Ranking My Lookalikes

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hello welcome back to my second channel thank you so much for joining us I'm so happy that you're back here at my second channel if you just stumbled upon this video and you thought it was on my main channel it's not this is my second channel this is where we like to get a little bit goofier so if you're just finding this channel for the first time go ahead and subscribe and just see what happens the last video I posted did really well I think it looks like 800,000 views which is pretty good for a second channel so we're gonna keep that going with another garbage video today I don't think I've ever made a video about the obscene amount of doppelgangers that I seem to have it seems like every day someone tweets me a picture of someone that they say looks like me and usually it's just a picture of a person with a big nose that looks nothing like me but sometimes I get tweeted pictures of people that look eerily similar to me and it's gotten to a point where I now have like a huge thread on Twitter every time I get one that I think is pretty good I add it to this thread and even though I have that thread on Twitter I've never actually made a video about it and I've never actually ranked them so that's what I'm gonna do today I've seen a lot of videos of people doing like tier lists of different things so I thought it'd be kind of fun to do a tier list of my doppelganger so I've got them all loaded up here I've got my screen recording and we're just gonna go through them and we're gonna figure out why are there so many people that look like me and why are most of them women okay the first one I got here someone sent me this awhile ago and they said that they got their car repaired and I didn't really think this one was that good but the person who sent me this I think said that the mechanic's name was Greg and I think that that's a pretty cool coincidence that this person looks vaguely like me and his name is Greg he's got kind of the nose oh he's kind of got the nose he's kind of got the hair but it just doesn't all come together just right so I'm gonna put this bad boy in oh what did I do I'm not gonna screen recording I'm gonna put this bad boy in see tear it's like not a great doppelganger if I'm being honest but it's it's kind of impressive that his name is Greg this next one I think this one is pretty good in fact when I tweeted this a lot of people were like that's just you when you were younger this looks more like me now than it looks like me when I was younger but I still think it's pretty good I feel like this is a sea tear also yeah see tear this one's a good one this is someone's history textbook this dude Carlos he sent this to me on Instagram this is Lord Byron presumably royalty of some sort I think he looks a lot like me like if you don't show the hair at all I I think that looks pretty similar to me and I'll be real I like the fact that he's like royalty or at least his name is Lord Byron I'm gonna put that in a tear actually I quite like me some Lord Byron okay so yeah this one is not so good this is a picture of a woman okay this woman this woman's got like she's got the brown hair she's got maybe the eyes and the nose and maybe the lips and I'm realizing I'm describing the whole face no no there's just something about it like everything is just a little bit off which makes the whole thing a lot off it was good enough to go in the doppelgangers list but I don't really think it's like that good so she is gonna go oops I squished her okay I'll just squish it down this way she's gonna go in D tier maybe even eat here uh-oh what's coming up next it's another woman it's kind of interesting to see like where where these come from like where people find these this one is like it's like a poster for a military school yeah West Point that's I'm pretty sure that's a military school so the face we're looking at is right here if you couldn't tell and as much as I hate to admit it I think that this looks a lot like me I think her face is a little bit more round but like if you just look at like the eyes and the nose and the lips it is it is concerning how much this looks like me so like am i upset that it's a woman yes but am I still going to put her in beats here yeah I am she's gonna get squished right in to beat here okay this one I'm not I'm not really sure what this is it's from some Instagram account someone clearly sent this to me yeah I don't know it looks like me kind of but it also looks a little bit too old to be me and we all know that I will never look old because I've looked 12 for my entire life I'm gonna toss this bad boy in to see tear there he goes he's going sideways I don't know I don't think this one's that great for one my hair is not even that dark I don't think maybe it is is it no I don't think it's quite that dark you know it's weird as my hair used to be blonde and sometimes I still think that my hair is blonde when it's very clearly like pretty dark brown and so I say like no I've got blonde hair and then I remember that I don't I'm gonna put this in dt r I don't think this looks like me this looks like it came from an old yearbook or something it is very blue I don't know why the whole picture is blue maybe this was taken like in between when they invented black-and-white pictures and when they invented color pictures like they just had one color at once and it was blue I don't think that's true I would say this face looks pretty similar to mine like if I made this fate like this squinting face yeah I could see this I'm gonna put it in a tear honestly I've been pent mmm it's another lady and if I'm being honest I think that this looks a lot like me and I also think that this lady is really pretty so I I don't know how to feel about that I think this could go in like a or B tear maybe B tear it's not quite a tear is it conceited of me to think that this woman who happens to look a lot like me is really pretty yeah probably yeah probably is conceited she's gonna go in the beach here I consider putting it in the a tear but I don't like how confused it makes me so I'm putting it in the B tears okay this is a picture from some TV show or movie I think I've gotten this sentiment must be from something fairly popular and I think that the amount of times it's been sent to me speaks to how much it looks like me this really does look like it could have been me when I was younger in fact I did kind of look like this when I was younger cuz I had I kind of went with the long hair if you didn't know what I look like when I was younger this you could this could easily passes me like I would almost put it in s tear honestly but it doesn't look like me now so I'm gonna put it in a tear it could go in s but it's too young of a face to be your boy young face next up we got this headphone ad that was I believe in the London subway I can understand why people think this looks like me but when you look close up it actually doesn't look anything like me and it's also like a pretty small picture of a face I think it's just sort of like a nondescript white dude with brown hair and I wouldn't be surprised a lot of other nondescript white dudes with brown hair also got people sending them this picture to be quite honest this has got it this has got to go in the FT I don't like putting things in F tier I especially don't like the fact that there are a lot of women that are higher up on the tier list than this but you know what sometimes we got to make the tough calls okay this is a fun one this is a fun one because this actually was not sent to me I actually found this this picture is at a bar called Muldoon's which recently closed it doesn't exist anymore but it was in the town that I grew up in and I thought this guy looked kind of like me and I think I might have been a little bit tipsy at the time because he kind of doesn't off of just the face alone I'm I put it in like each ear but because I found it and it would hurt my pride to put it so low I'm gonna put it in D tier and you might think that that's not allowed but it is because it's my tier list and I'm allowed to do whatever I want all right here comes the sad Prince guy I don't know what this is from I don't know who this guy is and I also don't think it really looks like me it's gonna go in the D tier it would go in the F tier if I didn't think it wasn't such a silly Pig I think what we're coming to find out while doing this tier list is that how much it looks like me is only a little bit important and what's really important is whether I like the picture or not so this is an interesting one this looks like a picture in a health book or something it says active listening promotes and protects health and healthful relationships and someone circled the nose and wrote danny gonzalez in it i don't know if it's the person who sent me this picture or if like the person who sent me this picture opened the book and it was already like this either way I think that's pretty funny that that's just in this health textbook from now on forever but I don't really think it looks that much like me I can see the nose I can see why they circled it but I the rest of the face doesn't really look that much like me so I'm gonna put it in the C tier okay this picture I don't really think it needs much explanation it's you know this it's just the this is just how it is like I understand the resemblance but it is gonna go in D tier because I don't like it I just don't want to confront the fact that I look like this one so I'm just gonna put it in D tier this is a picture of the side of a case of beer I think this one's gonna go in each ear so this one was sent to me when I was still doing vine and I would do that dad character a lot I would have glasses and a fake mustache so someone sent this to me being like my brother looks just like you look here he is dressed up like you um and I appreciate the effort but I don't think it he looks that much like me the hair is pretty good actually he looks decently like me I'm gonna put him in B tier a little bit because he looks like me and a little bit because of the effort that he put in you know I got to appreciate the effort this is from another movie I do not know which movie but this again is a very convincing younger version of me honestly this kind of like doesn't even look like a younger version of me this looks just this kind of just looks like me I have been told I look like a 10 year old from time to time am I gonna put this in s tier a mine could I do it no okay I will no I will he'll go and Sta we got our first s tier everyone clapped I don't know if there's gonna be any more FCS honestly this was a vine and people would not stop tagging me in this vine and I also don't even think I look that much like this guy which makes it even more annoying he's gonna go in eta well now he's gonna go in D tier one of the most popular celebrities to send me that I look like Gabe from the office I don't know his actual name but people send me this dude all the time I do think I look like him I don't think I look that much like him but I think he's a solid B tier I think people send him to me so much because he's so famous in the office is such a popular show okay I like this one people always tell me I look like the guy from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs I see where you're coming from I don't think the resemblance is necessarily uncanny I could see him being a solid seeds here I would put him a little bit higher if you were a real person and not an animated character but unfortunately I'm not an animated character so I really can't make that concession okay this is a young Gene Wilder aka Willy Wonka I've gotten this one a decent amount I think I look a little bit less like him than I do like Gabe from the office so he's gonna go and see tear this one is a very concerning image because I tweeted this and my own father texted me asking me why I was wearing a wig and pretending to be on dr. Phil and he was very surprised to find out that this is actually just a woman that was on dr. Phil and not me at all I really don't want to put her in a tear but you know much to my chagrin I think I'm gonna have to okay this is another woman honestly people have sent me this one a lot - I think this looks more like Daniel Radcliffe than it looks like me I don't know looking at her like in fact maybe if I make the face like does that look like me I don't know I don't really see it that much I'm gonna put it in D tier and is that because of how she looks or is that because I want this to be kind of a symmetrical bell curve shape I don't know I couldn't say I could only answer that by looking deep down into my heart which is something that I never did so this is another one that my own family refused to believe was not me it's very impressive I don't know what was going on here if it's this I think she's like dresses Madonna this is gonna have to go in a tear this is such an iconic doppelganger of my it was like one of the first ones that I added to the Twitter thread it's a pretty good one I'm not gonna pretend like it doesn't look like me okay this one is a little concerning this person D and me with this image and said Danny why are you a world war 1 clip art like as much as I hate to admit it this really does look like me kind of crazy how this looks so much like me while still not being very detailed I was honestly very impressed with this one this one's gonna go in a tear I like this one okay alright this is a good one look at this look at this this it this is straight-up me look at this wait watch ready does that not look exactly like me I saw this this isn't a music video I forget what that I forget what band in it and when I saw this I had to like stop and be like was that was I in a music video that I don't remember or something this seriously looks so much like me and I don't know if it's because we're only seeing one distinct angle he's also wearing a hat so it's covering up his hairdo but this also kind of seems like a shirt that I would own when we're talking doppelgangers I mean this is about as good as it gets this is going in the S tier very impressive whoever found this and sent it to me I am very impressed here we go with another woman you know what I see it but it's not like that strong I'm gonna say C tier I think it's like a fair comparison but I don't it doesn't really like jump out at you this on the other hand this is a girl on tick-tock and it's pretty solid I mean we have like different hair color see the thing is do we go strictly based off the face because if we do I would say that this is a shoo-in for the a tier like if we're just looking right here like that's that's a tier material right there we got another famous celebrity in the mix if you don't know who this is he's from the show shameless his name is lip in the show I see it I get it so looking at the competition I don't really think he stacks up to anything anything above sea tier really here comes this girl and I don't really I don't really have anything to say aside from she's going in the B tier alright ladies and gentlemen we are at the finish line we got one more picture than we're done so this is a picture that I've gotten a few times but I think is pretty good and that picture is the maid from The Brady Bunch you see she is an older woman and I am a young man but it's pretty impressive how close her hairstyle to mine her face is very similar to mine I think I think I feel like she could go into a tear is that crazy is it crazy to put the maid from Brady Bunch into a tear I don't know sis me she could go in the a or b tear I'll put her in B tear sure what the heck all righty guys well take a good look at it this is the comprehensive list of all my doppelgangers and how they stack up against each other it's a pretty incredible variety too we got everything from like TV shows music videos history textbooks yearbooks Halloween costumes I don't know where this is from World War 1 clipart you know you never expect to find a doppelganger in World War 1 clipart everything from the London subway to you know the mom from Brady Bunch you know you can't get much more variety than that so if you sent me one of these doppelgangers thank you if you happen to know of any more doppelgangers I'll save this so that I can add to it later maybe we can do a part two at some point thank you guys for checking out the second channel it's been kind of fun to just post up on here that I don't have to think too hard about and just kind of have fun experimenting with different stuff but with that being said that's the end of the video bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 4,111,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: jzoYHx_YwsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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