Entitled Twitch Streamers a rant

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to talk about something and this is more of a rant format so i don't do these very often so if that's not your cup of tea totally get it i woke up in a bad mood and i started thinking about something that frustrated me which is why this video is happening at this given point before we get into this video as you know content like this is often demonetized so i'd like to thank today's sponsor adam and eve adam and eve is america's favorite adult store not only does it come with discreet packaging but they also donate 20 of their profit to help fight the spread of hiv around the world they also have a 24 7 customer service and have 90 day no hassle returns if you go to adamandeve.com and use code glare you'll get 50 off one item and free shipping in the us and canada thank you adam and eve for sponsoring this video we have seen clips popping up of streamers women streamers being extremely entitled conceited overall just stupid effectively and i know that this isn't new information i think the most recent person to get into a scandal over this was amanda cerny and i'm gonna talk about specific events as well showing you the clips so the streamers i'm going to be referring to are on twitch granted i don't know much about twitch but you can pay to subscribe and see their content i think the subscription is usually monthly my understanding of content creation based on my knowledge just on youtube because i'm not really on twitch at all is that you need to earn a fan or earn a subscriber or earn a follower the idea that you're just gonna sit down and people are gonna follow you let alone follow you and give you money is delusional can you imagine this happening [Music] so like why don't i have more subs to me that seems like a delusional attitude it would be like not working a job and then expecting to get paid it's like girl you're not [ __ ] doing anything why would anyone want to pay you and granted some men probably because that's the larger demographic for most of these streamers some men will probably pay to just look at you because all these streamers are pretty and that's fine but you can't expect the large majority of people to be interested to the point of paying for your content if you're just sitting there doing nothing discussing nothing or rather just sitting there bitching about people not giving you money that you probably don't deserve because you're not doing anything and i think the reason this frustrates me so much is because so many times people have said oh youtube isn't a real job or get a real job you know how a certain demographic of people don't consider content creation online a real job which pisses me off because it is my job but aside from that content creation online isn't just hey julia's gonna sit in front of a camera for 15 minutes talk upload it and boom we're done i don't want to say this is the hardest job in the world because it's not it's a sick job i love this job but also every job has its back end stuff there's the research there's the editing there's you know buying lighting buying microphones so the entitlement that comes with these young women who do i guess the bare minimum in terms of setting up and then after that just expect to what blow up and to be followed by masses is insane to me a majority of us had to deal with the beginnings where you were pretty much putting out a video and if 50 people saw it that would be a good day and i remember myself putting out a video i remember one of my first videos was like a synthetic wig video at one point it crossed the 6 000 views mark and i was enthused like over the moon enthused so to think that someone just sits down and nothing is good enough because they think they deserve more just because of their existence on the platform makes me want to drink a bottle of bleach truly so let's look at some specific examples starting with amanda cerny now if you don't know who amanda cerny is she's a content creator she's on instagram she isn't friends with lele pons but makes similar-ish content you know comedy comedy using the definition of comedy lightly so she has 26 million followers on instagram okay this is a clip of her apparently she started a twitch and this is what she had to say all right guys let's stay focused we're getting distracted with uh numbers here um 500 subs we got to get to 500 subs it's the only way i'm committing to a stream schedule we're at 187 like i don't know what to tell you i don't know what to tell you so clearly already the way in which she's like oh we're only at 100 and whatever subs i think that's shitty because it's like if i were one of those subs i'd be like okay so you just don't give a [ __ ] about me i'm just like a number which to be fair based on her attitude she is looking at them just as numbers but aside from that why do you think that sitting and bitching about not having subs is gonna give you subs the only way you are going to get a following of any sort is by making content whatever content you want but you have to consistently make content because if everyone who wanted a platform did the same thing of like i'm not going to post anything on my youtube channel until i get 500 subscribers the delusion the entitlement it's like girl you have 26 million followers on instagram don't start bitching about not having followers on a platform you probably just joined then there was this chick this chick went viral i know this is not new but since i was in an angry and [ __ ] mood i figured i would take advantage this chick my god just watch it doesn't really matter how much money you make or how much money you have that's really the thing because i'm not asking you for a large financial contribution if it cost twenty dollars to sub twenty dollars is quite a bit of money twenty dollars is you can get a full meal for twenty dollars and the difference of twenty dollars and eating a meal is in that twenty dollars like that's where it is but a sub is five dollars at maximum in whatever your currency is it's maybe ten dollars and it doesn't matter how broke you are if you have time to watch twitch you have you have ten dollars truly if you don't have ten dollars you probably don't have time to watch twitch because you should be working you should be trying to earn money uh it's not a ton it's not like a ton of money so being like i'm broke i can't afford to sub it that doesn't really track what you mean to say is i'm so irresponsible with my money i can't support the entertainment that i enjoy the sole concept that this person who's in a [ __ ] little fort is giving people financial advice that sole concept to me is hilarious the second thing is also i feel like what a lot of these streamers aren't understanding is that you can have money to pay rent you can have money to live your life in the way you need to live your life go to the doctor you can have money to cover the necessities being broke can be just that in the sense of i don't have money to spend on things that aren't necessities does that make sense so when people say they're broke yes sometimes they don't even have money for necessities but in this case it's like i don't want to say that watching her content is a luxury because i don't really okay but it is a luxury in the same way that it's a luxury to buy yourself new clothes or buy yourself anything that you don't need so the fact that she's implying that because you're watching twitch you're either you either have the money and you're just not giving it to her or you should be out working isn't really in my opinion a reflection of reality let's say you don't have the money to spend on her twitch the fact that she then implies that you have to therefore go to work to make the money so then you could potentially sub is so ridiculous to me especially in times like now where people are you know trying to save as much money or spend minimal amounts of money because the economy not great people are losing their jobs you know so especially now to tell someone that five dollars isn't a lot and that if you don't have five dollars you're financially irresponsible like girl just stick to sitting on pillows and talking about other [ __ ] because this this is not is not it there's a difference between saying hey guys if you want a sub it's five dollars done i just find it so disgusting when someone is is begging for your money but in a manipulative way where they make you feel like you're a piece of [ __ ] if you don't i just think that's ridiculous and there's nothing wrong with promoting your patreon or whatever else you have but also just say you have it and move on don't try and guilt someone into giving you money this is kind of a tangent but this same creator later on said this which i think is really [ __ ] creepy oh no so when you guys um don't know to me uh it tells me your name that is attached to your paypal and if your name is attached to your paypal and you don't know to me i look you up on google i google each and every one of your names and i creep your linkedin i don't know maybe it's just me i have a patreon anytime someone subscribes or pledges rather i should say it has never once come to mind for me to google them at all that seems like such a weird kind of invasion of privacy a person wants to support you financially but that doesn't mean that they want you to know where they work what they look like if they're in a relationship like i just find that so invasive and weird can't you just appreciate the fact that they donated to you or pledged to you and just be a normal person and if they did want to share that with you they'd share it they'd say it to you but to creep that kind of stuff is weird also because she mentioned that there are a lot of people who work in tech allegedly in her stream which also makes me wonder whether she looked that up also so she could kind of guilt people because she probably assumes that everyone that works in tech makes enough money to be able to donate god knows how much to her she did end up apologizing it was it was very bland it was actually pretty long-winded i'll link it down below if you want to see it but the entire apology pretty much was i shouldn't have said that which yeah duh and then we have another one who goes full rage mode how did my whole speech about how i need subs and to get the stream going if you like the content blah blah blah how that results in zero subs there are regulars here five dollars a month how do you have hours of time to watch me and not five dollars i don't know what are you doing with your life where you have hours of time to watch twitch and not five dollars to provide for the content that you're watching because it's like people just really have no they really don't respect me so another misconception that a lot of these entitled streamers have is that because you're watching them it automatically makes them worth money to you and i know that this sounds really mean but it is a reality that you're just gonna have to accept someone might watch you but they might not find you worth five dollars and that sucks and that's sad and i'm sorry sweetie but seriously you should just be appreciative of them [ __ ] watching you you're bitching and they're still watching you if there's any kind of support that says real ride or die support it's the people who are still watching you as you [ __ ] about them not paying you whether they have money in the bank or not sometimes you're just not worth that price to them your entertainment might be worth two dollars to them and your sub price might be five dollars and that's just the reality of it i don't understand how all of these women think that a good way to sell their content and their brand is by bitching at you for not paying i just it it blows my mind absolutely blows my mind and the fact that they take their following so for granted is also what's utterly confusing to me because engagement is engagement it doesn't always transform into money but nonetheless you think that having people following you would already be enough for someone i don't know [ __ ] like this just makes me mad because it really feeds into the whole argument that you know millennials aren't entitled and they don't think they have to work for money you know like those articles that you see boomers post on facebook and people like this really do make the lot look bad and i mean we all know that there are always a few bad apples but nonetheless this does contribute to the image of people online creators of all sorts thinking that they're worth god knows what i'm getting too heated it's hot my makeup's melting i'm gonna take this as a sign from the lord that i need to shut the [ __ ] up but you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and i'll catch you guys next [Music] time [Music] you
Views: 350,298
Rating: 4.9784026 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, twitch streamer, female streamers, invadervie, amanda cerny
Id: 33Ia5471hyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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