episode 3

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Acceptable-College58 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hell yeah.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Creepy_Doge_413 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome back to my second channel this is my second channel where i like to get a little bit goofier a little bit wackier a little bit unscripted and to be honest a little bit silly also on this channel i like to drink la croix today i've got a nice refreshing lemon okay that's not gonna work i'll just open it the normal way um hell yeah dude oh [ __ ] i got lacroix all over my laptop hell yeah so this is a continuation of the episode series i have i started this series five months ago i believe and have only filmed two videos so far but i'm back at it i'm gonna be finishing up the episode story a youtuber's reality today just a quick reminder if you don't remember what's going on in the story our name is mia we are sort of a high schooler but sort of an old lady we're trying to become a successful youtuber there's also this love intro skyler we've posted a couple of videos that have gotten like a decent amount of views so far but we haven't really made it big yet i don't think right now there's only two chapters left of this episode story so i think that we can get through it in this video and finish the whole thing off also i would like to address there's actually been some drama surrounding this series i know i know what you're thinking it's just a video about episode how could there be drama but in the last episode the creator of this episode said that if i said that if you follow her on instagram and dm her you can get into her story and she would put you in but this story i think was made like many many years ago and since then her account has been deleted but a ton of people made fake instagram profiles just to get followers and a ton of them have been like dming me like hey danny it's me chloe i'm the person who made the instagram story and uh you know what none of them are her okay and you know how i know because i'm not in the story still she has not added anything to the story not only has she not added me she hasn't added anything she's added nothing to the story because the story was made years ago and the real chloe this vanished she's disappeared no one knows where she is all right well without further ado let's get into it episode 7 out of 8. we're getting to the end of this story guys hopefully we end up extremely famous on youtube otherwise this is going to be wildly underwhelming skyler if i knew we were coming to the beach i would have brought my swimmers i just wanted to watch the sunset with you it's beautiful just like you ah thanks you're beautiful too oh gosh why did i say that what i meant to say was i think you're pretty great well thanks mia skylar can i ask you something go for it why me you're literally the most popular guy in our year why did you go for me i'm just average also i'm i look really old then again so does he so maybe they're a good match trust me mia you're not average you're so beautiful you're not like leah and those girls skylar puts his hand around my waist and pulls me in he looks at me with his piercing eyes his eyes pierce me his eyes shoot out of his sockets and through the back of my skull sick he leans in and kisses me on the lips hungry that seems like a weird thing to ask right after you kiss someone yeah i'm [ __ ] starving you want something to eat uh yeah well let's head to our next location shall we did that really just happen wow this is getting pretty romantic guys skyler gave us a big kiss now we're at some rooftop restaurant it looks like oh wow this is amazing skyler it is pretty great here does he come here often he did seem to know his way around pretty well the way he walked into frame and stood by the railing maybe he comes here often he knew there was a railing here skyler i need to talk to you about something shoot you know leah yes what about leah she has some sort of dirt she's going to use against me what type of dirt i can't tell you but she's going to tell the whole school if i continue to hang around you i think i know what the dirt is what your youtube channel i think it's great oh [ __ ] skyler's a fan of my youtube channel so he's been watching my videos all along maybe he's been like all of my thousand views it's just skyler watching my videos over and over oh she's so [ __ ] beautiful ah i want to kiss her and then eat oh my gosh this is embarrassing why you're good at talking to the camera you're not awkward or anything in my eyes it's actually a pretty good talent i would never have the guts you don't understand how happy i am right now i feel like this massive weight has just been lifted from me oh mia you [ __ ] idiot skyler lifts me up playfully and gives me a kiss on the cheek ah damn i wish i could have seen that happen why did it just cut to a table when that happened i want to see skyler kiss her how come i never show skyler kissing mia i want to see that [ __ ] oh and now it cuts back i thought they were going to walk over to the table and sit down and that's why i was like cutting over there but no it's just like and suddenly mia gets kissed but you can't see it that'd be like if i was like uh and now i'm just gonna balance 10 bowling balls on my head real quick and i'm also jumping up and down on one leg and twerking and now i'm done damn that was crazy but skyler what about when the rest of the school finds out about my channel honestly mia at some point you're gonna have to stop being so insecure about being a youtuber either you want to be one or you don't like if you think you're good at making youtube videos just make them and no one will care you know i don't care what anyone else thinks you're gonna have to get over that eventually who really cares it's got nothing to do with that thank you skyler you know what schuyler seems like a good guy he seems like a real ride-or-die he's got great advice for mia i think he's really good for her i guess you're right buzz buzz oh no here come the murder hornets oh it's just it's her phone my mom just messaged me i better head off i don't know why she's like holding her phone like this for her mom texting her oh i just got a text from my mom let me read it with my ear she holds it up to her head and a little eyeball comes out of her ear wow she says i'm adopted text me for sure and you can read it with your eyeball let me drive you home skyler gives me a kiss on the lips and then drives off again i really wish i could you know see some of this action that's happening instead of just looking at mia's house i bet they're kissing just right here if they could just pan the camera over two inches we could just get a look at that get a look at those smooches hey mum hey sweetie how was your date it was amazing that's great hon yeah i'm so tired i'll see you tomorrow wait mia yes i realized i haven't really been here for you since your dad passed away i haven't really been a hundred percent whoa did we know that did that was that something they talked about in a previous video her dad died did that like happen in between these episodes or something i don't think maybe i forget because the last one of these videos i filmed was like four months ago but i don't remember them ever talking about that before it seems like kind of a weird thing to just spring on us in the second to last episode i haven't been here for you i feel like we've lost our bond it's fine mom i understand it's been tough on both of us i just want you to know i'm here for you if i ever lost you there would be no point in even living mom it's fine trust me she's like whoa okay getting like really sad there for some reason it's fine do you don't don't do that you're making it awkward no seriously mia if something ever happened to you i don't know what i do yeah okay i get it ma chill out dude you're making everybody sad you're not going to lose me i love you dearly mia i love you too mum it's also great to know that i'm making people happy with the videos i made i like that when she said that she got kind of angry and put her finger up like this it's also kind of nice making people happy that's one of my favorite things to do well that's great thank you mom it means a lot to me that i have your support in this you'd better get to bed sweetie you have school tomorrow ugh don't remind me what will leah do when she finds out about skyler and mia's date find out next time on a youtuber's reality i feel like maybe i picked the wrong episode story because one this is like super old apparently but also like nothing happens in each episode they just like went to a restaurant kiss went home kissed and mia's mom was like your dead dad is dead and uh i haven't been there for you i don't know i just i didn't really feel like much happened there it didn't didn't move the story along much in fact it presented new plot points which i don't really know if we can get that much further into if there's only one episode left also i just want to see him kiss is that too much to ask hey guys welcome back to a youtuber's reality the episodes are going to start getting longer from now on oh no dude this is a disaster this is the last episode of the series and the creator is saying don't worry guys trust me the episodes are gonna start getting a lot longer from now on i gotta be honest fam i don't think they are oh no what happened to this poor girl every time she starts an episode she's like guys this one's gonna be longer i promise okay and then at the end of it she's like oh guys i forgot oh please forgive me i forgot to make it longer ugh i'm so tired i better get ready i hate this uniform okay she's going off to school i guess i thought she was going to bed still i was confused when she said oh i'm so tired and then got into her school uniform now that i'm in a full suit time to go to bed mia arrives at school there's grace what should i do ooh keep walking or say something you know what honestly screw it it's the last episode we're gonna go crazy in this one i'm just gonna say keep walking mia's basically famous on youtube now i'm gonna have her pull a full 180 not loyal anymore just walk right past her best friend mia guys mia mia uh yes i'm honestly so sorry i don't know what got into me okay the same thing would have happened if i just pressed talk to her i just like started to walk past her and then we still had the conversation anyway i think i was just jealous because you've got skyler fans etc i don't know if i've ever heard anyone say etc out loud before that's a funny thing to do when you're speaking out loud you usually only see it written somewhere you've got skylar fans dot dot dot and so on i'm sorry too grace i should not have been so caught up in my own stuff i didn't even ask how you were it's fine i'm just glad we're friends again how did your day go well mia tells grace everything that went on during the date we kissed twice but you can't see she also tells her what leah said to her are you serious leah threatened you just it's fine skyler knows that's all i care about wait jess is this girl's name jess i could have sworn her name was grace just now like before when we just saw her hasn't it been grace this entire time or am i crazy why is she jess all of a sudden that's so weird this whole series has just like gone off the rails every time there's like some new weird thing going on with the person making this it just does not make any sense she can't get away with this okay yeah her name is grace who's jess honestly maybe mia's going kind of hollywood on her she's like forgetting her own best friend's name yeah whatever uh jess or frank whatever your name is she can't get away with this there's nothing we can do about it oh really meet me in the girls locker room second period jess what are you thinking i don't remember if mia has ever referred to grace as grace before maybe mia doesn't know grace's name my freshman year at college there was a kid that lived on the same dorm floor as me and he called me daniel every time he saw me but i like didn't realize he was calling me daniel until like i'd already known him for months so at that point i was like [ __ ] i can't correct him now so i just let him call me daniel forever i mean daniel is my full name but like everybody else called me danny and he just called me daniel because i was too awkward to correct him maybe that's what's going on here but to a more extreme extent you'll find out ring ring ring gotta run meet me this is not going to end well what are they gonna do in the girls locker room they just like meet her in there alone and beat the [ __ ] out of her hey babe ooh skyler looking good in that uniform dude oh hey skyler did he just call me babe uh i think i'm gonna faint what are you doing after school you oh jesus wow okay this is getting a little bit forward what are you doing after school i'm gonna uh nothing come over i'll see you at lunch skyler leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek this time they just went to a black screen they couldn't even figure out something else to show during this part just blackness the creator of this story is like okay now cover your eyes and they're kissing now and off he goes i'm confused are we dating all right period two girls locker rooms let's see what's gonna happen so why are we here grace holds up a bottle of hair remover what are we gonna do with that oh my god whatever this is i don't know if it's worth it guys this might be a crime grace this is terrible let's do it oh no it's done now hurry let's go i wonder what they did did they put it in the like the shampoo or something and if so how do they know that only leah is going to use the shampoo a few moments later you honestly did so terrible today no ugh i need a shower and off she goes past the toilets shower time that's what i say every time i'm about to get in the shower i walk into the bathroom shower time leah showers what the hell why does my hair smell like nair would you believe that it's because there's nair in it also how did you not notice that when you were putting it in your hair she's already out she's dressed again in her same sweaty uniform that she was just in oh my god who is trying to sabotage me okay now she's changed again wait she's but she's still got her hair i'm confu did it do anything i thought she was gonna come back in and be bald mia uh uh-oh this is not good okay i do feel like a climax of sorts is coming on so i'm glad that things are actually happening in this episode this is probably the best one yet unless it ends right now hey hey babe there it is again she looks like mad about it why the [ __ ] does he keep calling me that what does that mean i'm not a baby dude i'm not babe ruth famous baseball player babe ruth why does he call me that mia leah says that she points past mia did you do this do what she's still got hair leah holds up a bottle of hair remover um no mia did you whoa skyler okay i take back what i said about this dude being loyal leah just accuses her with no evidence and skyler's like wait a minute babe if that is even your real name it was you wasn't it wow skyler not cool you just lost a lot of respect from this guy yes wow fair enough what leah did to you was unfair but seriously wait i don't understand is he mad or not wow fair enough what leah did to you was unfair but seriously leah is standing there with a smirk on her face i uh i have to go i'm sorry skyler she is horrible oh shut up leah oh [ __ ] what what i i don't understand what skyler is feeling about all this is he mad at us is he mad at leah is he just like pissed at the world i just hate everyone now [ __ ] you leah and mia and [ __ ] me too while i'm at it ring ring hello hey it's skyler oh hi skyler look i'm sorry i totally overreacted it's fine skyler it was low of me to even think of something like that even though it was grace yeah that's true it wasn't even her idea it was our idiot friend jess it's fine i saw your videos you're really starting to get views yeah i guess wow famous and humble that's pretty cool still want to come over sure i'll be over in 15. cool see you then a short drive later i pull up at a massive penthouse whoa is skyler like rich whoa okay maybe i take back what i said about him losing my respect before is he rich okay she's got the same question as i do hey i'm here let me in this is beautiful skylar it's pretty neat i guess wow he's humble too actually that sort of just comes off as more like spoiled like if you have a really nice house and you're like yeah i don't know it's not really my taste then that's kind of just douchey skylar begins to kiss me i wish i could believe you sweetheart but unfortunately i don't know if i can he pushes me onto the lounge and kisses my neck oh my god what is happening what what's going on in this story is his parents home they're in high school right is this his apartment does this high schooler have his own luxury apart what is going on i push him off okay uh skyler your parents i live on my own what i live on my own is this dude like 30. i'm worried now is he how old is this guy why does he have such a nice apartment oh okay yeah that's that makes sense what are you 16 and you live by yourself in a million dollar penthouse oh do you want to continue well so the options are hells yeah and let's put on a movie i kind of feel like either one i pick it's gonna end up with us making out again so let's just say hells yeah skylar and mia continue guys i feel so awkward writing about this sort of stuff i think you know what i'm getting at though oh the poor writer of this story dude it's so funny she she just keeps writing herself into corners and committing to something and then being like oh guys i can every time she's like these episodes are going to be longer oops i can't i can't do the thing i said i was going to do even though no one asked me to say that and now she like wrote her way into a romance scene and then was like oh but i hate romance skyler i have to ask you something okay they're in a different room now they made out so hard they ended up in a totally different place this doesn't even look like the same decor as this as the other room are they in a different house now go for it are we dating uh what will skyler's response be find out next time on ayr no also guys please check out my other story at camp affair you know what honestly chloe i don't think i will you have finished reading all available episodes come on dude what wow okay well there you have it guys a youtuber's reality is it accurate to my reality as a youtuber honestly yeah i don't mean to brag but this is pretty much exactly what i go through as a youtuber you know what props to chloe for making such a detailed in-depth analysis of a youtuber's reality thank you for the the beautiful writing the amazing story the deep characters that you clearly put a lot of thought into and didn't keep forgetting their names and yeah all in all i had a great time let me know if you guys want me to play another episode or something or or maybe a different game i liked this because it was kind of a series it was fun to check back in even though there will only be three of these videos but i was it was fun i like doing it so if you want me to play a different game or another episode story just let me know down in those comments down below and guys now it's time to talk about today's sponsor ridge wallet guys i've been carrying my ridge wallet for a while now and i am quite frankly a fan it's light it's sleek it's got a cool industrial look to it it doesn't fold and it doesn't bulge awkwardly in your pocket and it's also designed to fit in your front pocket not your back pocket these days the vast majority of people are still using wallets that were like designed in the 90s with that either like trifold design or single fold it's like a big beefy hunk of leather that you just stick like everything you own it this is my ridge wallet i've got the forged carbon i believe it's called it's designed to hold up to 12 cards plus room for cash as you can see i've got my cash folded in the back here in this cash strap these coming over 30 colors this one is my favorite but they've got like carbon fiber titanium a bunch of cool stuff they're all very industrial looking i think they're pretty tight they're durable plus they come with a lifetime warranty which means you could buy one of these things and not have to buy a wallet for the rest of your life and the ridge team is actually so confident you'll love it that they'll actually let you test drive one for 45 days and let you send it back for a full refund if you don't completely love it but don't just take my word for it and don't take their word for it you can check out their over 30 000 5 star reviews and you can take their word for it so find out how you can get 10 off today plus free worldwide shipping and returns by going to ridge.com danny g that's ridge.com danny g and using my code danny g that's ridge.com danny g and the link will be in the description thank you to rich for sponsoring this video this is legitimately my wallet that i carry around every day it goes in my front pocket not my back pocket i've kind of heard that putting wallets in your back pocket is bad for your posture anyway so i'm glad that i have a front pocket wallet so thank you to rich for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for checking out ridge they're a great product great company great people i've never met any of them but i'm sure they're great all right well bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 1,135,928
Rating: 4.9868464 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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