Episode 39 - Fugg Yea Dug

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what's up guys welcome to TMZ podcasts this is actually last week's episode if you want today's episode that'll be on our patreon right now you can get it a week early if you contribute its patron calm slash tiny meet gang so thanks if you do that and if not enjoyed this one who's welcome back everyone to the most racist podcast on the Internet today we're gonna be teaching you about compound slurs learn how to offend two groups in one go you've got a picture headed that you're like wait to say wait how do I'm aware of a swimmer this but a compounds wow wow wow we're starting it off charged up today I only wanted to say that because I wanted to bring up that tweet from earlier what is the tweet again read it I get this right because it's someone reply and say this is a compound slur no no you just made that uh no though something mean cash we're joking about cuz weird yeah I'm just like we were talking about something and cash is like that's a confidence alert and I was busting up laughing so anyway I read the funniest tweet besides the young bands tweet about Russ which killed me that was great this tweet is from at no no condom Karrueche [ __ ] think they want to date a white guy till they have so they having sex and he says do you like that [ __ ] [ __ ] people were saying that was a slur yeah [ __ ] is a slur what it is I guess I don't know that's crazy I didn't even yeah even just so how many times have you said that every time dude really single no no but I still should have porn all the time yeah weird I've never ever call my dick [ __ ] I think that's so [ __ ] weird and I say a weird because I have the Canadian accent [ __ ] it's like see a WK react that [ __ ] what's a cow Moo hey there you uh are you into my you know I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry she's like it's fine what do you mean I'm sorry I don't know if I talked is good enough I'm sorry my [ __ ] [ __ ] Irish sorry my dog you wanna bid on my [ __ ] what do you like cooking your ass you wanna Smita me [ __ ] would you like miss me give me [ __ ] in your arms oh oh you should I I'm going to cook oh I'm gonna come oh wait what's uh what's uh oh I I'm gonna spunk Oh bend it over me last I'm gonna spill me lucky charms all over your face I'm on the rag I'm on the rag mate I'm on the rag what is that oh okay the rag chuck it in me dump I mean look at your Rizzo in your face if you're Conor McGregor says before he goes on my pot of gold nobody Irish people listening hope that gets you going this morning if you're watching this on YouTube right now you're probably wondering where the hell did we get these nifty yeah silky smooth yellow hoodies Easter yellow hoodies no these are pastel bro these are nice tell yellow hoodies are in style oh yeah now this color is [ __ ] sick yeah I love this color yeah well and we have an answer for you the answer is TMZ merch is officially and available right now I know we said last week and we got in big trouble for being wrong yeah people were upset oh yeah people were hitting us upset yeah I still have not listened to that song it's whatever I have not listened to it so I have no idea it's born yeah is it yeah it's boring and the key key one having listened to that either I have no idea what that mean is I [ __ ] with that one cuz that dude does that dude shaky oh no he did write ants and everyone's like doing that [ __ ] he's got a great blow press run right now yeah yeah um I think he needs a manager though yeah he's been doing that he's been doing [ __ ] for yeah he's extremely creative as its vine I know he's extremely creative extremely funny and I just feel like he's at that point where he needs someone to be like okay this is how the business is and these other things you need to be doing yeah you know so yeah whatever like for example merch he should have that should have merged and while we're on the topic of merch I'm gonna jump back to these no yes yeah I know right my best silkie sweet mustard no not mustard more of like an egg yolk color no not even egg yolk this is like smooth like like yellow peep no no no this is like it's like no it's like some height beasty this is height beast yellow eye beast yellow hoodie so we got and they got this we got the Gold's Gym yeah this is based off the Gold's Gym logo but it's a guy squatting too t-bone steaks just Biggles succeed you squat brother yeah two cuts of meat there it's actually [ __ ] sick I love this hoodie I generally do and so if you guys want to support the show and a lot of people have been asking us for murchison yeah where's the book emerged where's of March they got a t-shirt version in black yeah they also own cases we got this one it's a shirt with a t-bone steak on the breast right there I feel like this is like the 1950s I have to cut kotico is now pulling up his hoodie he is demonstrating a brand new shirt it's got a big old t-bone steak on the upper left breast breast and we got these phone cases right here big old meat slab to just slab of meat so a lot of really great stuff honestly yeah so you want that head over to fan Joko slash TMG and we would appreciate it very much um I want to see you riblets out there rocking the [ __ ] in public hell yeah bro I want to I want to just organically see someone one day wearing rocking this [ __ ] and you should be like yeah yeah was good yeah that'd be tight I'll be super dope probably won't happen for me if I want have it from me because there's only three places I go my computer the gym and here that's why vlogging is hard because I'm like well I'm only three places and now I got a dog I'm well that's good that's better cuz now you're like force to take him on walks and [ __ ] yeah yeah it's true yeah I met him no they haven't met oli yeah he did oli reports the official oli report is in from me great a chiller yeah greater absolute chiller that dog is a smidge a chiller yeah good boy especially you know you gets with small dogs you get some yapping in there [ __ ] you walk into jumping all over the place you're kind of like oh yeah like you're like knock it off yeah but all he was more just like he was just like pumped yeah you're just chilling he just you know those are little tail wag and he's like oh yeah what uh yeah yeah he goes yo yo what's good yo what up Cody heard a lot about you what's good you mind like scratching my my head right yeah that's that'd be sick did preach oh I've been trying to get that [ __ ] all day thanks brother listen I'm asleep right here for hours hit me up I'm saying if y'all want to like throw that [ __ ] around it's tight having a cool dog yeah I was worried we were gonna get him he's gonna be like a like a abused like rescue and if I'm like hey boy he's just like shaking no no you're safe now the only funny thing was like he was scared of the dishwasher like just going near it and like I turned it on and he like freaked out and ran in our bedroom and like that's this thing he just runs and hides under something yeah it's kind of funny though it's not footage yeah good footage hey what's up you little [ __ ] look whoa as soon as you said [ __ ] just went both ears no way yeah I fixed it I fixed your headphones yeah our [ __ ] interface bro [ __ ] dude this technology just see they got a say with a beer pop the P [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] hell that actually worked Wow straight up I cannot believe this right now Wow we've had an issue where Cody has I've been able to hear in both ears I'm on the podcast holy [ __ ] this is likes this is like when you're sick and you pop your ears on a plane you're like oh you're just coming right now I'm coming I'm coming in the gym oh this feels so good dude speaking of coming I got a shout-out Brian our discord mod mm-hmm shout out to you shout out to all the people on the discord you see well that runs escort yeah you guys get busy with it yeah and we pop on there every now and then there's so many threads now I don't know what I don't even know which one to go yeah yeah it's fully like you know it was a lot of well because it's being inspired to go to the gym that was kind of tight oh yeah a lot of people being like [ __ ] you man I'm gonna start working out hell yeah I had some homies in the community section post and so keypad at riblets you know saying it ain't too late yeah it is for us but it's not for you not for you yeah bro it's a far too late for me yeah it's a wrap you guys still got puberty and [ __ ] like that nah um movie talking about sorry the boy Brian and he sends me a reddit post of a dude who went to his prostate checked and he discovered that he gets anal like stimulation and I thought like when he sent me that link he's like it's really funny and I'm like this is does that mean he just gets like turned on with by a finger in his ass and then I started reading I'm like oh nah it's like uncontrollable he's like the doctor he's like no one's ever done anything to my ass he's like the doctor puts his finger in my ass he's like the first thing I get rock-solid he's like you could bend a steel bar around my dick i was so hard he goes and I just groan uncontrollably like it just like all in one is so I'm imagining this like doctor Lee okay here we go and oh and the DS like the doctor is like laughing the doctors like honestly it's pretty common like it happens all the time huge that [ __ ] it could be you like that's what you don't know it could be you maybe the worst thing you go in there you just bend over all right it's like sub doc hey how's it going oh you know fine the hood good okay excellent so um how's Ben good everything's good at home yeah everything's cool living in school nothing I'm normal cool cool all right well you know this might be a little cold but just squeezes the lube on all right well and then I'm just gonna slowly holy shite oh you mean lucky turn just sprained jizz all over your [ __ ] pants like it's me your zipper just busts open it's like it like fills up like a [ __ ] water balloon just blow hole time doctors guys finger in your ass guiding you like a boat oh Jesus [Music] oh you just do all that he's just he's just dead man this doesn't care what happens all the time yep Oh God Oh oh my god our ends are gonna be [ __ ] pissed well I I know it's not me I know as soon as he takes it out used to stop yeah everything's normal yeah holy [ __ ] me do you back to song but I am so sorry about that I should have warned you I I tried this with my girlfriend one time like a deflated balloon your boss people are gonna ask what I meant by when I said I know it's not me and I had my uh my ass check did you really a few months ago yeah what yeah I have a wait the age where you got to start doing that no I mean like I got a I got a hemorrhoid straight up that's just right right yeah right no you have one currently yeah [ __ ] sucks yeah what brother worst periods of my life I mean I've I've had to self-medicate I mean I it's borderline playing with myself oh really yeah yeah it's not fun but see here's the thing is I thought you know I'm gonna get graphic whatever I thought because I've done this myself I'm like well won't be that bad if the doctor has to check it and so no she's a woman whatever and she Elena's gone - he's a great doctor this and that she said okay I'm just gonna do a quick check like say standard thing uh might be a little cold but just you know whatever Mike yeah sure so I've been over it's pretty masculine I'm like all right here it is she went deep really I'm like whoa whoa now I didn't I didn't come everywhere I'm controlled yeah I like clinched up I felt like I was in prison I'm like this is a horrible idea but it was like real fabulous I'm like okay that's it um yeah so better than actually it gives me the rundown then she's like now just forewarning most whatever [ __ ] the prep anus doctors who's like our men so just want you to know that in case that makes you uncomfortable okay well that's and it's just leaves so she's like gave me the news and then just goes by the way they're all dudes and have a good day your co-pays 40 bucks later I'm like what yeah they're like this going forward will be Amanda yeah yeah so just if if a moment afterwards where he like lit a cigarette and I know um instead she has moved into my apartment complex recently no way yeah really yeah I was working out at the apartment complex gym and I was like she's like hi Noel yeah I was she's like we go round two right now right now you're have like post-mortem genes disorder post mortem jizz disorder it's like an acid flashback just a super crazy orgasm you had one time hey hey there arms yeah yeah you alright cuz a dog right yeah I was gonna say it sound like you a smoker's cough I just haven't been sleeping dude I took melatonin last night didn't do [ __ ] you know what it's oh speaking of health and all that high cholesterol hell yeah brother hell yeah brother hang it in yeah let's talk about this yeah so speaking of doctors I'm I got a blood test before I went to Europe I've been like holding out on the results because my dad had like had a triple bypass his dad at a double I'm like I know I wouldn't be in for some [ __ ] so I'm like Helene it finally makes an appointment for cuz we both got blood tests so we both go get our results dude it's like he pulls out my paper he goes holy [ __ ] it's like he's like what happened and he just like hands me the paper and my cholesterol is dumb hybra really dumb i yeah I just have like you know it's simple I mean I've been eating like bottom shelf ground beef hella eggs every morning just like bad [ __ ] yeah and he was just like you know some people they can do it he's like I got a guy who eats nothing and this like actually made me want to vomit he's like he eats nothing but red meat he's on a keto diet yeah it's just red meat hard-boiled eggs and like chicken he was just he started going down the list I'm like oh that sounds [ __ ] horrible he's like cholesterol swine he's like but you can't do it so now it's just like egg whites bison you know lean meats and [ __ ] he's like keep this up you know my medication for sure yeah that's crazy yeah it's so probably better like it's just better for you yeah eating egg whites and [ __ ] like that you're just gonna look better yeah you know yeah also uh hi Asti high tea high tea high tea that's good yeah not good don't you want that yeah but it also felt like a spit in the face why cuz I have like NFL player testosterone really I'm like gonna break through the upper range I'm like a hundred and fifty some points over the average that's crazy yeah I'm liking on five eight this is [ __ ] yeah I have enough you have enough drive to go run through a wall and I'm small it just felt bad looking at that it's just yeah you're like a you're like a really excited small dog yeah I'm I'm Olly yeah no you're not all I'm not all yeah not Olly yeah I mean I don't know all these probably got IT healers Hillier he's a chiller yeah you more like you're at the tea levels where it's yeah I'm started losing hair yeah yeah you're the type of dog you walk in jumps like six feet yeah you're like what the what the [ __ ] and it's just [ __ ] like plates and [ __ ] just anything in backflips I was thinking like I'm probably why Siva was like yo bro you probably eat wings and you're just roid raging and like naturally yeah just naturally roid rage yeah let's just go for the gym though right oh yeah like good recovery good yeah yeah I definitely feel like I could flex tone Congrats bro thanks - how high - I see yeah I see the [ __ ] holy grail the holiest of grace there I actually have mighty small doo-deen egg whites yeah beautiful is it's like not even impressive yeah I've got I've got amazingly high testosterone oh wow so when did you hit puberty yeah no I still haven't hit it still waiting on oh you're you're you're in a you're an adult well yeah I just you know haven't quite hit my growth spurt yet so wait for that to come through soon as that comes through I'll be golden I mean have you ever had your tea levels checked no I don't think so I mean I've gotten a blood test and nothing west it I requested it oh you did cuz I was like why why do you why do you want to know what's the benefit of knowing well if it's low then you can get [ __ ] fixed or what yeah or like oh man I don't know I wasn't trying to take it this way anyway basically you know me man I'm always like second guessing [ __ ] and I get like [ __ ] wound up about dumb [ __ ] so I'm like in my mind I'm like okay maybe I got low tea maybe yeah I need some help here just turns out on the inverse and I'm like that's why I get so charged up is because like I [ __ ] I'm like yeah right been out of my skin huh what test so whatever that and I was you know hitting yeah oh yeah you're hitting the cheese a lot I was hitting a cheese a lot and that lowers it like bad so I was like I want to make sure I'm right are you smoking weed anymore no you haven't smoked how long months Wow actually I smoked one or two times this month like yesterday yeah yesterday yeah yeah this morning I smoked as well but like any I just mean like I haven't smoked like like a pipe but I haven't smoked out of a bomb last couple months but that counts for something yeah I mean nava completely clean nope no coffee either that one that one's hard for me that's oh it was hard that's [ __ ] great but I haven't had anxiety at all at all Wow completely gone I would take it uh this is the health hour by the way how there is all of us this is us describing that's dying yeah slowly I've been taking Trader Joe's multivitamins how's that is that working out for you I don't I hope the first day my P was like neon green dude [ __ ] yeah dude and I'm like maybe this is just getting rid of some [ __ ] my body I'm like this is like pissing straight toxic waste right now yeah maybe it's good I don't know bro you're a supervillain yeah yeah high tea man yeah radioactive piss bro and be honest my superpower yeah radioactive this [ __ ] I don't know melting something with high tea um [ __ ] cat damn it I was actually going somewhere with a doctor bit mmm that was like funny sorry did I interrupt you again no no it's fine uh what the [ __ ] is this yeah that's [ __ ] what that is [ __ ] boy it bruh what nothing we got some financial [ __ ] the [ __ ] is for the studio I'll [ __ ] it later it don't matter financial we're what we're in financial ruins no maybe buy some merch son yes this fool is saying our check bounced but that is impossible those look like legitimately impossible yeah legitimately impossible are we getting stolen from I don't know man damn I do get a little sketched out by like the OP they're running here I mean just check your check if it came out of your bank account I mean I will about I'm not gonna do that now yeah no not right now but yeah I saw a news headline and it was like Trump talking it was like some quote of trumped and NATO and I read it wrong it was like I'm Dyslexic but I thought it said what is good NATO I just can't imagine any Trump that just pulling up being like hey what is good at NATO I can't even do his voice imagining him saying that what is what is good at Joe yeah no no is good what is goodnight i yo nato what's [ __ ] good uh I love when like like chiller dudes who are like 17 talk about politics and like yeah man we should all just like get along and [ __ ] that's how they imagine government yeah you know so like people are like [ __ ] up right now man what are we gonna do about this [ __ ] it's like smoke a jib just relax there are some slightly stupid yeah we should just all just like you know live in one big community we should just fire dude [ __ ] dude let me tell you how that works big C CK is G damn [ __ ] dope I conducted damn I like this plug-in compound [ __ ] there's like Higgs up there like in the back but we don't give a bug we just plug in everything you bug that chick [Laughter] yeah [ __ ] hell it jigs up there man just sick dude [ __ ] the hottest chick right now suck my dick there she's gonna say that like just she's gum I dig so hard bro that's how we dude ridiculous ridiculous man then [ __ ] this big right now dude douchey guys big old titties plan [ __ ] love that big got the big old Nagas Oh welcome back I'm sorry Oh Internet holy [ __ ] oh wow my bad on that that was way too close oh [ __ ] oh my god oh you [ __ ] neo to that one Wow dodge that why would that my mind was just like synonym for testing interpret it with a okay with a seek a poem and set it whoops oh oh oh the Cody algorithm just had a bit of a hiccup holy [ __ ] we talked about that he was hacked he was hacked everyone yeah the Buffalo Wild Cody account was hat yeah exactly he's crazy like that [ __ ] bug that [ __ ] dude my bad you guys [ __ ] [ __ ] dude a [ __ ] up [ __ ] up big time you guys just wanted up all the guys Apolo guys real quick quick quick quick sounds like a company so I guess like a tech startup here it quick quick it's come for your wife that's not from you directly to your door three times a week subscription model yeah quick dude it's created by Elon Musk speaking of I like how the coroner has we finally hit the corner or now everyone's annoyed with Elon Musk are they yeah and his handler yeah okay yeah people on Twitter are starting to go in on it I think I've maybe seen a couple tweets like that oh you know I mean like you know just like different you know funny people on Twitter I follow are starting to clown him okay I starting to clown Elon fans and like I think they're there for actually you know I have seen that it's because it I think we're right where I saw it first was I think it was fart tweeted this or something like that you ever fault you ever see I had fart not really funny tweets but one of them was like he replied to this Tesla employee that basically was like I was laid off today was the data they did all the layoffs oh she was a guy I was laid off today but I surely believe it's for the betterment of the company and like this is necessary for the company to succeed in the future so I'm not upset and his reply was like I was like thank you Lord musk for firing me or like oh [ __ ] like that like thank you daddy musk like we're laying the banhammer on me thank you guys shoot down to die yeah I appreciate you so much it's so true yeah [ __ ] fight why you [ __ ] got fired you [ __ ] uh fired in what like he should apologize for that yeah exactly and so now everyone is like Lord musk oh please like you can do no wrong Lord musk yeah I finally feel like I'm getting a little bit of like I don't know what the word is like validation from the Elan [ __ ] my wife song oh yeah yeah now I feel a little bit like before it was like obscure like what why would you ever I don't get this and then now when we play at people like oh [ __ ] tiny me Kang was ahead of their time exactly I'm saying all my all my cringy like like my snapchat my first name just had that I posted of woke up from a wet dream of Elon Musk that finally is gonna pay dividends as a long-term investment right there exactly yeah [ __ ] it's just funny to see like the now people are kind of like this whole actually just is a nerd at the front of class yeah always raising his hand he always does some dumb [ __ ] to say on some Twitter thing about what he can fix and it's just a little bit like you can't even be like just do it then cuz he will do it and that's what's annoying yeah I know he's always so matter-of-fact because it's like well I don't even think he believes in hypotheticals it's just like I'm gonna make this [ __ ] come to life yeah every single time those tweets are always very like just straightforward yeah a thorn and like cut the [ __ ] and like this is what I'm doing yeah and it's always like first tunnels have been bored like underneath you know like Mexico or whatever and you're like what dudes already already built the tunnel like yeah and next tomorrow he's gonna be like Telep teleportation is now real sorry sorry not sorry sorry not sorry I've I'm looking to bankrupt all public transit by the end of 2021 so [ __ ] [ __ ] and just as a matter of a promotion I've went ahead and created the jump pad from fortnight have created technology that will you actually be able to jump on it and then a glider will actually spawn from your ass and carry you to your next destination goddamn that would be fun real die generally those jump pads were real this was the best fortnight game ever guys I just want to take a quick second to say this episode is sponsored by Skillshare big shout outs Skillshare big shout out the skill shares a second ad ever we appreciate you very much seriously we do not take this for granted this is great and skill she has a great website alright it's an online learning community with thousands of classes in design business technology music yep and more and more all right there's tons of stuff on there you could probably take a you know I don't know well I mean we do get a lot of G maybe yeah you know no I mean like a lot of you have DM dos like at least I've got a lot of DM z-- about like you have an interest in programming anyway how can I do it how kind of do it honestly like this is how I learned yeah I just say I took random like classes online and like tutorials yeah a youtube code school whatever so I learned more online definitely about programming that I did yeah in school school yeah sure yeah so the I mean even if you're in school I think these types of things are a solid way to like get sharp with program exactly and premium membership gives you unlimited access to high quality classes on must know topics so you can improve your skills unlock new opportunities and do the work you love alright I looked it up and there's classes about music on there people will ask me all the time what kind of well program to use to make your beats whatever I use Ableton first of all and there's a lot of Ableton classes on there which is really cool I actually might take one yeah so I mean check that out and Skillshare is more affordable than most learning platforms out there annual subscription is less than ten bucks a month it was actually pretty good because other places that are that are more nisshin and like focused they're more expensive yeah so and what are you gonna do ten dollars a month what are you no yes take that money that you that you would spending you know spending on on a bushel of bananas at Whole Foods take that money instead and and hone your skills all right nunchuck skills maybe there's something on there for yes nervously no yeah that's like that's like two cups of coffee exactly yeah get you a whole new perspective on life no but seriously seriously just do it and since Skillshare is sponsoring this video the first 500 people to use the promo link in the description will get their first two months free to try it out risk-free all right just go to the link skl sh / TM g to start your trial right now that's skl sh / TM g and that is the first part of the course is just being able to remember that hyperlink but you get two months man so if you you know if you're if you're working some [ __ ] job and you've heard us talk about programming and you're interested in it or you know whatever [ __ ] it's right there man [ __ ] is [ __ ] right so again right there debugging right there yeah dude it's perfect programming dude prop for an indie programming program in the shape like that you'd be programming his [ __ ] like just like getting hella cash and shig like dad and hone the skills dude yeah hone your skills Hong Kong a skill is just gonna just gonna devolve into a speaking only in jeez yeah it was good day wasn't good it's like the class GUG my guy I like that full from rat race movie oh yeah you tweeted that didn't you I said I said bad bunny raps like that dude he's like I think bad bunnies for Regan right I could be wrong about it's like the way he speaks Spanish is very uh he's barely hidden letters men yeah barely I'm like bro J Balvin 's album yeah banger is that we're a little late you know in terms of like cuz it's old but yeah yeah that's like a month old isn't it I think is older than that no I don't think so yeah really I think so yeah Oh what I thought it was like relatively new no okay [ __ ] I thought I was just just kind of like I thought that was something on the cusp of discovery there J Balvin man I'm wearing a very J Balvin outfit today are you I'm kind of music he's a cool [ __ ] yeah he is yeah how can I do the answer on my goddamn yes just levels of cool yeah hey man bad bunny yeah no bad bunny was like working a grocery store two years ago no way yeah Jesus someone on patreon commented that it's like he was straight-up bagging groceries like two years ago in Spanish Spanish people that become superstars are super so yeah yeah they get [ __ ] like famous famous famous yeah it's insane it's like it's like everyone in Puerto Rico follows them on its pyramid I think that's Lifeson I think it's a cultural thing it's like [ __ ] yeah like we're gonna you know this is like one of our own like we're gonna gas him up yeah it's great love to see it and they're cool as [ __ ] yeah it's also crazy to look at their Spotify yeah oh new song 783 million plays Wow that hole that was out yesterday no idea how the [ __ ] that happened but I guess one-sixth of the earth listened to this song Jesus baby yes I was in Vegas oh yeah you were yeah yeah it was good it was fun it was I was there doing I was like promoting the Nitro Circus thing where travis Pastrana met the guy real cool yeah really cool guy did he just take a picture with you or was he like chatting with you we chatted for like five minutes a good shot it was like yeah yeah good shot yeah all speaking which I haven't I haven't caught up I'm two weeks behind um you know I almost caught up as I can be I wish we could talk about it but now I'll just smash them all this weekend or something yeah anyways yeah cool guy you know the fort or that gets the 14 old me was going [ __ ] nuts yeah cuz you know you used to watch that guy on the X Games like I mean they [ __ ] nugs dude yeah yeah [ __ ] he was gonna [ __ ] not now I'm gonna stay away from [Laughter] [ __ ] sig mostly because I used to watch that guy dirt bike and dirt bike [Music] and like you know double bag plague and stuff like that on a dirt bag with x-games sig yeah I was sick was he doing like I'm like oh there's a neck next nobody did a sag tap every now has a fig D did hate the Figge fig DS I did a half to the back place I think if they do the bag boy it was cool like yeah we like so he had the bike in front of him that it was like a press thing so I was like people you know there's about a group of like six people that were waiting to take a picture with him for promotional purposes or whatever and he had the motorcycle that he was gonna do the jumps on in front of them yeah so I walked up and he was like was update was good what's he saying and I was like yo good to meet you and we just talked about the motorcycle the entire time yeah as Matt took pictures yeah but it was cool he's like super humble real nice guy yeah dudes [ __ ] crazy like he has done some insane ass [ __ ] dude oh yeah I was talking to Jimmy about this a couple days ago he was like do you know he just did a double backflip 360 on a dirt bike [ __ ] how do you even [ __ ] yeah just looking yeah yeah so did you ask like if you could take a picture like holding him I was like yeah do you mind if we both get on the bike I go back I get on the back so I can hold on but you pull my shirt through the top of my [ __ ] yeah man he was like no no yeah no it's a good signal it's all good it's all good dude oh good it's all good it's all what sir it's all good dude what do you say it's all good dude are you cussing at me get him out of here it's a good bit but it was [ __ ] so so he did three jumps right yeah first ones over a bunch of cars yeah second the whole event was to honor Evel Knievel yeah he did he basically recreated the same jumps that Evel Knievel did but Jager yeah crazier which is a little bit of a it's like honoring him yeah also like bucking him a little bit hey man I'm gonna do what you did but bigger yeah yeah I'm better I'm gonna Wow it's a future now yeah I'm gonna plow your girl with you know modern [ __ ] it's a future now we can do [ __ ] like this dude she was sucking my [ __ ] and like that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you like my [ __ ] [ __ ] in your [ __ ] face girls one I'd say a day girls say they want to date a white dude until you're having sex he says you like that [ __ ] [ __ ] until he's in your face and he was like yeah you want to suck that [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll suck that [ __ ] [ __ ] suck bug inside that card man I hope every girl all right I hope every straight female listens to this straight woman I got in trouble tonight a female next time we're with your boyfriend and I just want the word cog in the back of your mind and I hope he doesn't listen to the podcast yeah so if you just start laughing you're kind of like he's like what is it no it's could you just say no no you got to say it to him and see if he embraces it he's like you want to suck your [ __ ] [ __ ] um yeah [ __ ] yeah organically you just be like yeah [ __ ] yeah hell yeah give me that card but yeah I'm gonna give you that collar you give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah wait goddamn it doesn't say sir [ __ ] Oh an official you're saying about a evel knievel so it's bigger jumps big better yeah so the first two jumps war were in this giant parking lot which I think might have been the same place that the music festival was a little bit eerie yeah sure like soon as we realized that we're kind of like old man's it's like we're yeah feels weird yeah anyways they set up a whole bunch of [ __ ] buses that he jumped over he jumped a 192 feet over these [ __ ] things on a motorcycle not even a dirt bike yeah a motorcycle that's crazy whole thing is just seeing the Sun took 110 degrees out no shade this Red Bull a lot of neck tattoos right generally it was [ __ ] cool seeing that seeing the guy jump and this kid comes up to me he goes he goes Joe you're on YouTube right and I was like yeah dude what's up and he was like oh dude oh this is crazy so listen I'm like banging this chick right now and she's a big fan so like dude can I get a picture for her she's gonna go nuts gonna get a picture and I was like I was like yeah dude sure I'll get you laid for sure yeah and then I was like no you know what actually is a little bit disrespectful give me your number [Laughter] I'm a [ __ ] did we don't get it diva nerd deep in her Gugs and get all on her drugs and [ __ ] dig out her jugs man IIIi don't know I hate that would be more like yo my cousin's a huge fan you mind if I get anything and I'm like but how do you even know what I look like right you're like so not a fan of me like well I don't like your [ __ ] it's not me dude it's not mean I would never I'm just trying to get leg but if you get it you get it right like I'm just I dude trying to get laid I'm not I don't [ __ ] with you like that yeah but like I want to get leg so whatever yeah it was weird I don't know I obviously I'm still like it's amazing that people come up to me and ask me for pictures of [ __ ] like that but it was just like like way good just say you're a fan I don't know like what yeah why you gotta like protect your ego in a situation like that I mean I mean I maybe I get it but if you're gonna like fanboy just do it yeah do it you know saying yeah [ __ ] when I saw that girl at the when I saw amber at the Melrose free market I was just like [ __ ] little girls can I get a picture Kash is joking about just on the subject of being nervous he was like quoting waka flocka but like as a nervous mm-hmm where I was crying like just like his first time on stage was of y'all waka flocka and uh break slide group of Brick Squad shake did jig this is my real story that need to go for it so uh my buddy was there Texas he's like yo I'm in the [ __ ] I'm not gonna like Doc's the dude cuz I you know whatever his money involved in this right there my friend won a bunch of money okay lots okay and so you know the hotel he was in was like oh this dude now is like a high rollers yeah gave him the best [ __ ] suite in the place no way place had a [ __ ] room had a butler dude it was crazy why he goes come for dinner it's all comped Wow and we're like all right like what game though what poker [ __ ] roulette really who's roulette yeah yeah and then he won a bunch playing high-limit slots - I think Wow - crazy so anyways he's like yeah come talk comps we go one of the best restaurants in Vegas yeah [ __ ] everything it was like every time they brought us something that was dope two more of those two more of those two more of those two more those two more two more drinks two more drinks - my bait drinking $25 cocktails over over over and over again we're eating duck with caviar on it we got about six plates of that [ __ ] Wow big baller [ __ ] at the end bill comes $0 couldn't [ __ ] believe it dude we 20 I think meal was 2,500 bucks I'm like that for free I've never eaten like that in my entire life yes surreal yes [ __ ] surreal this was like to be rich and to be [ __ ] has not care yeah yeah I think about that I was thinking of a sock and Jesus picture Drake watching Serena Williams tennis match and he's like holding like a cup of just like coffee or some [ __ ] and I'm like you know like me when I got would go buy coffee I'd make him just a mental back note Rises 5 bucks like I'm making a mental deduction from what I know is in my account right I'm 5 less whatever Drake probably has never had bet he hasn't had that thought in like six years yeah being like how much I don't think he even asks ya didn't get that it's more dislike yeah they did it and like when he walks into the Gucci store it's like that yes I'm saying yeah yeah spensive [ __ ] he just like imagine just imagine that for a second you like that line I feel like I took that line for granted from rappers being like I don't even look at the price I feel like this is some [ __ ] they say I really sat and thought about it just tells you I'm permanently stoned because I got all this from just looking at Drake holding coffee all these thoughts are occurring I'm just like this on Twitter thing no but uh like I just imagining walking up to anything and being like however many like yeah for ya it's funny cause like I like you know I kind of think there's like a tier system right and it's like you know you making whatever sixty eighty thousand dollars out of college or whatever at that point you're making that sort of salary you can look at coffee and be like alright I can definitely for that every time yeah every Buffy yeah free pretty much for me right now yeah free in the sense words like I don't don't worry about this purchase that's just what this exactly at the end of the week right now but like furniture and that you know yeah so salary range is kind of like well you know I'm gonna hit IKEA and I'm not gonna go crazy yeah you know cuz otherwise this is gonna do some serious damage or whatever levels out you know that yeah I'm saying it comes in tears right and then the next tier you get a promotion or whatever you're making over 100k whatever then it's like well I know I can afford the IKEA [ __ ] no problem right and I can go out to you nice meals and I can vacation no problem right but I'm like I'm not a car that's still a little bit you know I'm saying yeah yeah it hurts and I feel like no matter where you get there's always something that's gonna be like a little bit too expensive of course except for where Drake and like Justin Bieber you're at and like people that everything yep is like you're not gonna buy a mega yacht but like at that level it's like you can watch walk in a Gucci store and be like I'll get everything hmm and it's totally fine mhm and they still cuz like you know when you up at tier you start like not appreciating this [ __ ] yeah that you have but like Gucci will always be Gucci you doing yeah that makes sense yeah feel like I'm the one that's high right now no no no I get you well I just think about like billionaires and [ __ ] who just are so far removed from reality yeah and I see poor people crying like they must be like God yeah I don't [ __ ] care I think because I have so much money it's more like does illusion ya understand sadness I've not felt that in yeah years yeah I've never felt sadness yeah so yeah so let me get this straight you are mad cuz you can't afford things yeah so that means you can't there's a shortage of money that you have mmm how did you get there weird yeah I just you know I I have a plane and I just got here on my own so yeah not quite sure money isn't that just infinite I don't so you can't have whatever you want whenever you want it well that's all the time I have have to go to Ibiza that's all right that's how I feel like poor guys like look at like they're not rich guys like poor people like us we talk about like voting and laws and government [ __ ] that [ __ ] does not apply to them at all yeah well something with like Elena's sister's husband and he was just like rich guys are rich just cuz they evade they just don't pay taxes they just keep more of their money like that's all they do cuz they're like all shore bank accounts and [ __ ] just yeah they just know all these loopholes and that's why they can like pay people off cuz like well okay pass whatever [ __ ] [ __ ] bill would give me a loophole oh yeah you talk more like billionaires yeah yeah no they definitely do that [ __ ] yeah aren't the Khan brothers or whatever like some of the biggest lobbyists you're probably two rich guys they're probably highest valued private company I mean like Mitt Romney Hanyu Khan yeah Mitt Romney had like two mil in a [ __ ] in a in a retirement account mhm yeah what yeah anyway that's that's his politicals we're gonna get here have you ever been to Abeka up a biga yeah Oh nah but I definitely been to speak you've been to spec yeah yes begs sig just spag is is look that one that one's risky oh yeah wow this is the letter G geez I didn't know [ __ ] was it yeah was a slur this is the this is the most racist this is the unintentional slur episode yeah this is Pam slip my [ __ ] cog did what are the [ __ ] I actually I want to know if that's true if it all I want to know of any fan has ever said or experienced yeah you like that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it's a pretty bold one you know and just [ __ ] is such a [ __ ] sharp word yeah it's a conscious just it's yeah you know maybe that's why the English yeah [ __ ] Oh little [ __ ] no speaking of which what ripped England in the World Cup oh yeah a couple of things that are coming home yeah me mates me mum mum mum coming home the lads [Music] like a yo-yo sure pudding Yorkshire pudding yep Cadbury egg Cadbury eggs coming out why was mmm proper geezers mmm-hmm bit late half past seven my lads we got military said that yes all right yeah war war or yeah what was coming down the pub entire pub is coming home some something that's not coming home is um pins pins is coming home whose Pimm's Pimm's Cup oh right the drink all right yeah right cool mate given a laugh I'm just a bit a bit mental right now because I just I've just realized that it is not coming up oh it it why not we lost we lost it so it's not coming up oh no I'm gonna cry all I tweeted yesterday was mates and just tons of someone said someone commented on one of my videos if you [ __ ] didn't joke about it coming home it would have came home it's your fault it's your fault now we can go to England man we're gonna do that up say looking for reasons why on YouTube it is random this YouTube has soccer fans your fault dude yeah we weren't the only ones joking about it I mean I didn't don't kill me Croatia is is cheering right now yeah yeah bro rip England sorry guys a better luck next time so it's Croatia France yep well the fight oh no I think France is playing today oh they are I think I'm could be wrong about that I didn't really keep up with the World Cup this year just it was too man wasn't getting up at 6:00 a.m. to watch games man you have France beat Belgium Croatia yep France Quay show row Cup final friends friends Craig a gay pro gay guy that's Craig a gay gay gay gay yeah you had the when is the final that was like a week from now I was just rewatching that little Hannah stalking edit I made dude post that [ __ ] do it just tweet it oh this is please for the love of God it's so funny fart jokes are not juvenile dude they're funny they'll always be [ __ ] funny always dude farts will never not be funny [Laughter] that's a funny [ __ ] for the wet yeah not dry post that [ __ ] edit dude it's so good this one's like I don't even do that you know here oh damn bruh even to the doctor lately [ __ ] doctor was in that ass bro yeah she [ __ ] she [ __ ] finger my progress my broad state my hands people pay money listen this [ __ ] took that clip just that clip of yo that one was perfect wait [ __ ] did can we thought with the dobri brothers dobri yeah they'll break yeah I won't kill your action on it but that [ __ ] had me laughing yeah I dude nothing nothing quite inspires you know or motivates you out of depression than for youtubers with highlights just telling me to stop that yeah just talking so fun and then I go on their page and I watched her next video which is pranking mom or dad mmm they got pissed or some [ __ ] in the in the motor anthesis I didn't I was so confused I couldn't even tat like they are phenomenally bad at acting yeah to the point where it's like this is this a meta is better like am I getting pranked yeah by watching this because I think it's fake well they're like of course it's fake yeah it yeah I couldn't believe it like all right we're gonna prank my mom and dad and so there's a cop car like sitting in the trees by their driveway and so they invite their mom and dad over and they're like man I literally cannot do this justice I think I'm just gonna do a video on it because I yeah yeah it's ridiculous it's ridiculous yeah I've watched a few of their videos I was actually binging just like bad YouTube recently yeah have fun yeah but it it's just kind of wrestling it it is this thing I also find really funny though okay so two things I've got like a [ __ ] tangent but [ __ ] tangent those got I don't understand who thinks who finds them interesting yet I really don't like cuz like a seven or eight year old maybe but even then like I don't know why them over some other youtubers yeah I really don't get it cuz they're they can't act for [ __ ] and the ideas and videos they put out are just like very I don't know like they're not I mean man I don't I mean I don't mean to rip into these kids right now but they're like not charismatic you know that's what I'm saying I'm not particularly good-looking yeah it's just like there's nothing like notable yeah so what is it yeah maybe it's that they're just so painfully weirdly bad at it that this advertising it's hypnotizing you know maybe that's a train wreck yeah I don't get it I don't get like the whole like four brothers gymnastics aspect yeah why don't you guys just start a circus that's a weird circus yeah then I be I'd said I'd turn on notifications for that dobri Brothers Circus Toby Brothers circus on the road traveling around and like a train made of cars like made of I don't know I don't know I'm going with that I mean dude they're [ __ ] like so one thing in this video is that they made it like they Park to all their cars in their driveway Yeah right just like because they have a garage you know all there and there's like a G Wagon there's like a [ __ ] like Ferrari there's like a Maserati likes a G's mess make other baby Bank yeah [ __ ] dude but they like the Midwest or something I think so I don't know the house was huge yeah and I mean the giant yard and they lived in the team ten house for a minute then they left no that was the wasn't that the Spanish ones owes them to okay but they were like oh these twins I mean you know Jake Paul is just looking for looking for his twins yeah his ethnic twins yet yeah you know no one other than vaguely Mexicans have lived in his house for vaguely Hispanic that's all that's ever lived in his house that's as far as he's willing to go did you see the posters oh what the [ __ ] was that man yo he does pedo [ __ ] man yeah that's some pet oh [ __ ] it's just weird like that's it's not as pet Oh like to pet like to sell a shirtless image of you to children you know what it is you know what it is no Sara is that he's a pedophile I'm getting but no nope no see see see here after a lot of research you're the conclusion don't - yeah he's a pedophile no it's that he he deep inside he wants to have older fans he wants to have a real fan base okay of people his own age in his own peers that respect what he does and respect how much money he's made and I respect him as a creator but he doesn't nobody respects him yeah young people respect him yeah five-year-olds and six-year-olds and whatever yeah we don't even know where respect is it's like I love this guy that's super loud yeah so he does [ __ ] in the same vein that someone who has a fan base his own age would do right thinks he's a sex symbol that's true if he thinks he's a sex symbol so he's selling these posters of him shirtless with his girlfriend yeah he's at boxers yeah black and white picture it's like a Mark Wahlberg type [ __ ] and it's like dude who's buying this man you're gonna marketing this to six-year-olds they don't need to see this [ __ ] in your fans are 10 that's their age is 10 to imagine a 12 year old like stealing their mom's credit card yeah to order that [ __ ] poster and then their mom just walks in the room one day and they're just like yo what this is like this is the only piece on the wall is Jay Paul is Jerrica just [ __ ] each other take it off paper center second thought straight to the paper shredder paper shredder yeah paper sugar paper shagger do the paper shredder tricky the pay course record dammit what an idiot man and me still selling them right yeah and fan joy actually makes them so I did that tweet that that's what Matt or Mike Jesus [ __ ] Christ now I'm having a kid them I get their names mixed up all the time our boys yeah our boys that's what he was like yo that T was funny no sorry yes that make them I mean they're just fulfilling it yeah exactly creative exactly he does the yeah he sent that picture in first year Mike and white already I'm just imagining their designers being like yeah like cool yeah I'm not gonna edit this one it's alright like I think we could maybe put some clothes on him and inversions back with clothes yeah so we thought it'd be really nice if you put you both in jumpsuits cover you up a little bit like a fully clothed the stylistic thing don't worry about it it's just more in because no one who everyone is gonna buy this poster can't ride a roller coaster alone yeah so we just want you to keep that in mind still want your dick out okay got it um sure we'll put the great yep look at sued yeah my parents the other thing I was gonna bring up was I love when oh man this is my favorite when when someone gets like a top-voted video on reddit and it always has the word annihilates in the title you know this rapper annihilates all of hip-hop yeah now annihilate that's so-and-so annihilates feminists yeah or or no no no it's never that that's never top vote I guess that's never on reddit no yeah yeah or she that she I watched one [ __ ] Jordan Pederson interview on how three or whatever and now every single video on yeah you know it's just it's always like some like just talking head like pundit person and you're gonna be Peterson be like well but don't be poor actually know the one have you ever watched a Stephen Crowder video no you ever see that full yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] prove me wrong or whatever or change my mind that's what he'll be like he'll just go out and be like I'm pro-life change my mind yeah yabba giant sign that [ __ ] is crazy I gotta be honest those are really fun to watch oh sure like he's a really annoying person and and you know obviously it's you know he's got these pretty like polarize controversial yeah yeah for sure it's polar but he'll just sit down on a college campus which is the best place to just the most triggering place and that's it yeah and just just with a sign that says like [ __ ] there's two genders change my mind people are walking by just crazy like no matter what you think like just watching that [ __ ] of him like debating someone that's entertaining yeah it's really funny but even then entertaining so time for the other day is like youtuber from Hong Kong annihilates rice gum like this like this is ten minute video of this dude who like translates English content I guess and I don't know it's like regular Mandarin or whatever so that like people in China can kind of like get a feel and understand like you know just American content I guess or English contents not have to be American and so this this guy's not a video editor and it's just this weird he puts this weird epic like like like I mean epic in the sense of like well like it's like the music from [ __ ] the Odyssey it's like or like gladiator the entire time like he's talking [ __ ] about rice gum doing this weird reaction video and it's just like do you think we don't undertand then it cuts to rice gum and it's just edited real shittily and I'm like alright basically this point is like rice gum you're an idiot you only pick on older people and why don't you come back to China and I'll translate all those things you said to people your age and and regular adults and let's see if they respond the same way which I thought was great yeah but what I loved is in the comments are all these people who are like well I just don't understand how anyone is into this content I mean does all these like it's like all this bitching and I'm like yeah you don't get it because you've never been cool like it's just this thread of people who are like well I'm a nerd and I just don't understand why other people are into this thing and the magic the gathering and like they're just going off I'm like right you don't get it cuz you [ __ ] hung out with three people and you were afraid to talk to other people in real life later post on a forum at 35 talking [ __ ] about rice gum that's where you're 30 starting a podcast talking [ __ ] about rice yeah exactly exactly but even nerd and yeah I don't know I just think it's funny to see these guys who are like teachers and chemical engineers and stuff like break down YouTube and it's like not man you just you've had sex three times yeah like or with one person like that's why you don't get a thing yeah so I don't know it's not like having sex with a more people would make you like rice gum but it's like it's like yeah but like you know I just didn't you maybe hit the Gucci store correlation yeah that's like a dumbest [ __ ] I've said so far but I just mean it like I don't know that it I think it's easy to get why kids like them yeah I don't think it's that mind-blowing that people like rice gum or they like Jake Paul although we just we're saying no the twins I don't get it Jake Paul is very easily out he's annoying kids love that [ __ ] right scum same thing rice gum has a personality of it like overactive furniture salesman that look that was those accurate [ __ ] everybody said that I was like dude totally man he I like imagine when the camera turns off with the rice gum he's still talking like his videographer is like a were done yeah we'll just kill I can't stop like he didn't do he didn't used to do that [ __ ] yeah that's what I know he didn't like when it went you know what yeah it's true he has older videos he was really subdued that's what I remember like it was it just kind of seemed like he was being him right yeah yeah and now he's now he's got he's adopted this really weird [ __ ] on loud like does that his fingers are like yeah permanently you guys do like Raptor claws got some new [ __ ] marine gucchi he's like just watch he's on he's in San Francisco I he said that they said the mansion of someone oh the guy the CEO of monster hell yeah monster headphones monster cables or whatever right it I think that's what it was it wasn't that commercial he did for them for the Super Bowls I don't remember he was at the he's at that guy's house he's on in his backyard giant [ __ ] sick view whatever insig dude's got like six Gucci bags on hilly like he's wearing a Gucci backpack he's got a Gucci satchel and then like a Gucci like travel bag he's like an you know I got a Gucci on you know I had a Gucci on you know I got a doozy anima you know get a good you know a state I go chew on you I stay bye-bye good I got a drink got a good you got the hood you got a Gucci on dude yeah 12-year olds don't give a [ __ ] about that no no what are you doing yeah that's foot dude it's oh I watched his most recent one where he's like bragging about like his new house and he was moving out of the cloud house yeah that's the one yeah I watch what really yeah I don't think it was the same one maybe as the back no no cuz he's just like you know I gotta [ __ ] move out of here cuz I'm like sick it's like this completely you know manufactured thing yeah and I what he's where I give him credit he's he's really good at slipping in [ __ ] cuz he goes like I'm gonna do a video on [ __ ] face you know Fahy doing this yet I told him I make this video you said he might sue me or some [ __ ] but I don't give a [ __ ] like he just he's really good at like slipping and just like a little thing that like that as a kid you're like wait what yeah and you'll click that next one like if you're 16 you cuz you you don't really get yeah you know thanks yeah I mean I think the fact that we're talking about it means he's not good at it not very clear that it's like up to us but I mean for kids for kids I feel like that's like yeah he's good at like stringing him along yeah yeah maybe yeah I mean it's also a little bit part like wrestling you know I mean yeah you're Willett like it kids like willing to suspend yeah yeah - let the timeline unfold yeah that I get yeah yeah I can see he's like you're really struggling to like give them a little prop no no that I I just how do I even start talking about this cuz uh we don't the reddit thing the reddit thing yeah yeah yeah yeah I just to me I understand why kids used to think he was cool now I'm kind of like sure I honestly I'm kind of with these nerds I don't get it yeah I like hims especially it's like what is there to like now I think not endearing at all I think it's the come-up aspect like you know maybe that's the dobre brothers thing to it where it's like oh he used to be a dude just like on Twitch and he like do diss tracks and stuff now he's got a platinum record he was Gucci all the time I was this big mansion yeah [ __ ] you I've been watching rice come since whatever yeah maybe it's that yeah probably there you go problem solved bum there we go that's it racism solved on this episode rice them solved in this episode [ __ ] shame dude I don't know I kind of feel badly I'm not trying to go hard on like reddit users but I just feel like there's so many threads we're like they're talking [ __ ] about stuff that they just don't get it's like so obvious that like I mean they state it they they say I don't understand but it's funny to watch them like create all these opinions and ideas about like how being a like and it's just like so obvious let me just say that just just just end it at the first sentence I don't get it period yeah yeah so that yeah I feel that do you feel that I think that a fig that I feed that for sure fig that did I got the hoggish egg dude I'm [ __ ] the hog his girl right now sorting sorted oh dude one one cake I want to shout out the dude came up to me Trader Joe's the other day the boy the boy yeah and he was like dude I was just listening to your podcast in the car and I had my windows open and basically basically everybody said it was basically like yeah like like we said something embarrassing or some [ __ ] he's like people are looking at people looking at me like this he's like yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah that's great hearing that I got a few dm's like if you guys do the porn thing again I'm gonna have to unsub like [ __ ] you guys do it [ __ ] yeah and then you know I'm walking down the street this guy [ __ ] walks he pushes he pushes me I'm like whoa and he's like you [ __ ] shite I'm gonna okay oh you're like good [ __ ] call give me the Lucky Charms I'm gonna spin me lucky charms hold on your [ __ ] face there you go there you go Oh foot [ __ ] a [ __ ] dude this one was a roller coaster that's fun yeah yeah good ass time maybe that's cuz we got the brand new merch or any merch enjoy co / TMG baby pop you will he get you o end up for the fifth for the for the highest for though I think I'm actually developing a speech impediment it's crazy I have it to the fullest I think I actually have like a small stutter now no I guys I do it in public in them I'm not self-conscious about it though it's more of just like a like a synapse isn't playin and I'm like yeah can I get it can I get that whatever yeah that's me yeah and my cut weird my coping mechanism is just say yep but half the time I'm just saying that to like get my brain working yeah yep yep it's it's on it's on I'm on I'm on my screens frozen my screens frozen screens frozen I have a vanilla iced latte thank you we got a lot of [ __ ] videos we gotta edit a lot of frigging is that no quick house clean so some of you hit me about posters that didn't arrive it's the data was split up so I'm just if you didn't get one let me know and I'll [ __ ] send it out if I didn't send it out again saying it out I'm [ __ ] sing singing it out that's one to talk to your patreon errs you are finally getting the goddamn merch now that it's here so I sent out a DM to you also if you are and you don't read your patrons go read that [ __ ] send me your size and your address your social security number favorite dog mom's date of birth first pet's name or pets in the street you grew up on yeah just basic stuff this really all that info yeah and no for real sighs address and the mers gonna get sent out hot and ready like a Little Caesars Pizza it's gonna show up hot hot like Worley harm like how the [ __ ] it's gonna be wrapped in foil yeah yeah you're gonna be frito like a breakfast burrito yeah you know what we need to put in the fridge for a second mm-hmm yeah you have to handle that [ __ ] with oven mitts yeah this is mercy steaming hot you know god forbid we shipped a mixtape with it no because then we'd be the next Unabomber yeah yeah yeah kind of that [ __ ] is there anything a chemical fragile or flammable in here yes track seven hello wait can I say one last thing yeah you know that do VI seconds yeah people swear that he listened to our podcast and like jacked like a bit from us no way did it yeah what is it cuz he basically quoted the whole thing we were talking about like Russ being at someone's funeral yeah being like yo I wrote some perfect [ __ ] fit at track seven he liked the snippets are very like he says like tracks yeah so like I SAT becomes the biter yeah it like it's like it it it's an old tweet but people still send it to me like yo he definitely ripped this from you guys damn yeah yeah the other thing about VI seconds Twitter is the more I look at it I'm like you kind of got like pill free hands like with jokes and stuff like he like definitely like Jax premises and then just like re words other funny [ __ ] to make it his yeah so funny man Tory Lanez did that same [ __ ] to him and yeah he's doing it yeah Tory light tory lanez is like grabs him the club I'm just doing to you what you've done to everyone else teach you a lesson learn this son have you seen toilet punch in that fan have you seen toy lines hair line I didn't watch that video I cannot watch it like that like makes me cringe to a while it's so it's so corny did you see his hair line and he bought swear to god dude stop it swear to god where he got plugs or something yeah how far did he get it but it's like I mean it's like normal but it like it now it doesn't look like he's bald it looks like he's balding again it looks like he's in the bad part man like where he hasn't accepted it and it I mean it probably cost him like however much more 50k probably said yeah why does like top 3 rich things to buy a chain Gucci a hair line I know yeah I just copped the new hair line home that should be one of our new tracks has caught me a new hair line this cover you Airlines that's great y'all got my [ __ ] to the front 45 but I'm finna stunt uh-huh yeah it's growing down yeah yeah my [ __ ] to my eyebrows down to your mustache get a zero head video bro just turned the camera and it's just what go right above your eyebrows that's what we do that beat that I made yeah just zero for hit you dig all right guys yeah I want to thank Skillshare one more time I have the first 500 people to sign up will receive a two month free trial go to sk l sh / t mg to start your trial right now you know appreciate you guys thank them for listening peace
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 407,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comedy, satire, cody ko, noel miller
Id: AkiXdiYRzi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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