary screwed me over so to screw Gary over I kidnapped the wrong guy for him so and you're the wrong guy I just the cops I'm so good good job big like that's reasonable I guess it is pretty reasonable you want to see why they call him big stepper you want to see why oh look at that running oh oh my head on baby head on you can fly excuse me oh my gosh oh you good big stepper all he's good he's good he's I don't know why you're laughing a nothing funny just the name ain't nothing funny about his name big step are you with it you mad you mad that he he's call he's making fun of your name big St wolf that was you no it wasn't what what did I sound like that you said wolf bro that was not oh oh that was your only cop sounded like goofy Hey look it's your car is that you hey that is my car and that's your car hey hey that's your car get out of my car it's Jimbo jima's the one who uh got who scammed you hey you want to big steppa huh his name's buur but we call him big steppa for short watch this oh my go excuse me man I'm struggling over here excuse me BR went inside the wall Jukes Jukes bro tell me my Jukes aren't insane no you got me earlier oh my gosh no way you got both of them oh man I'm too good def they call me the Jer they call me the Jer I thought they called you big steppa no they call him big steppa you know I really want to test you real quick you how want to test me Stephanie I want I want to test your Juke skills you you know the red garage jump like you go off the highway and jump into the garage yep yep yep yep let's see if you can do that I can do that easy light work I'll drink him on the way there oh it's too easy it's too easy look at that look at that they're all back there I'll be amazed if you do this I might even lose them before then honestly it is o oh they saw me come down here oh nope they saw you nope no no no no no no all you ready for this ready for this it's the instant way to lose the cops are you sure about that oh yeah I'm sure you better to find out too well he hit the ramp bro literally tried it hey I wish you guys all luck see you see they think we went up they think we went up in reality actually went this way oh my gosh no way ready and then they're on you where they're behind you where no they're not ready for this Stephanie you ready for this I think he's on you no ready watch no he's he's on you he's behind you no no no you're going to have to kill him I want you want me to kill your fellow officer it was like in it was like in the moment I was locked in you want me to kill him no I was locked in I was locked boaby yo you can do it boom baby what are they call call me what do they call me big Ste no they call me the no they called the dog the big Stephan God damn uh oh the way back there hide behind this ramp they'll never know they definitely know they they definitely know they definitely know they definitely know they definitely know yeah they definitely know that Juke was crazy huh it was pretty crazy ready for this ready for this this one's good dude I'm so good tell me I'm the best Stephanie nice one dud nice one dude oh he fell off his bike and I it's just blown up over here all right ready for this oh yeah excuse me oh my God big stepper big stepper are you all right oh no big steppa almost out of gas why why does big stepper take gas okay he got to eat bro he's got to eat we all got to eat huh ready for this Boom come on get over that yep all right see you hello SC me we got a bike on us why don't you just let me go and you can get away Scott free oh God hey grabs hey niy how's it going what's going on baby not bad not bad hey I got I got a nice little car for you oh you got a car ready mhm yeah I'll head over there soon I'm uh I i' I'm I'm running from the cops and I have a cop kidnapped I have Stephanie kidnapped Stephanie yeah Stephanie oh I said your name in front of Stephanie uh-oh uh-oh I'll bring Stephanie to you okay I'll see you there yeah all right take it easy I didn't hear nothing I didn't hear anything Dude tell me my juke how did I just go through the craziest Jukes of my life while on a phone call bro I'm just the best Bo they all got juked every single one got juked Stephanie you're you're you're screwed over bro I'm I'm keeping a stack with you why do you say that cuz I said Gramps his name in front of you anybody that knows his name that's a cop will die no no no no no we I'm sure we could work something out all right Stephanie there's my next car hey what up what up Gramps I got a I may or may not have a cop peld hostage why are you holding him by you know what I don't even want by the balls yeah yeah I don't know what you want to do with this guy Jesus so what's my name your name yeah isn't it like Jerry or something something along yeah Jerry I don't know what do you think we should get rid of him I don't I don't know maybe we can have him work for us we've already had tried having Stephanie work for us it doesn't work hey wo wo woah W you tried scaming me before work I'll work I'll work I'll you said that last time you said that last time I swear I swear you've helped me in the past a couple times here and there but youve also F all right so just remember that I'm doing this for you okay okay all right all remember this and then repay me back in a future video okay of course wait no wait wait wait take your Shir off what and give us your clothes and guns and weapons are you serious and bark for us I'm dead serious you know what bark next to the dog yeah bark go bark with with a big steppa go bark with big steppa all right get out of here all right see you later see you join my server Breezy RP link is the top of the description it's a whit listed server it's also economy so you have to apply to join but join join join join join this is my final vehicle baby yeah y y you ready to rob that big Bank um I already robbed the bank did you what are you going to do with this I need to uh buy illegal Goods they Goods yeah so that's the last thing I need to do on my list and I'm done thanks grabs all right all right after a couple messages of uh with everybody all my friends so my friend said it's right here I need to go if I want to find the some we fake cop right now they're probably to be like what the hell is wrong with you how's it going can I help you with something no no no no I'm just uh I'm just looking for that uh you know you know you know like some sugar or something um no no no no I was you know just looking for uh you know I was told that this is the spot to go if you know what I'm saying it is but it is a spot to go you're C yeah I a real cop really oh you're not real yeah yeah yeah what you think the police department would give a real cop that car yeah that's a the point I I guess that that makees sense yeah yeah yeah yeah so we're going to make this look like it's a traffic stop and I have to search your vehicle and then I'm accidentally going to drop my wallet full of however much money I might leave in it okay I mean there's RPGs in there I mean there's not RPG there's like weapons there's weapons in this one and this this one has a bunch of uh candy you know all right let me go ahead and search this one then I'm going to goe and search uh you don't mind opening the thing for me do you you just open the want me to open this one for you uh yeah yeah oh okay act like a act like a traffic stop I didn't do anything I didn't do anything hey how's it going officer move doing a a traffic stop registration is expired and whatnot hey you don't you you don't need to open the the the the back end get out of there hey no no wait wait hey officer officer officer officer come here Hey listen I got whatever I do I got to make sure he can't go to the back so he can see the the guns in there listen officer I I've got it from here man I've got it from here I mean I'm sure you got it but uh there any reason why you have a giant Lamborghini as your unit uh no reason at all you're not compensating are you no why would I compensate for anything I just needed to uh uh it was just a new new newly brought into the department uh listen you're you're kind of stopping me from my traffic so I need to get back to uh my uh research on these people for uh the uh registration think I'm going ask the uh commissioner on the radio about that yeah yeah go ahead go ahead while you're doing that let me just uh do my thing over here hey hey come here yeah what's up how much for the for the guns back here the ARs 50k P it's fine 50k dang God all right hold on let me go I got a I got a bag I got a bag in my car real quick let me go do that real fast before they cops all right oh he's backing away all right looks like he's backing away yeah yeah here here you go here's the money all right thank you for the weapons I appreciate it let me just what about what about the drug what do you got over here for like uh for uh the The Good the good stuff okay uh oh this is uh this is not you call the did you call the cops no they're here they were already let me let me let me deal with it let me deal with it hey what's going on why you guys got so many cops here well uh I I did a little digg in your uh for Lamborghini doesn't run run run run run run run run run listen there's no reason there's no reason to listen I I don't know what you're talking about he's going to get it he's back up no my car oh no oh my God oh my Lord okay we got to go we got to go we got to go excuse me oh oh my God we're just launching him Pard of me oh my gosh all right now we need to escape we just got uh we bought some illegal Goods we got some guns so we check that off the list now we've completed all the challenges we just need to escape here all right how do we lose the cops in a giant Lamborghini that is the question now we can't really lose them we can destroy them uh there's a couple like uh Bridges I want us to use to kind of just throw them all off into the water on the land whatever uh to destroy them all that's really the only way we can really do anything here all right we're going to go up over uh the left side of the map there's a highway that I want us to hit and there's a bridge right before the military base if we get to that bridge we can literally launch the cops off the oh oh no oh that poor cop bro oh god oh ready we're good we're good you overshot and you overshot and you overshot tough luck tough luck tough luck tough luck oh oh lucky you not really oh my God all right we're got to get up to that bridge up there on the North side we could use these AI cars for our advantage just smack into them oh no oh my gosh this thing is so fast too we are unstoppable and unbeatable we got to break check them we just smacked his car how's it going buddy are you trying to pment over me right now a little too big sir I don't think it's leave you're really trying to pit over me box him in box me in this guy said you know what box me in Guys box me in yeah you're doing a great job of boxing me oh you guys finally got a SWAT car a let's see if that SWAT car will even do anything oh wow oh you think you're tough huh you got the military now you think you gotting much excuse me guys excuse me excuse me oh my God somebody blew up sure be a shame if I just uh launched you into the ocean excuse me dude oh my God Jimbo you're not so big now huh I don't not so big now over my offic oh that's tough bro oh that's tough Jimbo hope we can swim too oh you're lucky swim Jimbo there he goes my God into the ocean he rolls all right we're rolling baby we're rolling all right this is the bridge I was talking about this is what we're going to use all right ready oh break uhoh uh-oh yeah uhoh is right yeah try stopping me oh see you see you oh yeah finish him off ready ah all right we launched one off oh but he's not crashed yet excuse me oh my God just absolutely destroyed all right into this tunnel here now they have no choice but to come at me all right we're going to block this off I mean I could Loki Escape like this what's going on you suck finally yeah yeah that's what it is that's what it is now you guys are dead oh my God yeah you better run yeah you better run scares me guys oh oh God oh God they's shooting missiles oh no ah oh get him out of here get him out of here a now oh ow ow oh come on excuse me the screams oh no we got to go we got to run for that missile excuse me oh no uh-oh uh-oh oh maybe this works come on oh my God no way no way that worked got to get back up to a road being down here is just not wait oh no I see him oh no oh God excuse me go go go go go go go oh ow no no no be's getting destroyed pause come on come on come on all right we're going to go up this make it up come on make it up oh yeah oh yeah we strong like that come on struggling there Budd no are you struggling oh oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh keep going keep going keep going top of the mountain over here still going oh we got to be careful oh no I don't want to fall off here we do not want to fall off here oh no There He Go oh nice one you got blown by your own teammate oh no oh God we have to hold on oh we landed it though we landed it though excuse me wa wait oh my god oh oh my God hey what's going on man oh no oh no no no no excuse me guys excuse me please please please please please w't you just talking trash you were just talking trash bro oh god oh uhoh land it we're good we're good oh my gosh we get over this no we have to jump it there's a tank in there oh great ready ready jump it right here ready and come on yes oh no oh no is that a tank no no no no hey there's a situation here isn't there yeah yeah this is a bit of a situation listen let's talk let's talk not talking I'm talking right now ah come on jump down here run run run run run run run run over here come on run I killed the cop oh yeah they're killing me oh they're killing me ouch oh come on let's steal this tank over here oh no there's two helicopters oh no no no oh come on get in yes I got the tank oh my god oh they're screaming oh yeah yeah that's right a what's up Jimbo you want to talk I'm good yeah we don't play no games baby oh oh we got to drive now we got to drive oh yeah you're done for no uh-oh okay I Surrender I Surrender I Surrender I Surrender ah my car broke come on run run run run oh my god oh okay we're not cting in that tank oh we're so dead no way no way oh hey what's going on man oh no way that's the end of the video like And subscribe you want to see more I plan on stealing $20 million from the cartel these are three of their most protected mansions with two of them holding $5 million each and their headquarters holding $10 [Music] million [Music] n
Channel: IcyDeluxe
Views: 4,080,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Yt8TNPY9pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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