Kenshi - The End

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this might be it there's so many going into this fight half of our company is wounded to the point where they can't even fight anymore if we get wiped and beep does get eaten live here the series is over requisite errs are still up though and the high paladin is too high paladin just lost his left arm [Applause] [Music] we might actually have a robotics arm for him no we've three right ones beep you gotta have one and beep has a right one as well we both of beeps arms are going this is brutal the high paladin does have this garlis katana so he will use that instead of this combat cleaver the reason being is weapons that filled a weapon one slot or two considered to Anders but weapons the weapon to slot can be used with one hand and only the right hand if your right arms gone however they won't use any weapons because apparently every morning Ken she is right-handed we also brought some building supplies and I wasn't planning on using any of them until we got closer to the throne but we need to set up some kind of perimeter right now the plan for now is we're gonna make a makeshift base and wall ourselves in just so that everyone can recoup and heal okay well nomads 17 is about to get overrun by spiders we're gonna try to pick them up get out get out of there then Nomad eight needs to pick up Nomad 10 and Inquisitor two needs to save the bone dog run we did make this basic here but I'm pretty sure we don't have enough building materials to make an outer layer yeah I think we only have 13 extra but we can do is try to make this base a bit more defensible with what we have I mean to build a wall going outwards like so and then when you know wall off this side as well I don't think they can get in from this side but we need to finish building harpoons so I think we're gonna have everyone focused on that I think we'll have string man it he's got really good perception know who opened the door not even low well we do put the door we're getting sabotage the bug man has someone on the inside looks like I better stay on the download now because I'm on to them the Green was Manning this turret and somehow he got knocked unconscious now there's no other harpooner nearby and the skin spiders have no range the only possible option is string him but how can string hit him he's literally on the opposite side of the gate like he must have missed so badly oh maybe it was this spider that came from behind that must have been it but how did that spider get in we was the spider doing up here maybe this is a spider that's conspiring against us the factors all these bodies here is actually creating so much lag so we'll plug corpse furnace outside basically they'll automatically start picking up the spiders that are full dead and they'll put him in the corpse furnace I don't think it'll throw away the ones that are dying they wouldn't automatically Hall the dead spiders to the corpse furnace if it was outside our there we go it's actually working this time a lot of this trash can be cleared up in no time so basically been holding up really well we put three double-barrel turrets over here and two double-barrel turrets over here as far as injury report we've got the I've fallen and I can't get up squad led by fall we've got beep who somehow lost both of his arms and both of his legs roll that and we got a fair bit of other units in dire need of prosthetic limbs we sent Kabu back to mongrel and he bought some robotic limbs the old-fashioned way but the good ones are really expensive and we need them now so we're just gonna pick into the safe Jack all these there's actually three crates sitting by the door with relatively high quality limbs and this guy probably does hate us now but that's just a fact that we're gonna have to live with for some reason beep took the most punishment out of everyone from the spiders mainly due to the fact that since he is a high prince his limbs have such low HP but many of our other companions do have a limb missing as well and if the limbs get damaged we want to repair them with someone that's good at robotics over in sonorous dark there's some really nice robots and since the robots they get a bonus to robotics and so in the zone there's these locations called the skin house the robots that believe they're people and they sure look like it you could definitely have fooled me with their attire really cute guys and I thought didn't make for a great addition to the team they all saw this machine upstairs called a peeler machine I believe we can just use it that's some fresh looking skin you have brother can I have it your skin will look better on me well maybe we can't use a peeler machine these guys are actually really strong to have around 50 in all stats but we did pick up an extra Inquisitor so we have four inquisitors with 75 plus stats this one's actually using a master work lift her arm so he's got 90 for strength he's gonna be doing tons of damage with this plank better yet we'll give him the fragment axe I believe that scales better off of strength and I think we should be able to take these guys there is quite a lot of them though so you need some cleave damage into oh yeah the high paladin is cleaved why is this Inquisitor using his one-hander is because it's indoors this one is also using this one hander because it's indoors and the plank gets a damage penalty when it's indoors we're gonna take this fight outside voice and we're gonna have pinky and weenie help out holy crap there's more okay wait maybe we just back off a bit so in this skin house there's three buildings loaded with these guys I know the location where I think they're less densely populated next to the zone of sonorous dark below the southern hive there's this zone called the cheaters run and there's this ruin that when you first approach it called nice rude and then when you get inside you learned the secret of what's going on the name changes to a horrible ruin so they have these cute little residential huts and inside there is actually no peeler machine in that one and inside of this Hut there's a peeler machine these guys don't seem as Agri wonder if we can just use their peeler machine all right so we're using the peeler machine and do does not seem to be enjoying it too much oh wait just destroyed his armor but if we put this guy in it with no armor guys can you stop banishing him I'm hoping that it will just stop at ok we got to get him out of there before we use the peeler machine we want to change this member Minh to frequent and their arms are not going unfortunately even with dismemberment on full his arms and his legs did not come off well that did not go according to plan I change dismember it back to rare and we won't use the peeler machine for removing their limbs we'll just let it happen organically and these skin bandits are a lot more accommodating than the other ones I do feel bad about attacking them but we need ideally six of them that we can knock out and carry back and recruit these guys actually have really bad armor it looks like or maybe no armor at all we already took that guy out we're doing a hundred eight damage per hit to them one hundred seven beep is the strongest now there will be changes beep is actually getting really strong he's got 95 strength due to the fact that he's using to industrial lifter arms which give him a twenty percent strength bonus each you look like you're not doing too bad for yourselves we're not poor if that's what you're saying that's exactly what I'm saying you got money and I'm the best sword you're likely a meat straight down a business then of course life is one transaction after another all that matters is the price what's your price 20 K then again money is not much of an issue for us anymore so we were able to farm the hundred 20 K we needed to pick them all up when they joined us they all took on a personality of their own we got r2d2 bb-8 and c-3po all droids from the Star Wars universe and then we got General Grievous Darth Vader and young Anakin I tried to tell them that Darth Vader and Anakin were the same person but they just didn't seem to want to listen I also found this unique hive soldier drone wandering around our base and the dude has 78 attacks so he's pretty solid I named him venti it just seemed like the right name and quick equipment update we're using these ring sabers they have really high cutting damage and relatively low blunt damage and if a weapon has high cutting damage and low blood damage it will level up decks quicker so we're doing that with a lot of our lower tier units but with our visitors we're just giving them nice pragma axes our blacksmiths are really good now and we've been pumping out these model edge type ones so they're gonna be doing tons of damage and with that we're gonna press on towards the throne the bug master and so at the top we got some blood spiders and some skin spiders nothing that we can't handle and inside there's a lot of them and the only casualty from that was Cornelius and upstairs there's literally nothing except for the bug master dudes got 95 strength Dex and toughness and 103 defense and Nomad hit him for 25 that's pretty good 51 ok we might have over prepared for this fight a bit his chest is really low he's gonna go down oh there he goes for Luke he's got this foreign saber model me too that is a really good weapon 2.6 cutting images really high I don't think you can craft me two weapons I think you have to find them let's see what's in his chest that is a lot of human teeth then he's got bug masters map it shows this town on the map named ominous place I think we'll go check that out next before we do that though we're gonna see if the bug master will join us someone talking this guy for a while and he won't join us but I found this thread where someone said you needed to have a mega Raptor horn in your inventory no I think about it it's pretty obvious that I would just have to put a megaraptor horn in the bug masters inventory for me to be able to recruit him I mean he's a bug master and the megaraptor is obviously just a giant bug all right Loretta megaraptor nest I don't see a megaraptor anywhere yeah I see it uh it's literally in the water this thing is one cage pee on all the slims it's swimming speed is 22 miles per hour that's insane our top swimmers are around like seven eight miles per hour I don't know how we're gonna be able to get this thing to attack us I think it might be glitched like all this loot fell through that's really odd maybe I can reload all right so my second idea is Green has a crossbow with really long range I think he might be able to hit it well he shot at it can't tell if it's trying to move or what but he hid it in the foreleg busy swimming oh god there's a little ledge up here maybe we can get green on that there we go you shoot it from there you hit it and sky is actually going down really fast relatively speaking I guess he has no armor all right we got a megaraptor horn we actually got 10 of them all right well I don't know how many horns the mate Raptor he needs but we'll put two in his inventory and we'll put one in mine and we'll touch our horns together snarl click click the bug master eyes aware-lea the creature looks at you in suprise his squire ghoul that dialogue was not there before he gestures towards the megaraptor horn you carry take out the horn and show it to him [ __ ] the man jumps up excitedly then falls to his knees reach out your hand palm up reach out your hand and palm down it's obviously palm up him and backs away fearfully hiss okay well that didn't work all right palm down this time the man backs away fearfully hiss click click the man raises his head under your palm raised the bug master to his feet join your squad all right well we got him to join us he's got 95 in pretty much all his attributes and weapon skills in combat so our party right now is looking really stacked and we're out at the western a hive this is the Western a hive Queens village and we're gonna try to take it over so this main Hut is the one with the Queen in it there's some royal soldier drones which have around 50 stats and then we got the queen who is absolutely beautiful and she looks like a robot but her HP is really low it's only 75 and her stats are not the best she went down in one hit Queen has no loot on her and the Royal soldier drones have basically nothing but there is a lot of looting here I am just really stacked right now so I don't really need any of it they said everyone ought to try to save the Queen but in the end there was nothing they could do well we conquered the Western hive that was very easy and so beep married the Queen against her will and they had a bunch of little hi babies together the end in the United States ton of heft their leader apparently tramples farm peasants the eyes you up and down too lazy even to move his neck oh thank the moon's you've arrived now all of times Outlander a new hero is exactly what my Empire needs I have a favor of you swordsman an ancient Greve wrath plagues our lands it kills our cattle terrorize our people but someone like you will be able to track it down with that sword of yours you'll be able to kill it once and for all I'll reward you well for this hero status treasure slaves you name it okay first you'll have to find clunk Ned spanner the skeleton wizard you'll find him to the south and a tower over the mountain pass he'll brew you the elixir of godly powers that will help you defeat the Greve wrath here bring my seal to him so that he knows I sent you he pulls out a small sack what's in the sack it contains the half-chewed stone of a green fruit he starts shaking uncontrollably making choking sound slapping his thighs we give you gold hero we believe in you hero I will beep is not gonna be disrespected like that I don't think that guy knows who peep is Conqueror of the bug master and the Western hive and while we're building a new outpost outside of heft we're visited by the taxman time to pay up this week's contributions you set up shop on Empire Lane you pay Empire taxes yeah that's not happening then you can expect a visit from our tax enforcement unit very soon I'll be back I promise you that we built this base pretty close to half and we put some turrets on top of this tower but they haven't really sent anyone to attack us so we're just gonna bring the fight to them okay it looks like they are actually attacking us and they got a huge army a lot of these guys are actually conscripts which are pretty weak we're cleaving through them pretty hard yeah they didn't really put up much of a fight since we built an outpost near the city we can actually build really close now so now we have three turrets pointed directly at their gate and this building is actually pretty cool we can unlock this door and they can't get up until they smash the door it has 50 HP whereas the crappy walls we were building had 30 HP part of me is thinking though that since we're so strong I think we can just attack the Emperor in the main building he has a samurai captain a couple of yo Ninh elites which have around 80 attack this one has 90 then upstairs we got a few samurai elites and samurai captains I want to say around four of each and the elites have around 80 stats the captains have around 70 I want to see how far the bug master can go solo oh the cleave he's actually taking damage okay well no more solo and throw the madness Emperor tangu went down he has a me to katana it looks like beep is now the new leader of the united cities who's laughing now and / tangu knew the power of dog doing I was gonna try to cute that guy just to see if I could and then Darth Vader comes out of nowhere and kills him you were doing a number on that leg it's at negative 6 K so beep got sick of the Western hive Queen and the bug master agreed to help him find a new lady at the southern hive there's the Queen of the South and she's guarded by these elite drone guards which have around 90 attack alright so the plane is beeps gonna run in here and try to distract get everyone to leave the Queen I mean you did pull a few of them away but there's still a bunch I think the bug master can one-shot the Queen though so he just get someone get hit on her her right legs down but I didn't take her out oh she's down okay he's just got to pick her up alright run back at the main base the southern hive sent a task force to retrieve the Queen they got a bunch of princes and drone guards which aren't the best but then they got these war gorillas which are really tanky and they have around 75 attack looks like all their war gorillas appear to be glitched so they're just sending in like their own guards which aren't all that strong and we got a holy nation attack as well coming in the holy nation don't like the hive either so it's like a free-for-all dr. Chun is dead I don't know that was our best medic and he was our cook dr. Chun with so many things can we get an F in the chat for dr. Chun and we're gonna have to manually agro the gorillas in because they got glitch on the wall or the gorillas are getting pelted with the arrows they have a lot of HP but they don't really have any armor so that one got taken out really quickly we then moved on towards the holy nation town of blister hill and their King resides in here we're just gonna try to run by all their guards the main thing is we just have to fight inside because they do have turrets well we need freakin screwed but he's taking on like six holy sentinels what a beast you got protectors of the flame with 90 attack 90 defense the bug master is taking on a holy Lord Phoenix it's almost got him is stomachs down to 10 oak there he goes holy lord Phoenix's paladin's cross is a meaty weapon that thing's actually insane alright well we did manage to take out their leader and we cleared out all the holy nation for the most part we completely cleared out those barracks we do have some people knocked unconscious still and we also cleared out their other one when you do capture the Queen of South the King is supposed to lean the soul on your base and the King is this giant monster robot thing that has insane amounts of HP and damage not only is he not attacking us I think he despawned and I can't find him anywhere I imported my save into a new game and the queen of the south is back where she should be as I built an outpost near the southern hive this was the only place in pretty much the whole zone I could build it that being said the base looks really weird this mountain back here is blocking so they can't get in from behind and over here is the entrance they go in when they started hitting the gate they're gonna get pounded by seven turret Gunners and to make sure the turret Gunners don't shoot each other I built this blind so the enemies have to come in from this side because if the enemies were to come in from this side these guys in the back could potentially miss and hit the Gunners to the left it looks like we got some test dummies trying to break our wall down they did not get very far this is our main target the king he's got 450 HP nose legs 750 in his arms 900 and stomach and 1,200 in his head and his attack strength dex and toughness are insanely high I'm pretty sure this is the strongest enemy in the game whoa he stood up he's not messing around they're actually doing damage to him which is good I thought maybe because his toughness was so high that it would be able to hit him and holy crap they're actually melting him just to put this into perspective I tried to kill him earlier like I just charged everyone at him and he just completely destroyed us it looks like he's not even smart enough to hit the gate and he's just taking those arrows and there we go he's down and he's got four armor plating for CPU units and for robotics components I'm kind of surprised he didn't have any AI cores on them as he is like a leaky emboss and these things are pretty useless well we started out as a slave of the holy nation we took out their leader we found beep and outcasts of the hive we helped him exterminate the Western and the southern hive and he is now the ruler of the lands that's gonna be it for this can she play through there are some things that I didn't explore but for the most part I did everything that I set out to do I do have an idea for another playthrough but that's gonna have to wait till they update the game which I don't know if they're ever going to they made a new post last month saying they're gonna be working on another game and they're only gonna be doing bug fixes from now on which personally I think is a mistake I think there is a lot of endgame content they could add to the game like the ability to take over towns I've seen a lot of people wanting that one where you can actually take over towns and they belong to you but that being said hopefully they're working on like a kenchi - with like a new engine I think can she with a more modern engine would be really cool I believe my next video will be a civilization 6 video but I'll be experimenting with a lot of different types of the in the upcoming weeks if you guys do like a certain style of video just remember to drop a like that combined with the account helps me to know what's working and what's not and yeah thanks for watching guys I will see you in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: trmplays
Views: 479,245
Rating: 4.9421325 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, games done quick, agdq, sgdq, speedrun, gaming commentary, Mount & Blade, Warband, Mount & Blade Warband, Mount And Blade, Mount And Blade Warband, new update, kenshi 1.0, kenshi update, The Sims, The Sims 4, The Sims 3, The Sims 2, trmplays, the rain man, gamesdonequick, sims, bannerlord, kenshi review, Kenshi lets play, kenshi tutorial, Kenshi Slave, Kenshi The Slaves, Kenshi new update
Id: 7z2r-IiQ8EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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