EPIC Minecraft Cave House Ideas and Inspiration

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the minecraft cave they come in all shapes and sizes and appear all over the infinitely generating world for builders they present a unique opportunity transforming a completely interior space into a work of art but instead of just keeping a standard minecraft cave as it is I thought I would present to you some ideas and inspiration for those of you who don't really care for the world above-ground with grand exteriors and instead want to make something epic below the surface so here are a bunch of ideas for some very unique cave designs let's get started so the first one that I want to show you is still a cave but it's an underwater cave so I found this really cool ravine with a shipwreck hanging out of it and I thought wow that was cool so I chose this particular ravine for an underwater cave so inside the side of the ravine I basically just dug out a whole big hole and covered it in andesite and then decorated it to look like some sort of sunken treasure perhaps this build is telling a story of how this ship got wrecked and then dropped its treasure down and it was hidden under here now the inspiration for of this cave actually comes from iskills a hermit craft six base so you can see a lot of similarities there I actually chose to put this entire base as andesite rather than stone because this gives a little bit of a different texture as you can see we got stalactites from the ceiling and then we've got some support beams made of wood to kind of match the whole underwater shipwreck theme now because it is underwater and I am trying to make these caves as survival friendly as possible maybe not to make but to use I've included a conduit with some kind of decoration it's in its own little cave over there but of course under water we can't actually make any decent farms because the water obviously ruins them so it made like this little room here where you can still see into it roughly speaking through some stained glass and then got all of the farms in its own little here so you could have your beetroot and your wheat whatever food that you want to make in here no problem and this can be of course as big as you need it to be and I kind of make this thing is you can swim downwards and then go back in and you can swim out of the one by one tunnel I really like this design because as with this ravine it's quite big you could make many many caves of these along the ravine and Link them all up kind of like a scouted in his hermit craft six base but because of all of the weird generation things especially the shipwreck here this build tells the story and I think that that is really cool in and of itself but let's move on to the next cave icebergs and iceberg biomes are very much a new thing but just because a cave is not underground doesn't mean it's not a cave you could turn the inside of one of these icebergs into a cave itself because they're so massive and with a pickaxe you can get through ice very very quickly with some efficiency pick axing it's instant mine maybe even faster than instant so you go inside and what I've done is I've used lots of end rods to look like icicles falling from the ceiling you've got to be very careful because these end rods will melt normal ice and I've actually used some normal ice to let some light in because it does go through and these are like Windows without losing the whole iceberg feel now the floor I've actually had to use some sort of light blue concrete powder because having a floor completely made of ice actually makes it rather difficult to get around so I've got sort of a pathway going through here with some hidden lights underneath the whole point of this was to try and keep it as light and blue as possible with the exception of our chests and stuff so I've got some storage and some basics here bit of decoration and also some snow which I've hand placed in little corners to make it seem like it is actually very very cold in here and it gives it a bit more detail because detailing an ice cave like this is actually quite difficult I've made a chandelier made out of some stained glass and that adds a really nice central effect and of course we must have some farms as this is meant to be survival friendly in its own cave with lots of end rods as lights and it's actually got some grass in here as well so you can again make these sort of pockets of caves it's got some windows out there and you get a really nice feel in here over here what I've done is because I wanted to add some enchanting rooms to all of these caves or most of them yeah the bookshelves don't really go well with the ice in terms of color so what I did was I just shaped up like a big cavern and it's like it's broken into an existing chamber and I've just made it really really tall with some ladders and some extra detailing and then you can get all of your level 3 stuff because it's got plenty of the bookshelves around it and I think it works quite well because of how tall it is I've also included a nether portal in this one or just hidden amongst the ice and even a second layer where you can go up and you have an extra layer at the top of the iceberg because these icebergs are so massive you really can utilize the space within it so that's just another idea for a cave design and this one is probably the most survival friendly as it is actually above the water level and it's very very quick to mine the only problem is that the end rods will melt the ice around it so you've got to be careful there's lots of frustrating water melted that goes on but let's move on to the next cave in these inspiration videos I do like to include some desert designs not many people actually choose to live in the desert and I must admit this is a very very small one because it's next to a savanna biome over there and then ice which is always weird but this is technically a desert biome but what I found was this completely natural entrance to a cave with lots and lots of sand overhanging now anyone that plays minecraft for any amount of time will come across this floating sand and there's now no way to make this naturally happen as far as I'm aware but it does happen when you find naturally generated stuff so I decided to make this cave and try my best not to disturb the sand and I made it don't worry I we're gonna punch this a bit later on but what I did was change all of this to smooth sandstone this was all stone before to make it completely yellow and make it all desert themed we have some supports here made of acacia wood and when you go inside it is again all textured to be sandstone and slabs and the acacia mixed in as well we've got farms so as far as everything else goes this is a pretty standard cave it's just a very very sandy themed one with some like minecarts and stuff and to make it look more like a mining facility it's got everything you're gonna need with your chests and your furnaces even a port around the back here as far as I'm concerned this is a pretty standard cave and maybe down here you have all of your mining access etc but it's just the idea of having this acacia mixed in with the smooth sand but most importantly not disturbing the sand that's floating up here we've got another room with the enchanting again bookshelves are very very difficult to make it blend in to any surroundings because they've got bright red they've got green yellow blue and they're predominantly made of oak so you've got to kind of try and make its own area for these kinds of things but it works nonetheless and I think before we go and this is this really pains me to do it because I there's no do-overs once this is done this is done but I think we should maybe just and I imagine that that will happen many times if you decide to try and build one of these and yeah that could be very frustrating so fortunately for me all of this sandstone was already here but if you tried to replace it and you mess up you could end up with that and there's no going back so I imagine that it's very difficult not to end up breaking these you'll have to just put some sandstone underneath but let's move on to the next cave now that I've ruined this one now this isn't strictly a cave so to speak as it's not really underground but in Minecraft you do find some very very strange pieces of terrain and this is one of them and it's an extraordinarily steep cliff and it actually goes all the way around what I found interesting about this particular bit of terrain is that if you go over the top there's a hole directly in the middle so I thought maybe you could create a cave on the inside of this oasis and then transform it to be all nature plus inside so like there's waterfalls here there's loads of hand placed leaves like all of this it's been hand placed this was just rock it was just stone and everything else but it's had all of the dirt and the grass placed in to make this seem like a true Oasis and the cave has been added around it then inlaid with a modern house so the cave was actually built first it was dug out and then there was a huge space here and then the modern house was actually just slotted in so that it overhang and you have a perfect view of all of the nature on the inside now this kind of terrain is quite rare I don't often come across terrain quite as tall as this with a perfect circle in the middle and it's yeah this is just so hidden if I was traveling through the world I wouldn't bother going over the top of this straight past this so this is a pretty decent hidden cave even though it's above-ground and I think that's why it's so cool because it's hidden in plain sight but let's have a look at the actual house and how this is related to the cave so the overhang here is a nice oval shape and it's kind of like an Oreo now now that you sort of see you guys got the white or the gray stained glass in the middle and then it's supported with some dark prismarine it gives this really nice effect and then it's layered with a bunch of other stuff so you got your farm and then you've got a swimming pool and then you've got a bit of grass underneath those layers then make up the house but it is still a cave on the inside because the walls are never really completed you can see there's a coal or available here and then there's a bit there's a bit of an aquarium but there's still the cave for the roof and the ceiling and stuff it's all part of the the overall effect especially here in the bedroom where all of the walls are made out of cave and then you just put down the floor and then a of the ceiling but you've still got a sort of very modern base but it's still set in a cave setting and I think the overall effect of this one makes it my favorite cave that we've seen so far so that's another bit of inspiration for you however finding the perfect bit of terrain like this is going to be a little bit of a struggle and another downside of this particular build is the nature part of this filling this up with all of the cool leaves and stuff takes just as long as it does to make the actual base but actually carving out this big hole doesn't take as long as you think but let's move on to the next cave so in this video I really wanted to make sure that I came up with some quirky designs because I've come up with cave designs before and I've shown how to build caves underground so I really wanted to come up with some unique inspiration and as I was traveling around I saw this floating rock now this does happen very occasionally especially in this kind of biome so I thought why not actually put the cave base inside it and then have a unique way of getting inside now I'm no redstone expert so all we've got here is a very simple slime launcher but it does push you straight up into the cave so yeah if there's a way to hide this then by all means do it I'm sure that there's like a piston extender you could do but the Redstone involved is probably quite crazy so I've just got a very simple slime launcher you press it and it pushes you up into the cave now obviously people will see this bit but as for the cave this is completely hidden even on the top and we'll get to that a bit later on so as for how hidden this is is it is very much so but so let's go in and have a look so this is in the same style as sort of my hermit craft season 6 builds with the white concrete the science haircutter and I've tried to fit as much in this small floating Boulder as possible I think this is a really cool design now I have included everything even if it's on the small side so we do have our enchanting table with all of the bookshelves that you're gonna need a nether portal that fits in this inverted l-shape and even a farm which I'll be honest it's a little bit on the small but you can do these cool lights with the end rods because they really do look like modern lights when you place them like this mixed in with some iron trapdoors you've got yourself a really cool-looking lab I've even put in some paintings and then all of the bits and bobs you need chests and etc etc it's not a massive base but it is compact it is hidden and it is still a cave one of the interesting features of this design is that on the ceiling you actually have glass but because of the biome it actually snowed on it when it was storming and it's completely hidden but the light still goes through it so there's not really much need for torchlight as such as you would in most caves but on this one it's all natural light which helps a lot then when you want to see everything so yeah I'm very happy with this design even if it is very compact but again this one does actually rely on you finding a little bit of unique terrain like this of course you could do this design in any singular cave but I wanted to present something unique especially with this hidden top and the hidden entrance on the well they're not so hidden entrance into the floating Rock let's move on to the next cave this is actually my favorite cave and we're going to start up here because I want to immediately point out one of the downsides of this I wanted some natural light in this cave and you'll see why in a second but it has got some holes that go all the way down there's no real entrance to this but that's not really the inspiration that I want to give you this is a truly underground cave that takes a long time to dig out but it does look really cool let's hop on down and you'll see this sort of toxic secret lord of the rings' style cave now the inspiration for this one did again come from Miss Cal who is a very fond user of this glass trick now if you don't know what this glass trick let me briefly explain but this is some stained glass layered on top of each other and it produces this very misty effect and if you put some light in it you get like a glowing bright green pool and it's a really really cool effect so how you make these is you have to dig a very big hole and it's actually got to is yes quite difficult it's very time-consuming but you build a very very big hole with some light at the bottom and some green carpet or some carpet on the top you then have a space and then a bit of glass then another space then another layer of glass then another layer of space then glass etc etc you need at least five or six to get the effect but you can do this up to ten but you do want that light to come through so you can get this really weird effect but other than that this cave is still quite interesting because you've got all the stalactites and stalagmites going from the ceiling and from the floor and if you stagger them at different heights and that's why these look cool they're not all the same level that's supporting some are smaller some are thicker some are longer some some are even taller here and they all layer over the top of each other to give this really nice effect mixed in with these green pools and you have a very creepy looking cave it's actually lit up quite immensely there's loads of these grow light gray carpets with some lights underneath even the nether portal here this is giving off a bit of light I created this big of Citians square and then layered the shape over the top of it to try and hide the obsidian maybe not back well over here like so and it gives it that really nice shape yes yeah I'll put it like that they gives you a really nice shape like it's been carved out of the mountain and that's very unique and if these were maybe purple stained-glass this would look even like it matched the whole thing but even though this cave has been dug out pretty much all by hand it still has some unique properties obviously you want to try and mix in some andesite and cobblestone into the texture here that's what makes this look really detailed even though it's not that detailed it's it's got a few slabs here and there but one of the main things is all the dough array is gone and all of the Granite's gone and then all of the all is gone as well if you're making a cave the biggest tip I can give you is make it all uniform whether it's stone sand stone andesite whatever it is you've got to get rid of all the ores and everything else to make it look nice and clean but where are all of the useful things in here well it's actually behind me I didn't know how to actually make this cave survival friendly as the main concept and inspiration is from these creepy green pools and the nether portal than the shape of the cave you could theoretically do absolutely anything with this cave but I decided to actually put in some stone brick ruins here to make it seem like this was once something important or a temple of some kind and then just put the farm and some storage in the shape of shoka boxes and then your enchanting table here with some books that maybe once looked like a tower to try and make it all fit in so it's all very very grey and I think it does work it gives me a very lord of the rings' kind of vibe in this cave and this one is definitely my favorite one to show you for this episode of inspiration but let's move on to the next cave this is the final cave that I want to show you and you will realize that a lot of these caves are actually above ground but put into all of the sides of mountains and stuff and that's because he actually makes it a lot more useful to make if you have access to the surface and adventuring and stuff it actually is quite beneficial for survival well anyway we've got a path here that goes up to a naturally generated cave here but it's slightly dug out of this lovely big Mesa biome and you're able to decorate it with lots of plants ferns long grass this actually fits in quite well with the bookshelves and lots of spruce wood here you've got your bedroom one of the key features of this one is having like these false floors that makes it look like it goes in infinitely deep you have like the layers of the Mesa and then you go down you do a bit of the glass trick as well to make it seem like it's all foggy down there so if you do that trick multiple times you could even have it so you've got like a bridge going across again made out of spruce but you can even put some like rocks underneath like this cool effective like a real chasm of course if you do fall down there's it's just glass it's not a big deal and you can even make some ladders to get out it's fairly easy to decorate and this could be a very much a starter house as terracotta is very quick to mine all of this stuff is inexpensive it's all made out of wood it wouldn't along to make this at all and then of course over here if you want to connect up from one side of the Mesa to the other you could consider making a big wooden bridge like this one doesn't have to be as detailed as this again this is just an inspiration video to try and give you something else to do if you enjoy making cave houses in Minecraft and over here we have access to our farms as like little patches here here and here and then a bit of storage as well all of this very much survival friendly and I'm afraid that's it for today's inspiration video I did have a few more designs but they didn't quite work out so maybe in the future I will do more of these inspiration videos to give you some ideas for your kind of Minecraft houses but what do you like making but are struggling and for ideas let me know and maybe I'll make an inspiration video on that thank you very much for watching this video I hope that you've enjoyed it let me know what you thought in the comments below and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 4,502,845
Rating: 4.9381828 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, cave, caves, cave house, bunker, underground house, hidden minecraft house, hidden house, secret house
Id: dnhtmxZ_dGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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