A man pretended to be a true crime expert

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be talking about a con man you guys know how interesting it is to me when people try to pass themselves off as someone that they're not or in some way pass themselves off as something they're not i find it fascinating just because i don't really understand it and it's deeply [ __ ] up and i find deeply [ __ ] up [ __ ] fascinating welcome to my channel wow okay let's just get into the video french serial killer expert admits to being a serial liar even making up his wife's murder now i think this interests me more than any other you know quote-unquote typical con because it has to do with the true crime community so i feel more attached to this type of case for years stephanie bergwan would tell people his wife was murdered by a serial killer but now he says he fabricated that story based on an acquaintance who was slain by american murder gerald stono a self-proclaimed serial killer expert from france with dozens of books under his belt has now been exposed as a serial liar stefan bergwan 67 was widely viewed to be one of france's top serial killer experts he claimed he had been trained by the fbi interview to 77 serial killers over his career he even said that his own wife had been slain by one now let's just pause here for a second i completely understand the want to be taken seriously i completely understand wanting to feel accomplished i all of that i understand the thing is that i feel like when people create these lies outwardly it might pay off because yes you know people will want to interview you or talk to you pick your brain people might look up to you whatever but i feel like inwardly at least for me it would only [ __ ] with me more kind of the same way with like photoshopping images of yourself where you photoshop your image you post it and people love it but then you know that that's not really what you look like i'm talking about extreme photoshop and then you just end up feeling worse so i feel like that's the same with him even though he was getting all this acclaim outside inside you still know that's not who you are you still know you didn't do everything you said you did here i'm speculating but i'm just wondering what happened in terms of his psyche or if he deluded himself to into believing that he actually was who he said he was also the fact that he came up with a story that his wife was murdered by one and i believe i read another article that said murdered and raped by a serial killer that's really [ __ ] up and i think that part is the part that disgusts me the most because it's almost like you're trying to legitimize yourself and your career by having someone close to you be touched by the thing that you're now studying and that somehow adds quote-unquote experience in a way do you guys understand what i'm saying like he's trying to in a way monetize the alleged death and rape of his alleged wife hopefully it makes sense how i'm explaining it however the ketriem an anonymous french collective pointed out earlier this year that bulgar may have been lying about his past a post questioned many of bulguan's claims and asked for evidence to prove several of them it also pointed out other experts in his purported field have seemingly ignored him or called him an imposter the group also questioned his claim that he was a professional football player noting there was no record of such they also found inconsistencies in his books and television interviews i'm sorry but the football player part i find very funny because it's so it sounds so random like there's this guy who wants to be an expert in serial killers blah blah blah and is also like oh yeah i was a football player if you're gonna lie about [ __ ] you best lie about [ __ ] that can't be easily traced you know like if you're a football player that's pretty much something that would have to be recorded somewhere not many football players are entirely anonymous like even even for me when i ran a half marathon if you google my full name it'll come up so his television interviews convinced us he was truly making it all up a spokesperson for the group told cnn bulguan began responding to the allegations last week my lies have weighed me down he told parimatch i have arrived at the balance sheet time on tuesday he told the parisian i completely admit my faults i'm ashamed to have lied to have concealed things i'm glad he's come clean that's great hopefully he can sleep better at night or whatever i wonder if he's gonna get sued like i kind of wonder what's gonna come of this because if you have written plenty of books under the guise of being trained by the fbi and having a certain type of education let's say or training and then it turns out that you don't have that the books you're publishing might be full of misinformation then that would affect the publisher so i'm kind of wondering like what are the ripples here like what will be the effect of him coming clean apart from you know people making fun of him or insulting him turns out he only interviewed about 10 of the 77 serial killers he claimed to have and as a result many of his 40 plus books the product of work carried out by actual criminal profilers le parisian reports he was never a football player either according to the report i am profoundly and sincerely sorry i'm ashamed of what i did it's absolutely ridiculous he told the outlet he also confessed to making up the story that his wife was murdered by a serial killer she never existed he told the outlet that story stemmed from his brief acquaintance with a florida woman named susan bickerst who was killed by serial killer gerald stono in 1975 he said i have to say it's also weird that he came up with his own quote unquote dead wife via someone else that died as like inspiration kind of it feels gross i mean all of this feels gross but to use someone's death as your inspiration for a con oh i don't feel good about that at all it was [ __ ] that i took on bulgawan told lebron i didn't want people to know the real identity of someone who was not my partner but someone who i had met five or six times in daytona beach and who i liked i think that's also [ __ ] up that he barely knew the person and yet was just like oh based on this person's death guess what i can make up a fake wife and then somewhat seem to legitimize myself in a community i [ __ ] like this just makes me so angry it's insane to me that someone would go to this length to be taken seriously and the reality is he already had enough to go off of like in the sense of he did interview 10 serial killers if that is even true but he did so i mean it's not like he didn't do anything you know what i mean so it feels like almost a level of greed it would be like someone who has plenty of money to live on but they still decide to embezzle and it's like you already had you already had the thing you were reaching for in a certain way does that make sense so there's another article that gives more details and it says he also never interviewed charles manson contrary to what he claimed for years that's part of the things i invented he told the paper i saw him but we didn't speak to each other the reason that i bring up this charles manson part is also because like it's not like he said he was interviewing just any serial killer he was saying the big names to me that indicates that more than just being considered an expert in his own field i think he wanted the fame attached to that so it wasn't even just about his peers seeing him a certain type of way was even just like outsiders because everyone knows who charles manson is right so it was also for you know the clout that comes with it i'm sorry i used that word i hate it anyways guys you can let me know what you think in the comments down below i think it's just really sad when people have to invent [ __ ] about themselves because most the time it's just because they don't feel good about themselves and the [ __ ] up side is like i said we have to think of the consequences like publishers who might have now published books with misinformation or you know people who have paid him to interview him and you know talk about his expertise when maybe he's less of an expert though he has talked to some serial killers we don't really even know how to gauge his level of expertise compared to other people and so he might have taken away opportunities from others who are actually experts you know what i mean so i feel like there are a lot of bigger consequences rather than oh this guy lied and that kind of makes him a piece of [ __ ] you know what i mean thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 165,483
Rating: 4.9802594 out of 5
Keywords: stephane bourgoin, stephane bourgoin 4eme oeil, stephane bourgoin mytho, stephane bourgoin menteur
Id: aQRzASrI-P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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