Crockpot Beef Short Ribs | Short Ribs Recipe

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with meat a B to check it out you guys read the title you know what I'm making I'll make it so beef short ribs right hey listen this is a long time coming I think I like several requests to make this and don't know why you know what it is i'ma tell you I don't make some things that I seem like it would be like the obvious it's because I listen I make a lot of food and like my favorite foods I usually just don't record it so with that being said listen I'm not gonna overtalk it we finna get your stuff prepared we finna get it put in that crock pot and we're getting ready to make it happen let's get it alright you know what we're gonna start off by just showing the star of the show these are my short ribs this is a nice cut looks real good and that's a little bit over four pounds now here I'll start here this is rendered bacon fat from like all of my past bacon every time I cook bacon right so I had new bacon in and we got old so what I do is I turn it up so that we can use some of this also right so if you don't have rendered bacon fat you can put four strips of bacon and if you don't want to use big and fat at all you can use a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil here we got honey here this is red wine vinegar there right here look I got four garlic cloves and when it comes to these right here listen I'm just gonna peel them hit him with my knife smash them down everybody had them like just like that we got pepper we got salt this is coaches off then we got a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce this is regular soy sauce here we got 1/3 cup of flour this is all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons of butter and here we got a large onion right i diced it now I'm gonna tell you about this you can dice it you can leave them long it doesn't make a difference I'm just in such of a habit of Dyson I just didn't like that but normally I just like do a rough chop and then we add those like that but this time I'm gonna just go ahead and you know use them obviously they already diced then we got 2 cups of beef broth and outside of that oh and you know we put it in the crock-pot this is it right here my digital crock-pot so with that being said let's go ahead and let's start browning we're gonna start browning our beef and we gonna go from there okay first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna hit it with the salt and pepper and we don't get these seasoning well you know what let me just say this the first thing we're gonna do is before we even start seasoning this I'm using my cast iron skillet right here it is right here what we want to do is we want to bring this up to you know get my temperature right so I'm a good way to get my cast-iron skillet hot and we're gonna start off on high then this will be the second thing that I do so now you just want to take it take your pepper and you saw no specific order whatever just go ahead and just move it around or whatever just put it in here and you want to do the same thing with your saw we just gonna season this up and then as our cast iron skillet is coming up to temperature then we're gonna go ahead and you know brown these edges so I just move it around like you see right now you're not I mean just make sure all the pieces touching one another they transfer the salt and pepper onto different pieces or whatever you can see it that's what I like about using kosher salt and in pepper you could see it you know on each individual piece you just want to make sure you got it all over and then what we gonna do is we want browning almost you know we had some intense heat and we're gonna bring some color to it so you see how I was looking right now just wait can you guys see that all right now what we want to do is just go ahead and hit it we're like a heaping tablespoon of your bacon fat and I remember here are your options you can use rendered bacon fat with just one tablespoon you can use one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or you can put four slices of bacon and use that oil from that now you can see is getting real hot hot and you can see right here weird like I had all dissipated right using an induction talk you can see this is where the heating element is trust me when I tell you that's hot right so I'll just move it around so we have something in there and what we're gonna do is we're going to start introducing our short ribs so we want to brown them so I'll just put them here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna leave them on here it takes about four minutes now listen if it's starting to brown too fast go ahead and reduce it down to a medium high heat but I'll start off on high and I check them you guys can hear them listen they doing anything just about four minutes on each side we gonna Brown the edges and then we gonna go from there [Music] now let's take a look at the bottom of them that's them right there so what imma do is I'm gonna go ahead and just set it up we'll flip them over first and this is up your ball almost this four minutes now I decided to go ahead this can go a little longer what you want to do is you just want to make sure it's brown like this right here now when you're flipping them over and you see one needs to be browned a little longer just leave it that way and then you can flip it over once it's done now what you see me do is do is listen I went four minutes on each side now imma give it about a minute just on the edges we want to bring some color to it so I'll stand them all up sometimes you might have to get them where they prop up against each other but whatever you have to do you want to get them like this to bring some color then I'm gonna flip it and then until all the sides are done after that we're gonna take them and then we gonna put them into our crock pot okay this was the last batch I got them browned on all sizes so what I do again is I just drip dry on the listen we're gonna need those juices you don't want to squeeze them too much look we're just gonna put them in our crock pot like this I know you guys can see it you can see this color on there and I know what you guys are seeing right now they look I saved the best for last huh but check this out this ain't the last listen we got recipes coming there's gonna be a fun time 2020 so let's get it but now you guys can just see look at the color now you can see some of this fat that did not render down but it's gonna serve a purpose also now let me show you the next step now we back up to temp I'm gonna go ahead and just add this and I'ma had it away from me now we're just gonna saute these down and render these down until they become golden brown once they become golden brown I've already smashed look at that I've already smashed and peeled my garlic and then we'll add that just for about one minute just enough to want once we start smelling it then we move on to the next step now here I'm bringing you guys clothes in for like the new people you know when I say golden-brown I want you to look at this piece right here look at the edges of it you can see it's starting to turn that Brown get those brown edges on there now we're starting to become going on Brown you can see some of the smaller pieces of get like that so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna mix it up look now you can see what it looks like underneath and I can tell you listen that beef and the onion with just a hint of this bacon bacon fat listen it's incredible it's got my mouth water you don't read I'm trying to work with it now I'm liking what I see this is good when you capture that now we're just going to go ahead and just add our garlic right I'm gonna kind of like break it up a little bit to drop it in here like so and look we're just gonna let it stay in here about maybe about 30 seconds constantly keep moving once you can smell it you know once it's fragrant then we're gonna move over to the next step now what you want to do is you want to introduce your two tablespoons of butter right so listen you want to keep it moving and you can watch how quickly it you know it starts to melt right once it's done melting then we're gonna introduce our flour and then I'm gonna tell you the key you guys been watching me for a while you know when we making this gravies you know these gravies like this listen you got to keep it moving so notice my right hand is just constantly moving you keep stirring and then you actually introduce your flour and increments right then when that's done after you keep going and then you know you reach the color that you're looking for you want to add beef broth and now you just want to keep it going you can see how I thickened up right and then our light our red wine vinegar soy sauce and then last it'll be our honey now listen you want to mix it you know stir it we'll get all of your ingredients incorporate it you know and keep it moving right look at the color that's the color you want to achieve that's that nutty flavor you know I mean hey all I can tell you is it's good now you want to go ahead and taste it and then make any adjustments you would like to so for me I just added to my liking I went ahead and hit it with a couple of pinches of that kosher song and that just won't get right up now what we're going to do is we're going to transfer this let me do it so you guys can see on the hair as you guys can see look at that and they bring it like this so you guys can see now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and set our sails a timer now it's up to you if you're gonna cook it on high you can go for four hours and if you're gonna cook it on low we're gonna just double that and it'll be eight hours the perfect busy schedule meal okay my timer just went off it's been four hours so let's go ahead and take a look at it oh yeah I want you guys to tell me what you think now look we got to be careful right meaning listen this meat is tender we don't want it like dislodge it from the bone right so we don't kind of like try to figure out how to stir this up just a little bit oh man look at this here let me just bring one up for you now you guys can see it real good but what I'm trying to do is just make a little room you know me so we can just like give it a little stir you know mix it up and then we're gonna plate it look if we want to cook it longer we can get a render down somebody as fat but I can tell you now that this meat is fall off the bonus and listen you want to leave some of this on here cuz that's what makes it succulent so just leave it let's just go ahead and get it on the boat you know in a bowl or a plate however you want to do it any if you can see this one right here look it's kind of like coming off of the bone but we just want to be real careful with it now right here as you can see I served my short ribs over a bed or rice right but you guys can put them over you know like mashed potatoes it does you know I want you guys to let me know down in the comments section below what would you need this is on top of or with or whatever now you can see right there in those veggies that's the California Blin that's like my favorite let me know what you guys gonna serve it with like as far as vegetable wise and what you're gonna serve it as far as like putting it on top and as you can see hey listen that was the money shot y'all and that right there listen with a little garnish you know the rest so tell me what you guys think about this one here you know what this is just another easy crock-pot recipe and you want to talk about having a meal that's delicious with that boom explosion this is it hey and you know what I can't quit smiling right now cuz I gotta taste it you guys know how I feel about eating on camera but hey check it out we're friend of get us a piece right now oh yeah here it is right here hey you know what let's do it like this I hope you guys can see it the constant tender this is it fall off the bone you don't need no fork you don't need to pick it up you don't need you don't need nothing check it out here we go hey I can't see it enough listen I'm now been a rush because I'm ready to eat you guys got to try it let me know down in the comment section below you know what you guys think of this if you have never ever had it but I can tell you this listen after we get past tomorrow I want everybody to run out there saturday go pick you up some and let's get them in the crock-pot and let me know what you guys think hey so with that being said let me just take this time to say hey if you're new to my channel welcome to my channel don't forget to subscribe and like this video and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking day and I'm gonna look down at it one more time cuz I'm about to get it folks and I'm out of here peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 812,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, beef short ribs, Crockpot Beef Short Ribs, short beef ribs, beef ribs, ribs recipe, short ribs recipe, crock pot recipes, best short ribs, comfort food, slow cooker, ribs, beef, slow cooker recipes, braised short ribs, beef braised short ribs, dinner ideas, crockpot, crock pot, dinner recipes, short rib, slow cooker meals, food, recipe, cooking, short ribs, dinner, easy recipes, Crockpot Beef Short Ribs | Short Ribs Recipe, recipes, braise
Id: 6XXxG9wMkXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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